1940 U.S. Federal Census of Scott in Fayette County, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Scott in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlshauseAda Aborn about 1900
AlshauseClarence Wborn about 1899
AlshauseDale Rborn about 1928
AlshauseDean Aborn about 1937
AlshauseElmer Jeanborn about 1935
AlshauseGladys Mborn about 1933
AlshauseIva Mayborn about 1898
AlshauseJ Sborn about 1896
AlshauseLee Eborn about 1940
AlshauseLucile Rborn about 1926
AlshauseLyle Eborn about 1923
AlshauseMaxine Mborn about 1922
AlshauseRalph Gborn about 1924
AlshauseWesley Eborn about 1929
AlsipAlta Denaborn about 1926
AlsipFrances Vborn about 1924
AlsipJohn Lborn about 1899
AlsipMargaret Vborn about 1901
AmesHoward Sborn about 1915
AmesThelma Lborn about 1917
AndermanCarol Mborn about 1927
AndermanMarie Rborn about 1897
AndermanWilliam Lborn about 1889

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B Surnames

BardyAnna Mborn about 1883
BardyClement Jborn about 1916
BardyIrene Cborn about 1912
BardyJoseph born about 1919
BardyMary born about 1919
BardyThomas Fborn about 1913
BardyThomas Hborn about 1882
BardyZita Mborn about 1926
BarkEdith Mborn about 1921
BarkElmer Cborn about 1886
BarkGeorge Wborn about 1919
BarkJohn Hborn about 1880
BarkOpal Jborn about 1926
BensonClara Aborn about 1888
BergstromCalvin Lborn about 1902
BergstromEverrett Sborn about 1901
BergstromLillie Vborn about 1907
BergstromLouis Aborn about 1939
BergstromLuella Fborn about 1933
BergstromRobert Eborn about 1937
BerryHelen Mborn about 1918
BerryJean Rborn about 1938
BerryRaymond Aborn about 1912
BeweyDoris Mborn about 1918
BeweyFannie Mborn about 1936
BeweyPerry Cborn about 1916
BishopDale Rborn about 1939
BishopRussell born about 1915
BishopRuth Mborn about 1921
BlakeClara born about 1897
BlakeEvelyn born about 1928
BlakeGeorge born about 1936
BlakeGerald Wborn about 1920
BlakeIrma Lborn about 1926
BlakeMaryann born about 1931
BlakeP Mborn about 1891
BlakeRobert born about 1929
BlakeThomas born about 1933
BlyElton born about 1905
BorchersEdwin born about 1894
BrownellCharles Cborn about 1888
BrownellFrank Wborn about 1919
BrownellGeorge Mborn about 1914
BrownellGrant Aborn about 1915
BrownellHarold born about 1889
BrownellHazel born about 1889
BrownellJulia Iborn about 1891
BrownellMildred Rborn about 1920
BurchfieldMary Eborn about 1855

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C Surnames

CashenMary Lborn about 1937
CashenNettie Eborn about 1907
CashenRalph Hborn about 1903
ChaseKate Pborn about 1892
ChaseLouis Hborn about 1891
ChaseNorma Lborn about 1919
ChildsElezda Hborn about 1868
ChildsFrank Hborn about 1868
ChildsWalter Rborn about 1901
ClarkAltine Hborn about 1914
ClarkAnna born about 1876
ClarkEdwin Aborn about 1878
ClarkHelen Eborn about 1919
ClarkMerle Sborn about 1917
ClarkPatricia Aborn about 1939
ClarkRichard Mborn about 1938
ClarkWendell Wborn about 1906
ClementsBlanche born about 1899
ClementsCarol Jr born about 1927
ClementsTaffe born about 1900
CoasinsElmer born about 1877
CombsMartha Pborn about 1900
CombsMary Lborn about 1934
CombsNewell Sborn about 1902
ComerGrace Lborn about 1895
ComerTruman born about 1890
CooperRussell C Jborn about 1917
CorneilsonLeonard Eborn about 1923
CornelsonJohn born about 1895
CornilsonAndrew Aborn about 1908
CornilsonHerman Aborn about 1906
CornilsonKatie born about 1911
CornilsonMartin born about 1892
CornilsonPaul Aborn about 1937

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D Surnames

DavisAlfred Jborn about 1872
DavisEmma Mborn about 1867
DavisEthel Aborn about 1896
DavisFrancis Aborn about 1909
DavisGlenn Rborn about 1893
DavisHenry Eborn about 1900
DavisJohn Rborn about 1864
DavisLaurence Lborn about 1903
DavisLeslie Jborn about 1913
DavisPatty Lowborn about 1935
DeanElsie born about 1877
DerflingerAnna Mborn about 1900
DerflingerHarold Sborn about 1894
DonaldsonDorothy Lborn about 1926
DonaldsonFaye Jborn about 1902
DonaldsonJack Jr born about 1925
DonaldsonSadie Aborn about 1904
DuckettBernice Lborn about 1905
DuckettClara born about 1874
DuckettDuane Gborn about 1937
DuckettGerald Eborn about 1905
DuckettJudith Annborn about 1940
DuckettLeon Mborn about 1939
DuckettLeonard Hborn about 1915
DuckettLeslie Dborn about 1938
DuckettLeta Joyceborn about 1939
DuckettMark Lborn about 1911
DuckettMicheal born about 1867
DuckettSharon Leeborn about 1935
DuckettSylvia Mborn about 1919
DuckettWilma Aborn about 1916

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E Surnames

EhlersGarlo Lborn about 1920
EhlersGlatha Cborn about 1922
EhlersJosephine born about 1883
EhlersRalph Hborn about 1909
EhlersWaldo Wborn about 1915

F Surnames

FalckEthel Gborn about 1909
FalckGerald Lborn about 1931
FalckJames Lborn about 1935
FalckJohn Eborn about 1932
FalckOtto Lborn about 1909
FalckRobert Cborn about 1939
FalckWilliam Eborn about 1930
FenstermanFred Hborn about 1874
FenstermanIda Cborn about 1878
FlemingGeorge Hborn about 1889
FlemingHelen Mborn about 1922
FlemingIsla Mborn about 1898
FlemingJoe Mborn about 1926
FlemingPlynne Jborn about 1934
FlemingShirley Eborn about 1928
FlemingVera Mborn about 1921
FlemingVerla Aborn about 1920
FlemingWayne Hborn about 1919
FloydDale born about 1889
FloydSlyvia Aborn about 1892
FullerGrace Oborn about 1873
FullerRex Bborn about 1937
FullerRoy Leeborn about 1940
FullerRuth Eborn about 1910
FullerThomas Aborn about 1904
FullerWayne Hborn about 1928
FullerWilliam Iborn about 1869

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G Surnames

GaryBetty Louborn about 1935
GaryDewey Wborn about 1899
GaryDewey Wborn about 1937
GaryLawrence Lborn about 1922
GaryVelma Mborn about 1903
GaryWilliam Lborn about 1939
GrahamElsie Mborn about 1900
GrahamErnestine Mborn about 1930
GrahamGeorge Eborn about 1894
GrassmanEmma born about 1895
GrummittHarold born about 1918
GunnisonNorman Aborn about 1916
GunnisonRuth born about 1918
GustafsonAlvin Gborn about 1905
GustafsonElsie Iborn about 1908
GustafsonHoward Aborn about 1939
GustafsonJeannie Rborn about 1931
GustafsonRay Aborn about 1937

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H Surnames

HandelEmma Eborn about 1887
HandelMelvin Wborn about 1914
HandelRuth Eborn about 1924
HandelWalter Jborn about 1907
HandelWilliam Hborn about 1876
HardArnold Eborn about 1922
HardChester Aborn about 1896
HardDonna Jeanborn about 1928
HardMabel Jr born about 1901
HardMaxine Mborn about 1925
HareArdys Mborn about 1934
HareDell born about 1883
HareDellie Eborn about 1908
HareHarold Wborn about 1907
HareLyle Hborn about 1937
HareRosalee Eborn about 1939
HarkinWilliam Iborn about 1890
HelsenbeckDale Rborn about 1939
HelsenbeckErna born about 1917
HelsenbeckRaymond Cborn about 1910
HillFaye Nborn about 1891
HillGeorge Jborn about 1885
HillMildred Iborn about 1924
HillVelma Iborn about 1927
HoaglanCharlotte Mborn about 1939
HoaglanDarlene Aborn about 1937
HoaglanEdna Mborn about 1912
HoaglanElzo Bborn about 1909
HoaglanMarlene Jborn about 1937
HoaglanMarlyn Lborn about 1938
HoffmanLewis Lborn about 1915
HughsonWarren born about 1932
HulbertDayle Iborn about 1922
HulbertGlenn born about 1895
HulbertGlenn Mborn about 1926
HulbertLezzie born about 1895

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I Surnames

IrvineBlanche born about 1891
IrvineDorothy born about 1914
IrvineHarold born about 1913
IrvineKyle born about 1892
IrvinePhillip born about 1939

J Surnames

JamesCalvin Gborn about 1927
JamesCharles Iborn about 1891
JamesClark Cborn about 1925
JamesEllia Dborn about 1890
JamesGrace Cborn about 1890
JamesH Keithborn about 1922
JamesHenry L Oborn about 1856
JamesHoward Hborn about 1923
JamesKenneth Lborn about 1920
JamesLillian Eborn about 1901
JamesLizzie Bborn about 1894
JamesLloyd Lborn about 1894
JamesMaryln Nborn about 1938
JenkinsDorothy born about 1911
JenkinsEdward Lborn about
JohnsonCornelius born about 1913
JorgensonAdeline Lborn about 1934
JorgensonClarence Gborn about 1928
JorgensonDoris Jborn about 1940
JorgensonEdna Mborn about 1932
JorgensonEdwin Cborn about 1923
JorgensonElna Eborn about 1931
JorgensonOscar Fborn about 1894
JorgensonRose Mborn about 1896

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K Surnames

KalbFlorence Zborn about 1912
KalbJane Aroneborn about 1940
KalbVictor Pborn about 1915
KautenBarbara Mborn about 1907
KautenLawrence born about 1908
KautenMargaret Mborn about 1936
KautenMary Eborn about 1940
KautenRose Mborn about 1938
KautenTeresa Aborn about 1939
KingEllen Iborn about 1917
KingMargaret born about 1889
KingW Mborn about 1891
KlineEvelyn born about 1917
KlineRobert Mborn about 1918
KlineRoscoe Mborn about 1888
KlinkAmelia born about 1890
KlinkEdwin Eborn about 1889
KlinkL Iborn about 1903
KlugCarl Rborn about 1933
KlugEdw born about 1893
KlugElizabeth born about 1919
KlugEthel Aborn about 1896
KlugHelen Bborn about 1926
KlugWard Rborn about 1924
KlugWilliam Eborn about 1916
KochlerCarl Fborn about 1911
KochlerOlive Vborn about 1904
KraftArthur Fborn about 1906
KraftDale Jborn about 1938
KraftDorothy Mborn about 1935
KraftEttie Mborn about 1870
KraftEula Iborn about 1913
KraftGeorge Hborn about 1902
KraftGertrude Bborn about 1894
KraftJacob born about 1863
KraftMabelle Aborn about 1909
KraftMary Mborn about 1899
KraftMinnie Mborn about 1874
KraftPeter C Jrborn about 1891
KraftRoy Bborn about 1938
KuperMargaret born about 1889
KuperWilliam Hborn about 1895

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L Surnames

LahnerEdith Lborn about 1877
LamphersBetty Mborn about 1938
LamphersElva Lborn about
LamphersGerald Vborn about 1936
LamphersHarold Jborn about
LamphersMarvin Eborn about 1940
LandisAlma Rborn about 1907
LandisLloyd L Vborn about 1935
LandisPaul Cborn about 1927
LandisPaul Fborn about 1907
LeonardAnna Lborn about 1903
LeonardRaymond Jborn about 1898
LincolnAbraham Pborn about 1909
LincolnBertha Aborn about 1875
LincolnCarl Aborn about 1897
LincolnClyde Jborn about 1914
LincolnFrancis Mborn about 1918
LincolnFrank Eborn about 1906
LincolnIda Gborn about 1897
LincolnJohn Mborn about 1876
LincolnMargaret Iborn about 1908
LincolnMarlin Cborn about 1933
LincolnMillie born about 1873
LincolnNellie Mborn about 1906
LincolnW Gborn about 1871

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M Surnames

MarchCarl Aborn about 1893
MarchChristine Aborn about 1922
MarchLillie Mborn about 1894
MarchRaymond Cborn about 1925
MarlingEva Mborn about 1918
MarlingGeorge born about 1919
MarlingGlenn born about 1907
MarlingKenneth Cborn about 1914
MarlingMinnie Mborn about 1875
MarlingWalter Oborn about 1911
McAlesterJennie Jborn about 1891
McCauleyCelia Eborn about 1898
McCauleyHoward Eborn about 1919
McCauleyJames Bborn about 1892
McCauleyNorman Dborn about 1924
McCormickRobert Eborn about 1890
McLeishA Fborn about 1888
McLeishCharles Eborn about 1918
McLeishElmer Fborn about 1922
McLeishLella Bborn about 1892
McMillenBeverly Aborn about 1937
McMillenIsabella Gborn about 1856
McMillenIsabelle Mborn about 1915
McMillenRobert Wborn about 1934
McMillenRonald Gborn about 1896
MeansAletha Lborn about 1897
MeansCharles Wborn about 1895
MeansThelma Mborn about 1928
MeansWarren Wborn about 1932
MetcalfDelonece Laneborn about 1929
MetcalfJimmie Gborn about 1893
MetcalfLeo Eborn about 1909
MetcalfLeo Eborn about 1933
MetcalfWilma Eborn about 1911
MichoelisHenry Hborn about 1904
MichoelisHermah Hborn about 1898
MieheJ Fborn about 1899
MieheLorraine Mborn about 1921
MieheTressa Aborn about 1901
MieheV Jeanborn about 1925
MillerArlene Rborn about 1939
MillerBerneta Eborn about 1936
MillerDelores Mborn about 1933
MillerElla Aborn about 1899
MillerIval Wborn about 1897
MishlerIda Mborn about 1895
MishlerJohn Hborn about 1895
MorganArlie Bborn about 1889
MorganBelle Mborn about 1901
MorganFloy Eborn about 1924
MorganFrances Eborn about 1923
MorganFrank Cborn about 1898
MorganGeorge Jborn about 1888
MorganShirley Aborn about 1928
MorganVernon Hborn about 1926
MulfordDale Cborn about 1926
MulfordDean Eborn about 1932
MulfordFrank Bborn about 1883
MulfordHelen born about 1895
MulfordLeo Jborn about 1922
MulfordRosella Jborn about 1929
MurrayEdward Aborn about 1936
MurrayElva Mborn about 1912
MurrayJames Rborn about 1933
MurrayPaul born about 1913

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N Surnames

NorthrupAlvin born about 1919

O Surnames

OakesCora Eborn about 1887
OakesHiram Eborn about 1887
OakesLeslie H Wborn about 1909
OchneiderAdeline Fborn about 1869
OchneiderGeorge born about 1864
OlanderCarl Eborn about 1891
OldsNable born about 1897
OwartsAmelia Aborn about 1890
OwartsPete born about 1880
OwartsPeter Aborn about 1931
OwartsYvonne born about 1926

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P Surnames

PalkDuane Gborn about 1935
PalkEldon Lborn about 1932
PalkGerald Hborn about 1906
PalkHelen Eborn about 1910
PalkWeldon Vborn about 1932
ParkerKenneth Lborn about 1905
ParkerKenneth Lborn about 1940
ParkerRobert Allenborn about 1934
ParkerRuth Aborn about 1904
PaulPaul Oborn about 1922
PieplowElizabeth Bborn about 1888
PieplowHenry Cborn about 1886
PiggottWalter Eborn about 1925
PlattAmanda Vborn about 1868
PlattL Dborn about 1858

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R Surnames

RandallCora born about 1898
RandallEmmett Aborn about 1892
RauCecil Aborn about 1917
RauDuavaine Fborn about 1923
RauJoseph born about 1878
RauRalph Bborn about 1921
RauWilma Aborn about 1920
RauZana Aborn about 1883
RechkemmerCharles Rborn about 1923
RechkemmerEdith Pborn about 1897
RechkemmerGeorge Hborn about 1924
RechkemmerHerbert Fborn about 1894
RechkemmerLewis Aborn about 1930
RechkemmerRobert Gborn about 1921
RechkemmerSelma born about 1867
RechkemmerWilliam Lborn about 1926
ReckerAlfred Hborn about 1902
ReckerBetty Lawborn about 1936
ReckerCarl Lborn about 1928
ReckerErnest Aborn about 1932
ReckerFlorence Mborn about 1907
ReckerLarry Eborn about 1930
ReckerLyle Aborn about 1938
ReckerMary Annborn about 1934
ReckerSharon Leeborn about 1940
ReedBetty Joanborn about 1931
ReedBeverly Jeanborn about 1932
ReedBonnie Janiceborn about 1939
ReedBuelah Jaiceborn about 1934
ReedDonna Mborn about 1912
ReedGeorge Aborn about 1911
RiemanthAugust born about 1852
RiseDora Lborn about 1889
RiseFrank Aborn about 1881
RogerPayliss born about 1930
RogersMillie Cborn about 1898
RossBernice Lborn about 1920
RossJohn Dborn about 1884
RueberCharles Gborn about 1878
RueberSophia born about 1878
RummelBonna Lborn about 1898
RummelDonna Eborn about 1926
RummelO Jborn about 1894
RummelRuth Aborn about 1922
RummelVirginia Aborn about 1923

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S Surnames

SalisberryCharles born about 1893
SalisberryOlive Iborn about 1896
SalisberryRalph Jborn about 1926
SalisberryRay Rborn about 1924
SalisberryRex Cborn about 1930
SalisberryRuth Mborn about 1928
SandkampWilliam born about 1921
SchaeferDorothy born about 1873
SchaeferEmma born about 1894
SchaeferHarry born about 1903
ScharffEdith Sborn about 1886
ScharffElise Hborn about 1903
ScharffElsa Maryborn about 1926
ScharffIrvin Hborn about 1892
SchmidkeDonald born about 1917
SchmidkeDoris born about 1930
SchmidkeDorothy born about 1932
SchmidkeEldon born about 1923
SchmidkeLavon born about 1926
SchmidkeMarwa Aborn about 1895
SchmidkeR Fborn about 1887
SchmidkeRobert born about 1920
SchugAdella Dborn about 1885
SchugAlvina Wborn about 1877
SchugEmma Hborn about 1880
SchugLena Mborn about 1875
SchugWill C Rborn about 1888
SeagoAlta Eborn about 1933
SeagoEula Mborn about 1925
SeagoHubert Aborn about 1929
SeagoJohn Iborn about 1903
SeagoLaurena Pborn about 1927
SeagoThelma Mborn about 1904
SimpsonCecil Dborn about 1893
SimpsonEvelyn Dborn about 1921
SimpsonLena Mborn about 1900
SimpsonLeo Gborn about 1922
SlaterRalph Eborn about 1924
StahrElinora Gborn about 1922
StebbinsArchie born about 1877
SteeleMinnie born about 1868
SteffenFred Fborn about 1888
SteffenLawrence Fborn about 1915
SteffenLeonard Aborn about 1930
SteffenVerna Bborn about 1896
StewartDoris Mborn about 1900
StewartG Eborn about 1898
StewartMildred Lborn about 1934
StrawnAloys Hborn about 1895
StrawnJohn Cborn about 1937
StrawnPauline Lborn about 1899
StrawnRonald Pborn about 1939
SweitzerBert Sborn about 1887
SweitzerBurnida Dborn about 1922
SweitzerJohn Hborn about 1929
SweitzerMax Iborn about 1927
SweitzerVeronica Eborn about 1899
SweitzerWilliam Hborn about 1924

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T Surnames

TeagieGeneva Pborn about 1917
TeagieGlenn Lborn about 1914
ThomasKenneth L Rborn about 1921

V Surnames

VanemanMary Eborn about 1879
VanemanVance Dborn about 1918
VanemanWanda Eborn about 1917
VargasonMabel Mborn about 1914
VargasonMargaret Eborn about 1939
VargasonRichard Iborn about 1937
VargasonTheodore Rborn about 1912

W Surnames

WelshLaurel Eborn about 1909
WelshLawrence Aborn about 1901
WelshMaris Eborn about 1928
WelshMarvin Lborn about 1936
WheelerClifford Hborn about 1907
WheelerGretthen Jborn about 1906
WierckGeorge Hborn about 1894
WierckHarry Eborn about 1930
WierckSophia Cborn about 1897
WierckWalter Gborn about 1918
WierckWilbur Eborn about 1922
WilkinsonJannie Mborn about 1873
WilkinsonJohn Fborn about 1871
WilsonCharles Eborn about 1903
WilsonRichard Nborn about 1905
WilsonWilma born about 1903
WitmerBessie Iborn about 1885
WitmerDoris born about 1922
WitmerLeslie Fborn about 1884
WitmerLeslie Jr born about 1930
WitmerRobert Vborn about 1919

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Y Surnames

YaktaFrank Hborn about 1885
YorkEdwin Dborn about 1870

Z Surnames

ZabriskieEdith Aborn about 1903
ZabriskieMilton Aborn about 1903
ZummakAlbert born about 1914

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