1940 U.S. Federal Census of King, Winnebago, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Winnebago County > 1940 Census of King

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderCecil Hborn about 1896
AlexanderHarry born about 1929
AlexanderJoan born about 1934
AlexanderLeona born about 1927
AlexanderNina born about 1892
AmbrosonAnne born about 1887
AmbrosonEdward born about 1890
AmelsbergElgin born about 1918
AmelsbergGeorge Aborn about 1872
AmelsbergJohn born about 1916
AmelsbergJunita born about 1920
AmelsbergMaggie born about 1884
AmelsbergOliver born about 1925
AmelsbergRomala born about 1922
AndersonDean born about 1927
AndersonDelores born about 1939
AndersonDonald born about 1931
AndersonMarlyn born about 1934
AndersonMartha born about 1869
AndersonNels Kborn about 1869
AndersonNorman born about 1902
AndersonStella born about 1907
AndersonWalter Cborn about 1904
ArnevikBernard born about 1902
ArnevikIrene born about 1909
AsmusAnna born about 1891
AsmusDorthy born about 1923
AsmusLipso Hborn about 1886
AustinAndrew born about 1873
AustinAndy born about 1900
AustinJulia born about 1880

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B Surnames

BattonPaul born about 1919
BearHubert born about 1912
BechjarderArt born about 1917
BellAllen born about 1924
BellCarl Mborn about 1893
BellDoris born about 1922
BellEdith born about 1914
BellGlen born about 1934
BellHenery born about 1903
BellLeonard born about 1905
BellMairlilyn born about 1936
BellMinnie born about 1895
BellNettie born about 1869
BerchmanCon Cborn about 1892
BerchmanLula born about 1888
BergstadAlvin born about 1913
BerhanAnnie born about 1908
BerhanCleo born about 1928
BerhanDonald born about 1930
BerhanRobert born about 1933
BerhanRoy Oborn about 1909
BerhanShirley born about 1936
BodkerWilliam born about 1876
BranstadClifford born about 1924
BranstadDonald born about 1927
BranstadGlenn born about 1932
BranstadJulia born about 1923
BranstadLorraine born about 1919
BranstadLydia born about 1886
BranstadPaul born about 1921
BranstadPhilip born about 1885
BryantClara born about 1884
BryantLeon born about 1887
BryantMona born about 1925
BurkeAnna born about 1912
BurkeArlyn born about 1932
BurkeBeverly born about 1933
BurkeClifford born about 1895
BurkeJohn Allenborn about 1940
BurkeJosie born about 1907
BurkeMelvin born about 1905

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C Surnames

CamperAnne born about 1928
CamperBerta born about 1928
ChristiansonClarice born about 1926
ChristiansonEugene born about 1930
ChristiansonIngvelle born about 1890
ChristiansonPearl born about 1890
ChristiansonRobert born about 1928

D Surnames

DahlAlbert born about 1883
DahlArnold born about 1926
DahlBertha born about 1884
DahlCarold born about 1933
DahlCora born about 1913
DangerFloyd born about 1915
DangerRegina born about 1918
DivanEarl born about 1915
DivanHarry Lborn about 1884
DivanLyle born about 1926
DivanMamie born about 1887

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E Surnames

EllefsonEddie born about 1887
EllefsonMarlyn born about 1933
EllefsonMary born about 1886
ElwoodCarroll born about 1939
ElwoodDeith born about 1936
ElwoodDorthy born about 1921
ElwoodElaine born about 1935
ElwoodFloyd Hborn about 1915
ElwoodFrank Sborn about 1887
ElwoodGerald born about 1923
ElwoodHomer born about 1911
ElwoodJanice born about 1937
ElwoodMarie born about 1887
ElwoodNeoma born about 1914
ElwoodVerle born about 1925
EngevichElder born about 1909
EricksonElva born about 1875
EricksonHenry born about 1869
EricksonKeneth born about 1901
EvansGeorge born about 1900
EvansJennie born about 1907
EvansLeann born about 1932

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F Surnames

FelibleStella born about 1909
FelibleWayne born about 1907
FinerArdis born about 1924
FinerEvelyn born about 1900
FinerJunior born about 1930
FinerKeith born about 1932
FinerKenneth born about 1939
FinerLois born about 1935
FinerMarjorie born about 1928
FinerRodolph Aborn about 1897
FinerRuby born about 1937
FinerVincent born about 1926
FinerVirgina born about 1922
FirkLe Roy born about 1915
FlatrudBetty Annborn about 1929
FlatrudEdna born about 1911
FlatrudMarilyn Kayborn about 1940
FlatrudRainard Jborn about 1898
FlatrudRoger born about 1935
FlugsonMartha born about 1875
FulvenJimmie born about 1922

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G Surnames

GaransonEarnest born about 1931
GaransonEulon Eborn about 1908
GaransonKeneth born about 1933
GaransonMary born about 1910
GardalenElla born about 1873
GardalenErick born about 1866
GardalenHenery born about 1914
GardalenIrene born about 1902
GrierIda born about 1860
GrierJoe Gborn about 1881
GriffinLene born about 1872
GriffinTaylor born about 1873

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H Surnames

HaardalAlmer born about 1927
HackerDarlene born about 1928
HackerDonna born about 1933
HackerEdna born about 1909
HackerJames born about 1905
HackerLyle born about 1935
HagensonAdain born about 1914
HagensonAmos Nborn about 1920
HagensonAnna born about 1896
HagensonAnna born about 1897
HagensonBertena born about 1889
HagensonDario born about 1919
HagensonEdna born about 1909
HagensonElnora born about 1911
HagensonEmmer Lborn about 1896
HagensonLorraine born about 1923
HagensonMarion born about 1924
HagensonPercy Kborn about 1894
HagensonReyburn born about 1927
HalversonJames born about 1908
HalversonLuella born about 1908
HalvesonDonald born about 1937
HalvesonDonna born about 1932
HalvesonDuane born about 1928
HalvesonHelen born about 1934
HalvesonLuella born about 1909
HalvesonNorine Aborn about 1903
HananAnthorel born about 1898
HananPhilip born about 1929
HananThelma born about 1902
HansonGeorge born about 1875
HansonHelma born about 1877
HansonSyverne Oborn about 1882
HarlsonAmelia born about 1892
HarlsonJohn Oborn about 1889
HarlsonLester born about 1917
HarlsonMarjorie born about 1922
HaysBetty born about 1934
HaysDorthy born about 1928
HaysGeorge Wborn about 1901
HaysHarold born about 1925
HaysHelen born about 1936
HaysLeone born about 1939
HaysMae born about 1899
HelgrenBetty born about 1926
HelgrenClarence Bborn about 1898
HelgrenDonald born about 1929
HelgrenDoris born about 1920
HelgrenGrace born about 1899
HelinDoria born about 1921
HelinMarion Aborn about 1917
HellandCarole born about 1937
HellandChester born about 1933
HellandHerman Tborn about 1911
HellandJerry born about 1939
HellandMildred born about 1911
HellandNadine born about 1935
HogensonAlmer born about 1902
HogensonIsabell born about 1909
HogensonRobert born about 1930
HogensonViola born about 1936
HollandAgnes born about 1896
HollandDelpha born about 1939
HollandDennis born about 1930
HollandEdna born about 1908
HollandJasiah Oborn about 1898
HollandLester Aborn about 1904
HollandMary Louborn about 1937
HollandRhoda born about 1935
HollandVivian born about 1923
HorkneosCharlie Hborn about 1908
HorkneosGlen born about 1938
HorkneosRonald born about 1939
HorkneosWilma born about 1919
HouglandLouis born about 1885
HyllandElna born about 1923
HyllandRamonda born about 1916

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I Surnames

IndvikHelen born about 1863

J Surnames

JacobsonEdvina born about 1887
JacobsonJounior Edwardborn about 1929
JacobsonMavis born about 1926
JacobsonRose born about 1893
JacobsonRuth born about 1931
JenkenAlborn born about 1912
JenkenHenery born about 1885
JenkenMaggie born about 1887
JensonNorval born about 1917
JensonWillard born about 1923
JenssenElsie born about 1911
JenssenElwin born about 1937
JenssenJohn Aborn about 1906
JenssenJohn Jr born about 1935
JohnsonAlice born about 1936
JohnsonAmanda born about 1907
JohnsonDeris born about 1937
JohnsonDonald born about 1928
JohnsonElmer born about 1911
JohnsonEnge Jborn about 1903
JohnsonEvelyn born about 1905
JohnsonGeorge born about 1905
JohnsonJulim born about 1872
JohnsonMathilda born about 1870
JohnsonOscar Jborn about 1894
JohnsonRobert Wborn about 1928
JohnsonViola born about 1903
JutingGeorge Wborn about 1896
JuttingHoward born about 1936

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K Surnames

KallestadEdith born about 1909
KallestadErvin born about 1907
KallestadJay born about 1939
KallestadJudith born about 1935
KallestadMarlys born about 1930
KallestadVerlie born about 1931
KnutsonAlmer born about 1905
KnutsonSimon born about 1895
KrullBetty Lonborn about 1928
KrullFim born about 1917
KrullGrace born about 1895
KrullHerman Jborn about 1890
KrullHerman Jr born about 1922
KrullResela born about 1922

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L Surnames

LackoreLeroy Cborn about 1882
LackoreMabel Mborn about 1885
LackoreRobert born about 1920
LampingCharlotte born about 1918
LampingDavell born about 1939
LampingDona Maeborn about 1933
LampingFred born about 1904
LampingGertie born about 1881
LampingGlen born about 1927
LampingHarold born about 1928
LampingJohn born about 1877
LampingLowel born about 1936
LampingMelvin born about 1921
LampingOpal born about 1908
LampingPauline born about 1929
LampingWilliam Fborn about 1913
LarsonCarrol born about 1921
LarsonDena born about 1896
LarsonEldon born about 1928
LarsonFrances born about 1918
LarsonLevi born about 1889
LarsonMarvin born about 1919
LarsonMildred born about 1923
LarsonVictor born about 1933
LehmanFred Gborn about 1888
LehmanGrace born about 1936
LehmanMarvin born about 1905
LehmanMildred born about 1902
LenningCarroll born about 1911
LenningIsabelle born about 1889
LenningLouise born about 1918
LenningMargarett Joneborn about 1922
LenningMerna born about 1916
LenningOliver Cborn about 1887
LimbergMenno born about 1916
LockremKeneth born about 1916
LockremPearl born about 1921
LongLelia born about 1919
LongMarlyn born about 1940
LongMervil Nborn about 1912
LunningBuell Iborn about 1892
LunningBurton born about 1921
LunningClara born about 1893
LunningDarrell born about 1933
LunningWallace born about 1930
LuraAnna born about 1883
LuraCorneilus Kborn about 1878
LuraOrris born about 1921

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M Surnames

MathGeorge born about 1915
MathewsJoan born about 1936
MathewsKaren born about 1939
MathewsLois born about 1938
MathewsOpal born about 1910
MathewsVernon born about 1910
MaumanAndrew Jborn about 1911
MaumanIrene born about 1912
MaumanJohn born about 1938
McAlisterAmelia born about 1927
McAlisterElizabeth born about 1896
McAlisterGladys born about 1925
McAlisterJean born about 1930
McAlisterJohn born about 1893
MeineckeAlvin born about 1921
MeineckeIrene born about 1896
MeineckeWalter born about 1896
MichaelsonErma born about 1912
MichaelsonHarold born about 1908
MichaelsonHoward born about 1939
MichaelsonLarry born about 1937
MillangIrone born about 1914
MillangOdine born about 1922
MurraCecil born about 1934
MurraClara born about 1932
MurraDonald born about 1936
MurraHarold born about 1933
MurraJohn Jr born about 1931
MurraJohn Sr born about 1900
MurraKate born about 1896
MurraLydia born about 1928
MurraMildred born about 1939
MurraRamond born about 1935
MurraWilles born about 1929
MyhrAndrew Bborn about 1884
MyhrGrace Aborn about 1903
MyhrJames Oborn about 1900
MyhrJune born about 1926
MyhrMargret born about 1924
MyhrPaula Annborn about 1933

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N Surnames

NathAlmer born about 1920
NathHenery Jr born about 1912
NathHenery Sr born about 1876
NathLillian born about 1906
NathMarie born about 1918
NelsonJohnna born about 1896
NelsonLenard born about 1926
NelsonPeter Jborn about 1894
NesjaCarl Mborn about 1892
NesjaMargaret born about 1910

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O Surnames

OlesonAndrew Pborn about 1906
OlesonAnna born about 1908
OlesonCasper born about 1912
OlesonChristine born about 1878
OlesonClarence Cborn about 1906
OlesonEarnest born about 1910
OlesonEarnest Lborn about 1915
OlesonEd Lborn about 1869
OlesonEmery born about 1916
OlesonEster born about 1912
OlesonHelen born about 1911
OlesonHellen born about 1909
OlesonHenery Cborn about 1881
OlesonHerbert born about 1931
OlesonJanice born about 1935
OlesonJennie born about 1912
OlesonJimmie born about 1935
OlesonJounior born about 1937
OlesonKeneth born about 1937
OlesonMavie born about 1933
OlesonOpal born about 1918
OlesonRamond born about 1923
OlesonSandra born about 1938
OlesonSharon born about 1937
OlesonTarlbert born about 1902
OlesonTheodore born about 1902
OlesonTillie born about 1915
OlsonBetty born about 1932
OlsonEthel born about 1930
OlsonJeannette born about 1910
OlsonJeary born about 1939
OlsonLewis born about 1907
OlsonMarlyn born about 1940
OlsonRichard born about 1934
OlsonRoger born about 1937
OstranderBonell born about 1939
OstranderMildred born about 1912
OstranderRobert born about 1914
OstranderWilliam Gborn about 1869
OveeboJoe born about 1905

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P Surnames

PedersonAnna born about 1882
PedersonHarvey born about 1919
PedersonOle Aborn about 1873
PranstadNels born about 1887
PriceEdna born about 1919
PriceLouis Rborn about 1917
PriceRobert born about 1939

R Surnames

RafdahlLara born about 1908
RamsewAlpha born about 1900
ReinkenBen born about 1890
ReinkenEthel born about 1856
ReinkenLeona born about 1921
ReinkenVern born about 1912
ReissenClara born about 1891
ReissenHenery born about 1886
RhubeeAlmer born about 1915
RhubeeBert born about 1905
RhubeeCharlotte born about 1914
RhubeeDarrell born about 1936
RhubeeKeneth born about 1912
RhubeeThlena born about 1910
RjysentropAnna born about 1898
RjysentropDolores born about 1919
RjysentropDonald born about 1921
RjysentropJohn Gborn about 1891
RobinsonDorthy born about 1886
RobinsonJames Aborn about 1916
RobinsonJames Oborn about 1883
RobinsonMable born about 1916
RognehughDarlene born about 1925
RognehughEmery Joeborn about 1930
RognehughNels Eborn about 1897
RognehughNola Raeborn about 1933
RognehughRowine born about 1921
RognehughRuth born about 1902
RovettAla Mayborn about 1932
RovettCharles born about 1910
RovettGordon born about 1937
RovettJennie born about 1911

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S Surnames

SandallEllen born about 1917
SandallLeonard Fborn about 1912
SandallRonald born about 1935
SandellAlbin born about 1925
SandellClarence born about 1913
SandellHenne born about 1874
SandellJohn born about 1873
SandellLawrence born about 1909
SandellNina born about 1919
SandellReuben born about 1915
SchneblyEleanor born about 1913
SchneblyKathryn born about 1940
SchneblyLoren born about 1938
SchneblyMajella born about 1933
SchneblyRalph Cborn about 1909
SelvigMarvill Lborn about 1923
SelvigMary born about 1886
SelvigPeter Aborn about 1868
SelvigRussel Nborn about 1926
SeversonOpal born about 1912
ShropshireBerta born about 1884
ShropshireGlen born about 1924
ShropshireLewis Cborn about 1873
ShropshireVerne born about 1921
SillElla born about 1899
SillEllen born about 1924
SillFloyd born about 1928
SillOrville born about 1922
SillPaul Oborn about 1900
SmithBernard born about 1872
SmithFloyd born about 1911
SmithKieth born about 1936
SmithLaura born about 1908
SmithLaurence born about 1909
SmithMarie born about 1882
SmithMaxine born about 1915
SmithMaynard born about 1939
SmithRay born about 1934
SmithWillard born about 1919
SprowlsFrank Pborn about 1876
SprowlsLillian born about 1881
SterrenbergAnna born about 1866
SterrenbergHenry born about 1901
StifflerAlice born about 1934
StifflerAlvie born about 1904
StifflerOlga born about 1906
StifflerTom born about 1936
StoutGertrude born about 1903
StoutJerry born about 1933
StoutMilton born about 1920
StoutRoger born about 1931
StuartAdna born about 1923
StuartArlene born about 1921
StuartCarol born about 1924
StuartCecil born about 1928
StuartDorothy born about 1926
StuartEdward Nborn about 1879
StuartGeorge Wborn about 1886
StuartHazel born about 1922
StuartJennie born about 1891
StuartLuena born about 1892
SundersonGunder Kborn about 1865
SundersonHelena born about 1875
SwalveHarriet Annborn about 1939
SwalveHellen born about 1905
SwalveHenery born about 1907
SwalveHilda Joannborn about 1935
SwalveJennie Leeborn about 1933
SwalveJohn born about 1883
SwansonAugusta born about 1889
SwansonNels born about 1889
SwensonAnna born about 1896
SwensonEgert born about 1891
SwensonErdean born about 1922
SwensonMagnard born about 1924

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T Surnames

TagersonJulia born about 1873
TagersonLydia born about 1882
TargersonAlbert born about 1883
TargersonOle born about 1882
TenderholtAlbert Sborn about 1872
TenderholtDorthy born about 1922
TenderholtMillie born about 1878
TenderholtWaldo born about 1912
ThompsonAford born about 1898
ThompsonAlma born about 1910
ThompsonBlanche born about 1907
ThompsonJimmey born about 1927
ThompsonJoy Deeborn about 1939
ThompsonNorma born about 1930
ThompsonSendra born about 1938
ThompsonShirley born about 1931
ThompsonTheo Eborn about 1899
ThompsonTruman born about 1908
ThorlandGeneva born about 1913
ThorlandHarrold born about 1908

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U Surnames

UnderlandBerge born about 1916
UnderlandCarrie born about 1892
UnderlandElsie born about 1921
UnderlandKeneth born about 1920
UnderlandOle Bborn about 1886
UnderlandSydney born about 1923

V Surnames

VantrieCarl Dborn about 1898
VesselsJanet born about 1924
VesselsJosephine born about 1921
VesselsMartha born about 1879

W Surnames

WaageCyrus born about 1912
WaiteBetty born about 1922
WaiteElenor born about 1917
WaiteFred born about 1883
WaiteJohn born about 1920
WaiteMable born about 1890
WentworthAllen born about 1937
WentworthGloria born about 1927
WentworthJames Eborn about 1900
WentworthMartha born about 1906
WentworthMarylyn born about 1929
WentworthMyrna born about 1939
WentworthNorma born about 1936
WentworthShirley born about 1931
WentworthSteven born about 1934
WesslsBetty Lowborn about 1931
WesslsCarmen born about 1940
WesslsDelores born about 1936
WesslsDuane Geneborn about 1935
WesslsLarry born about 1939
WesslsLee born about 1905
WesslsMae born about 1912
WirtjerAnna born about 1891
WirtjerLawrence born about 1911
WirtjerMelvin born about 1914
WirtjerMildred born about 1920
WirtjerRalph Rborn about 1886

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