1940 U.S. Federal Census of Thompson in Adair County, Adair, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Adair County > 1940 Census of Thompson in Adair County

A SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
B SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesP SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesR SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesS Surnames

A Surnames

AldenGeorge born about 1917
AldenHarold born about 1930
AldenIrvin born about 1895
AldenMary Eborn about 1939
AldenMinnie born about 1896
AldenOrval Eborn about 1928
AldenRichard born about 1934
AldenViola born about 1922
AldenWilliam Eborn about 1939
AndersonCarl Wborn about 1888
AndersonGeneva born about 1899
AndersonJanette born about 1934
AndersonLeonard born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BallLaura born about 1867
BassettAugusta Mborn about 1883
BassettFrank born about 1877
BittnerMaggie Aborn about 1863
BlackmerBessie born about 1875
BlackmerGeorge Eborn about 1855

E Surnames

EggerCharles born about 1933
EggerDoris Pborn about 1908
EggerFrank Lborn about 1935
EggerGilbert Hborn about 1938

F Surnames

FateElmer born about 1887
FateNora Mborn about 1889
FredericksonElsie born about 1926
FredericksonMaude born about 1883
FredericksonPeter born about 1876
FudgeDavid Eborn about 1868
FudgeMartha Eborn about 1867

H Surnames

HaskinsAnna Mborn about 1902
HaskinsBlanche Mborn about 1926
HaskinsBurnell Fborn about 1905
HaskinsPaul Lborn about 1932
HaskinsRichard Eborn about 1929
HuffHarry Rborn about 1928
HutchinsonCatherine born about 1860

L Surnames

LemkeAmelia born about 1868
LemkeEdmund born about 1907
LemkeFred born about 1877
LemkeFred Cborn about 1854
LemkeMartha born about 1897
LuhrsAnna Rborn about 1866

M Surnames

MarshallGarfield Eborn about 1883
MarshallJoseph Eborn about 1869
MarshallMildred born about 1895

P Surnames

PetersonAugusta born about 1886
PetersonEarl born about 1927
PetersonLloyd born about 1921
PetersonLois born about 1924

R Surnames

RaterAsbury Dborn about 1864
RaterIda Eborn about 1864
RothrockLaura born about 1875

S Surnames

SachauDana Dborn about 1928
SachauHazel born about 1896
SchillerAnna Mborn about 1887
SchillerJohn Cborn about 1872
SchillerMarie Fborn about 1908
SchwabBonnie Lborn about 1932
SchwabEdward Eborn about 1937
SchwabElmer Jborn about 1880
SchwabFlorence Aborn about 1906
SchwabPhyllis born about 1935
SmitCharles Aborn about 1893
SmitMartha Mborn about 1893
SmithLovell born about 1922
SmithMaude Bborn about 1884
SmithWilma Bborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TelcampHattie born about 1881
ThompsonJewell Rborn about 1928
TomlinsonCheck Lborn about 1876
TurnerMargaret Aborn about 1881

U Surnames

UttsAnna Mborn about 1892
UttsWill born about 1876

W Surnames

WhiteBeulah born about 1903
WhiteHarold born about 1905

Z Surnames

ZimmerlineBeverly born about 1934
ZimmerlineJanet Lborn about 1938
ZimmerlineJerry born about 1939
ZimmerlineKenneth born about 1909
ZimmerlineLesta Jborn about 1913

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