1940 U.S. Federal Census of Jefferson in Bremer County, Bremer, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Bremer County > 1940 Census of Jefferson in Bremer County

A SurnamesH SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesI SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AckerFred born about 1900
AckerHenry born about 1893
AckerLuella born about 1902
AckerSelma born about 1876
AckerWillard born about 1926
AckermanEvelyn born about 1919
AlbrechtEdgar born about 1913
AlbrechtFrieda born about 1902
AlbrechtRenetta born about 1916
AnnettBonnie born about 1933
AnnettRay born about 1930
AultFern born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BartlingBertha born about 1895
BartlingCharley Fborn about 1890
BartlingElmer born about 1924
BartlingEsther born about 1919
BartlingFred born about 1884
BartlingHarold born about 1933
BartlingHerman Jborn about 1895
BartlingJunior born about 1931
BartlingLynn born about 1925
BartlingMabel Kborn about 1898
BartlingMarie born about 1927
BartlingRalph born about 1926
BartlingRaymond born about 1916
BaskinsArlyss born about 1908
BaskinsBetty Aborn about 1930
BaskinsMalinda born about 1901
BastDonald born about 1939
BastFrederic born about 1936
BastFrieda born about 1909
BastHerman Eborn about 1908
BeckerAlbert Lborn about 1901
BeckerElsie born about 1905
BeckerFred born about 1871
BeckerHulda born about 1869
BeckerLouis born about 1938
BeckerWill born about 1872
BeisnerHenry born about 1876
BeisnerIda born about 1882
BeltonCloyd born about 1901
BeltonJane born about 1940
BeltonRosalie born about 1905
BergmanEsther born about 1922
BergmanFrieda born about 1902
BergmanRosalie born about 1933
BergmanTheodore born about 1899
BergmanVelda born about 1926
BergmanWilma born about 1923
BeshBeverly born about 1923
BeshCharles Rborn about 1897
BeshGordon born about 1926
BeshHarriet Aborn about 1937
BeshIsadore born about 1898
BiemanElsie born about 1902
BiemanJohn Hborn about 1900
BiemanViolet born about 1921
BighamFern born about 1915
BighamJames Wborn about 1910
BitterleyLouis born about 1886
BitterleyRuth born about 1892
BlackfordAlice born about 1906
BlackfordAmes born about 1940
BlackfordForrest born about 1905
BloeserCaroline born about 1883
BloeserEmil Fborn about 1885
BloeserEsther born about 1914
BloeserFloyd born about 1922
BloeserLloyd born about 1920
BloeserMaria born about 1882
BloeserMarie born about 1918
BloeserNorma born about 1920
BloeserPhilip Gborn about 1880
BonordenRuthford born about 1924
BowlesHarold born about 1921
BrandtAlbert born about 1896
BrandtAlberta born about 1935
BrandtAmanda born about 1901
BrandtAnita born about 1935
BrandtAugust born about 1901
BrandtBurton born about 1927
BrandtByla born about 1935
BrandtChrist born about 1873
BrandtDarlene born about 1925
BrandtDorothy born about 1911
BrandtEdna born about 1928
BrandtEldo born about 1930
BrandtErnest Wborn about 1930
BrandtEsther born about 1913
BrandtHarold born about 1918
BrandtHarvey born about 1933
BrandtHattie born about 1881
BrandtHerman born about 1875
BrandtJohn Fborn about 1898
BrandtLeslie born about 1937
BrandtLicoln born about 1932
BrandtLilly born about 1895
BrandtLois born about 1936
BrandtLouis Hborn about 1880
BrandtLydia born about 1891
BrandtMalinda born about 1932
BrandtMaria born about 1907
BrandtMartha born about 1913
BrandtMildred born about 1937
BrandtMilton born about 1922
BrandtMinnie born about 1894
BrandtNorma born about 1930
BrandtPaul born about 1906
BrandtRichard Eborn about 1894
BrandtRobert born about 1931
BrandtRoland born about 1919
BrandtRonald born about 1939
BrandtSophia born about 1870
BrandtSophia born about 1881
BrandtThorton born about 1929
BrandtVernon born about 1932
BrandtWalter born about 1908
BraunFred born about 1903
BrauseClifford Aborn about 1891
BrauseClifford Jr born about 1922
BrauseErma born about 1926
BrauseLois Wborn about 1892
BrautigamIrene born about 1912
BrettmanArdith born about 1917
BrettmanElmer born about 1911
BrettmanFred Hborn about 1879
BrettmanLouise born about 1878
BrettmanWalter born about 1922
BridenAnna born about 1875
BridenCarl Aborn about 1907
BridenCarl Dborn about 1883
BridenCharles Hborn about 1874
BridenEthel Bborn about 1886
BridenRichard born about 1919
BridonHarry Hborn about 1891
BridonMabel born about 1891
BridonVirginia born about 1923
BringewattHarold born about 1920
BrownJoan Wborn about 1938
BrownJoy Oborn about 1914
BrownLuella born about 1920
BrunsAlice born about 1923
BrunsAnna born about 1897
BrunsArthur Lborn about 1910
BrunsBernhard Jborn about 1894
BrunsBertha born about 1903
BrunsClarence Gborn about 1901
BrunsDale Wborn about 1934
BrunsDennis born about 1937
BrunsEdwin Aborn about 1930
BrunsElaine born about 1929
BrunsEmmie born about 1874
BrunsHerman Jborn about 1874
BrunsIrene born about 1910
BrunsJo Annborn about 1934
BrunsJosephine Mborn about 1927
BrunsMarion born about 1925
BrunsPaul born about 1928
BrunsSophia born about 1872
BrunsWilliam born about 1869
BrunsteinBarbara born about 1932
BrunsteinElenora born about 1913
BrunsteinWilliam born about 1908
BuennebeHenry born about 1868
BuennebeHilda born about 1911
BuennebeKenneth born about 1926
BuennebeLetty born about 1930
BuennebeMarlys born about 1924
BuennebeMary born about 1877
BuennebeSimon born about 1906
BuennebeWilliam born about 1876
BuetowHulda born about 1863
BuhrBeverly born about 1932
BuhrDorothy born about 1915
BuhrGeorge born about 1911
BuhrJoan born about 1934
BuhrVirgil born about 1937
BurggrafClarence born about 1907
BurggrafDarlene born about 1933
BurggrafDona Gborn about 1936
BurggrafGerald born about 1934
BurggrafViolet born about 1914
BussAlbert born about 1879
BussAlbert Hborn about 1900
BussAnna born about 1867
BussCarl born about 1869
BussDora born about 1911
BussEdwin born about 1908
BussElmer born about 1920
BussHelen Lborn about 1928
BussHerman born about 1876
BussHulda born about 1882
BussJohn born about 1903
BussJohn Ottoborn about 1937
BussLaverna born about 1912
BussMalinda born about 1914
BussMargaret born about 1923
BussMarie Lborn about 1901
BussMartha born about 1883
BussMary Annborn about 1932
BussMillie born about 1872
BussOtto born about 1881
BussRobert born about 1884
BussRobert born about 1939
BussViola born about 1934
BussWilliam born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ClausingAnna born about 1873
CollinsJohn born about 1861
ConstantineDale born about 1891
ConstantineDale Hborn about 1925
ConstantineJames born about 1928
ConstantineSine born about 1902

D Surnames

DavisBen Hborn about 1897
DavisBenjamin Fborn about 1930
DavisGrace Aborn about 1897
DavisHarold born about 1925
DavisHenry Sheffieldborn about 1891
DavisMaude born about 1896
DavisPolly Annaborn about 1929
DavisZeula born about 1894
DegelauEmil born about 1906
DevriesCarl Eborn about 1912
DevriesEmil born about 1917
DevriesHarlan born about 1940
DevriesJohn Wborn about 1915
DevriesJohn Jr born about 1939
DevriesMabel born about 1913
DevriesMarian born about 1939
DevriesPeter Hborn about 1870
DevriesRose born about 1917
DevriesSophia born about 1884
DickmanDarlys born about 1927
DickmanHenry Lborn about 1890
DickmanLaura born about 1918
DickmanNyola born about 1932
DickmanSarah born about 1889
DickmanTeressa born about 1925
DietrichJohanna born about 1871
DineClarence born about 1916
DineJohn born about 1890
DineMeta born about 1893
DinsCarl born about 1860
DinsWilliam born about 1891
DoepheHarold born about 1937
DoepheLorenz born about 1909
DoepheVelma born about 1915
DoepheWilliam Mborn about 1861
DornCharles born about 1921
DornEdward born about 1900
DornEdwin born about 1913
DornEngel born about 1871
DornErnest born about 1903
DornFlorence born about 1903
DornFred born about 1870
DornHelena born about 1880
DornIda born about 1910
DornJules born about 1872
DornLoretta born about 1917
DornLouis born about 1878
DreierElsie born about 1904
DreierEvelyn born about 1924
DreierHarvey Cborn about 1900
DreierMardella born about 1927
DreierMartha born about 1901
DrosteAllen born about 1939
DrosteBarbara born about 1939
DrosteCarolyn born about 1938
DrosteFlorine born about 1920
DrosteWarner born about 1917
DruneJohn Wborn about 1897
DruneLavern born about 1928
DruneMargaret born about 1895
DunleavyAmanda born about 1904
DunleavyEllen Janborn about 1935
DunleavyJohn Jborn about 1903
DunleavyRobert born about 1928

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E Surnames

EloughArlene born about 1924
EloughFred Mborn about 1892
EloughLeland born about 1923
EloughMarvin born about 1929
EloughMary born about 1887
EloughRalph born about 1927
EloughVirgil born about 1921
EmmertBernice born about 1902
EmmertHorace born about 1909
EmmertRobert Wborn about 1936
EngelPhil born about 1915

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F Surnames

FaustAlvin born about 1929
FaustClara born about 1900
FaustEdna born about 1919
FaustLester born about 1919
FaustMervin born about 1925
FaustSophia born about 1868
FaustWill born about 1897
FerrisDale born about 1934
FerrisEtta born about 1867
FerrisGeorge born about 1937
FerrisGlenn born about 1904
FerrisJoseph Sborn about 1863
FerrisMary born about 1868
FerrisRuby born about 1904
FoelskeAlbert born about 1894
FoelskeArthur born about 1925
FoelskeEmma born about 1886
FoelskeEsther born about 1935
FoelskeFred Wborn about 1882
FoelskeHulda born about 1893
FoelskeJulius Aborn about 1886
FoelskeLavern born about 1935
FoelskeMarie born about 1924
FoelskeMartha born about 1908
FoelskeOlga born about 1895
FoelskeReinhold born about 1895
FortneyMarla born about 1924
FortneyWillard born about 1918
FranklinAlbert Hborn about 1870
FranklinEmma born about 1876
FreetBenjamin Aborn about 1871
FreetBeulah born about 1918
FreetConney born about 1938
FreetGary born about 1939
FreetWayne born about 1914

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G Surnames

GarnerHoward born about 1903
GarnerLa Verna born about 1907
GeinanAlfred born about 1923
GeinanCharley born about 1925
GeinanClara born about 1896
GeinanGust born about 1887
GerhartPhilip born about 1878
GewekeClarence born about 1912
GielauAlbert Gborn about 1891
GielauAlberta born about 1922
GielauAnna born about 1896
GielauArthur born about 1928
GielauBertha born about 1898
GielauClara Mborn about 1895
GielauDorothy born about 1930
GielauFred born about 1896
GielauIda born about 1901
GielauLaverne born about 1934
GielauMalinda born about 1900
GielauMargaret born about 1891
GielauMildred born about 1922
GielauNorma born about 1926
GielauOtto born about 1916
GielauRichard born about 1936
GielauVerla born about 1928
GielauWilbert Hborn about 1914
GilbertsonConstance born about 1924
GilbertsonLary born about 1928
GilbertsonRussel born about 1926
GilbertsonStanley born about 1905
GilbertsonStanley born about 1930
GilbertsonThelma born about 1908
GleasonCarol Annborn about 1940
GleasonFaye born about 1895
GleasonFlorine born about 1920
GleasonGordon born about 1919
GracierAlvin Jborn about 1905
GracierLillian Mborn about 1916
GraeningBertha born about 1914
GraeningLorenz born about 1909
GraeningMaxine born about 1935
GreaningEmma born about 1880
GrieseCaroline born about 1874
GrieseElda born about 1903
GrieseErnest born about 1909
GrieseJohn born about 1877
GuentherGerald born about 1915
GuentherGertrude born about 1903
GuentherImogene born about 1928
GuentherJames born about 1932
GuentherJerome Aborn about 1939
GuentherLoraine born about 1919
GuentherRudolph born about 1901
GuentherRudolph Jr born about 1924

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H Surnames

HaarAgnes born about 1923
HaarDarlys born about 1930
HaarLena born about 1869
HaarLily born about 1895
HaarRudolph Jr born about 1895
HaarRudolph Sr born about 1869
HagemanHulda born about 1877
HagemanMinnie born about 1873
HagenGeorge born about 1920
HamiltonRobert born about 1923
HansenBerniece born about 1936
HansenBruce born about 1939
HansenJerry born about 1905
HansenMartha born about 1905
HarmsEric born about 1918
HartungJohn born about 1872
HartwigCarl Eborn about 1903
HartwigElenore born about 1933
HartwigEvelyn born about 1931
HartwigMargaret born about 1934
HartwigMartha born about 1909
HeidemanAugust born about 1874
HeidemanClara born about 1893
HeidemanClarence born about 1922
HeidemanDonald born about 1921
HeidemanEdward Jborn about 1895
HeidemanJohn Lborn about 1877
HeidemanLloyd born about 1923
HeidemanMarvin born about 1936
HeidemanMary born about 1875
HeidemanMary born about 1877
HeidemanOtto born about 1889
HeidemanRomane born about 1930
HeidemanViva born about 1897
HeidemanWilbert born about 1928
HeidemanWilliam Eborn about 1870
HeidimanBarbara born about 1939
HeidimanElihu Vborn about 1916
HeidimanNorma born about 1913
HenryElisabeth born about 1910
HenryGiles born about 1903
HerrichLeo born about 1928
HerrichLyle born about 1934
HerrichMarie born about 1908
HerrichWorthe born about 1907
HesseLena born about 1917
HoellingMuna born about 1866
HoellingWilliam Cborn about 1860
HomeyerElsie born about 1908
HomeyerHenry born about 1911
HoppenworthHedwig born about 1899
HoppenworthLeslie born about 1925
HoppenworthLouis born about 1894
HoppenworthOrville born about 1923
HoppenworthPauline born about 1927
HuckAndrew Hborn about 1900
HuckAnn born about 1936
HuckBetty born about 1938
HuckClarence born about 1939
HuckEdna born about 1915
HuckErnest Jborn about 1912
HuckEugene born about 1935
HuckGladys born about 1913
HuckJanice born about 1939
HuckLeonard born about 1928
HuckLeslie born about 1909
HuckLucille born about 1925
HuckLucinda born about 1905
HulickWalter born about 1908
HuntCharles born about 1879
HuntEleanor born about 1920
HuntForrest Rborn about 1905
HuntJackie Rborn about 1939
HuntMamie born about 1877
HuntPatricia Aborn about 1937
HuntRobert Lborn about 1926
HuntRothard Lborn about 1936

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I Surnames

IsermanElla born about 1914
IsermanHarold born about 1911
IsermanPatricia Annborn about 1935

J Surnames

JahnkeCaroline born about 1891
JahnkeGeorge born about 1887
JahnkeMaxine born about 1919
JahnkeVirginia born about 1927
JaschenHulda born about 1903
JaschenRichard born about 1902
JohnsonElla born about 1899
JohnsonLanora born about 1923
JohnsonLorrance born about 1919
JohnsonLucille born about 1922
JohnsonMarshall born about 1897
JohnsonMelvin born about 1936
JohnsonMerwin born about 1932
JolleySelma Eborn about 1870
JudasDale Aborn about 1939
JudasJames born about 1937
JudasMargaret born about 1916
JudasMelvin born about 1914
JudasNorma born about 1917
JudasWilbert born about 1913

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K Surnames

KaiserHerman born about 1876
KeheAnna born about 1895
KeheBertha born about 1886
KeheCarl Hborn about 1887
KeheElde born about 1918
KeheEmma born about 1893
KeheErnest Wborn about 1891
KeheHarold born about 1911
KeheHerman born about 1892
KeheJacqueline born about 1936
KeheLuetta born about 1915
KeheSarah born about 1871
KeheWilbert Hborn about 1917
KeheWilliam Jborn about 1884
KellingJoe born about 1863
KellingMinnie born about 1864
KimmConrad born about 1890
KinselCarl born about 1932
KinselDiane born about 1934
KinselFaye born about 1925
KinselGeorge born about 1891
KinselJuanita born about 1936
KinselLaura born about 1939
KinselOrville born about 1920
KinselRosina born about 1899
KloxinWilliam born about 1857
KnappAlice Mborn about 1915
KnappGene born about 1939
KnappGeorge born about 1911
KniefAnita born about 1904
KniefAnna born about 1871
KniefCarl born about 1871
KniefCharles born about 1900
KniefHerman born about 1899
KniefHulda born about 1901
KniefLawrence born about 1936
KniefLouie born about 1907
KniefSophie born about 1885
KniefTheodore born about 1897
KochCarl born about 1872
KoelingHenry born about 1891
KoelingMinnie born about 1890
KoepkeAlbertine born about 1866
KoepkeDarlene born about 1939
KoepkeHarry born about 1901
KoepkeLenora born about 1905
KoepkePaul born about 1934
KohagenWillard born about 1913
KollmanDorothy born about 1926
KollmanFred born about 1883
KollmanMeta born about 1887
KonarskeEldon born about 1913
KonarskeEvelyn born about 1921
KonarskeHilda born about 1889
KonarskePaul born about 1877
KruegerCarl Fborn about 1900
KruegerCarl F Hborn about 1859
KruegerDonald born about 1929
KruegerEvelyn born about 1931
KruegerHelen born about 1937
KruegerJames born about 1933
KruegerMarian born about 1930
KruegerMartha born about 1903
KruegerMary born about 1905
KruegerOtto born about 1893
KruegerRonald born about 1935
KruegerWallace born about 1924
KuckerArlen born about 1922
KuckerMarie born about 1896
KurttArlene born about 1926
KurttArthur born about 1927
KurttEmma born about 1896
KurttErvin born about 1915
KurttFred Hborn about 1887
KurttHarold born about 1925
KurttJames Aborn about 1939
KurttJohn born about 1851
KurttJohn Fborn about 1932
KurttLavern Jborn about 1917
KurttLouie Hborn about 1893
KurttMarie born about 1923
KurttTine born about 1890
KurttViola born about 1917
KussatzHerman born about 1874

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L Surnames

LahmanArnold Fborn about 1911
LahmanCathirine born about 1938
LahmanDaniel born about 1936
LahmanKaron born about 1939
LahmanMabel born about 1910
LahmanMalinda born about 1916
LahmanMaxine born about 1938
LahmanTheodore born about 1914
LancasterBonnie born about 1937
LancasterHarold born about 1911
LancasterMaxine born about 1915
LancasterVancil born about 1934
LennisRaymond born about 1921
LeonhartBeverly born about 1939
LeonhartIrene born about 1917
LeonhartMartin born about 1896
LessingerGrace born about 1922
LiveranceEugene Wborn about 1939
LiveranceFrancis Dborn about 1905
LiveranceFrancis Dborn about 1937
LiveranceIrene born about 1915
LiverancePhyllis Mborn about 1935
LorenzenHans born about 1878
LorenzenMargaret born about 1884
LusingerLoren born about 1919
LutherAnna born about 1877
LutherChrist Fborn about 1878
LutherEmma born about 1885
LutherHarold born about 1915
LutherMargaret born about 1918
LutherVernon born about 1925
LutherWilliam born about 1882

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M Surnames

MannJacqueline born about 1935
MathiasMinnie born about 1863
MathiesenEarl born about 1916
MathiesenElda born about 1914
MathiesenHenry born about 1877
MathiesenJudine Annborn about 1939
MathiesenLucy born about 1886
MatthiasAlbert born about 1895
MatthiasAnna born about 1896
MatthiasAudrey born about 1929
MatthiasBurdine born about 1922
MatthiasDoris born about 1931
MatthiasElmer born about 1905
MatthiasEmil Fborn about 1892
MatthiasErna born about 1906
MatthiasEsther born about 1914
MatthiasFloyd born about 1918
MatthiasHenry Cborn about 1870
MatthiasLoren born about 1933
MatthiasMay born about 1895
MatthiasNancy born about 1939
MatthiasPaul Hborn about 1907
MatthiasRoger born about 1938
MatthiasSarah born about 1873
McCoyOpal born about 1917
McCullochCharles Wborn about 1921
McCullochDavid Dborn about 1935
McCullochEverett Jborn about 1920
McCullochKeith Eborn about 1930
McCullochRonald Wborn about 1924
McCullochWilliam Jborn about 1885
McCullochWinnie born about 1891
MeierAlma born about 1895
MeierAlvin born about 1922
MeierCarl Jborn about 1890
MeierElizabeth born about 1937
MeierEugene born about 1929
MeierHarold born about 1926
MeierHarvey born about 1910
MeierHerman born about 1871
MeierJohanna born about 1876
MeierLily born about 1910
MeierMildred born about 1925
MeierRobert born about 1934
MeierWaldo born about 1918
MeltonHarold Eborn about 1930
MetherJ Alfredborn about 1901
MetherMary Lborn about 1899
MetherMinnie born about 1877
MeyersAlbert Hborn about 1874
MeyersClara Wborn about 1876
MiliusAnna born about 1880
MiliusWilliam Cborn about 1875
MillerMaude born about 1876
MoehlingAnna born about 1882
MoehlingAnna born about 1894
MoehlingErnest Cborn about 1897
MoehlingEsther born about 1911
MoehlingWerner born about 1908
MoehlingWilliam Jborn about 1877
MoehlingWilmot born about 1905
MoellerAlma born about 1901
MoellerDorothy born about 1909
MoellerDuane Vborn about 1927
MoellerErhard born about 1915
MoellerFred Fborn about 1877
MoellerGeorge Hborn about 1868
MoellerGeorge Hborn about 1937
MoellerGeorge Oborn about 1898
MoellerGeraldine born about 1920
MoellerHelen born about 1928
MoellerHenry born about 1871
MoellerMinnie born about 1877
MoellerRomane Gborn about 1923
MoellerRuth Aborn about 1930
MoellerVernon Lborn about 1920
MohlingAlbert born about 1892
MohlingAlma born about 1900
MohlingBernita born about 1919
MohlingCarl born about 1925
MohlingCaroline born about 1882
MohlingCharlotte born about 1917
MohlingClara born about 1887
MohlingEdgar born about 1910
MohlingEmma Cborn about 1874
MohlingIda born about 1898
MohlingLouis born about 1889
MohlingLouise born about 1875
MohlingMinnie born about 1887
MooreBetty born about 1926
MooreCora born about 1902
MooreElsbeth born about 1904
MooreJames Bborn about 1921
MooreJohn Lborn about 1897
MooreLloyd born about 1902
MooreMarilyn born about 1936
MooreRichard born about 1934
MorganDorothy born about 1929
MorganGenevieve born about 1906
MorganMadalyn born about 1930
MorganMarjorie born about 1932
MorganMarvin born about 1933
MorganRoger born about 1906
MorganRonald born about 1939
MummetheiFrieda born about 1894
MummetheiLorenz born about 1920
MuschMatilda born about 1862

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N Surnames

NevermanDuane born about 1930
NevermanHenry Jborn about 1871
NevermanHerman Wborn about 1908
NevermanJoan born about 1933
NevermanMabel born about 1909
NicolArthur born about 1901
NicolDickie born about 1939
NicolMinnie born about 1878
NicolVelma born about 1914
NicolWilliam born about 1870
NoltingCaroline born about 1867
NoltingChristian born about 1865
NoltingGeraldine born about 1921
NoltingHenry Hborn about 1878
NoltingMina born about 1873

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O Surnames

OlsonAlbert born about 1890
OlsonVerlie born about 1905
OlsonWayne born about 1924
OlsonWendell born about 1936
OltroggeEmilie born about 1895
OltroggeHerman Hborn about 1894
OltroggeHilda born about 1893
OltroggeKenneth born about 1921
OltroggeLouis born about 1891
OltroggeOrville born about 1926
OltroggeViola born about 1920
OltroggeWilliam born about 1865
OyeHans Hborn about 1913

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P Surnames

PadgettEthel born about 1924
PadgettLottie born about 1891
PadgettMelvin born about 1887
PadgettMildred born about 1919
PadgettRaymond born about 1928
PadgettWayne born about 1925
ParkerJulia born about 1874
PaulConrad Fborn about 1879
PaulEmma Sborn about 1878
PaulFred Jborn about 1883
PedersenBernice born about 1914
PeskachHenrietta born about 1914
PhelpsBeatrice born about 1895
PhelpsDiexie Rborn about 1930
PhelpsRalph born about 1934
PhelpsRoy Jborn about 1883
PinkertonLucille Cborn about 1906
PinkertonVolney Aborn about 1908
PiphoAgnes born about 1903
PiphoDolores born about 1928
PiphoDonald born about 1936
PiphoElaine born about 1938
PiphoErna born about 1904
PiphoEwald born about 1902
PiphoLois born about 1930
PiphoMerle born about 1926
PiphoMerlyn born about 1932
PiphoNorman born about 1937
PiphoRaymond born about 1903
PiphoVelda born about 1931
PiphoVerla born about 1930
PlaceClinton born about 1940
PlaceThomas born about 1906
PlaceVerna born about 1916
PlatteAlma born about 1895
PlatteClarence born about 1913
PlatteElde born about 1919
PlatteElma born about 1918
PlatteHenry Aborn about 1865
PlatteHerman Hborn about 1881
PlatteJo Annborn about 1939
PlatteLorence born about 1913
PlatteMary born about 1873
PlatteTheodore born about 1899
PlatteWaldo born about 1924
PrestienAlice born about 1909
PrestienEvalina born about 1869
PrestienHenry born about 1865
PrestienJames born about 1936
PrestienWillard Jborn about 1910
PriesJohn Fborn about 1876
PriesLouise born about 1879

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R Surnames

RansonsHarold born about 1939
RectorEmma Jborn about 1872
RectorWilliam Cborn about 1870
RediesLucinda born about 1917
ReinkingDona born about 1934
ReinkingLouise born about 1911
ReinkingRoger born about 1938
ReinkingWalter born about 1908
ReppEffie born about 1882
ReppJohn born about 1881
ReppNadine born about 1925
ReppRoss born about 1919
RichmannClarence Jborn about 1912
RichmannElisabeth born about 1874
RichmannFred Cborn about 1874
RobinsonFred born about 1864
RobinsonMary born about 1862
RoehleLouise born about 1878
RogersKenneth born about 1915
RogersMay born about 1918
RohlerFrederick born about 1888
RohlerKatie born about 1888
RohrssenCarl Hborn about 1879
RohrssenEvalina born about 1886
RohrssenRalph born about 1918
RoseWalter born about 1916
RosheimIrvin born about 1911
RosolAnton Tborn about 1879
RosolGerald born about 1926
RosolMary born about 1885
RutorBilly Jborn about 1931
RutorCelia born about 1895
RutorHenry Wborn about 1896
RutorLaurel Lborn about 1933
RutorRuth Eborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagertAlbert born about 1886
SagertAnna born about 1889
SagertCarl born about 1918
SagertGeorge born about 1891
SansenbachJohn Hborn about 1931
SansenbachVesta born about 1891
SansenbachWilliam Rborn about 1887
SassJohn born about 1867
SassMinnie born about 1867
SassmanAlvin Jr born about 1935
SassmanAlvin Sr born about 1902
SassmanAmanda born about 1902
SassmanArlene born about 1924
SassmanArthur born about 1897
SassmanDuane born about 1930
SassmanFlorence born about 1920
SassmanMabel born about 1901
SassmanMarilyn born about 1934
SassmanMathilda born about 1876
SassmanPaula born about 1927
SassmanPhyllis born about 1913
SassmanWilliam Aborn about 1939
SassmanWilliam Fborn about 1875
SassmanWilliam Hborn about 1911
SassmannElisabeth born about 1881
SassmannFloyd born about 1922
SassmannHenry born about 1880
SaylorEmory born about 1904
SaylorGary Lborn about 1940
SaylorSylvia born about 1903
SchmidtDonald born about 1929
SchmidtDorothy born about 1929
SchmidtEdna born about 1898
SchmidtElmer born about 1909
SchmidtEmil Cborn about 1892
SchmidtGladys born about 1926
SchmidtHenry Hborn about 1871
SchmidtIvarene born about 1896
SchmidtJo Annborn about 1936
SchmidtLois born about 1934
SchmidtMarie born about 1928
SchmidtMartha born about 1903
SchmidtRalph born about 1921
SchmidtRoberta born about 1931
SchmidtRonald born about 1922
SchmidtRudolph Fborn about 1896
SchmidtRuth born about 1924
SchmidtSophia born about 1881
SchmidtWava born about 1925
SchmidtWilliam born about 1885
SchneiderBertha born about 1887
SchneiderErvin born about 1914
SchneiderJoseph born about 1875
SchneiderMargaret born about 1917
SchneiderMartha born about 1885
SchneiderRudolph born about 1879
SchoenbohmAnna Aborn about 1884
SchoenbohmFred Eborn about 1880
SchoofElaine born about 1923
SchoofHattie born about 1893
SchoofJohn Fborn about 1887
SchraderEdwin born about 1905
SchraderHerman born about 1883
SchraderJennie born about 1887
SchraderLaverne born about 1938
SchraderStella born about 1915
SchroeckDorlene born about 1923
SchroeckFred Wborn about 1890
SchroeckLydia born about 1899
SchroederDorothy born about 1897
SchroederEdward born about 1888
SchroederHenry Lborn about 1868
SchroederLeota born about 1923
SchroederLou born about 1892
SchroederLouise born about 1874
SchroederNorma born about 1905
SchroederOrlyn born about 1924
SchroederPaul Jamesborn about 1936
SchroederPaul Pborn about 1901
SchroederRosina born about 1904
SchroederSophia born about 1871
SchuenemanChristopher born about 1876
SchuldtDuane born about 1931
SchuldtHerman Aborn about 1893
SchuldtMarcella born about 1924
SchuldtMary Aborn about 1901
SchultzsElisabeth born about 1880
SchultzsFred Fborn about 1877
SchumacherAnna born about 1868
SchumacherAnna born about 1873
SchumacherBertha Cborn about 1890
SchumacherCarl born about 1871
SchumacherEarl Wborn about 1930
SchumacherElmer born about 1910
SchumacherEmma born about 1910
SchumacherFred born about 1860
SchumacherIda born about 1914
SchumacherMarvin born about 1936
SchumacherRichard born about 1908
SchumacherWilliam born about 1890
SchweerCharles Wborn about 1888
SchweerClara born about 1894
SchweerFred born about 1877
SchwerinWalter born about 1917
SeegersAmanda born about 1904
SeegersFred born about 1926
SeegersIda born about 1873
SeegersJohn born about 1863
SeegersLouis born about 1902
SeegersVelma born about 1932
SeegersVernon born about 1924
ShafferCassius Dborn about 1906
ShafferEdith Mborn about 1910
SheriesEmma born about 1883
SheriesHenry born about 1878
SlaterHarold born about 1920
SloyerBertha born about 1916
SloyerRaymond born about 1911
SmithAllen born about 1890
SpraggJohn Bborn about 1887
SteegeBertha born about 1883
SteegeBilly born about 1938
SteegeCarol born about 1938
SteegeDu Aneborn about 1926
SteegeElda born about 1915
SteegeEliza born about 1887
SteegeElmer Eborn about 1910
SteegeEmma born about 1877
SteegeEsther born about 1912
SteegeHenry Oborn about 1876
SteegeHilda born about 1896
SteegeHulda Aborn about 1905
SteegeJean born about 1937
SteegeLeroy born about 1922
SteegeLorenz born about 1912
SteegeLorenz Eborn about 1911
SteegeMabel born about 1911
SteegeMelvin born about 1918
SteegeMinnie born about 1864
SteegeMinnie Lborn about 1876
SteegeOrlyn born about 1913
SteegeRoger born about 1939
SteegeWilhelmina Jborn about 1858
SteegeWilliam Cborn about 1888
SteegeWilliam Jborn about 1876
SteidtlerCaroline born about 1884
SteidtlerEdna born about 1909
SteidtlerHerman born about 1877
SteidtlerWilhemina born about 1853
SteidtlerWilliam born about 1884
SteinbergAugusta born about 1863
SteinbergHilda born about 1892
SteinbergLucille born about 1926
SteinbergRaymond born about 1921
SteinbergRichard born about 1889
SteinbergVirginia born about 1917
SteinbergWilliam Eborn about 1885
SteinbronnErnest born about 1900
SteinbronnMeta born about 1899
SteinbronnOscar born about 1934
SteinbronnRuby born about 1931
SteinbronnWalter born about 1927
StrattmanAlfred Cborn about 1909
StrattmanFlorence born about 1912
StrebyErnest born about 1884
StrebyRose born about 1895
StrickmanDonald born about 1931
StrickmanElmer born about 1927
StrickmanJulia born about 1900
StrickmanWilliam Hborn about 1891
StummeEmma born about 1883
StummeErnest Hborn about 1905
StummeJohn Wborn about 1880
StummeMildred born about 1903
StummeRaymond born about 1903
SullivanJoseph born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThiekingAgnes born about 1870
ThiekingAugust Eborn about 1860
ThiekingGerhard born about 1910
ThiemanAlbert born about 1886
ThiemanCaroline born about 1862
ThiemanCaroline Eborn about 1883
ThiesCarl D Mborn about 1875
ThiesMarie Aborn about 1878
ThiesRobert born about 1924
ThomsAbrina born about 1883
ThomsEdna born about 1912
ThomsEmil Wborn about 1908
ThomsErnest born about 1873
ThomsErnst Hborn about 1906
ThomsFrederick born about 1936
ThomsHarry born about 1904
ThomsMary Lborn about 1937
ThomsRuth born about 1935
ThurmLoraine born about 1920
ThurmPaul Gborn about 1889
ThurmRenetta born about 1926
ThurmRosa born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanbrusselWilliam born about 1917

W Surnames

WalkerCharlotte born about 1938
WalkerFrancis born about 1908
WalkerVera born about 1907
WaltersAlvin born about 1917
WaltersCharles born about 1889
WaltersFrieda Jborn about 1933
WaltersJacoba Jborn about 1939
WaltersJohanna born about 1851
WaltersJohn born about 1904
WaltersTillie born about 1910
WaltherAugust born about 1891
WaltherEmma born about 1890
WeberBen born about 1901
WeberHerbert born about 1928
WeberIda born about 1905
WedemeierCatherine Mborn about 1931
WedemeierGrace Nborn about 1937
WedemeierJohn Pborn about 1907
WedemeierKate born about 1883
WedemeierRoland Jborn about 1935
WedemeierRuth Eborn about 1933
WedemeierThelma born about 1907
WehlingEdna born about 1914
WehlingElva born about 1918
WehlingHerman born about 1889
WehlingMinnie born about 1883
WehlingTillie born about 1892
WehlingWilliam born about 1883
WenteHenry Cborn about 1849
WenterHenry born about 1854
WenterLouise born about 1860
WentworthAlexander Gborn about 1904
WestendorfAmelia born about 1894
WestendorfHenry Cborn about 1888
WestendorfHenry Sr born about 1859
WestendorfMarguerite born about 1918
WestendorfSophia born about 1869
WielandHarold born about 1934
WielandInez born about 1898
WielandMarie born about 1928
WielandMildred born about 1928
WielandRobert born about 1917
WielandWalter born about 1915
WilleAnna born about 1909
WilleAugust Jr born about 1915
WilleAugust Sr born about 1876
WilleDora born about 1890
WilleDora born about 1924
WilleErnest born about 1879
WilleErnest born about 1922
WilleHarold born about 1926
WilleJulius born about 1918
WilleRaymond born about 1931
WilleRichard born about 1929
WilleSophia born about 1886
WilliamsSaidee born about 1877
WilsonBenetta Pborn about 1904
WilsonJack Vborn about 1934
WilsonSteve Gborn about 1900
WintersteinAda born about 1912
WintersteinArno Fborn about 1911
WittenbergDonald born about 1929
WittenbergElda born about 1909
WittenbergFred born about 1905
WittenbergLavern born about 1927
WolfClarence born about 1876
WolfMartha born about 1884
WolterAugust born about 1884
WolterDorothy born about 1923
WolterMary born about 1892
WolterVelma born about 1927
WoltersCatherin born about 1867
WoltersDonald born about 1924
WoltersHerman born about 1857
WoltersHerman Hborn about 1893
WoltersHulda born about 1897
WoltersLaverne born about 1926
WrightAlice born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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