1940 U.S. Federal Census of Westfield in Fayette County, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Westfield in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbelClyde born about 1901
AbelJanis born about 1930
AbelLuceile born about 1907
AckenPete born about 1877
AinsworthKathrin born about 1877
AlleyWilliam born about 1903
AndersonCurtis born about 1938
AndersonDonald born about 1932
AndersonHanna born about 1875
AndersonIvan born about 1891
AndersonMabel born about 1912
AndersonMillard born about 1919
AndresAlferd born about 1892
AndresEva born about 1894
AndresWilliam born about 1927
ArthurDorothy born about 1921
ArthurElwyn born about 1930
ArthurHarold born about 1895
ArthurJean born about 1919
ArthurLaura born about 1897
ArthurLeonard born about 1892
ArthurMarie born about 1897
ArthurMax born about 1922
ArthurWinifred born about 1925
AshAlfred born about 1914
AshCaroline Jeanborn about 1939
AshCharles Aborn about 1863
AshDoris born about 1902
AshFlorence born about 1879
AshGerald born about 1938
AshHarold born about 1901
AshJeane born about 1935
AshJoan born about 1939
AshLena born about 1890
AshMelva born about 1917
AshRonald born about 1918
AshRuth born about 1931
AshTocie Jborn about 1863
AshWalter born about 1887
AshWalter Jr born about 1919
AuhitcherMaxine born about 1923
AuhitcherNellie born about 1894
AuhitcherRuby born about 1925
AverillFred born about 1897
AverillJeff born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockMary Eborn about 1869
BadgerBert born about 1875
BadgerEva born about 1881
BahlElizabeth born about 1883
BahlJohn born about 1877
BaileyAlbert born about 1887
BaileyArtha born about 1879
BaileyArthur born about 1925
BaileyDorothy born about 1928
BaileyEna born about 1902
BaileyJohn born about 1877
BaileyShirley born about 1926
BaileySusan born about 1873
BakerEdith born about 1873
BakerF Lborn about 1876
BakerJennie born about 1889
BakerMarcus born about 1907
BakerMildred born about 1921
BakerMrs Marcus born about 1909
BakerMyron born about 1916
BaldwinAlliska born about 1874
BaldwinClint born about 1908
BalluffEva born about 1880
BanningMrs Mary born about 1860
BarnesElla born about 1908
BarnesLouis Eborn about 1907
BarrHoward born about 1918
BarrJohn Sborn about 1882
BarrMyrtle born about 1886
BarrettJas Sborn about 1882
BarrettJas S Jrborn about 1913
BarrettLenna Fborn about 1888
BassAudrie born about 1926
BassBeverly born about 1938
BassCarrie born about 1882
BassDora Hborn about 1922
BassFarrell born about 1904
BassHelen born about 1907
BassHerbert born about 1881
BassJames born about 1931
BassLawrence born about 1924
BassLester born about 1918
BassLouis born about 1920
BassNancy Jborn about 1843
BassOlive born about 1897
BassRichard born about 1934
BassShirley born about 1936
BassWalter born about 1928
BatesAllen Wborn about 1891
BatesCleo born about 1910
BatesLaura born about 1930
BatesLeona born about 1928
BatesRoy born about 1939
BatesShirley born about 1938
BauhmanGustove born about 1871
BaumgartnerB Aborn about 1916
BaumgartnerErma born about 1918
BeachCora Bborn about 1875
BeachFrank born about 1873
BegalskiLouis born about 1880
BelgardeAlice born about 1916
BellDorothy born about 1899
BellRichard born about 1936
BellWilbur born about 1901
BellesEva Sborn about 1892
BellesRay born about 1889
BellisBuddy born about 1937
BellisEarl Edwardborn about 1914
BellisLois born about 1919
BellyMary born about 1868
BenderJeanette born about 1885
BenderJuliette born about 1851
BenningtonEmma born about 1877
BenningtonGlen born about 1913
BenningtonJanice Marieborn about 1940
BenningtonLester Eborn about 1879
BenningtonMildred born about 1910
BentonSarah Mborn about 1898
BentzAgnes born about 1888
BentzArthur born about 1884
BillingsAlice born about 1894
BillingsCharles born about 1923
BillingsElmer born about 1894
BintzlerEffie born about 1936
BintzlerFrances born about 1934
BintzlerGilbert born about 1924
BintzlerLetha born about 1926
BintzlerNick born about 1904
BintzlerNick Jr born about 1939
BintzlerRita born about 1932
BintzlerThelma born about 1908
BishopNettie born about 1880
BleadenDavid born about 1870
BlockClarence born about 1890
BogertEverett born about 1874
BogertGrace born about 1886
BokerSodie born about 1882
BolandDonald born about 1938
BolandLoraine born about 1940
BolandMarella born about 1915
BolandPaul born about 1933
BolandRobert born about 1935
BolandRussel born about 1913
BoleynCatheryn born about 1934
BoleynDarline Cborn about 1931
BoleynDoyle born about 1933
BoleynElaine Joannaborn about 1939
BoleynEvelyn Jeanborn about 1939
BoleynJohn born about 1906
BoleynMaryln born about 1937
BoleynWinnie born about 1912
BolsingerHilda born about 1895
BoltonWilliam born about 1861
BonjourArchie born about 1872
BonjourBernice born about 1912
BonjourClayton born about 1917
BonjourDorothy born about 1923
BonjourElla born about 1910
BonjourFlorence born about 1887
BonjourForest born about 1933
BonjourL Verlborn about 1908
BonjourRalph born about 1914
BonningFrank born about 1878
BonningKitty born about 1878
BrameIvadall born about 1897
BrauseMary born about 1872
BrayArlie born about 1870
BrewerAlbert born about 1919
BrewerBernice born about 1927
BrewerCharles Wborn about 1896
BrewerDorothy born about 1920
BrewerElizabeth Lborn about 1886
BrewerLeo born about 1922
BridgesMarie born about 1906
BriggsDavid born about 1931
BriggsJames born about 1921
BriggsJerry born about 1929
BriggsMaude born about 1897
BriggsPaul born about 1925
BriggsRoss born about 1923
BriggsWalker born about 1899
BrooksGeo born about 1865
BrownAlbert Jborn about 1897
BrownAlberta born about 1922
BrownAllen born about 1915
BrownAlonzo born about 1876
BrownBurden born about 1931
BrownGlayds born about 1900
BrownHarry born about 1908
BrownJames born about 1929
BrownJosephine born about 1878
BrownKathleen born about 1934
BrownKeen born about 1928
BrownRetha born about 1926
BrownWilliam born about 1871
BruckAngeline born about 1938
BruckDarlene born about 1939
BruckJ Mborn about 1915
BruckMarion born about 1914
BruckMartha born about 1936
BuckmasterAmy born about 1903
BuckmasterJ Oborn about 1897
BuesingArnold born about 1900
BuhmannFern born about 1911
BuhmannGeorge born about 1901
BuhmannVerla Jeanborn about 1940
BurdickAnna born about 1920
BurdickClayton born about 1915
BurdickGrace born about 1891
BurdickKenneth born about 1939
BurdickRobert born about 1919
BurgetBertha born about 1878
BurgetClifford born about 1905
BurgetJean born about 1923
BurgetJohn Wborn about 1870
BurgetMrs Josie born about 1868
BurnesRosella born about 1901
BurnsAlvin born about 1914
BurnsArline born about 1905
BurnsClint born about 1875
BurnsFern born about 1921
BurnsGarry Allenborn about 1911
BurnsHoward born about 1911
BurnsIda born about 1885
BurnsLuccile born about 1911
BurnsOrman born about 1897
BushHenry born about 1870
ButlerLydia born about 1847
ButterEd born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellDonald Dborn about 1929
CaldwellEdna Miriamborn about 1922
CaldwellElmer Rborn about 1920
CaldwellMary Eborn about 1893
CaldwellR Lloydborn about 1893
CaldwellViola born about 1924
CaldwellWilliam Wborn about 1928
CampbellBernice born about 1921
CampbellEdward born about 1918
CampbellMary Aborn about 1896
CampbellShirley Lborn about 1894
CarleEvelyn born about 1915
CarleFlorence born about 1919
CarleyFrances born about 1927
CarleyG Hborn about 1900
CarleyMaureen born about 1922
CarleyRosella born about 1898
CarleyShirley born about 1929
CarlsonJoan born about 1934
CarlsonLarry born about 1937
CarlsonLucile born about 1906
CarlsonMary Ellenborn about 1936
CarlsonMealy Aborn about 1905
CarmichadF Gborn about 1877
CarmichadMrs Mm born about 1856
CarmichealBurdeen born about 1919
CarmichealEva born about 1891
CarmichealFred born about 1887
CarmichealWilliam Hborn about 1862
CarpenterC Rborn about 1867
CarpenterGertrude born about 1868
CarpenterHenry born about 1862
CarpenterMary born about 1917
CarterA Aborn about 1861
CarterAllen born about 1895
CarterBruce Rborn about 1921
CarterCarrol Eborn about 1922
CarterDora Frankborn about 1879
CarterMrs Ena Glennborn about 1890
CaudleMrs Rose born about 1889
ChandleryZelphe born about 1894
ChaseAlva born about 1914
ChaseCharles born about 1937
ChaseClem born about 1915
ChaseEva born about 1896
ChaseEvalyn born about 1928
ChaseGeraldine born about 1939
ChaseJohn Alvaborn about 1889
ChaseJohn La Vernborn about 1919
ChaseMabel born about 1918
ChaseMildred born about 1921
ChasePatricia born about 1939
ChaseVirginia born about 1919
ChitchardDarlene born about 1928
ChitchardDorothy born about 1930
ChitchardFrances born about 1926
ChitchardLawrence Cborn about 1909
ChitchardMaude born about 1903
ChitchardRussell born about 1932
ChittendenBlanche born about 1902
ChittendenDorane born about 1926
ChittendenLois born about 1930
ChittendenSheldon born about 1899
ChristmanEliza born about 1880
ChumleyGeraldine born about 1899
ChumleyGermaine born about 1928
ChumleyVenita born about 1928
ClarkCharles born about 1888
ClarkCharles Eborn about 1892
ClarkCharlotte born about 1930
ClarkEthel Intaborn about 1890
ClarkLucille born about 1920
ClarkPatricia born about 1933
ClarkPhyllis born about 1920
ClarkTheresa born about 1894
ClaxtonBarbara born about 1922
ClaxtonEmma born about 1860
ClaxtonForest Bborn about 1889
ClaxtonForest Bborn about 1923
ClaxtonRuth Dborn about 1895
ClementEugene born about 1925
ClementNancy born about 1928
ClintonDewitt born about 1920
ClintonJohn Dborn about 1892
ClintonJune born about 1924
ClintonLillian born about 1891
ClydeJohn born about 1870
ClydeMary Bborn about 1899
CoffmanElizabeth born about 1890
ColeCarlton born about 1918
ColeLaverna born about 1875
ColeLily born about 1875
ColeMami born about 1891
ColePhillip born about 1927
ColeRalph Robertborn about 1914
ColemanCharlotte born about 1908
ColemanDonald born about 1916
ColemanE Lilleborn about 1915
ColemanFloyd born about 1881
ColemanGenevieve born about 1931
ColemanJean born about 1925
ColemanLouis born about 1889
ColemanRuth born about 1921
CollettMargaret Jayneborn about 1902
CollinsPercy born about 1871
CollinsSusan born about 1852
ConboyAnna born about 1887
ConnorCharles Aborn about 1931
ConnorElizabeth Aborn about 1930
ConnorIda Mborn about 1926
ConnorJoseph Hborn about 1920
ConnorLeslie Mborn about 1924
ConnorMaud born about 1895
ConnorPhilip Bborn about 1886
ConnorPhillis Mborn about 1934
ConnorRaymond born about 1917
ConnorRichard born about 1921
CookJ Rborn about 1870
CookMary born about 1847
CorbinLyle born about 1908
CorbinMarjorie born about 1918
CorkeryEugene Hborn about 1929
CorkeryHarry born about 1893
CorkeryJames Mborn about 1934
CorkeryJohn Aborn about 1934
CorkeryLois Annborn about 1935
CorkeryLowell Bborn about 1921
CorkeryMrs Anna born about 1896
CossBetty born about 1926
CossCorie born about 1890
CossEdward born about 1916
CossFoster born about 1919
CossFrank born about 1886
CossRobert born about 1925
CoswellAllan born about 1921
CoswellDean born about 1920
CoswellDonald Carlborn about 1918
CoswellEdith born about 1892
CoswellGeorge born about 1887
CoswellGeorge born about 1916
CoswellGerald born about 1928
CoswellMabelan born about 1931
CousinsElenor born about 1933
CousinsLena born about 1906
CousinsMaxine born about 1936
CousinsRoscoe born about 1907
CoxJames Le Royborn about 1940
CoxJohn Thomasborn about 1937
CoxPhilip born about 1903
CoxVelma born about 1918
CraigIsabel born about 1868
CrainEllswood born about 1880
CrainJ Wborn about 1874
CrawfordAlice born about 1907
CrawfordAudrey born about 1934
CrawfordBillboy born about 1925
CrawfordDavid born about 1927
CrawfordDean born about 1936
CrawfordDonald born about 1937
CrawfordJack born about 1902
CrawfordJennie born about 1870
CrawfordJoan born about 1933
CrawfordOrtie born about 1878
CrawfordRonald born about 1923
CrawfordRuthe born about 1904
CrawfordVictor born about 1939
CrawfordWill Hborn about 1897
CroneverLenora born about 1861
CulbertonEmma born about 1878
CulbertonW Sborn about 1875
CullinsHenry born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabowHarold born about 1913
DabowLarry Cborn about 1939
DabowViola born about 1911
DanielsRichard born about 1911
DanisJames born about 1915
DanisJean Harloborn about 1937
DanisJeanne born about 1915
DanisLois born about 1907
DanisMary Lborn about 1867
DanisPaul born about 1895
DanksEarl born about 1902
DarlandAdeline born about 1901
DarlandJoseph born about 1894
DarlandLa Vone born about 1922
DarlandVerginia born about 1928
DarnellMarjorie born about 1925
DarnellRay born about 1876
DavisAudrey born about 1926
DavisEmma born about 1893
DavisGrant born about 1892
DavisJames Eborn about 1924
DavisJane born about 1866
DavisMarie born about 1905
DavisNorma Jeanborn about 1932
DavisOakley Sborn about 1894
DavisShirley born about 1930
DavisonAmbrose born about 1862
DavisonHarriet born about 1870
DeanArlo Cborn about 1902
DeanCelena Mkaeborn about 1929
DeanFloyd born about 1899
DeanMargaret born about 1925
DeanS Gborn about 1869
DeatonMarshall Eborn about 1924
DebowGertrude born about 1899
DebowR Cborn about 1896
DeckelmanJohn born about 1875
DegrawRoss born about 1882
DemingoGertrude born about 1879
DemingoR Mborn about 1883
DennistonMrs J born about 1868
DevoeMartin born about 1875
DevoeZelma born about 1875
DiamondKathryn Annborn about 1918
DiamondWm Fborn about 1914
DibbleLouella born about 1913
DickinsonElizabeth born about 1893
DickinsonEster born about 1867
DickinsonJoseph Eborn about 1867
DickinsonRalph born about 1891
DickinsonRussell born about 1921
DickinsonRuth born about 1926
DicksonAgnes born about 1896
DicksonDonald born about 1926
DicksonHarry born about 1894
DicksonVelma born about 1932
DohnsonGladys born about 1904
DohnsonKathrine born about 1926
DohnsonLean born about 1923
DohnsonRobert born about 1938
DohnsonThomas born about 1887
DohnsonThomas born about 1934
DolandEssie born about 1890
DolandJohn born about 1886
DolandPaul born about 1915
DollEdward Eugeneborn about 1904
DollEugene born about 1904
DorlandMrs Ada born about 1864
DormanJohn Eborn about 1880
DormanMrs Amiella born about 1882
DoughtyArthur born about 1870
DoughtyBill born about 1864
DoughtyClara born about 1876
DoughtyH Mborn about 1902
DoughtyJoel born about 1928
DoughtyMildred born about 1899
DoughtyOrin born about 1928
DoughtyPaul born about 1929
DoughtySid born about 1930
DoughtyThelma born about 1930
DoughtyThomas Arthurborn about 1927
DoughtyVirginia born about 1925
DowersJudson born about 1886
DownsPearl born about 1885
DuffieldEdward born about 1858
DuffieldMinne born about 1876
DuganDale born about 1916
DuganDonald born about 1912
DuganEdith born about 1875
DuganHarold born about 1898
DuganRussell born about 1917
DummermuthEarnest born about 1885
DuncanRachel born about 1872
DunnEita born about 1867
DunnMaxine born about 1917
DureyArlene born about 1920
DureyCora Sborn about 1891
DureyDaren born about 1923
DureyFloyd born about 1890
DureyGeo Richardborn about 1931
DureyJoann born about 1934
DureyLorna born about 1927
DureyMargaret born about 1929
DureyPaul born about 1926
DureyShirley born about 1933
DurfeyAldin born about 1937
DurfeyDonald born about 1917
DurfeyJ Mborn about 1893
DurfeyMary Aborn about 1881
DurfeyMaryellen born about 1939
DurfeyOra born about 1916
DyerDorothy Ardelborn about 1938
DyerDuane Leeborn about 1939
DyerEthel Maeborn about 1907
DyerKenneth born about
DyerMary Ellenborn about 1934
DyerPaul Wborn about 1933
DyerW Kborn about 1909

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E Surnames

EarleCharlie born about 1880
EarleDonald born about 1920
EarleHarold Tborn about 1912
EarleLillian born about 1883
EarleMerille born about 1920
EarleMildred born about 1913
EarleVina born about 1884
EarleW Eborn about 1881
ElderMrs Vina born about 1877
ElfamanMary born about 1890
EricksonB Kermitborn about 1902
EricksonChas Edwardborn about 1939
EricksonLeola born about 1913
EricksonLouise born about 1908
ErionConstance born about 1928
ErionJanice born about 1933
ErionLeota born about 1905
ErionRussell born about 1906
ErionTeresbo born about 1931
ErnaLee Bettisborn about 1939
EvensonEdwin born about 1913
EvensonEllen born about 1889
EvensonMortin born about 1910
EvensonTom born about 1878
EverettAlbert Leeborn about 1929
EverettArnold born about 1912
EverettDorothy born about 1924
EverettKeeth Eugeneborn about 1939
EverettLyle born about 1918
EverettMelba born about 1918
EverettPearl born about 1891
EvrettMurice born about 1892
EvrettRalph born about 1882
ExmanCarl born about 1901
ExmanCharlotte born about 1935
ExmanDorothy born about 1928
ExmanElizabeth born about 1922
ExmanGerald born about 1939
ExmanJosephine born about 1926
ExmanLois born about 1931
ExmanMabel born about 1853
ExmanNorbert born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FannonAlbert born about 1920
FannonElmer born about 1920
FannonLawerance born about 1923
FannonMargaret born about 1894
FauserAnna Maeborn about 1925
FauserBarbara Jborn about 1932
FauserLeola born about 1899
FauserLester born about 1887
FauserMelisoa born about 1892
FauserMrs Sam born about 1866
FauserP Hborn about 1896
FauserPaul born about 1922
FauserRita Lborn about 1929
FauserVictor Eborn about 1939
FedersonArnold born about 1918
FelkeyCharlie born about 1902
FerrellJames born about 1890
FieldEdith born about 1873
FinchGrace born about 1866
FinchHazel born about 1903
FinchHollis born about 1900
FinchWilliam Josephborn about 1940
FingerSusan born about 1861
FishAnna Belleborn about 1937
FishArdella Maeborn about 1933
FishArthur Nborn about 1889
FishCecile born about 1900
FishCharley born about 1930
FishChester born about 1932
FishDarlene born about 1939
FishHarley born about 1917
FishHoward Yvonneborn about 1937
FishInezes born about 1931
FishJessie born about 1926
FishLily born about 1935
FishMrs Maggie born about 1903
FishPhillip Leslieborn about 1940
FishWalter Dborn about 1891
FlintClayton born about 1855
FlynnMartin born about 1860
FobesAlbert born about 1875
FobesAlsie born about 1884
FobesRobert born about 1920
FoleyKate born about 1867
FollensbeeAlta born about 1888
FollensbeeCecile born about 1924
FollensbeeEmily Mborn about 1868
FollensbeeJ Fborn about 1864
FollensbeeW Dborn about 1889
FoxGertrude born about 1912
FoxKarl born about 1912
FoxMrs Austin born about 1881
FoyeJohn born about 1912
FoyeMonte born about 1936
FoyeOpal born about 1917
FoyeShorrol born about 1939
FramOtto Howardborn about 1901
FramWilliam born about 1874
FranksCharles born about 1926
FranksCharlie born about 1908
FranksChester born about 1928
FranksDonald born about 1930
FranksEtta born about 1898
FranksEugene born about 1928
FranksGeo born about 1903
FranksGeraldine born about 1938
FranksJohn born about 1925
FranksLouise born about 1932
FranksMargaret born about 1891
FranksMikael born about 1889
FranksToletha born about 1932
FrayDonald born about 1917
FrayerMay born about 1867
FrayerWillian born about 1862
FreemanGeo born about 1872
FuesselStella born about 1886
FussellElla born about 1878
FussellElma born about 1888
FussellRoy born about 1876

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G Surnames

GaertrierRay born about 1906
GageBlanche born about 1910
GageDale Richardborn about 1932
GageDora Maeborn about 1929
GageG Rborn about 1858
GageGerald born about 1906
GageGerald Eugeneborn about 1933
GageGeraldine born about 1928
GageLois Margaretborn about 1937
GageRobert Francisborn about 1935
GallaherEarle born about 1904
GallaherJennie born about 1904
GallaherShirley born about 1931
GallaherWallace born about 1927
GarberLena born about 1864
GarrisonFlorence born about 1882
GaynorAnna born about 1870
GaynorJames born about 1898
GaynorLete Lenonborn about 1927
GaynorNaomi born about 1906
GaynorRichard born about 1926
GehrkeJames Fborn about 1917
GennieEdwin born about 1921
GennieFred born about 1909
GennieMarion born about 1878
GenniePatrick born about 1912
GichmanAdella born about 1861
GloverFreeman born about 1880
GloverO Bborn about 1865
GoldworthyAlenie born about 1882
GoldworthyHarry born about 1883
GoodrichAlta born about 1890
GoodrichGeo Lborn about 1887
GordonC Rborn about 1877
GordonDale born about 1908
GordonDonald born about 1918
GordonElfa born about 1876
GormanGladys born about 1916
GormanJames born about 1924
GormanLaurel born about 1921
GormanMary born about 1918
GormanMaurice born about 1876
GormanWilliam born about 1911
GottKathryn born about 1927
GrahamAlvida born about 1872
GrahmFrank born about 1884
GrahmMyrtle born about 1890
GrayAmanda born about 1909
GrayRoland born about 1907
GreatheadBeryl born about 1896
GreatheadW Dborn about 1871
GreatheadWilliam Hborn about 1922
GreeneAgnes born about 1900
GreeneAlice born about 1856
GreeneBetty Jeanborn about 1927
GreeneBulah born about 1932
GreeneJames born about 1937
GreeneJoshua born about 1893
GreeneLaura born about 1930
GreeneMartha born about 1924
GreeneSusan born about 1922
GreenoughAlice born about 1891
GreenoughDora Sborn about 1883
GreenoughGleno born about 1892
GreenoughH Wborn about 1886
GreenoughLouis born about 1861
GreenoughVelma born about 1918
GregorCharles born about 1928
GregorHarvey born about 1900
GregorIrene born about 1906
GregorMarjorie born about 1936
GregorMaxine born about 1937
GreyDonna Margaretborn about 1939
GreyGeorge born about 1874
GreyMarion born about 1911
GreyRalph born about 1905
GrimDorothy born about 1913
GrimJ Fborn about 1873
GroftNora Lborn about 1875
GruverGene born about 1934
GruverRussell born about 1903
GruverThelma born about 1907
GumarsmithAlbert born about 1890
GumarsmithDarrel born about 1925
GumarsmithKay born about 1928
GumarsmithPearl born about 1894

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H Surnames

HackettGordon born about 1852
HallDaniel born about 1862
HallFred born about 1869
HallMargaret born about 1911
HaltzmanRaymond born about 1906
HammondChas born about 1900
HansonJennie born about 1865
HarrimanEdna born about 1867
HarrimanElsie born about 1884
HarrimanSam born about 1877
HartmanCurtis born about 1915
HastingsAlice born about 1873
HastingsEthel Cborn about 1881
HastingsJ Pborn about 1877
HathawayM Leeborn about 1889
HathawayMrs Jessie born about 1885
HathawayNell born about 1858
HavisElleanora born about 1860
HavisFlorence Cborn about 1890
HavisJohnson born about 1860
HawkeJosie born about 1875
HazlettDorothy born about 1917
HeachA Lborn about 1861
HeachJulia born about 1865
HedrickCora born about 1899
HedrickFaith Laurelborn about 1929
HedrickGloria Muriceborn about 1935
HedrickNeal Spencerborn about 1932
HedrickSpencer born about 1875
HedrickZoeann born about 1937
HeisermanEmma born about 1875
HeisermanWilliam born about 1873
HeldtJohn born about 1891
HeldtLucy Mborn about 1868
HeldtMary born about 1868
HeldtRuth born about 1923
HellicksonDonald born about 1935
HellicksonLois Annborn about 1937
HellicksonVera born about 1913
HenryBarbara Leeborn about 1936
HenryDonald Nborn about 1904
HenryGladys born about 1909
HenryHarry Normanborn about 1939
HenryLaura born about 1872
HenryN Fborn about 1868
HerdienWillma born about 1910
HerrmanJake born about 1878
HerrmanLucinda born about 1883
HettlerHenry born about 1870
HettlerSusan born about 1874
HeyingHilarie born about 1915
HeyingMrs Josephine born about 1917
HildebrandJohn born about 1886
HillFeirnet Aborn about 1869
HillMettie born about 1872
HillPeter born about 1884
HinesJudy born about 1940
HinetGeorge born about 1914
HinetRuth born about 1915
HobertJudyth born about 1939
HobertMrs William born about 1919
HobertWilliam Jborn about 1918
HoddBessie born about 1893
HoddGlen born about 1893
HolenLily born about 1890
HolmesMrs Nettie born about 1859
HoltzmanCarolyn Maryborn about 1938
HoltzmanChas Cliffordborn about 1932
HoltzmanDorothy born about 1936
HoltzmanEileen born about 1934
HoltzmanFrank born about 1885
HoltzmanG Bborn about 1880
HoltzmanGoldie born about 1897
HoltzmanJeanne born about 1938
HoltzmanJoanne born about 1938
HoltzmanLloyd born about 1912
HoltzmanMaria born about 1879
HoltzmanMarjorie born about 1917
HoltzmanMaxine born about 1926
HoltzmanMelvin born about 1915
HoltzmanO Eborn about 1870
HoltzmanPatricia born about 1939
HoltzmanPhillis born about 1911
HoltzmanRuth born about 1904
HoltzmanWayne born about 1931
HomewoodAlfred born about 1876
HomewoodHarold born about 1906
HomewoodKatie born about 1877
HornWill born about 1875
HortmanBertha born about 1909
HortmanGeorge born about 1872
HortmanM Jborn about 1909
HousbergerLena born about 1873
HowardGerry Leeborn about 1939
HowardJack born about 1905
HowardLorraine born about 1919
HowmestonEdward born about 1873
HowmestonMinne born about 1874
HoyerMinnie born about 1878
HoytFannie born about 1880
HoytMary born about 1867
HubbelFern born about 1895
HubbelHoward born about 1921
HughesCharles born about 1912
HughsonGlen born about 1900
HummelAnn Aborn about 1887
HummelLeonard born about 1887
HumphryMartha born about 1861
HumphryWalter born about 1861
HuntAmanda born about 1857
HuntDonald born about 1916
HuntEleanor born about 1919
HuntJeon born about 1895
HuntLaura born about 1867
HuntMartha born about 1896
HuntRuben born about 1888
HuntRuben Wborn about 1866
HuntWalter born about 1852
HuntWinifred born about 1891
HuntingtonMrs W Sborn about 1872
HuntsbergerMary born about 1867
HutchinsonLaura Cborn about 1920
HutchinsonLeah born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IliffBabe Ednaborn about 1902
IliffBeverly born about 1930
IliffHarold born about 1922
IliffHarry born about 1896
IloffBetty Louborn about 1936
IloffCarrol born about 1939
IloffClarence born about 1933
IloffDonna born about 1933
IloffDoris born about 1933
IloffGeorge born about 1910
IloffHerbert born about 1930
IloffLouisia born about 1913
IloffMarylin born about 1936
IloffOrdella born about 1902
IloffRay born about 1883
IloffRichard born about 1939
IloffRuth born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JackJannette born about 1900
JarlandJohanes born about 1905
JarlandThomas born about 1938
JarlandUnas born about 1911
JayneBetty born about 1929
JayneEarl born about 1925
JayneEmma born about 1898
JayneFitch born about 1921
JayneLeo born about 1934
JensenClara born about 1896
JensenHurbert born about 1891
JensenHurbert Leoborn about 1917
JibbAnna born about 1869
JohnsLeni born about 1900
JohnsMabel born about 1901
JohnsonArnold born about 1921
JohnsonBernice born about 1931
JohnsonBertha born about 1908
JohnsonCaroline born about 1928
JohnsonEugene born about 1919
JohnsonEunice born about 1902
JohnsonFlorence born about 1931
JohnsonGerald born about 1933
JohnsonHarold born about 1911
JohnsonHoward born about 1912
JohnsonIsabel born about 1928
JohnsonIva born about 1888
JohnsonLyle born about 1898
JohnsonMelvin born about 1899
JohnsonMinna born about 1909
JohnsonMuriel born about 1926
JohnsonNorma born about 1902
JohnsonRoseanne born about 1925
JohnsonRudolph born about 1891
JohnsonShirley born about 1936
JohnsonThedore born about 1925
JohnsonWarren born about 1922
JonesBetty born about 1931
JonesBonita born about 1933
JonesClara born about 1901
JonesDoris born about 1916
JonesDorothy born about 1930
JonesF Tborn about 1870
JonesIda born about 1873
JonesJanice born about 1938
JonesMabel born about 1908
JonesMary born about 1866
JonesOscar Bborn about 1863
JonesReuben born about 1901
JonesRobert Wborn about 1926
JonesRobt Davidborn about 1939
JonesW Cborn about 1901
JonesWilliam Leeborn about 1940
JonesWilliam Nborn about 1907
JoschowGeraldine born about 1928
JoschowHarrison born about 1924
JoschowHozel born about 1901
JoschowJeanette born about 1926
JoschowMerel born about 1933
JoschowRichard born about 1929
JoschowWalter Fborn about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaeppelHarold born about 1922
KaeppelKate born about 1897
KamAnthony born about 1920
KamlowskyJohn born about 1868
KansickleHarriette born about 1911
KansickleLene born about 1888
KappisKatie born about 1898
KasemeierLouise born about 1875
KatzClara born about 1910
KatzLouis born about 1910
KaufmanChas born about 1886
KayserBeverly Annborn about 1937
KayserNina born about 1916
KeigEthel born about 1905
KeigFrances born about 1860
KeigLena born about 1912
KeigRalph born about 1909
KeigRalph Jr born about 1930
KeigWilliam Hborn about 1912
KeilBlanche Mborn about 1897
KeilHubert Aborn about 1926
KeilLois Adelineborn about 1922
KeilLouis Aborn about 1898
KellyJohn born about 1872
KellyMrs Lovella born about 1875
KillerlainBobbie born about 1917
KillerlainMrs Mill born about 1882
KillerlainWilliam born about
KingBlanch born about 1895
KingDale Robertborn about 1928
KingEarl born about 1926
KingEarl Jr born about 1922
KingJ Wborn about 1901
KingMyrtle born about 1893
KingRobert born about 1923
KingSusan born about 1859
KingViolet born about 1920
KlansKatherine born about 1910
KnarrEdward born about 1906
KnarrMomi Loreneborn about 1909
KneelandMary born about 1904
KnightAnna born about 1869
KnightCarleton Wborn about 1914
KnightDan born about 1890
KnightIda Eborn about 1886
KnightJames Eborn about 1882
KnightMabel Kborn about 1888
KnightMaxine born about 1914
KnightOzalia born about 1909
KnightRose born about 1860
KnoxJoe born about 1871
KnutsonLawrence born about 1895
KockettBernice born about 1900
KockettDale born about 1927
KockettDorothy born about 1929
KockettGordon born about 1897
KockettMarjorie born about 1936
KockettRobert born about 1935
KockettRoy born about 1932
KocklerAlice born about 1870
KolbelBlanche born about 1899
KolbelDonna Leeborn about 1923
KolbelJeanette born about 1921
KolbelLee born about 1897
KosebrookCynthia born about 1870
KosebrookDaniel Jborn about 1866
KramerIda born about 1903
KramerJake born about 1893
KuhensBen born about 1872
KuhensBetty Moeborn about 1935
KuhensCarl born about 1907
KuhensCulver born about 1932
KuhensDorothy born about 1910
KuhensEmma born about 1872
KuhensGalen born about 1935
KuhensLucy Addineborn about 1928
KuhensMaud born about 1907
KuhensThomas born about 1902
KuhorsRebbecca born about 1843

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LambertRichard born about 1920
LambertRobert born about 1921
LamphierBeverly born about 1928
LamphierBonnie born about 1909
LamphierBonnie Joyceborn about 1930
LamphierHarry born about 1935
LamphierJackie born about 1932
LamphierJoy born about 1901
LamphierMabel born about 1934
LamphierRobert born about 1926
LampkinBonnie Janeborn about 1932
LampkinDonna Leeborn about 1939
LampkinHarlo born about 1913
LampkinIrene born about 1915
LampkinMary born about 1937
LandarFlorence born about 1888
LandarFrank born about 1884
LandasCharles Jr born about 1934
LandasDaisy Mayborn about 1900
LandasElmer Sborn about 1925
LandasHarry Jborn about 1932
LandasHoward Fborn about 1931
LandasMarion born about 1937
LandasRobert Wborn about 1926
LandasRuth Mborn about 1928
LandasWill born about 1890
LandesMrs Clara born about 1859
LangermanArthur born about 1931
LangermanCharles born about 1939
LangermanChas born about 1869
LangermanE Jborn about 1871
LangermanEdward born about 1935
LangermanElla Mayborn about 1877
LangermanJoseph born about 1907
LangermanLarry born about 1937
LangermanLois Jeanborn about 1932
LangermanLowell born about 1929
LangermanNeva Lborn about 1899
LangermanOrpha born about 1912
LangermanPhilip born about 1935
LangermanWillard born about 1930
LaniusDorothy born about 1927
LantzAda born about 1878
LantzBessie born about 1908
LantzCharles born about 1905
LantzDarrell born about 1928
LantzNorma Leeborn about 1931
LantzOtha born about 1906
LantzRichard born about 1934
LantzRobert born about 1929
LapierceSarah born about 1863
LapiereFrank born about 1892
LarsonLouis born about 1900
LarsonMillard born about 1907
LarsonMoida born about 1913
LathamVelva born about 1873
LearnCarrie born about 1877
LearnD Eborn about 1875
LeaseH Pborn about 1886
LeeRobert born about 1925
LemmelMrs Mary born about 1891
LennonGaylord born about 1903
LennonGenevieve born about 1911
LewisDewitt born about 1883
LewisHarriett born about 1864
LewisHaulda born about 1881
LimmermanGlayds born about 1914
LimmermanLawrence born about 1905
LimmermanRichard Lborn about 1936
LitfordGrace born about 1895
LitfordJoy born about 1894
LittelleBarbara born about 1869
LittelleBarbara born about 1935
LittelleHarold born about 1893
LittelleMrs Agatha born about 1904
LittelleW Pborn about 1870
LittleCharles born about 1860
LockwoodEugene born about 1857
LockwoodMrs Ina born about 1875
LoganIna born about 1895
LoganPhillip born about 1926
LoganVirgina born about 1921
LotterSusie born about 1864
LounringAmy born about 1886
LuceElizabeth born about 1865
LuceVincent Wardborn about 1904
LukesAugust born about 1901
LundBonta Bessborn about 1923
LundCarl Aborn about 1884
LundDorothy born about 1927
LundJoyce born about 1921
LundRita born about 1934
LundStella Mborn about 1895
LynchEthel born about 1880
LynchGeo born about 1877
LynchH Mikeborn about 1874
LynchJames born about 1874
LynchJean born about 1922
LynchLeighton born about 1919
LynchMary Eborn about 1880
LynchOliver born about 1900
LynchW Wborn about 1867
LyonsCrystal born about 1900
LyonsJoseph born about 1892
LyonsL Jborn about 1900
LyonsLillian born about 1893
LyonsLowell born about 1934
LyonsVern born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackGalen born about 1935
MackR Sborn about 1909
MackViolet born about 1904
MadisonElizabeth born about 1868
ManderfieldSilverius born about 1919
MarrenWilliam born about 1879
MarshallNorman born about 1914
MartinAlbert 3rd born about 1938
MartinAlbert Jr born about 1897
MartinNonaze born about 1906
MarvinAlta born about 1887
MastersCarl born about 1898
MastersEmma born about 1897
MastersMorgery born about 1921
MathewsElenore born about 1929
MatterFrances born about 1918
MatterTed born about 1915
MatthewsEdgar born about 1899
MatthewsIna born about 1905
MaverDonald born about 1924
MaxsonDale born about 1917
MaxsonGladys born about 1919
MaxsonJudith born about 1939
MaxsonLarry Leeborn about 1940
MaxwellHelen born about 1905
McBrideWillis born about 1902
McCarronJames born about 1919
McCarronMrs James born about 1900
McClainRay Aborn about 1878
McCleanAmelia born about 1896
McCombMrs Robe born about 1876
McCombRobert born about 1918
McCormickLena born about 1880
McCormickRobert born about 1877
McCueKatie born about 1861
McDanielsAlice born about 1916
McElroyLillian born about 1917
McElroyPaul Eborn about 1909
McElroySheryl Roeborn about 1938
McFarlaneClyde Dborn about 1926
McFarlaneJas Eborn about 1885
McFarlanePolly Eborn about 1895
McGeeAggie born about 1904
McGeeClinton born about 1897
McGeeDavid Eborn about 1929
McGeeMarian Eborn about 1926
McIweenyMrs J Sborn about 1873
McKineyH Aborn about 1914
McKineyJanice Juneborn about 1939
McKineyMildred born about 1916
McKineyShirley born about 1937
McKinneyRose born about 1893
McLeanJennie born about 1886
McLeanJohn born about 1888
McLesseBuelha born about 1897
McLesseJuanita born about 1921
McLesseRalph born about 1896
MedberyCharlotte born about 1860
MedgerMary Lborn about 1857
MesserkElizabeth born about 1852
MesserkMiss Raeborn about 1862
MetcalfGeorge Hborn about 1882
MetcalfNellie Aborn about 1885
MetcolfMinerva born about 1879
MetcolfRoy born about 1879
MetzgarMrs L Hborn about 1857
MeurerFred born about 1889
MeurerRose born about 1902
MichelsGeorge born about 1908
MichelsMildred born about 1911
MilksBennie born about 1925
MilksCharles born about 1928
MilksDarlene born about 1937
MilksDoris born about 1935
MilksWanda born about 1927
MillerArline born about 1930
MillerDonna born about 1933
MillerE Miltonborn about 1920
MillerEdgar Mborn about 1882
MillerEdna Hannahborn about 1890
MillerEva born about 1907
MillerFrank born about 1901
MillerGeorge Eborn about 1901
MillerGeorge Jr born about 1925
MillerGerald born about 1923
MillerJames born about 1925
MillerJeffery born about 1920
MillerJess born about 1935
MillerJohn Fborn about 1866
MillerJoy born about 1928
MillerJustin Eborn about 1868
MillerLillie born about 1867
MillerLyle born about 1938
MillerMabel born about 1907
MillerMary born about 1879
MillerMax Lborn about 1921
MillerMay born about 1878
MillerMilian born about 1918
MillerNorma born about 1885
MillerVerda born about 1916
MillerViolet born about 1930
MillerW Lloydborn about 1893
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1928
MitchelMereldole born about 1854
MitchellJean born about 1928
MitchellM Jborn about 1907
MitchellMildred born about 1911
MitsonLucie Mrs born about 1874
MittlestadtgF Jborn about 1859
MockeyEmma born about 1880
MonahanBill born about 1906
MonegarBell born about 1851
MongoldKenneth born about 1922
MongoldLucie born about 1882
MongoldWilliam born about 1886
MonigerMyrtle born about 1887
MooreCharles born about 1896
MooreClara born about 1880
MooreDanna Jeanborn about 1933
MooreDelores Eborn about 1939
MooreE P Joyborn about 1914
MooreEdith Sborn about 1915
MooreElla born about 1891
MooreElla Marieborn about 1923
MooreGwendolyn born about 1908
MooreHarley born about 1903
MooreJanice Marieborn about 1939
MooreLarry born about 1940
MooreLester born about 1910
MooreLouis born about 1929
MooreM Jborn about 1921
MooreMarjorie born about 1920
MooreMrs Lern born about 1916
MooreMyron Mborn about 1885
MooreNora born about 1875
MooreP Jackborn about 1927
MooreRobert born about 1931
MooreRolland born about 1913
MooreRosa born about 1902
MooreThomas born about 1870
MooreThomas born about 1938
MorreA Sborn about 1893
MorreAvis born about 1928
MorreEvelyn born about 1909
MorreLee born about 1935
MorseWill born about 1880
MortinMiss Noraborn about 1902
MortonAlice born about 1871
MorvinClara born about 1908
MorvinLloyd born about 1901
MorvinRichard born about 1931
MorvinRobert born about 1939
MorvinRoy born about 1926
MossneThelma born about 1906
MossneTrocey born about 1901
MoultonMarjorie born about 1911
MoultonPriscilla born about 1938
MoyJohn born about 1876
MoyLorindia born about 1881
MoyleIrvin born about 1922
MullinaEarl born about 1910
MullinaMrs Gertrude born about 1914
MullinsElla born about 1923
MullinsGertrude born about 1889
MullinsHarold born about 1914
MullinsJean born about 1926
MullinsJohn born about 1937
MullinsTerry born about 1937
MullinsVera born about 1920
MullinsWilliam born about 1887
MullionEster born about 1918
MumbyAnna Leeborn about 1929
MumbyHoward Mborn about 1899
MumbyViola born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NadingBeverly born about 1934
NadingClifford Marionborn about 1932
NadingEdna born about 1911
NadingMrs Ray born about 1913
NadingRay born about 1911
NadingRonald born about 1938
NadingWalter born about 1908
NagelCharles born about 1919
NagelFred born about 1915
NagelSophia born about 1879
NagelThomas born about 1922
NefzgerDale born about 1923
NefzgerDoyle Hborn about 1920
NefzgerDuane born about 1927
NefzgerE Sborn about 1893
NefzgerOpal born about 1921
NefzgerPaul Rborn about 1934
NefzgerPearl born about 1900
NefzgerRobert born about 1930
NefzgerShirley Joanborn about 1939
NelsonNellie born about 1868
NetggarHenry born about 1863
NetggarMaggie born about 1871
NeumannHazel born about 1921
NewcomerPn Vborn about 1864
NewcomerSarah born about 1862
NewendmanderMyra born about 1887
NewendmanderW Eborn about 1864
NobleMarion born about 1921
NobleMorvin born about 1917
NobleR Aborn about 1890
NovingCarl born about 1936
NovingClyde born about 1938
NovingElna born about 1927
NovingLyle born about 1923
NovingMelvin born about 1925
NovingOliver born about 1931
NovingRuth born about 1929
NovingTressa born about 1905
NovingVerne born about 1901
NydeggerHelen born about 1900
NydeggerJohn born about 1894
NydeggerJohn Lewis Jrborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OakenMatt born about 1892
OaklandJohn born about 1864
OconnorMary born about 1870
OdekirkMrs Harley born about 1881
OdekirkW Eborn about 1897
OdellJohn born about 1874
OdellMattie born about 1878
OelbergAmy born about 1877
OelbergC Fborn about 1873
OelbergFranklin born about 1909
OelbergJohn born about 1868
OelbergMarion born about 1913
OhalloranClaudia born about 1906
OlderClark born about 1852
OlderElla born about 1864
OldersonEleanor born about 1883
OldersonSusan born about 1860
OldfatkerHenry born about 1875
OldfatkerSopha born about 1872
OldfoiherWallace born about 1918
OllenMarson Fborn about 1893
OreDora born about 1870
OreJ Wborn about 1871
OrrDonald born about 1896
OrrJames born about 1929
OrrMargie born about 1923
OrrVivian born about 1903
OrrWilliam born about 1931
OserEthel born about 1885
OserMary born about 1858
OstranderClyde born about 1878
OstranderKate born about 1878
OstranderKeith born about 1933
OstranderPaul born about 1936
OstranderRobert born about 1937
OstranderRuby born about 1906
OstranderScott born about 1907
OwenAlta born about 1888
OwenCarl born about 1890
OwenCora born about 1866
OwenLeslie born about 1929
OwenM Lborn about 1857
OwenRobert born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageEdward Hborn about 1871
PaigeFlorence Mborn about 1883
PaineAmy Leighborn about 1873
PaineMargaret Eborn about 1879
ParkerCatharine born about 1853
ParkerJ Dborn about 1870
ParkerMrs Nettie Nborn about 1872
ParkerT Rborn about 1851
PatrickMrs Anna born about 1867
PattersonBetty Juneborn about 1939
PattersonFrank born about 1873
PattersonGrace born about 1853
PattersonHerbert born about 1877
PattersonIvan born about 1916
PattersonMerle born about 1902
PattersonRichard born about 1931
PattersonSadie born about 1879
PattisonCleo Hborn about 1907
PattisonJames Bruceborn about 1930
PattisonJohn Richardborn about 1928
PattisonLloyd Bborn about 1905
PattisonLloyd Bernardborn about 1931
PaulAnna born about 1868
PaulArdith born about 1908
PaulBetty born about 1927
PaulDurward born about 1903
PaulG Hborn about 1876
PaulHol Lborn about 1890
PaulIrvin born about 1904
PaulJack born about 1918
PaulJudith born about 1879
PaulLeta born about 1895
PaulLowell born about 1940
PaulMrs Carie born about 1862
PaulNellie born about 1905
PaulRamona born about 1931
PaulRichard born about 1929
PaulRodney born about 1925
PaulRussel born about 1892
PaulStanley born about 1927
PayneAllan born about 1919
PayneKattie born about 1875
PedersonMrs Hans born about 1911
PedersonRichard born about 1934
PerryMary born about 1895
PetersonH Cborn about 1884
PetersonVera born about 1896
PfeifferEarnest Mborn about 1912
PfeifferGene born about 1917
PfeifferGerald born about 1940
PfeifferLida born about 1878
PfeifferMargaret born about 1913
PfeifferW Fborn about 1875
PfiesterAgusta born about 1924
PfiesterBetty born about 1931
PfiesterClara Maeborn about 1921
PfiesterEarnest born about 1882
PfiesterFlorence born about 1927
PfiesterGlen born about 1923
PfiesterJunior born about 1926
PfiesterLawrence born about 1929
PfiesterMartha born about 1894
PhllymorinterAnna born about 1861
PierceAnna born about 1905
PierceDonald born about 1924
PierceGlen born about 1892
PierceJune born about 1920
PiersonDonly Aborn about 1908
PiersonDonna Jeannborn about 1933
PiersonJames Deanborn about 1936
PiersonMrs Ester born about 1909
PlattE G Mrsborn about 1862
PogeDonald born about 1912
PogeEva born about 1912
PogeShirley born about 1936
PoineEleanor born about 1923
PonsarMelva born about 1878
PonsarWilliam born about 1885
PoolerCarrie Mayborn about 1901
PoolerCharlie Oborn about 1858
PopenhagenDale born about 1924
PopenhagenDorothy born about 1925
PopenhagenDwane born about 1929
PopenhagenEleanor Marieborn about 1924
PopenhagenEthel born about 1895
PopenhagenF Hborn about 1901
PopenhagenFern born about 1909
PopenhagenFrancis Leslieborn about 1932
PopenhagenGeo Wborn about 1895
PopenhagenGrace born about 1897
PopenhagenHarold born about 1925
PopenhagenHoward born about 1922
PopenhagenJoy born about 1904
PopenhagenLauretta born about 1902
PopenhagenMabel born about 1939
PopenhagenOtto born about 1892
PopenhagenRussell born about 1932
PopenhagenShirley born about 1936
PotteoPaul born about 1900
PotteoPearl born about 1903
PotterAlice Mrs born about 1867
PotterClara born about 1888
PotterCurtis Aborn about 1932
PotterDavid Jborn about 1928
PotterE Jborn about 1885
PotterEmil Mborn about 1932
PotterHazel born about 1927
PotterLila Jborn about 1921
PotterMary born about 1893
PotterPerry born about 1856
PotterRay Eborn about 1891
PotterThomas born about 1858
PotterVelma born about 1925
PourMabel born about 1891
PriestbyGayle born about 1934
PriestbyJean born about 1913
PriestbyJerel born about 1939
PriestbyPaul born about 1937
PriestbyRoland born about 1915
PritchardDan born about 1877
PritchardGomer born about 1870
PritchardHelen born about 1915
PritchardMrs Dan born about 1881
PritchardThomas born about 1911
ProctorBess Vborn about 1886
ProctorChas Rborn about 1883
ProctorClimpson born about 1913
ProctorLa Verne Rborn about 1920
ProctosHenry born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuandtArthur Fborn about 1898
QuandtBetty born about 1925
QuandtDonald born about 1931
QuandtElla Wborn about 1902
QuandtGehlen born about 1928
QuandtIdella born about 1934
QuandtPaulus born about 1936
QuinlinMike born about 1872

R Surnames

RademakerAdrain born about 1926
RademakerBetty Louborn about 1930
RademakerDale born about 1928
RademakerJean born about 1921
RademakerManda born about 1899
RaineyBarbara born about 1934
RaineyBertha born about 1914
RaineyNora born about 1932
RaineyRuth born about 1936
RaineyWilliam born about 1853
RanneyHarriet born about 1891
RasmurupCarl born about 1918
ReedChas born about 1875
ReepMary born about 1903
ReidAnna born about 1881
ReidLorraine born about 1924
ReidPaul born about 1879
RhinesGlen born about 1906
RhinesHubert born about 1935
RhinesLeone born about 1913
RhinesLouise born about 1933
RibbingGeorge born about 1920
RibbingNina born about 1886
RichardsFrank born about 1903
RichardsJames Paulborn about 1939
RichardsVivian born about 1911
RichieAdam born about 1865
RichieFlorence born about 1894
RobbJohn born about 1922
RobbinsElla born about 1878
RobbinsFrances born about 1887
RobbinsWilliam Tborn about 1913
RobertShoffer born about 1921
RobertsClara born about 1914
RobertsEdward Mborn about 1939
RobertsHoward born about 1908
RobertsHoward Jr born about 1938
RobertsMary Anneborn about 1936
RobertsonAlbert born about 1902
RobertsonAlice born about 1910
RobertsonJudith Dborn about 1940
RobertsonMandera born about 1938
RobertsonMarion Aborn about 1937
RobertsonMarlyn born about 1938
RobinsonFabion born about 1894
RobinsonHarry born about 1881
RobinsonJeanette born about 1881
RobisonSidney born about 1868
RogersHenry born about 1869
RogersJessie born about 1875
RogersViola born about 1905
RossKatie born about 1885
RottieMinnie born about 1868
RottieWilliam born about 1866
RoundsBertha born about 1885
RoundsW Jborn about 1885
RowlandBasil born about 1922
RowlandJacquelyn born about 1930
RowlandMildred born about 1900
RowlandVern born about 1896
RusselMrs Julia born about 1869
RussellEdward born about 1880
RussellMabel born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabodaEd born about 1885
SaboeMartin born about 1884
SackettEffie born about 1902
SamsonSylvia born about 1875
SankeyBonita born about 1911
SankeyGeorge born about 1933
SankeyJohn Dborn about 1905
SankeyLeslie born about 1936
SarisBen Hborn about 1901
SarisDwight born about 1932
SarisFrances born about 1908
SarisLarry born about 1934
SaverDorothy born about 1916
SawellGeraldine born about 1924
SawellMary born about 1913
SawellO Fborn about 1899
SawellRoger born about 1920
SchillingHenry born about 1882
SchillingOline born about 1879
SchmeiderGertrude born about 1927
SchmeiderMilo born about 1898
SchmeiderRussell born about 1922
SchmeiderVera born about 1898
SchmidtEthel born about 1927
SchmidtJoan born about 1937
SchmidtKenneth born about 1933
SchmidtMarcellcia born about 1922
SchmidtMary born about 1892
SchmidtPornell born about 1930
SchmidtRada born about 1868
SchmidtRose born about 1903
SchmidtW Fborn about 1897
SchmitDale born about 1939
SchmitLouis Pborn about 1911
SchmitVera born about 1915
SchmitVeronica born about 1937
SchraderAugust born about 1891
SchrandtArlene born about 1937
SchrandtChristina born about
SchrandtEdna born about 1939
SchrandtWalter born about 1914
SchreideoBessie born about 1890
SchreideoMary Sborn about 1863
SchultzHarley born about 1920
SchultzJohn born about 1893
SchultzNelda born about 1896
SchultzOrvilda born about 1923
SchultzRaymond Rborn about 1938
SchultzRobert Lborn about 1940
ScoldingMayne born about 1904
ScottC Eborn about 1912
SdmondsLe Roy born about 1858
SdmondsLydia born about 1860
SehafferPete born about 1897
SemplemanIcel born about 1903
SemplemanPaul born about 1899
SemplemanRodemary born about 1938
SeversAnna born about 1892
SeversOather born about 1888
SeversWarren born about 1923
ShaemaberJames Jborn about 1860
ShaemaberStella born about 1869
ShafferCarrie born about 1870
ShafferNada born about 1891
ShafferRobert born about 1862
ShellAddie Eborn about 1867
ShellCharles born about 1858
ShepardBlanch born about 1882
ShepardElsie born about 1899
ShepardHoward born about 1923
ShepardRobert born about 1925
ShepardS Lborn about 1898
SheperdLeon born about 1911
SheperdRose born about 1917
ShepordDale born about 1927
ShepordDoyle born about 1923
ShepordEdith born about 1899
ShepordKeith born about 1933
ShepordLon born about 1890
ShepordMarjorie born about 1925
ShepordMary Lonborn about 1932
ShepordMerril born about 1930
ShepperdClinton born about 1932
ShepperdFrances born about 1931
ShepperdGalen born about 1926
ShepperdKatherine born about 1936
ShepperdLeona born about 1927
ShepperdMarjorie born about 1929
ShepperdMyron Lborn about 1859
ShepperdVelma born about 1908
ShermanCecil born about 1903
ShermanGlen born about 1904
ShermanNelson born about 1868
ShermanRussell born about 1929
ShermanSheila born about 1933
ShippyDonald born about 1909
ShippyDorothy born about 1920
ShippyGloria born about 1940
ShippyLorraine born about 1939
ShoferDonald born about 1927
ShoferEverett born about 1926
ShoferMaud born about 1892
ShoferPaul born about 1893
ShofferAdam born about 1861
ShofferEmma born about 1863
ShofferJames Richardborn about 1937
ShofferMax born about 1911
ShofferPotsy Annborn about 1935
ShofferRuby born about 1912
ShouriElmer born about 1888
SieckRoger born about 1928
SixMary born about 1902
SkotcherCecil born about 1918
SkotcherGeorge born about 1892
SkotcherHanna born about 1895
SmithBert Aborn about 1886
SmithBess born about 1891
SmithClaud Jr born about 1929
SmithClaude born about 1903
SmithEmma born about 1894
SmithFlorence born about 1925
SmithFrank Cborn about 1888
SmithGayle born about 1921
SmithGordon born about 1935
SmithJesse born about 1887
SmithJulia born about 1920
SmithLynn born about 1884
SmithMabel born about 1886
SmithMrs Clara born about 1908
SmithMyrtle born about 1889
SmithNettie born about 1880
SmithPearl born about 1894
SmithRobert Sborn about 1863
SmithStandford born about 1877
SmithVivian Tborn about 1887
SmithZoe born about 1902
SmockEthel born about 1897
SmockFrances born about 1924
SmockSam born about 1899
SmothiesGladys born about 1921
SnivelyCecil born about 1914
SnyderBessie born about 1886
SnyderEarl born about 1912
SnyderWedchy born about 1861
SolomonCora Bborn about 1890
SolomonEdward born about 1920
SolomonHoward born about 1915
SolomonJohn born about 1889
SolomonJohn Henryborn about 1923
SolomonMargaret born about 1921
SolomonRuth born about 1925
SolsbergerElizabeth born about 1875
SoperAddie born about 1858
SpaksEd born about 1886
SpatcherAlbert Mborn about 1871
SpatcherLelia Maeborn about 1872
SpeedMarion born about 1921
SperryAnna Mborn about 1872
SperryArlie born about 1892
SperryD Cborn about 1890
SperryMrs Loulia born about 1869
SperryWilliam Rborn about 1859
SpotcherLester Eborn about 1908
SpotcherMos born about 1907
StackhouseLester born about 1926
StamfordMary born about 1873
StansburyB Bborn about 1897
StansburyBarbara born about 1924
StansburyDonn born about 1928
StansburyDoris born about 1925
StansburyDuane born about 1931
StansburyVera born about
StarrFrank born about 1869
StarrIda born about 1870
StarrMinnie born about 1874
StearnsAlfred Aborn about 1906
StearnsAllen born about 1940
StearnsCharles born about 1932
StearnsJ Fborn about 1882
StearnsJohn born about 1934
StearnsKaye born about 1936
StearnsLaurel born about 1930
StearnsLydia Mborn about 1879
StearnsMavis born about 1938
StearnsMilford born about 1929
StearnsThelma born about 1909
StearnsWinnifred born about 1912
SteggallAlbert born about 1880
SteggallMrs Albert born about 1885
StephensEarnest born about 1902
SteppAtrus Rborn about 1898
SteppJulia Aborn about 1858
SteppLottie born about 1904
SteppShirley born about 1929
SteppVera born about 1932
SteppWayne born about 1931
StevensonE Imozenborn about 1875
StevensonNellie born about 1882
StevensonOliver born about 1879
StewartWalter born about 1902
StoneGerald born about 1865
StoneOllie born about 1873
StranahanHelen born about 1911
StranahanHoward born about 1907
StranahanWarren born about 1874
StranhanLida born about 1870
StrayerMrs Mary born about 1852
StreeterGeorge born about 1863
StreeterMrs Louise born about 1870
StrumHelen born about 1914
StrumHubert born about 1915
SwartleyMrs F Wborn about 1873
SwartzEmily born about 1908
SwartzLenora born about 1935
SwartzRussel born about 1905
SwirlLeonard born about 1910
SyesCasper born about 1912
SyesVergil born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannEdward born about 1917
TannGeorge born about 1901
TannJ Hborn about 1868
TannJennie born about 1877
TannJessie born about 1897
TannRobert born about 1898
TannRobert Lborn about 1933
TannYuonne born about 1938
TannZelma born about 1920
TemermanHelen born about 1872
ThmmLoel born about 1920
ThmmLois Lernborn about 1926
ThmmMartin born about 1892
ThmmMildred born about 1894
ThmmWayne born about 1923
ThomasBeverly born about 1933
ThomasDonald born about 1935
ThomasGlen born about 1888
ThomasLawrence born about 1917
ThomasMary born about 1893
ThomasRuth born about 1926
ThomasWillian born about 1919
ThompsonAda Berylborn about 1896
ThompsonAlta born about 1868
ThompsonAnna born about 1884
ThompsonJ Mborn about 1878
ThompsonMerle Maineborn about 1922
ThornberryElsie born about 1882
ThornberryL Mborn about 1883
TimmBertha Iborn about 1917
TimmBryce born about 1917
ToutschHarvey born about 1895
ToutschJoan born about 1931
ToutschRobert born about 1925
ToutschRuth born about 1901
TrocyJennie born about 1855
TroyMay born about 1860
TruittDorothy born about 1915
TurnerAddie born about 1870
TurnerAgnes Tborn about 1896
TurnerDe Eston born about 1927
TurnerElmore born about 1906
TurnerElouise Jborn about 1923
TurnerF Dborn about 1898
TurnerHoward born about 1934
TurnerNellie born about 1887
TurnerTheodore born about 1924
TurnerW Hborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UansictteAlice Mborn about 1876
UptonCora born about 1860
UptonE Lborn about 1860
UreeterRuel born about 1902
UtbyKate Josephborn about 1861

V Surnames

VosbellAnnetta born about 1904
VosbellLontella born about 1925
VoshalWilliam born about 1876
VoshelLeslie born about 1900
VoshellEthel born about 1912
VoshellHenry born about 1873
VoshellPaul born about 1908

W Surnames

WagnerEdith born about 1883
WagnerJohn Eborn about 1920
WalkerLorraine born about 1923
WalkerMildred born about 1896
WalkerMildred born about 1904
WalkerNellie born about 1860
WalkerPhillis Rborn about 1934
WalkerWaldo born about 1895
WalkerWaldo born about 1932
WalkerWillis born about 1901
WalkerWillis Hborn about 1932
WallBilly born about 1923
WallHarold born about 1902
WallMoe born about 1882
WallRuby born about 1920
WallWillian born about 1875
WaltersOrville born about 1915
WaltersWilma born about 1921
WardChas born about 1878
WardDavid born about 1932
WardDelight born about 1904
WardMeredith born about 1926
WardRoscoe Mborn about 1899
WardSarah born about 1855
WarnerArdith born about 1935
WarnerBert born about 1884
WarnerChristena born about 1884
WarnerGladys born about 1915
WarnerR Aborn about 1875
WarnerRaymond born about 1914
WarnerShirley born about 1938
WarneyDuncan born about 1898
WarneyRoberta born about 1924
WarneyVera born about 1900
WartCharles born about 1871
WartOlive born about 1876
WashburnChas born about 1887
WatkinsClint born about 1899
WatkinsDean born about 1940
WatkinsDuaze born about 1940
WatkinsEthel born about 1903
WattJames Tborn about 1876
WattLizzy born about 1879
WelchClaude born about 1922
WelchDeone born about 1896
WelchEllen Eborn about 1865
WelchIrene born about 1933
WelchMary Janeborn about 1882
WelchVirgil Cborn about 1893
WelchWesley born about 1925
WellsBetty born about 1932
WellsFlorence born about 1907
WellsGeorge born about 1899
WellsGladys born about 1911
WellsHarold born about 1904
WellsIver born about 1930
WellsLee born about 1933
WernerHerman born about 1865
WernerJulia born about 1866
WestcoltPaul born about 1919
WhiteFred born about 1875
WhitebyAda born about 1920
WhitleyAnna born about 1886
WhitleyChas Hborn about 1866
WhitleyD Rborn about 1885
WhitleyEmily born about 1896
WhitleyGeorge born about 1919
WhitleyHarold born about 1895
WhitleyLouisa born about 1866
WhitleyLucille born about 1921
WhitleyVelma born about 1927
WhitneyCarie born about 1867
WilderCharlie born about 1900
WilderE Edwinborn about 1928
WilderKenneth Pborn about 1931
WilderLester born about 1926
WilderMildred born about 1899
WilliamsGus born about 1872
WilsonAnna Eborn about 1900
WilsonDale born about 1940
WilsonEmma Bborn about 1877
WilsonEugene born about 1921
WilsonHarry born about 1878
WilsonJones born about 1931
WilsonJoseph born about 1861
WilsonJosie born about 1888
WilsonMargaret born about 1864
WilsonMarjorie born about 1924
WilsonVera born about 1919
WilsonWalter born about 1913
WilsonWayne born about 1910
WintersIrene born about 1898
WithamDelbert born about 1927
WithamEva born about 1896
WithamHarold born about 1920
WolfArnold born about 1904
WolfJanis Aborn about 1938
WolfJohn born about 1868
WolfOrpha born about 1917
WolfeEmily born about 1889
WoodArchie Eborn about 1903
WoodArchie Jr born about 1926
WoodBernice born about 1905
WoodJ Rborn about 1879
WoodJames born about 1935
WoodJessie Lborn about 1879
WoodMargaret born about 1921
WoodMargy born about 1911
WoodMay Rborn about 1877
WoodMildred Iborn about 1922
WoodMorcella born about 1929
WoodRay born about 1906
WoodRosella born about 1932
WooldridgeElsie born about 1899
WooldridgeGene born about 1925
WooldridgeLysle born about 1899
WooldridgeRobert born about 1923
WooldridgeRuth Gleneborn about 1922
WortmanCora born about 1875
WrightEugene born about 1926
WrightJoe born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanslinAnnadelen born about 1921
YatesDon born about 1921
YatesEmma born about 1880
YatesJ Mborn about 1879
YearousBertha born about 1897
YearousCharles born about 1933
YearousJakie born about 1891
YearousJerome born about 1923
YearousJuanita born about 1931

Z Surnames

ZackLewis born about 1936
ZobrisbieGeorge Aborn about 1910
ZobrisbieMary born about 1910

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