1940 U.S. Federal Census of Douglas in Harrison County, Harrison, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Harrison County > 1940 Census of Douglas in Harrison County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesU Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesR Surnames
H SurnamesS Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDorothy born about 1929
AdamsNellie born about 1891
AdamsRobert born about 1892
AdamsonLaverne born about 1907
AmbroseBertha born about 1889
AmbroseClara born about 1912
AmbroseHenry born about 1881
AmbroseRosie born about 1927
AmbroseWalter born about 1923

B Surnames

BarnhartJames born about 1867
BarnhartLule born about 1907
BarnhartRuth born about 1907
BaughmanConstance born about 1924
BaughmanPaul born about 1921
BlackmanFlorence born about 1885
BlackmanFrank born about 1880
BlackmanGordon born about 1909
BoltClara born about 1902
BoltRaymond born about 1901
BonsteadDickie born about 1936
BonsteadGlenn Wborn about 1888
BonsteadHelen born about 1911
BonsteadLavonna born about 1931
BrownC H Wborn about 1854
BrownLulu Mborn about 1873
BurchCreola born about 1888
BurkhalderJess Wborn about 1873
BurkhalderMillie Jborn about 1875
BurkholderBarbara born about 1939
BurkholderGlenn born about 1910
BurkholderLouise born about 1910
BurnsDorothy born about 1920
BurnsFrank born about 1889
BurnsJack born about 1923
BurnsMargaret born about 1891
BurnsWilliam born about 1909
ButcherArlon born about 1931
ButcherArlow born about 1903
ButcherDoris Marieborn about 1930
ButcherHelen Fborn about 1937
ButcherMay Louiseborn about 1933
ButcherViolet born about 1907

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C Surnames

CampbellEdmund born about 1908
CampbellMerle born about 1938
CampbellMyrtle born about 1918
ChambersEarl born about 1916
ChambersHazel born about 1920
ChurchillIda Maeborn about 1918
ClarkAllen born about 1873
ClarkAnna born about 1869
ComptonGladys born about 1907
ComptonWalter Sborn about 1891
CousteadJohn Sborn about 1870
CrandallClyde born about 1912
CrandallEthel born about 1916

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D Surnames

DellyDonald Pborn about 1938
DellyGertrude born about 1906
DellyJohn Jborn about 1898
DellyWayne born about 1940
DougalIrvin Jborn about 1884
DougalJennie born about 1890
DougalMerlin born about 1920
DouglasGeorge Fborn about 1886
DouglasPearl Eborn about 1882

E Surnames

EnlertArthur born about 1894
EnlertDonald born about 1912
EnlertMabel born about 1895
EnlertNorma born about 1927
ErlewineDave Wborn about 1883
ErlewineLaura Eborn about 1879

F Surnames

FeldmanBernard born about 1930
FeldmanElvera born about 1916
FeldmanFrances born about 1928
FeldmanHenry born about 1876
FeldmanJoseph born about 1926
FeldmanRaymond born about 1918
FeldmanRose born about 1922
FeldmanViola born about 1924
FewinsChester born about 1893
FewinsIla born about 1862
FewinsMaria born about 1897
FewinsThomas born about 1857
FischerCloyce born about 1927
FischerJessie born about 1898
FischerLouis Wborn about 1887
FlintCarol born about 1919
FlintLa Donna born about 1939
FlintVail born about 1915
FoxCharles born about 1922
FoxLillian born about 1888
FriplettNellie born about 1892
FriplettRoy born about 1887

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G Surnames

GageBeryle born about 1903
GarleesCarl born about 1920
GarleesElbert born about 1890
GarleesMary born about 1896
GarrellGarnet born about 1922
GarrellJames born about 1884
GarrellJulia born about 1892
GarrellNadene born about 1924
GarrellWaunita born about 1932
GibsonDavid born about 1937
GibsonDonald born about 1910
GibsonDonald born about 1939
GibsonNorma born about 1910
GiessAnna born about 1906
GiessBilly born about 1931
GiessDarlene born about 1926
GiessHenry born about 1898
GiessJulius born about 1924
GordonArthur born about 1875
GordonGrace born about 1882
GrayCleo born about 1916
GrayJohn born about 1915
GrayRobert born about 1933
GreinerDonald born about 1924
GreinerElaine born about 1927
GreinerFred born about 1889
GreinerRose born about 1892
GreinerRose Marieborn about 1921

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H Surnames

HammittDonn born about 1936
HammittLeta born about 1913
HammittPhilip born about 1939
HammittSandra born about 1938
HammittVern born about 1904
HansenCaroline born about 1939
HansenCharles born about 1912
HansenCharles Eborn about 1940
HansenVivian born about 1921
HareBernard born about 1916
HareBessie Mborn about 1892
HareFlorence born about 1922
HareS Gladborn about 1883
HareWallace born about 1928
HastertCeline born about 1939
HastertEarl born about 1912
HastertMajorie born about 1939
HastertTheresa born about 1916
HauscherJoe born about 1909
HeistandArnold born about 1926
HeistandCloyce born about 1933
HeistandGeorge born about 1890
HeistandLawrence born about 1923
HeistandLouise born about 1892
HeistandRobert born about 1936
HendersonDon born about 1886
HendersonElmer Bborn about 1919
HendersonFern born about 1925
HendersonLila born about 1886
HigginsAmos born about 1910
HigginsEdward Hborn about 1868
HigginsEdward Jr born about 1908
HigginsVelma born about 1910
HillerIona born about 1916
HillerPerry born about 1912
HinesFred born about 1921
HulberFred born about 1876
HutchesonFay born about 1899
HutchesonNorman born about 1934
HutchesonPearle born about 1904
HutchesonWilliam born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacobsGeorge Cborn about 1878
JacobsLucilla born about 1889
JacobsRobert born about 1930
JacobsWilicine born about 1924
JacobsenAnna born about 1875
JacobsenLars ?born about 1875
JanssenHillert born about 1885
JanssenJane born about 1892
JohansenAdolph born about 1906
JohansenCarolyn born about 1929
JohansenEleanor born about 1934
JohansenHarold born about 1926
JohansenJoyce born about 1936
JohansenMiama born about 1909

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K Surnames

KaskiAnita born about 1938
KaskiHazel born about 1916
KaskiLloyd born about 1915
KatthewsFrank born about 1875
KatthewsJulia born about 1876
KatzenbergerLyle born about 1912
KrugerBarbara Jeanborn about 1931
KrugerCatherine Leeborn about 1932
KrugerElsie born about 1903
KrugerJerome Cborn about 1935
KrugerPaul born about 1907

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L Surnames

LawreyDonald Fborn about 1908
LawreyElberta Eborn about 1916
LawreyJudith born about
LeachArthur born about 1881
LeachArthur born about 1926
LeachDwan Leanborn about 1921
LeachSarah born about 1889
LewisClara born about 1904
LewisJoan born about 1937
LewisJohn born about 1908
LewisJohn born about 1939
LewisMary Janeborn about 1933
LeythamBurlette born about 1926
LeythamHarry born about 1887
LeythamMarcela born about 1923
LeythamWinnie born about 1898
LowreyAustin born about 1869
LowreyCarrie Eborn about 1886
LowreyJerome born about 1918
LowreyJohn Bborn about 1895
LymanBert born about 1883
LymanCecil born about 1920
LymanClothilda born about 1912
LymanDarrell born about 1931
LymanDonald Leeborn about 1939
LymanHarold born about 1911
LymanLloyd born about 1917
LymanRaymond born about 1924
LymanRose born about 1893

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M Surnames

MasonAlice born about 1864
MasonDavid Eborn about 1864
McDunnFrances born about 1910
McDunnFrank born about 1858
McDunnJohn born about 1915
McDunnMaxine born about 1915
McDunnOllie born about 1880
McDunnThomas born about 1917
McHenryAlice born about 1914
McHenryCharlotte born about 1890
McHenryEthel born about 1893
McHenryNorma Jeanborn about 1935
McHenryRiley born about 1914
MeffordEdna born about 1892
MeffordGrace born about 1887
MeffordGuy born about 1897
MeffordH Clayborn about 1886
MeffordR Rborn about 1888
MessngerAudrey born about 1928
MessngerHazel born about 1895
MessngerLamone born about 1932
MessngerLloyd born about 1938
MessngerLyle born about 1920
MessngerMerlin born about 1936
MessngerRalph born about 1893
MessngerRay born about 1923
MessngerVera born about 1925
MichelMilton born about 1899
MillerEffie born about 1865
MillerEmil born about 1862
MillerEveleen born about 1918
MillerLeonard born about 1902
MillsBernadine born about 1915
MillsDonna Faeborn about 1940
MillsOrville born about 1917
MitcalfDwayne born about 1938
MitcalfOakley born about 1906
MooresBarbara born about 1939
MooresDallas born about 1930
MooresElizabeth born about 1876
MooresGeorge born about 1900
MooresGeorge born about 1936
MooresGoldie born about 1926
MooresHazel born about 1901
MooresJohn Hborn about 1873
MortonNat born about 1895
MortonPearl born about 1898
MortonRobert born about 1928

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O Surnames

OrchardAdeline born about 1887
OrchardStanley born about 1882
OrierweilerMargaret born about 1875
OrierweilerMike born about 1874
OutcalfDeloris born about 1929
OutcalfHazel born about 1911

P Surnames

ParkFrank born about 1864
ParkJohn born about 1882
ParkTillie born about 1874
ParkTom born about 1890
PeckWilliam Hborn about 1875
PedersenEarl born about 1897
PedersenNancy born about 1894
PedersonBonita born about 1935
PedersonFloyd born about 1910
PedersonGolda born about 1909
PenzDora born about 1898
PenzJoe born about 1924
PenzJohn born about 1888
PenzRay born about 1920
PetersonCharles born about 1933
PetersonClifford born about 1908
PetersonDean born about 1936
PetersonEdward born about 1931
PetersonF Vivianborn about 1908
PetersonFred born about 1903
PetersonGene born about 1893
PetersonHelen born about 1909
PetersonJackie Keyborn about 1939
PetersonKenneth born about 1934
PetersonLaverne born about 1929
PetersonPhyllis born about 1939
PetersonRichard born about 1937
PetersonRichard born about 1938
PetersonViolet born about 1927
PiperBertha born about 1888
PiperDonald born about 1932
PiperJune born about 1931
PiperLuther born about 1886
PiperLuther Jr born about 1928
PiperMildred born about 1935
PiperPauline born about 1926
PiperRay born about 1908
PiperRuby born about 1910
PittsClaudia born about 1916
PittsLucian born about 1906
PowersArthur born about 1914
PowersBeulah born about 1918
PowleyDonna Fernborn about 1930
PowleyHarold born about 1905
PowleyVera born about 1909
PrabascoAlbert born about 1885
PrabascoMartha born about 1897
PrabascoRose born about 1919
PrbbascsLillian born about 1923
PrbbascsMary born about 1889
PrbbascsWilliam born about 1926
PrbbascsWilliam Sborn about 1883
ProbascoCarl born about 1939
ProbascoEdward born about 1938
ProbascoEdward Hborn about 1911
ProbascoElla born about 1884
ProbascoEstella born about 1890
ProbascoHenry born about 1891
ProbascoJames born about 1887
ProbascoLois Nborn about 1927
ProbascoMarie born about 1914
ProbascoNelle born about 1899
ProbascoRobert Sborn about 1922
ProbascoSamuel born about 1893
PryarAlbert born about 1899
PryarDale born about 1927
PryarDonald born about 1923
PryarErma born about 1900
PryarErma Joanborn about 1939
PryarMary Louborn about 1931

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R Surnames

RackAnne born about 1870
RackEdward born about 1906
RackJean Annborn about 1939
RackJohn born about 1860
RackLouise born about 1912
RankinEdwin Lborn about 1920
RankinGeorge born about 1868
RankinHelen born about 1917
RankinKenneth Dborn about 1923
RankinMarian born about 1918
RankinStella born about 1884
ReedHarvey born about 1919
RenfrowBernice born about 1916
RenfrowRobert born about 1916
RenzConelia born about 1892
RenzConred born about 1882
RenzDorothy born about 1928
RenzErnest born about 1910
RenzWesley born about 1931
RiedlJoseph born about 1904
RiedlMary Jborn about 1904
RiefDorothy born about 1900
RiefDouglas born about 1939
RiefEdward born about 1895
RiefFloyd born about 1921
RiefPerry born about 1936
RiefRichard born about 1933
RiefRosemary born about 1937
RifeEdwin born about 1921
RifeEthel born about 1885
RitcheyAnna Pearlborn about 1937
RitcheyHoward born about 1936
RitcheyKaren Louborn about 1938
RitcheyLu Wayneborn about 1940
RitcheyRoscoe born about 1906
RitcheyRoscoe Jr born about 1935
RitcheyViola born about 1906
RobertsMargaret born about 1920
RockBetty born about 1926
RockDan born about 1894
RockPat born about 1936
RockPatsy born about 1936
RockThelma born about 1904
RosebergerDale born about 1933
RosebergerDean born about 1926
RosebergerLowell born about 1901
RosebergerMabel born about 1903
RoundyHarold born about 1906
RoundyPhylis born about 1921

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S Surnames

SchneiderCarl born about 1918
SchneiderHelen born about 1917
SchneiderOrville born about 1916
SchobergBridget born about 1866
SelleyAlfred born about 1925
SelleyAnna born about 1884
SelleyJames Wborn about 1874
SelleyJohn born about 1923
ShearingClara born about 1904
ShearingValentine Hborn about 1904
SmithArlene born about 1922
SmithBertha born about 1896
SmithCatherine born about 1919
SmithClyde Bborn about 1905
SmithDaniel Pborn about 1871
SmithDonald born about 1927
SmithEarl Dborn about 1899
SmithEdmund born about 1915
SmithEugene born about 1931
SmithGladys born about 1906
SmithGrace born about 1902
SmithHarold born about 1923
SmithJanice born about 1937
SmithJess born about 1892
SmithJohanna born about 1880
SmithLola born about 1916
SmithRobert born about 1916
SmithRonald born about 1916
SmithSarah born about 1888
SmithVerla born about 1930
SnyderClyde born about 1889
SnyderClyde Jr born about 1918
SnyderGladys born about 1901
SoreyCaroline born about 1909
SoreyDonna born about 1928
SoreyLloyd born about 1903
SoreyMax born about 1930
SoreyVelma born about 1933
StahlneckerGeorge born about 1893
StahlneckerMargaret born about 1899
SuddickRuth born about 1919
SullivanBernard born about 1913
SullivanCatherine born about 1911
SullivanCharles born about 1935
SullivanElaine born about 1937
SullivanEugene born about 1898
SullivanFarrell born about 1925
SullivanJames born about 1930
SullivanJohn Phillipborn about 1929
SullivanPauline born about 1902
SullivanRosemary born about 1926

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T Surnames

TalbottEvelyn born about 1907
TalbottGeorge born about 1903
TalcattCharles Jacksonborn about 1888
TalcattGrace born about 1875
TalcattNelle born about 1886
ThilesAda born about 1924
ThilesBetty born about 1922
ThilesCecil born about 1901
ThilesClaire born about 1926
ThilesDarlene born about 1921
ThilesDonna born about 1930
ThilesEdna born about 1928
ThilesEdward born about 1898
ThilesHelen born about 1914
ThilesHerbert born about 1911
ThilesJanet born about 1936
ThilesVirginia born about 1904
ThilesWilliam born about 1931
ThompsonLloyd born about 1920
ThompsonRena born about 1877
ThompsonRichard born about 1877
TierneyRay born about 1899
TowneElizabeth Jborn about 1883
TowneRobert Lborn about 1922
TowneSalam Lborn about 1880
TowneWillie Gborn about 1927
TrierweilerBenedict born about 1938
TrierweilerCorine born about 1912
TrierweilerFrances born about 1906
TrierweilerJames born about 1935
TrierweilerJohn born about 1902
TrierweilerRaymond born about 1909
TupperErmabelle born about 1916
TupperFrank born about 1879
TupperLillie Belleborn about 1881

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U Surnames

UmphalbaughAnna born about 1889
UmphalbaughGeorge born about 1916
UmphalbaughWill born about 1883

V Surnames

ViningEdwin Pborn about 1922
ViningElsie born about 1900
ViningGuy Hborn about 1903

W Surnames

WaddellEarl born about 1917
WaddellEliza born about 1878
WaddellGlen born about 1926
WaddellHarold born about 1928
WaddellHerman born about 1884
WaiteAnna born about 1898
WaiteCharles born about 1939
WaiteDoris born about 1917
WaiteHelen born about 1919
WaiteJ Darrellborn about 1918
WaiteJohn Fborn about 1887
WaitePaul born about 1925
WaitePhylis born about 1938
WalkerAnita Fayeborn about 1937
WalkerBetty born about 1938
WalkerChester born about 1907
WalkerDwayne born about 1936
WalkerJohn born about 1874
WalkerLeonard born about 1909
WalkerLester born about 1911
WalkerLila born about 1913
WalkerLucille born about 1936
WalkerMary born about 1911
WalkerPatricia` born about 1883
WalkerRuby Fborn about 1927
WalkerVelma born about 1923
WatkinsAnna Mborn about 1879
WatkinsClement Wborn about 1918
WatkinsDane born about 1878
WatkinsMeta Lborn about 1883
WatkinsPerry born about 1874
WegnesAnna born about 1900
WegnesFrank born about 1889
WilliamsBlanche born about 1884
WilliamsHugh Pborn about 1913
WilliamsMildred born about 1915
WilliamsPerry born about 1875
WilliamsRonald born about 1936
WilliamsSharon born about 1938
WoodElmer Jborn about 1886
WoodEsther born about 1897
WoodLewis born about 1925
WrightAgnes born about 1896
WrightArlene born about 1939
WrightEleanor born about 1916
WrightFlorence born about 1922
WrightGladys born about 1928
WrightGlenn born about 1896
WrightHarvey born about 1911
WrightInez born about 1924
WrightLeona born about 1936
WrightWilliam born about 1930
WulffAnna born about 1899
WulffElaine born about 1932
WulffFred born about 1902
WulffVernon born about 1930

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Y Surnames

YoungMary born about 1878

Z Surnames

ZimmermanAnna born about 1883
ZimmermanElaine born about 1921
ZimmermanJohn Aborn about 1883
ZimmermanLawrence born about 1912
ZimmermanLelia born about 1885
ZimmermanRalph born about 1913

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