1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eden in Fayette County, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Eden in Fayette County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottEdith born about 1909
AbbottEtta born about 1870
AbbottW Hborn about 1873
AdamsDorothy born about 1901
AdamsFreeman born about 1927
AdamsHoward born about 1925
AdamsJack born about 1922
AdamsJohn born about 1898
AdamsMaude born about 1894
AdamsNettie born about 1857
AdamsRobert born about 1919
AdamsRuth Dorothyborn about 1933
AdamsWill born about 1894
AlbrechtJohn born about 1936
AlbrechtOtto born about 1885
AlbrechtOtto born about 1934
AlbrechtRenata born about 1898
AlbrechtRuth born about 1932
AlbrechtTheodore born about 1937
AllenCharles born about 1865
AllenLucille born about 1873
AltmannBettie born about 1922
AltmannFrederick born about 1915
AltmannIsabelle born about 1891
AltmannJoseph born about 1876
AltonGeorge born about 1896
AltonGrace born about 1902
AltonIrene born about 1902
AltonJanet born about 1937
AltonLois born about 1936
AltonMary born about 1932
AltonMildred born about 1939
AltonRichard born about 1896
AltonRuth born about 1929
AltonTheodore born about 1902
AndersonFay born about 1882
ArmstrongJohn born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAlfred born about 1912
BaileyAlfred Merlinborn about 1938
BaileyLaurina born about 1890
BaileyVanita born about 1920
BaileyWesley Bogerborn about 1940
BakerAnnetta born about 1867
BakerBirdella born about 1880
BakerClaude born about 1877
BakerHenry born about 1879
BakerTwila born about 1910
BakerV Emmaborn about 1870
BalhAgnes born about 1897
BalhPhilip born about 1894
BalhRosemary born about 1924
BalhSuzanne born about 1921
BalkAnn Dorothyborn about 1938
BalkAnn Madonnaborn about 1934
BalkAnthony Duaneborn about 1938
BalkBarbara born about 1936
BalkBathildis born about 1898
BalkDolly born about 1910
BalkEdward born about 1900
BalkEugene born about 1937
BalkEugene Harryborn about 1930
BalkGermaine born about 1923
BalkHerman born about 1907
BalkJames born about 1938
BalkJames Robertborn about 1933
BalkJoan born about 1928
BalkJohn born about 1870
BalkJohn born about 1899
BalkJohn Francisborn about 1926
BalkJoyce Arleneborn about 1936
BalkLawrence born about 1919
BalkLeonard born about 1921
BalkMadonna born about 1910
BalkMargaret born about 1920
BalkMarie born about 1939
BalkMary born about 1875
BalkNick born about 1907
BalkPauline born about 1907
BalkPhyliss born about 1930
BalkTommy born about 1939
BalkWilliam born about 1911
BarbaraWill born about 1866
BarloonAnna born about 1866
BarloonJ Albertborn about 1886
BarloonMatilda born about 1892
BarnhouseIrvin born about 1902
BarnhouseJohn Schuglerborn about 1930
BarnhouseMatilda born about 1908
BaushaClara born about 1922
BaushaLiduvina born about 1892
BaushaM Williamborn about 1925
BaushaMary born about 1928
BaushaWilliam born about 1892
BauskaA Johnborn about 1923
BauskaArlene born about 1927
BauskaCletus born about 1940
BauskaClifford born about 1925
BauskaIrma born about 1938
BauskaJames born about 1934
BauskaJoseph born about 1936
BauskaLaverne born about 1930
BauskaM Jborn about 1896
BauskaMadonna born about 1928
BauskaMargaret born about 1921
BauskaMarjorie born about 1898
BauskaVera born about 1932
BearHelen born about 1887
BearPhilip born about 1881
BearRaymond born about 1916
BearbowerGeorge born about 1891
BearbowerGrace born about 1921
BearbowerLena born about 1897
BearbowerLou Anitaborn about 1940
BearbowerMax born about 1919
BeardBarbara born about 1918
BeierErnestina born about 1853
BeierTillie born about 1896
BeldingBecky born about 1937
BeldingCatharine born about 1925
BeldingCoretta born about 1911
BeldingHerbert born about 1868
BeldingJ Lelandborn about 1938
BeldingJames born about 1930
BeldingLa Verne born about 1923
BeldingLee Doraborn about 1921
BeldingLeland born about 1902
BeldingLeta born about 1899
BeldingPaul born about 1897
BemissBeverly born about 1937
BemissCharley born about 1893
BemissDonald born about 1928
BemissFlorence born about 1923
BemissIrene born about 1900
BemissLaverne born about 1939
BemissLouis born about 1858
BemissMaxine born about 1930
BenderDonald born about 1915
BenderHenrietta born about 1917
BenderIrwing born about 1874
BentleyClair born about 1935
BentleyDorothy born about 1932
BentleyEthel born about 1925
BentleyFydollis born about 1930
BentleyM Hildaborn about 1908
BentleyVivian born about 1928
BentleyW Carlborn about 1905
BentleyWayne born about 1936
BingerB Ivaborn about 1892
BlongCarrie born about 1892
BlongCatherine born about 1878
BlongEdward born about 1919
BlongElizabeth born about 1929
BlongFrank born about 1878
BlongJoseph born about 1873
BlongJunior Matthewborn about 1923
BlongLawrence born about 1937
BlongLeonard born about 1922
BlongMargaret born about 1902
BlongMath born about 1870
BlongPaul born about 1903
BlongRegina born about 1884
BlongRobert born about 1939
BlongTheresa born about 1936
BoedingAlice born about 1928
BoedingB Donaldborn about 1934
BoedingBen born about 1904
BoedingC Elizabethborn about 1903
BoedingMarion born about 1932
BoosVerna born about 1895
BouskaAnn Loisborn about 1939
BouskaEdward born about 1899
BouskaEmma born about 1904
BouskaLavone born about 1923
BouskaLouis born about 1916
BowieCecil born about 1916
BowieMary born about 1917
BoyerMrs George born about 1880
BoylanMary Aborn about 1861
BradleyEmma born about 1872
BradleyJene born about 1906
BrannonBen born about 1881
BrannonBridget born about 1882
BrannonBridget Annaborn about 1878
BrannonE Jamesborn about 1872
BrannonJoseph born about 1875
BrannonKatie born about 1885
BrannonLeonard born about 1916
BrannonMargaret born about 1883
BrannonMartin born about 1918
BrannonMatie born about 1878
BrannonVincent born about 1913
BrannonWilliam born about 1925
BraytonCassie born about 1862
BraytonL Johnborn about 1858
BrincksCarmalita born about 1938
BrincksCelia born about 1913
BrincksHarold born about 1939
BrincksWilliam born about 1915
BrinkaLorraine born about 1917
BroadbentaM Hattieborn about 1880
BroadbentaWill born about 1872
BrockwayBarry born about 1887
BrockwayL Coraborn about 1881
BrockwayMajor born about 1877
BrockwayMinnie born about 1892
BrockwayR Myraborn about 1888
BrockwaySarah born about 1848
BrueningBernard born about 1874
BrueningClara born about 1886
BrueningEvelyn born about 1926
BrueningLucille born about 1930
BrueningMarie born about 1928
BrueningMildred born about 1924
BruessAnn Dorothyborn about 1936
BruessBeverly born about 1939
BruessDe Wagne born about 1931
BruessElenora born about 1923
BruessGeraldine born about 1933
BruessJoseph born about 1894
BruessLee born about 1926
BruessMartin born about 1903
BruessMilla born about 1897
BruessViola born about 1910
BurenvanHarriet born about 1891
BurenvanJ Georgeborn about 1882
BurkeAgnes born about 1929
BurkeBessie born about 1889
BurkeElizabeth Maryborn about 1924
BurkeJohn born about 1918
BurkeJulia born about 1896
BurkeKieron born about 1888
BurkeLeo born about 1931
BurkeLucille born about 1926
BurkeMargaret born about 1935
BurkeMargaret Patriciaborn about 1929
BurkePat born about 1883
BurkeTom born about 1885
BurkeWilliam born about 1932
BurnsideChester born about 1889
BurnsideEthel born about 1889
BurnsideG Aborn about 1888
BurnsideHattie born about 1888
BurnsideIrving born about 1897
BurnsideJ Elmerborn about 1884
BurnsideJune born about 1926
BurnsideL Graceborn about 1872
BurnsideNellie born about 1861
BuschRegina born about 1913
BuscheAnn Bettyborn about 1931
BuscheApoline born about 1909
BuscheGervase born about 1929
BuscheHugo born about 1904
BuscheJane Maryborn about 1935
BuscheKay Nancyborn about 1939
BuschmanAnn Elizabethborn about 1931
BuschmanDorothy born about 1933
BuschmanFrances born about 1937
BuschmanHelen born about 1939
BuschmanJulia born about 1902
BuschmanKate born about 1876
BuschmanMary Roseborn about 1929
BuschmanVirgil born about 1907
BweckedW Hborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ChizekDewey Gborn about 1899
ChizekF Ruthborn about 1903
ClareHelen Msborn about 1900
CockranCharles born about 1873
CockranHattie born about 1873
CollinsJames born about 1932
CollinsLouise born about 1924
CollinsPeter born about 1887
CollinsThresa born about 1894
ConklinE Jborn about 1868
ConklinGeorge born about 1875
CooneyGeorge born about 1865
CooneyMary Gborn about 1912
CorneyJennie born about 1882
CorneyJohn born about 1872
CriderDorothy born about 1918
CriderLaverne born about 1938
CriderLoren born about 1901
CroattEvelyn born about 1923
CroattIrene born about 1930
CroattJacob born about 1892
CroattJosephine born about 1898
CroattLouise born about 1928
CroattMary Roseborn about 1935
CroattMildred born about 1921
CulverFritz born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyElaine born about 1914
DailyEmma born about 1879
DailyFrank born about 1875
DailyRosemond born about 1918
DanksBlaine born about 1888
DanksEmma born about 1892
DavisAllan born about 1940
DavisAnn Lauraborn about 1928
DavisBernice born about 1919
DavisCandis born about 1857
DavisCarlene born about 1932
DavisD Rborn about 1879
DavisE Fleetaborn about 1887
DavisHanrietta born about 1879
DavisJ Williamborn about 1900
DavisKenneth born about 1913
DavisL Willborn about 1870
DavisMargaret born about 1933
DavisMayme born about 1888
DavisRuth born about 1903
DayleTimothy born about 1872
DeaneyJoan born about 1927
DeaneyJoseph born about 1880
DeaneyMary Roseborn about 1926
DeaneyMayme born about 1886
DeligpierceA Maryborn about 1861
DeweaseCharlie born about 1875
DeweaseGladys born about 1922
DeweaseLucy born about 1883
DeweaseNeil born about 1908
DickensRose born about 1875
DitzenbachHugo born about 1918
DitzenbachJoe born about 1919
DrillingAniswta born about 1924
DrillingCatherine born about 1882
DrillingClarence born about 1906
DrillingGeorge born about 1875
DrillingJohn born about 1889
DrillingMae Bonnieborn about 1927
DrillingMinnie born about 1891
DuffyFanny born about 1861
DungeyEdmund born about 1856
DungeyElizabeth born about 1922
DungeyGeorge born about 1891
DungeyJessie born about 1892
DungeyPerry born about 1919

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E Surnames

EdenfeldGerhard born about 1866
EhlerClara born about 1912
EhlerFloyd born about 1937
EhlerMary born about 1939
EhlerVictor born about 1912
EwingAtley born about 1893
EwingElizabeth born about 1862

F Surnames

FanleyBlanche born about 1910
FanleyJack born about 1881
FanleyJeane born about 1923
FanleyMartha born about 1883
FanleyOran born about 1905
FarleyDoris born about 1919
FarleyLawrence born about 1913
FarleyLillie born about 1892
FarleyRay born about 1886
FarleyRaynell born about 1917
FarrGeorgia born about 1874
FarrU Elmerborn about 1870
FarrelCarrie born about 1882
FarrelEd born about 1871
FarrelEthel born about 1886
FarrelGerald born about 1930
FarrelJohn born about 1877
FarrelLyle born about 1925
FinchBelle Claraborn about 1872
FinchC Cliffordborn about 1917
FinchE Rborn about 1862
FinchEdgar Markborn about 1872
FinchEdwina born about 1863
FinchMadge born about 1889
FinchMax born about 1875
FinchRoy born about 1888
FindersGlenn born about 1901
FindersLena born about 1894
FishCharles born about 1861
FishIva born about 1909
FishLee Doraborn about 1940
FishRuth born about 1920
FlynnBridget born about 1875
FlynnCatherine born about 1918
FlynnWilliam born about 1900
FordEdgar born about 1933
FordElmer born about 1923
FordElsie born about 1931
FordFrances born about 1899
FordIrvin born about 1926
FordR Edwardborn about 1884
FranzenAgnes born about 1927
FranzenDelbert born about 1939
FranzenDonald born about 1940
FranzenEdward born about 1897
FranzenEmma born about 1934
FranzenJulius born about 1930
FranzenLenora born about 1923
FranzenLinus born about 1929
FranzenLuella born about 1932
FranzenMatthias born about 1937
FranzenNorbert born about 1926
FranzenRose born about 1898
FreleighClarence Dr born about 1878
FreleighLois born about 1897
FreleighRuth born about 1924

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G Surnames

GabrielEdward born about 1897
GabrielHelen born about 1905
GabrielJanet born about 1934
GabrielVirginia born about 1927
GiffordAmy born about 1875
GiffordArt born about 1906
GiffordCharles born about 1927
GiffordFranklin born about 1909
GiffordGrace born about 1878
GiffordI Margaretborn about 1847
GiffordJean Marilynborn about 1932
GiffordJennie born about 1887
GiffordJerry born about 1928
GiffordLee Loisborn about 1926
GiffordPaul born about 1881
GiffordUrshla born about 1905
GillardA Oborn about 1879
GillardHattie born about 1867
GillardMildred born about 1887
GilliardIda born about 1876
GoodenowBruce Oborn about 1910
GoodenowJoyce born about 1935
GoodenowMargaret born about 1912
GoodenowTerry born about 1934
GormonDaniel born about 1888
GregorySt M Sborn about 1893

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H Surnames

HachmanElaine born about 1939
HachmanHugo born about 1915
HachmanMildred born about 1920
HackmanCarl born about 1918
HackmanRose born about 1913
HagemanAlphonse born about 1900
HagemanLucille born about 1930
HagemanRegina born about 1907
HainesAlfred born about 1883
HainesJames born about 1928
HainesL J Mrsborn about 1850
HainesLetha born about 1921
HainesNellie born about 1893
HalsteadEva born about 1891
HammDarlene born about 1934
HammJames born about 1932
HammLillie born about 1906
HammShirley born about 1926
HammWalter born about 1907
HansenJessie born about 1907
HansenRobert born about 1928
HansenWilliam born about 1906
HartsonJ Wborn about 1889
HartsonMarion born about 1889
HartsonWilliam born about 1925
HauerConrad born about 1913
HauerEdmund born about 1920
HauerMargaret born about 1923
HauserCharley born about 1899
HaweFred born about 1883
HaweFrederick born about 1927
HaweGrace born about 1929
HaweJoyce born about 1932
HaweMarie Ethelborn about 1892
HayeEdwin born about 1913
HayeElla born about 1875
HayeEmmett born about 1915
HeathertonAnna born about 1881
HeathertonEdmund born about 1925
HeathertonJoseph born about 1876
HinsmanGeorge born about 1874
HitchRose born about 1879
HjelmangC Henryborn about 1891
HjelmangLaura born about 1892
HoegerFay born about 1927
HoegerH Georgeborn about 1895
HoegerLola born about 1896
HomewoodCharles born about 1928
HomewoodElva born about 1892
HomewoodJames born about 1891
HomewoodJerry born about 1933
HomewoodRaymond born about 1924
HomewoodRobert born about 1921
HopperArthur born about 1916
HopperAttie born about 1898
HopperCharles born about 1893
HopperPhoebe born about 1939
HouserArlene born about 1925
HouserArnold born about 1921
HouserDonna born about 1930
HouserLaverne born about 1923
HouserRuth born about 1901
HouserWard born about 1895
HoweDonald born about 1912
HoweHoward born about 1916
HoyA Thomasborn about 1902
HoyBarbara born about 1933
HoyBetty born about 1926
HoyBirchard born about 1925
HoyMerna born about 1905
HunerbergE Elizaborn about 1879

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J Surnames

JacobsMary born about 1867
JacobsonLeslie born about 1918
JirakAnna born about 1907
JirakJoseph born about 1885
JohnsonClark Aaronborn about 1919
JohnsonEugene born about 1923
JohnsonHarvey born about 1909
JohnsonJanice born about 1939
JohnsonKatie born about 1879
JohnsonLaverne born about 1933
JohnsonLee Bonnieborn about 1938
JohnsonLeona born about 1913
JohnsonMargaret born about 1921
JohnsonMary born about 1919
JohnsonSarah born about 1889
JohnsonSilas born about 1923
JohnsonTina born about 1921
JonesElvina born about 1896
JonesFern born about 1926
JonesH Clarenceborn about 1887
JonesLeola born about 1938
JonesMarvel born about 1923
JonesMary born about 1936
JonesMatilda born about 1914
JonesRachel born about 1940
JonesRalph born about 1937
JonesVirgil born about 1934
JonesVivian born about 1938
JonesWill born about 1882
JosephusM Sborn about 1906

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K Surnames

KestlerElizabeth born about 1918
KestlerGrace born about 1885
KieranMamie born about 1875
KnollHarry born about 1893
KnoxDel Mborn about 1880
KnoxEarl born about 1879
KnoxRobert Paulborn about 1914
KorzendorferJerome born about 1939
KorzendorferJohn born about 1915
KorzendorferLoretta born about 1920
KrienerAlice born about 1935
KrienerAlvina born about 1927
KrienerAnn Bettyborn about 1938
KrienerArnold born about 1932
KrienerBanfilia born about 1930
KrienerCharles born about 1934
KrienerE Maryborn about 1901
KrienerEdward born about 1933
KrienerGregory born about 1927
KrienerHenry born about 1929
KrienerJohn born about 1898
KrienerJoseph born about 1899
KrienerJulia born about 1905
KrienerKenneth born about 1931
KrienerMargaret born about 1936
KrienerMarie born about 1935
KrienerMary Roseborn about 1934
KrienerPaul born about 1937
KrienerRoselle born about 1938
KrienerTheodore born about 1897
KrienerTheresa born about 1933
KrienerViola born about 1898
KruseJohn born about 1857
KruseRichard born about 1891
KuennenAdella born about 1926
KuennenAgnes born about 1933
KuennenAlice born about 1925
KuennenAlvira born about 1929
KuennenArlene born about 1937
KuennenCarl born about 1895
KuennenCatherine born about 1935
KuennenClarence born about 1924
KuennenClem born about 1897
KuennenDolores born about 1931
KuennenEdna born about 1922
KuennenFrances born about 1895
KuennenJames born about 1933
KuennenLeon born about 1935
KuennenLuke born about 1927
KuennenMatilda born about 1901
KuennenPrinus born about 1923
KuennenRuth born about 1928
KuennenVivian born about 1931
KuhnHugo born about 1910
KuhnJoyce born about 1939
KuhnMay Violetborn about 1935
KuhnViola born about 1915
KurashAgnes born about 1921
KurashAlbert born about 1880
KurashAlice born about 1888
KurashGertrude born about 1918
KurashLorraine born about 1925
KurashLouis born about 1915

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L Surnames

LangFred born about 1879
LangHenry born about 1857
LangWill born about 1885
LeslieLee born about 1883
LeslieMeda born about 1861
LewigA Eborn about 1883
LewigArnold born about 1932
LewigClara born about 1886
LewigDoretta born about 1931
LewigIrvin born about 1908
LewigKatherine born about 1912
LewigLaverne born about 1939
LewigRobert born about 1938
LiehtenbergArt born about 1908
LiehtenbergBarbara born about 1911
LindsayRobert born about 1866
LlewellynAn Georgeborn about 1915
LlewellynElizabeth born about 1890
LlewellynhsGerold born about 1937
LovrienH Jborn about 1857
LovrienHiram born about 1894
LovrienIda born about 1857
LovrienSylvia born about 1897
LoydF Charlesborn about 1880
LoydFanny born about 1874
LucasPearl born about 1877
LuceC Leonaborn about 1879
LuceRosamund born about 1869
LunchCharles born about 1880
LunchLeo born about 1886
LunchMatthew born about 1872
LunchStella born about 1890
LursonAlbert born about 1906
LursonBertha born about 1912
LursonEdward born about 1907
LursonEsther born about 1936
LursonMerlin born about 1940
LursonRose born about 1909
LursonWilliam born about 1935
LussonCatherine born about 1883
LussonFrank born about 1909
LussonIrma born about 1916
LussonJanet born about 1939
LussonLoretta born about 1916
LussonNick born about 1878
LynchEdward born about 1893
LynchF Harryborn about 1917
LynchF Thomasborn about 1875
LynchJ Leoborn about 1919
LynchJean born about 1922
LynchJohn Hughborn about 1917
LynchL Thomasborn about 1882
LynchMartin born about 1912
LynchMary born about 1883
LynchMatie born about 1884
LynchRosella born about 1892

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M Surnames

MachartAnna born about 1869
MarronColleen born about 1938
MarronElaine born about 1929
MarronGertrude born about 1899
MarronHarold born about 1899
MarronJ Leoborn about 1885
MarronJane Maryborn about 1926
MarronJo Ellenborn about 1935
MartinAdam born about 1901
MatthewsCalvin born about 1926
MatthewsClaude born about 1883
MatthewsEmma born about 1898
MatthewsG Leslieborn about 1921
MatthewsRobert born about 1924
MayerClara born about 1864
MayoMrs Hattie born about 1868
McCarleyDorothy born about 1927
McCarleyE Dorothyborn about 1895
McCarleyJack born about 1930
McCarleyJoyce born about 1934
McCarleyLeonard born about 1896
McCarleyShirley born about 1929
McElreaDoris born about 1929
McElreaFrances born about 1896
McElreaGladys born about 1923
McElreaGoldie born about 1925
McElreaSam born about 1895
McEnaneyA Geraldborn about 1936
McEnaneyAlma born about 1904
McEnaneyC Maryborn about 1931
McEnaneyD Johnborn about 1932
McEnaneyRoy born about 1893
McKayAnn Lauraborn about 1890
McKayAnna born about 1863
McKayBetty born about 1915
McKayJack born about 1924
McKayKieron born about 1886
McKayWilliam born about 1926
McMullenAdam born about 1876
McMullenDonald born about 1925
McMullenNettie born about 1881
MeyerAlbert born about 1939
MeyerAlvin born about 1931
MeyerAnna born about 1860
MeyerArlene born about 1935
MeyerBertha born about 1901
MeyerBetty born about 1932
MeyerCletus born about 1932
MeyerClifford born about 1910
MeyerDarlene born about 1930
MeyerDolores born about 1938
MeyerDonald born about 1938
MeyerDora born about 1889
MeyerDorothy born about 1931
MeyerElizabeth born about 1856
MeyerEmma born about 1907
MeyerEsther born about 1925
MeyerFlorence born about 1933
MeyerFrances born about 1937
MeyerGene born about 1933
MeyerGeorge born about 1892
MeyerGlenn born about 1905
MeyerIrene born about 1938
MeyerLenora born about 1889
MeyerLeonard born about 1933
MeyerLizzie born about 1865
MeyerLloyd born about 1923
MeyerLoretta born about 1910
MeyerLou Bettyborn about 1927
MeyerMagdalene born about 1928
MeyerMary born about 1862
MeyerMary born about 1892
MeyerMary born about 1901
MeyerMary born about 1926
MeyerMichael born about 1919
MeyerNeal born about 1921
MeyerPhilip born about 1907
MeyerRaymond born about 1936
MeyerT Alvisborn about 1892
MeyerWilliam born about 1902
MeyersFrank born about 1879
MihmAnn Maryborn about 1939
MihmClem born about 1911
MihmEdwina born about 1912
MilbrandtDale born about 1938
MilbrandtDelfred born about 1923
MilbrandtDella born about 1903
MilbrandtDonald born about 1927
MilbrandtH Fredborn about 1900
MilbrandtLee Eddieborn about 1938
MilbrandtLeone born about 1916
MilbrandtLouise born about 1868
MillerH Charlesborn about 1881
MillerJane Annaborn about 1922
MillerKenneth born about 1912
MillerLulu born about 1886
MillerM Ethelborn about 1891
MilneAlice born about 1863
MitchettBlanche born about 1892
MitchettJoseph born about 1866
MoellerElizabeth born about 1905
MoellerHenry born about 1894
MoellerMary Roseborn about 1930
MoellerMerle born about 1926
MollanR Carolborn about 1917
MoserBruce born about 1929
MoserLeonora born about 1901
MoserMerrill born about 1903
MuetenstineAlfred born about 1931
MuetenstineBernice born about 1929
MuetenstineClarence born about 1927
MuetenstineDolores born about 1934
MuetenstineFrank born about 1902
MuetenstineJulia born about 1898
MuetenstineLeon born about 1938
MurphyFrances born about 1918
MurphyJoseph Thomasborn about 1940
MurphyMary born about 1871
MurphyPaul born about 1913
MurphyRaymond born about 1906
MurrayMary born about 1877
MusserJosephine born about 1861

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N Surnames

NehlsA Fredborn about 1887
NehlsL Adaborn about 1892
NeirlleRosemary born about 1915
NiewoehnerCarl born about 1886
NiewoehnerLouise born about 1889
NilesA Kateborn about 1892
NilesGertrude born about 1886
NilesJunior Rexborn about 1920
NilesRex born about 1892
NolteAloysisus born about 1915
NolteCatherine born about 1912
NolteFrank born about 1905
NolteJoseph born about 1913

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O Surnames

ObrienPhilip born about 1871
OstranderLida born about 1891
OstranderR Hborn about 1891
OttA Hborn about 1885
OttCharles born about 1904
OttE Alfredborn about 1908
OttL Elvinaborn about 1886
OttersHenry born about 1881

P Surnames

PageA Nettieborn about 1867
PageD Burtonborn about 1875
PapachJames born about 1878
ParkerCharles born about 1868
ParkerMinnie born about 1868
PaulAnn Barbaraborn about 1940
PaulCemanthy born about 1864
PaulClayton born about 1921
PaulDorene born about 1919
PaulEdith born about 1924
PaulHarley born about 1899
PaulMariana born about 1903
PaulRobert born about 1913
PerryAgnes born about 1899
PerryBertha born about 1889
PerryDuane born about 1925
PerryJoseph born about 1888
PerryLee Donnaborn about 1929
PerryOscar born about 1899
PerryVernon born about 1929
PhilpsA Louisborn about 1867
PhilpsB Mabelborn about 1875
PierceBessie born about 1898
PierceCarlyle born about 1938
PierceDonna born about 1929
PierceE Frankborn about 1867
PierceEben born about 1908
PierceEdna Maryborn about 1939
PierceElaine born about 1926
PierceHarriet born about 1924
PierceJean Bettyborn about 1940
PierceLois born about 1933
PierceMabel born about 1886
PierceMary born about 1872
PierceNorma born about 1896
PierceRalph born about 1900
PierceRuby born about 1915
PierceShirley born about 1921
PierceVernice born about 1930
ProctorE Ralphborn about 1891
ProctorL Wandaborn about 1894
ProctorLorraine born about 1935
ProctorW Robertborn about 1927
PutzAlice Maryborn about 1939
PutzElizabeth born about 1880
PutzEugene born about 1925
PutzKaran born about 1939
PutzLaura born about 1884
PutzLawrence born about 1907
PutzLinna born about 1903
PutzMarica born about 1909
PutzMarion born about 1908
PutzTeresa Geneborn about 1936
PutzVincent born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RauschFrank born about 1883
RauschMinnie born about 1885
ReedFred born about 1876
ReichenfergerIda born about 1902
RenningtonJohn born about
RichardsGerald born about 1919
RichardsM Royborn about 1893
RichardsRoy Lesterborn about 1925
RichardsStone Genevaborn about 1894
RichardsonGladys born about 1934
RichardsonJohn born about 1937
RichardsonMardith born about 1936
RichardsonWallace born about 1932
RicharsonMellda born about 1906
RidgewayDolores born about 1939
RidgewayEldi born about 1917
RidgewayV Clydeborn about 1899
RihaAngelina born about 1926
RihaBarbara born about 1928
RihaDaniel born about 1937
RihaFrancis born about 1935
RihaFrank born about 1884
RihaLeonard born about 1930
RihaMary born about 1896
RihaMathias born about 1924
RobertsArleen born about 1918
RobertsEliza born about 1889
RobertsEllis born about 1915
RobertsGeorge born about 1920
RobertsR Emmaborn about 1856
RobertsSylvia born about 1916
RobertsWalter born about 1883
RobinsonJoy born about 1928
RobinsonLloyd born about 1938
RobinsonMyrtle born about 1896
RobinsonPerry born about 1929
RobinsonW Perryborn about 1897
RogersElizabeth born about 1872
RogersRolla born about 1865
RolfeMildred born about 1906
RolfeReginald born about 1904
RomeoffrancesM Sborn about 1874
RosingElizabeth born about 1863
RosingWilliam born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalviasM Sborn about 1869
ScallonAnna born about 1876
ScallonJames born about 1869
ScallonLowell Jamesborn about 1915
ScallonP Josephborn about 1907
ScallyElla born about 1873
ScallyElma born about 1922
ScallyJohn born about 1866
ScallyJoseph Jamesborn about 1901
ScallyMack Francisborn about 1910
ScallyMarcia born about 1869
ScallyWilliam born about 1897
SchaufenbilAgnes born about 1917
SchaufenbilArlene born about 1938
SchaufenbilPaul born about 1910
SchisselAnthony Leeborn about 1933
SchisselBeatrice born about 1935
SchisselBert born about 1891
SchisselHenrietta born about 1900
SchisselJoan born about 1929
SchisselLoris born about 1939
SchisselMadonna born about 1931
SchisselMarie born about 1937
SchisselNorma born about 1922
SchisselWillis born about 1920
SchlichteAgnes born about 1906
SchlichteAnton born about 1871
SchlichteEdward born about 1932
SchlichteGerhard born about 1878
SchlichteHelen born about 1939
SchlichteJoseph born about 1901
SchlichteLorraine born about 1926
SchlichteMargaret born about 1937
SchlichteMary born about 1875
SchlichteMary Roseborn about 1929
SchlichtePaul born about 1911
SchlichteTeresa born about 1882
SchmidtElberta born about 1917
SchmidtRobert born about 1918
SchmittAlfred born about 1932
SchmittAnna born about 1908
SchmittAnna Agnesborn about 1928
SchmittC Vernaborn about 1934
SchmittCelia born about 1929
SchmittClemens born about 1940
SchmittElvina born about 1921
SchmittEsther born about 1923
SchmittF Henryborn about 1932
SchmittJ Antonborn about 1930
SchmittJ Emilyborn about 1938
SchmittJoseph born about 1903
SchmittL Carlborn about 1936
SchmittRose born about 1896
SchmittRoy born about 1926
SchmittTheodore born about 1897
SchmitzEdmund born about 1916
SchmitzIrene born about 1918
SchollAdela born about 1916
SchollBertha born about 1886
SchollFred born about 1886
SchollRaymond born about 1913
SchollRobert born about 1922
SchuetzKatherine born about 1913
SheldonBobby born about 1937
SheldonEdna born about 1914
SheldonLoa born about 1883
SheldonRay born about 1884
ShoemakerJohanna born about 1866
SloanAllan born about 1929
SloanDavid born about 1938
SloanEllen Catherineborn about 1871
SloanFidellis born about 1904
SloanGeraldine born about 1931
SloanH Lawrenceborn about 1869
SloanJack born about 1934
SloanL Leoborn about 1898
SloanMary born about 1925
SloanTeresa Ruthborn about 1939
SmithA Wborn about 1874
SmithCatherine born about 1908
SmithClemens born about 1932
SmithE Hattieborn about 1878
SmithEdward Davidborn about 1938
SmithEvelyn born about 1909
SmithGerald born about 1928
SmithHarold born about 1901
SmithHoward born about 1904
SmithI Clemborn about 1875
SmithIrene born about 1906
SmithJack born about 1934
SmithJohn Theonborn about 1934
SmithJudith born about 1933
SmithLouis Jamesborn about 1933
SmithLouise born about 1879
SmithRichard born about 1929
SmithTheon born about 1905
SmithTommy born about 1937
SmittleM Jacob Drborn about 1873
SmittlePhoebe born about 1866
SmockClaude born about 1876
SmockCora born about 1874
SpringerGeorge born about 1893
SpringerLou Bettyborn about 1934
SpringerM Olindaborn about 1898
SpringerMarion born about 1898
SpringerW Edwardborn about 1895
SquiresDolores born about 1931
SquiresElaine Margaretborn about 1938
SquiresFranklin born about 1939
SquiresHope Jeanborn about 1935
SquiresJanson born about 1933
SquiresJunior Lyleborn about 1928
SquiresLyle born about 1899
SquiresPatricia born about 1936
SquiresRuth born about 1907
SquiresVirginia born about 1927
StaffordLynn born about 1867
StainbrookR Juddborn about 1915
StapelD Georgeborn about 1916
StapelDarlene born about 1915
SteadmanAlvin born about 1919
SteadmanBilly born about 1925
SteadmanJ Emmaborn about 1893
SteadmanJessie born about 1922
SteadmanRogers born about 1931
SteadmanSarah born about 1929
StedmanJohanna born about 1876
StoneB Walterborn about 1882
StoneH Williamborn about 1853
StoneLeo born about 1883
StoneN Arthurborn about 1893
StoneO Eldaborn about 1892
StribleyGeorge born about 1898
StribleyGrace born about 1899
StribleyJean Bettyborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabbertJ Hermanborn about 1882
TabbertMarie born about 1879
TabbertMildred born about 1918
TankCaroline born about 1879
TaylorAda born about 1904
TaylorGrace born about 1933
TaylorRoger born about 1927
TaylorW Ottoborn about 1893
TerentiaM Sborn about 1888
TessmarCharles born about 1936
TessmarEarl born about 1909
TessmarElaine born about 1938
TessmarViola born about 1915
TessmerAmelia born about 1878
TessmerAugusta born about 1880
TessmerEverett Warrenborn about 1924
TessmerFrank born about 1861
TessmerHelena born about 1888
TessmerWalter born about 1890
ThompsonJessie born about 1918
ThompsonJosephine born about 1882
ThompsonMelvin born about 1919
ThompsonRichard Thomasborn about 1917
ThompsonVerene born about 1924
TomaschCharles born about 1923
TomaschDoris born about 1929
TomaschLorraine born about 1920
TomaschMargaret born about 1889
TomaschMark born about 1926
TomaschWilliam born about 1918
TompkinsMaude born about 1881
TompkinsMervin born about 1881
TompkinsVerner born about 1916
TrewinAnita born about 1910
TrewinRosy born about 1885
TrewinWillard born about 1888
TubbsAnna born about 1866
TubbsG Georgeborn about 1890
TubbsGlen born about 1918
TubbsLucille born about 1923
TubbsMary born about 1885
TunksA Lovanborn about 1886
TunksE Frederickborn about 1928
TunksFred born about 1879
TunksLee Idaborn about 1923
TupperAlice born about 1898
TupperCarol born about 1922
TupperEugene born about 1927
TupperFrank born about 1890
TupperIda born about 1863
TwomleyEmma born about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UttechtAlbert born about 1898
UttechtHertke born about 1903
UttechtMarlene born about 1932

V Surnames

VeleyEmery born about 1889
VeleyHerbert born about 1881
VerlsteffenHenry born about 1917
VerlsteffenJoseph born about 1873

W Surnames

WagnerAlbert born about 1939
WagnerEthel born about 1922
WagnerHerbert born about 1913
WaskowDaryl born about 1932
WaskowLeta born about 1910
WaskowR Walterborn about 1909
WaskowShirley born about 1935
WattLester born about 1909
WattsHarry born about 1881
WattsJoyce Helenborn about 1929
WattsViola born about 1889
WebsterHazel born about 1890
WestendorfFrances born about 1939
WestendorfIrvin born about 1914
WestendorfLaura born about 1918
WhitcombEvelyn born about 1909
WhitcombKenneth born about 1912
WichmanCatherine born about 1932
WichmanDolores born about 1939
WichmanDorothy born about 1935
WichmanEleanor born about 1938
WichmanFrank born about 1891
WichmanHuberta born about 1906
WichmanJohn born about 1931
WichmanJoseph born about 1898
WichmanJoseph born about 1937
WichmanMadonna born about 1934
WilburAlbert born about 1914
WilburEthel born about 1915
WilburRobert born about 1937
WileyCatherine born about 1917
WilkeAlice born about 1897
WilkeCharlotte born about 1927
WilkeDorothy born about 1933
WilkeFloyd born about 1894
WilkeGrace born about 1937
WilkeMuriel born about 1929
WilkeRaymond born about 1924
WilkeVern born about 1923
WilliamsFrank born about 1929
WilliamsLois born about 1884
WillisHelen born about 1908
WillisLaura born about 1868
WillisR Sborn about 1854
WillisVern born about 1890
WinterAllan Eugeneborn about 1935
WinterAllan Gilbertborn about 1937
WinterAnna born about 1866
WinterAnna born about 1899
WinterC Elizabethborn about 1883
WinterClarence born about 1922
WinterDonald born about 1937
WinterDorothy born about 1924
WinterEdward born about 1905
WinterElizabeth born about 1907
WinterEllen born about 1917
WinterEvelyn born about 1925
WinterFlorian born about 1933
WinterFred born about 1877
WinterG Bborn about 1906
WinterGeorge born about 1872
WinterGladys born about 1907
WinterHarriet born about 1876
WinterHelen born about 1935
WinterHildegard born about 1921
WinterIrene born about 1939
WinterJ Augustborn about 1887
WinterJohanna born about 1898
WinterJohn born about 1865
WinterLeo born about 1928
WinterLeonard born about 1921
WinterLinus born about 1933
WinterLouis born about 1895
WinterMarie born about 1931
WinterMary born about 1886
WinterNick born about 1928
WinterOliver born about 1916
WinterOtto born about 1868
WinterPeter born about 1894
WinterRose born about 1878
WinterVeronica born about 1926
WylamA Sarahborn about 1869
WylamJ Edborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAnna born about 1887
YoungBerdine born about 1916
YoungGordon born about 1923
YoungGuy born about 1887

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