1940 U.S. Federal Census of Meadow in Plymouth County, Plymouth, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Plymouth County > 1940 Census of Meadow in Plymouth County

A SurnamesG SurnamesN Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AhlersErwin Jborn about 1933
AhlersLawrence born about 1897
AhlersLoraine Iborn about 1936
AhlersMary Annaborn about 1930
AhlersOlivie born about 1898
AleschArnold born about 1909
AleschMary born about 1911
AlseschHenry born about 1894
AlseschJames born about 1931
AlseschJanet born about 1937
AlseschJoan born about 1929
AlseschRose born about 1897
ArensDonald born about 1929
ArensEmley born about 1920
ArensFrances born about 1898
ArensFred born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarlowAnnie born about 1898
BarlowCarl born about 1889
BarlowDerelhey Jborn about 1937
BarlowJames born about 1930
BarlowJohanne born about 1935
BarlowRoy born about 1928
BohenkampElma born about 1896
BohenkampJoseph born about 1894
BohenkampMargie born about 1938
BohenkampRichard born about 1928
BohenkampThomes born about 1930
BohenkampVirle born about 1932
BolhkeAlay born about 1896
BolhkeCyrcilla born about 1916
BolhkeMelo born about 1925
BolhkeSusna born about 1899
BolkkeMartin born about 1899
BottgenHarry born about 1916
BottjenCarl born about 1919
BriggsDonald born about 1928
BriggsFrancis born about 1898
BriggsFrancis born about 1935
BriggsMildred born about 1908
BriggsShriley born about 1931
BriggsThlma born about 1936
BrunkenEsther born about 1921
BullnerLillian born about 1916
BunkersAnna born about 1893
BunkersEmond born about 1916
BunkersRosmary born about 1924
BunkersTheodore born about 1881
ByockAlma born about 1913
ByockClara born about 1893
ByockJohn born about 1914
ByockRobert born about 1935
BystukBlanch born about 1899
BystukCharles born about 1932
BystukHelen born about 1927
BystukJames born about 1929
BystukLillian born about 1931
BystukMary born about 1935
BystukWalter born about 1896

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C Surnames

CarginGene born about 1938
CarginHoward born about 1911
CarginLerry born about 1939
CarginPearl born about 1920
ChristoffelFloranie born about 1921
ChristoffelJames born about 1924
ChristoffelKatherine born about 1892
ChristoffelPeter born about 1888
ChristoffelPhiyllis born about 1919
ChristoffelWilliam born about 1927
CollinsClaire born about 1924
CollinsEvelyn born about 1913
CollinsGlen born about 1916
CollinsJohn Jborn about 1882
CollinsMary born about 1887
CorninFrancis born about 1929
CorninJames Jborn about 1886
CorninJoesph born about 1924
CorninKenneth born about 1934
CorninMary Eborn about 1927
CorninVincentia born about 1893
CorninWilliams born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DegootsBernie born about 1934
DegootsDonnella born about 1931
DegootsFrank born about 1929
DegootsKatherine born about 1909
DegootsManko born about 1899
DelperdangAnna born about 1899
DelperdangAntonhy born about 1935
DelperdangArlene born about 1928
DelperdangClara born about 1893
DelperdangDale born about 1927
DelperdangGeorge born about 1894
DelperdangMarvin born about 1921
DelperdangMercedes born about 1919
DelperdangMilton born about 1924
DelperdangViecent born about 1897
DelperdangWayne born about 1924

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E Surnames

EganJames born about 1936
EngelbrechtDonald born about 1936
EngelbrechtDora born about 1895
EngelbrechtFrank born about 1893

F Surnames

FellerJoesph born about 1915
FellerViola born about 1916
FrankBetty born about 1924
FrankMildred born about 1901
FrankNick Hborn about 1896
FrankPauline born about 1931
FredricaLoretta born about 1917
FreinerCharles born about 1918
FreyDonald born about 1926
FreyJohn Bborn about 1920
FreyRoy Aborn about 1894
FreyVera Mborn about 1897

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G Surnames

GallealWilliam Robertborn about 1917
GallesCarol born about 1935
GallesGeorgia born about 1932
GallesGerald born about 1938
GallesIrwin born about 1905
GallesRichard born about 1933
GallesRose born about 1909
GolleoBernie born about 1915
GolleoJulius born about 1909
GosslingAlbert born about 1907
GraffKenneth Gborn about 1917

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H Surnames

HaackAmnda born about 1885
HaackAnna born about 1888
HaackAugust born about 1889
HaackClarance born about 1900
HaackDonald born about 1926
HaackHarry Hborn about 1900
HaackIrma born about 1903
HaackJohn Jr born about 1887
HaackKatherine born about 1897
HaackLa Vonne Jborn about 1926
HaackLarry Aborn about 1937
HamanElizabeth born about 1937
HamanJoesph born about 1902
HamanMarie born about 1934
HamillonJeanette Gborn about 1921
HansenAllen born about 1915
HansenAndrose born about 1921
HansenDale born about 1938
HansenEthel born about 1919
HansenMargaret born about 1890
HansenNella born about 1915
HansenWilliam born about 1890
HarmsAlfred born about 1914
HarpenauClarence born about 1933
HarpenauCloette born about 1934
HarpenauHenry born about 1902
HarpenauIsidore born about 1917
HarpenauJames born about 1939
HarpenauJohanne born about 1936
HarpenauMildred born about 1913
HarpenauRosemary born about 1938
HaverkampBarnard born about 1917
HazenContance born about 1926
HazenDeborah born about 1884
HazenGertrude born about 1925
HazenGrace born about 1920
HazenJanete born about 1929
HazenLouse Tborn about 1884
HazenPhillip born about 1923
HazenRobert born about 1921
HazenWayne born about 1912
HealeyJames born about 1865
HealeyKatherine Cborn about 1871
HealyJenevieve born about 1902
HealyPaul Rborn about 1934
HealyWallace born about 1902
HillBlance born about 1900
HillJohn born about 1899
HillJohn Jr born about 1926
HillMary born about 1924
HillOilerce born about 1930
HobbesHoward born about 1888
HobbsCarrie born about 1927
HobbsEverette Aborn about 1897
HobbsKelley born about 1887
HobbsNorma born about 1926
HogdanTerny born about 1936
HollgreneAlbert born about 1913
HollgreneDorothy Mborn about 1933
HollgreneLucille born about 1915
HomanRaymond born about 1902
HuettmannDora born about 1903
HuettmannJohn born about 1902
HuettmannRonald born about 1939
HuffmanConine born about 1929
HuffmanEmma born about 1906
HuffmanFrank born about 1905
HuffmanKeith born about 1933

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J Surnames

JemgenJohn born about 1919
JernutteDarlene born about 1938
JernutteDarrel born about 1937
JernutteDonald born about 1935
JernutteMartha born about 1914
JernutteRaymond born about 1915
JimkesJohn born about 1883
JimkesMary born about 1893
JuhlChristina born about 1892
JuhlCrist Jborn about 1886
JuhlElaine Jborn about 1940
JuhlEliene born about 1925
JuhlEsther born about 1916
JuhlHoward born about 1921
JuhlJim born about 1888
JuhlMarion born about 1924
JuhlMary born about 1889
JuhlRaymond born about 1913

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K Surnames

KefflerMathilda born about 1878
KefflerMyra born about 1923
KefflerRichard born about 1922
KefflerVilean born about 1906
KenkelFrances born about 1907
KenkelMarvin born about 1935
KenkelMildred born about 1935
KenkelNick born about 1901
KestelCarl born about 1919
KestelCleo Rborn about 1926
KestelEsthel born about 1922
KestelFrank born about 1888
KestelFrank Jr born about 1930
KestelHarold born about 1920
KestelLoran Tborn about 1928
KestelMarie Aborn about 1924
KestelThresa born about 1894
KleinAnna born about 1892
KleinElmer born about 1915
KleinErvin born about 1928
KleinJoseph born about 1923
KleinKathleen born about 1926
KleinLoretta born about 1915
KleinMalinda born about 1918
KleinMarcella born about 1931
KleinMarline born about 1937
KleinMartin born about 1913
KleinMelvin born about 1919
KleinMichel born about 1881
KleinRaymond born about 1921
KleinShirley born about 1936
KreberClarence born about 1910
KreberHilda born about 1919
KreigeElla born about 1888
KreigeLouis born about 1885
KriegeFloyd born about 1913
KriegeMargaret born about 1940
KriegeMartha born about 1907
KriegeMary Annborn about 1939
KrogemanAnna born about 1889
KrogemanClarence born about 1908
KrogemanDelores born about 1932
KrogemanHelen born about 1916
KrogemanHenry Jr born about 1889
KrogemanJeanette born about 1928
KrogemanJoseph born about 1923
KrogemanLa Vonne born about 1935
KrogemanOpla born about 1908
KrogemanRobert born about 1937

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L Surnames

LageAlfred born about 1901
LangAlbert Fborn about 1877
LangAnna Cborn about 1890
LangClyde Jborn about 1920
LangEdward Jborn about 1888
LangEdward Jr born about 1927
LangEmie Lborn about 1896
LangGrace born about 1925
LangHoward born about 1933
LangMarjorie born about 1924
LangRoger born about 1930
LangWayne born about 1922
LautersColette born about 1926
LautersDolores born about 1916
LautersJenette born about 1923
LautersKathleen born about 1919
LautersLina born about 1892
LautersLuellen born about 1933
LautersNick Jr born about 1893
LeinenHildred born about 1917
LeinenMuriel born about 1915
LemdeenWalter born about 1908
LossLorell born about 1897
LoutchAndy born about 1901
LoutchAndy Jborn about 1927
LoutchArnold born about 1933
LoutchCarol born about 1938
LoutchClara born about 1902
LoutchJames born about 1934
LoutchKatherine born about 1929
LoutchMargin born about 1939
LoutchMarie Joanborn about 1936
LoutchMary born about 1905
LoutchMicheal born about 1900
LoutchNicolas born about 1927
LudwigMargaret Mborn about 1899
LudwigMartin born about 1885
LudwigNorma born about 1917

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M Surnames

MaiDonald born about 1922
MaiEdna born about 1924
MaiForlentin born about 1897
MaiGlen born about 1929
MaiLola born about 1926
MaiNick born about 1897
MarqurdCarl born about 1892
MarqusFrank born about 1871
MarqusFrank Jborn about 1913
MillerDonald born about 1936
MillerElmer born about 1912
MillerJennin born about 1914
MoritzCasilda born about 1902
MoritzChristian Wborn about 1891
MoritzDavid born about 1883
MoritzDonald born about 1937
MoritzDonald born about 1938
MoritzDuane born about 1933
MoritzGeorge born about 1909
MoritzJames born about 1932
MoritzJoahanna born about 1936
MoritzMaxine born about 1939
MoritzOlivia born about 1912
MoritzRichard born about 1935
MulganyJames born about 1870
MulganyMary born about 1871
MulgaryDorothey born about 1914
MulgaryJimmy born about 1935
MulgaryPatrica born about 1906
MyerBernard born about 1940

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N Surnames

NackeAnna born about 1869
NackeAnthony born about 1912
NackeBarbara born about 1916
NackeBarbara born about 1939
NackeBetty born about 1937
NackeEarl born about 1938
NackeEittna born about 1906
NackeGeorge born about 1905
NackeJames born about 1933
NackeJoseph born about 1909
NackeMary Annborn about 1935
NackeMaude born about 1910
NackePaul born about 1933
NackeRay born about 1937
NackeRichard born about 1934
NeirAerle born about 1905
NeirGeorge born about 1906
NeirJohn born about 1937
NeuenschwanderElmer born about 1918
NeuenschwanderErwin born about 1912
NeuenschwanderGlen born about 1931
NeuenschwanderLizie born about 1883
NeuenschwanderMarie born about 1922
NeuenschwanderRobert born about 1924
NichusBen Aborn about 1885
NichusEdmond born about 1918
NichusGilbert born about 1921
NichusKatherine born about 1888
NichusLe Roy born about 1923
NichusWalters born about 1926
NiehusCletus born about 1915
NiehusWillma born about 1916
NielsenEleanor born about 1930
NielsenEsther born about 1936
NielsenEvelyn born about 1931
NielsenHarry born about 1933
NielsenJean born about 1928
NielsenJohn born about 1900
NielsenNancy born about 1934
NielsenRosa born about 1904
NielsenRuth born about 1939
NierDorothy born about 1918
NierHarley born about 1912

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P Surnames

PeterMartin born about 1888
PeterMartin Rborn about 1926
PeterMary Annaborn about 1929
PeterVirgina born about 1890
PetersArlene born about 1920
PetersBormbie Gborn about 1929
PetersClara born about 1895
PetersLaula born about 1916
PetersRalph born about 1913
PetersVerlun born about 1926
PetersWesly born about 1917
PetersenDonald Lborn about 1926
PetersenEllma born about 1898
PetersenHarold born about 1919
PetersenPaul Cborn about 1924
PetersenPeter born about 1889
PetersonJens born about 1887
PetroffAarlene born about 1935
PetroffAtilia born about 1903
PetroffJoan Mborn about 1939
PetroffMarion born about 1938
PetroffMarlene born about 1933
PetroffRaymond born about 1937
PetroffRosina Dborn about 1930
PetroffSam born about 1896
PetroffVincent born about 1931
PichLe Roy born about 1919
PickAndrew Jr born about 1904
PickMarvin born about 1931
PickMary Bborn about 1907
PickMary Leeborn about 1940
PickPatrica born about 1934
PickPaul born about 1935
PortzChristian born about 1902
PortzDonald born about 1932
PortzGerald born about 1934
PortzRalfe born about 1937
PortzRose born about 1900

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R Surnames

RaetzAmilia born about 1888
RaetzBettey born about 1931
RaetzFred born about 1893
RaetzLoraine born about 1921
RaetzLouis born about 1918
RaetzMargaret born about 1898
RaetzMarion born about 1922
RaetzWilliam born about 1889
RamHenry born about 1890
RamKate born about 1890
ReinersAlbert born about 1894
ReithJohn born about 1886
ReithJosephe born about 1889
RiekeClarcie born about 1937
RiekeClarence born about 1927
RiekeHenry Vborn about 1889
RiekeKathleen born about 1923
RiekeMary born about 1894
RiekeRobert born about 1921
RiekeVernon born about 1929
RitzRobert born about 1928
RodenbourgDorthey Aborn about 1930
RodenbourgHelen born about 1892
RodenbourgJohn born about 1890
RoderJerome born about 1921
RoderJoesph born about 1914
RoderMary born about 1887
RoderNorber born about 1918
RoderZena born about 1920
RubaDoris Mborn about 1934
RubaHarold born about 1923
RubaJames born about 1931
RubaKate born about 1895
RubaMelvin born about 1928
RubaNick born about 1889
RubaNick Johnborn about 1926
RubaRoman born about 1922
RubaRosmary born about 1918
RumohrClara born about 1908
RumohrEmil born about 1901
RumohrEmil Jr born about 1938
RuppCarol Aborn about 1936
RuppCletus born about 1914
RuppDelores Rborn about 1939
RuppVera born about 1915

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S Surnames

SannyJohn Jr born about 1892
SawkeyCelia born about 1886
SawkeyJohn born about 1883
SawkeyRobert Lborn about 1926
ScheaDavid born about 1938
ScheaRoman born about 1914
ScheaVivian born about 1916
SchiltzAnton born about 1889
SchiltzDonald born about 1932
SchiltzElizabeth born about 1892
SchiltzEmily Mborn about 1920
SchiltzMaryanne born about 1926
SchiltzRichard born about 1922
SchimdtFred born about 1888
SchmartzGeorge born about 1909
SchusterHelen born about 1909
SchusterJoesph born about 1907
SchusterJohann born about 1939
SchusterOrville born about 1933
SchuttDoris born about 1917
SchuttElla born about 1895
SchuttHerman born about 1888
SchuttRay born about 1914
SfiekeCharles Hborn about 1897
ShcwarzCharles born about 1908
ShcwarzHayata born about 1909
ShcwarzPeter born about 1912
ShcwarzThresa born about 1872
ShcwarzThresa born about 1915
ShiltzEirnie born about 1915
ShiltzElmer born about 1914
SpielbrianJessie born about 1910
SpielbrianLeo born about 1906
StaabAugust born about 1899
StaabClara Kborn about 1894
StaabDoris born about 1923
StaabDoris Mborn about 1932
StaabEmil born about 1893
StaabErvin born about 1917
StaabFrank born about 1893
StaabHelen born about 1919
StaabJoseph born about 1892
StaabLaudwig born about 1865
StaabMilo born about 1922
StaabMinne born about 1895
StaabNorma Lborn about 1927
StaabOlga born about 1928
StaabPaul born about 1860
StaabRalff born about 1918
StaabRichard born about 1920
StaabRitamary born about 1929
StaabRoman born about 1925
StaabRosina born about 1867
StaabThelma born about 1931
StaabVeron born about 1928
StaabVirgina born about 1890
StaabWilliam Jborn about 1895
StoffelWillliam born about 1917

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T Surnames

TheisenNatt born about 1884
TonsfeldtAugust born about 1891
TonsfeldtClifford Iborn about 1923
TonsfeldtJoyce born about 1931
TonsfeldtMabel born about 1891
TonsfeldtMarion born about 1919
TonsfeldtMurl born about 1915
TonsfeldtWallis born about 1928
TreinenAnna born about 1879
TreinenAnna born about 1888
TreinenCharles Cborn about 1882
TreinenGerald Cborn about 1931
TreinenJoan born about 1919
TreinenJohn Fborn about 1928
TreinenKenneth Jborn about 1921
TreinenNick born about 1877
TreinenNorman born about 1918
TreinenRichard Jborn about 1923
TreinenRuth Bborn about 1922
TreinenSchriley Kborn about 1926
TritzCarly born about 1930
TritzFrankline Dr born about 1933
TritzHarry Jborn about 1900
TritzLucy born about 1903
TritzMarlene born about 1938

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W Surnames

WagnerEmma born about 1894
WagnerGilbert born about 1916
WagnerJohn born about 1892
WagnerMary Jeanborn about 1934
WagnerPhillip born about 1857
WagnerRaynlod born about 1923
WillettMartin born about 1915
WirhtCrist born about 1916
WittAdolph Cborn about 1890
WittAugust born about 1887
WittGlenn born about 1917
WittHenrietta born about 1886
WittJessie Sborn about 1893
WittJohn born about 1880
WittLeonard born about 1921
WittMabelle born about 1926
WittMargaret born about 1861
WittRay Cborn about 1920
WittRose born about 1886
WittWalter born about 1898

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