1940 U.S. Federal Census of Washington in Webster County, Webster, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Webster County > 1940 Census of Washington in Webster County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAnna born about 1874
AllenHelen born about 1909
AllenJohn Bborn about 1867
AllenRaymond born about 1928
AndersonAlma born about 1902
AndersonClifford Williamborn about
AndersonDavid born about 1938
AndersonElmer Eborn about 1891
AndersonElsie Belleborn about 1891
AndersonHarriet born about 1913
AndersonHelen born about 1927
AndersonHenry born about 1893
AndersonIngeborg born about 1896
AndersonLawrence born about 1930
AndersonLeonard born about 1930
AndersonMarjorie born about 1939
AndersonMartin born about 1899
AndersonMary born about 1915
AndersonNorreen born about 1935
AndersonOlaf Alertborn about 1910
AndersonSerena born about 1870
AndersonVelma born about 1924
AndersonWilliam born about 1907
AndrewsAmanda born about 1923
AndrewsBenjamin Eborn about 1935
AndrewsBridget born about 1903
AndrewsEllwood born about 1860
AndrewsFrances born about 1929
AndrewsJames born about 1921
AndrewsJames Bborn about 1895
AndrewsWilliam Eborn about 1925
ArcherJames born about 1884
ArmstrongMearl born about 1921
ArnoldLillian born about 1900
ArnoldTheodore born about 1901
ArnoldTheodore Jr born about 1927
AscherelAnton born about 1867
AscherelIna born about 1911
AscherelJean born about 1937
AscherelJohn born about 1914
AscherelPhilip born about 1908

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B Surnames

BackAllie born about 1915
BackAugust born about 1883
BackBina born about 1884
BackGus born about 1919
BallCharles Robertborn about 1935
BallFrieda born about 1915
BallGerald born about 1940
BallIna born about 1885
BallLeonard born about 1912
BallOra born about 1881
BallReo born about 1911
BallRuth born about 1917
BankstonFrank born about 1867
BankstonTillie born about 1899
BarmesEdith born about 1881
BarmesGertrude born about 1915
BarnesRalph born about 1912
BashfordBetty Mevelborn about 1935
BashfordJames born about 1905
BashfordJames Johnborn about 1937
BashfordJanice Marieborn about 1939
BashfordKathleen born about 1908
BaughmanLewis Dborn about 1920
BaughmanLewis Eborn about 1882
BaughmanNellie born about 1885
BaumchenFloyd born about 1928
BaumchenGrace born about 1901
BaumchenJohn born about 1934
BeermannChrist Wborn about 1880
BeermannTillie born about 1882
BellAudrey born about 1939
BellCarl born about 1899
BellRichard born about 1932
BellRobert born about 1923
BellRuth born about 1903
BellVirginia born about 1926
BelscamperFloyd born about 1921
BentonLouis born about 1885
BentonMargaret born about 1887
BerggrenEric born about 1894
BerggrenEthel born about 1894
BerryBetty born about 1927
BerryClara born about 1899
BerryEarl born about 1897
BerryGerald born about 1938
BerryGretchen born about 1901
BerryJoan born about 1929
BerryRichard born about 1935
BerryRose Maryborn about 1928
BerryRussell born about 1898
BerryThomas born about 1922
BerryVirginia born about 1932
Blunk??? born about 1886
BriggsLillian born about 1864
BrockmanEmma Jeandborn about 1935
BrockmanHubert born about 1913
BrockmanLottie born about 1915
BroeLeta born about 1880
BroeWilliam Cborn about 1876
BrownBeth born about 1924
BrownFrances born about 1930
BrownHelen born about 1902
BrownJohn born about 1901
BrownJohn born about 1935
BrungardMarie born about 1903
BugbeeAlma born about 1884
BugbeeClare born about 1877
BugbeeHerbert born about 1872
BugbeeMargaret born about 1917
BurkeDonald born about 1923
BurkeEvelyn born about 1934
BurkeFrancis born about 1939
BurkeVesta Macborn about 1899
BurkeWilliam Bborn about 1899

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C Surnames

CardenAileen born about 1908
CardenEthel born about 1929
CardenRichard born about 1930
CardenRobert born about 1936
CardenWard born about 1909
CarlsonIda born about 1875
CarrollJohn born about 1869
CarrollMaggie born about 1865
CaseAlice Jborn about 1870
CaskeyAlva born about 1917
CaskeyChristina born about 1876
CaskeyLeslie Wborn about 1884
CaskeyWalter born about 1920
CaskyLloyd born about 1915
CaskyMac born about 1921
ChalfantKenmore born about 1914
ChalfantKenmore born about 1935
ChalfantLarry born about 1936
ChalfantThelma born about 1914
ChalfantVernon born about 1937
ChristensonAlfred born about 1895
ChristensonBlanche born about 1895
ChristopersonAdina Eborn about 1888
ClausenAnna born about 1900
ClausenArthur born about 1892
ClausenBeatrice born about 1933
ClausenCarlyle born about 1927
ClausenClayton born about 1932
ClausenDorthy born about 1929
ClausenErma born about 1917
ClausenFlossie born about 1893
ClausenGila born about 1924
ClausenHoward born about 1917
ClausenJ Carlborn about 1895
ClausenJacob Jborn about 1863
ClausenJudith born about 1939
ClausenMarian born about 1924
ClausenMartha Jborn about 1866
ClausenMary born about 1934
ClausenNeva born about 1920
ClausenRonald born about 1922
ClellandJanet born about 1870
ClellandRobert born about 1867
ClerffElaine Marcellaborn about 1938
ClerffKathleen Maeborn about 1933
ClerffMary Josephineborn about 1897
ClerffPhilip Uborn about 1898
ColbyFlossie born about 1902
ColbyHarold born about 1900
ColeBlanhe born about 1873
ConleyAlice Mborn about 1873
ConleyElizabeth born about 1873
ConleyElla born about 1898
ConleyJames born about 1902
ConleyJames born about 1939
ConleyJohn born about 1894
ConleyMary born about 1896
ConleyMerren born about 1910
ConleyMike born about 1901
ConleyPaul born about 1937
ConleyRobert born about 1929
ConleyStephen Dborn about 1910
ConleyWalter born about 1872
CooperPaul born about 1922
CooperRichard born about 1873
CooterAlbert Hborn about 1876
CourtrightAnna born about 1872
CourtrightClifford born about 1900
CourtrightDehmar born about 1896
CrangleMary born about 1878
CrawfordEdna born about 1904
CrawfordEugene born about 1934
CrawfordGertrude born about 1903
CrawfordHomer Eborn about 1906
CrawfordPaul Leeborn about 1901
CrawfordRosemary born about 1931
CrouseDorothy born about 1912
CrouseElla Macborn about 1937
CrouseEvelyn born about 1909
CrouseFrank Aborn about 1872
CrouseGilbert born about 1907
CrouseHarry born about 1918
CrouseLaura born about 1876
CrouseLester Bborn about 1909
CrouseMarie born about 1919
CrouseRoy born about 1931
CrouseVirginia born about 1934
CrouseWayne born about 1933
CuttingGertrude born about 1876
CuttingWalter born about 1890

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D Surnames

DanielsAnn born about 1932
DanielsAnna born about 1886
DanielsDanny born about 1892
DanielsDavid born about 1902
DanielsDavid Mborn about 1886
DanielsDean born about 1916
DanielsEleanor born about 1927
DanielsHartley Aborn about 1878
DanielsHelen born about 1907
DanielsIrwin born about 1929
DanielsJack born about 1933
DanielsJael Eborn about 1920
DanielsJohn born about 1892
DanielsJohn born about 1928
DanielsKaren Leeborn about 1939
DanielsKenneth born about 1911
DanielsKenneth Jr born about 1936
DanielsMae Lborn about 1892
DanielsMona born about 1918
DanielsNellie born about 1878
DanielsPatricia born about 1940
DanielsRuth Eborn about 1923
DanielsVeryle Hottmanborn about 1915
DanielsZelda born about 1897
DaruelsVerval born about 1889
DavidsonAdwin born about 1913
DavidsonChristina born about 1874
DavidsonDonald born about 1927
DavidsonDoris born about 1923
DavidsonEdwin Tborn about 1878
DavidsonIda born about 1919
DavidsonLeroy born about 1924
DavidsonLloyd born about 1917
DavidsonLloyd Jr born about 1939
DavidsonLucille born about 1897
DavidsonThomas Dborn about 1895
DavisDavid born about 1886
DavisDavid born about 1926
DavisDorothy born about 1923
DavisEdwin born about 1919
DavisElizabeth born about 1890
DehartLoman born about 1914
DennisAlbert born about 1908
DennisEarald Deaneborn about 1937
DennisFaye born about 1930
DennisIma born about 1907
DeplerGrace born about 1881
DeplerWalter born about 1871
DraperFrank born about 1888
DraperMac born about 1893
DraperRonald born about 1919
DraperWayne born about 1927
DuaneSimpson born about 1938
DuckettCecelia born about 1907
DuckettEugene born about 1930
DuckettJohn born about 1901
DuckettMary Dellaborn about 1928
DuckettRichard born about 1929
DuckettWilliam born about 1926
DuffyAnetta born about 1923
DuffyJohn Mborn about 1883
DuffyJosephine Jborn about 1887
DunbarDarle born about 1923
DunbarDick born about 1927
DunbarHarold born about 1898
DunbarSabra born about 1901
DwinellCarrie born about 1892
DwinellJames born about 1892
DwinellMorris born about 1924

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E Surnames

EatonGladys Maeborn about 1896
EatonRobert Keithborn about 1917
EatonSteve born about 1888
EkstromAlexander born about 1878
EkstromClarence born about 1906
EkstromDonald born about 1930
EkstromElizabeth born about 1920
EkstromEvon born about 1911
EkstromGerold born about 1932
EkstromIda born about 1875
EkstromJaunita born about 1913
EkstromLeveda born about 1935
EkstromLyle born about 1938
EkstromNina born about 1916
Ellis??? born about 1918
EllisMarvin born about 1916
EllisPatricia born about 1939
EllisWynona born about 1922
ElmMatt born about 1894
ElmMyrtle born about 1916
ElsenGriseldis born about 1923
ElsenHelen born about 1930
ElsenHerman Cborn about 1888
ElsenHerman Jr born about 1928
ElsenMartha born about 1897
ElsenMelvin born about 1933
EnbergRaymond born about 1922
EngelsBobert born about 1932
EngelsDarrel born about 1925
EngelsDuane born about 1922
EngelsElsie born about 1899
EngelsJoe born about 1900
EngelsMacille born about 1932
EngelsRichard born about 1923
EricksonEdward born about 1931
EricksonEvnlsl Mborn about 1900
EricksonLoretta Mborn about 1907
EricksonRomona born about 1934
EvansThomas Dborn about 1871
EwingBuyrl born about 1900
EwingCecelia born about 1906
EwingCharles born about 1935
EwingCharlotte born about 1934
EwingClara born about 1899
EwingClaude born about 1935
EwingClinton born about 1902
EwingDoris born about 1939
EwingDorothy born about 1911
EwingEverett born about 1904
EwingGayle born about 1925
EwingGeorge born about 1877
EwingHarold born about 1940
EwingHelen born about 1913
EwingLyle Josephborn about 1936
EwingMarjorie born about 1931
EwingMary born about 1881
EwingMary born about 1936
EwingRalph born about 1932
EwingRobert born about 1939
EwingRose born about 1930
EwingVernice Maryborn about 1938
EwingVirgil born about 1909
EwingWilliam born about 1907

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F Surnames

FauschGloria Nadeneborn about 1938
FauschHelen born about 1916
FauschJohn Calvinborn about 1914
FergusonDoris born about 1930
FergusonFloyd born about 1908
FergusonHarold born about 1928
FergusonIrene born about 1926
FergusonLola born about 1882
FergusonRosemary born about 1935
FergusonRoy born about 1902
FergusonViolet born about 1902
FergusonWalter born about 1875
FerichBerdelle born about 1910
FetrowMary born about 1909
FetrowThomas born about 1908
FevoldCarolina born about 1880
FevoldMabel born about 1913
FevoldMartin born about 1883
FisherMollie born about 1879
FisherRobert born about 1921
FisherWilliam born about 1873
FitzgeraldEdward born about 1877
FitzgeraldJames born about 1884
FitzgeraldJames Hborn about 1916
FitzgeraldMargaret born about 1885
FitzgeraldMargaret born about 1887
FitzgeraldPaul born about 1926
FitzgeraldRobert born about 1919
FitzgeraldSadie born about 1880
FitznerAnton born about 1917
FitznerAugust born about 1939
FitznerErma born about 1914
FitznerHerman born about 1883
FitznerHoward born about 1919
FitznerKaren Kayborn about 1939
FitznerLena born about 1884
FitznerOtto born about 1910
FitznerRinhart born about 1914
FlugstadEdward Mborn about 1872
FlugstadMaude Lborn about 1886
ForstFred Hborn about 1877
ForstJames born about 1920
FosterAlice born about 1876
FrenchAlbert Leroyborn about 1931
FrenchBonnie Joborn about 1935
FrenchDorothy born about 1906
FrenchLeo born about 1904

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G Surnames

GeisCatherine born about 1896
GeisCharles born about 1917
GeisEdith born about 1902
GeisFred born about 1900
GeisHerbert born about 1903
GeisJoseph Jborn about 1898
GeisKenneth born about 1930
GeisLeta born about 1903
GeisMarvin born about 1939
GeisMary born about 1878
GeisMary born about 1932
GerardEdward born about 1889
GerardHarold born about 1926
GerardNina born about 1894
GerardPaul born about 1921
GleasonMargaret Eborn about 1871
GleasonMary Jborn about 1867
GleasonWilliam born about 1875
GoehringEdward born about 1879
GoehringEsther born about 1913
GoehringMaurice born about 1915
GoodmanCarl born about 1928
GoodmanDaisy born about 1871
GoodmanEarl born about 1915
GoodmanJames Aborn about 1892
GoodmanLeon Eborn about 1893
GoodmanLeon Jr born about 1927
GoodmanLetha Macborn about 1934
GordonBeulah born about 1917
GordonKenneth Oborn about 1912
GradyFlorence born about 1907
GradyJohn born about 1911
GradyPeggy born about 1934
GradyRuth born about 1933
GrellPeter born about 1865

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H Surnames

HallidayEarle born about 1930
HallidayEdward born about 1898
HallidayGlen born about 1924
HallidayShirley born about 1921
HallidaySynva born about 1896
HamannAda Eborn about 1909
HamannDeryl born about 1933
HamannFredrick Cborn about 1898
HamannLouise born about 1871
HamannVern born about 1929
HamannWilliam born about 1866
HamillAlfred born about 1903
HamillJim born about 1933
HamillVerval born about 1907
HamiltonAnna born about 1892
HamiltonRichard born about 1928
HamiltonRobert born about 1892
HamiltonTom born about 1884
HandahlArville born about 1909
HandahlEldora born about 1935
HandahlLorene born about 1915
HandahlLoretta born about 1937
HandahlOlof born about 1884
HandahlPhyllis born about 1940
HandahlSina born about 1885
HannonBridget born about 1850
HannonEmmet born about 1891
HannonFlorence born about 1896
HannonThomas born about 1926
Hansen??? born about 1914
HansenRoland Cborn about 1915
HarrahIrene born about 1914
HarrahLeo born about 1909
HarrahMarvin born about 1936
HarrahWallace born about 1940
HarrisArlene born about 1926
HarrisDon born about 1937
HarrisDoris born about 1928
HarrisEmma born about 1912
HarrisIra Gborn about 1908
HarrisJohn born about 1903
HarrisNorman born about 1935
HarrisShirely born about 1934
HarrisStanley born about 1937
HarrisSylvia born about 1905
HarrisViola born about 1939
HarrisWilma born about 1933
HayesEdmond Jborn about 1899
HeasMavis born about 1915
HeffnerCarl Dborn about 1894
HeffnerPearl born about 1895
HeffnerRobert born about 1923
HeffnerSamuel born about 1919
HeftyAlphus born about 1910
HeidickArthur Fborn about 1900
HeidickPauline born about 1919
HeitkampAlbert Wborn about 1886
HeitkampDelia born about 1888
HeitkampGlen born about 1914
HeitkampKenneth born about 1917
HeitkampLeonard born about 1909
HeskettElmo born about 1915
HeskettEvelyn born about 1917
HeskettLarry Leeborn about 1935
HeskettOtis born about 1912
HeskettRosanne born about 1939
HeskettWilliam born about 1926
HillBonita born about 1926
HillCaroline born about 1900
HillConly born about 1927
HillJames born about 1929
HillJanice born about 1937
HillKaren born about 1939
HillMary Janeborn about 1932
HillOtto Mborn about 1898
HillPatricia born about 1934
HiveleyElizabeth born about 1905
HiveleyElwood born about 1934
HiveleyEugene born about 1926
HiveleyEva born about 1920
HiveleyGeraldine born about 1928
HiveleyLloyd Eborn about 1903
HiveleyLow Eborn about 1867
HiveleyMaynard born about 1930
HiveleyPaul born about 1906
HiveleyPaulina Evaborn about 1939
HiveleyWayne born about 1931
HollingsworthClara born about 1879
HollingsworthGeraldine born about 1912
HollingsworthKaren Lorinaborn about 1938
HollingsworthRay born about 1903
HolmAaron born about 1920
HolmAlice born about 1887
HolmBernice born about 1917
HolmHarley born about 1910
HolmHarold born about 1888
HolmHarold Jrsborn about 1925
HolmLennis Josephineborn about 1936
HolmLois Josephineborn about 1936
HolmLuther born about 1918
HolmViolet born about 1908
HoodBenjamin Fborn about 1938
HoodDorothy born about 1915
HoodDouglas born about 1939
HoodFergus born about 1912
HooverAlta born about 1888
HooverCalvin Gborn about 1928
HooverCarrie Aliceborn about 1887
HooverCecil born about 1921
HooverCharles born about 1887
HooverCharles Gborn about 1881
HooverDavid born about 1926
HooverDavid Eborn about 1866
HooverDeloris born about 1925
HooverDoris Eborn about 1923
HooverEarl born about 1912
HooverEdd born about 1879
HooverElwood born about 1919
HooverFlorence Jborn about 1926
HooverFloyd born about 1913
HooverFrances Vborn about 1870
HooverFrank born about 1894
HooverGertrude born about 1896
HooverHarold born about 1923
HooverHarvey born about 1895
HooverLevi born about 1919
HooverRobert born about 1925
HooverRose born about 1892
HooverSophie born about 1895
HooverWilliam Eborn about 1928
HouskenElla born about 1889
HouskenElla Mborn about 1885
HouskenMartin born about 1883
HowdDelmar born about 1937
HowdEdith born about 1913
HowdEldon born about 1934
HowdLeonard born about 1907
HowdMartha born about 1932
HuntAnna born about 1866

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J Surnames

Jacobson??? born about 1885
Jacobson??? Eborn about 1884
JacobsonCurtis born about 1927
JacobsonDeloris born about 1939
JacobsonEleanor born about 1936
JacobsonGeorge born about 1932
JacobsonLeonard born about 1901
JacobsonMarie born about 1928
JacobsonMildred born about 1907
JacobsonRoberta born about 1934
JacquesMattie born about 1868
JamesonAnnie born about 1873
JamesonEtta born about 1883
JamesonHenry born about 1881
JamesonWalter born about 1870
JensenAnnie born about 1852
JensenEli born about 1851
JensonDaryol born about 1937
JensonDorothy born about 1932
JensonDuane born about 1929
JensonGearldine born about 1931
JensonHoward born about 1902
JensonHoward Jr born about 1934
JensonMarlene born about 1936
JensonMarvin Leeborn about 1939
JensonThelma born about 1904
JewettKip born about 1884
JohnsonAgnes born about 1892
JohnsonAlbert born about 1886
JohnsonAlberta born about 1931
JohnsonElsie born about 1906
JohnsonEsther Mborn about 1911
JohnsonGwendolys born about 1935
JohnsonHannah born about 1882
JohnsonJoseph born about 1926
JohnsonLloyd Aborn about 1906
JohnsonRichard born about 1925
JohnsonWilliam born about 1923
JohnsonZelda born about 1911
JonesEthel born about 1897
JonesHerbert born about 1892
JonesJennie born about 1878
JonesMarian born about 1921
JonesMarion born about 1895
JonesMelvin born about 1908
JonesRichard born about 1935
JonesUlysses Gborn about 1867
JuhlBeverley born about 1927
JuhlChris Cborn about 1889
JuhlEsther Jborn about 1902
JuhlHallie born about 1888
JuhlHans Cborn about 1886
JuhlLouise Aliceborn about 1914
JuhlNorman Cborn about 1917
JuhlShirley Annborn about 1931

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K Surnames

KellyAnna born about 1875
KellyGlen born about 1899
KellyMinnie born about 1889
KellyWilliam born about 1883
KelsoFred Jborn about 1892
KelsoHazael born about 1893
KidwellWayne born about 1913
KnudsenArlene born about 1940
KnudsenFlorence born about 1905
KnudsenStanley Bborn about 1906
KnudsenStephen born about 1936
KoestnerJohn born about 1860
KorsaFrank born about 1875

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L Surnames

LandeAnna Macborn about 1923
LandeDelight born about 1931
LandeEmma born about 1897
LandeEster born about 1933
LandeJoseph born about 1939
LandeRuth born about 1936
LandeSivert born about 1865
LandeThomas born about 1922
LandeWillie Aborn about 1890
LandeWillis born about 1926
LangeAlfred Jborn about 1888
LangeVesta born about 1894
LarsonLeonard born about 1914
LarsonStella Henriettaborn about 1918
LeggAndrew Raymondborn about 1881
LeggClyde born about 1919
LeggDona Jeanborn about 1931
LeggEstel Rborn about 1907
LeggEthel born about 1910
LeggFrank born about 1916
LeggLetha born about 1882
LeggMarjorie Leaborn about 1935
LiermanJoan born about 1882
LiermanJohn born about 1881
LongBernard born about 1924
LongEthel born about 1906
LongHarold born about 1898
LongHelen born about 1926
LongJohn born about 1920
LongPatricia born about 1930
LongThelma born about 1917
LumsdenAlfred born about 1927
LumsdenLoren born about 1931
LumsdenMurtis born about 1908
LumsdenRobert born about 1907
LumsdenWilber born about 1939

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M Surnames

MaddoxEvelyn Fborn about 1925
MaddoxMay born about 1886
MaddoxWilliam Tborn about 1885
MahoneyJoe Cborn about 1904
MahoneyJohn Tborn about 1938
MahoneyMyra born about 1902
McDonaldCarrie born about 1876
McDonaldMargaret born about 1880
McDonoughAnna Mborn about 1900
McDonoughFrank Jborn about 1895
McDonoughJohn born about 1935
McDonoughJoyce Anneborn about 1937
McDonoughRosemary born about 1927
McMathJoyce Coleenborn about 1927
McMathMartha Annborn about 1925
MericleGlen born about 1902
MessClara born about 1921
MessMinnie born about 1884
MessThomas born about 1874
MickelsonAnna born about 1885
MickelsonHoward born about 1921
MickelsonJacob born about 1886
MickelsonJulius born about 1939
MickelsonMaurice born about 1910
MickelsonNorma born about 1919
MickelsonOmar born about 1913
MillerCharles born about 1867
MillerClyde born about 1871
MillerLeona born about 1918
MillerRalph born about 1913
MillsJane Rborn about 1894
MillsPeter Rborn about 1859
MillsRoy Lborn about 1892
MoenckFred born about 1867
MoenckKatie born about 1866
MontgomeryAaron born about 1923
MontgomeryAlice born about 1891
MontgomeryEva born about 1931
MontgomeryGould born about 1882
MontgomeryGould Jr born about 1936
MontgomeryJack born about 1934
MontgomeryJames born about 1929
MontgomeryLa Vida born about 1927
MontgomerySherman born about 1925
MontgomeryVernie born about 1926
MooreElizabeth born about 1857
MooreEverett born about 1918
MorrisPaul Fborn about 1906
MulhollandEverett born about 1911
MulhollandHelen born about 1914
MulhollandLunda Joyceborn about 1940
MyersGeorge Wborn about 1913
MyersNeva born about 1917

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N Surnames

NelsonEllen born about 1913
NelsonElsie Macborn about 1915
NelsonJulia Annborn about 1936
NelsonLeroy born about 1937
NelsonMarcene born about 1937
NelsonMargaret born about 1935
NelsonMarjorie born about 1934
NelsonMary Mborn about 1866
NelsonMelvin born about 1910
NelsonRamone born about 1939
NelsonRay Mborn about 1911
NessBertha born about 1884
NessCarl born about 1913
NessDoris born about 1925
NessDoris born about 1927
NessDuanes born about 1932
NessEddie born about 1887
NessEmmet born about 1916
NessHenry born about 1878
NessJulia born about 1856
NessLoretta born about 1909
NessRaymond born about 1918
NessSam born about 1905
NessWilfred born about 1909
NicholsBernice born about 1906
NicholsBruce born about 1935
NicholsDella Dborn about 1902
NicholsEmmet born about 1907
NicholsEtta born about 1881
NicholsFloyd born about 1902
NicholsHarley born about 1900
NicholsHelen born about 1922
NicholsJames born about 1926
NicholsJohn born about 1930
NicholsJohn Jr born about 1912
NicholsMarion born about 1909
NillesElizabeth born about 1870
NillesMatt born about 1900
NordgrenJohn Dborn about 1885
NordgrenRena born about 1889
NowlinEdward Jr born about 1936
NowlinEvelyn born about 1916

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O Surnames

OdellRay born about 1921
OlsonBetty Janeborn about 1924
OlsonCurtis born about 1918
OlsonGladys born about 1920
OlsonHoward born about 1915
OlsonMargaret Serenaborn about 1921
OlsonMartha born about 1935
OlsonMartin born about 1884
OlsonMyrtle born about 1889
OlsonOscar Mborn about 1887
OlsonWilliam born about 1916
OrrCharles born about 1878
OrrElvina born about 1910
OrrEvelyn born about 1912
OrrFlorence born about 1934
OrrGeorge born about 1897
OrrGladys born about 1901
OrrLaura born about 1933
OrrLloyd born about 1938
OrrPaul born about 1928
OrrRobert born about 1930
OrrRose Marieborn about 1939
OrrViretta born about 1886
OrrWanda born about 1935
OstbloomAnna born about 1877
OstbloomEinar born about 1917
OstbloomPeter born about 1863
OstbloomRuth born about 1913
OstlundDavid born about 1902
OstlundJohn born about 1862
OstlundJulia born about 1885
OstlundMildred born about 1907

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P Surnames

PaulsonJohn Henryborn about 1933
PennaAnna born about 1881
PennaCharlotte born about 1917
PennaPauline born about 1921
PennaRudolph Hborn about 1881
PerryDonald born about 1908
PerryDonna born about 1939
PerryFrank born about 1879
PerryLuella born about 1879
PerryZola born about 1916
PetersonArthur born about 1906
PetersonAugust born about 1869
PetersonCarl born about 1908
PetersonEsther born about 1912
PetersonEthel born about 1904
PetersonGeorge born about 1910
PetersonLucille born about 1918
PetersonRalph born about 1915
PigmanClifford born about 1898
PigmanDale born about 1937
PigmanHelen born about 1939
PigmanJoe born about 1866
PigmanJohn Eborn about 1910
PigmanLarry born about 1938
PigmanMarie born about 1903
PigmanMary born about 1920
PigmanWalter born about 1926
PooerDorothy born about 1920
PooerGeorge Fborn about 1888
PooerHattie born about 1890
PowersAnn born about 1934
PowersGenevieve born about 1903
PowersJohn born about 1932
PowersKiley born about 1894
PowersLarry born about 1921
PowersLillie born about 1870
PowersMary born about 1930
PowersPaul born about 1900
PowlrsAnna born about 1891
PowlrsMarjorie born about 1933
PowlrsPaul born about 1924
PowlrsThomas Eborn about 1889
PowlrsWilliam born about 1920
PrattAveril born about 1927
PrattBeverley born about 1932
PrattDonald born about 1934
PrattGerold born about 1929
PrattGlen born about 1907
PrattJames Allenborn about 1935
PrattMarvin born about 1938
PrattNora born about 1907
PrattRillie born about 1871
PrattTheron born about 1871
PriceEdgar born about 1915
PriceMargaret born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedyDale born about 1933
ReedyDonna born about 1938
ReedyEverette born about 1909
ReedyLillie born about 1910
ReedyLois born about 1935
ReedyStanley born about 1918
RhodesAlice born about 1909
RhodesArthur born about 1931
RhodesDana born about 1898
RhodesDaniel born about 1935
RhodesDorothy Jeanborn about 1923
RhodesFrank born about 1903
RhodesHarold born about 1930
RhodesManford born about 1925
RhodesMarian born about 1928
RhodesRobert born about 1896
RhodesRobert Lborn about 1922
RhodesRoberta born about 1930
RoachJames born about 1889
RochetLouise born about 1902
RogersClaude Wborn about 1899
RogersHazel born about 1918
RoosaDean born about 1935
RoosaDonald born about 1932
RoosaInga born about 1905
RoosaJoan born about 1927
RoosaLyle born about 1901
RoysterBlanch born about 1893
RoysterCarol Jeanborn about 1936
RoysterCathryn born about 1924
RoysterCharles born about 1930
RoysterClyde born about 1890
RoysterClyde Jr born about 1922
RoysterDean born about 1919
RoysterDorothy born about 1920
RoysterDwight born about 1894
RoysterE Frankborn about 1861
RoysterLulu born about 1899
RoysterPearl born about 1921
RubyDuane born about 1922
RyanJohn Fborn about 1872
RyanMary Cborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SanckCurtis born about 1924
SappAline born about 1921
SappEarl born about 1920
SappGlenn born about 1918
SappWillie born about 1923
ScharffGilma born about 1908
ScharffGunner born about 1900
ScharffWalter born about 1925
SchleismanBernadine born about 1922
SchleismanDona born about 1926
SchleismanEdward born about 1888
SchleismanElizabeth born about 1903
SchleismanEster born about 1924
SchleismanLloyd born about 1934
SchleismanMargaret born about 1895
SchleismanSterling born about 1933
SchleismanVernelle born about 1936
SchleismanWalter born about 1891
SchmehrCarol Annborn about 1939
SchmehrEsther born about 1920
SchmehrFred born about 1863
SchmehrMinnie born about 1880
SchmokerRosa born about 1858
SchoettmerAnna born about 1897
SchoettmerAnna Marieborn about 1928
SchoettmerFred born about 1892
SchoettmerFredrick born about 1925
SchroerElizabeth born about 1878
SchusterCharles born about 1920
SchusterFrank born about 1916
SchusterGloria Jeanborn about 1939
SchusterIone born about 1918
SchwendemannDonald born about 1920
SchwendemannFrances born about 1888
SchwendemannLeroy born about 1928
SchwendemannMarianne born about 1922
SchwendemannMildred born about 1896
SchweringAlbert born about 1931
SchweringBen born about 1872
SchweringBernard born about 1939
SchweringDonald born about 1936
SchweringElizabeth born about 1877
SchweringFrank born about 1905
SchweringGilbert born about 1938
SchweringJohn Jr born about 1900
SchweringKatherine born about 1907
SchweringKenneth born about 1933
SchweringLeonard born about 1940
SchweringMary Louborn about 1936
SchweringRuth born about 1911
SchweringTommy born about 1935
SellCharles born about 1878
SeversonElaine born about 1930
SeversonMartin born about 1901
SeversonMinnie born about 1905
SeversonWayne born about 1927
ShowersAlberta born about 1926
ShowersGeneva born about 1934
ShowersIra born about 1898
ShowersLawra born about 1904
ShowersNorman born about 1930
ShowersNorman Eugeneborn about 1940
SiefkenDamon Jborn about 1899
SiefkenLowell born about 1932
SiefkenMagda born about 1903
SimeElizabeth born about 1905
SimeIrven born about 1898
SimeRomona born about 1932
SimeShirely born about 1928
SimonsonAnna born about 1892
SimonsonElla Eborn about 1890
SimonsonJohn Aborn about 1889
SimonsonOscar Eborn about 1883
SimpsonBernard born about 1920
SimpsonBert born about 1875
SimpsonClara born about 1850
SimpsonDonald born about 1914
SimpsonIda born about 1879
SimpsonJennie Mborn about 1864
SimpsonMeadolph born about 1864
SimpsonVivian born about 1915
SmithCelio born about 1887
SmithChristy born about 1915
SmithClifford born about 1892
SmithDona Ethelborn about 1937
SmithDorothy born about 1939
SmithEsther born about 1920
SmithEthel born about 1914
SmithFloyd born about 1919
SmithGeraldine born about 1934
SmithGibson born about 1913
SmithGrant born about 1873
SmithLee Lborn about 1888
SmithMary born about 1892
SmithOra Leeborn about 1939
SmithRanson born about 1923
SmithRosamine born about 1919
SmithRosemary born about 1939
SnellAdelbert Eborn about 1883
SnellCharles Bborn about 1901
SnellDorcas born about 1939
SnellFlora born about 1885
SnellJennie born about 1875
SnellJohn born about 1868
SnellMae born about 1906
SnellNorman born about 1938
SnellRichard born about 1930
SnellRobert born about 1933
SonicksenCarl born about 1911
SonicksenCatherine born about 1895
SonicksenClarence born about 1895
SonicksenElla born about 1882
SpikeAlfred born about 1877
SpikeGlen born about 1904
SpikeJessie born about 1877
SpikeThelma born about 1911
StarkeyCharles born about 1881
StarkeyMabel born about 1883
StarkeyRobert born about 1924
SteinmaurCharles born about 1929
SteinmaurIda born about 1896
SteinmaurJoseph Mborn about 1892
SteinmaurMarjorie born about 1924
SteinmaurMary Louborn about 1933
SteinmaurPaul born about 1915
StoreyBetty born about 1924
StoreyBonnie born about 1930
StoreyHarry born about 1901
StoreyNada born about 1903
StrandEstella born about 1904
StufflbernDewey Jr born about 1923
StuhrenbergAgnes born about 1928
StuhrenbergAlvin born about 1939
StuhrenbergBernard born about 1939
StuhrenbergClem born about 1903
StuhrenbergDorothy born about 1931
StuhrenbergHelen born about 1936
StuhrenbergLucille born about 1938
StuhrenbergMatilda born about 1904
StuhrenbergMaurice born about 1935
StuhrenbergVincent born about 1933
SturdevantAlvis born about 1886
SturdevantAnna born about 1902
SturdevantClifford born about 1934
SturdevantJimmy born about 1933
SturdevantRobert born about 1918
SummersDarlene born about 1937
SummersDeloris born about 1936
SummersMargaret born about 1914
SummersWilbur born about 1914
SummersWilbur Jr born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorEmma born about 1890
ThodeHenry born about 1886
ThodeMartha born about 1892
ThompsonAlvin born about 1874
ThompsonDora born about 1889
ThompsonJohn Mborn about 1899
ThompsonTherese born about 1899
ThorntonGarnet born about 1916
ThorntonHerb born about 1914
TownsandAlina born about 1906
TownsandMarilyn born about 1935
TownsandPatricia born about 1931
TownsandWayne born about 1905
TraasethAlvis born about 1886
TraasethAmos born about 1881
TrampelFredrick born about 1919
TraskGenevieve born about 1923
TraskGertrude Eborn about 1912
TraskGlenn Daleborn about 1937
TraskHazel born about 1905
TraskKenneth born about 1928
TraskLaura born about 1874
TraskLee born about 1896
TraskLorenzo Gborn about 1912
TraskMyra born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerBartholomew born about 1876
WagnerDaniel Wborn about 1909
WagnerMary Aborn about 1873
WelchBarbara born about 1940
WelchIda born about 1891
WelchIrene born about 1913
WelchLee born about 1922
WelchVerne born about 1915
WelchWilliam Rborn about 1884
WertzAmos born about 1876
WertzBonnie born about 1937
WertzClarence born about 1936
WertzDuane born about 1925
WertzEarl born about 1905
WertzErma born about 1909
WertzGenevieve born about 1939
WertzHarley born about 1928
WertzJohn born about 1910
WertzLaverne born about 1933
WertzLucille born about 1930
WertzMae born about 1905
WhitneyAnna born about 1853
WilhelmOtto born about 1885
WillDaisy born about 1886
WillE Roysterborn about 1886
WillHenry born about 1856
WilliamsBernice born about 1904
WilliamsCharles born about 1935
WilliamsDoris born about 1918
WilliamsEdyth born about 1902
WilliamsFred born about 1902
WilliamsFred Jr born about 1925
WilliamsGeorge Hborn about 1886
WilliamsHoward born about 1925
WilliamsJessie born about 1896
WilliamsJohn Robertborn about 1933
WilliamsLeroy born about 1928
WilliamsPhyllis born about 1922
WilliamsTheo born about 1907
WilliamsTheodore Jr born about 1925
WillickAlveda born about 1939
WillickCecil born about 1904
WillickClinton born about 1927
WillickDewayne born about 1930
WillickIlene born about 1911
WillickMinnie born about 1932
WillickRobert born about 1935
WilsonBeverley born about 1933
WilsonBlanche born about 1901
WilsonDelores born about 1931
WilsonDorothy born about 1912
WilsonEverett born about 1911
WilsonGerald born about 1927
WilsonHarold born about 1898
WilsonLuverne born about 1935
WilsonRichard born about 1937
WilsonShirley born about 1923
WilsonVirginia born about 1931
WindelowAudrey Juneborn about 1931
WindelowBetty Annborn about 1926
WindelowElla Maeborn about 1904
WingertDonald born about 1934
WingertEdward born about 1926
WingertJohn born about 1936
WingertMargaret born about 1931
WingertPatricia born about 1929
WingertRobert born about 1899
WingertThecla born about 1905
WoodardClarence born about 1888
WoodardMary Aliceborn about 1897
WoodardRalph born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmerlinBetty born about 1932
ZimmerlinDean born about 1935
ZimmerlinElla Eborn about 1885
ZimmerlinG Vernellborn about 1904
ZimmerlinHarriet born about 1906
ZimmerlinLeah born about 1930
ZimmerlinRobert born about 1933
ZimmerlinWilliam born about 1928
ZimmerlinWilliam Fborn about 1875

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