1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairfield in Fayette County, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Fairfield in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbelH Mborn about 1892
AbelMarsene born about 1927
AbelMinnie born about 1896
AckmanAnna born about 1894
AckmanBurdett born about 1919
AckmanErnest born about 1888
AdamsArley Mborn about 1922
AdamsBlanch Lborn about 1890
AdamsChester Jborn about 1905
AdamsClarence born about 1879
AdamsDaisy born about 1922
AdamsDonald born about 1926
AdamsEdwin born about 1920
AdamsElizabeth born about 1889
AdamsHarvy born about 1924
AdamsMarion Bborn about 1908
AdamsRichard Dborn about 1931
AdamsRobert born about 1929
AdamsSharley Aborn about 1935
AdamsWalter born about 1892
AdamsWalter born about 1919
AdamsWilma Jborn about 1938
AinsworthT Jborn about 1857
AmosRichard born about 1921
AndermanDoris born about 1909
AndermanFred born about 1856
AndermanFred Gborn about 1883
AndermanGrace born about 1889
AndersonWilliam born about 1865
AndreaeAlvin born about 1931
AndreaeClara born about 1921
AndreaeGertrude born about 1927
AndreaeHerman born about 1888
AndreaeIrene born about 1923
AndreaeLaura born about 1891
AntwineBonnie born about 1927
AntwineDora born about 1877
AntwineLarine born about 1925
AntwineLeo born about 1902
AntwineLillian born about 1923
AntwineNellie born about 1905
AntwineV Eborn about 1868
AranaldCharles Hborn about 1866
AranaldMinnie born about 1871
ArnoldJohn Hborn about 1889
ArnoldLaura born about 1922
ArnoldLeona Mborn about 1919
ArnoldLulu Mborn about 1898
AstorAnna Kborn about 1898
AstorDorothy born about 1929
AstorEleonor born about 1923
AstorEllen born about 1923
AstorGary Leeborn about 1939
AstorHarry Jamesborn about 1926
AstorMarvin born about 1936
AstorMary Lborn about 1927
AstorMaxine born about 1933
AstorRichard Rborn about 1905
AstorWalter born about 1931
AstorWilliam born about 1925
AverillRagna born about 1894
AverillWarren born about 1878

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B Surnames

BachtellBilly Rayborn about 1939
BachtellDulcie born about 1898
BachtellElmore born about 1916
BachtellLester born about 1897
BachtellThelma born about 1908
BacktellEdna Ireneborn about 1927
BacktellFornnce born about 1919
BacktellHelena born about 1925
BacktellLeo born about 1902
BacktellRoy Eborn about 1929
BacktellSamuel born about 1918
BacktellThomas born about 1923
BacktellViolet born about 1914
BakerCatherine born about 1916
BakerHarry born about 1917
BakerJohn Rborn about 1910
BallDorothy born about 1897
BallJaxneth born about 1856
BalzerMary born about 1874
BandArcule born about 1923
BandEdward born about 1934
BandEliza born about 1854
BandFreda born about 1898
BandMarvin born about 1929
BandMelvin born about 1896
BandVirginia born about 1927
BarnesMaude born about 1880
BartelsDorothy Rborn about 1930
BartelsRaymond Aborn about 1935
BartelsRuth Cborn about 1901
BatemanCay born about 1900
BatemanMarilyn born about 1932
BatemanMary Leeborn about 1939
BatemanRolph Eborn about 1899
BatesGeorge Cborn about 1873
BatesNora Eborn about 1873
BawersCarol Fborn about 1902
BawersRalph born about 1907
BawmanHenry Jborn about 1881
BawmanIda born about 1884
BecknesAlice Mborn about 1921
BecknesMaud born about 1883
BecknesRolph born about 1883
BehrensFrida Mborn about 1903
BehrensNorma born about 1933
BehrensRoy Oborn about 1928
BehrensWill Lborn about 1901
BehrensWilliam born about 1936
BeltzCharles born about 1906
BeltzCharles born about 1939
BeltzHilda born about 1917
BeltzLeotta born about 1938
BeltzLogan Aborn about 1910
BeltzLuelle Jborn about 1915
BeltzPatricia born about 1940
BendJennie born about 1866
BernesJesse born about 1878
BerryLeo Wborn about 1890
BerryLillian Aborn about 1891
BerryRobert Lborn about 1930
BettsBeverly Janeborn about 1931
BettsHarley born about 1903
BettsHennrietta born about 1909
BigelauJohn Fborn about 1899
BigelauLaverle born about 1927
BigelauNellie born about 1903
BigelauVirginia born about 1925
BissellCalvin Eborn about 1928
BissellClara Lborn about 1932
BissellClerance Fborn about 1930
BissellLeora born about 1908
BissellLuceill Mborn about 1938
BissellRaymond born about 1904
BissellRaymond Jr born about 1936
BissellViola Mayborn about 1927
BissellViolet Mborn about 1935
BlackEmilia born about 1907
BlackJack Eborn about 1928
BlackR Fborn about 1902
BlyBelva Mborn about 1938
BlyH Mborn about 1903
BlyNathan Dborn about 1935
BlyWyna Nborn about 1913
BockenhaverFred born about 1896
BockenhaverKatie born about 1869
BoclitellBeverly born about 1940
BoclitellDarlene born about 1927
BoclitellDaryl born about 1937
BoclitellHazel born about 1907
BoclitellLeon born about 1931
BoclitellSidney born about 1933
BoclitellValmah born about 1908
BoclitellWilliam born about 1929
BowmanAlvin born about 1939
BowmanArthur born about 1905
BowmanFlorence born about 1915
BoyerOrpha Aborn about 1862
BradleyCarl born about 1932
BradleyEva born about 1901
BradleyFrank born about 1892
BradleyIra born about 1927
BradleyLa Vern born about 1926
BradleyLesler born about 1930
BradleyLoyd born about 1936
BradleyLuella born about 1924
BradleyZella born about 1928
BrandenburgA Wborn about 1874
BrandenburgChery Karenborn about 1939
BrandenburgDarlyne born about 1921
BrandenburgFinas born about 1918
BrandenburgWinne Mborn about 1879
BranlickJudith Annborn about 1940
BranlickMargret born about 1919
BranlickRold born about 1913
BrecknerArdith born about 1912
BrecknerF Eborn about 1915
BrooksArchie born about 1893
BrooksBenjamin born about 1930
BrooksDoris born about 1928
BrooksDorr born about 1928
BrooksEarl Lborn about 1913
BrooksEva born about 1888
BrooksGrace born about 1899
BrooksGuy Lborn about 1913
BrooksRuth Nborn about 1914
BrooksWayne born about 1925
BrooksWillis born about 1933
BrooksYvonne born about 1940
BurefettDonald born about 1933
BurefettFlorian born about 1906
BurefettViola born about 1911
BurrackFred born about 1872
BurrackMary born about 1877

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C Surnames

CammackAnna born about 1901
CammackCharles born about 1875
CammackFannie born about 1877
CammackHarold born about 1900
CampbellClarence born about 1863
CampbellElla Mborn about 1901
CanfieldHarry Rborn about 1882
CanfieldNelle born about 1883
CanineJames Hborn about 1881
CanineJohn born about 1886
CanineMaxine Hborn about 1924
CanineRose Aborn about 1893
CarbinCharles born about 1928
CarbinHarold born about 1904
CarbinMildred born about 1905
CarmallJames Jborn about 1897
CarmallKenneth Jborn about 1927
CarmallMattie born about 1871
CarmallVirginia born about 1925
CausinsArthur born about 1908
CausinsArthur Fborn about 1932
CausinsCarl Geanborn about 1933
CausinsDelmar Rborn about 1939
CausinsMary Aliceborn about 1936
CausinsRobert Lborn about 1935
CausinsThelma born about 1912
CawfordEarl Hborn about 1911
CawfordGlenola born about 1912
CawfordMichael born about 1939
CawfordSonya Maeborn about 1937
CerwinskeGilbert born about 1913
CerwinskeLarry born about 1939
CerwinskeMarjorie born about 1918
ChapmanHarry born about 1924
ChaseMary born about 1861
ClineJ Wborn about 1863
ClineLouis born about 1903
ClineRosetta born about 1867
CluteBanch Lborn about 1900
CluteDaryl Nborn about 1930
CluteEvelyn Leeborn about 1927
CluteHoward Dborn about 1900
ColeClaude Jr born about 1924
ConnerMaude born about 1934
ConsinsFrank born about 1876
CookBerton born about 1910
CookDonald born about 1933
CookFairlene born about 1933
CookJerald born about 1939
CookJoyce born about 1932
CookLloyd born about 1901
CookLuille born about 1927
CookMatie born about 1908
CookRuth born about 1910
CookValera born about 1929
CookVannetta born about 1937
CookVonna born about 1935
CorbinBetty Janeborn about 1926
CorbinEffie born about 1881
CorbinWilliam born about 1877
CordesBerdine Jborn about 1936
CordesBertha born about 1929
CordesEdwin Wborn about 1893
CordesElizabeth born about 1922
CordesFrances born about 1894
CordesGenevieve born about 1924
CordesGertrude born about 1898
CordesGlen Eborn about 1926
CordesHoward born about 1931
CordesIda born about 1877
CordesJohn Henryborn about 1934
CordesLenard Hborn about 1888
CordesNorma born about 1903
CordesNorma Jeanborn about 1932
CordesRussell born about 1936
CordesWalter born about 1901
CousinsLevi born about 1906
CousinsLydia born about 1912
CramfordBelma born about 1922
CramfordRobert born about 1912
CrandallJune Lborn about 1922
CrandallMable born about 1895
CrandallRudy born about 1892
CrawEdith born about 1886
CrawEula born about 1861
CrawfordBarbara Jborn about 1939
CrawfordBirtha born about 1917
CrawfordDorcas born about 1922
CrawfordEdith born about 1891
CrawfordEmma born about 1890
CrawfordFrances Mborn about 1884
CrawfordHarry born about 1886
CrawfordHyda Gborn about 1893
CrawfordJames Mborn about 1937
CrawfordJessie Jborn about 1889
CrawfordM Elaineborn about 1925
CrawfordMary Mborn about 1918
CrawfordNellie born about 1925
CrawfordOra Lborn about 1884
CrawfordVictor Rborn about 1902
CrawfordVincent born about 1916
CrossGertrude born about 1904
CrossLuverne born about 1908
CulbertsonBetty Jeanborn about 1927
CulbertsonE Eborn about 1877
CulbertsonKatie Mborn about 1881
CulverClair Jborn about 1883
CulverL Bessborn about 1887
CulverNellie born about 1889
CulverRobert born about 1917
CundiffCharles born about 1908
CundiffJames Leeborn about 1931
CundiffVivian born about 1911
CushionHoward born about 1924
CushionLeslie born about 1931
CushionOllie born about 1893
CushionV Tborn about 1892

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D Surnames

DaisyBettie Jenneborn about 1931
DaisyCharlie born about 1936
DaisyJerald Wborn about 1924
DaisyJeraldine born about 1924
DaisyOpel Pborn about 1902
DaisyWesley Eborn about 1900
DanielsCharlotte born about 1936
DanielsFrancis born about 1917
DebanCharles Hborn about 1856
DebanMina born about 1870
DeckBertha born about 1864
DemingClarence born about 1861
DempaterAlma Mborn about 1890
DempaterFred born about 1891
DempesterHattie born about 1895
DempesterWill Jborn about 1869
DempsterAnna born about 1891
DempsterBillie born about 1925
DempsterDavid born about 1887
DempsterDavid Jr born about 1921
DempsterFrank born about 1893
DempsterLouise born about 1923
DempsterMarilyn born about 1932
DempsterMary born about 1885
DempsterMaxine born about 1922
DerlingerAnna born about 1877
DerlingerArch born about 1876
DerrDan Dborn about 1932
DerrMyrtle born about 1907
DeteryArlington born about 1896
DevoeBruce born about 1902
DevoeKatherine born about 1906
DevoeRichard born about 1930
DixonCharlene born about 1937
DixonHazel born about 1913
DixonIvan born about 1908
DixonJacqueline born about 1939
DixonRosella born about 1935
DoaneCarrie J Oborn about 1864
DobbeCecil born about 1900
DobbeEva born about 1918
DobbsCalvin born about 1880
DobbsCandis born about 1873
DolandCharles born about 1935
DolandDelmar born about 1929
DolandEldon born about 1925
DolandJunior born about 1933
DolandKenneth born about 1939
DolandOrvil born about 1896
DolandPearl born about 1905
DolandRonald born about 1927
DolenElden born about 1923
DrueckerAugust Fborn about 1880
DrueckerMartha born about 1922
DrueckerOrlinda born about 1938
DrueckerSabina born about 1888
DrueckerWerner born about 1916
DuffCecil Wborn about 1910
DuffLoretta Cborn about 1906
DuffRobert Carlborn about 1938
DunnMelvin born about 1867
DunnNellie Jborn about 1871

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E Surnames

EarleClifton born about 1912
EarleLucile born about 1914
EckerEarnest born about 1860
EckerJanet born about 1863
EckhertCharles Fborn about 1871
EckhertIda Dborn about 1880
EdlerLetha Mborn about 1916
EhlerMary born about 1866
EldredNadene born about 1937
ElliottAlvaretta born about 1891
EricksonEmily born about 1903
EricksonRichard born about 1893
ErnestElizabeth born about 1891
ErnestRobert Lborn about 1919
ErnestWalter Wborn about 1884
EverttBettie born about 1912
EverttClare born about 1907
EverttJack born about 1934

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F Surnames

FinneyFlorence born about 1894
FinneySemarimus born about 1852
FlemingH Sborn about 1867
FlemingNellie Rborn about 1883
FlowerAdeline born about 1851
ForsytheDale Jamesborn about 1929
ForsytheElizabeth Mborn about 1892
ForsytheJohn Wborn about 1886
FossnghtCharls born about 1875
FossnghtMable born about 1890
FoxEmma born about 1879
FoxJoseph Gborn about 1872
FoxMary born about 1867
FrayerGeorge born about 1866
FrederickBessie born about 1928
FrederickG Wborn about 1868
FrederickLulu born about 1872
FrederickMary born about 1925
FrederickOtto born about 1892
FrederickTheodore born about 1896
FrederickTheodore Jr born about 1934
FrederickVera born about 1927
FrederickVirginia born about 1930
FreemanLoyd born about 1926
FreileJoy Cborn about 1900
FreileMarion born about 1911
FremanCharles born about 1918
FremanElsie born about 1894
FremanHarry born about 1893
FremanLeon born about 1915
FremanLeonard born about 1931
FremanLevern born about 1929
FurnerJames Robertborn about 1940
FurnerJosephine born about 1915
FurnerR Alfordborn about 1912

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G Surnames

GadwinAlice Jborn about 1877
GadwinNora Bborn about 1879
GardanMaude Eborn about 1892
GarselAlice born about 1886
GatesJosephine born about 1920
GernandFred born about 1860
GitchellCharles Hborn about 1888
GitchellMame born about 1876
GitchellVerna born about 1888
GlassCarl born about 1888
GlassDaryl born about 1936
GlassEllen born about 1908
GlassHoward born about 1900
GlassJeanette born about 1937
GlassKermit born about 1924
GlassLeonore born about 1926
GlassRonald born about 1933
GleimAmy born about 1884
GleimCharles born about 1882
GleimCleta born about 1901
GleimDavid Fborn about 1929
GleimGlayds Fborn about 1894
GleimLawrence born about 1922
GleimMary Eborn about 1886
GleimThomas Lborn about 1883
GlickFrank born about 1876
GlimeOscar born about 1869
GordonGeorge Wborn about 1868
GordonJoe Rborn about 1893
GordonLee born about 1938
GordonLucy born about 1862
GordonMable Lborn about 1909
GordonMyrtle Cborn about 1894
GordonOlive Pborn about 1885
GordonWilliam Hborn about 1862
GordonWilmond born about 1919
GraetkeLattie born about 1897
GuetzkoFrank born about 1870
GuetzkoLydia born about 1884

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H Surnames

HaisterStanley born about 1923
HallDale Wborn about 1937
HallDarlene born about 1931
HallDaryle born about
HallEdna born about 1908
HallHarry Jborn about 1904
HalstedEva born about 1891
HalstedGeorge born about 1910
HalstedKenneth born about 1922
HalstedLeatric born about 1937
HalstedMary Ellenborn about 1939
HalstedMary Kborn about 1913
HalstedWayne born about 1926
HamlettArnold born about 1915
HankyAgnes born about 1863
HarkinLettie born about 1867
HarrimanAddie born about 1907
HarrimanBettie Jeanborn about 1929
HarrimanCharles born about 1933
HarrimanCharolott born about 1932
HarrimanDale Rborn about 1940
HarrimanGlen born about 1901
HarrimanGlen Edwardborn about 1938
HarrimanIsabell born about 1927
HarrimanThelma born about 1936
HarrisArthur born about 1912
HarrisDelpha Mborn about 1935
HarrisHilda born about 1913
HarrisL Mborn about 1874
HarrisMatilda born about 1874
HarrisShirley Kborn about 1933
HartzmanGus born about 1865
HasslerBarbra born about 1936
HasslerBermita born about 1918
HasslerBraxton born about 1892
HasslerLaura Iborn about 1896
HasslerMarilyn born about 1926
HasslerRichard born about 1935
HasslerRobert born about 1935
HasslerStanley born about 1923
HaywoodDorothy born about 1905
HaywoodHearold born about 1904
HazardCharles Mborn about 1886
HazardGenevieve born about 1887
HazlettSelma born about 1895
HendricksonLora born about 1877
HerwigJustus Hborn about 1885
HerwigLeah Mborn about 1890
HerzmannAnna born about 1902
HerzmannDanna Maeborn about 1932
HerzmannErma born about 1906
HerzmannErwin born about 1905
HerzmannGeorge born about 1929
HerzmannHazel born about 1935
HerzmannMatilda born about 1879
HerzmannRichard born about 1939
HerzmannWinifred born about 1931
HetzelAnnie born about 1879
HetzelFred born about 1874
HetzelGeorge born about 1871
HetzelMerle born about 1906
HetzelPally Janeborn about 1878
HickaEllen born about 1896
HickaJoe Harleyborn about 1926
HickaMary Ellenborn about 1926
HicksAreeta Mborn about 1935
HicksAudrey Lborn about 1938
HicksGiles Mborn about 1886
HicksLeola Eborn about 1929
HicksNettie Mborn about 1899
HicksVirginia Aborn about 1932
HignettEdwin Pborn about 1878
HignettEva born about 1886
HillJacquely Mborn about 1936
HillJohn Kborn about 1910
HillKenneth born about 1939
HillVirgina Rborn about 1914
HillsonGeorge born about 1922
HillsonMary born about 1888
HillsonRobert born about 1920
HillsonRoy born about 1890
HimesMirshall born about 1860
HoffmanAgusta born about 1864
HoffmanBetha Aborn about 1893
HoffmanKathren born about 1925
HoffmanLeo Hborn about 1893
HoffmanVernta born about 1928
HoffmanVirginia born about 1930
HoltzmanEsther Aborn about 1918
HoltzmanJesse Fborn about 1912
HummelClark born about 1897
HummelMerle born about 1901
HumphreyAlice Rborn about 1877
HumphreyArthur born about 1884
HumphreyClyta born about 1901
HumphreyDaryl Lborn about 1922
HumphreyEdwin born about 1905
HumphreyEdwin Jr born about 1926
HumphreyFredrick Jborn about 1932
HumphreyFrm born about 1906
HumphreyGlen born about 1907
HumphreyKattie Bborn about 1881
HumphreyLester born about 1900
HumphreyRosaltha born about 1935
HunterDoris Mborn about 1896
HunterR Eborn about 1866
HuphreyFrances born about 1919
HuphreyGlenda born about 1939
HuphreyGloria born about 1938
HutchisonAnnette born about 1887
HutchisonByron born about 1865
HutchisonEthel Vborn about 1887
HutchisonHarold Tborn about 1886
HutchisonMargret born about 1929
HutchisonWarren born about 1926
HyattMargaret born about 1917

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J Surnames

JellingsAnna born about 1880
JellingsArthur born about 1906
JellingsD Rborn about 1869
JellingsDonald Edwinborn about 1934
JellingsDuane born about 1932
JellingsErna born about 1910
JellingsFlorence born about 1909
JellingsGary born about 1936
JellingsRaymond born about 1909
JenningsBessie Rborn about 1926
JenningsEmma Eborn about 1892
JenningsMary Eborn about 1923
JenningsWax Eborn about 1916
JohnsonBuelah born about 1916
JohnsonDan Aborn about 1909
JohnsonEd born about 1886
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1901
JohnsonElizabeth Annaborn about 1932
JohnsonPolly born about 1863

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K Surnames

KamererJ Fborn about 1867
KamperLois born about 1902
KamperMail born about 1872
KamperRandall born about 1936
KamperRaymond born about 1925
KamperRichard born about 1929
KamperRoberta born about 1932
KamperRoderic born about 1938
KamperWilliam born about 1897
KedingArlene Cborn about 1925
KedingCarl Wborn about 1886
KedingEdwin Hborn about 1922
KedingEmma born about 1901
KedingJames Cborn about 1938
KeithAlice born about 1851
KelloggGeorge born about 1866
KleinsorgeAnna born about 1873
KleinsorgeJohn born about 1867
KleinsorgeTheodoria born about 1901
KlingmanFred Mborn about 1906
KlingmanLoy born about 1933
KlingmanRoger born about 1937
KlingmanRuby born about 1938
KnudtsonAndean born about 1909
KnudtsonCornelus born about 1906
KnudtsonLavon born about 1933
KoecherJune Eborn about 1920
KoecherLa Van Marie born about 1939
KoecherSamuel Kborn about 1917
KruempelCarl born about 1912
KruempelFlorence born about 1911
KruempelHarold born about 1919
KruempelJohanna born about 1882
KruempelKatherine born about 1921
KruempelKeneth Cborn about 1939
KruempelRobert Wborn about 1917
KruempelRoselind born about 1927
KruempelWalter born about 1914
KrugHerman born about 1881

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L Surnames

LahnerAlva born about 1901
LahnerBeryl born about 1924
LahnerDale born about 1927
LahnerEdith born about 1932
LahnerEva born about 1926
LahnerFern born about 1903
LahnerLa Veryl born about 1923
LamphierHenry born about 1868
LamphierMattie born about 1871
LawrenceSena born about 1862
LeibindguthMary born about 1865
LeonardGilbert Lborn about 1925
LeonardIris Lasterborn about 1939
LeonardIva Mborn about 1903
LeonardMarilyn born about 1923
LeonardThomas Mborn about 1900
LickissBeryle born about 1922
LickissBoyd born about 1922
LickissDerlah born about 1878
LickissEdwin born about 1896
LickissElizabeth born about 1891
LickissErma born about 1920
LickissHannah born about 1898
LickissLester born about 1891
LickissLillian born about 1859
LickissLinden born about 1909
LickissLoren born about 1922
LickissMartha born about 1860
LickissMerle born about 1925
LickissPerry born about 1860
LickissWilbur born about 1892
LindermalJennie born about 1861
LittleAnna born about 1875
LittleDonald Dborn about 1887
LittleHarriet Eborn about 1870
LomlisAlvina Cborn about 1914
LorenceGlen born about 1919

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M Surnames

MacerElmer born about 1902
MacerElsie born about 1905
MadsonGertrude born about 1889
MadsonHarry born about 1886
MainesHollon born about 1867
ManderfieldAngelina born about 1916
ManderfieldRegeneld born about 1912
MansarsFloyd Eborn about 1911
MansarsHazel born about 1911
MansonAlbert Aborn about 1923
MansonBeatrice born about 1935
MansonBeula Mborn about 1918
MansonRobert Rborn about 1925
MansonVerna born about 1921
MarquisCarl born about 1891
MarquisMarie born about 1896
MaserAnna born about 1897
MaserDarlene Lborn about 1939
MaserDorothy Eborn about 1871
MaserEdward born about 1892
MaserGeorge born about 1868
MaserHarold Lborn about 1929
MaserJacob born about 1875
MaserLeda Mborn about 1909
MaserLeo Jr born about 1928
MaserLeslie Lborn about 1903
MaserLyke born about 1924
MaserNorma Mborn about 1932
MaserSophia born about 1868
McClarrinonJoane born about 1930
McClarrinonJohn Aborn about 1884
McClarrinonSophia born about 1888
McCreaBlnnch Lborn about 1879
McCreaFrances Mborn about 1906
McCreaJohn born about 1873
McDermottLeila born about 1916
McDonaldAmos born about 1899
McDonaldMarrie born about 1924
McDonaldRay born about 1929
McDonaldRose born about 1901
McKineyFrank born about 1892
McKineyHazel Eborn about 1897
McKineyMargueret born about 1915
McLaveyWilliam born about 1886
McMillianGeorge born about 1894
MeirgeresHenrietta born about 1914
MeirgeresKaren Leeborn about 1939
MeirgeresRupert born about 1899
MeisgcierBrends born about 1939
MeisgcierJohn Cborn about 1909
MeisgcierRuth born about 1915
MeisgeierDora born about 1900
MeisgeierHerbert born about 1905
MeisgeierJohn Carlborn about 1908
MeisgeierJohn Hborn about 1866
MeisgeierLeise born about 1873
MendenhallAndrew born about 1898
MendenhallAndrey born about 1933
MendenhallJulia born about 1930
MendenhallMary Jeanborn about 1927
MendenhallNeva born about 1897
MendenhallNeva Jeanborn about 1929
MengesEster born about 1886
MengesMary born about 1861
MessererHoyt Cborn about 1918
MeyersDonald born about 1922
MeyersLorna Lborn about 1925
MeyersReva Maeborn about 1921
MeyersVera born about 1895
MeyersVeryl born about 1924
MicheDora born about 1897
MicheMary Anneborn about 1928
MicheOscar born about 1895
MicheRobert born about 1919
MihmBen born about 1903
MihmBerard born about 1934
MihmGeorge born about 1932
MihmMarie born about 1913
MihmVirgil born about 1935
MillerA Dborn about 1864
MillerAda Edithborn about 1920
MillerAdrain Lborn about 1890
MillerAdran Lborn about 1924
MillerBetty born about 1925
MillerDarline born about 1929
MillerEarl born about 1919
MillerEdgar born about 1892
MillerEugene born about 1920
MillerEva Pborn about 1903
MillerGeorge Oborn about 1922
MillerHarvey born about 1887
MillerMary Eborn about 1926
MillerRobert born about 1911
MillerVesta born about 1891
MillerViola born about 1922
MintzlaffNellie born about 1889
MisgeierAnna Fborn about 1876
MisgeierLouise Fborn about 1870
MitchellA Hborn about 1864
MitchellAllen Rborn about 1881
MitchellMinnie born about 1882
MooreCleo Jborn about 1916
MooreLouise born about 1911
MoranClem born about 1887
MoranLulu born about 1897
MornnDavis born about 1935
MoserBurl born about 1883
MoserCris born about 1874
MoserJohn born about 1877
MoserJuanita Hborn about 1910
MoyerD Hborn about 1866
MuchewakeLucille born about 1918
MurphyAlice born about 1874
MurrayDorothy Mborn about 1908
MurrayMartin born about 1918
MurrayWalter Jborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaceCarolyne Aborn about 1881
NaceDora Eborn about 1867
NaceW Fborn about 1881
NadingCheryl born about 1938
NadingElvin Kborn about 1935
NadingEthleyn born about 1917
NadingFloyd born about 1911
NadingIona born about 1913
NadingIvan Leeborn about 1938
NadingKenneth born about 1914
NadingPearl born about 1889
NadingUna born about 1929
NadurftDorothy Mborn about 1931
NadurftHarold Fborn about 1912
NadurftMaxine Lborn about 1938
NadurftVera Vborn about 1910
NewtonAgnes Mborn about 1894
NewtonDixon Aborn about 1894
NewtonLeroy Jborn about 1928
NewtonWilliam born about 1890
NicholsFrank born about 1883
NicholsLizzie born about 1886
NillHerbert born about 1871
NillMary Mborn about 1884
NorthBurton born about 1903
NorthCharles Fborn about 1930
NorthMargaret born about 1903
NorthMargaret born about 1932
NorthNolan born about 1938
NorthropAlgie Eborn about 1910
NorthropAlvin born about 1919
NorthropElma Eborn about 1913
NorthropJ Wborn about 1891
NorthropJohn born about 1926
NorthropLena born about 1887
NorthropWilliam Jr born about 1923
NortonAnna born about 1891
NortonCorry born about 1889
NortroxFern Aborn about 1908
NortroxV Dborn about 1878
NortroxVernon Cborn about 1919
NortrupMarie born about 1917
NusA Jborn about 1871
NusAlvin born about 1935
NusAvon Adeleborn about 1939
NusBessie Nborn about 1886
NusCarl born about 1863
NusClarence born about 1895
NusDonald born about 1924
NusFlorence born about 1914
NusFrank born about 1885
NusGertrude born about 1920
NusGlen Fborn about 1896
NusHelen Lborn about 1916
NusHenry Aborn about 1875
NusHerman born about 1860
NusHulda born about 1934
NusLean born about 1927
NusLeta Nborn about 1899
NusLyle born about 1932
NusMarcella born about 1921
NusMary Bborn about 1864
NusMary Mborn about 1889
NusMelvin born about 1925
NusMinnie Aborn about 1894
NusNelle Jborn about 1884
NusRaymond born about 1916
NusRichard born about 1882
NusRosa Aborn about 1878
NusShirley born about 1931
NusTheodore Cborn about 1913
NusVern born about 1929
NusVirginia born about 1926
NutchisonAllen born about
NutchisonHelen born about 1913
NutchisonJohn Rborn about 1938
NutchisonRobert born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OldfatherEvelyn born about 1934
OldfatherHazel born about 1907
OldfatherHelen born about 1908
OldfatherJoan Rborn about 1931
OldfatherLaverle born about 1926
OldfatherLena born about 1882
OldfatherMarlys born about 1938
OldfatherMilo born about 1904
OldfatherPaul born about 1935
OldfatherRichard born about 1885
OldfatherSarah born about 1877
OldfatherVane born about 1903
OlsonDennis born about 1937
OlsonDiane born about 1939
OlsonElizebeth born about 1911
OlsonFaye born about 1936
OlsonGehard born about 1911
OlsonMarilyn born about 1935
OttsWilliam Aborn about 1938
Overill born about 1872
OverillWilliam born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageLeo Mborn about 1902
PageMaxine born about 1926
PageNora Mborn about 1888
PageRussell born about 1922
PattersonJohn born about 1874
PattersonRosena born about 1875
PattisonEffie born about 1878
PattisonGeorge born about 1873
PattisonHerbert born about 1900
PattisonRamond born about 1919
PaulMay born about 1885
PecperDorothy born about 1920
PecperEmma born about 1881
PecperR Dawborn about 1871
PeeferDan Le Royborn about 1940
PeeferEvelin born about 1910
PeeferJacqueline born about 1938
PeeferJoan born about 1935
PeeferRose Maryborn about 1936
PeeferRoy Eborn about 1910
PeeperDarlene Wborn about 1928
PeeperFlorence Gborn about 1907
PeeperFred born about 1904
PeeperShirley Annborn about 1933
PerkinsAbner Pborn about 1877
PerkinsAddie Mborn about 1885
PerkinsArch Rborn about 1895
PerkinsDenny born about 1913
PerkinsHattie born about 1874
PerkinsJack Andrewborn about 1930
PerkinsKathryn born about 1931
PerkinsMarie Lainborn about 1927
PerkinsNettie Eborn about 1896
PetermanDaniel born about 1923
PetermanElva born about 1900
PetermanFloyd born about 1907
PetermanGrace born about 1883
PetermanGrace born about 1928
PetermanHarley born about 1930
PetermanHazel born about 1920
PetermanHenry Jborn about 1877
PetermanJames born about 1926
PetermanLewis born about 1939
PetermanMarion born about 1922
PetermanMearl born about 1901
PetermanOleak born about 1907
PetermanWalter born about 1917
PetermanWilliam born about 1925
PetersElla Mborn about 1913
PetersLena born about 1878
PetersMary Annborn about 1920
PetersW Lborn about 1877
PhilippBernart born about 1909
PhilippErvin born about 1912
PhilippHenry Fborn about 1880
PhilippHenry Wborn about 1908
PhilippLouise Aborn about 1879
PhillipsAlice born about 1889
PhillipsArthur Lborn about 1893
PhillipsArtilee born about 1928
PhillipsBertha born about 1928
PhillipsDewell born about 1919
PhillipsJohn Byrdborn about 1931
PhillipsMattie born about 1892
PierceCharlotte born about 1933
PierceDorothy born about 1923
PierceElaine born about 1936
PierceFloyd born about 1891
PierceFloyd Jr born about 1931
PierceGeorgia born about 1907
PierceHarold born about 1926
PierceJohn Dborn about 1937
PierceLorane born about 1934
PierceMinerva born about 1904
PierceRaymond born about 1924
PierceRussell born about 1893
PierceWanda born about 1928
PotterGeorge born about 1924
PowellForest born about 1894
PowellLeola Mborn about 1911
PowellMarie born about 1909
PowellMark Dborn about 1897
PowellMarlene Aborn about 1932
PowellWilliam Hborn about 1930
PutnamEarnest born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RasmussenAxel Fborn about 1895
RasmussenLeo Lborn about 1922
RasmussenMelvin born about 1931
RasmussenPearl born about 1899
RawsonMary Eborn about 1869
RawsonOrange born about 1868
RaysElizebeth born about 1923
RaysMellors born about 1892
RaysNellie born about 1901
RaysRobert Dborn about 1921
ReadEmily born about 1890
ReadJay Wborn about 1886
RetzCharlie born about 1889
RetzCleo born about 1920
RetzEdward born about 1913
RetzFrankie born about 1892
RetzGeorge born about 1892
RetzLaverne born about 1918
RetzLena born about 1866
RetzMax born about 1919
RetzVirginia born about 1924
RichardsAlmna Mborn about 1867
RichardsDean born about 1891
RichardsEverett Oborn about 1861
RichardsMaud born about 1892
RichardsMaxine born about 1917
RidenourDoris born about 1918
RidenourGeorge born about 1911
RidenourMark born about 1915
RippenFred born about 1883
RippenLois born about 1896
RittenhouseGlen born about 1902
RittenhouseGlen Jr born about 1926
RittenhouseKattie born about 1867
RittenhousePauline born about 1903
RobertaLemuel born about 1929
RobertaRosie born about 1934
RobertaStanley born about 1894
RobertsEdna Lborn about 1891
RobertsHarrison born about 1888
RogustHelene born about 1915
RoquetGeorge Rborn about 1877
RoquetGrace born about 1882
RoquetJohn Dborn about 1920
RoseGrace born about 1896
RoseHoward born about 1889
RossDaryl Mborn about 1906
RossElma born about 1882
RossViolet Lborn about 1905
RubleChristine born about 1870
RummelCharles born about 1922
RummelDarlene born about 1926
RummelFlorese born about 1901
RummelLe Roy born about 1929
RummelLois born about 1928
RummelM Hborn about 1899
RummelRaymond born about 1933
RummelWayne born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SackettBirtha born about 1872
SackettFloyd Jr born about 1923
SackettNancy born about 1934
SackettOpal Aborn about 1901
SackettRonald born about 1932
SargentVerle born about 1919
SaurbryFrank born about 1880
SaurbryLaura born about 1885
SavageEdward Pborn about 1895
SavagePrudence born about 1893
SchefferAugest born about 1885
SchefferElizabeth born about 1889
SchefferLee Royborn about 1922
SchmidtAlfred Cborn about 1898
SchmidtAugest born about 1898
SchmidtDuane Aborn about 1939
SchmidtEileen born about 1920
SchmidtErnest born about 1891
SchmidtHelen born about 1902
SchmidtHulda born about 1897
SchmidtMargaret born about 1910
SchmidtMary born about 1923
SchmidtVernon born about 1926
SchmidtViolet born about 1924
SchoeppFlora born about 1877
SchoeppH Fborn about 1878
SchraederAlbert Cborn about 1934
SchraederDona Maeborn about 1924
SchraederMamie born about 1886
SchreinerClayton born about 1915
SchroderAnna Mborn about 1895
SchroderCharles Aborn about 1890
SchroderGeraldine born about 1926
SchultzLinda born about 1863
SchwartzBarbara born about 1868
ScottCharles born about 1866
ScottFarece Jborn about 1885
ScottJames Wborn about 1921
ScottMichiel Gborn about 1924
ScovelDaton born about 1906
ScovelIrvin born about 1932
ScovelLa Fonda born about 1934
ScovelMable born about 1904
SeagoAnna born about 1895
SeagoHenry Rborn about 1931
SeagoJosephine born about 1926
SeagoMary Agnesborn about 1927
SeagoWynn Gborn about 1898
SeedorffAndrey Jborn about 1935
SeedorffDouglas Rborn about 1937
SeedorffHarley Rborn about 1907
SeedorffVonna born about 1913
SeedroffCarmen born about 1925
SeedroffCharls Wborn about 1933
SeedroffLeone born about 1905
SeedroffMax born about 1929
SeedroffRay Lborn about 1903
SehugAlbert born about 1871
SehugEmmily born about 1873
SfearCarl Fborn about 1890
ShafferArleta born about 1936
ShafferEloine born about 1918
ShafferGlendora born about 1937
ShafferIrvin born about 1910
ShafferMarvin born about 1940
ShafferRobert born about 1938
ShambaughEmma born about 1918
ShawFrank born about 1897
ShriverMary Eborn about 1861
ShumwayMyrtle born about 1868
SibelAnna born about 1876
SleterElla born about 1858
SmithCharlott Lborn about 1928
SmithClyde Eborn about 1931
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1864
SmithGlen born about 1893
SmithLa Donna born about 1939
SmithLula Aborn about 1909
SmithMargaret born about 1918
SmithMargret born about 1865
SmithMary Eborn about 1860
SmithMary Eborn about 1878
SmithMerrill born about 1916
SmockGordon born about 1932
SmockHattie Lborn about 1904
SmockJohn Wborn about 1903
SmockJohn Jr born about 1928
SmockMary born about 1937
SmockRodney born about 1934
SpeedEdith born about 1886
SpeedElizabeth Eborn about 1863
SpeedEmily born about 1912
SpeedGeorge Bborn about 1862
SpeedHarry Aborn about 1886
SpragueBonita Jeanborn about 1923
SpragueGlen Bborn about 1928
SpragueJohn Eborn about 1898
SpragueJohn Jr born about 1925
SpragueLura Aborn about 1893
SpragueMary Lborn about 1933
SquiresAnna Dborn about 1896
SquiresBulah Nborn about 1915
SquiresCharles Cborn about 1871
SquiresCherlie born about 1938
SquiresClarence born about 1925
SquiresDean Dborn about 1890
SquiresGlen Vborn about 1922
SquiresGrover born about 1895
SquiresHattie born about 1927
SquiresLarry Leeborn about 1939
SquiresLevina born about 1871
SquiresLyle born about 1932
SquiresSteven born about 1929
SquiresVera Cborn about 1896
StaffenhagenEliza born about 1893
StaffenhagenJohn born about 1887
StaffenhagenJohn born about 1932
StaffenhagenMay born about 1915
StaffenhagenRita born about 1926
StandtLucille born about 1899
StarrErnest Jborn about 1906
StarrFlora Wborn about 1880
StaudtF born about 1875
StaudtLouise born about 1904
StaudtRaymond born about 1902
StedorffCordelia born about 1881
StedorffNoble born about 1884
StetterElizabeth born about 1853
StewardGeorge born about 1863
StjohnDorothy born about 1922
StjohnJames Mborn about 1888
StjohnKaren Doloresborn about 1940
StjohnLillian born about 1891
StjohnMarlin born about 1916
StreicherAnna born about 1880
StreicherChristian born about 1884
StreicherDorothy born about 1920
StreicherRalph born about 1915
StruetmanAlbert Wborn about 1889
SudorffElsie born about 1894
SudorffFrank born about 1894
SudorffLetha born about 1925
SudorffShirley born about 1924
SugiresCharlotte born about 1934
SugiresClyde born about 1910
SugiresJanann born about 1936
SugiresKrenleen born about 1916
SugiresMorris born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylerEva born about 1863
TheileLillian born about 1871
TheileW Mborn about 1870
ThiehlerDonald born about 1914
ThiehlerEva born about 1918
ThodeBuelah born about 1911
ThodeElmer born about 1909
ThomasArthur Leeborn about 1914
ThomasBernard born about 1920
ThomasCeicle Aborn about 1919
ThomasDan Pborn about 1901
ThomasEarl born about 1914
ThomasEdwin born about 1882
ThomasGerold born about 1929
ThomasGerold born about 1937
ThomasGrace born about 1886
ThomasHoward born about 1909
ThomasLeslie born about 1907
ThomasMarie born about 1916
ThomasMartha Ellenborn about 1887
ThomasMary born about 1938
ThomasPearl born about 1913
ThomasPrintice born about 1875
ThomasRobert born about 1940
ThomasSandra born about 1939
ThomasVerle born about 1919
ThomasWayne born about 1935
ThompsonEdwin born about 1917
ThompsonEmogene born about 1894
ThompsonFrank Hborn about 1896
ThompsonHelen born about 1919
ThompsonMaria Eborn about 1874
ThompsonMyra born about 1878
ThompsonSharon Roeborn about 1937
ThomsonGeorge born about 1888
ThomsonJane Annborn about 1923
ThomsonKenneth Jborn about 1933
ThomsonRuth born about 1897
TimmHattie born about 1900
TimmJohn Tborn about 1888
TodhunterE Rborn about 1875
TodhunterJeannetta born about 1878
TorreyLibbie born about 1858
TrippAlta born about 1925
TrippDale born about 1921
TrippEarl born about 1906
TrippErnest born about 1895
TrippGadys born about 1900
TrippNancy born about 1868
TrippRonald born about 1923
TrippWayne born about 1929
TrusdellHarriet born about 1888
TrusdellJoyce born about 1929
TrusdellS Fborn about 1881
TurnerBlanch born about 1878
TurnerR Fborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VagelsongChester born about 1893
VagelsongRose born about 1868
VickAlvin born about 1915
VickJudith Nborn about 1939
VickRuth Vborn about 1915
VoshellAlice born about 1886
VoshellBert Aborn about 1898
VoshellBert Eborn about 1924
VoshellBorette born about 1931
VoshellBuena born about 1899
VoshellCalvin born about 1933
VoshellCarrol born about 1933
VoshellCarrol born about 1940
VoshellChancy born about 1893
VoshellClifton born about 1919
VoshellDariel born about 1936
VoshellDaryl born about 1925
VoshellDewayne born about 1924
VoshellElizabeth born about 1900
VoshellEsther born about 1907
VoshellEvelyn born about 1930
VoshellFlorence born about 1896
VoshellGenevive born about 1938
VoshellGrace born about 1921
VoshellHazel born about 1917
VoshellIra born about 1879
VoshellJ Dborn about 1857
VoshellJeanette born about 1931
VoshellLawrence born about 1927
VoshellLe Roy born about 1932
VoshellLeon born about 1937
VoshellLeslie born about 1928
VoshellLeverne born about 1932
VoshellLorna born about 1933
VoshellLuther Hborn about 1900
VoshellLyle born about 1926
VoshellMargery born about 1930
VoshellMelvin born about 1935
VoshellMerle born about 1912
VoshellNellie born about 1914
VoshellRaymond born about 1930
VoshellSherman born about 1882
VoshellVerna born about 1928
VoshellViolet born about 1937
VoshellViolet born about 1939
VoshellWalter born about 1905
VoshellWilliam born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerCharlott born about 1932
WalkerErvin Sborn about 1909
WalkerMarie Eborn about 1913
WalkerMarion born about 1935
WalkerRussell born about 1939
WaltersDuane born about 1935
WaltersLloyd born about 1909
WaltersRoberta born about 1914
WardAlla born about 1879
WardArther born about 1875
WardBirtha born about 1908
WardDonna born about 1911
WardLee Royborn about 1911
WardLorraine born about 1932
WardRoy Aborn about 1904
WardWanda born about 1932
WardWanita born about 1929
WardWilliam born about 1938
WardallAlvina born about 1890
WardallClarence born about 1874
WardallJune born about 1930
WardallLouisa born about 1910
WardallRamond born about 1924
WelchEllen born about 1861
WelchEva born about 1896
WelchJohn Mborn about 1867
WelchLeslie born about 1897
WelchMaxine born about 1927
WelshClara born about 1869
WelshClinton born about 1906
WelshEmma Janeborn about 1908
WelshFancile born about 1938
WelshFlorance born about 1928
WelshGrace born about 1911
WelshLeon born about 1908
WelshVerna born about 1885
WescottCharles born about 1869
WescottDean Aborn about 1914
WescottEula born about 1915
WescottJessie born about 1879
WesleyJohn born about 1855
WestonClearance born about 1894
WestonClyd born about 1922
WestonElizabeth born about 1888
WestonHattie Bborn about 1883
WestonHellen Jborn about 1922
WestonJoseph Wborn about 1878
WestonKeneth born about 1930
WestonRobert Wborn about 1925
WilcoxClarence born about 1905
WilcoxDorothy born about 1916
WilcoxFrank born about 1909
WilcoxRay Hborn about 1888
WilcoxRobert Lewisborn about 1939
WilkenJ Cborn about 1869
WilkenLola Aborn about 1904
WillertonMarya born about 1873
WillertonRobert Hborn about 1868
WilliamsGlen born about 1912
WilsonDonald born about 1930
WilsonEddie Oborn about 1899
WilsonEddie Jr born about 1925
WilsonIantha born about 1906
WilsonLetha born about 1928
WilsonRichard born about 1936
WilsonRobert born about 1933
WilsonVelma born about 1934
WirthIvan Williamborn about 1920
WirthJames Mborn about 1923
WirthLena born about 1925
WittorfEsther born about 1890
WittorfGladys born about 1922
WittorfJacob born about 1885
WolfDuglas born about 1910
WolfgramCaroline born about 1912
WolfgramElaine born about 1938
WolfgramH Jborn about 1902
WolfgramLaverne born about 1936
WoodsonCarrie born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YantsBessie born about 1897
YantsCharles born about 1893
YantsHelen born about 1932
YantsLucille born about 1933
YantsRalph born about 1929
YoungDorothy born about 1922
YoungHoyt Rborn about 1891
YoungWinfred born about 1896

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