1940 U.S. Federal Census of Windsor, Fayette, Iowa

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Iowa > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Windsor

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottClarence Wborn about 1905
AchatzHerbert born about 1916
AchatzJanice born about 1930
AchatzMildred born about 1917
AlbattGiene born about 1914
AlbattJanice Cborn about 1938
AndersonMaggie Cborn about 1881
AppdlmunEdna born about 1930
AriksonAlfred born about 1878
ArpCharles Eborn about 1912
ArthurRuth Vborn about 1921
AspinwallGlen Wborn about 1899
AspinwallMildred Iborn about 1903

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B Surnames

BaeckenheverMartin Pborn about 1876
BaeckenheverMartin Jr born about 1920
BaeckenheverMinnie born about 1882
BaettcherEmma Dborn about 1898
BaettcherErma Jborn about 1934
BaettcherFredric Jborn about 1925
BaettcherGeorge Hborn about 1932
BaettcherJohn Mborn about 1894
BaettcherVerla Mborn about 1938
BaltonBorbon Joanborn about 1939
BaltonDonald born about
BaltonEdna born about 1911
BaltonHarold Deonborn about 1937
BaltonHelen Geonborn about 1936
BankhartMis Maryborn about 1855
BardishFlorana born about 1870
BardishFrank Cborn about 1874
BarkhartMarie Eborn about 1884
BarkhartWalter Wborn about 1882
BarnesRuth Euaborn about 1866
BayeeKenneth born about 1919
BcgalekeErwin born about 1911
BcgalekeMildred born about 1914
BcgalekeRallin born about 1939
BegalskeArlene born about 1920
BegalskeCoraline born about 1898
BegalskeDona born about 1938
BegalskeDorothy born about 1935
BegalskeDorthea born about 1892
BegalskeDorthea born about 1928
BegalskeE Aborn about 1896
BegalskeEdwin born about 1920
BegalskeEmilia born about 1866
BegalskeHenry born about 1890
BegalskeLa Vess born about 1925
BegalskeLaniel born about 1922
BegalskeLauie born about 1884
BegalskeLela born about 1914
BegalskeLizzie born about 1883
BegalskeMerlin born about 1926
BegalskeWill born about 1863
BegalskeWm Paulborn about 1891
BelachnerCarl born about 1918
BelachnerHarold born about 1924
BelachnerLillion born about 1896
BelachnerMarie born about 1922
BelachnerRichard born about 1892
BelachnerVerla born about 1918
BelschnerAnna Kborn about 1874
BelschnerAnna Lborn about 1863
BelschnerArt born about 1891
BelschnerDelbert born about 1926
BelschnerEdward Jborn about
BelschnerErvin born about 1916
BelschnerHermon born about 1894
BelschnerLula born about 1895
BelschnerMinnie born about 1896
BelschnerP Pborn about 1869
BelschnerVerla born about 1917
BelschnerWalter born about 1893
BelsehnerGus Lborn about 1901
BelsehnerLalu Deeborn about 1900
BelsehnerMarjorie Aborn about 1927
BelsehnerMary Cborn about 1932
BemisPhilis born about 1923
BemontGuy born about 1909
BemontLloyd born about 1930
BemontMaude born about 1910
BemontPaul born about 1928
BenderGeorge Wborn about 1898
BenderHarold born about 1928
BenderJohn born about 1885
BenderLeonard born about 1930
BenderLillian born about 1904
BergmonArnald born about 1912
BevensEmma born about 1868
BillmeyerFrances Cborn about 1915
BillmeyerLorin Eborn about 1911
BillmeyerMrs Viola born about 1873
BlakeA Lolitaborn about 1919
BlakeCloia born about 1919
BlakeDeon born about 1917
BocasAlbert born about 1899
BocasArlene born about 1927
BocasEmma born about 1899
BocasThelma born about 1923
BoeckenheverH Lborn about 1878
BoeckenheverMiss Meryborn about 1885
BoessFred born about 1870
BoessLauisa born about 1874
BoettcherMrs May born about 1868
BogartBernel born about 1918
BogartBlytha born about 1917
BogartCharles Vanrlesborn about 1913
BogartLattie born about 1872
BoggieC Dborn about 1909
BoggieIrene born about 1908
BoggieNancy Saeborn about 1938
BoolimannB Cborn about 1887
BoolimannMargaret born about 1888
BoolimannMarjie born about 1916
BoppL Edborn about 1865
BornsBertha Lborn about 1880
BornsWalter Hborn about 1879
BortnerGeo Dborn about 1865
BortnerLillion born about 1914
BortnerLizzie born about 1888
BrankwayCaroll born about 1927
BrankwayDona born about 1924
BrankwayDonald born about 1925
BrankwayImogene born about 1928
BrankwayRaymond born about 1922
BrankwayRuby born about 1895
BrankwayWalter born about 1894
BrenneckeHarry born about 1915
BroadbentCatrine born about 1902
BroadbentGayle Cborn about 1930
BroadbentNoal Wborn about 1926
BroadbentPaul Eborn about 1933
BroadbentSilas Aborn about 1904
BrockwayGeorge born about 1933
BrockwayIzak born about 1859
BrockwayJuanita born about 1931
BrockwayJunior born about 1929
BrockwayRunald born about 1934
BrondasBob born about 1920
BrouseAlma born about 1896
BrouseDick born about 1889
BrouseKeith Eborn about 1933
BrouseLennis Oborn about 1928
BruchlerG Cborn about 1887
BruchlerLouia born about 1891
BruihlerAnna Gborn about 1859
BruilEvelyn born about 1911
BruilLauisa born about 1878
BruneElmer born about 1928
BruneLais born about 1931
BruwnninMarcell born about 1922
BucchenhuerF Pborn about 1871
BucchenhuerIsabelle born about 1871
BuhrElmer Hborn about 1918
BuhrHermon Hborn about 1889
BuhrMoe born about 1890
BuhrRaberta Aborn about 1935
BurdCherles Aborn about 1934
BurdDona Maeborn about 1933
BurdElsie Aborn about 1905
BurdLindus born about 1905
BurdRichard Eborn about 1936
BurkhartEdel Gborn about 1875
BurkhartElizabeth born about 1879
BuschAnna Aborn about 1881
BuschFrank Wborn about 1876
BuschLester Lborn about 1920
ButlerMrs Ella born about 1876
ButtlerJimmie born about 1931
ButtlerMrs Nettie born about 1904

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C Surnames

CampbellClois born about 1913
CampbellEllie Aborn about 1863
CampbellHelen born about 1940
CampbellJeanette born about 1917
CampbellR Jborn about 1861
CarmichaelEmily born about 1891
CarmichaelHomer born about 1883
CarmichaelIrene Juneborn about 1918
CarmichaelRobert born about 1919
CarpenterIrwin born about 1905
CarpenterLillion born about 1907
ChomberlainElizabeth born about 1926
ChomberlainHelen born about 1893
ChomberlainW Lborn about 1890
ChomberlinEster Eborn about 1870
ChomberlinI Jborn about 1865
ChristensenBerla born about 1931
ChristensenEmery born about 1922
ChristensenEsther born about 1896
ChristensenMarrie born about 1894
ChristensenMerle born about 1931
ChristensenRobert born about 1924
ClarkEster Bborn about 1920
ClarkJames Jborn about 1938
CloughBarbara born about 1937
CloughKeith born about 1939
CloughLloyd born about 1914
CloughMildred born about 1918
CoffmanAlph born about 1866
CoffmanIona born about 1868
CompbellFannie born about 1884
CompbellL Rborn about 1883
CooleyKeneth born about 1921
CoppFred born about 1876
CoppLilly born about 1881
CornishIrwin born about 1902
CornishIrwin Jr born about 1924
CornishRose born about 1903
CraftArtimus born about 1867
CraftIvon Jborn about 1933
CraftJanet Uborn about 1939
CraftJohn Cborn about 1896
CraftMuriel Jborn about 1900
CraftReed Gborn about 1935
CrondallClyde Aborn about 1880
CrondallCora Eborn about 1883
CrondallMaud born about 1890
CrondallMrs Eddie born about 1868
CumminsAgnes Wborn about 1876
CunniseyFront born about 1907
CunniseyWilma born about 1908
CurtisAnn Eborn about 1936
CurtisAubray Aborn about 1898
CurtisCalvin Cborn about 1922
CurtisConrad Jborn about 1922
CurtisDon Oborn about 1931
CurtisHarold Gborn about 1897
CurtisHugh Cborn about 1894
CurtisJerold Jborn about 1926
CurtisKeneth Rborn about 1916
CurtisLaura Nborn about 1912
CurtisMrs Caluor born about 1866
CurtisRuth Eborn about 1928

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D Surnames

DarlandBetty born about 1924
DarlandLorraine born about 1922
DarlandMrs Maude born about 1894
DarlandMrs R Cborn about 1892
DavisDaryll Dborn about 1931
DavisGladys Mborn about 1910
DavisGordon Eborn about 1935
DavisParker Cborn about 1904
DieierGladys born about 1914
DieierJohn Wborn about 1911
DieierLois born about 1937
DietelAlice Jborn about 1937
DietelCarl Rborn about 1902
DietelDanil Aborn about 1935
DietelFrank Jborn about 1875
DietelJames Bborn about 1929
DietelMary Jborn about 1934
DietelMis Mithidleborn about 1886
DietelMrs Margaret* born about 1862
DietelNellie Aborn about 1904
DietelOlga born about 1898
DietelWalter born about 1898
DillyGeraldine born about 1916
DonatGrayes Lborn about 1887
DonatIva Dell Kborn about 1921
DonatV Lueellborn about 1922
DonatWayne Eborn about 1891
DonatWord Lborn about 1924
DrakeAlvin Rborn about 1899
DrewesGeo Dborn about 1898
DrewesViva Aborn about 1904
DrogerAmelia born about 1875
DrogerFred born about 1869
DungeyEverett born about 1923
DungeyTracy Eborn about 1887
DweigardHarvey Gborn about 1877

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E Surnames

EhlertDara born about 1892
EhlertF Wborn about 1880
EitelMss Rasl born about 1863
EngelAnnie born about 1885
EngelH Hborn about 1898
EngelJohn Cborn about 1877
EngelMildred born about 1901
EngelkeAnna born about 1883
EngelkePaul born about 1883
EnglkeMary Annborn about 1918
EnglkeMrs May born about 1886
EnglkePauline born about 1924
EntwisleEarl born about 1902
EntwisleFreda born about 1908
EversonJake born about 1881
EversonWanna born about 1881

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F Surnames

FedelerFred Hborn about 1897
FedelerJ Hborn about 1874
FedelerMinnie born about 1878
FedelerNeler Jborn about 1925
FedelerOlive Lborn about 1897
FedelerOrlie Jborn about 1935
FedelerVerginia born about 1929
FelsLeslie Rborn about 1923
FelsRay born about 1894
FelsRuth Rborn about 1898
FemmermomJohn born about 1855
FingersDale born about 1913
FingersMarion born about 1922
FishClara Mborn about 1883
FishMrs Luzette born about 1861
FootAlfred Zborn about 1899
FootHazel born about 1903
FootJeon Aborn about 1925
FootMarjorie Aborn about 1928
FootMary Funborn about 1921
FrahmAurther born about 1925
FredricWilliam Williamborn about 1908
FreemanAlbert Lborn about 1905
FreemanLaurence Eborn about 1875
FritzAnnie born about 1880
FritzCharles born about 1878
FritzEdward Dborn about 1879
FritzEdwin Cborn about 1915
FritzElla born about 1921
FritzEssma born about 1886
FritzH Fborn about 1888
FritzJ Aborn about 1888
FritzJohn Mborn about 1895
FritzLeo Lborn about 1911
FritzMartin born about 1924
FritzMildred born about 1899
FritzPaul born about 1926
FritzRuth Eborn about 1904
FritzTilly born about 1897
FromAlton born about 1907
FromElsie born about 1911
FromGeorge born about 1932
FromKathrine born about 1931
FromRamona born about 1930
FuersonVernon born about 1916

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G Surnames

GabelCharles born about 1874
GabelPauline Lborn about 1883
GabelVerona Dborn about 1917
GiffordJessa Aborn about 1904
GiffordRefa born about 1927
GiffordRita born about 1928
GiffordRoland born about 1931
GiffordVerle born about 1908
GogerMrs Clarence born about 1868
GoodopardBessy Lborn about 1894
GoodopardOle Guyborn about 1889
GoudeLawel born about 1913
GrannenonDuan Mborn about 1939
GrannenonElsie Mborn about 1908
GrannenonEwelyn Eborn about 1929
GrannenonJuann Jborn about 1934
GrannenonKeneth Rborn about 1926
GrannenonRalph Oborn about 1931
GrannenonVirgel Wborn about 1925
GrannenonWalter Hborn about 1906
GrannenorDonald Rborn about 1921
GrannenorFreda Iborn about 1897
GrannenorLawell Eborn about 1931
GrannenorRusell Wborn about 1926
GrannenorW Eborn about 1896
GriebenodeHermon born about 1857
GrimesIzat Nborn about 1870
GrimmsDover Dborn about 1931
GrimmsGloria Gborn about 1930
GrimmsLauis born about 1894
GrimmsLottie Lborn about 1899
GrofEdgor Eborn about 1884
GrofMildred Aborn about 1919
GroncnemmStella born about 1896
GrongerIva born about 1912
GrongerMarie born about 1882
GrongerMarjorie born about 1922
GrongerRallie Cborn about 1885
GrossConrad born about 1872
GundackerMerdda born about 1880

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H Surnames

HackElaine born about 1939
HackEmma born about 1916
HackRay born about 1914
HalderArlene born about 1939
HalderErvin born about 1915
HalderLwell born about 1917
HallAlice Jborn about 1906
HallAustin born about 1920
HallC Jborn about 1906
HallDorathy Ruthborn about 1919
HallJean born about 1930
HallRobert born about 1932
HallShirley Annborn about 1937
HallquistFlorence born about 1900
HallquistRay born about 1894
HalversonAllen Jborn about 1939
HalversonBernice born about 1905
HalversonDale born about 1932
HalversonEarl born about 1925
HalversonElmer born about 1890
HalversonEthel born about 1922
HalversonJohn born about 1864
HalversonMaud born about 1892
HalversonSelmer born about 1908
HalversonVerne born about 1929
HauptHenry Mborn about 1919
HauthGretchen born about 1923
HauthHenry Fborn about 1885
HauthHenry Jr born about 1920
HauthJulia born about 1853
HauthJulia Cborn about 1926
HauthMarie Cborn about 1891
HawksAlvina born about 1900
HawksDonald born about 1923
HawksHarold born about 1928
HawksWilliam born about 1899
HeldtLaverne born about 1932
HelmerAlbert born about 1867
HelmerLaurel born about 1869
HendersonBetty Jborn about 1937
HendersonBetty Kborn about 1931
HendersonKeneth Rborn about 1906
HendersonLela Mborn about 1906
HendrenBlonche Jborn about 1918
HendrenDonna Rborn about 1937
HendrenEd Aborn about 1882
HendrenFreda born about 1890
HendrsonMrs Minnie born about 1875
HennegarEdwin born about 1921
HennigJ Cborn about 1883
HennigJunior born about 1924
HennigMable born about 1887
HennigThomas born about 1925
HenthIdella born about 1893
HenthJohn Hborn about 1920
HenthLauis Hborn about 1890
HiamsCharles born about 1862
HiamsLester born about 1901
HiamsSophia born about 1870
HillebrandDenis born about 1939
HillebrandHaward born about 1935
HillebrandJunior born about 1931
HillebrandLinus born about 1908
HillebrandViola born about 1909
HolmesAnna born about 1886
HolmesCarl born about 1885
HomesHarold born about 1918
HomewoodAilo born about 1915
HomewoodArdith born about 1938
HomewoodBetty Lborn about 1918
HomewoodCarolee born about 1939
HomewoodClara Mborn about 1933
HomewoodDoris Dborn about 1905
HomewoodFern born about 1919
HomewoodMenis Dborn about 1925
HomewoodWill Fborn about 1894
HondBarbra Ellenborn about 1861
HondDaris born about 1918
HondWarren born about 1861
HortmanAda Lborn about 1904
HortmanOtto born about 1900
HortmanVirgil born about 1930
HoytBeulah Mborn about 1914
HoytCharles Wborn about 1876
HoytJames Cborn about 1938
HoytJennie Dborn about 1879
HoytKiesan born about 1911
HoytMary Lborn about 1936
HuberAnita Rborn about 1919
HuberFrank Eborn about 1888
HuberFrank T Aborn about 1892
HuberMary Cborn about 1930
HuberPaul Aborn about 1930
HuberRose born about 1892
HuberS Alona Kborn about 1903
HuberVeronica Jborn about 1934
HughesDale born about 1936
HughesDavid Wborn about 1873
HughesGieler born about 1933
HughesGzetchmin born about 1910
HughesMae born about 1872
HughesRussel born about 1905
HughesRuth born about 1935
HunchittJayce born about 1935
HunchittMrs Mobli born about 1908
HymenAmelia born about 1869

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J Surnames

JacobsonLaurez born about 1894
JarchowFred Aborn about 1906
JarchowLary Lborn about
JarchowOlive Jborn about 1902
JarchowRonald Dborn about 1938
JardonNina Mborn about 1899
JardonRobert Mborn about 1927
JardonWilliam Oborn about 1889
JensenAlice Mborn about 1889
JensenG Dborn about 1911
JensenIala Iborn about 1914
JensenJ C Jrborn about 1923
JensenJ C Srborn about 1877
JensenMarilyn Iborn about 1933
JensenMaud born about 1934
JeongesHeneryilt? born about 1861
JeongesWilliam Serborn about 1856
JohnsonAnna born about 1916
JohnsonEarnest born about 1936
JohnsonElmer born about 1905
JohnsonHarry born about 1912
JohnsonHelin born about 1917
JohnsonMildred born about 1920
JohnstonBelty Bborn about 1921
JohnstonFrancess Lborn about 1918
JohnstonLeo Gborn about 1899
JohnstonMargent Rborn about 1897
JohnstonRusell Aborn about 1917
JoichawAlden Leeborn about 1936
JoichawDale born about 1908
JoichawFlorence born about 1913
JoichawPercilla born about 1939
JonesCarlyl born about 1921
JonesElla Jborn about 1896
JonesGilbert Eborn about 1894
JonesHarry Wborn about 1911
JonesKay born about 1937
JonesVelma Lborn about 1911
JopeDaniel born about 1933
JopeHarold born about 1920
JopeLloyd Lborn about 1896
JopeMargaret born about 1922
JopeThelma Helma Nborn about 1898
JordanA Aborn about 1875
JordanNettie Eborn about 1878
JoyceKeneth born about 1917
JoyceW Eborn about 1894
JoyceWanita Jborn about 1923
JoyceWinnifred born about 1894

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K Surnames

KaepplJohn Aborn about 1888
KaepplMary Rborn about 1894
KappelAnna Fborn about 1869
KappelPhilip Jborn about 1862
KeigElijabeth born about 1878
KeigHellen born about 1909
KeigTom Hborn about 1875
KempstonBruce born about 1935
KempstonF Rborn about 1890
KempstonHaward born about 1922
KempstonLeona born about 1931
KempstonLois born about 1923
KempstonMary Euelyborn about 1920
KempstonPearl born about 1895
KempstonRichard born about 1929
KempstonWayne born about 1927
KeshtrawsonMrs Nora born about 1886
KeshtrawsonRalph born about 1908
KilcherArnold Hborn about 1901
KilcherLa Fonda Mborn about 1933
KilcherLaura Mborn about 1899
KilcherStonley Mborn about 1931
KnorrArlene Fborn about 1932
KnorrBetty Lborn about 1926
KnorrGereld Eborn about 1939
KnorrGlen Eborn about 1907
KnorrHozel Aborn about 1907
KnorrKatherine Bborn about 1928
KnoxAllen Dborn about 1877
KnoxClora Eborn about 1881
KnoxJoe Hborn about 1881
KnoxLeallen born about 1915
KnoxLenora born about 1918
KnoxMabel born about 1883
KnoxNw Deal Gborn about 1874
KochesJake born about 1886
KochesJames Jborn about 1940
KochesMable Eborn about 1901
KochesRollond Lborn about 1924
KochlerGeo Aborn about 1857
KochlerGeorge Eborn about 1889
KochlerJohanna Lborn about 1861
KoehlerE Hborn about 1886
KoehlerEdward born about 1927
KoehlerMargaret born about 1889
KoeppleCharles born about 1919
KoeppleChas Gborn about 1891
KoeppleMary born about 1861
KoeppleMinnie born about 1896
KohlsDonald Eborn about 1929
KohlsIrene born about 1909
KohlsRichard born about 1901
KongleyDon Pborn about 1931
KongleyEdna born about 1900
KongleyPot Odborn about 1865
KraemerAlvra Eborn about 1908
KraemerE Wborn about 1905
KraemerRichard Jborn about 1938
KraemerWilliam Cborn about 1932
KruegerBerth Oborn about 1872
KruegerDoris born about 1927
KruegerEvelyn born about 1935
KruegerGust born about 1874
KruegerHenry Aborn about 1873
KruegerLydia born about 1908
KruegerMarcelia born about 1930
KruegerMary born about 1879
KruegerMis Willborn about 1869
KruegerRichard born about 1901
KuepperJosephine born about 1933
KuepperMrs Vera born about 1892

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L Surnames

LaloneLester Lborn about 1936
LaloneLloyd Lborn about 1911
LaloneRuth Oborn about 1911
LauerEvelyn Aborn about 1910
LauerHorald Pborn about 1908
LauerKenneth Hborn about 1932
LauerRolland Wborn about 1931
LeeAdda Lborn about 1894
LeeAnnabell born about 1932
LeeBetty Jborn about 1929
LeeDelores born about 1933
LeeDonald Uborn about 1936
LeeDorathy born about 1923
LeeEbitu Eborn about 1866
LeeEdward Jr born about 1931
LeeF Gborn about 1887
LeeFlorence Eborn about 1906
LeeIrene Iborn about 1935
LeeJames Nborn about 1859
LeeLeona Aborn about 1911
LeeMarvin Eborn about 1906
LeeMelba Jborn about 1940
LeeMerle born about 1930
LeeNewton Eborn about 1895
LeeOtho Gborn about 1891
LeeRiochael born about 1895
LeeRobert born about 1923
LeeRobert Lborn about 1933
LeeSherly Annborn about 1938
LeioderEdith born about 1888
LeioderHarry born about 1922
LeioderJohn Cborn about 1887
LeioderJohn Jr born about 1920
LeioderMeta born about 1916
LotteSaraha Aborn about 1851
LouerBarbara born about 1884
LouerErvin born about 1913
LouerFlorence born about 1906
LouerPhilip Hborn about 1877
LudnicekCorrie born about 1894
LudnicekJoe born about 1887
LudnicekJoel born about 1927
LuederCarl Aborn about 1918
LuederEvalyn born about 1919
LuederGeorge born about 1939

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M Surnames

MabbClifford born about 1916
MabbDonald born about 1934
MabbDuone born about 1912
MabbEdna Mborn about 1913
MabbEdword born about 1925
MabbEster Jeanborn about 1925
MabbIlene born about 1936
MabbMrs Emnk born about 1882
MabbRuby born about 1918
MabbyGail Dborn about 1937
MabbyGene Dborn about 1932
MabbyJo Annborn about 1940
MabbyJoyce Mandborn about 1940
MabbyLyle Dborn about 1909
MabbyMildred born about 1917
MardyAlmina Eborn about 1893
MardyMr Lestn Eborn about 1891
MaringerChas Mborn about 1891
MaringerJeonette born about 1926
MaringerKenneth born about 1923
MaringerSelma born about 1899
MarkBeryl born about 1922
MarkEmma born about 1876
MartinEileen born about 1928
MartinGattfried born about 1871
MartinMargie born about 1930
MartinMary born about 1868
MartinMyrtle born about 1900
MartinRichard born about 1898
MasskelAlbert Hborn about 1907
MasskelEmil born about 1877
MasskelEva Pborn about 1913
MasskelJerod born about 1938
MasskelJudeth Pborn about 1937
MasskelMarion Eborn about 1880
MauseMrs Josephine born about 1885
McGresEdith Aborn about 1901
McGresFred Jborn about 1890
McGresMary Mborn about 1923
McIlreeAnna born about 1871
McIntyreColleen born about 1936
McIntyreEthyl born about 1908
McIntyreEvelyn born about 1934
McIntyreMarie Sborn about 1899
McIntyreMary born about 1905
McIntyreMary Joneborn about 1938
McIntyreMauella born about 1937
McIntyreMilton born about 1891
McIntyreRobert born about 1934
McIntyseAdline Mborn about 1923
McIntyseAgnes Aborn about 1890
McIntyseAlice born about 1877
McIntyseDorothy born about 1937
McIntyseEarl Mborn about 1911
McIntyseGertrude born about 1916
McIntyseJanet Mborn about 1919
McIntyseMasses born about 1861
McIntyseNewell Aborn about 1927
McIntyseWillian Rborn about 1886
MillerEmma born about 1888
MillerEvelyn Eborn about 1922
MillerGea Hborn about 1900
MillerIrma Dborn about 1921
MillerLory Nealborn about 1928
MillerStonley born about 1939
MoodyMarilyn Mborn about 1931
MoodyMrs Freda born about 1901
MorfCora Eborn about 1915
MorfRay Rborn about 1913
MorfRaymond Lborn about 1938
MuldowneyA Jborn about 1873
MuldowneyNora born about 1876
MunsonClyde Aborn about 1882
MunsonLettie born about 1925
MunsonMable Aborn about 1885
MunsonWayna Cborn about 1923

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N Surnames

NesvikA Gborn about 1889
NesvikMinnie born about 1888
NewnomL Hborn about 1888
NewnomSophie Cborn about 1890
NiamesonLonie born about 1890
NiamesonWill born about 1894
NoonanKatherine born about 1886
NoonanW Mborn about 1886
NorthwayMrs Elizabeth born about 1862
NorthwayRoss born about 1873
NoskAnna born about 1902
NoskEarnest born about 1921
NoskEugene born about 1929
NoskWestly born about 1890
NussJames born about 1937
NussJohn born about 1915
NussJohn Sr born about 1872
NussLorraine born about 1919

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O Surnames

OhmannBertha born about 1889
OhmannCarl born about 1917
OhmannHilma born about 1914
OhmannLillion born about 1915
OhmannMinnie born about 1921
OhmannMrs Aluina born about 1890
OhmannMrs Carl born about 1852
OhmannRobert born about 1932
OhmannVernie born about 1917
OlesenCliffard born about 1930
OlesenEdward Cborn about 1902
OlesenMaurice born about 1871
OlesenMoe Leneborn about 1872
OlesenNorton born about 1926
OlesenOpel born about 1903
OlesenRadney born about 1937
OlesenRobert born about 1935
OlesenRobert Lborn about 1930
OlsonHelen Rborn about 1910
OlsonOwen Lborn about 1910
OrtiondeLynn born about 1879
OstsonderL Lborn about 1878
OstsonderMable born about 1885
OtteElsie born about 1857
OtteWilliam Fborn about 1880

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P Surnames

PalmerGeorge born about 1924
PalmerIsadore born about 1862
PalmerJohn Bborn about 1867
PalmerKathrine born about 1929
PalmerKeneth born about 1921
PalmerMary Ann Mareborn about 1871
PalmerMrs Katherine born about 1888
PalmerValney born about 1919
PalmerWillis born about 1923
ParkerClifford Lborn about 1913
ParkerEdith Mborn about 1916
ParkerIve Moeborn about 1925
ParkleyMs Lillion born about 1888
PetersAddie Mborn about 1865
PetersArt Bborn about 1861
PetersonHelen Aborn about 1911
PetersonJoradec born about 1936
PetersonMarlyin born about 1937
PetersonWalter Sborn about 1910
PetersonWanda Gborn about 1934
PichelmanAmelia Eborn about 1888
PichelmanHenry born about 1887
PichelmanMargaret born about 1924
PiekerDora Aborn about 1912
PiekerMilton Cborn about 1907
PiekerMilton Jr born about 1933
PiekerSharon Eborn about 1937
PieperAnna Juneborn about 1922
PieperCharles Leoneborn about 1925
PieperElla born about 1881
PieperG Hborn about 1871
PieperHenrietta born about 1900
PieperHermon born about 1876
PieperJohn born about 1917
PieperJohn Mborn about 1917
PieperPaul born about 1918
PieperVirginia born about 1922
PieperW Hborn about 1875
PierceBurdell born about 1933
PierceGrayce born about 1924
PierceLyle born about 1912
PiercePhyllis born about 1904
PierceWalter born about 1905
PitzCharles Lborn about 1861
PitzKate born about 1867
PlasterCharles born about 1937
PlasterEdwin born about 1917
PlasterJune born about 1915
PleggenkuhleArnold born about 1910
PleggenkuhleCord Annborn about 1939
PleggenkuhleDavid born about 1937
PleggenkuhleElma born about 1913
PopeBeverly Jborn about 1933
PopeEmma born about 1891
PriceMary Cborn about 1885
PriceMixer Cborn about 1909

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Q Surnames

QuandtElsie Wborn about 1904
QuandtGeorge Fborn about 1896
QuandtJohn born about 1873
QuandtMargaret born about 1874
QuandtRobert Cborn about 1929

R Surnames

RaatzArnold born about 1931
RaatzDon born about 1931
RaatzDona born about 1933
RaatzHenry born about 1888
RaatzIva born about 1928
RaatzLala born about 1925
RaatzLeo born about 1906
RaatzMarylan born about 1936
RaatzVelma born about 1913
RaatzZelma born about 1904
RabinsonBell Cborn about 1886
RabinsonLloyd Eborn about 1929
RabinsonRobert Wborn about 1923
RabinsonWalter Cborn about 1890
RappaldMrs Lena born about 1863
RastzMrs Alvina born about 1865
ReichelEmma born about 1878
ReirnerMrs Amelia born about 1863
ReisnerBernard born about 1926
ReisnerCarl born about 1927
ReisnerDelbert born about 1929
ReisnerErma born about 1921
ReisnerHenry Eborn about 1886
ReisnerJ Fborn about 1902
ReisnerLola Eborn about 1905
ReisnerMatilda born about 1896
ReisnoreHerbert born about 1905
RileyBessy born about 1901
RileyMrs Mary G born about 1869
RobbinsHert Fborn about 1870
RobbinsLann Rborn about 1875
RobbinsRobert Gborn about 1920
RubyorEvalena born about 1883
RubyorMr Hordy born about 1884
RuckertBarbara born about 1936
RuckertDonald born about 1926
RuckertEsther born about 1903
RuckertKeith born about 1930
RuckertWalter born about 1897
RulifCharles Hborn about 1886
RulifPearl Jborn about 1890
RushC Bborn about 1877
RushElla Lborn about 1872
RuslerHoward born about 1917
RuslerHozel born about 1907

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S Surnames

SaksBetty born about 1932
SaksDa L Wborn about 1902
SaksHelen Mborn about 1908
SaksKenneth born about 1936
ScharnhorstLillie born about 1881
ScharnhorstWilliam Sr born about 1881
SchattDickie Tborn about 1935
SchattGlayds Mborn about 1904
SchattJohn born about 1903
ScheoderBerton born about
ScheoderEvelyn born about
ScheoderSally born about 1939
ScheoderSarah born about 1939
SchlegelColovene Hborn about 1909
SchlegelDevon born about 1935
SchlegelEdna Hborn about 1909
SchlegelHarold Fborn about 1905
SchlegelLillion Lborn about 1897
SchlegelMrs Mary born about 1869
SchlegelR Gborn about 1893
SchlegelShirley Aborn about 1928
SchlobterGeo Gborn about 1862
SchlobterMary Aborn about 1867
SchmilkeArlene born about 1914
SchmilkeLeo Mborn about 1914
SchmilkeLikey born about 1939
SchmilkeMarlene born about 1937
SchnorErnie Fborn about 1900
SchnorFred born about 1872
SchnorHenry Cborn about 1871
SchnorMary Eborn about 1877
ScholtMary born about 1876
SchornkarstIva born about 1913
SchornkarstWilliam Jr born about 1911
SchottLaura born about 1908
SchottWill born about 1903
SchraderCarrie Eborn about 1892
SchraderHarry Wborn about 1890
SchuchmonAlvin Aborn about 1921
SchuchmonBlonche L Wborn about 1896
SchuchmonClarence Eborn about 1919
SchuchmonMagarett born about 1922
SchuchmonOtto born about 1892
SchultzArthur Jborn about 1933
SchultzBernie Mborn about 1922
SchultzBetty Jeanborn about 1931
SchultzDonald Eborn about 1932
SchultzDorothy Mborn about 1902
SchultzElmer Eborn about 1937
SchultzErvin born about 1914
SchultzEvelyn Vborn about 1935
SchultzGeo Hborn about 1896
SchultzIva Annborn about 1918
SchultzKenneth Lborn about 1925
SchultzLouis born about 1859
SchultzMaida Bborn about 1902
SchultzRonald Gborn about 1925
SchultzWeiman Lborn about 1897
SchultzWillard Sborn about 1924
ScottClara Lborn about 1914
ScottGeo Lborn about 1888
ScottJ Donaldborn about 1913
ScottJmimie born about 1938
ScottLary Dborn about 1940
ScottMerle Eborn about 1887
ScottRobert Leoborn about 1920
SennerAnnie Rborn about 1885
SennerEdd Gborn about 1878
ShepordDaris Geonborn about 1934
ShepordEllis Bborn about 1913
ShepordMarjorie born about 1912
ShepordRobert born about 1937
ShofferElizabeth born about 1885
ShofferJ Fborn about 1883
ShofferThomas born about 1912
SinnerEmilia born about 1868
SinnerWilliam born about 1852
SmithDara born about 1883
SmithDonald Aborn about 1919
SmithE Aborn about 1879
SmithFrank born about 1880
SmithHenry Cborn about 1914
SmithHermam Jr born about 1922
SmithHerman Eborn about 1889
SmithJack Rborn about 1923
SmithJared born about 1867
SmithJennie Eborn about 1869
SmithJohn Mborn about 1874
SmithJulia Fborn about 1884
SmithMarjorie born about 1939
SmithPearl Aborn about 1891
SmithViola born about 1920
SmochClair Wborn about 1907
SmochJannan Jborn about 1931
SmochLa Vae Cborn about 1929
SmochLueilla Dllaborn about 1910
SmochRobert Hborn about 1939
SnyderCherles born about 1876
SnyderHenry born about 1938
SnyderJohn born about 1916
SnyderJunior Charlesborn about 1928
SnyderNellie born about 1898
SpevecD Jborn about 1896
SpevecLucell born about 1930
SpevecMabel born about 1901
SpevecMargaret born about 1924
SpevecRobert born about 1926
StahrFlorinda born about 1899
StahrGeorge Hborn about 1894
StahrMarjorie born about 1922
StapelEmma born about 1893
StapelMelba born about 1919
StapelSelma born about 1932
StapelSom born about 1891
StedmonEdna born about 1918
StedmonSadog born about 1915
SteegeWaunita born about 1936
StenerArlen born about 1929
StenerJack Bborn about 1915
StenerMrs Nina born about 1876
StevensAmelia Mborn about
StevensDelbert born about 1912
StevensDorothea born about 1914
StevensE Eborn about 1868
StevensFrank born about 1907
StevensHelen Eborn about 1912
StevensJerry born about 1936
StevensKathryn born about 1938
StevensRobert Lborn about 1915
StrabscheinMarcia born about 1888
StrabscheinR Rborn about 1881
StrobsteinR Bborn about 1882
StroscheinClarence born about 1912
StroscheinLais Moeborn about 1912
StrudthoffBernard born about 1938
StrudthoffBilly born about 1931
StrudthoffElla born about 1900
StrudthoffOtto born about 1898
StrudthoffRiley born about 1926
SuchowHelen born about 1920
SuckowCharles born about 1913
SurensonBernard born about 1923
SurensonWayne Dborn about 1925

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T Surnames

TimmDean Cborn about 1934
TimmEruin Hborn about 1902
TimmGarold Eborn about 1926
TimmJoice Aborn about 1936
TimmJune Gborn about 1925
TimmMrs Ruby born about 1865
TimmPeggy Lborn about 1938
TimmVerl Eborn about 1940
TimmVerla Lborn about 1903
TonneHenry Hborn about 1890
TonneOlga Eborn about 1893
TonngsAugust born about 1890
TupperBennie Fborn about 1900
TupperMable Eborn about 1906
TupperRobert born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UngererFred born about 1908
UngererIda Wborn about 1890
UngererJ Fborn about 1859
UngererLena Mborn about 1912
UngererMildred born about 1912
UngererRussell born about 1933
UngererWilliam Lborn about 1889
UngeresDale born about 1937
UngeresEdna born about 1907
UngeresHarry born about 1933
UngeresLe Roy born about 1905

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V Surnames

VansickleDorathy born about 1937
VansickleFrieda born about 1904
VansickleGeorge born about 1932
VansickleMamie born about 1939
VansickleMarie born about 1930
VansickleOrville born about 1905
VansickleRosa born about 1935
VifionJessie Kerborn about 1903
VifionLouise Moeborn about 1932
VifionMary Aborn about 1921
VifionPaul Eborn about 1897
VifionPaul Robertborn about 1924

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W Surnames

WaidmannHozel Mborn about 1919
WaidmannRay born about 1914
WalshDr W Eborn about 1902
WalshHelen born about 1902
WarnkeArlean Gborn about 1916
WarnkeDonald Fborn about 1914
WarthanKathryn Mborn about 1903
WarthanSidney Aborn about 1906
WeidemannEd Mborn about 1904
WeidemannEdword Jr born about 1925
WeidemannHazel Mborn about 1907
WeidemomMinnie born about 1882
WeidemomWelliom born about 1878
WeiningerEaster born about 1895
WeiningerWill born about 1902
WeisMss Emly born about 1870
WelshGilbert Lborn about 1913
WelshIda born about 1876
WelshLucille Eborn about 1920
WelshThomas Nborn about 1866
WendlandArnola Janborn about 1932
WendlandArnold born about 1900
WendlandAurther born about
WendlandBetty Rborn about 1929
WendlandCarlotte Iborn about 1891
WendlandDoris Eborn about 1931
WendlandEhel born about 1917
WendlandKenneth born about 1916
WendlandLeo born about 1900
WendlandLydia born about 1908
WendlandRonald Eborn about 1939
WendlondClaunce Eborn about 1909
WendlondElaine born about 1924
WendlondEvelya born about 1927
WendlondFred Wborn about 1869
WendlondHerman Wborn about 1902
WendlondJulia born about 1880
WendlondO Rborn about 1896
WendlondPaul born about 1879
WendlondPaulene born about 1900
WendlondPaulm born about 1873
WendlondSalone Mborn about 1871
WendlondWilliam Aborn about 1872
WerddamannCarl born about 1910
WerddamannCharles born about 1938
WerddamannJohn born about 1933
WerddamannLaura born about 1915
WerddamannPaul born about 1936
WerddamannWillis born about 1935
WeslpphlAlbert Hborn about 1935
WeslpphlCarl Aborn about 1906
WeslpphlFlorenzine Gborn about 1928
WeslpphlGroyce Jborn about 1908
WeslpphlKenneth Oborn about 1932
WeslpphlLassina Hborn about 1930
WeslpphlMargie Gborn about 1931
WeslpphlRuth Eborn about 1934
WeslpphlWallace Eborn about 1927
WestpfahlBetty Jborn about 1937
WestpfohlClara born about 1902
WestpfohlFloyd born about 1928
WestpfohlH Lborn about 1899
WestppohlBerth born about 1871
WestppohlHermon born about 1877
WetherbeeEllen Dborn about 1879
WetherbeeJome Mborn about 1878
WetherbeeMelburn Eborn about 1911
WetherbeeMeldred Eborn about 1911
WherleyMrs Ascne born about 1867
WhitcherDale Dborn about 1922
WhitcherFloyd Hborn about 1896
WhitcherGladys Bborn about 1898
WhitcherHildred Bborn about 1920
WhitcherJerry Dborn about 1938
WhitcherVergie Lborn about 1924
WhorleyJ Mborn about 1906
WhorleyJane Elithborn about 1936
WhorleyKatherine born about 1910
WhorlezFrank born about 1856
WickmannHenry born about 1878
WickmannLauise born about 1880
WiedenmannBilly Kborn about 1939
WiedenmannHelen Eborn about 1921
WiedenmannWill born about 1916
WielhamAlmon Oborn about 1875
WielhamCora Mborn about 1890
WielhamHozel Lborn about 1921
WielhamLawrence Wborn about 1931
WierJ Dborn about 1883
WierMinnie Kborn about 1883
WilberAustin born about 1910
WilberElsie born about 1912
WilberJohn born about 1873
WilkeMorie born about 1908
WilkeSidney Lborn about 1926
WilliamsClur Eborn about 1861
WillisFlorence born about 1893
WillisO Eborn about 1886
WillisRuth born about 1922
WitcherHildred born about 1920
WorthomAb Cborn about 1878
WorthomMay Cborn about 1890
WroeHelen born about 1928
WroeLavern Lborn about 1891
WroeLester born about 1922
WroePearl born about 1892
WroeVivian born about 1924

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Z Surnames

ZallerJames Lborn about 1856

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