1940 U.S. Federal Census of Illyria, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Illyria

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AeschilmanLena born about 1871
AeschlimanAnnola born about 1940
AeschlimanElizabeth born about 1919
AeschlimanEva born about 1893
AeschlimanHarry Jborn about 1897
AeschlimanLee born about 1926
AeschlimanMarine born about 1920
AeschlimanRichard born about 1914
AglinGerald born about 1919
AinsworthLeo Jborn about 1903
AinsworthPauline born about 1907
AinsworthRobert Eborn about 1935
AldersonGeorge born about 1915
AmesGeorge born about 1861
AmosArchie born about 1899
AmosArthur born about 1935
AmosElla born about 1895
AndersonHenry born about 1899
AndersonMartin born about
AndersonMary Aborn about 1871
AverillLouann born about 1939
AverillLouise born about 1917
AverillRichard born about 1938
AverillRosella born about 1936
AverillShirley born about 1914
AylsworthAnette born about 1925
AylsworthAnna Mborn about 1885
AylsworthBert born about 1919
AylsworthCharles born about 1883
AylsworthDella born about 1928
AylsworthDorothy born about 1931
AylsworthElla born about 1929
AylsworthErmadel born about 1939
AylsworthF Eugeneborn about 1939
AylsworthKarel born about 1920
AylsworthLa Verle born about 1919
AylsworthWarner born about 1918
AylsworthWilliam born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaldwinEileen born about 1915
BaldwinFrancis born about 1913
BaldwinJulia born about 1881
BaldwinKenneth born about 1912
BaldwinThomas born about 1876
BarthalomowBernice born about 1907
BarthalomowChloe born about 1883
BarthalomowRobert born about 1884
BattersonLyle born about 1920
BaumgardnerDaniel born about 1865
BaumgardnerFannie born about 1872
BeardMildred born about 1918
BenderMinnie born about 1871
BergerJohn born about 1885
BiglerJames born about 1934
BiglerJulia born about 1910
BiglerKenneth born about 1933
BiglerMargret born about 1877
BiglerMary born about 1937
BiglerRobert born about 1904
BiglerRobert born about 1932
BoleynEliza born about 1862
BondAlta born about 1913
BondClyde Lborn about 1909
BondElva born about 1889
BondEmagene born about 1931
BondMaxine born about 1925
BondMerle born about 1920
BondRobert born about 1879
BondRobert born about 1923
BondRobert born about 1934
BondVera born about 1913
BondVerda born about 1932
BondWilfred born about 1913
BoyerRussel born about 1917
BradleyStella born about 1927
BroughtonMurray Wborn about 1916
BroughtonVirginia born about 1913

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C Surnames

CarbinMarion born about 1875
CarbinSarah born about 1884
CarmichaelHenry born about 1872
CarpenterEarl born about 1912
CarpenterMattie born about 1876
ChamberlainMaude born about 1876
ChapmanBarney born about
ChapmanElsie born about 1888
ChapmanWilliam born about 1928
ChaseLeonard born about 1939
ChaseRaymond Lborn about 1919
ChaseWalter born about 1888
ChristenElmer Cborn about 1915
ChristenGertude born about 1914
ClarkBertha born about 1867
ClarkDawson born about 1894
ClarkDawson Oborn about 1923
ClarkElva born about 1901
ClarkFreemont born about 1899
ClarkGoodwin Pborn about 1864
ClarkMary born about 1914
ClarkRobert Lborn about 1929
ClarkUlmer Mborn about 1925
ClineArchie born about 1899
ClineBetty born about 1929
ClineDorthy born about 1927
ClineFloy born about 1897
ClineLeah born about 1931
ClineLeroy born about 1932
ClineLeroy Pborn about 1882
ClineMargaret Jborn about 1891
ClineMargaret Vborn about 1865
ClineRosemary born about 1925
ClineVirginia born about 1929
ConsidineMary Cborn about 1872
CookAlbert Cborn about 1886
CookDonna Lborn about 1938
CookLoise Eborn about 1915
CookMargaret born about 1870
CorbettWilliam born about 1888
CorbinAgnes born about 1920
CorbinBernece born about 1920
CorbinBertha born about 1881
CorbinClaire born about 1918
CorbinClark Cborn about 1879
CorbinFaye born about 1922
CorbinGene born about 1938
CorbinJesse Oborn about 1885
CorbinLarra born about 1918
CorbinMary born about 1884
CorbinOrville born about 1910
CorbinRichard Josephborn about 1940
CorbinSidney born about 1914
CorbinVirginia born about 1869
CorkeryBarbara born about 1935
CorkeryBernadett born about 1910
CorkeryCharles born about 1933
CorkeryE Ceciliaborn about 1923
CorkeryEdna born about 1908
CorkeryEllen born about 1903
CorkeryErma born about 1908
CorkeryFrancis born about 1897
CorkeryJane born about 1936
CorkeryJeanne born about 1930
CorkeryJoanne born about 1930
CorkeryLauretta born about 1932
CorkeryM Marieborn about 1921
CorkeryMarguerite born about 1900
CorkeryMary Francesborn about 1929
CorkeryNice born about 1919
CorkeryRichard born about 1902
CorkeryWilliam born about 1899
CorkeryWilliam Nborn about 1932
CorlinDarlene born about 1934
CorlinLarerl born about 1912
CorlinRobert born about 1936
CousinaClarine born about 1908
CousinaLois born about 1935
CousinaLouis born about 1898
CousinaMervyn born about 1931
CousinsClyde born about 1914
CousinsFrances born about 1919
CrandallJames born about 1937
CrandallLuther born about 1903
CrandallMar Lborn about 1940
CrandallNaomi born about 1900
CrandallPaul born about 1929
CrandallRobert born about 1931

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D Surnames

DahlgrenGeorge Hborn about 1898
DahlgrenLuella born about 1906
DavisDella born about 1939
DavisEdwin born about 1876
DavisGeorge born about 1923
DavisGrace born about 1915
DavisJames born about 1914
DavisJames born about 1936
DavisJo Annborn about 1935
DavisJohn born about 1866
DavisMabel born about 1934
DavisMary born about 1913
DavisNina born about 1885
DavisSarah Aborn about 1850
DavisSilas Sborn about 1872
DavisZeb born about 1857
DennlerAlbert born about 1892
DennlerHarold born about 1919
DennlerHelen born about 1921
DennlerMabel born about 1896
DennlerOpal born about 1924
DewaldDaniel Mborn about 1919
DewaldDolorus Aborn about 1928
DewaldEdna Mborn about 1897
DewaldJohn Fborn about 1931
DewaldJohn Oborn about 1894
DeweyJay Gborn about 1872
DeweyLottie born about 1878
DivanJoe Mborn about 1906
DivanMargaret born about 1908
DivanMary Jborn about 1937
DwyerMarie born about 1869
DwyerMathew born about 1912

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E Surnames

EricksonBert born about 1896
EricksonJohn born about 1925
EricksonMargaret born about 1890
EricksonWilliam born about 1922
ErnstCeila born about 1888
ErnstEdwin born about 1918
ErnstEvelyn born about 1890
ErnstGuy born about 1900
ErnstNancy born about 1869
ErnstRobert born about 1888
EverettCecil born about 1916
EverettEtta born about 1918
EverettGregory born about 1940
EverettLoren born about 1935
EverettVelma born about 1916
EveretteFrank Hborn about 1879
EveretteMary born about 1883

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F Surnames

FayBeulah born about 1886
FayDora born about 1929
FayGeorge Wborn about 1879
FellerBlanch born about 1914
FellerClifford born about 1920
FellerForest Rborn about 1910
FellerGladys born about 1906
FellerHarry born about 1908
FellerHenry born about 1877
FellerLois born about 1925
FellerMatilda born about 1882
FennellAnna born about 1861
FennellJames born about 1926
FennellLaurence born about 1890
FennellMabel born about 1898
FennellMary born about 1934
FlanaganCarl born about 1901
FlanaganCecil born about 1906
FlanaganElise born about 1897
FlanaganEllen born about 1897
FlanaganJeanette born about 1907
FlanaganJohn born about 1888
FlanaganLillian born about 1899
FlanaganMary born about 1893
FlanaganTom born about 1895
FlowersClaude Sborn about 1896
FlowersIvan born about 1920
FlowersVera born about 1898
FolensbeeMary born about 1857
FoxDaryle born about 1925
FoxJames Oborn about 1902
FoxKathryn born about 1932
FoxMaude born about 1902
FoxMildred born about 1933
FoxNorma Jeanborn about 1933
FoxOra born about 1872
FoxTessa Eborn about 1910
FoxVida born about 1928
FoxWanda born about 1937
FoxWilliam born about 1885
FoxWilma born about 1910
FoxwellElizabeth born about 1880
FoxwellElizabeth born about 1913
FoxwellElla born about 1869
FoxwellFrances born about 1915
FrankAgnes born about 1885
FrankLeahy born about 1883
FrankRichard born about 1877
FrankTim born about 1875
FreitagJohn born about 1905
FreyDora born about 1918
FreyEthel born about 1887
FreyGertude born about 1918
FreyHarley born about 1922
FreyHazel born about 1893
FreyIrene born about 1918
FreyJohn born about 1926
FreyLindy born about 1928
FreyMartin born about 1859
FreyMartin born about 1926
FreyMary born about 1865
FreyRobert Mborn about 1887
FreyWarren born about 1924
FreyWilliam born about 1892
FriedenCoranel born about 1918
FriedenFloyd born about 1918
FullerBlanch born about 1907
FullerEvan Jborn about 1912

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G Surnames

GageAlice born about 1905
GageCharles born about 1926
GageChester born about 1926
GageDuane born about 1928
GageEdwin born about 1933
GageHelen born about 1930
GageJames born about 1935
GageJohn born about 1927
GageKeith born about 1936
GageMarjorie born about 1937
GageMartha born about 1902
GageMary Mborn about 1931
GageMckinley born about 1903
GageRalph born about 1890
GageRichard born about 1924
GardnerClayton born about 1872
GaretsonDorothy born about 1917
GaretsonGlen born about 1938
GaretsonGlen Mborn about 1909
GaretsonInfant born about 1940
GaretsonKenneth born about 1934
GaretsonStella born about 1937
GehringCarl born about 1898
GehringEdward born about 1865
GehringGrace born about 1901
GehringLeroy born about 1925
GehringLester born about 1915
GehringLouise born about 1870
GehringLowell born about 1931
GehringMarie born about 1902
GehringMarion born about 1933
GehringRuth born about 1936
GellBertha born about
GellEdith born about 1893
GellSamuel born about 1880
GellWalter born about 1889
GernandEdward born about 1891
GernandHazel born about 1899
GibsonAnna born about 1872
GohringAlice born about 1905
GohringCharles born about 1906
GohringJack born about 1928
GohringJanice born about 1929
GrayDorothy born about 1931
GrayDuwane born about 1939
GrayEthel born about 1900
GrayLester born about 1893

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H Surnames

HallEmma born about 1877
HallGilbert born about 1908
HallGlen born about 1902
HallOra Wborn about 1876
HallRuth born about 1906
HarrimanLeo Cborn about 1888
HarrimanMary Jborn about 1938
HarrimanWilma born about 1917
HarrisGeorge born about 1925
HeidenFred born about 1887
HeidenMamie born about 1893
HenrichHoward born about 1897
HenrichMarshall born about 1899
HenrichMary born about 1874
HenrichVida born about 1914
HensleyMary Aborn about 1857
HermanH Edwardborn about 1935
HermanHarold born about 1910
HermanThelma born about 1911
HerrlingArthur Gborn about 1907
HerrlingArthur G Srborn about 1877
HerrlingErnestine born about 1903
HerrlingLaura born about 1880
HerwigMarjorie born about 1925
HerwigPatricia born about 1929
HerwigPhyllis born about 1904
HerwigRoy born about 1902
HerwigRoy Jr born about 1923
HerwigShirley born about 1931
HinkelAlo Mborn about 1921
HinkelBernadine born about 1935
HinkelBetty Mborn about 1937
HinkelDelmar Dborn about 1927
HinkelJohn born about 1919
HinkelMae born about 1892
HinkelMae Mborn about 1867
HinkelOna born about 1925
HinkelOscar born about 1899
HinkelRichard born about 1923
HinkelRobert Oborn about 1929
HintonMarjorie born about 1914
HintonWilliam Bborn about 1913
HintonWilliam Jborn about 1934
HoferAlfred Lborn about 1933
HoferBen born about 1888
HoferBen Jr born about 1930
HoferJohn born about 1928
HoferLauretta born about 1909
HoferMary Aborn about 1939
HoferPaul born about 1938
HoferRose born about 1935
HoltBetty born about 1926
HoltHal born about 1928
HoltHerbert born about 1929
HoltHoward Tborn about 1896
HoltRuth born about 1896
HoltzmanGloria born about 1933
HoltzmanJanet Eborn about 1937
HoltzmanMildred born about 1905
HoltzmanRalph Eborn about 1903
HolzerEmma born about 1877
HolzerHenry born about 1876
HomewoodDean born about 1895
HomewoodHattie born about 1874
HomewoodRichard born about 1933
HomewoodViola born about 1931
HowmanAugust born about 1887
HoytWinifred born about 1871
HugginsArthur Wborn about 1898
HugginsBetty born about 1931
HugginsDorothy Mborn about 1925
HugginsEmma born about 1901
HugginsHelen Lborn about 1919
HugginsMaude Lborn about 1922
HugginsPaul Lborn about 1935
HugginsRichard Jborn about 1939
HugginsThomas born about 1923
HugginsVelma Lborn about 1937
HumphreyArthur born about 1857
HumphreyLeonard born about 1858
HunsbergerLouis born about 1867
HunsbergerLulu born about 1896
HunsbergerOscar born about 1893
Hunter born about 1870
HurdWilbur Eborn about 1883
HydeDawn born about 1919
HydeGeorge Wborn about 1879
HydeLa Verne born about 1915
HydePearl born about 1889

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J Surnames

JeffersonCharley Eborn about 1894
JenningsClifford born about 1889
JenningsElla born about 1867
JenningsGeorge born about 1863
JenningsKeith born about 1916
JenningsMary born about 1879
JenningsRussell born about 1917
JenningsSid Mborn about 1874
JohnsonAlfred born about 1891
JohnsonBetty born about 1927
JohnsonDarrel born about 1926
JohnsonDerrel Rborn about 1925
JohnsonDonna born about 1926
JohnsonDorris Eborn about 1936
JohnsonHelen born about 1887
JohnsonIda born about 1902
JohnsonIlo Maeborn about 1924
JohnsonIvan born about 1921
JohnsonLester born about 1925
JohnsonMabel born about 1893
JohnsonMarry born about 1923
JohnsonOle born about 1893
JohnsonPearl born about 1905
JohnsonRalph born about 1888
JohnsonTheodore Dborn about 1861
JohnsonViolet Mborn about 1928
JohnsonVirginia Lborn about 1930
JohnsonWalter born about 1896
JohnsonWalter Jr born about 1932
JonesCynthia born about 1877
JonesGeorge born about 1863
JonesGeorge born about 1913
JonesJeanne born about 1920
JonesJeannett born about 1858
JonesWanda born about 1917

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K Surnames

KeeferCharles born about 1893
KeeferEva born about 1892
KeeferLyle born about 1918
KelleyCecil born about 1914
KelleyErnest born about 1870
KelleyGordon born about 1940
KelleyLibbie born about 1879
KelleyLucille born about 1914
KelleyMarion born about 1937
KennedyIrene born about 1921
KennedyJames Cborn about 1883
KennedyJohn Jborn about 1912
KennedyKathryn born about 1855
KennedyMargret born about 1872
KennedyMary born about 1925
KennedyMary Eborn about 1888
KennedyRichard born about 1922
Kimball born about 1875
KimballHarold born about 1901
KimballLillian born about 1904
KimpstonAllben Rborn about 1893
KimpstonClarence Kborn about 1925
KimpstonMaud born about 1900
KimpstonNathan Wborn about 1927
KimpstonNorma born about 1923
KinartBetty Lborn about 1937
KinartIvan born about 1913
KinartJean born about 1939
KinartMarvel born about 1913
KinartMary Aborn about 1935
KingClyde born about 1881
KingMabel born about 1883
KinselCharles born about 1862
KlepperHarold born about 1939
KlepperMabel born about 1901
KlepperTheodore Hborn about 1886
KlingmanCharles born about 1877
KlingmanHazel born about 1911
KlingmanJames born about 1889
KlingmanLena born about 1882
KlingmanLouise born about 1888
KlingmanMadalyn born about 1912
KlingmanMartin born about 1860
KlingmanRobert born about 1911
KnudtsonTrypkena born about 1885
KohensAgnes born about 1883
KohensC Delbertborn about 1874
KohensGeorge Lborn about 1864
KohensNettie born about 1889
KohlerDean born about 1905
KohlerElizabeth born about 1883
KohlerLa Vaun born about 1908
KohlerLeslie born about 1927
KohlerRobert born about 1932
KohlsBertha born about 1872
KohlsCharles Wborn about 1940
KohlsElmer born about 1909
KohlsLaurence born about 1936
KohlsViola born about 1910
KohlsWilliam born about 1870
KonichekGene born about 1930
KonichekHarriet born about 1904
KonichekJacquine born about 1932
KonichekJohn born about 1904
KonichekNorman born about 1939
KonichekVera born about 1928
KoontzFreelan born about 1914
KuhensBeverly born about 1932
KuhensJames Charlesborn about
KuhensLyle born about 1914
KuhensMadeline born about 1910
KuhensPaul Eborn about 1908
KuhensRita born about 1915
KuhnAmelia born about 1891
KunamanBetty Joeborn about 1929
KunamanClara Bellborn about 1931
KunamanElise born about
KunamanElmer born about 1908
KunamanMartin born about 1936
KunamanMary Nellborn about 1930

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L Surnames

LangfordDorothy born about 1929
LangfordJesse Jborn about 1900
LangfordOlive born about 1892
LarsonBeverly born about 1927
LarsonCora Evelynborn about 1931
LarsonFrances born about 1938
LarsonHenry born about 1902
LarsonHerman born about 1892
LarsonHerman Jr born about 1922
LarsonIda born about 1902
LarsonLevora born about 1906
LarsonLida born about 1892
LarsonPhilman born about 1901
LarsonRussel born about 1931
LarsonSara born about 1937
LarsonWayne born about 1927
LearnHoyt born about 1932
LearnMarjorie born about 1904
LearnRay born about 1901
LearnRay born about 1934
LembkeCarl born about 1937
LembkeCarrie born about 1914
LembkeEarl born about
LembkeElmer born about 1906
LembkeLeslie Lborn about 1940
LeonhartAllie born about 1888
LeonhartDerryl born about 1925
LeonhartMary Disyborn about 1923
LeonhartRoy born about 1886
LeonhartVayle born about 1908
LeonhartWoodroe born about 1913
LewisDaniel Fborn about 1894
LewisEdith born about 1888
LewisEmma born about 1857
LewisFred born about 1888
LewisGeorge Aborn about 1884
LewisW Oliverborn about 1896
LivingstonArthur born about 1938
LivingstonCecil born about 1906
LivingstonDonald born about 1925
LivingstonEarl born about 1895
LivingstonLillian born about 1931
LivingstonLillie born about 1870
LockardHenry born about 1872
LockardLillian born about 1883
LockardRobert born about 1880
LockardSusan Mborn about 1879
LoobyCharlton born about 1917
LoobyEvelyn Jborn about 1920
LouckAaron born about 1910
LouckGrace born about 1910
Luenberger born about 1902
LuereherHelen born about 1914
LyleArlene born about 1939
LyleCharlene born about 1936
LyleMartha born about 1916
LyleVoshell born about 1909

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M Surnames

MarbelFlossie born about 1897
MarbelFreemont born about 1920
MarguetteBetty born about 1934
MarguetteElsie born about 1920
MarguetteIrene born about 1901
MarguetteLou born about 1900
MarguetteLuther born about 1929
MarguetteViolet born about 1927
MarguetteVirgie born about 1931
MarguetteVirgil born about 1922
MarguetteWilbur born about 1924
MarkleyEliza born about
MarkleyFloyd born about 1918
MarkleyGrace born about 1887
MarkleyThomas born about 1907
MarkleyThomas Cborn about 1876
MarquetteBert born about 1876
MarquetteMinnie Mborn about 1878
MarshallLeora born about 1919
MattocksClara born about 1874
MattocksParker born about 1916
MattocksWilder born about 1914
MattocksWilliam born about 1873
MayDare Dborn about 1917
McGeeMary Aborn about 1881
McGeeWilliam Eborn about 1877
McLaryCecilia Jborn about 1938
McLaryDarold born about 1930
McLaryEva born about 1889
McLaryFern born about 1913
McLaryGail born about 1923
McLaryHarold born about 1914
McLaryJack Hborn about 1937
McLaryJesse born about 1889
McLaryLa Vern born about 1918
McLaryLucille born about 1918
McLaryMorris born about 1939
McMahnRobert born about 1929
McSserliAileen Aborn about 1924
McSserliC Clemmentborn about 1898
McSserliClemment born about 1920
McSserliDan born about 1925
McSserliLouis Jborn about 1931
McSserliMarion Mborn about 1938
McSserliMary Aborn about 1936
McSserliNaydia born about 1899
MearsLucy born about 1861
MedberryEdith born about 1914
MedberryEugene born about 1939
MedberryHoward born about 1912
MedberryKenneth born about 1910
MedberryMarlene born about 1937
MedberryMyrtle born about 1871
MedherryAlton born about 1902
MedherryCharles born about 1939
MedherryDonna born about 1931
MedherryEva born about 1910
MedherryLois born about 1936
MesserliFred born about 1896
MesserliKeith born about 1926
MesserliMarvel born about 1898
MesserliVirginia born about 1923
MesserliWalter born about 1892
MillerCharles born about 1880
MillerDolores born about 1933
MillerMaude born about 1883
MingerDale born about 1920
MingerElizabeth born about 1901
MingerGlen born about 1899
MingerLulu Aborn about 1930
MingerMarjorie born about 1934
MingerRobert born about 1922
MittsFloyd born about 1913
MolumbyMayme born about 1870
MonnahanAllie Lborn about 1939
MonnahanColeen Rborn about 1937
MonnahanIsaac born about 1919
MonnahanKeith born about 1915
MonnahanKenneth born about 1912
MonnahanLucille born about 1922
MonnahanMildred born about 1916
MooreAmelia Fborn about 1920
MooreByrdena born about 1924
MooreFrancile born about 1936
MooreHazel born about 1895
MooreWilliam Fborn about 1892
MorrisAlbert born about 1884
MorrisArthur born about 1938
MorrisBessie born about 1888
MorrisCleve Lborn about 1934
MorrisHarold born about 1929
MorrisImogene born about 1931
MorrisLavanda born about 1929
MorrisMargaret born about 1924
MorrisMary born about 1909
MorrisVictor born about 1937
MuelderCharles born about 1917
MuelderErma born about 1921

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N Surnames

NadingAlta born about 1904
NadingLeo Kborn about 1929
NelsonCora born about 1898
NelsonDonald born about 1927
NelsonJanice born about 1924
NelsonWilliam born about 1893
NelsonWilliam born about 1925
NestebyArthur born about 1920
NumeieClara born about 1897
NumeieFlorence born about 1936
NumeieJames born about 1892
NumeieJohn born about 1894
NydeggerFred born about 1901
NydeggerHelen born about 1911

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O Surnames

OgleFlorence born about 1928
OgleFlossie born about 1898
OgleJoe born about 1935
OgleMarilana born about 1938
OgleMary Vborn about 1875
OgleSara Aborn about 1937
OgleThomas born about 1902
OhalloranDan born about 1867
OldfatherAnna Mborn about 1863
OldfatherCharles born about 1865
OliveknutsonDonna born about 1930
OliveknutsonMarcia Mborn about 1922
OliveknutsonOlive born about 1900

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P Surnames

PatermanEmma born about 1882
PatermanHelen born about 1919
PatermanHerman born about 1880
PetermanBarbara Lborn about 1937
PetermanBernice born about 1902
PetermanMilo Lborn about 1913
PfisterGollfried born about 1885
PfisterHarold Lborn about 1927
PfisterHelen Rborn about 1925
PfisterLouise born about 1896
PfisterWilliam Lborn about 1931
PhelpsHazel born about 1902
PhelpsJean born about 1924
PhelpsKeith born about 1927
PhelpsOwen born about 1929
PhelpsWesley Rborn about 1902
PierceLela born about 1911
PierceLucille born about 1933
PierceRobert born about 1896
PierceRobert born about 1931
PierceShirley born about 1937
PoorAnna born about 1872
PoorBlanch born about 1905
PoorDoris born about 1929
PoorDorothy born about 1933
PoorDuane born about 1938
PoorEmma born about 1939
PoorFrank born about 1891
PoorGladys born about 1907
PoorJesse born about 1860
PoorMargaret born about 1865
PoorRaymond born about 1902
PritchardElla born about 1881
PritchardEllen Mborn about 1872
PritchardHelen born about 1937
PritchardMarie born about 1917
PritchardRaymond born about 1939
PritchardRoscoe born about 1909
PritchardWilliam born about 1870
PritchardWilson Wborn about 1872
ProbertBertha born about 1886
ProbertGlen born about 1916
ProbertJames born about 1886
ProbertMary born about 1913

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R Surnames

RaftisEdward born about 1882
RaftisElla born about 1884
ReaslandLola born about 1908
ReaslandRaymond born about 1911
ReaslandRaymond G Jrborn about 1933
ReaslandYuonne Rborn about 1936
RobertsLeonard born about 1919
RoftisBernadene born about 1925
RoftisDuane born about 1923
RoftisMae born about 1894
RoftisPatrick born about 1889
RosallebergerJessie born about 1891
RosallebergerJohn born about 1854
RosallebergerLeroy born about 1917
RoshellElla born about 1909
RoshellRay born about
RoshellVera born about 1920
RothlisbergerEarl born about 1908
RothlisbergerFred born about 1865
RothlisbergerHelen born about 1910
RothlisbergerLeo Eborn about 1908
RothlisbergerLulu born about 1881
RothlisbergerMabel born about 1870
RothlisbergerNettie born about 1907
RothlisbergerOtis born about 1906
RothlisbergerRuth born about 1899
RothlisbergerWalter born about 1888
RoyaEliza Mborn about 1876
RoyaWalter born about 1872

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S Surnames

SamekGene born about 1932
SamekMarcellas born about 1931
SamekViola born about 1905
SchelbrockHerbert born about 1924
SchelbrockHerman born about 1895
SchelbrockIrene born about 1927
SchelbrockRita born about 1925
SchelbrockWalter born about 1922
SchmidtCarl Fborn about 1920
SchmidtElnora Mborn about 1890
SchmidtGeorge A Cborn about 1884
SchmidtLouise born about 1863
SchnelderAllen born about 1908
SchnelderArthur born about 1906
SchnelderBetty Aborn about 1926
SchnelderElizabeth born about 1884
SchnelderFred Jborn about 1878
SchnelderJacob born about 1923
SchnelderLa Verne born about 1916
SchnelderMarie born about 1912
SchnelderRobert born about 1919
SchnelderRuth born about 1914
SchraderFerdinand born about 1870
SchraderMollie born about 1871
SchreckElizabeth born about 1877
SchreckWalter Rborn about 1903
ShafferArla Jeanborn about 1939
ShafferClara born about 1914
ShafferDonald born about 1917
ShafferEmma born about 1891
ShafferHoward born about 1912
ShafferJanice born about 1937
ShafferLeone born about 1911
ShafferLester Lborn about 1887
ShafferMarjorie born about 1925
ShafferRalph born about 1908
ShafferRobert born about 1931
ShafferShirley born about 1935
ShafferStanley born about 1938
ShafferWanda Lborn about 1936
SherlockEsther born about 1909
SimpsonBasit born about 1912
SkibbePearl born about 1906
SmithEvelyn born about 1933
SmithFloyd born about 1911
SmithGladys born about 1913
SmithStanley Gborn about 1939
SmockM Ethelborn about 1916
SmockMaurice born about 1913
SmockMaurine born about 1938
SniffenAlice born about 1889
SniffenAlice born about 1927
SniffenCharles Cborn about 1888
SniffenCharles Jr born about 1921
SniffenMary born about 1923
SniffenThomas Dborn about 1919
SparksEdward born about 1910
SparksHarriet Mborn about 1916
SparksLeland Rborn about 1938
SparksMarie Aborn about 1939
SparksMary Lborn about 1936
StalnakerCarl born about 1913
StalnakerEarl born about 1880
StannardFloyd born about 1892
StannardIda born about 1893
StapelNorman born about 1918
SteemannHenry born about 1889
StrongAmelia born about 1876
StrongArther born about 1938
StrongCharles born about 1931
StrongDuane born about 1933
StrongEarle born about 1932
StrongEmma born about 1906
StrongHarold born about 1900
StrongKenneth born about 1936
StrongLowell born about 1930
StrongMyrten born about 1933
StrongReynold born about 1902
StrongRosella born about 1930
StrongZella born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomanAlta born about 1899
ThomanClarence Cborn about 1907
ThomanFlorence born about 1903
ThomanSalome born about 1875
ThomasCharlotte born about 1927
ThomasHazel born about 1925
ThomasJames born about 1875
ThomasLa Vern born about 1933
ThomasLuseba born about 1890
ThomasLyal born about 1934
ThomasOrvel born about 1929
ThompsonEarl Jborn about 1922
ThompsonGlen Oborn about 1921
ThompsonOlive born about 1882
ThompsonTerrald Aborn about 1919
ThompsonThor born about 1877
ToomeyPatrick born about 1873
TravisBessie born about 1906
TravisEmery Rborn about 1903
TravisGeorgia Tborn about 1936
TravisMary Aborn about 1931
TravisSally Lborn about 1936
TrippDavis born about 1924
TrippJohn born about 1921
TrippLulu born about 1891
TrippWarren born about 1889
TroyerVirgil born about 1919
TschantzAlma born about 1890
TschantzFred born about 1880
TylerGeneve born about 1916
TylerGerald born about 1939
TylerLeslie born about 1937
TylerWesley born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlishCharles born about 1882
UlishEunice born about 1913
UlishLucille born about 1891

V Surnames

VessJulias born about 1886
VoshellCalvin born about 1864
VoshellClarkie born about 1913
VoshellHoward born about 1912
VoshellLois born about 1919
VoshellManerva born about 1869
VoshellMerle born about 1901
VoshellOrville born about 1913

W Surnames

WadeFred born about 1907
WadeHarry born about 1915
WadeMarie born about 1911
WadeMarry Marieborn about 1911
WadeMartha born about 1913
WadeMartha Geneborn about 1911
WadePearl born about 1940
WadePearl Jeneborn about 1940
WadeR Geneborn about 1938
WadeRose born about
WadeRose born about 1876
WadeRose born about 1931
WadeRose Fredborn about 1907
WaltersBlanche born about 1898
WaltersThed born about 1896
WardJohn Tborn about 1884
WardMoldeneta born about 1888
WeberArthur born about 1923
WeberBonita born about 1928
WeberDorothy born about 1897
WeberHerbert born about 1929
WeberNaomi born about 1925
WeberRobert born about 1869
WelckFrank Jborn about 1891
WelckLucille born about 1920
WelckMayme born about 1894
WengerEdward born about 1894
WengerEugene born about 1928
WengerIna born about 1896
WengerLouis born about 1884
WestcottBetty born about 1933
WestcottDale born about 1929
WestcottDaryl born about 1930
WestcottGerald born about 1903
WestcottOllie born about 1911
WheelerArchie born about 1924
WheelerFrancis born about 1923
WheelerFrank born about 1874
WheelerIda born about 1896
WheelerN Joyborn about 1919
WheelerSylvia born about 1930
WhiteAnna Bborn about 1885
WhiteBurton born about 1908
WhiteInez born about 1908
WhiteJoseph Gborn about 1881
WhiteMaxine born about 1919
WhittenbaughClaire born about 1910
WhittenbaughElla Noraborn about 1918
WhittenbaughEthel born about 1905
WhittenbaughFaye born about 1916
WhittenbaughJohn Bborn about 1936
WhittenbaughLottie born about 1903
WhittenbaughLyal born about 1905
WhittenbaughMae born about 1879
WhittenbaughMargaret born about 1877
WhittenbaughNellie born about 1922
WhittenbaughRobert Cborn about 1937
WhittenbaughRobt Gborn about 1906
WhittenbaughStella born about 1932
WhittenbaughTerry born about 1939
WhittenbaughWill born about 1883
WhittonbaughCary born about 1936
WhittonbaughFrancis born about 1912
WhittonbaughMartha born about 1914
WhittonbaughWayne born about 1940
WialridgeyEvelyn Loisborn about 1930
WialridgeyLouis born about 1899
WialridgeyMyrtle born about 1902
WilburGrant born about 1866
WilburJane Rborn about 1866
WilsobnAuldin Hborn about 1914
WilsobnJohn Mborn about 1882
WilsobnMinnie Kborn about 1885
WilsonDarol born about 1918
WilsonJames Hborn about 1877
WilsonLissette born about 1883
WilsonLydia born about 1862
WilsonNellie born about 1896
WilsonSilas Cborn about 1894
WoodGeorge born about 1921
WoodJohn born about 1917
WoodJohn Rborn about 1887
WoodLena born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YearousAugust born about 1910
YearousDorothy born about 1910
YearousGeraldine born about 1921
YearousJames Oborn about 1896
YearousKathlene born about 1930
YearousLolo born about 1897
YearousStanley Aborn about 1938
YoungDorothy born about 1922
YoungElla born about 1896
YoungIda born about 1920
YoungRobert born about 1925
YoungWilliam born about 1890
YoungWilliam born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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