1940 U.S. Federal Census of Otter, Warren, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Warren County > 1940 Census of Otter

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AllenBeth Aborn about 1939
AllenDorothy born about 1916
AllenElizabeth Jborn about 1917
AllenLeslie born about 1935
AllenPaul Eborn about 1916
AllenRoger Pborn about 1935
AllenWilliam Cborn about 1911
AmosCharles born about 1908
AmosCharles Aborn about 1933
AmosGladys born about 1890
AmosHarold Dborn about 1927
AmosHoward Aborn about 1904
AmosLarry Rborn about 1937
AmosMildred born about 1911
AmosMildred Aborn about 1905
AmosRoland Rborn about 1929
AmosW Shermanborn about 1872
AmsberryMary Lborn about 1887
AmsberryRolla Dborn about 1881
AndersonDorothy Lborn about 1929
AndersonIna Lborn about 1892
AndersonW Rayborn about 1882
AndrewEverett born about 1908
AndrewJames Aborn about 1938
AndrewPauline born about 1918
AndrewVera Mborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BalesDora Oborn about 1886
BalesGale Sborn about 1905
BalesJ Perryborn about 1885
BalesLe Royborn about 1931
BalesLela Fborn about 1908
BallEdith Lborn about 1921
BallEdith Mborn about 1915
BallHarold Bborn about 1890
BallHoward Fborn about 1915
BallIvyl Hborn about 1918
BallKatheleen Mborn about 1939
BallMinerva Aborn about 1891
BallRaymond Eborn about 1926
BallRoy Dborn about 1931
BallVaughn Dborn about 1935
BallVerne Mborn about 1937
BarnesDonald Rborn about 1932
BarnesEthel Mborn about 1912
BarnesRonald Eborn about 1934
BarnesRoy Fborn about 1909
BaughmanDonald Eborn about 1931
BaughmanEdith Eborn about 1936
BaughmanEdna Mborn about 1900
BaughmanHavard Eborn about 1894
BaughmanJohn Eborn about 1938
BaughmanMarvin Eborn about 1934
BaughmanMary Lborn about 1929
BaughmanRalph Eborn about 1925
BaughmanRobert Hborn about 1927
BaughmanRuth Eborn about 1923
BaughmanVeda Mborn about 1921
BeardC Warrenborn about 1880
BeardFlorence Mborn about 1888
BishopR Fannieborn about 1869
BishopRalph Pborn about 1905
BishopSamuel Gborn about 1866
BlaryDollie Eborn about 1893
BlaryJohn Wborn about 1890
BloomAgnes Jborn about 1872
BloomEarl Rborn about 1892
BloomOliver Rborn about 1867
BloomRichard Mborn about 1932
BloomRobert Dborn about 1934
BloomVera Mborn about 1905
BoosDonald Jborn about 1914
BoosEnid Lborn about 1917
BorrallBetty Mborn about 1937
BorrallCharles Wborn about 1910
BorrallFrancis Sborn about 1934
BorrallLucile Mborn about 1914
BotkinAlice Mborn about 1893
BotkinBonnie Mborn about 1930
BotkinDorothy born about 1920
BotkinLavaun Eborn about 1922
BotkinMurray Rborn about 1915
BotkinRay born about 1889
BownBert Bborn about 1909
BownGeorge Hborn about 1869
BownJohn Aborn about 1901
BrnesArvilla born about 1881
BrnesNathaniel Dborn about 1878
BurchMartha Fborn about 1861
BurrierGeorgia Iborn about 1897
BurrierHarold Pborn about 1894
ButlerCorinne born about 1897
ButlerThomas Aborn about 1895
ButlerW Howardborn about 1919
ByersArchie Sborn about 1934
ByersArchie Wborn about 1901
ByersArlene Mborn about 1936
ByersEsther Eborn about 1910
ByersEvelyn Mborn about 1938
ByersHilda Lborn about 1929
ByersLloyd Aborn about 1927
ByersLuella born about 1910
ByersMarion Jborn about 1925
ByersMarion Mborn about 1901

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C Surnames

CallahanDayton born about 1911
CallahanEthel born about 1899
CallahanJohn Hborn about 1857
CallahanLewis born about 1908
CallahanPhillip born about 1901
CassidayAndrey Mborn about 1936
CassidayFay Mborn about 1893
CassidayLe Deanborn about 1916
CassidayRoy Aborn about 1889
CavinessFriend Hborn about 1889
CavinessGilbert Hborn about 1918
CavinessLoren Hborn about 1916
CavinessZola Mborn about 1892
ChumbleyEdith born about 1884
ChumbleyElenor Fborn about 1926
ChumbleyEthel Vborn about 1900
ChumbleyJames Wborn about 1882
ChumbleyJoseph Rborn about 1888
ChumbleyKatherine born about 1890
ChumbleyMogh Dborn about 1897
ChumbleyRobert Aborn about 1930
ChumbleyRoy Eborn about 1911
ChumbleyWilbur Fborn about 1931
ChumbleyWinton Hborn about 1854
ChumbleyWinton Hborn about 1931
ClarkCharles Fborn about 1864
ClarkClara Hborn about 1884
ClarkClarence Aborn about 1904
ClarkGreta Gborn about 1906
ClarkLawrence Iborn about 1897
ClarkLawrence Mborn about 1920
ClarkLeo Rborn about 1924
ClarkLois Eborn about 1929
ClarkNellie Oborn about 1900
ConnerFreddie Dborn about 1933
ConnerJoan born about 1931
ConnerRobert Eborn about 1904
ConnerRobert Jborn about 1938
ConnerRuth Eborn about 1913
CoxBirdie born about 1874
CoxCharles Wborn about 1887
CoxD Dwightborn about 1929
CoxDarrell Fborn about 1933
CoxJ Leroyborn about 1928
CoxMartha Fborn about 1901
CoxPerry Wborn about 1903
CoxRufus born about 1867
CoxVesta Mborn about 1905
CozartCharles P Xborn about 1875
CrabbBessie Aborn about 1896
CrabbDe Mossborn about 1902
CrabbRalph Jborn about 1928
CrawfordMary Aborn about 1915
CulbersonDollie Mborn about 1887
CulbersonG Clyneborn about 1917
CulbersonM Forestborn about 1883
CulbersonVerra Aborn about 1924
CurtisJohn Hborn about 1875

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D Surnames

DanilsTheora Lborn about 1865
DavisDonald Dborn about 1938
DavisErvia born about 1897
DavisVeda born about 1917
DavisonFrank Mtborn about 1880
DavisonMary Cborn about 1881
DerroughDana Eborn about 1922
DerroughEllen born about 1874
DerroughGertude Cborn about 1902
DerroughJames Gborn about 1867
DerroughJohn Eborn about 1875
DerroughMinnie Mborn about 1882
DerroughWilliam Fborn about 1895
DickersonAdrianna Mborn about 1929
DickersonAlbert Gborn about 1880
DickersonAndrew Hborn about 1904
DickersonFrances Eborn about 1907
DickersonHoward Gborn about 1908
DickersonMaggie Jborn about 1881
DickersonWilliam Aborn about 1933

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E Surnames

ErvinLucy Aborn about 1864
EwingDonald born about 1930
EwingHarold Wborn about 1900
EwingOpal born about 1910
EwingShirley Aborn about 1939
EwingWendell born about 1931

F Surnames

FeightA Edwardborn about 1873
FeightBlanche Mborn about 1880
FergusonDorothy Hborn about 1912
FergusonGerald born about 1907
FergusonJessie born about 1880
FergusonJohn born about 1874
FergusonKenneth Lborn about 1922
FisherEthel Mborn about 1914
FisherMarion Eborn about 1912
FisherRichard Lborn about 1938
FranklinDelos Hborn about 1914
FranklinJudith Aborn about 1939
FranklinMamie Rborn about 1914
FredleyGilbert born about 1911
FredleyRosa born about 1907
FredleyRose Marieborn about 1940
FridleyDale Dborn about 1921
FridleyFred Eborn about 1885
FridleyMable Nborn about 1894

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G Surnames

GardnerJospeh Aborn about 1877
GardnerLucy Mborn about 1875
GardnerRalph Aborn about 1918
GaylordGrace Fborn about 1880
GaylordNorman Bborn about 1882
GeraldE Derroughborn about 1925
GeraldJ Williamborn about 1934
GeraldRosemary born about 1938
GibsonAmanda Eborn about 1863
GillesEstalene born about 1907
GillesFredrick Pborn about 1901
GillesWilliam Eborn about 1936
GlickLe* Leonborn about 1922
GoodaleEarl Hborn about 1897
GoodaleEdna Mborn about 1898
GraffDan Fborn about 1879
GraffJosie Jborn about 1876
GrahamColeen Gborn about 1932
GrahamEupha Fborn about 1913
GrahamWilliam Hborn about 1910

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H Surnames

HallAmelia Jborn about 1860
HallByron born about 1874
HallGeorge Mborn about 1885
HallM Lulaborn about 1876
HallMargaret Jborn about 1884
HammonDarlene born about 1929
HammonFrank born about 1909
HammonRita born about 1931
HammonRuby Pborn about 1910
HammonSandra born about 1939
HarnerCarl Gborn about 1907
HarnerLois Oborn about 1909
HarnerO Darleneborn about 1931
HaworthJohn born about 1871
HeaivilinDonald born about 1904
HeaivilinIrene Eborn about 1905
HendricksonDale born about 1921
HessC Douglasborn about 1864
HessElizabeth Hborn about 1867
HickmanAlice Lborn about 1924
HickmanCarrie born about 1903
HickmanGlen born about 1898
HickmanLylea Gborn about 1932
HickmanMary Hborn about 1928
HickmanMelvin Mborn about 1922
HicksBen Hborn about 1889
HicksBessie Lborn about 1890
HicksMarian Bborn about 1926
HiteCharles Aborn about 1893
HiteEmma Eborn about 1893
HockettDellon Hborn about 1853
HollingsworthAlice Mborn about 1865
HollingsworthEsta Mborn about 1906
HollingsworthFrank Eborn about 1897
HollingsworthRuth Eborn about 1930
HookAmerica born about 1858
HunerdosseAminta born about 1859

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J Surnames

JacksonAddie Lborn about 1884
JacksonJacob Wborn about 1871
JoegerMary Eborn about 1921
JoegerPaul Rborn about 1917
JohnsonEthel Mborn about 1916
JohnsonHugh Fborn about 1936
JohnsonLarry Bborn about 1937
JohnsonMurl born about 1906
JohnsonRex Eborn about 1939
JohnsonRussell born about 1910
JohnsonZelma born about 1910
JudkinsA Wyotaborn about 1909
JudkinsF Leoborn about 1902
JudkinsLeroy Cborn about 1927
JudkinsMax Lborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KavendaDora Mborn about 1889
KavendaVance born about 1881
KimzeyDoris Bborn about 1890
KimzeyJames Eborn about 1928
KimzeyShirley Vborn about 1926
KingFay Dborn about 1914
KingOliver Kborn about 1915
KingPauline Eborn about 1916
KingSarah Aborn about 1912
KirkpatrickDuane Hborn about 1940
KirkpatrickGeorge Hborn about 1910
KirkpatrickJoan Mborn about 1934
KirkpatrickLavonne Lborn about 1937
KirkpatrickMartha Cborn about 1914
KnouseBeulah born about 1913
KnouseNewton born about 1909
KnouseTheodore Eborn about 1933
KnouseThomas Nborn about 1937
KnouseViolet Jr born about 1930

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L Surnames

LaekDorothy born about 1893
LaekJohn Dborn about 1900
LawAndrew Hborn about 1893
LawBetty Marieborn about 1924
LawDuane Iborn about 1921
LawM Lulaborn about 1894
LenoxRobert born about 1901
LesterLane Eborn about 1886
LesterMinnie born about 1889
LohrEarl born about 1925
LohrFrank Mborn about 1888
LohrMaude Eborn about 1890
LongHenry born about 1884
LongIda born about 1881
LongThomas Lborn about 1912
LongVerle Lborn about 1907
LundbergJohn born about 1877

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M Surnames

MancelEdna Vborn about 1914
MasselmanMyrtle Mborn about 1887
MasselmanWilliam Jborn about 1885
MichenerFlorence Mborn about 1877
MichenerFrances Bborn about 1871
MilesAnna Jborn about 1899
MilesJohn Wborn about 1926
MilesNancy Eborn about 1857
MilesVan Wborn about 1897
MinerCharles Tborn about 1906
MinerCharles Tborn about 1935
MinerJoe Dborn about 1908
MinerLarimer Dborn about 1939
MinerMildred Aborn about 1915
MinerS Alderborn about 1912
MoorehouseTheresa born about 1888
MorehouseJohn Fborn about 1855
MorehouseMary Rborn about 1857
MorehouseRoy Wborn about 1880
MorrisFlora Vborn about 1868
MorrisG Robertborn about 1863
MorrisMyrtle Eborn about 1880
MorrisonCharles Cborn about 1876
MorrisonNora Vborn about 1880
MosherA Glenborn about 1873
MosherAlen Jborn about 1894
MosherCora Aborn about 1874
MosherGrace born about 1893
MosherJoseph Eborn about 1921
MosherRobert Dborn about 1934
MotherheadMaud Fborn about 1881
MurrayWalt born about 1894

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N Surnames

NeroE Lorraineborn about 1926
NicholsonCharlie born about 1884
NicholsonRachel born about 1886
NuttingCatherine born about 1851
NuttingEldon Aborn about 1918
NuttingElizabeth Mborn about 1876
NuttingHerbert Wborn about 1875
NuttingJohn Eborn about 1924
NuttingJohn Gborn about 1888
NuttingM Edithborn about 1922
NuttingMarjorie Eborn about 1891
NuttingPearl Mborn about 1914
NuttingW Kennethborn about 1916

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O Surnames

OhaverA Donaldborn about 1913
OhaverLaura Eborn about 1885
OldakerEdna born about 1913
OldakerMeta born about 1931
OrcuttClarice Uborn about 1912
OrcuttClyde Wborn about 1883
OrcuttGrace Gborn about 1878
OrenreiderClair born about 1921
OrenreiderJ Rossborn about 1877
OrenreiderOlive born about 1885

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P Surnames

PageCharles Hborn about 1871
PageLilly Aborn about 1884
PayneOrva Pborn about 1870
PetersonPeter born about 1863
PolingBertha Aborn about 1879
PopeMargery born about 1924
PottsJames Eborn about 1882
PutneyDollie Pborn about 1921
PutneyWilliam Rborn about 1917

R Surnames

RhoadsClyde born about 1907
RhoadsEmma born about 1885
RhoadsFred born about 1884
RhoadsGladys born about 1910
RhoadsIrene born about 1923
RhoadsJosephine born about 1911
RhoadsRobert born about 1905
RodgersMadeline born about 1912
RubleDonald born about 1935
RubleGladys born about 1909
RubleNorma born about 1936
RubleRoy Wborn about 1909
RunyanCharles born about 1869
RunyanCharlie Dborn about 1904
RunyanHattie Cborn about 1871
RunyanInez Dborn about 1906
RunyanMarilyn Mborn about 1930
RunyanRobert Dborn about 1928
RunyanStanley Gborn about 1926

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S Surnames

SadlerIvan Cborn about 1917
SadlerLarry Cborn about 1939
SadlerVasca born about 1917
SandyThomas Tborn about 1869
SchipperHelen Rborn about 1917
SchraederJulia Aborn about 1913
SchraederPatsy Aborn about 1938
SchraederWalter born about 1920
SchroederDarlene Rborn about 1931
SchroederDonald Eborn about 1925
SchroederEarl Rborn about 1900
SchroederElizabeth Cborn about 1899
ScottCatherine born about 1872
ScottCora Bborn about 1880
ScottFrancis Lborn about 1936
ScottFrank Aborn about 1892
ScottFrank Fborn about 1912
ScottFrank Hborn about 1935
ScottHarold Jborn about 1932
ScottMark Aborn about 1938
ScottOpal Gborn about 1916
ScottRosemary born about 1939
ScottRuth Bborn about 1901
ScottThomas born about 1864
SendyEmmet born about 1876
SeymourVerlee Eborn about 1910
SeymourWilliam Rborn about 1883
ShannonDorothy Pborn about 1918
ShannonEdna Mborn about 1887
ShannonGeorge Iborn about 1921
ShannonI Willardborn about 1892
SillGrace Lborn about 1920
SillKeith Lborn about 1920
SillMary Jborn about 1918
SillOrville Cborn about 1918
SloanCora born about 1865
SmithFoster born about 1882
SnodgrassLois Eborn about 1938
SnodgrassLora Vborn about 1913
SnodgrassRobert Lborn about 1935
SnodgrassVern Wborn about 1909
SouthwardRose Eborn about 1876
SouthwardThomas born about
SpearCyril Dborn about 1912
SpearEdith Eborn about 1933
SpearEdna Cborn about 1935
SpearMable Eborn about 1912
SpearMarvin Cborn about 1938
StangerMary Eborn about 1865
StanserRobert Eborn about 1921
StartzBeverly Dborn about 1936
StartzGerry L Dborn about 1939
StartzPrentice Eborn about 1914
StartzThelma Mborn about 1917
Staworth?arocy Aborn about 1884
StaworthAllie Bborn about 1886
StreetarBetty Dborn about 1926
StreetarFloyd J Xborn about 1897
StreetarFreda Eborn about 1897
StreetarMax Lborn about 1923
StreetarShirley Aborn about 1934
SutherlandCarl Eborn about 1887
SutherlandEmma born about 1919
SutherlandImogene Pborn about 1888
SutherlandRobert Nborn about 1918

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T Surnames

Thompson?eata Vborn about 1898
ThompsonDon Lborn about 1893
ThompsonEvelyn Mborn about 1911
ThompsonFrederick Gborn about 1919
ThompsonHelen Eborn about 1930
ThompsonOrville Wborn about 1910
ThompsonWilliam Dborn about 1934
TownElla Mborn about 1865
TrotterFrancis Mborn about 1936
TrotterG Frankborn about 1905
TrotterJanice Aborn about 1934
TrotterMary Jborn about 1908
TuftsA Deanborn about 1912
TuftsAnna Lborn about 1913
TuftsDale Eborn about 1939
TuftsRobert Dborn about 1936
TurnbillCecelia Nborn about 1919
TurnbillClarence Hborn about 1892
TurnbillMargaret Nborn about 1910
TurnbillRobert Eborn about 1928
TurnbillViola Mborn about 1925

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V Surnames

VanderpoolBarbara Jborn about 1939
VanderpoolBeverly Aborn about 1933
VanderpoolGertrude Mborn about 1925
VanderpoolHigbee Orion Jborn about 1914
VanderpoolLagatha born about 1914
VanderpoolM Gertrudeborn about 1880
VanderpoolNick born about 1877
VanderpoolNick Juniorborn about 1922
VansydeBryan born about 1911
VansydeM Antoinetteborn about 1916
VansydeMary Joborn about 1939
VansyoeAddie Cborn about 1882
VansyoeEthel Fborn about 1893
VansyoeFay Sborn about 1888
VansyoeHarley Aborn about 1877
VansyoeJames Oborn about 1924
VansyoeJessie Mborn about 1889
VansyoeOliver Lborn about 1880
VansyoeWayne Sborn about 1921
VansyoeWillard Dborn about 1926
VirginiaLizzie born about 1939
VonHook born about 1919

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W Surnames

WandlingAmy Eborn about 1878
WeeksBryan Jborn about 1907
WeeksFlossie born about 1926
WeeksGerald born about 1928
WeeksGlayds born about 1924
WeeksLorraine born about 1937
WeeksLyle born about 1935
WeeksVera born about 1901
WellsFred Aborn about 1878
WellsM Ivieborn about 1881
WhitlowLogan born about 1867
WhitlowMinnie Jborn about 1870
WikleFlora Eborn about 1871
WikleG Williamborn about 1883
WikleLora Bborn about 1871
WikleNora Eborn about 1885
WilburChas born about 1892
WilburCornie born about 1902
WilburE Louiseborn about 1925
WilburEthel Mborn about 1893
WilburGrace Mborn about 1911
WilburJoseph Sborn about 1859
WilburM Janiceborn about 1935
WilburRonald Jborn about 1931
WilliamsCella Mborn about 1887
WilliamsFenr born about 1895
WilliamsGene born about 1934
WilliamsLeroy Bborn about 1887
WilsonBeulah ???born about 1902
WilsonGertrude Kborn about 1905
WilsonGlenn Aborn about 1929
WilsonHarold born about 1935
WilsonJames Hborn about 1896
WilsonJames Wborn about 1925
WilsonMary Eborn about 1891
WilsonMelvin Dborn about 1928
WilsonRobert Jr born about 1899
WilsonWilliam Rborn about 1937
WolcottClarence Leeborn about 1874
WolcottDonald Fborn about 1923
WolcottNellie Cborn about 1875
WoodClara Eborn about 1874
WoodDonald Eborn about 1906
WoodElbert born about 1877
WoodGerald Rborn about 1923
WoodJ Trumanborn about 1926
WoodL Daleborn about 1922
WoodMary Eborn about 1891
WoodMuriel Aborn about 1908
WoodRobert Lborn about 1928
WoodTyler born about 1885
WoodcockHarriet born about 1903
WoodcockHerbert Iborn about 1902

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Y Surnames

YewNellie Eborn about 1892
YewW Ralphborn about 1908
YoungCarl born about 1939
YoungDonna Mayborn about 1923
YoungGrace born about 1899
YoungLeo born about 1898
YoungMina Bborn about 1886
YoungRoss born about 1886
YoungVerla born about 1927

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