1940 U.S. Federal Census of Honey Creek in Delaware County, Delaware, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Delaware County > 1940 Census of Honey Creek in Delaware County

A SurnamesI SurnamesQ Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AckmannBernard born about 1852
AdamsClara born about 1906
AdamsDale born about 1928
AdamsDarlene born about 1931
AdamsElzie born about 1901
AdamsLena born about 1878
AdamsMae born about 1922
AdamsMarjore born about 1926
AdamsMarlene born about 1934
AdamsOren born about 1871
AhrensClaire Marieborn about 1927
AhrensEdwin born about 1902
AhrensEdwin Jr born about 1932
AhrensLillian born about 1908
AhrensLouisa born about 1928
AhrensRoy born about 1900
AlcornJames Leeborn about 1907
AlcornJames Miltonborn about 1870
AldrichAnnie born about 1875
AldrichByron Cborn about 1886
AmlingAgnes born about 1872
AmlingChas born about 1880
AmlingClarence born about 1897
AmlingCora born about 1902
AmlingJean born about 1929
AndersonEarl born about 1890
AndersonIola born about 1920
AndersonIrene born about 1919
AndersonMatilda born about 1890
ApplebyHarlan born about 1920
ApplebyMaude born about 1890
ApplebyWalter Jborn about 1892
AppletonEdith born about 1874
AppletonW Wborn about 1874
AshlineLloyd Lborn about 1904
AshlineMarion born about 1912
AyersChristina born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachtellJames born about 1923
BaconMary Aborn about 1856
BargerAlice born about 1907
BargerBarbara born about 1931
BargerBetty Maeborn about 1927
BargerDe Vere Fborn about 1929
BargerJames born about 1927
BargerJennie born about 1896
BargerJoe Aborn about 1890
BargerMary born about 1929
BargerMorris born about 1903
BarnesJack born about 1921
BarnesLou born about 1915
BarrH Mborn about 1854
BarrHelen born about 1906
BarrJames born about 1884
BeahmEdward born about 1880
BeahmGrace born about 1883
BeamanVeneta born about 1923
BeathyLouise born about 1857
BeddowChas Tborn about 1857
BeddowEva born about 1862
BeddowHarry Bertborn about 1882
BellamyAngie born about 1888
BellamyRalph born about 1923
BellamyWilla Mae Fborn about 1928
BellamyWilliam Fborn about 1889
BernsElsie born about 1897
BernsHelen born about 1919
BernsOtto born about 1893
BillhomAlfred born about 1906
BillhomDon Andersonborn about 1936
BillhomJohn born about 1863
BillhomJon Geraldborn about 1935
BillhomLillie born about 1900
BillhomMargaret Cborn about 1939
BillhomMary Ellenborn about 1933
BillhomMyrtle born about 1895
BillhomPearl born about 1900
BillhomRobert born about 1893
BillhomWilma born about 1909
BillmeyerCatherine born about 1899
BillmeyerHenry born about 1895
BillmeyerJohn born about 1925
BillmeyerLoma born about 1927
BishopHerbert Zborn about 1881
BishopWinnofred born about 1904
BissellDon Lborn about 1918
BissellEd born about 1872
BissellRose Cborn about 1875
BixbyRansom Jborn about 1854
BockenstedtJanet born about 1939
BockenstedtJoe Jborn about 1907
BockenstedtNathan born about 1932
BockenstedtRose born about 1906
BockenstedtRoselie born about 1940
BoekeEdward born about 1879
BoomnElla born about 1875
BowersEthel born about 1882
BowersFloyd born about 1913
BowersNettie born about 1873
BowersRichard Allenborn about 1937
BowersRobert born about 1876
BowersRobert born about 1922
BowersRuth born about 1919
BrewerEllen Rborn about 1869
BrewerElmer Eborn about 1870
BrohmFred born about 1917
BrohmLouise born about 1919
BrohmWilliam born about 1939
BuckleyLucina Bborn about 1854
BurginHerbert Tborn about 1876
BurginMary born about 1880
BushawLloyd born about 1922

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C Surnames

CarrollBlanche born about 1890
CarrollHarry born about 1886
CarrollLouisa born about 1919
CarrollWayne born about 1914
CavanaughJames born about 1915
ChambersDonald born about 1935
ChambersEdwin born about 1933
ChambersJoe born about 1884
ChambersRobert born about 1907
ChambersRobert Jr born about 1931
ChambersViola born about 1911
ChapmanCatheryn born about 1915
ChapmanChas Vborn about 1913
ChapmanDiana born about 1939
ChapmanTerrence born about 1935
ClarkCarl born about 1917
ClarkCarrie born about 1897
ClarkFrank born about 1883
ClarkGenevieve born about 1935
ClarkGladys born about 1902
ClarkHoward Wmborn about 1897
ClarkLoraine born about 1920
ClarkRoy born about 1901
ClausLa Verne born about 1920
ClausMargaret Francisborn about 1901
ClausMartin Hborn about 1894
ClausMyrna born about 1922
CluteElmer born about 1902
CluteNellie born about 1869
CoolidgeNora Jborn about 1870
CroppClara Maeborn about 1900
CroppCora Bborn about 1876
CroppGilbert born about 1905
CroppIla Leeborn about 1934
CroppJ Nborn about 1871
CroppJo Annborn about 1933
CroppPatricia born about 1925
CroyleJesse born about 1890
CroyleLea born about 1892
CulbertsonDorothy born about 1908
CulbertsonDurward born about 1920
CulbertsonGerald born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavisBen Iborn about 1873
DavisEdna born about 1884
DavisHarold born about 1902
DavisWm Dborn about 1865
DerrCharles Hborn about 1889
DerrLaura born about 1893
DerrMarten born about 1872
DesatelDonald born about 1927
DesatelDorothy born about 1926
DesatelHoward born about 1903
DesatelJohn born about 1878
DesatelMildred born about 1907
DigmanBertha born about 1888
DigmanFrank born about 1882
DigmanHilda born about 1922
DoddsJames Eborn about 1890
DoddsSadie born about 1889
DoeseJennie born about 1870
DowneyCharlotte born about 1905
DowneyGeorge born about 1896
DowneyWilliam Aborn about 1933
DozarkViola born about 1920
DuncanArdell born about 1871
DuncanWm Fborn about 1873
DurfeyMabel born about 1903
DurleyAlfred Vintonborn about 1926
DurleyAnnie Margaretborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonDon Lborn about 1918
EbersoleEva born about 1865
EdgingtonRodge born about 1929
ElliotAgnes born about 1888
ElliotAvis born about 1920
ElliotClarence born about 1884
ElliotOrvis born about 1914
ElliottIda born about 1868
EllsburyMinnie born about 1889
EllsburyWallace born about 1915
EverttsEdwin born about 1936
EverttsEva born about 1900
EverttsEvelyn born about 1933
EverttsFred born about 1924
EverttsGeraldine born about 1923
EverttsVerla born about 1929

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F Surnames

FangmanBernard born about 1939
FangmanBernice born about 1936
FangmanEstella born about 1924
FangmanFrancis born about 1931
FangmanFrank born about 1899
FangmanHilda born about 1900
FangmanJames born about 1926
FangmanJuanita born about 1933
FangmanMary Janeborn about 1928
FangmanVincent born about 1940
FannonBernadette born about 1896
FannonClaire born about 1939
FannonFrancis born about 1921
FannonJames born about 1897
FannonJohn born about 1932
FannonMary born about 1931
FannonPaul born about 1923
FannonThomas born about 1928
FaustEva Mborn about 1907
FaustGordon Russellborn about 1936
FaustRussell born about 1911
FerrisRaymond born about 1903
FischerDorothy born about 1918
FischerEmma born about 1881
FischerHoward born about 1916
FischerJohn Dborn about 1878
FischerMildred born about 1920
FischerViola born about 1908
FitzpatrickBernard born about 1916
FitzpatrickJames born about 1912
FitzpatrickLeona born about 1912
FitzpatrickMartin born about 1939
FlaucherRaymond Jr born about 1933
FlennikenNellie born about 1868
FogelAddie born about 1885
FogelFrank born about 1908
FogelGoldie born about 1901
FogelHarry born about 1911
FogelJames born about 1881
FogelRufus born about 1920
FogelWalter born about 1921
FogelWill born about 1907
FosterAlberta born about 1915
FowlerRose born about 1853
FowlerRose born about 1869
FrazerHugh born about 1919
FrazerLeona born about 1888
FrederickEdward born about 1914
FrederickHelen born about 1919
FrederickHoward born about 1917
FrenthardRoy born about 1884
FrentressJennie Eborn about 1892
FrentressLewellyn Cborn about 1885
FriedleyAlbert born about 1894
FriedleyFlorence born about 1886
FrnchelJoe born about 1914
FrnchelMarian born about 1922
FryDorothy born about 1911
FryHarry born about 1905
FryMarjorie born about 1929
FunkAlfred born about 1895
FunkAnna Eborn about 1893
FunkCecelia born about 1888
FunkCharlotte born about 1928
FunkFrancis born about 1884
FunkHelen born about 1906
FunkJoan born about 1934
FunkJohn born about 1926
FunkJoseph born about 1881
FunkJoseph born about 1918
FunkLaura born about 1900
FunkLeo born about 1891
FunkLeonard born about 1902
FunkLloyd born about 1895
FunkLouis born about 1896
FunkMary born about 1882
FunkNeva born about 1899
FunkOlaf born about 1909
FunkPaul born about 1914
FunkRalph born about 1897
FunkRichard born about 1932
FunkThomas born about 1934
FunkVictoria born about 1917
FunkVincent born about 1928
FunkWalter born about 1900

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G Surnames

GatesConstace Maryborn about 1931
GatesElla born about 1858
GatesFern born about 1893
GatesI Pborn about 1860
GatesLloyd Cborn about 1893
GatesLloyd Calvinborn about 1927
GibbsElda Maryborn about 1927
GibbsGertrude Maeborn about 1898
GibbsGlen born about 1914
GibbsHarry born about 1916
GibbsJohn Hborn about 1892
GibbsJohn Henryborn about 1930
GibbsLain Eugeneborn about 1937
GibbsRobert Earlborn about 1924
GibbsViolet born about 1919
GleasonCluade born about 1897
GleasonGrace Janeborn about 1889
GlensonEarl Wborn about 1912
GlensonIrene Iborn about 1915
GoeringMabel born about 1892
GoeringPhillip born about 1886
GoeringWayne born about 1922
GossMarian born about 1912
GossMichael born about 1939
GrantHelen born about 1937
GrapesAlda Graceborn about 1886
GrapesAlonzo Geoborn about 1885
GrapesBarbara born about 1930
GrapesBernard born about 1912
GrapesChester born about 1911
GrapesEleana born about 1937
GrapesFred born about 1893
GrapesIsadora born about 1915
GrapesLydia born about 1910
GravesGenevieve born about 1923
GravesMary born about 1897
GravesStephen born about 1891
GregoryWilliam Anthonyborn about 1885
GulsvigAlanta born about 1908
GulsvigBen born about 1906
GulsvigCarloin Geneborn about 1934
GulsvigRodney Leeborn about 1939

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H Surnames

HagemannAgnes born about 1923
HagemannElisabeth born about 1882
HagemannEsther born about 1919
HagemannJuliana born about 1926
HagemannMartha born about 1917
HagemannNorbert born about 1915
HagemannRose Maryborn about 1921
HagemannWilliam born about 1878
HalburEdd born about 1882
HalburMary born about 1871
HalfhillAlice born about 1894
HalfhillVerne born about 1894
HamlettAthena Roseborn about 1931
HamlettBette Annborn about 1939
HamlettBruce born about 1926
HamlettEverett born about 1903
HamlettHulda born about 1898
HamlettLela born about 1907
HamlettOtter born about 1900
HamlettRita born about 1928
HammilJas Patrickborn about 1895
HammilMary born about 1890
HankinsAlice born about 1930
HankinsArchie born about 1907
HankinsDave born about 1869
HankinsDave Wborn about 1898
HankinsDean born about 1933
HankinsElva born about 1908
HanselAnna Vborn about 1895
HanselDiane born about 1939
HanselEverett born about 1933
HanselJennie born about 1908
HanselJesse born about 1884
HanselLe Roy born about 1908
HanselPaul born about 1938
HanselPhyllis born about 1935
HanselRaymond born about 1896
HanselRuby born about 1894
HartbeckFern born about 1915
HartbeckGary Deanborn about 1938
HartbeckGlenda Leeborn about 1939
HartbeckGlenn born about 1916
HartkeCatherine born about 1884
HartkeHerman Henryborn about 1884
HartkePaul born about 1922
HartkeWm born about 1917
HatchDorothy born about 1925
HatchFloyd Homerborn about 1885
HatchMildred born about 1892
HatchReva born about 1928
HatfieldMartin born about 1855
HatfieldRoy born about 1892
HeathLawrence born about 1922
HendersonDale born about 1897
HendersonLaura born about 1896
HendersonRobert born about 1923
HermannJoseph born about 1888
HermannVerna born about 1891
HermannVerne born about 1914
HernerMary born about 1865
HesnerChas Aborn about 1868
HeyerEarl born about 1895
HeyerEarnie Jborn about 1888
HeyerIrene born about 1921
HeyerJeanette born about 1885
HeyerOpal born about 1906
HeyerVernon born about 1920
HildebrandtAdolph born about 1893
HillEva born about 1908
HillLee Royceborn about 1938
HillRhea Jeanborn about 1933
HillRoyce born about 1902
HindalEva Janeborn about 1874
HindalM Eborn about 1865
HockadayBernice born about 1913
HockadayFrancis born about 1905
HockadayJo Annborn about 1933
HockadayRichard born about 1936
HockadayVern born about 1916
HolthousEugene born about 1935
HolthousHazel born about 1910
HolthousHoward born about 1904
HoltzAlbert born about 1934
HoltzAlberta born about 1925
HoltzAloysius Bborn about 1895
HoltzClara born about 1896
HoltzEdward born about 1924
HoltzFrancis born about 1922
HoltzMarie Catherineborn about 1927
HoltzTheresa Annborn about 1939
HomewoodBetty born about 1929
HomewoodLyle born about 1908
HomewoodMildred born about 1908
HomewoodRodger born about 1931
HuntAlbert born about 1920
HuntDorothy born about 1889
HutsonJames Cborn about 1871
HutsonMinnie Aborn about 1870

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I Surnames

ImlauFrank born about 1891
ImlauMarvin born about 1934
ImlauMinnie born about 1890
ImlauWilliam born about 1922

J Surnames

JefferisBertha born about 1908
JefferisBetty born about 1930
JefferisGlen born about 1927
JefferisHattie born about 1862
JefferisHoward born about 1904
JonesAlvin born about 1922
JonesBlanche born about 1904
JonesDavid born about 1889
JonesLeland born about 1931
JonesRobert born about 1936
JonesWilliam Deanborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KauffmanBeverly Jeanborn about 1933
KauffmanEmmet born about 1899
KauffmanLeta born about 1904
KeamerBilly born about 1935
KeamerHoward Wborn about 1914
KeamerLanny born about 1938
KeamerSandra Jborn about 1933
KeamerVelma Eborn about 1918
KelleyAllen Rborn about 1934
KelleyAnnette born about 1935
KelleyCarol born about 1939
KelleyDouglas born about 1937
KelleyJunior Gborn about 1916
KelleyMildred Iborn about 1914
KellyAsa born about 1892
KellyDelbert born about 1928
KellyDoris born about 1917
KellyEsther born about 1915
KellyFloyd born about 1934
KellyGeorgia born about 1893
KellyGrace born about 1922
KellyHarold born about 1932
KellyLynon born about 1919
KirkMargaret born about 1878
KlostermannLeonard born about 1894
KlostermannMartha born about 1898
KlostermannRichard Jr born about 1935
KlostermannVirginia Maeborn about 1924
KnickerbockerAlfred born about 1873
KnickerbockerBruce born about 1926
KnickerbockerBuryle born about 1925
KnickerbockerDoris born about 1923
KnickerbockerElton born about 1922
KnickerbockerEugene born about 1926
KnickerbockerFloyd born about 1898
KnickerbockerMarjorie born about 1931
KnickerbockerMary born about 1876
KnickerbockerOrlin born about 1924
KnickerbockerRegina born about 1901
KnickerbockerVern born about 1899
KnickerbockerVerna born about 1895
KnickerbockerWilma born about 1929
KoesterJoseph Fborn about 1894
KoesterRachel born about 1894
KramerCheryll Annborn about 1935
KramerDale born about 1905
KramerMarie born about 1905
KroegerBen Jborn about 1899
KroegerRose Johannaborn about 1905
KuhlmanArthur born about 1892
KuhlmanBilly born about 1924
KuhlmanJack born about 1925
KuhlmanJimmy born about 1929
KuhlmanMarie born about 1902
KuhlmanYvonne born about 1922

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L Surnames

LammerDorothy born about 1926
LammerElla born about 1892
LammerGermaine born about 1925
LammerJohn born about 1887
LammerMargie born about 1928
LammerYvonne born about 1932
LawlessBernadine born about 1926
LawlessBertha born about 1895
LawlessM Rayborn about 1876
LawlessRaymond born about 1919
LawrenceAnna Marieborn about 1884
LawrenceEdgar born about 1885
LeeFranklin born about 1933
LeeHenry born about 1910
LeeJerry Joeborn about 1938
LeeLawrence born about 1936
LeeLou Verettaborn about 1910
LenzFrank born about 1858
LenzLouisa born about 1858
LeonardEvelyn born about 1920
LillibridgeMinnie born about 1870
LincolnAvis born about 1921
LincolnDonna born about 1919
LincolnElsie born about 1890
LincolnHarry born about 1892
LincolnRobert born about 1927
LincolnVerla Mayborn about 1925
LongHenry born about 1899
LubbenAnna Cborn about 1881
LubbenJohn Hborn about 1876

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M Surnames

MadisonCurtis born about 1930
MadisonMinnie born about 1903
MadisonVerl born about 1902
MadlomIke Eugeneborn about 1918
MadlomJoe born about 1915
MadlomLarry Jamesborn about 1938
MadlomWilma born about 1919
MaiersGrace born about 1920
MaiersRalph born about 1918
MartinBetty Louborn about 1924
MartinBeverly Joanborn about 1935
MartinDoris Jeanborn about 1930
MartinEzekiel born about 1889
MartinStella born about 1890
MattsonArthur born about 1920
MattsonEsther born about 1922
MattsonFreda born about 1886
MattsonOscar born about 1880
MaulsonRaymond born about 1938
McDonoughCatherin born about 1864
McDonoughJohn born about 1888
McDowellPearl born about 1923
McElliottPatricia born about 1918
McElmeelEdythe born about 1911
McElmeelGayle born about 1918
McElmeelPaul born about 1903
McElmeelPauline born about 1939
McElmeelWalter born about 1911
McManigleLloyd born about 1916
McManigleVirginia born about 1919
McMondgilJames born about 1871
McTaggart born about 1887
McTaggartRobert born about 1892
MeadAlice born about 1900
MeadCarl Wborn about 1891
MeadMarian born about 1925
MelonEthel born about 1888
MelonFred born about 1883
MeyerArthur H Revborn about 1882
MeyerDelbert born about 1918
MeyerEmma Fborn about 1887
MeyerEugene born about 1923
MeyerG Juliusborn about 1882
MeyerSusie born about 1887
MillerAndrew born about 1928
MillerAnna born about 1896
MillerAnna Jeanborn about 1931
MillerDelmar born about 1924
MillerHerbert born about 1920
MillerJames born about 1926
MillerMary Louborn about 1934
MillerRobert born about 1925
MinklerEdna Lborn about 1914
MinklerEvalyn born about 1925
MinklerF Royborn about 1886
MinklerGladys Tborn about 1904
MinklerJan born about 1934
MinklerLela born about 1888
MinklerRalph Rborn about 1905
MinklerRichard born about 1923
MinklerRobert Jborn about 1939
MinklerRobert Lborn about 1910
MitchellJack born about 1876
MitchellJames born about 1868
MitchellMayme born about 1880
MoehlenkampAugust born about 1888
MoehlenkampJohn born about 1854
MontezDonald born about 1925
MoorisFlorence Lborn about 1880
MoormanDonal Josephborn about 1933
MoormanJoan Marieborn about 1934
MoormanJoseph born about 1908
MoormanLa Vera Henryborn about 1932
MoormanLeona Aheresaborn about 1935
MoormanMarie born about 1909
MoormanMarjorie Annborn about 1938
MorleyChas Wborn about 1863
MorleyElla Mborn about 1862
MorrisChas Delbertborn about 1867
MorrisEarl Leeborn about 1909
MorrisManel born about 1898
MorrisMary Emmaborn about 1871
MoserArlene born about 1925
MoserDora born about 1904
MoserLawrence Oborn about 1898
MoserLeonard born about 1936
MoserLucille born about 1931
MuellerDora born about 1855
MuellerHenry born about 1890

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N Surnames

NewmanDwight Wborn about 1885
NewmanDwight W Jrborn about 1923
NewmanMildred Wborn about 1889
NewtonDorothy born about 1917
NewtonHelen born about 1919
NewtonHoward Lborn about 1915
NewtonJohn born about 1889
NewtonLloyd born about 1916
NewtonLucina born about 1893
NewtonWeslie born about 1924
NicoletChas Fborn about 1939
NicoletRoy Lborn about 1908
NicoletThelma Pborn about 1908
NobleNellie born about 1866

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O Surnames

OlsenCaroline born about 1880
OlsenPete born about 1881
OtisHarvey born about 1907
OtisMildred born about 1909

P Surnames

ParterLena Maeborn about 1872
ParterWilliam Royborn about 1908
PeetBlanche born about 1929
PeetByron born about 1859
PeetCaroline born about 1902
PeetChas born about 1886
PeetGrace born about 1935
PeetMabel born about 1926
PeetMartha Annborn about 1859
PeickFred Jr born about 1888
PeickLeona born about 1890
PerrinjaquetBlanche born about 1917
PerrinjaquetGeo born about 1917
PheelVirgil born about 1924
PhillipsCarl born about 1923
PhillipsHerbert born about 1932
PhillipsIda Belleborn about 1924
PhillipsLetha born about 1895
PhillipsPaul born about 1929
PhillipsViola born about 1927
PhillipsWm Virgilborn about 1892
PholeAmelia born about 1931
PholeAnna born about 1896
PholeAnna Maeborn about 1933
PholeClarence born about 1917
PholeEarnest born about 1936
PholeElla Maeborn about 1874
PholeHelarious born about 1926
PholeJoseph born about 1888
PholeJoseph born about 1923
PholeRaymond born about 1921
PilgrimAlbert born about 1874
PilgrimMaude born about 1882
PinchFrank born about 1876
PinchMarguerite born about 1875
PlattArthur born about 1897
PlattBruce born about 1923
PlattCurtis born about 1927
PlattFern born about 1902
PrattLe Roy born about 1898
PrattMarie born about 1903
PrestonKate Aborn about 1864
ProwseAlice born about 1906
ProwseJackie born about 1934
ProwseNiles Oborn about 1905
PutzAlbert born about 1899
PutzAlice born about 1895
PutzDonald born about 1931
PutzE Jborn about 1888
PutzEileen born about 1902
PutzJohn born about 1860
PutzMary Eborn about 1890
PutzRichard born about 1934

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Q Surnames

QuinnHarry born about 1890
QuinnLucile born about 1916
QuinnMarguerite born about 1892

R Surnames

ReckerAlois born about 1914
ReckerDonald born about 1938
ReckerEthel born about 1917
ReckerJean born about 1934
ReckerJim born about 1936
ReckerJoe born about 1936
ReedyJohn Vborn about 1886
ReedyPearl Amandaborn about 1888
ReigerDorothy born about 1920
ReigerJohn born about 1938
ReigerWayne born about 1917
ReuschAndrew Mayborn about 1909
ReuschArthur born about 1930
ReuschBetty Geneborn about 1934
ReuschEva Louborn about 1938
ReuschGertrude born about 1914
ReuschRobert Leeborn about 1932
ReynoldsEthel born about 1890
ReynoldsHarley born about 1888
RichardsSadie born about 1869
RizerAlton born about 1884
RizerDean born about 1921
RizerNettie born about 1887
RizerRalph born about 1890
RizerRizer Lauraborn about 1891
RobertsonMabel born about 1873
RobisonHoward born about 1906
RobisonMargaret born about 1910
RobisonPeter Clairborn about 1938
RogueAlbert Jborn about 1877
RogueMaud Aborn about 1880
RomigAlvina born about 1921
RomigBeulah born about 1923
RomigBilly Deanborn about 1937
RomigBurdette born about 1920
RomigDarleen Graceborn about 1935
RomigEarl born about 1891
RomigEarnice born about 1915
RomigElwyn born about 1908
RomigEzra born about 1878
RomigFloy Albaborn about 1901
RomigJohn Wborn about 1884
RomigLloyd born about 1910
RomigNettie born about 1893
RomigNina born about 1914
RomigRosalee Altaborn about 1939
RomigWilma Darleenborn about 1929
RonnebaumEarnest born about 1925
RonnebaumFrank born about 1895
RonnebaumMary born about 1897
RonnebaumMatthias born about 1923
RonnebaumVera born about 1925
RossowChas Fborn about 1875
RossowHelen born about 1916
RossowMillie Maeborn about 1875
RudyElmer Chasborn about 1900
RudyEmma born about 1876
RudyHoward Williamborn about 1913
RulonClaude born about 1877
RulonNellie Iborn about 1878
RuthCecil born about 1926
RutherfordAda born about 1888
RutherfordWilliam born about 1881
RyanClaude born about 1913
RyanDarwin born about 1937
RyanDe Leva born about 1932
RyanDee Lborn about 1899
RyanFloyd born about 1893
RyanGenevieve born about 1903
RyanLarry born about 1936
RyanLewis Mborn about 1892
RyanLoretta born about 1917
RyanMae born about 1872
RyanMaiza born about 1893
RyanMary born about 1896
RyanRichard born about 1922
RyanRoger born about 1925
RyanRoy born about 1925
RyanRuth born about 1924
RyanVal born about 1928
RyanVera born about 1923

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S Surnames

SandsDonald born about 1937
SandsDonna born about 1926
SandsFrank born about 1893
SandsFrank Aborn about 1874
SandsIsabelle born about 1902
SandsLloyd born about 1924
SandsLouis born about 1923
SandsRichard born about 1930
SanmannAlice born about 1938
SanmannLarrien born about 1917
SanmannMartin born about 1912
SaurboyArnold born about 1925
SaurboyHarold born about 1921
SaurboyThomas born about 1898
SchachererAnna Louborn about 1851
SchachererEdward born about 1899
SchachererEllis Jborn about 1874
SchachererJohn born about 1867
SchachererMary born about 1883
ScheissCora Oborn about 1920
ScheissPatricia born about 1939
SchillingDonald born about 1916
SchillingFrank born about 1890
SchillingGilbert born about 1921
SchillingMayme born about 1891
SchirmerEmma born about 1871
SchirmerJohn born about 1939
SchirmerLouis born about 1906
SchirmerMarie born about 1911
SchirmerSebastian born about 1871
SchmockClarence born about 1885
SchmockDelia born about 1889
SchmockDon born about 1911
SchmockVernon born about 1925
SchultzAlbert born about 1880
SchultzViola born about 1879
ScottCharlotte born about 1882
ScottClair born about 1924
ScottIrving Winfieldborn about 1878
ScottPeryl born about 1911
SewardCleo born about 1914
SewardGeorge Nborn about 1864
SewardKatie born about 1872
SewardLloyd Lborn about 1901
ShafferBurnzie born about 1889
ShafferCharles born about 1887
ShafferIrvin born about 1927
ShafferLee Lborn about 1878
ShafferLucretia born about 1885
ShafferMarion born about 1921
ShafferMary born about 1858
ShafferRobert born about 1915
SharpBertha born about 1891
SharpEarl born about 1886
SharpHarlan born about 1930
SharpJoe born about 1920
SharpJoseph born about 1865
SharpLaura born about 1867
SharpMerle born about 1923
ShawHannah born about 1857
ShingledeckerDave born about 1891
ShingledeckerHarry born about 1915
ShingledeckerHazel born about 1916
ShingledeckerLois born about 1929
ShingledeckerLottie born about 1892
ShingledeckerWayne born about 1934
ShultzFrancis born about 1883
SicklesBarney born about 1922
SicklesHerbert born about 1919
SiegelJohn Jborn about 1919
SmithBeatrice born about 1933
SmithChester born about 1927
SmithEdna born about 1908
SmithElizabeth born about 1918
SmithEmogene born about 1923
SmithEvelyn born about 1920
SmithEverett born about 1877
SmithEverett Cborn about 1901
SmithEverett Dborn about 1923
SmithFloyd S Jborn about 1918
SmithGeorge born about 1902
SmithLaura born about 1894
SmithLawrence born about 1919
SmithLila Maryborn about 1925
SmithMary Cborn about 1922
SmithMuriel Elaineborn about 1924
SmithMyrwyn Claytonborn about 1924
SmithMytle born about 1904
SmithNora born about 1881
SmithRobert born about 1931
SmithRonald born about 1928
SmithThelma born about 1910
SmithVelma born about 1923
SmithVirginia born about 1936
SmithWinfrey born about 1892
SmithWorthy born about 1893
SmockAudrey born about 1940
SmockDonald born about 1936
SmockEdna born about 1910
SmockEva born about 1933
SmockJane born about 1931
SmockLois born about 1930
SmockRussell Hborn about 1905
SmockValle born about 1938
SouthwickEdward born about 1933
SouthwickMyrtle born about 1937
SouthwickNorma born about 1903
SouthwickRonald born about 1930
SouthwickRoy born about 1927
SouthwickSeward born about 1898
SouthwickVera born about 1936
SouthwickWayne born about 1925
StewardEmma Jborn about 1893
StewardLouis Ronaldborn about 1927
StewardPhillip Dborn about 1929
StoneAlexander Jacksonborn about 1860
StoneCeryll born about 1939
StoneClaude born about 1921
StoneCleto Zoborn about 1888
StoneCynthia born about 1873
StoneDean born about 1927
StoneDonna born about 1934
StoneEtta Mborn about 1863
StoneLarry Gborn about 1938
StoneMarion Eborn about 1914
StoneMarvel born about 1904
StoneMerwin Jborn about 1911
StoneMyron Lborn about 1873
StoneRalph Nborn about 1885
StoneRobert Eborn about 1940
StoneStanley born about 1897
StoutClarence Aborn about 1906
StoutDoris born about 1927
StoutKenneth born about 1925
StoutMatie born about 1903
StragueBertha born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TakenAnna born about 1874
TakenBen born about 1873
TakenIda born about 1910
TakenLawrence born about 1939
TakenRobert Jborn about 1904
TakenWalter born about 1890
TakenWalter born about 1934
TaylorJohn born about 1900
TaylorJune Lucilleborn about 1940
TaylorMarian born about 1903
TheelBeverly born about 1935
TheelDorothy born about 1925
TheelGertrude born about 1901
TheelHerman born about 1893
TheelIrma born about 1937
TheelJay born about 1894
TheelJune born about 1933
TheelNiles born about 1928
TheelRobert born about 1922
TheelWanda born about 1930
ThomasCharles born about 1891
ThomasCharles born about 1928
ThomasEffie born about 1902
ThomasErcel born about 1925
ThomasGarth born about 1930
ThomasLynn born about 1910
ThomasMyrtle born about 1912
ThomasNell born about 1884
ThomasSinah born about 1879
ThompsonGeorge born about 1885
ThompsonJohn Mborn about 1882
ThompsonLura Aborn about 1885
ThompsonOlive born about 1889
ThyneJohn born about 1928
ThyneMary Estherborn about 1925
ThynePauline born about 1895
ThyneWalter born about 1893
TilpAnne Louiseborn about 1937
TilpBeverly Maeborn about 1929
TilpCarol Ellenborn about 1936
TilpEdna born about 1902
TilpFrank Aborn about 1898
TilpGary Geneborn about 1935
TilpHelen Iborn about 1909
TilpLewis born about 1905
TilpLois Fernborn about 1932
TinkerEdward born about 1899
TinkerFrancis born about 1929
TinkerJohn born about 1931
TinkerJoseph born about 1933
TinkerMargaret born about 1899
TinkerMary Ellenborn about 1926
TinkerPhillip born about 1923
TinkerThomas born about 1939
TinleyGean Doreneborn about 1932
TinleyJoseph Samuelborn about 1892
TinleyNewell Wadeborn about 1925
TinleyRuth born about 1893
TyrellCaroline born about 1919
TyrellDaisy Vborn about 1885
TyrellJesse Jborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanerBertha born about 1885
VerploeghRussel born about 1916
VerploeghVirleen born about 1916

W Surnames

WaitEmma born about 1862
WaldoFred born about 1902
WaldoMildred born about 1905
WaldoRenee born about 1926
WaldoRobert born about 1929
WardLe Verne born about 1894
WathenCora Maeborn about 1870
WathenJames born about 1928
WattsClark born about 1914
WattsDorene born about 1921
WayFrank Mborn about 1878
WayIrma born about 1899
WayLee born about 1891
WayMartha born about 1894
WayMeribeth born about 1930
WayMyrna born about 1935
WeirHugh Jborn about 1870
WeirIda Cborn about 1868
WelterlenArthur Lborn about 1892
WelterlenBetty born about 1921
WelterlenEsther Aborn about 1895
WelterlenFrank Dayborn about 1923
WelterlenGladys born about 1894
WelterlenJames Deanborn about 1930
WelterlenJohn Wmborn about 1924
WelterlenMargery Annborn about 1926
WelterlenMarian Aliceborn about 1933
WendelAda born about 1884
WendelBlanche born about 1913
WendelEdna born about 1890
WendelFred Wborn about 1874
WendelFred W Jrborn about 1921
WendelGeorge born about 1886
WendelGrace Eborn about 1886
WendelHenry Eborn about 1883
WendelLewis born about 1916
WenksternMary Rborn about 1884
WesselBurdette born about 1914
WesselEdward born about 1938
WesselLucile born about 1915
WesselMarla born about 1939
WeyantFrank born about 1913
WeyantMildred born about 1913
WeyantVirginia born about 1933
WheelerMinnie born about 1865
WhiteAsa born about 1907
WhiteAugusta born about 1877
WhiteEarnest Nborn about 1885
WhiteEdward born about 1873
WhiteEdward Jr born about 1914
WhiteGerald born about 1916
WhiteIda Belleborn about 1885
WhiteJune born about 1855
WhiteLilly born about 1882
WhiteMartin born about 1909
WhiteRaymond born about 1900
WhiteRichard born about 1873
WhiteheadDorothy Jeanborn about 1931
WhiteheadEdna born about 1910
WhiteheadGene born about 1906
WhiteheadGlenn Allenborn about 1937
WhiteheadJeanette Aliceborn about 1939
WhiteheadJoyce Anneborn about 1933
WhiteheadLois Maeborn about 1930
WhiteheadMary Elaineborn about 1935
WierschkeOlga born about 1888
WierschkeRobert born about 1928
WileyHenry born about 1858
WilsonDonald born about 1911
WilsonLester Jborn about 1913
WilsonMarion born about 1916
WilsonPenny Kborn about 1937
WilsonShela Josborn about 1934
WilsonTeran Bborn about 1938
WilsonVaneta born about 1919
WiltseArdis born about 1932
WiltseKenneth Wayneborn about 1918
WiltseLois born about 1930
WiltseStella born about 1884
WithamAlice born about 1924
WittAnna born about 1870
WittEdward Hborn about 1892
WittNell born about 1891
WoellertHarold born about 1919
WoerdehoffElva born about 1923
WoerdehoffHenrietta born about 1892
WoerdehoffLola born about 1927
WoerdehoffMerle born about 1926
WonleightonDewitt Tborn about 1891
WonleightonGlen Tborn about 1914
WonleightonMarian born about 1862
WonleightonPearl born about 1896
WonleightonRuth born about 1900
WooldridgeFrank born about 1861
WoolridgeKenneth born about 1923
WoolridgeLillie born about 1891
WoolridgeLouie born about 1890
WulfekuhleBernard born about 1872
WulfekuhleJosephine born about 1900
WulfekuhleMarian born about 1930
WulfekuhleMary born about 1880
WulfekuhleRaymond born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZauggHerman born about 1884

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