1940 U.S. Federal Census of Minden, Pottawattamie, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Pottawattamie County > 1940 Census of Minden

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AddisonD Dborn about 1882
AddisonMinnie born about 1886
AlbrechtBertha Hborn about 1881
AlbrechtCharley Jborn about 1880
AlbrechtJohn Eborn about 1888
AlbrechtLilly Mborn about 1894
AndersenAstrid Eborn about 1907
AndersenAxel born about 1901
AndersenCatharine born about 1856
AndersonDorris born about 1915
ArpEdna Eborn about 1919
ArpHerman Pborn about 1885
ArpJerry Lborn about 1939
ArpMabel Mborn about 1913
ArpWilliam Hborn about 1928
AtkinsMaxine born about 1917
AusdemoreAmbrose born about 1917
AusdemoreElizebeth born about 1880
AusdemoreJoseph born about 1922

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B Surnames

BairdElvira born about 1922
BairdMax born about 1917
BamesbergerAlice born about 1908
BamesbergerAlma Mborn about 1899
BamesbergerChristina born about 1878
BamesbergerDonald born about 1937
BamesbergerEster born about 1901
BamesbergerFred born about 1907
BamesbergerGus born about 1874
BamesbergerHazel born about 1907
BamesbergerPeter born about 1901
BamesbergerThersa born about 1884
BamesbergerViola Eborn about 1905
BamesbergerW Mborn about 1881
BauerMartin born about 1893
BauerkemperW Mborn about 1877
BeckAllen born about 1928
BeckCathyrn born about 1933
BeckEmma born about 1898
BeckJoseph born about 1897
BeckLorraine born about 1925
BeckMarilyn born about 1936
BeckPaul born about 1931
BeckWilliam born about 1927
BeckerMary Mborn about 1890
BeebeDora Cborn about 1892
BeebeIdabelle Mborn about 1913
BeebeJoan Mborn about 1939
BeebeJoe Bborn about 1915
BeebeLouis Cborn about 1888
BeebeVerne Lborn about 1918
BlackGlenn born about 1917
BlackJoy born about 1921
BlankenshipLawerence born about 1900
BloomerGladys born about 1904
BloomerRosa born about 1871
BloomerViolet born about 1905
BlumerAnna born about 1857
BlumerCasper born about 1865
BlumerMaggie born about 1861
BoeckMary Louborn about 1937
BoegeDora born about 1894
BoegeDorothy born about 1921
BoegeEmma born about 1916
BoegeJohn born about 1892
BoegeJohn Jr born about 1929
BoehlerAugust born about 1905
BoehlerDarrell Henryborn about 1940
BoehlerElla born about 1909
BoehlerJoan born about 1930
BollBetty born about 1928
BollDorothy born about 1909
BollWallace born about 1908
BrentCharles born about 1918
BrickCatherine Anneborn about 1936
BrickCharlotte born about 1934
BrickClement born about 1905
BrickEdward born about 1902
BrickGeraldine born about 1909
BrickGladys born about 1905
BrickHarold born about 1934
BrickJoan born about 1926
BrickJohn Sr born about 1865
BrickMargaret born about 1936
BrickMarian born about 1928
BrickMary born about 1894
BrickPaul born about 1903
BrickPaul Jamesborn about 1939
BrickRobert born about 1931
BrightClarence born about 1908
BrightDonna born about 1937
BrightNorma born about 1917
BullockBonita born about 1936
BullockOliver born about 1901
BullockSophia born about 1906
BurnsHelen born about 1913
BurnsJohn Eborn about 1872
BusseKurt born about 1911
BusseMarjorie born about 1920
ButlerCecelia born about 1903
ButlerEldon born about 1923
ButlerJo Anneborn about 1936
ButlerJohn Gborn about 1899

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C Surnames

CarlileEther born about 1887
CarlileGrace born about 1886
CarlileJohn Wborn about 1917
CarlileLa Vonne born about 1914
CarlileLois Jeanborn about 1921
CarlsonAlvin born about 1891
CarlsonGayle born about 1919
CarlsonGeorge born about 1916
CarlsonJanice Jennyborn about 1939
CarlsonKatharine born about 1894
CarlsonTheodore born about 1914
CarstensEdna Maeborn about 1915
CarstensH Hborn about 1904
ChaseL Dborn about 1875
CheneyA Mborn about 1870
CheneyAnna born about 1872
ChristensenBeverly Jborn about 1936
ChristensenDarwin Lborn about 1938
ChristensenHelen Aborn about 1907
ChristensenPeter Mborn about 1895
ChristiansenArthur born about 1914
ChristiansenAugust born about 1888
ChristiansenHarry born about 1912
ChristiansenJames born about 1932
ChristiansenJerry born about 1929
ChristiansenJoseph born about 1914
ChristiansenLuvina born about 1891
ChristiansenNaomi Hborn about 1913
ChristiansenRobert born about 1939
ChristiansenRose born about 1888
ChristiansenRosemary Lborn about 1940
ChristiansenThelma born about 1917
ChristiansenWilliam born about 1889
ChurchMelvin Fborn about 1915
ClancyAnna born about 1894
ClancyM Jborn about 1885
ClaryOscar born about 1909
CohrsDwight born about 1913
CohrsIola born about 1918
ColledgeMarietta born about 1916
ColledgeMelvin born about 1919
CollegeAnna born about 1883
CollegeElizebeth Aborn about 1922
CollegeHarvey born about 1889
CrinkLucile Lborn about 1909
CrinkNewell Pborn about 1906
CrinkSylvia Pborn about 1939
CrossCharles Rborn about 1884
CrossGilbert Wborn about 1910
CrossGrace born about 1883
CrossInez Berniceborn about 1917
CrossLeta born about 1923
CrowElla Sborn about 1894
CrowLytton Jborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DarkEugene born about 1923
DauAlbert Pborn about 1887
DauAlvin born about 1915
DauEmma born about 1889
DeadmoreWilliam born about 1884
DittmerFerne born about 1897
DittmerGayle born about 1923
DittmerJohn born about 1893
DittmerLawrence born about 1922
DittmerWillard born about 1925
DoberneckerHarold born about 1905
DoehlaJacob born about 1882
DollenArnold born about 1898
DollenBerniece Gborn about 1921
DollenElmer Aborn about 1899
DollenEsther Mborn about 1901
DollenGerold Jborn about 1930
DollenGloria Jborn about 1926
DollenHarold Eborn about 1926
DollenHarry born about 1900
DollenMarry Rborn about 1890
DollenRudolph Hborn about 1885
DollenSadie born about 1895
DollenSusan Aborn about 1889
DollenTeddy Jborn about 1888
DrakeJames Cborn about 1936
DriverEsther born about 1907
DriverFrederick born about 1870
DriverGrace Mborn about 1873

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E Surnames

EhlersAnna born about 1897
EhlersDonald born about 1922
EhlersHerman born about 1890
EhlersLena Mborn about 1895
EhlersMary born about 1869
EhlersRonald born about 1922
EhrensBarbara born about 1889
EhrensClifford born about 1913
EhrensJohn born about 1880
EhrensKenneth born about 1921
EhrensPearl born about 1916
EliasEdward Sborn about 1911
EllithorpeA Gborn about 1881
EllithorpeGeorgia born about 1920

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F Surnames

FalkEdward born about 1914
FalkElmer born about 1917
FalkJohn born about 1910
FalkMary born about 1884
FalkOtto born about 1875
FalkOtto born about 1908
FeltonAlice born about 1896
FeltonAlice Mayborn about 1923
FeltonBetty born about 1926
FeltonDoris born about 1939
FeltonErvin born about 1927
FeltonJames Dborn about 1872
FeltonLaura born about 1907
FeltonLester Eborn about 1902
FeltonLucille born about 1932
FeltonNancy Louborn about 1936
FeltonRichard born about 1931
FeltonRoyal Wborn about 1897
FeltonRoyal Jr born about 1934
FeltonSina born about 1876
FlemmingFrank born about 1883
FlemmingWilma Aborn about 1884
FreadsAlma Hborn about 1903
FreadsLeanord Wborn about 1897
FreadsLorane Eborn about 1906
FreadsRoberta Rborn about 1932
FreadsWalter Aborn about 1904

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G Surnames

GardenerClara born about 1882
GardenerDean born about 1927
GardenerFerne born about 1909
GardenerLeonard born about 1931
GardenerLucille born about 1910
GardenerMarvin born about 1924
GardenerRuby born about 1891
GardenerThomas born about 1881
GardenerThomas Jr born about 1924
GardenerWayne born about 1929
GardenerWilliam born about 1882
GeigerAnna born about 1867
GeigerGeorge born about 1885
GeigerHoward Tborn about 1910
GeigerMinnie born about 1881
GeigerMinnie Aborn about 1876
GeigerPeter born about 1862
GeigerWilliam born about 1891
GilbertsLucille born about 1926
GoodCharles born about 1893
GoodVera born about 1905
GoodeEthel Roseborn about 1910
GoodeJohn Rborn about 1900
GoodwaterArthur born about 1917
GroepperAnna Mborn about 1881
GroepperHarold born about 1922
GroepperJerald born about 1928
GroepperLily born about 1902
GroepperLizzie Eborn about 1895
GroepperMary born about 1878
GroepperTheo Jborn about 1877
GroepperWilliam born about 1875
GroepperWilliam Jr born about 1919
GromanElizabeth born about 1873
GromanElmer born about 1908
GromanF Mborn about 1874
GromanWalter born about 1906
GroteCaroline born about 1878
GroteHenry Bborn about 1874
GroteJack born about 1932
GroteJoe Hborn about 1902
GroteJoe H Jrborn about 1929
GroteMary born about 1921
GroteRosalia born about 1907
GruenowAlbert Eborn about 1879

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H Surnames

HaasGlades born about 1904
HaasMargaret born about 1862
HalmAdolph Wborn about 1896
HalmChristina Mborn about 1862
HalmDarelle Aborn about 1928
HalmEdna Mborn about 1897
HandkeAdolp born about 1892
HandkeAdolp Jr born about 1924
HandkeDonna born about 1935
HandkeHarold born about 1927
HandkeLlyod born about 1932
HandkeRosalie born about 1939
HandkeRuth Ireneborn about 1905
HarmonFrancis born about 1922
HarmonHarold born about 1920
HarmonHelen born about 1919
HarmonNellie born about 1895
HarmonRaymond born about 1923
HarmonThad born about 1893
HavlickJohn R Sborn about 1914
HavlickLeah Mborn about 1913
HesleyM Fborn about 1891
HeslyAnn Eborn about 1905
HeslyDora born about 1871
HeslyDwight born about 1916
HeslyEmma born about 1893
HeslyEvelyn Dborn about 1899
HeslyFred Rborn about 1872
HeslyGrant L Dborn about 1908
HeslyLizzie born about 1875
HeslyMary Eborn about 1919
HeslyMax Gborn about 1902
HeslyW Hborn about 1893
HoeppnerAlfred born about 1904
HoeppnerDelmer born about 1926
HoeppnerMable born about 1907
HolzfasterLeta born about 1906
HolzfasterMadeline born about 1931
HoppElla Aborn about 1887
HoppFrank Hborn about 1884
HowardElva born about 1916
HowardEvelyn born about 1921
HurdIna born about 1881
HurdRobert born about 1873

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I Surnames

InmanL Eborn about 1918
IsaacMarcella born about 1920
IversCarrie Cborn about 1882
IversSophia born about 1892
IversTheodore born about 1882
IversWilliam Dborn about 1875
IwenHenry born about 1893
IwenOlga Mborn about 1894

J Surnames

JensenAndrew born about 1872
JensenAnna born about 1890
JensenBerdien Cborn about 1920
JensenClara born about 1933
JensenClarence born about 1926
JensenElmer Dborn about 1916
JensenErnest Aborn about 1918
JensenFrode born about 1921
JensenGeorge born about 1927
JensenLavesta Jborn about 1917
JensenLeonard born about 1923
JensenLouis born about 1921
JensenMarie born about 1887
JensenMartha born about 1925
JensenRaymond born about 1923
JohansenHenry Hborn about 1901
JohansenLillie born about 1894
JohnsonBernhard born about 1908
JohnsonEdna born about 1914
JohnsonLyle La Verneborn about 1940
JohnsonRose Marieborn about 1938
JuelsPaul born about 1895
JungfermanJoe born about 1865
JungfermanJohn born about 1863

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K Surnames

KadelBeulah born about 1915
KadelElmer born about 1915
KadelIrvin born about 1914
KadelJuanita born about 1913
KadelRonald born about 1916
KahlerCaroline Cborn about 1885
KahlerChristine Jborn about 1914
KahlerGary Lborn about 1939
KahlerJohn Hborn about 1909
KahlerLois Bborn about 1919
KahlerOtto Tborn about 1884
KahlerWilliam Eborn about 1914
KardellBen Mrs born about 1898
KardellHans born about 1920
KasiskaAnna Mborn about 1859
KasiskaAugust Wborn about 1862
KasiskeHertha Mborn about 1891
KasiskePaul Aborn about 1886
KasiskePaulene Mborn about 1924
KavenBillie Lborn about 1928
KavenCreighton Dborn about 1918
KavenEmma Mborn about 1888
KavenGladys Cborn about 1913
KavenOrvil Wborn about 1911
KavenWilliam Oborn about 1884
KayAnna Mborn about 1867
KayAugust born about 1857
KayBurnell born about 1922
KayCharles born about 1897
KayDora born about 1882
KayElmer born about 1909
KayElsie born about 1912
KayEmma born about 1861
KayEstella born about 1898
KayEvelyn born about 1913
KayRalph born about 1914
KayWilliam Jr born about 1884
KearnsArthur born about 1887
KearnsMary born about 1890
KelleyH Lenoreborn about 1909
KelleyLeo Wborn about 1910
KelleySandra Leeborn about 1933
KendellKurt born about 1922
KenealyJoseph born about 1899
KenealyRichard born about 1925
KenealyRoberta born about 1929
KenealyTimothy born about 1939
KenealyVeronica born about 1900
KenealyVincent born about 1924
KeriganAnne born about 1910
KinartLulu Mborn about 1907
KnottFrieda born about 1895
KnottMarion born about 1915
KnottMervin Aborn about 1895
KraackSophia born about 1863
KranzFred Aborn about 1896
KranzJerry Rborn about 1926
KranzMargaret Eborn about 1916
KroegerBarbara Jborn about 1927
KroegerClark Rborn about 1933
KroegerRay Eborn about 1905
KroegerThelma Aborn about 1908
KroegerWilliam Lborn about 1901
KrohnClarence born about 1910
KrutzfeldtAnn born about 1905
KrutzfeldtAunton Hborn about 1867
KrutzfeldtGeorge Wborn about 1896
KrutzfeldtGeorgia Jborn about 1926
KrutzfeldtGloria Jborn about 1926
KrutzfeldtLena Cborn about 1870
KrutzfeldtPatricia Aborn about 1925
KrutzfieldtJohn Wborn about 1860
KundelBonnie Rborn about 1931
KundelCarolyn Jborn about 1935
KundelDonald Wborn about 1933
KundelDorthy Fborn about 1938
KundelE Gborn about 1872
KundelHelen born about 1918
KundelLavonne Pborn about 1930
KundelLena born about 1879
KundelPearl H Aborn about 1908
KundelRay born about 1906
KundelRobert Rborn about 1932
KundellE G Jrborn about 1915
KundellWilma born about 1919

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L Surnames

LaffertyElla born about 1907
LaffertyRobert Eborn about 1896
LandisEffie born about 1880
LangerChris born about 1886
LangerChris Hborn about 1862
LangerChristina born about 1871
LangerMarcene born about 1917
LangerMary born about 1871
LangerMary born about 1887
LangerMondelle Fborn about 1894
LangerWilliam born about 1890
LeadersAnna born about 1895
LeadersFrancis born about 1922
LeadersOscar born about 1892
LeadersRondel born about 1927
LeadersRussell born about 1915
LehmanHarriett Mborn about 1872
LehmanMax Jborn about 1873
LuchsingerAlbina born about 1883
LuchsingerHarvey born about 1910
LuchsingerJake born about 1886
LuchsingerJean born about 1926
LuchsingerJohn Wborn about 1883
LuchsingerMarie Eborn about 1914
LuchsingerMelvin Jborn about 1912
LuchsingerStanley born about 1921
LundChristina Dborn about 1862
LundLaura Dborn about 1890
LundMax Cborn about 1891
LustgraafFerdinand born about 1898
LustgraafGenevieve born about 1901
LustgraafKenneth born about 1931
LustgraafLarry born about 1939
LustgraafMary Louborn about 1937
LustgraafNorma born about 1935
LustgraafPaul born about 1927
LustgraafPhillip born about 1932
LustgraafRaymond born about 1934
LustgraafRegina born about 1929

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M Surnames

MadsenEmma Aborn about 1894
MadsenRalph Lborn about 1897
MadsenRobert Jborn about 1924
ManhartErnest born about 1921
ManhartJoe born about 1895
ManhartLoreen born about 1924
ManhartStella born about 1896
MarshallFreeman born about 1888
MarshallGale born about 1924
MarshallLily born about 1889
MarshallRonald born about 1921
MartinsDora born about 1860
MartinsRobert born about 1891
MartsAlvina born about 1885
MaskArthur born about 1890
MaskerAugusta born about 1873
MaskerBetty born about 1927
MaskerClement born about 1913
MaskerDonna Raeborn about 1935
MaskerEdward born about 1911
MaskerEdward Jborn about 1940
MaskerGerald Iborn about 1939
MaskerJ Cborn about 1902
MaskerJoseph born about 1866
MaskerLeo born about 1937
MaskerLorretta born about 1902
MaskerLorretta born about 1916
MaskerMary Joborn about 1933
MaskerRichard born about 1930
MaskerWm born about 1940
MauerAnna Kborn about 1861
MauerAnna Mborn about 1895
MauerArthur Hborn about 1896
MauerBetty Jborn about 1932
MauerBobby Jborn about 1935
MauerCalvin born about 1861
MauerClarence Lborn about 1884
MauerDareld born about 1930
MauerDonna Raeborn about 1936
MauerEthel born about 1912
MauerFlorence born about 1899
MauerJoan Cborn about 1939
MauerKenneth born about 1925
MauerLeslie born about 1897
MauerLois Aborn about 1926
MauerMargaret born about 1886
MauerPaul Aborn about 1928
MauerRaymond born about 1923
MauerRonald Wborn about 1921
McDermottAlma born about 1918
McDermottDonald born about 1915
McDermottLyle Thomasborn about 1940
McDonaldCathyrn born about 1926
McDonaldEmmet born about 1920
McDonaldFrancis born about 1923
McDonaldHelen born about 1928
McDonaldJack born about 1933
McDonaldLorretta born about 1930
McDonaldMary born about 1891
McDonaldP Jborn about 1892
MeadowsDexter born about 1916
MeadowsLana born about 1939
MeadowsLila born about 1919
MeadowsQuinton born about 1912
MelvinClarence born about 1893
MerkertElmer Nborn about 1915
MerkertElvin Cborn about 1920
MerkertGus L Hborn about 1892
MerkertMata Mborn about 1890
MerkertMelvin Dborn about 1917
MischlerCarolyn born about 1926
MischlerLlyod born about 1898
MischlerLucille born about 1902
MooreDian born about 1937
MooreDixie born about 1933
MooreEdna born about 1905
MooreLaurence born about 1900
MorrisEd born about 1911
MortenJensen born about 1888
MuschallAugust born about 1855
MuschallEmma born about 1888
MuschallFred born about 1884
MuschallHelen born about 1920
MuxfeldtChris born about 1880
MuxfeldtLucille born about 1883

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N Surnames

NelsonOliver born about 1911
NelsonVera born about 1919
NewquistAndrew Mborn about 1930
NewquistBetty Joborn about 1928
NewquistCharles Fborn about 1927
NewquistChas Fborn about 1892
NewquistMarie Mborn about 1903
NicolaiChester Dborn about 1927
NicolaiChristine born about 1894
NicolaiMelvin Hborn about 1924
NielsenBetty Eborn about 1928
NielsenEdith Lborn about 1924
NielsenGudrun Mborn about 1921
NielsenGunnard Aborn about 1926
NielsenKirstien Nborn about 1897
NielsenMads Iborn about 1889
NixonDonald born about 1915
NuschyAnna born about 1871

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O Surnames

OliverHenry born about 1881
OlsenDoris born about 1931
OlsenElna born about 1905
OlsenErnest born about 1906
OlsenRoger born about 1930
OsbahrBetty born about 1928
OsbahrElsie born about 1907
OsbahrEva born about 1893
OsbahrHenry born about 1909
OsbahrJames born about 1889
OsbahrKenneth born about 1918
OsbahrLlyod born about 1928
OsbahrMarylyn born about 1933
OsbahrRichard born about 1931
OsbahrVera born about 1916
OsbahrWilliam born about 1887
OvergaardDuane born about 1935
OvergaardElmer born about 1920
OvergaardHerman born about 1922
OvergaardJohanna born about 1884
OvergaardMartin born about 1912
OvergaardMaurice born about 1918
OvergaardNels born about 1910
OvergaardNels Jr born about 1933
OvergaardRamus born about 1880

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P Surnames

ParkerJames born about 1890
ParkerJames Jr born about 1924
ParkerMarjorie born about 1926
ParkerViola born about 1900
ParrBessie born about 1901
ParrElaine born about 1926
ParrRonald born about 1933
ParrW Mborn about 1901
PattonDelmar born about 1930
PattonHerschel born about 1897
PattonMartha born about 1902
PattonVirgil born about 1927
PerryKiethe born about 1927
PerryLoise Cborn about 1919
PetersenAnna Mborn about 1865
PetersenFred Cborn about 1892
PetersenFred Gborn about 1916
PetersenKatrina born about 1880
PetersenLeona born about 1919
PetersenMarie Aborn about 1896
PetersenN Cborn about 1878
PetersenRobert born about 1918
PetersonArlene born about 1920
PetersonDale born about 1915
PetersonFred born about 1885
PetersonFred Pborn about 1918
PetersonJennie born about 1885
PetersonLaura Cborn about 1876
PetersonMarian born about 1921
PetersonPeter Lborn about 1869
PetersonWilliam born about 1905
PetitDonald Leeborn about 1925
PetitKyle Aborn about 1902
PetitKyle A Jrborn about 1934
PetitMary Annborn about 1904
PettersonGeorge Rborn about 1896
PettersonHazel born about 1897
PettersonRondell born about 1917
PflugshaupAllen Deanborn about 1935
PflugshaupBetty Maeborn about 1926
PflugshaupMable born about 1903
PflugshaupWalter born about 1900
PieperAlfred Hborn about 1899
PieperBertha Hborn about 1863
PieperCarrie Aborn about 1907
PieperCorrine Dborn about 1933
PieperEdmond Aborn about 1908
PieperElwood Tborn about 1928
PieperEmma born about 1891
PieperFerd Dborn about 1904
PieperHilda Iborn about 1897
PieperJohn born about 1882
PieperLucille Eborn about 1905
PieperMargt born about 1865
PieperTheodor Hborn about 1906
PittD Wborn about 1872
PittIrene born about 1917
PittNettie born about 1874
PittOwen born about 1915
PloenAllen Kborn about 1923
PloenBill Dborn about 1926
PloenErnest Iborn about 1887
PloenMinnie Mborn about 1887
PloenPhyllis Wborn about 1921
PloenVergil Hborn about 1918
PlumerDavid Gborn about 1933
PlumerDean Oborn about 1925
PlumerGertrude Eborn about 1901
PlumerRichard Aborn about 1923
PlumerW Arminborn about 1901
PriorLaura born about 1897
PriorLawena born about 1899
PriorRetta Jeanborn about 1930
PriorRomane born about 1935
PriorWendel born about 1932

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R Surnames

RatgisacOtto born about 1918
ReidEsther Pborn about 1916
ReimersAnna born about 1909
ReimersEdward born about 1886
ReimersFrank born about 1915
ReimersHelen Mborn about 1896
ReimersJohn Fborn about 1882
ReimersRosary born about 1888
ReimersVerna Mborn about 1922
RieberAugusta born about 1881
RieberCecelia born about 1907
RieberHerman born about 1906
RingBetty born about 1927
RingCarrie born about 1884
RingDolores born about 1922
RingHarry born about 1911
RingJames born about 1918
RingJohn Aborn about 1882
RingJohn A Jrborn about 1925
RingJoseph born about 1890
RingLlyod born about 1921
RingMary born about 1888
RingRita born about 1919
RissieChris born about 1870
RoanWilliam born about 1887
RodenbergEsther born about 1913
RodenbergMarjorie born about 1930
RodenbergWalter born about 1899
RodenburgHenry born about 1901
RodenburgMajorie born about 1915
RohlfsFred Wborn about 1903
RohlfsLucille born about 1906
RohlfsMerne born about 1928
RoostKatharine born about 1852

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S Surnames

SanwaldJohn born about 1871
SaylorClyde H Aborn about 1910
SaylorMyrtis Mborn about 1908
SaylorPaul born about 1939
SchickoufskyAnna born about 1893
SchickoufskyFloyd born about 1916
SchickoufskyGus born about 1893
SchlupAgnes born about 1915
SchlupChris born about 1880
SchlupChris Jr born about 1911
SchneckCharles born about 1895
SchnecklothMargaret born about 1896
SchnecklothRichard born about 1918
SchniderFrank born about 1893
SchniederVera Mborn about 1917
SchnitkerAlma born about 1897
SchnitkerDonald born about 1921
SchnitkerFred born about 1894
SchnitkerFred Jr born about 1937
SchnitkerLorraine born about 1931
SchnitkerReynold born about 1915
SchnitkerVirginia born about 1928
SchultzWalter born about 1896
SchuningAnna born about 1881
SchuningBen born about 1882
SchuningBetty Louborn about 1932
SchuningDarlene born about 1927
SchuningDelmar born about 1924
SchuningEdith born about 1890
SchuningElmer born about 1910
SchuningFritz born about 1856
SchuningHarle born about 1921
SchuningJohn born about 1890
SchuningMyra born about 1916
SchunningDerald Wborn about 1929
SchunningMargaret Aborn about 1911
SchunningOrvil Jborn about 1908
SchunningRamona Aborn about 1931
SchuttAlma born about 1894
SchuttAlvin born about 1915
SchuttCathrine Dborn about 1852
SchuttEmma Cborn about 1892
SchuttEthel born about 1911
SchuttG Hborn about 1883
SchuttGertrude born about 1870
SchuttHerman Hborn about 1901
SchuttJohn Cborn about 1861
SchuttMinnie born about 1889
SchuttPeter Sborn about 1857
SchwennDonald Gborn about 1911
SchwennEdith Aborn about 1887
SchwennGottlieb Wborn about 1880
SchwensenEdith born about 1905
SchwensenHoward born about 1904
SchwensenHoward Jr born about 1925
SchwensenJacqualine born about 1933
SchwensenJake born about 1898
SchwensenKenneth born about 1927
SchwensenLouis born about 1877
SchwensenMabel born about 1902
SchwensenShirley born about 1926
ShadyDarlene born about 1922
ShadyHenry born about 1887
ShadyIona born about 1895
ShadyRoy born about 1916
SheederGwen born about 1918
ShortCaroline born about 1876
ShortWm Fborn about 1867
SickAlma born about 1888
SickAmil born about 1886
SiebelsElmer born about 1914
SiebelsElwyn born about 1931
SiebelsGrace born about 1904
SiebelsHelen born about 1921
SiebelsHenry born about 1869
SiebelsJ Fborn about 1873
SiebelsLarry born about 1937
SiebelsLillie born about 1895
SiebelsMary born about 1878
SiebelsMary born about 1881
SiebelsMary born about 1930
SiebelsWalter born about 1900
SiebelsWayne born about 1927
SiebelsWilliam born about 1902
SpearsAlbert born about 1882
SpearsEvelyn born about 1916
SpearsGeorge born about 1910
SpearsMary born about 1888
SpearsNadine born about 1938
SpearsViolet born about 1908
StephensJames Mborn about 1860
StuhrCharley Tborn about 1873
StuhrDoreen born about 1924
StuhrDouglas born about 1922
StuhrEdna born about 1903
StuhrEdward Hborn about 1892
StuhrFlorence born about 1900
StuhrHarry born about 1900
StuhrHugo born about 1866
StuhrJohn born about 1900
StuhrJohn Eborn about 1860
StuhrJohn Jr born about 1932
StuhrJuelius born about 1870
StuhrLena born about 1873
StuhrLizzie born about 1872
StuhrMartha born about 1901
StuhrMary born about 1880
StuhrMary Wborn about 1871
StuhrOpal born about 1901
StuhrPhyllis born about 1925
StuhrRagula born about 1875
StuhrRandall born about 1926
StuhrWalter born about 1897
StuhrWayne born about 1927
StuhrWilliam Cborn about 1872
SundellAllen born about 1931
SundellEarle born about 1919
SundellEmma born about 1895
SundellHarold born about 1922
SundellRoy born about 1897
SwanA Hborn about 1882
SwanMinnie Lborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaltyMartha born about 1872
TaltyThelma born about 1912
TennigkeitPauline born about 1870
ThiesAugust born about 1881
ThiesBetty Aborn about 1900
ThiesLena born about 1860
TooleyClara born about 1919
TooleyGordon born about 1914
TurkBetty Louborn about 1928
TurkCharles born about 1895
TurkEster born about 1907
TurnerEdward born about 1904
TurnerJohanna born about 1880
TurnerJoseph Wborn about 1917
TurnerPatrick born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VogtCharles Fborn about 1919
VogtDonald Pborn about 1914
VogtHans born about 1871
VogtLorene born about 1923
VogtOlga born about 1887

W Surnames

WarnckeArthur born about 1920
WarnckeJeon born about 1939
WarnckeL Hborn about 1903
WarnckeMarlene born about 1938
WarnckeVerna born about 1913
WedelBessie Fborn about 1900
WedelCharley born about 1894
WedelJulia born about 1863
WeldonHellen born about 1897
WestDale Hborn about 1929
WestDelmer Eborn about 1924
WestKatharine born about 1912
WestLealen Eborn about 1901
WestOpale Fborn about 1905
WiemannAnna born about 1901
WiemannFrancis born about 1928
WiemannFranz born about 1901
WiemannOscar born about 1932
WieseMarie Cborn about 1918
WigdahlMrs Elizabeth born about 1891
WilliamsDalla Mborn about 1887
WilliamsRoy Lborn about 1886
WohlertElmer born about 1903
WohlertElmer Jr born about 1932
WohlertFlorence born about 1912
WohlertRobert born about 1931
WollertEmma Dborn about 1880
WoltmannA Pborn about 1898
WoltmannLilly born about 1902
WoltmannNadine born about 1935
WoltmannNorman born about 1925
WunderEldon born about 1933
WunderEleanor born about 1933
WunderEola born about 1901
WunderFrank born about 1890
WunderFrank Jr born about 1921
WunderHerman born about 1895
WunderRobert born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaetonLillie Mborn about 1890
YaetonRoland Wborn about 1923
YaetonVirgina Fborn about 1915
YoungDoris born about 1933
YoungEleanor born about 1936
YoungEster born about 1905
YoungHarold born about 1938
YoungMelvin born about 1905
YoungPaul born about 1931
YoungRobert born about 1929
YoungRonald born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanA Gborn about 1877
ZoggChris born about 1890
ZolckEdith born about 1909
ZolckJohn born about 1873
ZolckJohn born about 1917

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