1940 U.S. Federal Census of Center in Fayette County, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Center in Fayette County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlleyEtta born about 1867
AlleyW Wborn about 1865
AmosAntoinette born about 1908
AmosHoward born about 1904
AmosRonald born about 1938
AmosRussel born about 1939
AmosRuth born about 1932
AndersonArthur Chasborn about 1938
AndersonCarl born about 1882
AndersonCecil Mayborn about 1912
AndersonFay Janetteborn about 1937
AndersonG Cliffordborn about 1903
AndersonGladys born about 1913
AndersonHarry Jamesborn about 1936
AndersonHarry Lborn about 1904
AndersonN Pborn about 1862
AndersonRoy Allenborn about 1939
ArtherLester born about 1888
ArtherW Dborn about 1858
ArthurCaroline born about 1890
ArthurH Lborn about 1890
ArthurLyle born about 1915
ArthurMary Louborn about 1929
ArthurZenita born about 1916
AshbyBessie Bborn about 1885
AshbyClyde Aborn about 1879
AshbyElizabeth born about 1917
AshbyHarold born about 1911
AustinD Nborn about 1875
AustinDayal born about 1939
AustinGene born about 1937
AustinGeorge born about 1911
AustinMae born about 1878
AustinRuth born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachmanLaverne born about 1929
BachmanLeo born about 1905
BachmanMabel born about 1908
BachmanMavis born about 1938
BachmanShirley Maeborn about 1935
BachmanVirgil born about 1928
BaconBob born about 1922
BaconFred born about 1891
BaconHarriet born about 1862
BaconRuth born about 1892
BarkBetty born about 1923
BarkBob born about 1922
BarkCarrie born about 1890
BarkClair born about 1928
BarkDale born about 1939
BarkDean born about 1935
BarkDorothy born about 1924
BarkFloyd born about 1908
BarkJanice born about 1938
BarkJoyce born about 1933
BarkLouie born about 1896
BarkMargaret born about 1920
BarkMarjorie born about 1898
BarkMyron Eborn about 1888
BarkPatty born about 1936
BarkRay born about 1930
BarkRuth born about 1926
BarnesCharlotte born about 1931
BarnesFloyd born about 1900
BarnesThelma born about 1903
BarryAnna born about 1876
BarryAnna Maeborn about 1913
BarryAnne Cborn about 1914
BarryEdward Gborn about 1902
BarryElizabeth born about 1912
BarryJames Pborn about 1865
BarryJames Rborn about 1904
BarryJohn Eborn about 1864
BarryLawrence Eborn about 1932
BarryPatricia Anneborn about 1939
BarryRaymond Lborn about 1910
BarryRose Marieborn about 1935
BartelsIrma born about 1918
BartelsMinnie born about 1887
BartelsRichard born about 1886
BegalskeAlbert Jborn about 1895
BellingGustav born about 1855
BellisRobert born about 1918
BemanBenita born about 1917
BemanEarl born about 1890
BemanLoyal born about 1916
BemanMary born about 1893
BemanWhyla Kayborn about 1939
BenterAlbert born about 1889
BenterDarrell born about 1939
BenterLeland Lborn about 1916
BenterMarion born about 1919
BenterMarjorie born about 1927
BenterMatilda born about 1894
BenzEdwin born about 1889
BenzLyda born about 1890
BillingsRuby Mayborn about 1918
BlueBell born about 1912
BlueClarence born about 1906
BlueDeva born about 1909
BlueDonald born about 1929
BlueEarl born about 1914
BlueEddie born about 1908
BlueEdna Mayeborn about 1935
BlueElmer born about 1912
BlueElwood born about 1875
BlueFrances born about 1936
BlueIrene born about 1939
BlueLe Vern born about 1938
BlueLeon born about 1940
BlueMildred born about 1918
BlueRichard born about 1931
BlueRobert born about 1937
BlueSophia born about 1885
BlueVictor born about 1938
BlueViola born about 1911
BlueVivian born about 1920
BochmanDelores born about 1933
BochmanEsther born about 1910
BochmanEugene born about 1935
BochmanJames born about 1931
BochmanMarilyn born about 1937
BochmanMerlin born about 1911
BoehmlerA Eborn about 1891
BoehmlerClara born about 1892
BoehmlerClifford born about 1921
BoehmlerMargaret born about 1931
BowenS Sborn about 1869
BrattArthur born about 1885
BrattDeloris born about 1937
BrattJennie born about 1888
BrattMarvin born about 1913
BrattViola born about 1914
BraudtEla born about 1894
BraudtEva born about 1871
BraudtHarry born about 1894
BraudtLloyd born about 1899
BraudtMartin born about 1872
BriggsJ Sborn about 1855
BriggsLotta born about 1898
BriggsTaylor born about 1897
BronnByron Aborn about 1890
BronnGeorge born about 1880
BronnMildred born about 1902
BronnMyrtle born about 1880
BuckClara born about 1924
BuckElizabeth born about 1932
BuckHoward born about 1930
BuckIvy born about 1896
BuckMildred born about 1928
BuckNellie born about 1922
BuckPhyllis born about 1934
BuckShirley born about 1936
BuckWarren Glenborn about 1893
BuecheleCharlotte born about 1919
BuecheleMelinda born about 1892
BuecheleWalter born about 1892
BuecheleWilmer born about 1917
ButtersEthel born about 1919
ButtsEunice born about 1897
ButtsSharon born about 1936
ButtsShirley Adelineborn about 1930
ButtsWalter Aborn about 1899
ByrneAnnie born about 1893
ByrneGeorge born about 1924
ByrneKathleen born about 1922
ByrneW Wborn about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellAlice born about 1881
CampbellClarke born about 1939
CampbellFred Jborn about 1883
CampbellKathleen born about 1938
CampbellMargaret born about 1914
CampbellNoel born about 1914
CannellD Bborn about 1862
CarpenterNellie born about 1885
ChamberlinWinifred born about 1919
ChapmanEmma born about 1882
ChapmanWalter born about 1876
ClemensCarl Wborn about 1925
CloughHarold born about 1916
CloughM Hborn about 1887
CloughMatina born about 1890
ClutsEdna born about 1914
ClutsRaymond Jborn about 1915
ClutsSharron born about 1940
CookBurton born about 1870
CookJessie born about 1876
CooleyDo Maeborn about 1923
CooleyGeorge born about 1924
CornickConnie Marieborn about 1939
CornickDonna born about 1915
CornickEzra born about 1871
CornickKeith born about 1937
CornickLottie born about 1883
CornickMax born about 1915
CoselmanKatie born about 1864
CrandallGeraldine born about 1920
CraunAlvin born about 1934
CraunDonald born about 1936
CraunLavon born about 1914
CraunMarcella born about 1932
CraunMelvin born about 1910
CueDonald born about 1931
CueElla born about 1908
CueHarold born about 1908
CueMable born about 1911
CummingsJohn Hborn about 1892
CurvenEthel Lorraineborn about 1924

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D Surnames

DavisBlanche born about 1885
DavisCecil born about 1914
DavisDeane born about 1918
DavisElizabeth born about 1890
DavisFern born about 1888
DavisFrank Sborn about 1873
DavisGeorge born about 1875
DavisLynn born about 1926
DavisMarian born about 1921
DavisPearl born about 1922
DavisRobert born about 1883
DavisVerla born about 1922
DewellynClaude born about 1940
DewellynFrancis born about 1938
DewellynInez born about 1910
DewellynLulu born about 1934
DewellynMaureen born about 1939
DewellynW Cborn about 1912
DonatAdel Mborn about 1866
DonatWilliam Eborn about 1856
DorlandMarjorie born about 1914
DorlandThomas born about 1910
DreierErvin born about 1925
DreierGeorge born about 1918
DreierJohn born about 1882
DreierSarah born about 1887
DykeDale Edwardborn about 1939
DykeElinor born about 1911
DykeL Jborn about 1911

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E Surnames

EarlDaisy born about 1924
EarlE Wborn about 1889
EarlIva Dellborn about 1936
EarlJack Duaneborn about 1933
EarlMary Louiseborn about 1929
EarlMax born about 1918
EarlThomas born about 1922
EarlWinnie born about 1893
EarlZeita born about 1928
EdmondsFrank born about 1937
EdmondsMarjorie born about 1922
EdmondsRuby born about 1900
EitelA Lborn about 1888
EitelEleanor born about 1917
EitelNellie born about 1891
EitelRobert born about 1924
EnglageWalter born about 1890

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F Surnames

FarmerJohn born about 1933
FayDonald born about 1922
FayDuane born about 1922
FetrowDonald born about 1925
FetrowLaura born about 1927
FetrowNina born about 1890
FetrowWilliam born about 1885
FlanschaRoy born about 1920
FordyceCharles born about 1903
FordyceFrances born about 1902
FordyceGenevieve born about 1906
FortneyCatherine born about 1875
FosterPearl born about 1927
FrahmArthur born about 1925
FrahmJohn born about 1902
FrahmLorene born about 1927
FrahmMabel born about 1929
FrahmMary born about 1904
FrahmWilbert born about 1932
FritzJohn Lborn about 1860
FritzLillie Sborn about 1871
FryeJack born about 1891
FryeLoraine born about 1922
FryeNellie born about 1895
FryeRobert born about 1929

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G Surnames

GarlandGeorge born about 1880
GarnerA Wborn about 1862
GarnerAlbert Wborn about 1910
GarnerF Bborn about 1907
GarnerMarie born about 1870
GehrkeBernard born about 1918
GehrkeEleanora born about 1921
GellingsB Leeborn about 1898
GellingsBessie born about 1897
GellingsBetty Leeborn about 1924
GellingsDean born about 1930
GellingsMarjorie Fayborn about 1936
GrantEmma born about 1887
GrantFred born about 1866
GrantR Fborn about 1890
GrayJohn born about 1879
GrayMartie born about 1878
GrimesGeorge born about 1905
GrimesGordon born about 1931
GrimesHelen born about 1907
GruetzmascherBruce born about 1934
GruetzmascherEleanor born about 1914
GruetzmascherLeon born about 1939
GruetzmascherWilliam born about 1912
GrummittClarence born about 1921
GuntherA Hborn about 1899
GuntherMalinda born about 1907
GuntherRuth born about 1931

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H Surnames

HaaseWyone born about 1938
HallMinnie born about 1894
HallW Bborn about 1889
HanchettEffie Mborn about 1874
HanchettRobert born about 1907
HancockAlonza Wborn about 1903
HancockDora born about 1910
HandersonJane Eborn about 1917
HansonBetty born about 1936
HansonCharles born about 1901
HansonChas Robertborn about 1928
HansonDoris born about 1930
HansonJohn born about 1935
HansonNaomi Hborn about 1910
HelgersonEmma born about 1922
HelgersonMelvin born about 1912
HennEugene born about 1925
HennGeorge born about 1879
HennMary born about 1883
HennRichard born about 1922
HennRosemarie born about 1927
HeyerCharles born about 1876
HeyerLillie born about 1881
HeyerTex born about 1934
HockertJanette born about 1864
HoepfnerAgnes born about 1897
HoepfnerHerman born about 1889
HoepfnerHoward born about 1916
HoepfnerJane born about 1872
HoepfnerMabel born about 1917
HoepfnerPeter born about 1901
HoepfnerSarah born about 1885
HofCarl born about 1895
HofCarl born about 1938
HofCarl Jr born about 1935
HofDonna born about 1939
HofEvelyn born about 1924
HofJeanett born about 1929
HofLillian born about 1922
HofLula born about 1900
HofPhillis born about 1926
HolmerKenneth born about 1924
HolmerLillian born about 1892
HolmerRalph born about 1921
HolmerVern Sborn about 1891
HolmesChas Rborn about 1868
HolmesGeorge Rborn about 1873
HolmesGlen born about 1893
HolmesGrace born about 1882
HolmesHarley born about 1895
HolmesImogene born about 1879
HolmesRuth born about 1912
HolmesW Jborn about 1860
HubbellHarry born about 1927
HubbellHenrietta born about 1896
HubbellMark born about 1897
HullFrank Eborn about 1875
HullMaria born about 1888
HullVerla born about 1926
HummelLeona born about 1914
HummelPerry born about 1875
HummelRobert born about 1936
HummelRoy born about 1913

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I Surnames

InglesHoward born about 1911
InglesJames Fborn about 1884
InglesMarian born about 1922
InglesRuth born about 1924
InglesZolla born about 1886

J Surnames

JacobsenAmanda born about 1928
JacobsenAnna born about 1889
JacobsenArthur born about 1915
JacobsenLillian born about 1926
JacobsenMelvin born about 1916
JacobsenMildred born about 1924
JacobsenPeter born about 1878
JacobsenRaymond born about 1913
JacobsenRosie born about 1914
JarchowMartin Johnborn about 1935
JarchowNellie born about 1913
JarchowRaymond born about 1918
JarchowShirley Maeborn about 1938
JasperAndrew born about 1891
JasperHazel born about 1892
JasperRita born about 1923
JohnsonAndy born about 1918
JohnsonBlanche born about 1920
JohnsonDonna born about 1893
JohnsonEstella born about 1907
JohnsonForrest born about 1884
JohnsonKeith born about 1939
JohnsonRalph born about 1900
JohnsonWilliam born about 1935

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K Surnames

KaferJoseph born about 1894
KaferKeith born about 1920
KaferLeah born about 1904
KaferLouise born about 1923
KaplanMarvin born about 1916
KaplanMaxine born about 1921
KingEffie born about 1866
KingFrank born about 1855
KitchLorraine born about 1924
KitchRuby born about 1897
KitchW Eborn about 1891
KnightBlanche Beconborn about 1889
KochiLeota born about 1913
KochiWalter born about 1908
KohlmeyerElla Bborn about 1900
KohlmeyerEugene born about 1930
KohlmeyerKenneth born about 1923
KohlmeyerLaverne born about 1921
KohlmeyerMary Annborn about 1937
KohlmeyerRobert born about 1933
KohlmeyerW Gborn about 1898

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L Surnames

LarsonIrvine born about 1911
LauerArnold born about 1916
LauerHelen born about 1916
LeniusFern born about 1896
LeniusRalph born about 1922
LeniusTheodore born about 1890
LewisGladys Aborn about 1897
LewisRalph Pborn about 1901

M Surnames

MabonBryce born about 1937
MabonElwood Jborn about 1920
MabonH Aborn about 1892
MabonJessie Gborn about 1862
MabonLowell Aborn about 1925
MabonMable born about 1893
MabonNayla Joyceborn about 1929
MahoneyJohn Dborn about 1878
MahoneyMardell born about 1924
MahoneyMaurice born about 1913
MahoneyMildred Iborn about 1895
MatildaMatilda born about 1882
McCombHarley born about 1900
McCombRosella born about 1931
McCombRuth born about 1901
McCullochCatherine born about 1921
McCullochClaude born about 1897
McCullochDaniel born about 1939
McCullochJack born about 1928
McCullochJames born about 1931
McCullochMargaret born about 1934
McCullochMary born about 1900
McCullochRaymond born about 1937
McFaddenFred Jborn about 1900
McFaddenIrene born about 1906
McFaddenJohn born about 1930
McFaddenKathleen born about 1933
McFaddenPatricia born about 1935
McFaddenSarah born about 1866
McFaddenVernon born about 1937
McNaulJeanette born about 1877
McNaulMary born about 1852
McNaulWillis Jborn about 1875
McSweenyEverette born about 1932
McSweenyGrace born about 1898
McSweenyJames Iborn about 1896
McSweenyJohn born about 1926
McSweenyKathleen Annborn about 1934
McSweenyRita Maryborn about 1938
McSweenyRobert born about 1924
MeyerBonita Keyborn about 1925
MeyerElton born about 1917
MeyerHazel born about 1917
MillerErvin born about 1919
MinerDonald born about 1939
MinerDuane born about 1939
MinerKenneth born about 1937
MinerMildred born about 1913
MinerRobert born about 1934
MinerW Dborn about 1881
MinerWarren born about 1911
MithelmanElmer born about 1892
MithelmanHarold born about 1924
MithelmanKeith born about 1930
MithelmanMable born about 1899
MithelmanRuth born about 1925
MonroeGeorge born about 1907
MooreBeatrice born about 1937
MooreBurton born about 1934
MooreCarolyn born about 1924
MooreEva born about 1929
MooreJames born about 1896
MooreJoseph born about 1939
MooreJosephine born about 1896
MooreMarian born about 1922
MooreNorbert born about 1920
MorseHorace born about 1911
MorseMary Eborn about 1937
MorseRoberta Jborn about 1938
MorseThelma born about 1915

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N Surnames

NadingJessie born about 1882
NadingMelvin born about 1925
NeilCarole born about 1935
NeilGeraldine Carmaborn about 1939
NeilLillian born about 1907
NeilRoy born about 1901
NeimannAlfred born about 1921
NeimannAugust born about 1887
NeimannOtto born about 1919
NixonWayne born about 1916
NussClarence born about 1910
NussGeraldine born about 1935
NussKathleen born about 1934
NussMildred born about 1914
NussPaul born about 1938

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O Surnames

ObrienHazel born about 1887
OdekirkBerneal born about 1923
OdekirkBessie born about 1904
OdekirkBurton born about 1927
OdekirkCarrie Aborn about 1867
OdekirkElinor born about 1929
OdekirkEstella born about 1862
OdekirkHattie born about 1893
OdekirkKeeron born about 1931
OdekirkM Gborn about 1932
OdekirkM Pborn about 1893
OdekirkMarion born about 1919
OdekirkRobert born about 1903
OdekirkRoy born about 1897
OelfheClara born about 1884
OelfheClarence born about 1901
OrbellFred born about 1867
OrbellMinnie born about 1873
OttoAdolph born about 1865
OttoElla born about 1912
OttoHenrietta born about 1935
OttoPaul born about 1920

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P Surnames

PalmerDonald Dborn about 1906
PalmerMary born about 1907
PalmerMary Annborn about 1939
PaulEthel born about 1882
PaulFay Eborn about 1883
PerryArthur born about 1925
PerryBlanche born about 1885
PerryGlayds born about 1927
PerryV Mborn about 1898
PetersonAdeline born about 1886
PetersonJohn Aborn about 1883
PetersonLeota born about 1916
PetersonSonja born about 1938
PfeifferAlan Paalborn about 1939
PfeifferBonita Kayborn about 1937
PfeifferErma born about 1911
PfeifferHenry born about 1910
PfeifferMeta born about 1930
PfeifferWilliam Hborn about 1934
PipksAugust born about 1898
PipksDarlene born about 1933
PipksDorothy born about 1927
PipksEsther born about 1903
PipksLucille born about 1920
PotterDale born about 1910
PotterDaryl born about 1939
PotterLe Roy born about 1932
PotterNora born about 1913
PotterOrion born about 1936
PotterWilliam born about 1934
PulsAugusta born about 1901
PulsDewey born about 1899
PulsMelvin born about 1927
PulsWilbert born about 1920

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R Surnames

RaatzLorraine born about 1925
RaatzLouis Gborn about 1900
RaatzMarian born about 1904
ReeseDavid born about 1939
ReeseDonald born about 1927
ReeseFlorence born about 1929
ReeseJohn born about 1926
ReeseLucile born about 1906
ReeseMarian born about 1905
ReeseMarilyn born about 1931
ReesePatricia born about 1938
ReesePaul born about 1935
ReidEldo born about 1902
ReidEvelyn born about 1904
ReidLarry born about 1936
ReidOlive born about 1938
RellisErnest Rborn about 1879
RidgewayLydia born about 1879
RidgewayU Sborn about 1873
RieckElmer born about 1903
RieckFlorence born about 1906
RieckMarilyn born about 1930
RieckWendell born about 1926
RileyEdna born about 1899
RileyJohn born about 1902
RileyJohn Jr born about 1931
RileyKathryn born about 1940
RileyLawrence born about 1937
RileyMary Ellenborn about 1869
RileyThomas born about 1892
RobbDelbert born about 1886
RobbWilma born about 1885
RogersCharles born about 1878
RogersEmma born about 1881
RubyorS Wborn about 1870
RubyorVerene born about 1876
RusasBernice born about 1927
RusasDorothy born about 1934
RusasEmma Wborn about 1895
RusasLucille born about 1935
RusasRalph Kborn about 1891
RusasWayne born about 1929

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S Surnames

SalisburyDorothy born about 1925
SalisburyHenry born about 1890
SalisburyLanor born about 1889
ScannellRichard born about 1920
ScannellRobert born about 1938
ScannellSusie born about 1886
SchallerArlene born about 1928
SchallerDavid born about 1926
SchallerDorothy born about 1924
SchallerEdward born about 1922
SchallerErna born about 1903
SchallerFred born about 1897
SchallerMarilyn born about 1935
SchmidtBlanche born about 1900
SchmidtEmil born about 1895
SchmidtEmil Jr born about 1932
SchmidtIrvine born about 1934
SchmidtStanley born about 1936
SchmidtViola born about 1922
SchmittLawrence born about 1918
SchroederBurnadene born about 1939
SchroederDuane born about 1936
SchroederLuella born about 1913
SchroederVenience born about 1940
SchroederWilliam born about 1910
SchumacherLouise born about 1850
SeversonDaniel born about 1929
SeversonDoris born about 1919
SeversonMarjorie born about 1923
SeversonMary Dborn about 1895
ShaferAnna born about 1882
ShaferClinton Eborn about 1884
ShermanAlbert born about 1885
ShermanCarole born about 1939
ShermanDonna Mborn about 1882
ShermanGeorge Mborn about 1869
ShermanHoward born about 1914
ShermanJudith born about 1940
ShermanMarilyn born about 1936
ShermanMary born about 1936
ShermanMyrna born about 1921
ShermanOpal born about 1915
ShermanPauline Hborn about 1916
ShermanRobert Sborn about 1913
ShermanRoger Aborn about 1917
ShermanSandra born about 1939
ShermanWayne Hborn about 1938
ShippyAlvin born about 1918
ShivelyBetty born about 1917
SinnottAlice born about 1879
SinnottEverett born about 1903
SinnottLeo born about 1918
SinnottP Nborn about 1872
SinnottRalph born about 1906
SmithAlfred born about 1871
SmithDonald born about 1931
SmithE Tborn about 1874
SmithEugene born about 1891
SmithFlorence born about 1913
SmithFrances born about 1899
SmithFrancis born about 1920
SmithGerald born about 1925
SmithJohn M Cborn about 1879
SmithLeonard born about 1920
SmithMabel born about 1879
SmithMargaret born about 1882
SmithRalph born about 1916
SmithSarah born about 1864
SnyderGeorge born about 1926
SnyderMarion born about 1930
SorgeAlma born about 1891
SorgeClyde born about 1923
SorgeDelmar born about 1922
SorgeElton born about 1925
SorgeFlorence Nborn about 1891
SorgeI Sborn about 1891
SorgeKenneth born about 1922
SorgeLois born about 1928
SorgeLouie born about 1889
SpatcherA Lborn about 1877
SpatcherMary Annborn about 1878
SpragueBetty born about 1921
SpragueFreida born about 1901
SpragueLoyd born about 1894
SteegeHarold born about 1915
SteffansClaus born about 1876
StewartDelmar born about 1923
StewartMaude born about 1882
StewartS Cborn about 1879
StoryEloise born about 1877
StreittmatterEarl born about 1900
StreittmatterErnest born about 1935
StreittmatterGertrude born about 1902
StreittmatterRobert born about 1937

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T Surnames

TatroOscar born about 1860
TeepeBarney born about 1890
TeepeClara born about 1899
TeepeClarence born about 1929
TeepeDavid born about 1932
TeepeDorothy born about 1925
TeepeEdward born about 1886
TeepeElinas born about 1935
TeepeJanice born about 1940
TeepeJoyce born about 1930
TeepeLeonard born about 1927
TeepeLester born about 1924
TeepeMabel born about 1923
TeepePearl born about 1905
TeepeRaymond born about 1921
TeepeSharon born about 1938
TelcottFrances born about 1860
ThomasEmma Lborn about 1884
ThomasJames born about 1881
TraegerHelena born about 1871
TraegerLawrence born about 1872
TraegerLawrence Cborn about 1917
TrewinGordon Eborn about 1902
TrewinMarvel born about 1904
TrewinShirley born about 1932
TurnerBernice born about 1919
TurnerJ Bborn about 1884
TurnerLucy born about 1891

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U Surnames

UngererAlbert born about 1902
UngererDonald born about 1928
UngererDoris born about 1934
UngererFrieda born about 1907
UngererMervin born about 1930
UngererPhyllis born about 1938
UngererRobert born about 1932

V Surnames

VanbegartErvin born about 1914
VanbegartMavis born about 1921
VanbegartRhea born about 1939
VanderseeAlfred born about 1904
VanderseeBertha born about 1865
VanderseeDarlene born about 1929
VanderseeDonald born about 1933
VanderseeDorothy born about 1906
VanderseeDorothy Eborn about 1908
VanderseeHarold born about 1933
VanderseeKurt born about 1901
VanderseeLavern born about 1928
VanderseeMarion born about 1929
VanderseePaul born about 1865
VanderseePhyllis Juneborn about 1938
VansickleAnabel born about 1937
VansickleDonald born about 1911
VansickleDonna born about 1935
VansickleDoyle born about 1939
VansickleErma born about 1913
VansickleJames born about 1940
VansickleRhoda born about 1869
VaughnA Jborn about 1857
VaughnCharlotte born about 1861
VolkerAmelia born about 1883
VoughtCarrie born about 1862
VoughtElis born about 1887

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W Surnames

WalkerHarold Jborn about 1919
WalkerJohn Hborn about 1872
WalkerMargaret born about 1886
WandtDuane born about 1930
WandtLizzie born about 1906
WandtOtto born about 1907
WarnerBernadine born about 1925
WarnerFay born about 1920
WarnkeEmma born about 1889
WarnkeLouis born about 1885
WattAlta born about 1882
WattN Lborn about 1879
WattersLizzie born about 1878
WegnerAlfred born about 1926
WegnerBerdinia born about 1923
WegnerDoris born about 1917
WegnerDorothy born about 1930
WegnerEmil born about 1885
WegnerFrances born about 1933
WegnerHenry born about 1891
WegnerIda born about 1893
WegnerJulius born about 1912
WegnerLarry born about 1939
WegnerMartha born about 1890
WegnerMary born about 1918
WegnerRalph born about 1925
WegnerTheodore born about 1919
WeidemannAlbert born about 1900
WeidemannAlberta born about 1938
WeidemannBernice born about 1932
WeidemannBertha born about 1911
WeidemannDarlene born about 1934
WeidemannDoris born about 1928
WeidemannEmma born about 1920
WeidemannGeorge born about 1902
WeidemannGlayds born about 1904
WeidemannJohn born about 1933
WeidemannJoyce Joanborn about 1937
WeidemannRobert born about 1912
WeidemannWanda born about 1933
WelkAdelaide born about 1920
WelkDavid Mborn about 1917
WelkFlossie born about 1893
WelkVivian born about 1923
WelkWilliam Cborn about 1879
WelshMarlin born about 1926
WhitefordCharles born about 1883
WhitefordFlorence born about 1884
WhitefordLe Roy born about 1908
WhitefordRuth born about 1914
WilburArdath born about 1931
WilburEugene born about 1906
WilburHarriet born about 1911
WilburKenneth born about 1935
WilburLeslie born about 1933
WilliamsEarl born about 1892
WilliamsFreeman born about 1860
WilliamsSarah born about 1866
WolfeDale born about 1912
WolfeRuth born about 1913
WolfeSharon born about 1940
WomachGale born about 1926
WomachLena born about 1885
WomachOra born about 1886
WoodsBetty born about 1927
WoodsDonald born about 1925
WoodsJames born about 1932
WoodsJohn born about 1894
WoodsLeo born about 1934
WoodsPaul born about 1930
WoodsSadie born about 1895
WoodsThomas born about 1929
WrightBenjamin born about 1939
WrightDorsie born about 1914
WrightLouis born about 1935
WrightMarjory born about 1915
WrightPhyllis Jeanborn about 1934
WrightRollo Aborn about 1908

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