1940 U.S. Federal Census of Locust Grove in Jefferson County, Jefferson, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Locust Grove in Jefferson County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbuanG born about 1930
AdamsBetty Pearlborn about 1929
AdamsEverett Wborn about 1910
AdamsG Wborn about 1890
AdamsGlen Frankborn about 1925
AdamsHoward born about 1918
AdamsJessie Geneborn about 1927
AdamsKatherine born about 1917
AdamsLillie born about 1873
AdamsM Eborn about 1888
AdamsMoris born about 1869
AdamsRuth Imogeneborn about 1923
AlfredMary V Cborn about 1871
AlversonBilli born about 1877
AlversonJames Bborn about 1861
AlversonJohn Maxborn about 1911
AlversonJoseph Hborn about 1845
AlversonRoy Lfborn about 1890
AndersonRay Rborn about 1886
ArmstrongSarah Aborn about 1856
ArmstrongWm Jborn about 1878
AugustineAllan Aborn about 1928
AugustineEllanie Aborn about 1930
AugustineGlene Rborn about 1932
AugustineIvan Lborn about 1926
AugustineMuriel born about 1896
AugustineR Lborn about 1891

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B Surnames

BaldridgeEmma born about 1883
BaldridgeJohn Hborn about 1879
BaldridgeJohn Jborn about 1914
BaldridgeMaye born about 1881
BaldridgeWilton Rborn about 1882
BarherCecil born about 1909
BarherFred Aborn about 1912
BarherJimmie Leeeborn about 1939
BarherMartha born about 1937
BarherMisses Fredborn about 1914
BaumgartnerGlen Kborn about 1922
BeardDaisey Mborn about 1873
BlachSarah Jborn about 1888
BlackBetty Jborn about 1929
BlackCarl Cborn about 1888
BlackDairell Deanborn about 1938
BlackDon Dborn about 1935
BlackKermit born about 1914
BlackLois born about 1915
BlackMary Lborn about 1930
BlackRichard Lborn about 1932
BlackVelma Lborn about 1909
BlackW Rborn about 1902
BlosserGeo Eborn about 1868
BogleBarbara Ellenborn about 1932
BogleCaroline born about 1935
BogleLina born about 1911
BogleMildred born about 1912
BogleRobert born about 1909
BormettGary born about 1939
BormettMisses Raymondborn about 1917
BormettRaymond born about 1914
BoyselElaine born about 1920
BoyselJ Eborn about 1883
BoyselMamie born about 1896
BoyselMyrtle born about 1889
BoyselPaul Bborn about 1918
BoyselSadie born about 1860
BradfieldHarry born about 1875
BradfieldNora born about 1876
BradshawDorothy born about 1930
BradshawGloria born about 1904
BradshawJoe born about 1900
BradshawMargie born about 1931
BradshawMargorie born about 1924
BradshawMerl born about 1926
BradshawRachel born about 1862
BridgfordA Gborn about 1869
BridgfordMollie Tborn about 1875
BristowCharles born about 1929
BrooksAmel born about 1908
BrooksBetty Janeborn about 1932
BrooksFrancis born about 1906
BrooksJohn Doraborn about 1934
BrooksMary Jeneborn about 1929
BrownBurnes Margaretborn about 1874
BrownFanny born about 1919
BrownJack Charlesborn about 1926
BrownLoucile born about 1900
BrownMisses A Bborn about 1875
BrownRobert Davidborn about 1929
BrownVirgil born about 1896
BurnesNina born about 1867
BurnesOrval born about 1897
BurnesW Eborn about 1894
BysesR Eborn about 1877

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C Surnames

CampbellBetty Mayborn about 1938
CampbellGifford born about 1916
CampbellJames Aborn about 1911
CampbellJohn Richardborn about 1937
CampbellPatti born about 1914
CampbellVirginia born about 1919
CampbellW Sborn about 1856
CampbellWilliam Davidborn about 1922
CarrCharles born about 1934
CarrKenneth born about 1933
CarrLee born about 1911
CarrMartha born about 1938
CarrVivian born about 1911
CarvinessE Mborn about 1891
CarvinessS Hborn about 1880
ChambrlainLester born about 1904
ChambrlainMildred born about 1901
ClarkBeulah born about 1895
ClarkBulah born about 1895
ClarkGrace Hborn about 1874
ClarkJohnnie Eborn about 1902
ClarkL Wborn about 1870
ClarkLoucinda Lborn about 1877
ClarkRalph born about 1925
ClarkRalph born about 1937
ClarkRoma born about 1927
ClarkRoma born about 1939
ClarkSarah Eborn about 1864
ClarkW Hborn about 1872
ConnerClaud Wborn about 1879
ConnerFrankie born about 1882
CookRaymond born about 1888
CookStel born about 1885
CopelandClarah Jborn about 1878
CoxC Lborn about 1887
CoxLee Graceborn about 1890
CraufordH Kborn about 1895
CraufordJessie born about 1898
CraufordMargurite Eborn about 1868
CraufordWm Jborn about 1860
CrawfordGla Maeborn about 1931
CrawfordLucile born about 1927
CrawfordMisses W Eborn about 1895
CrawfordVirginia born about 1923
CrawfordW Eborn about 1895
CrawfordWm Hborn about 1925
CreekDonna born about 1933
CreekJames Lborn about 1924
CreekMisses R Wborn about 1899
CreekR Wborn about 1895
CreekRaymond born about 1907
CreekRobert born about 1930
CreekWinney born about 1907
CurrayArnold born about 1901
CurrayGeo born about 1898
CurrayGladys born about 1898
CurrayLaurah born about 1903
CurtisLeonard born about 1917
CurtisMisses Leonardborn about 1921

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D Surnames

DaileyC Dborn about 1882
DaileyClyde born about 1917
DaileyDilta born about 1921
DaileyDormon Johnborn about 1915
DaileyEdith Aborn about 1939
DaileyFloyd Hborn about 1927
DaileyGeo Hborn about 1901
DaileyJ Tborn about 1888
DaileyJohn H Cborn about 1857
DaileyJune Eborn about 1906
DaileyKenneth born about 1916
DaileyLidea born about 1886
DaileyMaurice Cborn about 1929
DaileyMisses J Tborn about 1889
DaileyNancy Cborn about 1862
DaileyRose Eborn about 1920
DairsMiles Eborn about 1873
DavidsonCarlyle born about 1933
DavidsonDeloy born about 1937
DavidsonFrancis born about 1905
DavidsonH Tborn about 1903
DavidsonLeona Aborn about 1919
DavidsonLeonard Aborn about 1919
DavidsonMarie M Aborn about 1887
DavidsonW Aborn about 1885
DavisAlle Aborn about 1870
DavisBette Mborn about 1926
DavisCharlette born about 1932
DavisCoraln* Mborn about 1878
DavisDora Lborn about 1935
DavisFlorence Mborn about 1914
DavisJacquline born about 1933
DavisJames born about 1937
DavisJerry born about 1935
DavisKay born about 1938
DavisKenneth Lborn about 1909
DavisLarry born about 1935
DavisLola Gborn about 1914
DavisO Lborn about 1908
DavisR Eborn about 1894
DavisRuth Hborn about 1898
DayChester Bborn about 1891
DayEverett born about 1916
DayHarry born about 1939
DayLorend born about 1921
DayMay born about 1894
DeanIda born about 1867
DegoodDella Pborn about 1899
DegoodDoris Dborn about 1900
DegoodFred born about 1892
DegoodGeo Nborn about 1902
DegoodHarl Bborn about 1898
DegoodIrene Eborn about 1925
DegoodRuah born about 1895
DegoodWonda born about 1927
DervieAlice Eborn about 1920
DervieLeonard born about 1920
DervieWilliam Wborn about 1940
DespieglacreBirth born about 1899
DespieglacreGaston born about 1898
DespieglacreGearldine born about 1924
DespieglacreJames Robertborn about 1925
DielC Eborn about 1876
DielMarcina born about 1879
DigbodBert Cborn about 1870
DigbodHelen Mborn about 1887
DonneyClara Jborn about 1877
DonneyRobert Hborn about 1875
DovierJim born about 1910
DovierJoe born about 1924
DovierMary born about 1926
DovierSam Jr born about 1922
DovierSara born about 1882
DraksAllie born about 1903
DraksEloira born about 1876
DraksElza born about 1902
DraksEmery Wborn about 1898
DraksSven born about 1905
DraksWm Sborn about 1872
DrodeEllen born about 1891
DunhamC Lborn about 1857

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E Surnames

EdlandChas born about 1892
EdlandMirs C Hborn about 1893
EdlandRay Cborn about 1924
EdlerEva born about 1934
EdlerGeorgia born about 1931
EdlerGlen born about 1893
EdlerGlen born about 1937
EdlerGrace born about 1903
EdlerHubert born about 1923
EdlerJohnny born about 1939
EdlerLoraine born about 1932
ElumansDixie born about 1932
ElumansDonald born about 1926
ElumansFrieda Aborn about 1904
ElumansWilliam born about 1923
EtterHarrold Wborn about 1901

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F Surnames

FarmerGen born about 1896
FarmerMarvin born about 1916
FarmerRoger born about 1921
FarmerRuth born about 1895
FeeterBurnard born about 1933
FeeterE Aborn about 1894
FeeterElmer born about 1929
FeeterFrancis born about 1927
FeeterHelen born about 1900
FeeterJoann born about 1937
FicherEdward Mborn about 1905
FicherM Dborn about 1911
FicherSarah Eborn about 1884
FicherWm Jborn about 1873
FisherAlbert Glenborn about 1898
FisherFred born about 1881
FisherHelen Gborn about 1904
FlanagaarJohn born about 1892
FordForrest Wborn about 1917
ForemanAlbert born about 1909
ForemanEvelyn born about 1920
ForemanHelen born about 1914
ForemanRalph born about 1911
ForneyJohn Eborn about 1875
ForneyMargaret born about 1925
FosterMary Bauhchborn about 1882
FosterRoy born about 1881
FrancesGlen born about 1900
FrancesHoward born about 1913
FrancesMisses Ettaborn about 1879
FrancesRobert born about 1919
FranklinEdgar born about 1930
FranklinEdith born about 1926
FranklinKeneth Lborn about 1938
FranklinRalph born about 1895
FranklinRichard born about 1936
FranklinRobert born about 1909
FranklinSinda Maeborn about 1919
FreemanCharles born about 1940
FreemanEarl born about 1906
FreemanHelen born about 1915
FreemanMerlin born about 1937
FrescolnGrace Lucilleborn about 1897
FrescolnJ Rborn about 1886
FrescolnLillie Alorene*born about 1875
FrescolnMable born about 1888
FurgusonAnne Maryborn about 1890
FurgusonDon born about 1912
FurgusonEarl born about 1887
FurgusonEdwin born about 1926
FurgusonHelen born about 1910
FurgusonStanley born about 1917

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G Surnames

GallupIsabella born about 1918
GallupWm Kborn about 1868
GallupWm Kborn about 1913
GantzHart Cborn about 1870
GantzMisses H Lcborn about 1873
GautzC??? Dborn about 1903
GautzM Lborn about 1901
GautzPatricia Aborn about 1938
GillR Bborn about 1888
GlasJohnie born about 1872
GoffAlta born about 1907
GoffDuane born about 1939
GoffLeonard Kborn about 1904
GolleEster born about 1896
GontermanWillitta Aborn about 1872
GormanBessie Mayborn about 1885
GormanC Rborn about 1882
GormanCharles born about 1929
GormanDorthy born about 1919
GormanGlen born about 1900
GormanJune born about 1906
GormanM Mborn about 1902
GormanMary Hborn about 1926
GormanMary Jborn about 1882
GormanPauline born about 1904
GormanRichard born about 1915
GriddlyEmmie Hborn about 1918
GriddlyGerald born about 1938
GriddlyH born about 1909
GrimsteadE Lborn about 1879
GrimsteadEdna Mayborn about 1889

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H Surnames

HallElmer born about 1918
HalmesHenry Bborn about 1887
HalmesMaud Juneborn about 1887
HaneldAtta Lborn about 1881
HaneldH Vborn about 1878
HaneyDorsey born about 1917
HaneyJuanita born about 1920
HardinMartha born about 1865
HarmsAlice Gborn about 1903
HarmsBilly born about 1927
HarmsElgre Tborn about 1899
HarmsEugene born about 1926
HarmsVirginia born about 1923
HarmsWillaim born about 1925
HarneyDoris Lborn about 1926
HarneyLorene born about 1896
HarneyM Rborn about 1897
HarneyMirle Gborn about 1936
HarrisEva born about 1880
HarrisJ Eborn about 1879
HarwardClarah Iborn about 1895
HarwardG Cborn about 1883
HedgerBelle born about 1897
HedgerMilfred born about 1910
HedgerR Vborn about 1894
HedgerViola born about 1915
HerrigChris born about 1876
HerrigEarnest born about 1916
HerrigMary Eborn about 1879
HerrigMillard born about 1918
HickenbottomC Lborn about 1892
HickenbottomFlorence born about 1891
HickenbottomHugh born about 1926
HickenbottomJohn born about 1922
HickenbottomLester born about 1920
HickenfotterVirgil born about 1913
HicksCarah born about 1907
HicksCarl born about 1907
HicksLelin born about 1933
HidayAlice born about 1921
HidayChas born about 1871
HidayGerald Wborn about 1939
HidayGirtha born about 1884
HidayRobert born about 1921
HideyBlanche born about 1867
HigdonAna born about 1915
HigdonFlorence born about 1884
HigdonJoe born about 1912
HigdonKenneth born about 1917
HigdonWayne born about 1921
HinesNellie born about 1916
HiteBertha born about 1876
HixsonGer Nborn about 1912
HoadMary Cborn about 1867
HoganLeonard born about 1918
HoganMorine born about 1917
HoganNancy Louiseborn about 1939
HoganRichard Leeborn about 1935
HorrasAlva born about 1903
HorrasHarlan born about 1932
HorrasHomer born about 1929
HorrasMaxine born about 1926
HorrasRuth born about 1928
HorrasTessa Mborn about 1903
HoskinsDorothy born about 1929
HoskinsJames Eborn about 1894
HoskinsMary Sborn about 1937
HowardDolores born about 1931
HowardDorothy born about 1909
HowardFrank born about 1907
HudsonEd Hborn about 1875
HudsonJessie born about 1907
HudsonMellie born about 1877
HuffmanEzera born about 1856
HuffmanSarah born about 1859
HullJ Cborn about 1887
HullRuth born about 1887
HumbleAlice born about 1917
HumbleDon born about 1913
HumbleMarjorie born about 1937
HumblePatricia born about 1939
HuppC Jborn about 1898
HuppJ Dborn about 1865
HuppPearl born about 1889
HuppS Bborn about 1866
HuppUlah born about 1895
HuttonDaniel born about 1863
HuttonMandia born about 1867
HuxleyMerrill born about 1933
HuxleyMildred Tborn about 1894
HuxleyPauline born about 1926
HuxleyRichard born about 1922
HuxleyRuth born about 1930
HuxleyVictor Hborn about 1889

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I Surnames

IsanhartCarrie Bborn about 1888
IsanhartJ Hborn about 1878
IsraelAda born about 1884
IsraelFred born about 1886

J Surnames

JagerGea Wborn about 1875
JagerRachel born about 1875
JamesWm born about 1862
JenningsArnold born about 1922
JenningsJ Frank Eborn about 1887
JenningsMisses Frank Eborn about 1895
JohnsonAnn Mborn about 1873
JohnsonChas Dborn about 1900
JohnsonD Wborn about 1902
JohnsonDonna born about 1928
JohnsonEdward Qborn about 1868
JohnsonGrace born about 1906
JohnsonGrace Aborn about 1902
JohnsonMarie born about 1920
JohnsonRaymond born about 1917
JohnstonGeo Hborn about 1857
Jones??? born about 1922
Jones??? born about 1930
JonesJoan born about 1927
JonesMisses Ralphborn about 1899
JonesRalph born about 1895

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K Surnames

KeathEthel born about 1891
KeathLeonard born about 1926
KeathLow Lborn about 1888
KeeselinEdith born about 1886
KeeselinT Sborn about 1883
KelleyA Joeborn about 1906
KelleyAnita born about 1907
KelleyDennis born about 1939
KelleyJanice born about 1933
KelleyJoyce Annaborn about 1932
KessilingG Pborn about 1911
KessilingHelen born about 1916
KessilingMarian Margaretborn about 1940
KettermanAnna Bborn about 1880
KettermanH Cborn about 1883
KillCarols born about 1932
KillCatherine born about 1937
KillD Dborn about 1895
KillDavid born about 1939
KillDorothy born about 1923
KillElla born about 1888
KillMarlyan born about 1929
KillMartha born about 1927
KilleyDarley born about 1868
KingBessie born about 1880
KingD Hborn about 1876
KingreyGen born about 1938
KingreyJohn Cborn about 1900
KingreyMarie born about 1897
KingreyMirelin born about 1925
KingreyPaul born about 1923
KingreyRuby born about 1933
KitsonSarah born about 1873
KollerRobert born about 1921
KoonsAnna born about 1866
KoonsHenry born about 1864
KramesAda born about 1870
KramesC Hborn about 1867
KramesI Yborn about 1871
KramesSusie Eborn about 1869
KrattAnna born about 1885
KrattM Mborn about 1884
KrayenhagenChris born about 1892
KrayenhagenIrene born about 1925
KrayenhagenKatherine born about 1893
KruegesCharles Eborn about 1864
KruegesJ Wborn about 1897
KruegesPearl Eborn about 1900
KrumboltzPearl born about 1886
KrumboltzThomas born about 1876
KuzminskiA??? born about 1902
KuzminskiDel Raymondborn about 1939
KuzminskiJohn Davidborn about 1935
KuzminskiMarvin Yborn about 1938
KuzminskiMisses Trentborn about 1901

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L Surnames

LansonAlfred born about 1924
LansonNaomi born about 1895
LarsonAde born about 1903
LarsonL Lborn about 1892
LarsonRobert Lborn about 1924
LaughlinCharles born about 1918
LaughlinGladys born about 1892
LaughlinHarold born about 1898
LaughlinHarold Jr born about 1933
LaughlinKatie born about 1907
LaughlinM Hborn about 1893
LaughlinMary Eborn about 1925
LaughlinMary Elizabethborn about 1936
LaughlinStanley born about 1921
LeazureAlan born about 1919
LeopoldKerbey born about 1883
LeopoldMable Lborn about 1896
LewisDora born about 1895
LewisJohn Eborn about 1879
LoretteElmer born about 1917
LovenburgMary born about 1889
LovenburgW Eborn about 1887
LovingTilda born about 1899
LowthBetty born about 1925
LowthHervey Eborn about 1890
LowthIsabelle born about 1882
LoyJesse Cborn about 1881
LoyNellie Lborn about 1884
LucasHarrold born about 1916
LucasHoward born about 1923
LucasM Eborn about 1890
LucasRay born about 1931
LucasZ Mborn about 1892

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M Surnames

MaceClyde born about 1915
MaceLoucile born about 1910
MairetAlfred born about 1910
MairetBarbra Sborn about 1939
MairetEldnia born about 1912
MairetElizabeth born about 1914
MairetHenry born about 1901
MairetJanet born about 1937
MairetKathern Aborn about 1938
ManningEthel Lborn about 1883
ManningFreda born about 1909
ManningJ Joe Eborn about 1882
ManningWarren Cborn about 1924
MarcheiseIlene born about 1908
MarcheiseJoe born about 1888
MarettBertha born about 1938
MarettDarlene born about 1935
MarettGea born about 1902
MarettLovell born about 1933
MarettOpal born about 1903
MaringCharles born about 1904
MaringFlorence born about 1868
MarshChas Fborn about 1883
MarshGertrude born about 1894
MarterFrancis born about 1918
MarterNancy Leeborn about 1939
MarterVarl born about 1916
MartinEverett born about 1938
MartinGarald Aborn about 1916
MartinMildred born about 1918
MasonHazel born about 1898
MasonJanet born about 1935
MasonJoyce born about 1924
MasonMailin born about 1932
MasonViolet Lborn about 1886
MaxwellBernice born about 1915
MaxwellIlene born about 1936
MaxwellRuby born about 1939
MaxwellThelma born about 1937
MaxwellVirgil born about 1899
MaybalmDiani Mborn about 1909
McBridgeMarguerite Lborn about 1873
McClenyRamon born about 1904
McCrerryJohn born about 1870
McCrerryMinnie born about 1875
McCreryClara Iborn about 1857
McDonellAdrin Ugeneborn about 1926
McDonellCarl Edwardborn about 1924
McDonellEva born about 1893
McDonellFay born about 1887
McDonellJohn born about 1885
McDonellRalph born about 1886
McDonellRonald Eborn about 1933
McDowellC Rborn about 1915
McDowellDonald Deanborn about 1940
McDowellGrace born about 1886
McDowellHarley born about 1919
McDowellJas Wborn about 1865
McDowellLois born about 1920
McDowellW Lborn about 1883
McGuireAlberta born about 1923
McMillenAndera Aborn about 1904
McMillenArmeda Kborn about 1867
McMillenCall Fborn about 1897
McMillenJack born about 1891
McMillenJames Wmborn about 1938
McMillenRichard born about 1935
McMillenRobert Hborn about 1905
McNealBetty born about 1922
McNealElsa born about 1901
McNealHerbert born about 1910
McNealMaurice born about 1918
McNealW L Mrsborn about 1882
McNealWanda born about 1914
McOrealDon Rborn about 1911
McOrealJames Byronborn about 1937
McOrealJohn Haroldborn about 1935
McOrealMary born about 1909
McOyEarl Jborn about 1906
McOyIris born about 1934
McOyJohn born about 1937
McOyLois born about 1930
McOyMary born about 1939
McOyMildred born about 1932
McOyPaul born about 1925
McOyRaymond born about 1927
McOyVera Nborn about 1905
MichelsFrancis born about 1885
MichelsGertrude born about 1915
MichelsJohn born about 1887
MichelsReginia born about 1922
MichelsRichard born about 1917
MillerCarrol Deanborn about 1938
MillerCharles Eborn about 1892
MillerDorothy born about 1921
MillerEva Gborn about 1894
MillerEvelyn born about 1923
MillerHelen born about 1927
MillerJ Hborn about 1860
MillerJuneta born about 1920
MillerMartin born about 1894
MillerPhylis born about 1934
MillerRobert Pborn about 1916
MillerSarah Lborn about 1866
MitchellJean born about 1931
MitchellPearl born about 1934
MitchellPhylis born about 1922
MitchellThomas born about 1937
MorleyEmma Mborn about 1888
MorleyR Dborn about 1885
MorrisonC Aborn about 1880
MorrisonC Aborn about 1925
MorrisonClarah Bborn about 1909
MorrisonEllmes born about 1912
MorrisonEthel born about 1890
MorrisonFred Cborn about 1888
MorrisonOlive born about 1884
MorrisonSharlet born about 1910
MorrisonW Rborn about 1908
MorrowHarry Lborn about 1891
MorrowMinnie Bborn about 1886
MurphyErma Fborn about 1868
MurphyMary born about 1866
MyersClyde Aborn about 1902
MyersMarilyn born about 1935
MyersMarvaline born about 1932
MyersMerl born about 1930
MyersMildred born about 1908
MyersMisses Eanborn about 1869
MyessAddis born about 1923
MyessHarold born about 1929

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N Surnames

NaceJessie born about 1862
NafozigerAneden born about 1858
NehseErnest born about 1861
NelsonC Bborn about 1921
NelsonC Eborn about 1884
NelsonMargaret Eborn about 1885
NelsonMargurite born about 1857
NelsonMerrill born about 1930
NelsonPenelope Jborn about 1939
NelsonRaymond born about 1917
NelsonThelma born about 1919
NorthupJ Aborn about 1872
NuttonMamie born about 1889
NuttonSanford born about 1884

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O Surnames

OdumGrace born about 1902
OdumJ Hborn about 1895
OdumLew born about 1932
OdumRaymond born about 1926
OldfieldDaniel born about 1934
OldfieldDavid born about 1934
OldfieldHenry T Jeborn about 1899
OldfieldMildred Eborn about 1900
OlexaAmilda Joborn about 1932
OlexaMarcelles born about 1910
OlexaRoxie Janeborn about 1930
OlexaW Sborn about 1897
OnirxnesAlice born about 1931
OnirxnesBen born about 1896
OnirxnesDorothy born about 1935
OnirxnesMable born about 1904
OnirxnesMarjorie born about 1927
OrndoffAlna born about 1870
OrndoffLeonard born about 1919
OrndoffLinda Kayborn about 1939
OrndoffMisses Laonardborn about 1920
OrnduffAlice born about 1907
OrnduffDale born about 1932
OrnduffDicy born about 1935
OrnduffGayland born about 1906
OrnduffJoe born about 1937
OstranderA Dborn about 1890
OstranderDennis Leeborn about 1881
OstranderEugene Rborn about 1929
OstranderRonald born about 1935
OstranderWinnie born about 1899

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P Surnames

PagerRaymond born about 1910
ParcellDorris born about 1915
ParcellKarl born about 1916
ParcellKarlo born about 1939
ParrellDonald Eborn about 1919
ParrellEmma Eborn about 1886
ParrellKenneth born about 1927
ParrellRoy Lborn about 1882
ParrettDa Vid Rborn about 1921
ParrettE Royborn about 1888
ParrettEdward Aborn about 1913
ParrettLaurah born about 1859
ParrettMarguerite Eborn about 1916
ParrettMartha born about 1939
ParrettMisses E Royborn about 1885
ParrettOpal born about 1922
PattersonE Gborn about 1877
PattersonFred born about 1876
PattersonMisses Royborn about 1896
PattersonRay born about 1892
PebblerGen Bborn about 1863
PebblerIda Aborn about 1866
PortesAma Lborn about 1913
PurdonM Vborn about 1908
PurdonTranan born about 1882

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R Surnames

RaecellGlen born about 1927
RaecellKeath born about 1933
RaecellMarcelle born about 1924
RaecellMisses Rayborn about 1891
RameyAgnes born about 1899
RameyDonna Mborn about 1927
RameyJ Cborn about 1878
RamseyOna born about 1906
RandallElaine born about 1915
RandallLarry Eugeneborn about 1935
RandallLeland Eilotborn about 1938
ReilLelia Aborn about 1904
ReilMarcene born about 1929
ReilMildred born about 1909
RenoMisses Mary Cborn about 1861
ReynoldsAra born about 1858
RickfordVirginia born about 1866
RiglerBulah born about 1893
RiglerHarry born about 1884
RiglesJudith born about 1939
RiglesMarvin born about 1912
RiglesThelma born about 1914
RobertsC Aborn about 1880
RobertsLulu Lborn about 1886
RobertsWm born about 1851
RogersBetty born about 1864

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S Surnames

SaltsCharles Rborn about 1912
SaltsHarrold born about 1919
SaltsJohn Rborn about 1881
SaltsMartha Jborn about 1891
SaltsMisses J Rborn about 1874
SaltsPaul born about 1916
SaltsS Gborn about 1883
SamonsFrancis born about 1928
SamonsLois born about 1928
SamonsMable Eborn about 1894
SamonsRichard born about 1927
SamonsRuth born about 1920
SarrettEva Lborn about 1872
SarrettM Lborn about 1861
SchiedelFlorence born about 1905
ScottCarl Eborn about 1923
ScottEmma born about 1884
ScottGen Pborn about 1880
ShaltzerNeil born about 1923
ShaltzerPaul born about 1918
ShirleyClarence Mborn about 1895
ShirleyEmma Maeborn about 1924
ShirleyIna Loisborn about 1922
ShirleyMelvin Cborn about 1920
ShirleyMisses C Mborn about 1893
ShirleyRaymond born about 1927
SilonBetty Ellenborn about 1939
SilonEdward Dborn about 1934
SilonJeneva Joanborn about 1936
SilonRuth Soveborn about 1938
SilonShirley born about 1913
SimonsGeo born about 1890
SkirvinJames Aborn about 1871
SmithBuhamia born about 1906
SmithCharley born about 1877
SmithFrank Cborn about 1907
SmithMargurite born about 1890
SmithMildred Bborn about 1923
SmithMittie born about 1866
SmithMyra Gborn about 1887
SmithPaul born about 1933
SmithRodnny born about 1935
SmithSeldon Lborn about 1879
SmithVerle born about 1892
SniderHugo Tborn about 1876
SniderRalph born about 1907
SparkElla born about 1867
SpraklinRichard born about 1915
StarkE Josephineborn about 1899
StarkJoseph born about 1926
StarkVester born about 1891
SternerC Bborn about 1863
SternerElizabeth born about 1891
SternerMarie born about 1926
StreanEarl Gborn about 1895
StreanRuby born about 1895
StullmanElizabeth born about 1871
SumnerBert born about 1878
SumnerMyrtle Eborn about 1883
SutherlandMary born about 1867
SutherlandRussel born about 1899
SwanDallas born about 1908
SwanDonald born about 1938
SwanDorothy born about 1915
SwasickClifford Lborn about 1898
SwasickCordia born about 1893
SwasickGrace Vborn about 1929
SwasickMarlyn born about 1931
SwasickWilson born about 1862
SwonsonBetty born about 1869
SwonsonJohn Mborn about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaucherAnna Lorenaborn about 1892
TaucherJ Wborn about 1866
TaucherMarie J Wborn about 1864
ThomasClarence born about 1910
ThomasMadeline born about 1917
ThomasRichard Leeborn about 1936
ThomasRonald Iborn about 1940
ThomasTeggy Gleneborn about 1938
TimEthel Lborn about 1895
TormeyAlberta born about 1913
TormeyKismet born about 1910
TullerCharles born about 1877
TullerHarrold Sborn about 1925
TullerInis Tborn about 1919
TullerMary born about 1878
TusherCraig born about 1931
TusherGaylord born about 1901
TusherJuanita born about 1908
TuttersM Sborn about 1912
TuttersViola born about 1909
TweedyDan born about 1903
TweedyHelen born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UrferHarrold ???born about 1901
UrferLaurah Aborn about

V Surnames

VandinsurchKatherine born about 1922
VandinsurchMandus* born about 1892
VandinsurchMarilyn born about 1932
VandinsurchMatilda born about 1895
VandinsurchMyhall born about 1926
VandinsurchWalter born about 1919
VanskikeCharles born about 1933
VanskikeHarel born about 1915
VanskikeJudith born about 1940
VanskikeLoreta born about 1937
VanskikeOra born about 1909
VermillsonJohn Lborn about 1910
VermillsonMaxine born about 1910
ViachEuna Aborn about 1884
ViachMary Rborn about 1853
ViachRoss born about 1884
VossAuen Wborn about 1920
VossBonne Lborn about 1934
VossE Tborn about 1879
VossNell Oborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerCarl born about 1896
WalkerRuth Aborn about 1853
WardR Lborn about 1899
WarnesMay Aborn about 1878
WebbDaisey Mborn about 1877
WebbGladys born about 1903
WebbJ Vborn about 1871
WebbJeanne born about 1937
WebbRoscoe born about 1927
WebbRussel born about 1912
WebbSarah born about 1913
WhistlerElaine born about 1888
WhistlerJohn born about 1922
WhistlerRalph Eborn about 1911
WhistlerW Tborn about 1886
WhiteH Lborn about 1894
WhiteMarie H Lborn about 1918
WhitemoreChiysnethina* born about 1928
WhitemoreClarence born about 1923
WhitemoreEdna Bborn about 1876
WhitemoreFrancis Lborn about 1923
WhitemoreJ Bborn about 1891
WhitemoreMargureta born about 1938
WhitemoreMarvin born about 1930
WhitemoreMelvin born about 1936
WhitemoreMerrill born about 1940
WhitemoreMisse C Bborn about 1908
WhitemoreMisses Willborn about 1896
WhitemoreNancy Eborn about 1890
WhitemoreRamon born about 1870
WhitemoreWiff born about 1894
WhitemoreWm Rborn about 1885
WhitmoreArthur born about 1894
WhitmoreBetty born about 1922
WhitmoreChas Lborn about 1878
WhitmoreClaud born about 1890
WhitmoreFrank born about 1862
WhitmoreGeraldine born about 1918
WhitmoreGrace born about 1908
WhitmoreHarvey born about 1902
WhitmoreJannett born about 1931
WhitmoreJohn born about 1937
WhitmoreMary born about 1935
WhitmoreMay born about 1891
WhitmoreRalph born about 1927
WhitmoreRay born about 1893
WhitmoreRebecca Jborn about 1863
WhutakerMisses T Aborn about 1877
WhutakerT Aborn about 1878
WhutakerWayne born about 1920
WillhoitHarry born about 1885
WillhoitJoan born about 1932
WillhoitLissie born about 1903
WilliamsRm born about 1850
WoodardMyrtle born about 1899
WoodburnAgnes born about 1923
WoodburnHugh born about 1887
WoodburnIras born about 1921
WoodburnIvan born about 1889
WoodburnMable born about 1931
WoodburnMargurite born about 1924
WoodburnRobert born about 1917
WoodburnSterling born about 1919
WrightCharley born about 1879
WrightGen born about 1912
WrightRuth born about 1915
WrightSamuel Rborn about 1940
WrightVina Tborn about 1857
WrightWm born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungLiland born about 1934
YoungLowrence born about 1932
YoungMildred born about 1910
YoungRichard born about 1908

Z Surnames

ZirbeJohn Wesleyborn about 1873
ZirbeMisses J Wborn about 1877
ZuehlkeRaymond Eborn about 1920
ZuehlkeRuth Aborn about 1922
ZuehlkeWalter Wborn about 1918
ZuehlkeWm Tborn about 1886
ZwehlkEdward Wborn about 1901
ZwehlkLawrence born about 1931
ZwehlkZelma born about 1904

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