1940 U.S. Federal Census of Franklin in Fremont County, Fremont, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fremont County > 1940 Census of Franklin in Fremont County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AckleyBessie Jborn about 1901
AckleyEllen born about 1860
AckleyJame Hborn about 1903
AckleyJames Fborn about 1922
AckleyJean Eborn about 1933
AckleyJoann Eborn about 1933
AckleyMaude born about 1887
AckleyMyrtle born about 1886
AckleyWilliam Fborn about 1866
AdamsonAbe born about 1868
AdamsonBernard Wborn about 1928
AdamsonGladys Lborn about 1908
AdamsonJames Wborn about 1908
AdamsonJessie Bborn about 1873
AdamsonPhyllis Lborn about 1929
AdamsonSadie born about 1878
AdkinsCleo born about 1912
AiryDavid Wborn about 1857
AiryMary born about 1865
AistropDean born about 1923
AistropMarilyn born about 1926
AistropStanley born about 1921
AlbersonBlaire born about 1887
AlbersonEnoch Rborn about 1881
AlbersonFrankie born about 1889
AlbersonMary Brownborn about 1884
AllgoodChas Fborn about 1875
AllgoodJoyce born about 1878
AllgoodOra Aborn about 1878
AllisCleo born about 1925
AllisonEunice born about 1873
AndersonCharles born about 1912
AndersonChester born about 1932
AndersonClark born about 1934
AndersonMargaret born about 1926
AndersonRobert Eborn about 1881
AndersonRonald born about 1939
AndersonRose born about 1884
AndersonRuth born about 1914
AndersonVern born about 1917
AndrewsDale born about 1909
AndrewsVera born about 1917
AnspachAvis born about 1925
AnspachAvis Rborn about 1896
AnspachForest born about 1886
AnspachHelen born about 1923
AnspackArdith Annborn about 1939
AnspackHelen Oborn about 1910
AnspackMina Lborn about 1874
AnspackRes Pborn about 1909
AnspackSanda Jeanborn about 1936
AnspackWilliam born about 1875
AppleAdelia born about 1897
AppleCharles born about 1925
AppleJune born about 1919
AppleLindley born about 1887
ArcherMina Ruthborn about 1928
ArcherRuby Eborn about 1925
ArcherRussell born about 1923
ArmstrongFreda born about 1914
ArmstrongOllie born about 1904
AustinKenneth born about 1905
AyresEd Daneborn about 1910
AyresJames Richardborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackCora born about 1911
BackHarry born about 1908
BackPatty Annborn about 1931
BaconsBetty Louborn about 1930
BaconsIvan ???born about 1932
BaconsJessie born about 1928
BaconsJoyce born about 1932
BaconsRuth born about 1934
BaconsWayne born about 1903
BaileyElsie born about 1935
BaileyFrank Lasterborn about 1905
BaileyGranvil born about 1914
BaileyIla born about 1929
BaileyLucille born about 1913
BailorBruce Eborn about 1924
BailorCharles Sborn about 1894
BailorCharles Jr born about 1918
BailorDonald Dborn about 1928
BailorVerda Eborn about 1900
BakerC Cborn about 1872
BakerDorcas born about 1878
BakerE ???born about 1876
BakerEva born about 1881
BakerEverett born about 1922
BakerHomer born about 1871
BakerJohn born about 1876
BakerJoseph Rborn about 1918
BakerLon born about 1880
BakerNettie born about 1878
BakerRamona born about 1931
BakerRuth born about 1896
BakerWalter born about 1888
BakersRobert born about 1931
BakersVena born about 1896
BakersWalter born about 1895
BakersWaneta born about 1924
BaldwinGertrude born about 1895
BaldwinJosephine born about 1923
BaldwinRay born about 1895
BaldwinRobert Sborn about 1927
BallardJens born about 1922
BangHarvey born about 1904
BangWardine born about 1910
BarnesCharles born about 1934
BarnesDale born about 1935
BarnesDavid born about 1932
BarnesHarold born about 1928
BarnesMerna born about 1909
BarnesVernon born about 1912
BartholomewAnna born about 1891
BartholomewJohn born about 1916
BartholomewWilliam Eborn about 1880
BatdorffLuella Eborn about 1884
BattersonMildred born about 1920
BayleBernard Fborn about 1873
BayleMargaret Mborn about 1875
BayleMary born about 1900
BeachGerald born about 1932
BeachGeraldine born about 1932
BeachJ Mborn about 1895
BeachJunior born about 1922
BeachMargaret born about 1924
BeachNellie Mborn about 1896
BealDorothy born about 1910
BealNancy born about 1938
BealRalph born about 1905
BeamArnold Cborn about 1925
BeamCatherine born about 1888
BeamCecil born about 1914
BeamClarence born about 1886
BeamCornelies born about 1864
BeamDonald born about 1924
BeamDonna Oborn about 1908
BeamDorothy born about 1918
BeamFrances born about 1921
BeamFrank Hborn about 1886
BeamGary born about 1939
BeamGladys born about 1906
BeamHelen born about 1925
BeamLloyd Oborn about 1903
BeamLydia Hborn about 1865
BeamMarjorie born about 1930
BeamMary Catherineborn about 1929
BeamNorma born about 1924
BeamPeggy Joyceborn about 1923
BeamRoy Bborn about 1910
BeamThelma born about 1920
BeamWanda born about 1916
BeamWilliam Tborn about 1926
BeasleyCarl born about 1917
BeasleyGlenda Bborn about 1935
BeasleyMargaret born about 1919
BeasleyRuby born about 1898
BellFannie born about 1886
BenedictLevi Eborn about 1904
BennettAnna Rborn about 1892
BennettBetty born about 1922
BennettBilly Deanborn about 1934
BennettCarl Lesleborn about 1922
BennettClyde Hborn about 1897
BennettDoris born about 1898
BennettEllen Leeborn about 1930
BennettFerm Mborn about 1899
BennettForrest born about 1925
BennettGail Lborn about 1912
BennettGeo born about 1867
BennettGeorge Jr born about 1891
BennettHarry born about 1889
BennettJames Fborn about 1862
BennettMinnie Mborn about 1868
BennettNuna born about 1903
BennettPaul Eborn about 1910
BennettR Lborn about 1896
BennettThenel Aborn about 1914
BennettVern Lisleborn about 1921
BennettWanda Lborn about 1919
BennettWaneta born about 1901
BennettWilber born about 1891
BifansEli born about 1880
BifansMarjorie born about 1924
BifansMary born about 1887
BivensGerald born about 1924
BivensOpal born about 1926
BivensPaul born about 1922
BlackIrene born about 1909
BlackNolan born about 1905
BladesLacey Jborn about 1862
BladesRobert Gborn about 1919
BoltonBelle Cborn about 1895
BoltonBen Hborn about 1890
BoltonCharles Dborn about 1920
BoltonNolley Jborn about 1908
BoltonRobert Eborn about 1922
BoltonSuda born about 1872
BoschertDaniel Bborn about 1888
BoydBernice born about 1894
BoydEda born about 1861
BoydHarold born about 1903
BoydJay Annborn about 1934
BoydNellie Eborn about 1907
BrainardEmma born about 1869
BrainardFrank born about 1868
BreedloveEarl born about 1902
BreedloveFranklin born about 1894
BreedloveLouise born about 1875
BridgeCynthia born about 1878
BridgefordCarroll born about 1926
BridgefordEsther born about 1924
BridgefordLeah born about 1901
BridgefordMary born about 1928
BridgefordOli born about 1891
BridgefordRobert born about 1919
BridgefordRuby born about 1921
BridgesWalter born about 1854
BringhamDavid Aborn about 1939
BringhamEvelyn Eborn about 1916
BringhamFrank born about 1909
BronsonFrank Hborn about 1879
BrookshierCharles born about 1929
BrookshierElaine born about 1925
BrookshierMable born about 1902
BrookshierMaurice born about 1900
BrookshireAlice Mborn about 1905
BrookshireEdna born about 1929
BrookshireJoe Mborn about 1905
BrookshireLouise Dborn about 1926
BrookshireRalph born about 1927
BrookshireWava Jborn about 1930
BrownBertha born about 1890
BrownCecile Mborn about 1907
BrownClyde Robertborn about 1911
BrownDonald born about 1908
BrownDonald born about 1939
BrownDonald Jborn about 1925
BrownDuane born about 1915
BrownErnest Cborn about 1886
BrownEugene born about 1935
BrownEvelyn born about 1916
BrownFrances born about 1911
BrownFrank Jborn about 1888
BrownG Royborn about 1897
BrownGenevieve born about 1909
BrownGrace born about 1888
BrownHae born about 1921
BrownHallie born about 1917
BrownJ Delilahborn about 1872
BrownJane born about 1919
BrownJean Raeborn about 1937
BrownJettie born about 1871
BrownJoe born about 1872
BrownKay Francesborn about 1939
BrownLawrence born about 1905
BrownLawrence Leeborn about 1931
BrownLeola born about 1929
BrownLois born about 1931
BrownMae Rborn about 1913
BrownMyrtle Cborn about 1888
BrownNorman born about 1933
BrownRalph Mborn about 1908
BrownSam born about 1888
BrownSarah born about 1918
BrownW Jborn about 1867
BrowningCarroll born about 1901
BrowningFreida born about 1907
BruceBarbara born about 1930
BruceBerdie Mborn about 1890
BruceCarolyn born about 1938
BruceCharles born about 1921
BruceFleta born about 1909
BruceFred born about 1924
BruceLouise born about 1923
BruceMargaret born about 1928
BruceRobert born about 1926
BruceShirley born about 1931
BruceWeston born about 1910
BrucesFrank born about 1920
BrucesMeriban born about 1912
BurghardtLeona born about 1920
BurkeAlvin born about 1907
BurkeDwendolin born about 1913
BurkhartGeorge born about 1857
BurkhartIsabelle Tborn about 1869
BurnsLydia born about 1898
BurnsMary Catherineborn about 1920
BurnsRobert born about 1897
BurnsRobert born about 1935
BurnsWade born about 1921
ButlerBelly Joeborn about 1925
ButlerCharles Dborn about 1901
ButlerJohn Lborn about 1933
ButlerMabel Mborn about 1901
ButlerMary Cborn about 1928
ButtermoreDavid born about 1939
ButtermoreEdna born about 1939
ButtermoreJoan born about 1916
ButtermoreKathlyne born about 1937
ButtermoreRuby born about 1916
ButtsHazel Fborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallahanFrank Wborn about 1869
CallahanMartha Ellaborn about 1879
CallahanNorma Leeborn about 1926
CallahanPaul Duaneborn about 1921
CampbellAnna born about 1916
CampbellArline Lborn about 1916
CampbellEarl Hborn about 1914
CampbellJoyce born about 1938
CampbellMarilyn born about 1934
CampbellMary born about 1876
CampbellRichard born about 1936
CampbellWilliam Hborn about 1866
CappsErnest Tborn about 1895
CarieEvelyn born about 1880
CarieInez born about 1893
CarieRollie born about 1880
CarpenterCamille born about 1901
CarpenterCathleen born about 1928
CarpenterF Burtborn about 1874
CarpenterJennie Mborn about 1874
CarpenterLoleta born about 1934
CarpenterMarilyn born about 1924
CarpenterRoy born about 1900
CarrollCharles Tborn about 1873
CaruthersSarah born about 1879
CaseAlice Mborn about 1911
CaseAlva Bborn about 1911
CaseJesse born about 1879
CaseLattie born about 1883
CassIda born about 1921
CassPaul born about 1918
CassPaul Nelsonborn about 1939
CastlemanClarence born about 1921
CastlemanEdgarde born about 1886
CastlemanFrank born about 1886
CaueKitty born about 1939
CaueRuth born about 1922
ChaneyIda born about 1868
ChaneyMartha born about 1865
ChaneySarah Hborn about 1871
ChapmanBertha born about 1883
ChapmanTom born about 1875
CharleyClarence born about 1922
CharleyEverett born about 1912
CharleyLillian Mborn about 1923
CharleyMaxine born about 1914
CharleyMeridith born about 1909
CharleyMyrtle born about 1881
CharleyVerl Iborn about 1913
CharleyWilliam born about 1872
ClancyLeo Galleryborn about 1904
ClarkMary Ellenborn about 1864
ClaryEdgar Jborn about 1898
ClaryGlen born about 1919
ClaryIke born about 1894
ClaryKent born about 1926
ClaryMargaret Aborn about 1900
ClaryMyron born about 1890
ClaylinJack born about 1932
ClaylinPaul born about 1910
ClaytonAmye born about 1887
ClaytonBert born about 1880
ClaytonCarl Wayneborn about 1928
ClaytonClara Belleborn about 1919
ClaytonDoris Maeborn about 1923
ClaytonHarold Bborn about 1887
ClaytonHattie Sborn about 1887
ClaytonLeonara born about 1887
ClaytonLeora born about 1887
ClaytonMary Louborn about 1927
ClaytonRalph born about 1882
ClaytonRichard born about 1931
ClaytonWinnie born about 1892
ClearCharles Dborn about 1875
ClearFern born about 1911
ClearHarold born about 1905
ClearHazelle born about 1906
ClearMary born about 1881
ClearPat born about 1923
CleekCecil born about 1902
CleekEffie born about 1881
CleekGertie Maeborn about 1909
CleekHenry born about 1911
CoffeeElisebeth Fborn about 1857
CoffeeOliver Gborn about 1900
CoffeeOliver Hborn about 1851
CoffeyEtta born about 1875
ColeJohn Lborn about 1876
Collins??? Mrs born about 1881
CollinsCarl Nborn about 1880
CollinsConnie born about 1939
CollinsDonald born about 1928
CollinsEthel born about 1888
CollinsHoward born about 1915
CollinsLouise Rborn about 1922
CollinsLuther born about 1913
CollinsMary Jborn about 1920
CollinsRuth born about 1935
CollinsWilliam Lborn about 1917
ColonHoward born about 1884
ColonHoward Jborn about 1922
ColonSara born about 1912
CombeDaisy born about 1908
CombeMerle born about 1902
CombeMerle Eugeneborn about 1930
CombeVera Joanborn about 1934
CombeWilliam Wborn about 1937
ConnorAlvin born about 1886
ConnorEva born about 1890
ConnorFrankie Lulaborn about 1886
ConnorJohn born about 1844
CookBetty Louiseborn about 1914
CookFanny Allenborn about 1935
CookJean Aborn about 1920
CookLoa born about 1877
CookMarietta Mborn about 1926
CookOna Mborn about 1882
CookRichard Claireborn about 1914
CookRichard Leeborn about 1938
CookTheo Fborn about 1877
CoolbaughHannah born about 1846
CoslettEarl born about 1884
CoslettIrene born about 1914
CoslettLily Mborn about 1890
CoslettLyman born about 1914
CowlesCarolyn born about 1935
CowlesJudith Vborn about 1940
CowlesMyrtle born about 1898
CowlesThaddens born about 1882
CozadVera born about 1934
CrabbBlanche born about 1890
CradicBoyd born about 1933
CradicDaisy Zborn about 1901
CradicDean Hborn about 1921
CradicDuane born about 1929
CradicFrank born about 1935
CradicR Oborn about 1893
CradicShirley born about 1938
CrainAlbert born about 1870
CrawfordBetty born about 1870
CrimpClyde Cborn about 1897
CrimpMedge Marieborn about 1923
CrimpMina Berthaborn about 1897
CrimpMinnie Virginiaborn about 1924
CullyDon Cborn about 1881
CullyDonna Louborn about 1934
CullyDune Leeborn about 1938
CullyFlossie Bborn about 1885
CullyHenry Aborn about 1912
CullyJay Oborn about 1935
CullyJoy Marieborn about 1921
CullyLouisa Maudeborn about 1915
CullyWillie Dawnborn about 1925
CummingsAlvin Lborn about 1936
CummingsCharles Fborn about 1909
CummingsCharles Jr born about 1934
CummingsChas Eborn about 1868
CummingsDorothy Pborn about 1918
CummingsKeith Mborn about 1937
CummingsLillian born about 1877
CummingsRobert born about 1911
CumminsElsie born about 1889
CumminsLeonard born about 1876
CumminsStanley born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DahlgrenBeulah Mborn about 1929
DahlgrenClark Gborn about 1940
DahlgrenHall Paulborn about 1906
DahlgrenHarold Wborn about 1931
DahlgrenLucy Gborn about 1877
DahlgrenMeta Kborn about 1910
DahlgrenRussel born about 1903
DahlgrenV Yborn about 1878
DaltonBuelah born about 1916
DaltonMaurice born about 1915
DaltonRobert Daleborn about 1939
DanforthChas Eborn about 1860
DanforthElizabeth Gborn about 1882
DanforthGlenn born about 1911
DanforthLusie Aborn about 1863
DankofAnnett born about 1939
DankofDanny Deanborn about 1937
DankofEverett born about 1915
DankofEverette Mborn about 1939
DankofFrankin Dborn about 1914
DankofGenevieve born about 1880
DankofGeorge born about 1884
DankofIsabell born about 1914
DankofJoyace Yvonneborn about 1938
DankofNettie Zborn about 1889
DankofRuth born about 1914
DankofV Deaneborn about 1939
DanleyDale Bborn about 1921
DanleyMary Leonaborn about 1887
DanleyR Cborn about 1888
DaveyChas Wborn about 1858
DaveyGeorgia Vborn about 1899
DaveyWellington born about 1890
DavisAdelaide born about 1903
DavisDalyce Deeborn about 1939
DavisFloyd Aborn about 1902
DavisKeil born about 1929
DavisKeith born about 1929
DavisMattie born about 1857
DeanNepie Sborn about 1879
DeanWilliam Hborn about 1867
DimmithBetty Jeanborn about 1931
DimmithRichard born about 1929
DimmithRobert born about 1933
DimmithWade born about 1908
DimmithWade Jr born about 1927
DivornHenry Williamborn about 1915
DivornSarah born about 1918
DixonBeverly Jborn about 1938
DixonE Hborn about 1897
DixonE H Jrborn about 1935
DixonEllen born about 1904
DoerrJ Danielborn about 1873
DoilClayton born about 1917
DoilErnest born about 1893
DoilMalcolm born about 1920
DooleyAnna born about 1870
DooleyClayton born about 1914
DooleyHoward born about 1894
DooleyJulia born about 1902
DooleyLucille born about 1927
DooleyPearl born about 1912
DooleyVivian born about 1925
DouganDan Jr born about 1916
DouganDavid born about 1940
DouganDon C Srborn about 1894
DouganHelen born about 1918
DouganJ born about 1918
DouganMary Carolborn about 1931
DouganMax born about 1920
DouganOsca* born about 1896
DouganRichard born about 1933
DoyleIrma born about 1884
DraberAllen born about 1933
DraberEugene born about 1908
DraberRaymond born about 1935
DraberRuth born about 1910
DreiverDonald born about 1925
DreiverFrank born about 1897
DrieverAmna born about 1880
DrieverDorothy born about 1924
DriverIrene born about 1917
DulinBetty Jeanborn about 1924
DulinJoseph born about 1891
DulinVerna born about 1894
DummittLina born about 1871
DuncanBernard born about 1932
DuncanCarl born about 1900
DuncanLusie born about 1910
DuncanShirley born about 1930
DunlopMellie Mborn about 1904
DunnClara born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EaslayAnna born about 1853
EbertMildred Gborn about 1890
EbertWalter Tborn about 1894
EdridgeLea Eborn about 1869
EldAndrew born about 1892
EldAnn born about 1923
EldCarmen born about 1903
EllisMax born about 1901
EllisMaxine born about 1927
EllisOpal born about 1907
EnglishCaroline Kborn about 1937
EnglishCecil Wardenborn about 1909
EnglishJune Elisabethborn about 1917
ErbCarolyn Mborn about 1934
ErbGeorge Fborn about 1908
ErbGeorge Tborn about 1929
ErbMarian Gborn about 1909
EvansCline A Dborn about 1918
EvansDale Owensborn about 1931
EvansEdith Annborn about 1930
EvansFlorence Aborn about 1874
EvansGladys Leeborn about 1928
EvansHarold Dborn about 1921
EvansJeremih Eborn about 1853
EvansJimmie Jeanborn about 1926
EvansLee Edwardborn about 1933
EvansMrs William Fborn about 1899
EvansRobert Williamborn about 1924

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F Surnames

FarleyDonald born about 1918
FarleyGrover born about 1885
FarleyMae born about 1894
FarnsworthO born about 1871
FarrisClarence Eborn about 1924
FarrisDaryl Hborn about 1922
FarrisEther Mborn about 1904
FarrisGene Kborn about 1928
FarrisHarry Eborn about 1916
FarrisIvan Hborn about 1903
FarrisIvan Merrillborn about 1921
FarrisKathleene Mborn about 1926
FennellBetty Ruthborn about 1931
FennellDonna Jeanborn about 1930
FennellDorothy Annborn about 1933
FennellJesse born about 1900
FennellLois born about 1924
FennellMargaret born about 1926
FennellRose Marieborn about 1936
FennellThomas born about 1891
FilesLavada born about 1894
FinnellBertha born about 1902
FinnellBud Morgenborn about 1926
FinnellDonald born about 1914
FinnellDorothy born about 1916
FinnellFountain born about 1861
FinnellGary born about 1938
FinnellLenora born about 1881
FinnellMichael born about 1939
FinnellOllie born about 1874
FinnellRod born about 1871
FinnellSarah born about 1857
FinnellSimpson Sr born about 1874
FinnellWirt Sborn about 1930
FitzgeraldDoris Eborn about 1917
FitzmauriceGerry Wayneborn about 1939
FitzmauriceJackie Leeborn about 1938
FitzmauriceMargaret born about 1917
FitzmauriceT Patrickborn about 1919
FletcherAn born about 1869
FletcherBetty Janeborn about 1926
FletcherBeverly Roeborn about 1939
FletcherDorothy Leeborn about 1935
FletcherElisabeth Pborn about 1921
FletcherGerreva Alphaborn about 1908
FletcherGrace Mborn about 1912
FletcherJoke born about 1899
FletcherJonnie Cborn about 1912
FletcherKate Mrs born about 1879
FletcherMargaret Mborn about 1918
FletcherMary born about 1901
FletcherMary Annborn about 1933
FletcherRay Cborn about 1902
FletcherRow Aborn about 1902
FletcherWill born about 1869
FosterBarbara Iborn about 1934
FosterCharles Oborn about 1915
FosterDonald Sborn about 1927
FosterDora Eborn about 1897
FosterJohn Bborn about 1899
FosterMae Eborn about 1911
FosterMargaret Bborn about 1928
FosterMarjorie Eborn about 1916
FosterPerle Eborn about 1930
FosterTelma Fborn about 1913
FosterWilliam Bborn about 1872
FosterWilliam Hborn about 1903
FosterWilliam Orvilleborn about 1939
FraizherCharolette Tborn about 1860
FrakesMarian born about 1898
FranklinMyrtle born about 1879
FrazierDorothy born about 1919
FrazierEdith Aborn about 1886
FrazierElace born about 1886
FrazierLoren Lborn about 1919
FrazierSmith Jborn about 1875
FredeMargaret born about 1924
FredeRuby born about 1905
FreidmanJacob born about 1876
FreidmanKatie born about 1879
FromanArthur Pborn about 1904
FromanGeo born about 1880
FromanIda Bellborn about 1880
FromanRichard born about 1902
FugettFlorence Mborn about 1871
FundyClyde born about 1902
FundyTana born about 1914
FundyWayne born about 1930

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G Surnames

GaleElmer born about 1915
GaleLucille born about 1921
GaleRichard born about 1937
GaleRosalie born about 1938
GardenJack born about 1928
GardenPaul born about 1925
GardnerAnna Mborn about 1857
GardnerGary Glenborn about 1934
GardnerMary born about 1879
GardnerMaxine born about 1922
GardnerMimy born about 1873
GardnerNera born about 1916
GardnerRaymond born about 1919
GardnerRex born about 1912
GardnerRonald Lynnborn about 1938
GarnerHenry Hborn about 1872
GarnerSarah Lborn about 1872
GarrettHelen born about 1921
GarrettJohn born about 1888
GarrettRussell born about 1921
GarrettStanley born about 1919
GarstLinnie born about 1867
GarstNettie Cborn about 1874
GatesFannie born about 1865
GeyerClaude Nanceborn about 1886
GeyerEarl born about 1917
GeyerFrances Aborn about 1888
GeyerHarry Wborn about 1878
GeyerKenneth born about 1924
GeyerLucy Annborn about 1890
GeyerRoy Lborn about 1886
GeyerRuth born about 1922
GibbinsIda born about 1882
GilbertC Uborn about 1871
GilbertJohn born about 1910
GilbertJohn Jr born about 1938
GillbertD Nborn about 1869
GillbertHattie born about 1870
GilmoreJenevra born about 1865
GilmoreLeta born about 1894
GitchelDarill born about 1919
GitchellAndrea born about 1931
GitchellGladys born about 1903
GitchellHarriette born about 1923
GitchellOrville born about 1925
GitchellVenus born about 1929
GlennLeon born about 1877
GlennMaude Aborn about 1885
GoetzingerHazel born about 1899
GoetzingerJacqueline born about 1924
GoetzingerPaul born about 1899
GoodEmily born about 1881
GoodWint born about 1880
GoodwinAfred Aborn about 1904
GoodwinAnna born about 1877
GoodwinCharles born about 1926
GoodwinCharles Wborn about 1900
GoodwinDorothy Coxborn about 1934
GoodwinEdith born about 1911
GoodwinFrances Tborn about 1922
GoodwinFredrick born about 1927
GoodwinGrace born about 1905
GoodwinHarold born about 1929
GoodwinJack born about 1921
GoodwinMarian Oborn about 1923
GoodwinMarion born about 1875
GoodwinNorma born about 1932
GordonBernice born about 1905
GordonNellie born about 1878
GordonReeves born about 1911
GordonRobert born about 1887
GordonWalter born about 1918
GottschaBilly born about 1918
GottschaGladys born about 1892
GottschaMarian born about 1928
GottschaWilliam born about 1880
GowdyEdgar Cborn about 1892
GowdyLeta born about 1892
GrapeGeorge Cborn about 1885
GrapeNora Bborn about 1874
GrassmayerWm born about 1911
GrayBarbara Iborn about 1933
GrayBobby Iborn about 1928
GrayFarine Rborn about 1918
GrayFern Mborn about 1901
GrayGeorge born about 1914
GrayJelene Vborn about 1921
GrayJoan born about 1935
GrayJohnnie Billborn about 1936
GrayJoshua Rborn about 1896
GrayLulu born about 1916
GrayPatty born about 1938
GrayTim Hborn about 1922
GraysonBetty Louborn about 1934
GraysonBobby born about 1932
GraysonMarilyn born about 1933
GraysonMoore born about 1907
GraysonRuby born about 1906
GreenAvis born about 1895
GreenChester born about 1889
GreenEva born about 1924
GreenFern born about 1925
GreenOrville born about 1928
GreenleeElnora Bborn about 1878
GreenleeLuther born about 1875
GreggAnna Maeborn about 1919
GreggJean born about 1939
GreggPaul born about 1915
GriffithBelle Fborn about 1862
GriggsGeorge born about 1903
GriggsMildred born about 1913
GubserCora born about 1870
GubserHenry born about 1867
GudeCarl Fborn about 1917
GudeMargaret Wborn about 1918
GustafsonElane born about 1922
GustafsonLoyd born about 1917
GustafsonRobert Vborn about 1939
GustasonBillie Mborn about 1921
GustasonFloyd Rborn about 1917
GustasonJames Fborn about 1939
GuthrieMaude born about 1884
GuthrieVern born about 1880

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H Surnames

HallimanBartlett born about 1900
HallimanClare born about 1900
HallimanJames Donaldborn about 1928
HallimanJoyce Coleenborn about 1939
HalsteadKate born about 1867
HaltenCleo Nborn about 1898
HaltenHarold Nborn about 1917
HaltenRalph Cborn about 1925
HaltenRoy Bborn about 1889
HaltenRuth Eborn about 1923
HamiltonCarlynne Eborn about 1922
HamiltonCharles born about 1913
HamiltonClayton Cborn about 1925
HamiltonClyde born about 1888
HamiltonEdwin born about 1916
HamiltonEdythe born about 1914
HamiltonIrene Eborn about 1903
HamiltonJoyce Annborn about 1936
HamiltonLotus Cborn about 1898
HamiltonMabel born about 1890
HamiltonPhyllis born about 1928
HannaOlin Mborn about 1939
HannaThelma born about 1909
HannenDorothy born about 1924
HansenAnna Mborn about 1895
HansenFrank born about 1891
HarbinJunior born about 1926
HarbinMarie born about 1920
HarbinPeggy Louborn about 1933
HarbinRichard born about 1924
HarbinTenn born about 1916
HardingClifford born about 1923
HardingClifford Hborn about 1894
HardingEllen born about 1893
HarrisDarrell born about 1924
HarrisDean born about 1932
HarrisElizabeth born about 1920
HarrisElonyo Mborn about 1905
HarrisEmily born about 1878
HarrisIda Ruthborn about 1926
HarrisLe Roy born about 1938
HarrisMax Allenborn about 1928
HarrisMilford Hborn about 1866
HarrisMyrtle Iborn about 1882
HarrisNettie Leeborn about 1878
HarrisRobert born about 1922
HarrisThos Hborn about 1869
HarrisWilber Leeborn about 1930
HarrowHattie born about 1849
HarrowOsa born about 1888
HartleyLois born about 1915
HatcherAfred Leeborn about 1925
HatcherArchie Wardborn about 1922
HatcherBenjamin Fborn about 1915
HatcherFloyd Jborn about 1919
HatcherLula Mborn about 1887
HattanElla born about 1867
HaunBarbara born about 1935
HaunEdith born about 1907
HaunHobert born about 1900
HawkinsIna Frankieborn about 1901
HawkinsRoy Jborn about 1892
HawkinsWilliam Rborn about 1920
HayesGladys born about 1906
HayesWanda born about 1925
HaysDuane born about 1936
HaysLouis born about 1907
HaysMadelean born about 1918
HaysOlin Fborn about 1911
HaysPauline born about 1913
HaysRichard Leyborn about 1934
HeadyClarence born about 1890
HeadyConda born about 1928
HeadyDean born about 1924
HeadyJennie born about 1903
HeadyLoren born about 1923
HeastonSidney born about 1860
HeckJohn born about 1918
HeckerEdmund born about 1872
HeckerJim born about 1906
HeckerRuth born about 1872
HeenanIda born about 1868
HeinMargeret born about 1920
HelgetLa Vitta born about 1913
HelgetRonald born about 1907
HendersonFred Lborn about 1890
HendersonFreda Eborn about 1895
HendersonRebeca born about 1924
HendersonRichard born about 1926
HennigerClaud born about 1905
HennigerLois born about 1931
HennigerNora born about 1907
HennigerRita Maeborn about 1934
HenshawCollene Elisabethborn about 1930
HenshawDennas Cborn about 1909
HenshawDenny Allisonborn about 1931
HenshawEula Bellborn about 1911
HenshawJohn Boltonborn about 1934
HenshawMary Sueborn about 1939
HenshawToria ???born about 1869
HensonClaude born about 1902
HernSanford Wborn about 1909
HertmanBarbara Leeborn about 1935
HertmanPerle born about 1907
HessEdnard Jborn about 1925
HessEdward Aborn about 1898
HessLeulla Bborn about 1901
HesslerJesse Aborn about 1879
HickmanAddie Pborn about 1881
HickmanJune born about 1917
HickmanMaxine born about 1921
HickmanMyrtle born about 1896
HickmanRobert Fborn about 1875
HickmanRobert Jr born about 1917
HilgerAntionette born about 1882
HilgerBernard Lborn about 1917
HilgerDorothy Hborn about 1912
HilgerFrank Nborn about 1876
HilgerJane born about 1939
HilgerJanet Mborn about 1938
HilgerMary Bborn about 1871
HilgerPaul Nborn about 1911
HillEdna born about 1885
HillEugenia born about 1918
HillFrank born about 1866
HillFred born about 1883
HillKatherine born about 1911
HillKathryn born about 1870
HiltonMary born about 1860
HinceCarl born about 1885
HinceDorothy born about 1922
HinceFreda born about 1888
HofsaessPaulina born about 1852
HoggattRudolph born about 1865
HollingsworthAnne born about 1908
HollingsworthBob born about 1932
HollingsworthCharles Wborn about 1898
HollingsworthJack born about 1934
HollingsworthJames born about 1936
HopkinsBillie born about 1929
HopkinsGoldie born about 1904
HopkinsHarvey Bborn about 1898
HopkinsMelva Jeanborn about 1932
HoskinsBessie born about 1899
HoskinsMary Joborn about 1925
HoskinsWayne born about 1896
HowardElma Pborn about 1886
HowardGerald Daleborn about 1925
HowardHugh Dewayneborn about 1926
HowardJames Bborn about 1867
HowardJese Aborn about 1884
HowardRobert Earborn about 1919
HowardSam born about 1882
HowardSamuel Dborn about 1928
HowellBetty Janeborn about 1934
HowellGordon born about 1931
HowellHelen born about 1914
HowellHerbert born about 1912
HowellHerbert Jr born about 1939
HudsonJ Rborn about 1940
HudsonMildred born about 1922
HudsonOrvill Rborn about 1914
HufstaderGaylard Lborn about 1893
HufstaderJanette Aborn about 1888
HufstaderRobert Duaneborn about 1922
HughesMyrtle born about 1885
HukillHelen Lborn about 1920
HukillPaul Dborn about 1919
HukillSherry Annborn about 1929
HurichPearl born about 1895
HurstBuela Maeborn about 1937
HurstCharles born about 1934
HurstErnest Alvinborn about 1903
HurstFrances born about 1915
HurstHarold Leroyborn about 1939
HurstHarvey Alvinborn about 1934
HurstHenry born about 1866
HurstLaura Maeborn about 1914
HurstLouis Loreneborn about 1935
HurstNettie born about 1870
HurstPaul born about 1905
HurstVirginia born about 1933
HurstWillis Dborn about 1940
HutchinsonArlene born about 1905
HutchinsonJohn Gborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

InesOlive born about 1886
IrainLena Eborn about 1887
IrainRobert Tborn about 1887
IrelandRhetta born about 1886

J Surnames

JacksSilas Hborn about 1855
JacksonClaiborn born about 1873
JadinnFred Allenborn about 1934
JadinnRichard Leeborn about 1936
JamesDavey born about 1884
JamesEllsworth born about 1893
JamesEmil born about 1919
JamesFulu born about 1871
JamesIvan born about 1921
JamesLenora born about 1925
JamesMildred born about 1893
JamesRobert born about 1924
JansenDonald born about 1926
JansenHazel born about 1899
JansenLouie born about 1899
JansenLyle born about 1922
JeniceJessie born about 1900
JenningsAgnes born about 1912
JenningsAmos born about 1910
JenningsBetty born about 1912
JenningsBetty born about 1935
JenningsDaale born about 1911
JenningsIke born about 1874
JenningsLee born about 1938
JenningsSarah Aborn about 1872
JohnHelen Bborn about 1909
JohnsonBernice born about 1897
JohnsonDiane born about 1936
JohnsonDonne Joanborn about 1935
JohnsonDora born about 1885
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1928
JohnsonFrances born about 1912
JohnsonFred born about 1890
JohnsonGerald born about 1921
JohnsonGrace born about 1888
JohnsonHelen born about 1909
JohnsonHenry born about 1844
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1886
JohnsonJames Lborn about 1924
JohnsonJudig born about 1939
JohnsonKay born about 1937
JohnsonNola born about 1909
JohnsonOral Cborn about 1897
JohnsonOrville Bborn about 1904
JohnsonRichard Cborn about 1937
JohnsonRoberta Rborn about 1914
JohnsonSusan Cborn about 1861
JohnsonSusan Rborn about 1890
JohnsonWalter Hborn about 1906
JonesCaroline Kayborn about 1938
JonesDale born about 1936
JonesDorothy born about 1917
JonesGrace born about 1897
JonesHelen Mborn about 1917
JonesIra born about 1884
JonesIrene born about 1906
JonesPaul born about 1915
JonesSarah Hborn about 1867
JuddLouisa Jborn about 1864
JuddSlyvester born about 1850

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KarrickJames born about 1909
KarrickLorene born about 1918
KarrickMildred born about 1936
KayserMary Wborn about 1895
KeathBlanche born about 1893
KeathClarence Eborn about 1893
KeathEvelyn Maeborn about 1929
KeathEverett Wborn about 1935
KeathHelen Ireneborn about 1939
KeathLee Earlborn about 1925
KeathMildred born about 1924
KeathViolet Juneborn about 1927
KellisonAlbert born about 1922
KellisonAllan Dborn about 1927
KellisonEffie Lborn about 1904
KellisonEmma born about 1900
KellisonEugene born about 1920
KellisonFrank born about 1878
KellisonJohn born about 1899
KellisonMary Layborn about 1928
KellisonMerle Lborn about 1925
KellisonRalph Mborn about 1923
KellisonTolras* Mborn about 1888
KennedyEarl born about 1933
KennedyIva born about 1912
KernerFrank born about 1871
KernerSyrena born about 1897
KerrEula born about 1907
KerrHowley born about 1905
KerrKathleen born about 1938
KerrKathy Louborn about 1936
KingJoyce Eborn about 1931
KingLou born about 1895
KingLouise born about 1937
KingMary Leeborn about 1935
KleinCaroline born about 1860
KleinLawrence born about 1902
KleinWillie Kayborn about 1903
KnappAlice born about 1877
KramerBernice Eborn about 1908
KramerFerris Aborn about 1907
KramerIrene born about 1925
KramerMae Deliaborn about 1889
KryzakHelen born about 1905
KryzakLeo born about 1902
KubelAlice born about 1924
KubelAnnie born about 1882
KubelBillie born about 1912
KubelLouise born about 1914
KubelOtto born about 1876
KubelVirginia born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacklandAlta born about 1917
LacyFloyd Eborn about 1896
LairDonna Roeborn about 1937
LairElbert born about 1881
LairFrank born about 1905
LairMae born about 1915
LairRalph born about 1891
LambCarrie born about 1858
LangstonClair born about 1932
LangstonGary born about 1933
LangstonWayne born about 1910
LarawayPearl Eborn about 1882
LarawayWill Cborn about 1878
LarsonA Keithborn about 1922
LarsonDonald Hborn about 1920
LarsonJ Kennethborn about 1922
LarsonMeta Cborn about 1895
LarsonRichard Aborn about 1918
LarsonRichard Bborn about 1891
LaubyGeorge Wborn about 1865
LaughlinNannie born about 1864
LauritsonKate born about 1873
LauritsonMyrtle born about 1899
LauritsonRoy born about 1895
LawsonLevere born about 1924
LeafordLouis Mrs born about 1872
LeckenleyEmily Cborn about 1939
LeckenleyKathryn born about 1901
LeckenleyThomas born about 1914
LedgerwoodEtta born about 1898
LedgerwoodRalph born about 1895
LedgerwoodShirley born about 1921
LeightyAnna born about 1868
LeportCarl Reedborn about 1928
LeportCora Ellemeborn about 1927
LeportDaisy Mayborn about 1903
LeportDora Maeborn about 1922
LeportEdgar Claireborn about 1924
LeportSherman Helseyborn about 1900
LesleyBernice Eborn about 1917
LesleyHarry Kborn about 1908
LightsGus born about 1880
LissFrank Jborn about 1895
LivingstonEdward born about 1860
LloydBen Sborn about 1862
LockertSylvia born about 1916
LongBelle born about 1884
LongCecil Tborn about 1908
LongDana Pborn about 1869
LongLouis born about 1914
LongRichard Oborn about 1914
LorimerElsie Bborn about 1881
LorimerJane Marieborn about 1920
LorimerOliver Gborn about 1873
LorimerRowena Lborn about 1914
LynnBilly born about 1925
LynnBobby born about 1935
LynnCline born about 1886
LynnEula born about 1914
LynnGlen born about 1921
LynnGranville born about 1926
LynnLois born about 1933
LynnMildred born about 1928
LynnOra born about 1894
LynnVirgil born about 1933
LynnW Cborn about 1925
LytleDorothy born about 1925
LytleEsther born about 1900
LytleJames born about 1927
LyulinCharles born about 1935
LyulinDorothy born about 1924
LyulinElphie born about 1894
LyulinEvelyn born about 1920
LyulinJohn Fredrickborn about 1923
LyulinLawrence born about 1930
LyulinLeslie Rborn about 1892
LyulinNorma born about 1928
LyulinRichard born about 1932
LyulinRobert born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackeyDonna born about 1931
MackeyEarl born about 1902
MackeyJames Aborn about 1854
MackeyJames Eborn about 1927
MackeyLeroy Cborn about 1891
MackeyMabel born about 1907
MackeyMabel Leeborn about 1929
MackeyMalissia born about 1862
MackeyMarilyn born about 1933
MackeyShirley born about 1939
MajorEdward born about 1924
MajorEsther Lorraineborn about 1935
MajorLucille born about 1930
MajorOrville born about 1926
MajorRuby born about 1928
MajorWalter born about 1931
ManganD Jborn about 1904
MannWm Elmerborn about 1865
ManroeIda Belleborn about 1865
MansfieldDan born about 1925
MansfieldHarry born about 1897
MansfieldMargaret born about 1924
MansfieldPatience born about 1900
MansfieldRichard born about 1922
MarkerAustin Sborn about 1886
MarkerHenry Dborn about 1865
MarkerJim Aborn about 1871
MarkerJohn Wborn about 1875
MarkerLuther Leeborn about 1887
MarkerMary Eborn about 1877
MarkerMelta born about 1905
MarkovitzAbe Hborn about 1901
MarkovitzDeanne Ruthborn about 1938
MarkovitzLollie Kayborn about 1939
MarkovitzRose born about 1908
MarkwellFrancis Mborn about 1903
MarkwellGrace Mborn about 1900
MarkwellHelen born about 1880
MarkwellShirley Aborn about 1933
MarshHelen born about 1911
MarshJoan born about 1935
MarshRaymond born about 1907
MartMattie Aborn about 1886
MartWill born about 1874
MartinBlanche born about 1881
MartinCharles born about 1927
MartinClair born about 1899
MartinHarold Lborn about 1909
MartinHarry born about 1900
MartinHarsel Sborn about 1901
MartinJack born about 1929
MartinJosephine born about 1908
MartinLarna born about 1904
MartinLucy born about 1903
MartinMarjorie born about 1933
MartinMarlene born about 1931
MartinRichard Aborn about 1931
MartinRobert born about 1928
MasseyJess born about 1905
MasseyLucille born about 1911
MasseyPeggy Louborn about 1929
MathewsFloy born about 1920
MattesBertha born about 1883
MatthewsBruce born about 1879
MatthewsElizabeth born about 1863
MatthewsPaul born about 1911
MatthewsRobert born about 1917
MatticeChester born about 1915
MatticeChester Jr born about 1936
MatticeCora born about 1887
MatticeEva Bellborn about 1925
MatticeEvelyn Mborn about 1939
MatticeGladys Mborn about 1912
MatticeJesse born about 1913
MattisAlbert Aborn about 1903
MattisRuby born about 1903
MattoxAlna born about 1888
MattoxJohn born about 1887
MaupinCaroll Kborn about 1923
MaupinDorthy Jborn about 1926
MaupinElmer Rborn about 1894
MaupinEula Leeborn about 1899
MaupinHazel born about 1905
MaupinHelen Mborn about 1931
MaupinNora born about 1870
MaupinRuth Annborn about 1935
MaupinVirginia Leeborn about 1933
MayfieldDoris born about 1938
MayfieldFloella born about 1919
MayfieldRonald born about
MayfieldWilliam Hazlborn about 1913
McAdamsCarl born about 1901
McAdamsRebecca Lborn about 1872
McAdooChas born about 1884
McAdooEthal born about 1907
McAdooLouise born about 1868
McAdooRichard born about 1930
McAteeJ Wborn about 1925
McBrideDon born about 1888
McBrideElizabeth born about 1913
McBrideKatherine born about 1889
McBrideMax born about 1912
McCainDonald born about 1937
McCainHelen born about 1917
McCainRobert born about 1914
McCainTeddy ???born about 1940
McCallFannie born about 1884
McCallGeorge born about 1906
McClaryFlosene born about 1920
McConnellBen born about 1921
McConnellRitta born about 1891
McConnellWilliam Hborn about 1893
McDonaldRoy born about 1897
McKeanBurt born about 1880
McKeanEffie Maeborn about 1876
McKeanHenry Clayborn about 1893
McKeanJacqueline Gborn about 1923
McKeanJoe born about 1887
McKeanLyle born about 1889
McKeanNorman Cborn about 1876
McKeanPearl born about 1885
McKeanRobert born about 1882
McKibbenGib born about 1860
McKissickEmma born about 1869
McLaughlinDolly Nborn about 1873
McLaughlinFred born about 1872
McLeesBeullah Jborn about 1917
McLeesJennie born about 1880
McLeesR Jborn about 1881
McMillenAgnes born about 1901
McMillenClarann born about 1925
McMillenColleen born about 1924
McMillenDonald born about 1939
McMillenJack born about 1927
McMillenJune Marieborn about 1935
McMillenLarry Rayborn about 1937
McMillenMaxine born about 1921
McMillenOrville born about 1891
McMullenLoel born about 1926
McMullenPaul born about 1893
McMullenPearl born about 1894
McMurtryMary born about 1924
McNallDuane born about 1931
McNallLola born about 1870
McNallLola Jeanborn about 1923
McNallThelma born about 1901
McNallVerance born about 1900
McNancyEmma Jborn about 1874
McNancyJames Tborn about 1875
McNewRay born about 1938
McSpaddenCarl born about 1888
McSpaddenEdwin born about 1929
McSpaddenFrances born about 1918
McSpaddenMaude born about 1888
MearsAlpha born about 1911
MearsAvis born about 1928
MearsFredrick born about 1936
MearsIrvin born about 1905
MearsJohn born about 1880
MearsMarjorie born about 1923
MearsMyrtle born about 1891
MearsRaner born about 1890
MearsRichard born about 1930
MearsRobert born about 1931
MearsWillard born about 1939
MedlinEd born about 1939
MedlinErnest born about 1891
MedlinJohn Wborn about 1933
MedlinKathleen born about 1930
MedlinMadlin born about 1937
MedlinMildred born about 1904
MeekMrs John born about 1918
MethenyBill born about 1880
MethenyJenny Tborn about 1926
MethenyJess born about 1919
MethenyMary Cborn about 1883
MethenyWilford born about 1923
MillerBessie born about 1897
MillerBetty born about 1922
MillerBruce born about 1920
MillerCalvin born about 1866
MillerCharles born about 1919
MillerCharles born about 1923
MillerCharles Wborn about 1867
MillerClark born about 1922
MillerDuane born about 1932
MillerFred Jborn about 1888
MillerFred Wborn about 1888
MillerGeo Wborn about 1893
MillerGretchen born about 1917
MillerJack born about 1918
MillerJeo Jr born about 1919
MillerKate born about 1858
MillerLarkin born about 1845
MillerLarry Briceborn about 1938
MillerLola Janborn about 1936
MillerLonie Maxborn about 1940
MillerLyle Rborn about 1921
MillerMargurite born about 1928
MillerMarie born about 1895
MillerMary Louiseborn about 1918
MillerMaxine born about 1923
MillerMelvin Aborn about 1883
MillerMicheal born about 1895
MillerMildred born about 1926
MillerNancy born about 1890
MillerNelle Oborn about 1899
MillerPearl born about 1893
MillerReed born about 1921
MillerSarah born about 1868
MillerSimon born about 1889
MillionJames Tborn about 1873
MillionThomas Hborn about 1914
MillsMildred born about 1914
MillsOwen Eborn about 1907
MincerCharlotte Annborn about 1855
MincerDavid Eborn about 1887
MitchellDaisy born about 1884
MitchellGeorge Kborn about 1939
MitchellHarry Hborn about 1913
MitchellHazel Lborn about 1913
MitchellLe Roy born about 1919
MitchellMarlene Oborn about 1937
MohlerAmos born about 1903
MohlerIsaac Dborn about 1868
MohlerJoseph born about 1893
MohlerNancy Eborn about 1871
MonroeDuane born about 1920
MonroeLeonard born about 1922
MonroeR Dborn about 1873
MonroeRussell born about 1915
MonroeVesta born about 1877
MonzingoMary Aborn about 1909
MoodyBernard Hborn about 1928
MoodyDorothy Lborn about 1940
MoodyLester Rborn about 1902
MoodyMelvin Wborn about 1926
MoodyOrvin Iborn about 1930
MoodyRoy Pborn about 1932
MoodyRuth Nborn about 1905
MooneyClarence Oborn about 1896
MooneyNouella born about 1902
MooreClimena born about 1906
MooreFranklin born about 1875
MooreHarry born about 1900
MooreKate born about 1866
MooreKeith born about 1937
MooreLa Vonne born about 1929
MooreShirley born about 1933
MorelockRhoda born about 1866
MorganCatherine born about 1868
MorganJess Lborn about 1890
MorganNe Oma Gborn about 1887
MortimoreN Lborn about 1859
MostheartLarene born about 1913
MullinsElisha born about 1873
MullinsNell born about 1877
MundellBeulah Mborn about 1886
MundellEldon Gborn about 1907
MundellEuna Mborn about 1914
MundellSim born about 1871
MunnSue born about 1870
MurphyAnna born about 1877
MurphyDarell born about 1903
MurphyJohn born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NahkunstA Johnborn about 1894
NahkunstMamie Tborn about 1905
NahkunstMarlene born about 1934
NahkunstRobert born about 1924
NathurstEdward Aborn about 1924
NathurstLaura born about 1909
NathurstRudolph born about 1899
NaughanAllan born about 1920
NeaseAlbert born about 1884
NeaseHerman born about 1920
NeaseIrica born about 1889
NeaseKenneth born about 1922
NeeleyJack born about 1922
NeeleyJulia born about 1896
NeeleyTeddy born about 1925
NeisAnna born about 1883
NeisFred born about 1906
NeisGladys born about 1910
NeisIrene born about 1912
NeisJoan born about 1935
NeisJohn born about 1875
NeisJohn Jr born about 1912
NeisMarie born about 1938
NeisRoberta born about 1939
NeisRose born about 1878
NelsonAlene Mborn about 1921
NelsonCharles born about 1883
NelsonClara born about 1883
NelsonClara Jeanborn about 1939
NelsonHazel born about 1913
NelsonIrene born about 1918
NelsonJohn born about 1917
NelsonWade born about 1916
NelsonWilliam born about 1909
NeviusGrace born about 1897
NeviusGuy Eborn about 1893
NeviusJohn Eborn about 1922
NewDorothy Marieborn about 1919
NewMae born about 1893
NewMargaret Lborn about 1916
NewRobert Aborn about 1921
NewRuby Mborn about 1928
NewTom Cborn about 1885
NewlandDennis born about 1939
NewlandDorothy Dborn about 1912
NewlandLeslie born about 1911
NewmanMathilda born about 1867
NewmanNellie born about 1892
NicholFredrick Jborn about 1898
NicholVera Mayborn about 1905
NobbertC Vborn about 1847
NobleMaude born about 1875
NoltensmeyerAdella born about 1913
NoltensmeyerEdgar born about 1909
NoltensmeyerRonald Jborn about 1937
NookAganta born about 1871
NookGustav born about 1862
NussmannErnst born about 1913
NussmannJames born about 1940
NussmannRuth born about 1913
NyseChalmers Vborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OchlerDoris born about 1913
OchlerGary born about 1935
OchlerRaphael born about 1908
OdellMary Ettaborn about 1891
OffeyEdward born about 1928
OffeyHelen Fborn about 1926
OffeyInez Mborn about 1908
OffeyJ Herbertborn about 1903
OlsonNellie born about 1873
OpeltCharlene born about 1916
OpeltLowell born about 1914
OwenCharles born about 1913
OwenCharles born about 1937
OwenJerry born about 1939
OwenVerna born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PackDorothy born about 1920
ParkerLoleta born about 1899
ParkerMattie born about 1858
ParkerPleasant born about 1849
ParkerSidney born about 1895
ParkhurstLouise born about 1865
ParksAlvie born about 1914
ParksBessie born about 1913
ParksBetty born about 1938
ParksElla Mborn about 1879
ParksJohn born about 1912
ParksJunior born about 1939
ParksKatherine born about 1934
ParksKenneth born about 1936
ParksTerral born about 1875
ParksVesta born about 1916
PauleyBertha born about 1884
PauleyMallie born about 1872
PauleyMorgan born about 1907
PauleyRose born about 1908
PayneBarbara born about 1930
PayneDorothy born about 1901
PayneMiller Iii born about 1925
PayneMoser Millerborn about 1872
PayneRichard born about 1928
PayneWiller Jborn about 1900
PeckClarence Eborn about 1929
PeckEarl Nborn about 1900
PeckHarry Dborn about 1892
PeckLeslie Dborn about 1932
PeckVelma Bborn about 1907
PerryBetty Joborn about 1935
PerryCharles born about 1913
PerryDorene born about 1938
PerryEvelyn born about 1915
PerryRichard born about 1939
PhillipsMary Lborn about 1918
PhillipsSidney born about 1919
PhillipsWilliam Mborn about 1912
PhillipsZoe born about 1921
PhippsCary Gborn about 1902
PhippsFred Bborn about 1902
PhippsGloria Gborn about 1926
PhippsGlow Cborn about 1923
PhippsJunie Eborn about 1929
PlantMinnie born about 1863
PorterHarry born about 1915
PorterMary born about 1915
PosgeGeorge born about 1891
PosgeLinda born about 1893
PosgeRichard born about 1915
PotterBetty Ruthborn about 1926
PotterDonal born about 1924
PotterDonna Roeborn about 1930
PotterHarlan born about 1901
PotterHarry Dborn about 1906
PotterHarvey born about 1886
PotterJohn born about 1939
PotterNora born about 1909
PotterOra Bborn about 1890
PotterRuby born about 1901
PowellMary Lucilleborn about 1917
PowellPearl born about 1883
PrallC Wborn about 1873
PrappElizabeth born about 1869
PrappEzra Tborn about 1904
PrappMuriel Eborn about 1904
PressleyEliza born about 1884
PutmanHoward born about 1887
PutmanMurtie born about 1876
PutmanNora born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagethKeith born about 1938
RagethMax born about 1934
RagethVelma Jborn about 1905
RagethW born about 1876
RecobGeorge born about 1880
RecobNancy born about 1861
RecobWill born about 1903
ReedClarence born about 1885
ReedDorothy born about 1917
ReedDorothy Sborn about 1918
ReedEssie born about 1890
ReedJean born about 1925
ReedKeith born about 1919
ReedLeighton born about 1914
ReedLyall born about 1916
ReedMarjorie born about 1922
ReedMax born about 1917
ReedNarcene born about 1919
ReedRuth born about 1926
ReesBlanche born about 1892
ReesJohn Paulborn about 1923
ReesLena born about 1872
ReesLula born about 1865
ReesPaul born about 1891
ReesPhyllis Annborn about 1928
ReeseJay Rborn about 1910
ReeseMary Arlineborn about 1908
ReeserMae born about 1861
ReevesCora born about 1864
ReevesDeanna born about 1939
ReevesE Sborn about 1875
ReevesFannie Aborn about 1878
ReevesJosephine born about 1914
ReevesLaferna born about 1921
ReevesMarylyn Mborn about 1937
ReevesPatsy Annborn about 1932
ReevesPaul born about 1915
ReevesPaul Jr born about 1938
ReevesRichard Gborn about 1932
ReevesWynne Cborn about 1912
ReidRuth born about 1913
ReidsCarl born about 1913
ReidsFlorence born about 1887
ReidsWert born about 1873
ReiseCharles born about 1903
ReiseRuby born about 1915
RelseyAddie born about 1903
RelseyDolores born about 1926
RelseyDonald born about 1928
RelseyDoris born about 1923
RelseyGlen born about 1899
RenshawCharlie born about 1870
RenshawCinderella born about 1875
RichardsFern Rubyborn about 1918
RichardsJoan Carolynborn about 1937
RichardsMerle Eborn about 1916
RichardsonBroaddus born about 1908
RichardsonJames born about 1881
RichardsonStella born about 1906
RicheyIsiac Wborn about 1861
RiedyFlora born about 1878
RiedyJoseph Fredrickborn about 1872
RightsellD Rufusborn about 1881
RobinsonAudrey Lborn about 1908
RobinsonBetty Jeanborn about 1933
RobinsonBuddy Leeborn about 1931
RobinsonCharles Iborn about 1896
RobinsonCharles Mborn about 1931
RobinsonEdna Jborn about 1929
RobinsonIda born about 1892
RobinsonLeah born about 1898
RobinsonLester born about 1897
RobinsonRachel born about 1863
RobinsonRuth Eborn about 1927
RobinsonRuth Wborn about 1893
RoosenLucretia born about 1866
RosseauDorothy born about 1909
RossenBlanche born about 1900
RossenCharles born about 1921
RossenEstell born about 1910
RossenJoan born about 1932
RossenJohn born about 1924
RossenLois born about 1920
RossenMax born about 1927
RossenMildred born about 1929
RouchWilliam Eborn about 1873
RoupCatherine born about 1907
RoupMaude born about 1894
RubyAlton Fborn about 1908
RubyElla Iborn about 1920
RubyGraera* Mborn about 1908
RubyHazel Mborn about 1903
RubyJohn Wborn about 1878
RubyMary Lborn about 1927
RubyWade Sborn about 1923
RubyWarren Jackborn about 1921
RulonJanet Sueborn about 1939
RulonLaurine born about 1912
RulonRussell born about 1908
RulonRussell born about 1937
RushJohn born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalzamanBeth born about 1934
SalzamanClair born about 1935
SalzamanDorothy Cborn about 1911
SalzamanHerman born about 1911
SalzamanMargaret born about 1939
SandersClelle born about 1897
SandersDiane born about 1929
SandersLois born about 1909
SandersRobert Sborn about 1864
SaxtonGeraldine born about 1935
SaxtonMae born about 1919
ScalerMartha Eborn about 1862
SchallerMary Cborn about 1854
SchneiderAgusta born about 1880
SchneiderFred born about 1875
ScottBetty Ruthborn about 1925
ScottBlanche born about 1913
ScottCarl Raymondborn about 1936
ScottJames Thorntonborn about 1940
ScottLawrence Leeborn about 1938
ScottLeroy born about 1881
ScottMaybelle Euteveborn about 1913
ScottRobert Leroyborn about 1934
ScottRosy Eborn about 1886
ScottSearcy born about 1929
ScottTarence Tborn about 1905
ScottTilly Mayborn about 1931
SearsClarence Eborn about 1896
SearsDora born about 1878
SearsLester born about 1881
SearsMable born about 1906
SearsMaynard Dborn about 1931
SelindhLander Louborn about 1939
SelindhMargaret born about 1915
SelindhOtis Wilburborn about 1910
SelkArnold born about 1905
SelkBess born about 1907
ShannonLloyal born about 1896
ShannonMary born about 1902
SheltonBelia Paulineborn about 1937
SheltonCarl Jackborn about 1925
SheltonEssie Lillianborn about 1903
SheltonFrancis Claireborn about 1927
SheltonFrank Cborn about 1893
SheltonMarlene Florenceborn about 1935
SheltonWilma Inezborn about 1929
ShieldsBeulah born about 1892
ShieldsMilton Aborn about 1888
ShoemakerGerald born about 1931
ShoemakerJesse born about 1900
ShoemakerKenneth Duanborn about 1934
ShoemakerMarvin Daleborn about 1933
ShoemakerVelma born about 1900
ShueyDorothy born about 1923
ShueyEvelyn born about 1903
ShueyGeorgia born about 1939
ShueyJannie Stellaborn about 1872
ShueyLucy born about 1935
ShueyNorton born about 1897
SiegelAgnes born about 1912
SimpsonBetty born about 1930
SimpsonC Galarborn about 1899
SimpsonChalmere born about 1932
SimpsonDona born about 1936
SimpsonDorothy born about 1906
SimpsonGladys born about 1903
SimpsonKaye born about 1937
SimpsonMarjorie Kborn about 1936
SimpsonPaul Rborn about 1905
SimpsonRosemary born about 1928
SimpsonRuth born about 1939
SimpsonWayne born about 1934
SjulinCarl born about 1890
SjulinCarl Jborn about 1927
SjulinE Unaborn about 1893
SjulinPaul born about 1930
SjulinSterling born about 1924
SlaytonHelen born about 1916
SlaytonLeonard born about 1914
SloopJohn Paulborn about 1937
SloopKuth born about 1935
SloopLarry born about 1939
SloopLucina born about 1913
SloopPaul Lborn about 1908
SloopRobert born about 1930
SloopRoland born about 1932
SmalleyHarrietta Cborn about 1865
SmalleyLeon born about 1876
SmithBarbara Leeborn about 1931
SmithBelly born about 1876
SmithBernadine born about 1924
SmithBulean born about 1923
SmithCarl born about 1926
SmithCarroll born about 1919
SmithCecil Tborn about 1902
SmithE Wborn about 1865
SmithElsie Maeborn about 1911
SmithFaydean born about 1936
SmithFlossie born about 1897
SmithForest born about 1895
SmithForton Fayborn about 1901
SmithFreida born about 1918
SmithGlen Hughborn about 1895
SmithGloria Fernborn about 1938
SmithGrace born about 1930
SmithHelen Mborn about 1912
SmithHoward Alvaborn about 1882
SmithHurbert born about 1938
SmithJo ???born about 1935
SmithKimber born about 1887
SmithLee born about 1879
SmithLeodora born about 1929
SmithLeta born about 1910
SmithLillie born about 1867
SmithLillie born about 1880
SmithLoretta Joborn about 1931
SmithMable born about 1929
SmithMarion born about 1935
SmithMarjorie Zborn about 1913
SmithMary Louborn about 1929
SmithMilo Cborn about 1936
SmithOlin born about 1930
SmithOpal Hborn about 1902
SmithOrvis born about 1912
SmithPhyllis born about 1908
SmithRamond Tborn about 1939
SmithRobert Aborn about 1938
SmithRobert Leeborn about 1932
SmithRose born about 1889
SmithRoy born about 1906
SmithS Livingstonborn about 1858
SmithSamantha born about 1860
SmithTillie Hborn about 1870
SnappMattie born about 1874
SnyderGladys born about 1902
SnyderJohn born about 1895
SnyderMary Eborn about 1897
SnyderMerle born about 1897
SnyderPeggy born about 1920
SocolofskyClaire born about 1888
SocolofskyDan born about 1886
SouthTom born about 1868
SpanglerBonnie born about 1903
SpanglerHoward born about 1900
SpeaksFlorence born about 1859
SpicerJames born about 1884
SpilinDavid born about 1901
SpilinFrances born about 1904
SpilinMarilyn born about 1929
SpittlerArthur born about 1917
SpittlerBernard Leeborn about 1936
SpittlerCecil born about 1920
SpittlerConnie Cborn about 1939
SpittlerDean born about 1911
SpittlerDoris Mborn about 1918
SpittlerErma born about 1911
SpittlerEvert born about 1908
SpittlerFern Bborn about 1919
SpittlerGladys born about 1919
SpittlerJunior born about 1930
SpittlerKeith born about 1932
SpittlerL Garyborn about 1937
SpittlerOrpha born about 1887
SportsmanLulu born about 1887
StacyMary born about 1920
StacyRhoda born about 1887
StacyWilliam born about 1887
StaffordGeorge Wborn about 1866
StantonBelly Jeanborn about 1940
StantonJoan born about 1939
StantonJosephine Nborn about 1921
StantonWilliam Hborn about 1917
StastnyFoelta Nborn about 1915
StastnyFrank born about 1910
StattonHarvey Aborn about 1887
StattonRuby born about 1887
SteinEvelyn Fborn about 1925
SteinFannie Eborn about 1896
SteinFredrick Aborn about 1893
SteinMargaret Eborn about 1929
SteinWilma Wborn about 1935
StephensAudrey Maeborn about 1916
StephensEssie born about 1889
StephensFrank born about 1927
StephensHelen born about 1923
StephensJames born about 1910
StephensJanice born about 1939
StephensJohn born about 1884
StephensLoris born about 1936
StephensLovilla born about 1915
StephensPeggy born about 1938
StephensSam W Vborn about 1914
StephensSandra Malleneborn about 1940
StephensShirley born about 1934
StephensVincent Dborn about 1934
StephensWanda Kayborn about 1937
StevensMargaret born about 1915
StevensRoss born about 1910
StewartRosie Lborn about 1872
StockhamWilliam born about 1864
StokesJ Gborn about 1857
StonerHelen born about 1892
StonerJacqueline born about 1931
StonerJean born about 1928
StonerMary Helenborn about 1926
StonerMary Mborn about 1866
StonerRalph born about 1891
StoryJohn born about 1918
StoryL Rborn about 1893
StoryMaxine born about 1922
StoryMinnie born about 1893
StoryThomas Pborn about 1856
StraightAmanda born about 1856
StraightHarvey born about 1898
StraightJennie born about 1878
StraightMarie born about 1908
StraitMazie born about 1918
SturmCharles born about 1925
SturmEarnest born about 1895
SturmEarnest Jr born about 1927
SturmMinnie born about 1895
StylsMary born about 1868
SwansonEarnest Tborn about 1882
SwiggartAlice Vborn about 1868
SykesDella born about 1871
SykesHollie born about 1886
SykesKerth born about 1919
SykesRoy Wborn about 1877
SykesSusan Tborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorChester born about 1902
TaylorClarence born about 1879
TaylorClarence Cborn about 1879
TaylorDale Hborn about 1923
TaylorDella Mborn about 1881
TaylorGenevie Iborn about 1926
TaylorHarold Cborn about 1921
TaylorHattie Maeborn about 1887
TaylorMary born about 1910
TaylorMary Annborn about 1933
TaylorNellie Belleborn about 1931
TaylorWilmeta Vborn about 1919
TeemanBelly Jeanborn about 1927
TeemanFred born about 1909
TeemanGladys born about 1909
ThomasAzlea born about 1928
ThomasBeulah born about 1897
ThomasBeverly born about 1933
ThomasEdna Mborn about 1920
ThomasHarvey born about 1897
ThomasHarvey Jr born about 1930
ThomasJames Tborn about 1904
ThomasJames Wborn about 1930
ThomasJean born about 1921
ThomasMable born about 1901
ThomasMargaret born about 1919
ThomasMarilyn born about 1930
ThomasNorma Jborn about 1928
ThomasOpal born about 1912
ThomasRufus born about 1885
ThompsonBarbara Aborn about 1932
ThompsonCarol Annborn about 1936
ThompsonClyde Gborn about 1897
ThompsonDonald Royborn about 1934
ThompsonDorothy Gborn about 1930
ThompsonDoyle born about 1907
ThompsonEsther Fborn about 1935
ThompsonFletcher born about 1858
ThompsonMinnie Bborn about 1903
ThompsonThomas born about 1879
ThompsonViola Eborn about 1908
ThompsonWayland Eborn about 1938
TiavepieceCharles born about 1878
TiavepieceCleo born about 1925
TiavepieceEdna born about 1880
TiavepieceEulalie born about 1922
TiavepieceJoe born about 1920
TiavepieceMary born about 1917
TillmanAdelaide Bborn about 1902
TillmanDonald Fborn about 1924
TillmanIrane* born about 1893
TillmanLouise Iborn about 1926
TinderMartha born about 1871
ToedtLillian born about 1858
TravisCharles Bborn about 1921
TravisGrace born about 1879
TravisMartin Jborn about 1880
TrimbleFredrick Tborn about 1901
TritschMaude born about 1899
TrockerAdelina born about 1902
TrockerFrances born about 1930
TrockerPaul Allenborn about 1932
TrockerR Warrenborn about 1896
TrosperAllen Kborn about 1872
TrosperStella Hollyborn about 1871
TuggleJohn born about 1931
TysinEula Lborn about 1919
TysinJackie Rborn about 1938
TysinTexe Sueborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UsterLeroy born about 1922
UsterNellie born about 1886
UsterRoy born about 1884

V Surnames

VacekEdward Jborn about 1917
VanEugene Gborn about 1926
VanJohn Wborn about 1916
VanMinnie Dborn about 1918
VanNellie Eborn about 1889
VanderpoolElla Bborn about 1856
VanderpoolJohn Tborn about 1856
VanwinkleEarline born about 1920
VanwinkleLavone born about 1928
VanwinkleLola born about 1892
VossenWilliam Hborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerFern born about 1895
WagnerHarvey Russellborn about 1925
WagnerHerbert born about 1876
WagnerJesse born about 1898
WagnerVictoria born about 1873
WalchAlice born about 1904
WalkerCarl Wborn about 1921
WalkerFredrick Tborn about 1916
WalkerJames Aborn about 1888
WalkerJames Wborn about 1919
WalkerLeona born about 1916
WalkerThelma Lborn about 1923
WalkleyBob born about 1920
WalkleyDorothy born about 1921
WallLorna born about 1924
WalrafElizabeth born about 1867
WalrafGussie born about 1875
WanamakerAmbrose Lborn about 1866
WanamakerAzile born about 1909
WanamakerBethel born about 1915
WanamakerCarl Eborn about 1914
WanamakerCraig Eborn about 1939
WanamakerJohn Margoborn about 1932
WanamakerRoy born about 1903
WardAgusta born about 1873
WardAlbert Rborn about 1889
WardCharley Cborn about 1908
WardClara born about 1866
WardFrank born about 1890
WardJack born about 1927
WardJohn born about 1858
WardMark born about 1927
WardMaxine born about 1920
WardMelvin born about 1918
WardPearl Lborn about 1895
WardRosa Leeborn about 1882
WardRose Aborn about 1901
WardThomas born about 1925
WardTom Wborn about 1882
WarnerCharles Tborn about 1934
WeatherheadAlice born about 1868
WeatherheadFaye born about 1896
WebbJames Tborn about 1917
WebsterFrank born about 1911
WebsterMaurine born about 1938
WebsterRuby born about 1921
WelchEugene born about 1932
WelchJulia Vborn about 1887
WelchWilliam born about 1884
WernerCarl Eborn about 1896
WernerElsie Maeborn about 1928
WernerFern born about 1920
WernerHazel Mborn about 1918
WernerMable born about 1896
WesselsAlfred born about 1898
WesselsIrene born about 1909
WestEugene Oborn about 1889
WestLulu Lborn about 1881
WestNita Mborn about 1924
WestWilma Lborn about 1900
WheelerElsie Vborn about 1904
WheelerGlen Mborn about 1903
WheelerJimmie Dborn about 1932
WheelerRobert Bborn about 1939
WhiteAlva born about 1887
WhiteAlvin born about 1928
WhiteCharles Dborn about 1873
WhiteDally born about 1934
WhiteEarl born about 1926
WhiteGary Wborn about 1939
WhiteGlen born about 1919
WhiteJim born about 1890
WhiteJose Drewborn about 1901
WhiteMamie born about 1897
WhiteMargaret born about 1922
WhiteMildred Mborn about 1921
WhiteNancy born about 1855
WhiteNora Cecilborn about 1902
WhiteOral born about 1924
WhiteWillard Cborn about 1917
WhitedCarl Mrs born about 1908
WhitedIla Marieborn about 1939
WhitstoneEmma born about 1887
WhitstoneJoseph born about 1922
WhitstoneOlliver Sborn about 1882
WicklundFlorence born about 1917
WicklundNettie born about 1893
WicklundWm Rborn about 1915
WilburNettie born about 1881
WilcoxArnald Kborn about 1939
WilcoxEvelyn born about 1909
WilcoxSidney born about 1910
WilcoxSydney Jeanborn about 1938
WildGladys born about 1916
WildHal born about 1904
WildsDonald born about 1911
WildsMyrtle born about 1876
WilliamsBelly Jeanborn about 1925
WilliamsClaris Sueborn about 1930
WilliamsMildred born about 1908
WilliamsThomas Aborn about 1898
WilliamsWalter born about 1892
WilsonDean born about 1918
WilsonElsie born about 1890
WilsonEunice born about 1893
WilsonNathan Eborn about 1878
WilsonRoy Eborn about 1888
WinchelMarian Sborn about 1869
WindelFred Rborn about 1878
WindelJack born about 1913
WindelNell born about 1890
WingateCasey born about 1899
WinklerSarah born about 1875
WinslowJames Aborn about 1872
WinslowMattie born about 1885
WolfFred Aborn about 1884
WolfNellie Jborn about 1887
WoodsArt Eborn about 1886
WoodsNelle born about 1889
WoodsworthCharles born about 1891
WoodsworthGertrude born about 1893
WoodwardSarah Mborn about 1864
WoodyIla born about 1912
WoodyVern born about 1906
WootenJohn Aborn about 1916
WootenNera born about 1922
WootonJohn Wborn about 1872
WorkmanCarroll born about 1913
WorkmanDick born about 1932
WorkmanKathryn born about 1915
WornstaffCalvin born about 1910
WornstaffCharley Wborn about 1875
WornstaffDolly born about 1911
WornstaffMarlene born about 1934
WornstaffTaura Nborn about 1873
WrayFrank born about 1908
WrayMarguerite born about 1912
WrayMichael Leeborn about 1933
WrayOlive Lborn about 1881
WraySally Annborn about 1931
WrayVerne born about 1880
WrightDelma Pborn about 1927
WrightIrvin Lborn about 1854
WrightJoyce Rborn about 1931
WrightMerlin Mborn about 1929
WrightPaul born about 1905
WrightPearl Arlineborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YagerClara born about 1882
YagerLeslie born about 1851
YagerRoy born about 1883
YankerHilda born about 1914
YoungAnna born about 1920
YoungLawrence Dborn about 1899
YoungMargaret born about 1925
YoungRichard born about 1929

Z Surnames

ZabelAlbert Fborn about 1877
ZabelIrene born about 1921
ZorkEmma born about 1882
ZorkHarry born about 1882
ZorkIva born about 1903
ZorkPearl born about 1886
ZorkRobert born about 1922
ZorkRobert Lborn about 1882
ZuckBernice Eborn about 1907
ZuckCary born about 1870
ZuckEva Haneborn about 1930
ZuckKathryn born about 1921
ZuckLovina born about 1883
ZuckLyman born about 1885
ZuckPatsy Annborn about 1937
ZutzAlbert born about 1877
ZutzAlma born about 1902
ZutzClarence born about 1904
ZutzFrank Jr born about 1913
ZutzLena born about 1881
ZutzMary born about 1875
ZutzMary born about 1879
ZutzMill born about 1878
ZutzNettie born about 1886
ZutzPatsy Annborn about 1939
ZutzPauline born about 1920

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