1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bowmont, Canyon, Idaho

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Idaho > Canyon County > 1940 Census of Bowmont

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AcreeFlorence born about 1908
AcreeHazel Mborn about 1910
AcreeJohn Bborn about 1911
AcreeJohn B Jrborn about 1934
AcreeKenneth Cborn about 1935
AcreeRichard Lborn about 1908
AcreeTheodore Gborn about 1937
AgenbroadJennie Eborn about 1898
AgenbroadLarry Dborn about 1933
AgenbroadLois Wborn about 1925
AgenbroadOwen Dborn about 1924
AgenbroadRichard born about 1886
AgenbroadStanley Rborn about 1927
AnsonHanna born about 1890
AnsonMaurice Dborn about 1884
ArmstrongMinnie Mborn about 1869
ArmstrongThomas Lborn about 1881
AukerDean R Infantborn about 1939
AukerGeneva Mborn about 1917
AukerLeland Eborn about 1915

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B Surnames

BallHettie Aborn about 1865
BaltazarOrabelle born about 1888
BaltazarWalter Lborn about 1881
BarninghamC La Verneborn about 1921
BarninghamGrace born about 1881
BarninghamJohn Wborn about 1878
BarninghamJohn Wborn about 1910
BarninghamMilton Iborn about 1914
BarrettLovella Fborn about 1921
BarrettThomas Eborn about 1921
BeattyJohn born about 1923
BinghamHarriet Cborn about 1871
BinghamWillard Cborn about 1876
BlakesleeCharles Wborn about 1918
BlakesleeEdith Kborn about 1877
BlakesleeRobert born about 1862
BlanksmaC Berniceborn about 1902
BlanksmaEgbert Pborn about 1901
BlanksmaMarvin Lborn about 1929
BlanksmaWayne Eborn about 1930
BlattnerCharlene Nborn about 1917
BlattnerDaniel Lborn about 1919
BlattnerJack Fborn about 1915
BlattnerJerry Dborn about 1940
BlattnerLily Mborn about 1892
BlattnerLouis Cborn about 1887
BlattnerMargaret Nborn about 1922
BlattnerMilton Rborn about 1917
BlattnerRobert L Infantborn about 1939
BlattnerRoss Lborn about 1914
BlattnerWilliam Infantborn about 1939
BodleBetha Cborn about 1880
BodleWilliam Hborn about 1871
BowEvelyn Lborn about 1914
BowLloyd Lborn about 1916
BowNelson Fborn about 1881
BowViola Bborn about 1886
BoydAbraham Lborn about 1864
BoydHarold Lborn about 1912
BoydSaronah Kborn about 1870
BrownClarisea Aborn about 1859
BrunzellSelma born about 1861
ButlerBertha Bborn about 1918
ButlerJohn Eborn about 1917

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C Surnames

CainAda Pborn about 1885
CainHarvey Eborn about 1887
CampbellAnna Hborn about 1904
CampbellArlene Yborn about 1927
CampbellClaude Sborn about 1902
CampbellLyle Lborn about 1931
CampbellPhillip Lborn about 1939
CampbellPhyllis Aborn about 1936
CampbellSherman Aborn about 1937
CampbellWillard Cborn about 1929
ChildsChristine Eborn about 1937
ChildsClinton Rborn about 1915
ChildsPauline born about 1919
ChildsPauline Jborn about 1939
ClarkDock Hborn about 1877
ClarkJohn born about 1883
ClarkOlive Eborn about 1873
ClarkRosa Bborn about 1891
ClineEdna Nborn about 1909
ClineElvus Jborn about 1936
ClineGlenna Dborn about 1932
ClineLeslie Aborn about 1905
ComptonBonnie Lborn about 1924
ComptonJosie Fborn about 1895
ComptonLeo Pborn about 1926
ComptonRoy Bborn about 1890
ComptonRue Tborn about 1934
CraftEdith born about 1924
CraftEnus born about 1921
CraftMinta born about 1899
CraftThomas born about 1894
CraigLloyd Hborn about 1900
CreechCelia Aborn about 1938
CreechErnest Nborn about 1914
CreechGoldie Mborn about 1912
CreechKatherine born about 1939
CreechLewis Lborn about 1908
CreechLlnel Eborn about 1936
CreechLola Mborn about 1937
CreechMary Sborn about 1871
CreechMureen Mborn about 1912
CreechSteven Nborn about 1870
CreechSteven Nborn about 1908
CusterBetty Jborn about 1936
CusterDenzil Lborn about 1906
CusterJoycelyn Wborn about 1912
CusterLarry Rborn about 1933
CusterLydia Rborn about 1862
CusterMae Iborn about 1884
CusterWalter Rborn about 1881
CutlerDella Mborn about 1898
CutlerMerle Eborn about 1920
CutlerWallace Wborn about 1895

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D Surnames

DemainFlora born about 1892
DemainHarold Hborn about 1894
DewaldAnna born about 1883
DewaldJack Lborn about 1923
DewaldJohn born about 1876
DewaldLila Rborn about 1920
DoramusClifford Cborn about 1913
DoramusClifford Wborn about 1936
DoramusFreida Vborn about 1917
DoramusLu Vense Iborn about 1937
DowningAlvin Lborn about 1919
DowningAmanda Lborn about 1894
DowningHelen Lborn about 1925
DowningRoy Wborn about 1897
DrakeA Lborn about 1900
DrakeAbe Mborn about 1906
DrakeDella Mborn about 1906
DrakeMaggie born about 1874
DrakeNorma Jborn about 1937
DrakeShirley Mborn about 1930

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E Surnames

EdgleyMary Lborn about 1885
EdgleyWilliam Hborn about 1874
EdwardsCharles Aborn about 1928
EdwardsHazel Lborn about 1926
EdwardsJack Aborn about 1924
EmmertBetty Gborn about 1931
EmmertDora Eborn about 1904
EmmertEdgar Mborn about 1912
EmmertJames Lborn about 1927
EpleyFlo Eborn about 1892
EpleyJames Gborn about 1921
EpleyOpal Eborn about 1926
EubanksJames Tborn about 1875
EubanksSusie Bborn about 1878
EwingCharles Aborn about 1925
EwingFrank Cborn about 1919
EwingMable Cborn about 1892
EwingMargaret Aborn about 1923
EwingMary Ellenborn about 1917
EwingMildred Hborn about 1921
EwingRachel Fborn about 1935

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F Surnames

FeichtAlma Gborn about 1883
FeichtJohn Wborn about 1875
FialaAnna Eborn about 1865
FialaCharles Hborn about 1894
FialaEmill Jborn about 1859
FialaPauline Bborn about 1895
FiedlerCarol Vborn about 1933
FiedlerCharles Mborn about 1899
FiedlerConnie Aborn about 1938
FiedlerEdna Mborn about 1904
FiedlerEthel Rborn about 1923
FikeIssac Fborn about 1894
FikeLena born about 1854
FikeRachel Lborn about 1901
FluetschLloyd Eborn about 1910
FluetschRobert Lborn about 1939
FluetschThelma Tborn about 1916
ForrestKenneth born about 1924
FoustAlbina born about 1918
FoustCharlene Mborn about 1928
FoustDe Wayne Cborn about 1932
FoustEdward Lborn about 1933
FoustEsther Fborn about 1908
FoustJ L Jrborn about 1927
FoustJames Leoborn about 1907
FoustJoe Fborn about 1931
FoustRobert Fborn about 1868
FoustRobert Tborn about 1912
FrostSavill born about 1884
FuhrimanArlene Lborn about 1922
FuhrimanDavid Gborn about 1931
FuhrimanEarl Mborn about 1918
FuhrimanFrank Wborn about 1934
FuhrimanGeorge W Infantborn about 1940
FuhrimanGlenn Mborn about 1920
FuhrimanHarold Wborn about 1916
FuhrimanIva Tborn about 1911
FuhrimanJerald Dborn about 1939
FuhrimanKeith Eborn about 1924
FuhrimanLarry Lborn about 1937
FuhrimanLois Jborn about 1924
FuhrimanMaude Lborn about 1878
FuhrimanMaxine Iborn about 1932
FuhrimanRoyce Sborn about 1930
FuhrimanSpencer Hborn about 1910
FuhrimanVirginia born about 1917

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G Surnames

GibsonCharles Aborn about 1887
GibsonElgie Hborn about 1916
GibsonElla born about 1887
GibsonThomas Aborn about 1924
GoffArnon Mborn about 1924
GoffFrancis Aborn about 1918
GoffMary Rborn about 1883
GoffSalomia Lborn about 1916
GoodmanAlbert Lborn about 1914
GoodmanAnnie Mborn about 1879
GoodmanBernice Aborn about 1915
GoodmanDan Wborn about 1877
GrassittCharles Cborn about 1889
GrassittCharles Eborn about 1928
GrassittClara Lborn about 1892
GrassittJames Wborn about 1919
GrassittRobert Mborn about 1923
GreenLorett born about 1886
GreenOscar Sborn about 1886
GreenRuth Eborn about 1927
GrimesBernard Cborn about 1883
GrimesCharles Eborn about 1922
GrimesJennet Eborn about 1916
GrimsEmanuel Aborn about 1870
GroseAlta Lborn about 1923
GroseLeona Mborn about 1886
GroseSimm Lborn about 1879
GrossAbe Leeborn about 1887
GrossBeverly Aborn about 1933
GrossChloe Vborn about 1889
GrossClaude Dborn about 1920
GrossCon Sborn about 1885
GrossDale Hborn about 1916
GrossDorthy Dborn about 1915
GrossDorthy Mborn about 1921
GrossElden Lborn about 1935
GrossGerald D Infantborn about 1939
GrossGlen W Infantborn about 1939
GrossPaul Cborn about 1912
GrossSam Mborn about 1883
GrossViolet Sborn about 1920
GunningKenneth Hborn about 1924
GunningLloyd Dborn about 1892
GunningOla Rborn about 1891
GunningRichard Cborn about 1924
GunningWilliam Lborn about 1920

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H Surnames

HallowellPearl born about 1890
HallowellWilliam Cborn about 1875
HankammerCora Eborn about 1872
HankammerJohn Pborn about 1877
HardestyOrville Cborn about 1909
HardestyRoscoe born about 1890
HarmsAdaline Hborn about 1893
HarmsLinus Rborn about 1887
HarroldEdith Eborn about 1904
HarroldEldon Fborn about 1930
HarroldFrank Lborn about 1902
HarroldFrederick A Cborn about 1925
HarroldKenneth Dborn about 1933
HarroldVirginia Eborn about 1927
HillLessie Mborn about 1880
HixsonEmma Wborn about 1861
HobbsClyde born about 1912
HooglandCalvin born about 1920
HowardCrystal Mborn about 1919
HowardDolores Lborn about 1940
HowardDonna Lborn about 1938
HowardMyra Eborn about 1878
HowardNoah Tborn about 1879
HowardVaughn Jborn about 1915

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I Surnames

InglisFinley Wborn about 1881
InglisMina Mborn about 1885
InglisMorris Fborn about 1925
IvesBen Eborn about 1899
IvesGeneal Mborn about 1901
IvesLorrain Rborn about 1937

J Surnames

JarrettVera Eborn about 1931
JohnsonAlthora born about 1898
JohnsonBurton Eborn about 1933
JohnsonDwain Rborn about 1924
JohnsonJ Elmerborn about 1918
JohnsonNorma Rborn about 1922
JohnsonRella Jborn about 1925
JohnsonWilliam Eborn about 1895
JonesEdith Bborn about 1938
JonesGlen Hborn about 1934
JonesJohn Hborn about 1891
JonesLewis Eborn about 1917
JonesLoretta F Infantborn about 1940
JonesMyrtle Bborn about 1905

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K Surnames

KenneyClara Vborn about 1874
KenneyGeorge Eborn about 1863
KiesterBonnie Lborn about 1936
KiesterCharley Aborn about 1896
KiesterDoris Iborn about 1931
KiesterElla Eborn about 1901
KiesterEvelyn Mborn about 1925
KiesterHoward Cborn about 1923
KiesterMildred Mborn about 1934
KiesterOpal Mborn about 1927
KiesterRichard Gborn about 1929
KiesterRussell Wborn about 1921
KingJames Wborn about 1927
KloepferClarrisa Aborn about 1879
KloepferHenry Pborn about 1881
KloepfferEthel Lborn about 1898
KloepfferJames Rborn about 1937
KloepfferLouise Aborn about 1859
KloepfferMaroni Hborn about 1894
KloepfferMerrie Lborn about 1923
KloepfferPhilip born about 1863
KloepfferRonald Mborn about 1935
KloepfferRyan A Infantborn about 1940
KohsBernice Eborn about 1931
KohsEugene Pborn about 1930
KohsLaverna Mborn about 1927
KohsLucille Pborn about 1908
KohsOwen Hborn about 1901

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L Surnames

LammConnie Mborn about 1932
LammHenry Eborn about 1908
LammMae Sborn about 1911
LandersBonnie Lborn about 1907
LandersLester Lborn about 1934
LandersWilliam Rborn about 1900
LandersWillis Eborn about 1938
LawsonAlida Sborn about 1895
LawsonBernice Sborn about 1916
LawsonHenry Tborn about 1893
LawsonVernon born about 1926
LittleElmer Jborn about 1924
LittleEthel Eborn about 1898
LittleJames Cborn about 1890
LittleLester Gborn about 1928
LittlePatrick Vborn about 1930
LittleRay Rborn about 1922
LittleVelma Eborn about 1925
LoganEvelyn Rborn about 1920
LoganJanes M Infantborn about 1939
LoganJoe Wborn about 1916
LowePercy Eborn about 1916
LoweThelma Nborn about 1920
LoweVina Lborn about 1907
LoweWilliam Jborn about 1912
LuceJames Kborn about 1917
LuceJohn Aborn about 1886
LuceLyda Mborn about 1887
LuceMary Lborn about 1919

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M Surnames

MalmbergJohn born about 1885
MalmbergJohn Mborn about 1927
MalmbergLewella Kborn about 1918
MalmbergMary Kborn about 1894
MartinsonAlene Mborn about 1937
MartinsonClarinda Cborn about 1934
MartinsonDoloreta Mborn about 1929
MartinsonGary Fborn about 1939
MartinsonGeorge Fborn about 1909
MartinsonGeorge Jr born about 1928
MartinsonMable Aborn about 1909
MartinsonWayne Jborn about 1932
MassengaleAlfred Lborn about 1932
MassengaleAlvin Gborn about 1932
MassengaleClyde Eborn about 1912
MassengaleElizabeth Eborn about 1908
MassengaleGlen Iborn about 1939
MassengaleKinley Vborn about 1905
MassengaleLaura Fborn about 1872
MassengaleWillis born about 1896
MatenbergElla Sborn about 1939
MatenbergEllen Mborn about 1916
MatenbergRobert Fborn about 1915
MatenbergRobert Fborn about 1937
McClintickEthel Gborn about 1894
McClintickFloyd Wborn about 1922
McClintickHarry Aborn about 1889
McClintickLester Eborn about 1925
McClintickMary Eborn about 1929
MeissnerLula L Mborn about 1884
MeissnerWilliam Fborn about 1885
MeissnerWilliam Jborn about 1907
MerskFannie Tborn about 1892
MerskFrank born about 1876
MerskRobert Fborn about 1926
MetzgerErma Lborn about 1893
MetzgerFred Jborn about 1881
MetzgerLouise Lborn about 1924
MetzgerRobert Jborn about 1923
MetzzerEdna Sborn about 1884
MetzzerOtto Pborn about 1874
MilesMilo Mborn about 1905
MillerEdson Rborn about 1883
MitchellCharles Cborn about 1878
MitchellMaude Eborn about 1882
MoranElenor Cborn about 1873
MoranJames Eborn about 1870
MorganCecil Wborn about 1913
MorganLeanida Kborn about 1915
MorganMyra Leeborn about 1937
MorrisAlice Mborn about 1922
MorrisCharlotte Mborn about 1927
MorrisDella Janeborn about 1933
MorrisGeorge Pborn about 1935
MorrisJohn Eborn about 1895
MorrisMargaret Jborn about 1928
MorrisNellie Mborn about 1899
MorrisRichard Lborn about 1923
MorrisRobert Eborn about 1924
MoultonDale Eborn about 1929
MoultonEdward Wborn about 1896
MoultonElizabeth Eborn about 1901
MoultonLaura Jborn about 1902
MoultonMarilynn Aborn about 1938
MoultonMyrtle Rborn about 1927
MoultonSewall Jborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NelsonMartin Nborn about 1885
NelsonOlava born about 1891
NewmanBenjamin Lborn about 1911
NewmanLarna Mae Infantborn about 1940
NewmanMary Lborn about 1925
NewmanRuby Vborn about 1888
NewmanSarah Aborn about 1937
NewmanSarah Bborn about 1919
NewmanVirginia born about 1919
NightingaleGeorge Wborn about 1918
NightingaleJoyce Eborn about 1921
NissenSabastian born about 1880

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O Surnames

OfaffDora Maeborn about 1893
OfaffHerman Hborn about 1883
OfaffLaura Eborn about 1918
OstynCyriel Cborn about 1889
OstynFlorence Rborn about 1923
OstynJoseph Aborn about 1927
OstynMarie Sborn about 1887
OstynRaymond Dborn about 1925
OswaltDonald Fborn about 1937

P Surnames

PatchinElwin Aborn about 1914
PatchinMattie Eborn about 1919
PearsonJ Cborn about 1924
PollyGeorge Gborn about 1873

R Surnames

RayDelbert Le Royborn about 1893
RayFlorence Lborn about 1901
RayLillian Eborn about 1921
RayRoy Jr born about 1927
ReedAlva Aborn about 1884
ReedRuby Vborn about 1910
ReiningerArdis Pborn about 1923
ReiningerFrank born about 1900
ReiningerHarry born about 1905
ReiningerHurshel Lborn about 1918
ReiningerKenneth Jborn about 1926
ReiningerMickey Tborn about 1934
ReiningerNora Lborn about 1898
ReiningerPatsy Dborn about 1932
ReiningerVernie Oborn about 1908
ReiningerViolet Cborn about 1928
RhodesCharlotte Eborn about 1920
RhodesJoy Lborn about 1938
RhodesPhyllis Jborn about 1940
RhodesVictor Dborn about 1913
RichardsonArnold Wborn about 1923
RichardsonBilly Dborn about 1931
RichardsonEva Rborn about 1940
RichardsonHazel Sborn about 1928
RichardsonJohn Mborn about 1933
RichardsonJohny Eborn about 1897
RichardsonMable born about 1926
RichardsonPerle Cborn about 1903
RichardsonRusell Sborn about 1924
RichesinChloe Wborn about 1925
RichesinConnie Jborn about 1938
RichesinMinnie Nborn about 1924
RichesinPeggy Mborn about 1935
RichesinRuth Mborn about 1903
RichesinWayne born about 1901
RichesinZella Eborn about 1930
RileyJohn Vborn about 1877
RoarkLavon Rborn about 1932
RoarkMadge Nborn about 1912
RoarkMarjorie Eborn about 1935
RoarkVaughn Rborn about 1900
RoarkWayne Gborn about 1933
RobertsDeltha Nborn about 1939
RobertsGrant Lborn about 1936
RobertsLe Roy Aborn about 1914
RobertsNaomia Lborn about 1913
RobertsOwen D Infantborn about 1940
RogersCaldona Lborn about 1890
RogersJames Fborn about 1868

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S Surnames

SageEsther Eborn about 1897
SageL Virginiaborn about 1923
SageLloyd Bborn about 1895
SageRobert Lborn about 1926
SaullsCharles Rborn about 1936
SaullsJack Dborn about 1931
SaullsJack Wborn about 1907
SaullsMary Cborn about 1914
SharpBirdeen Fborn about 1921
SheltonBranson born about 1896
SheltonDonna Jborn about 1931
SheltonDoris Lborn about 1928
SheltonLois Fborn about 1930
SheltonMable born about 1900
ShimminPaul Eborn about 1913
ShrollDale Lborn about 1918
ShrollElmer Eborn about 1920
ShrollHarley Lborn about 1894
ShrollMary Eborn about 1895
SiebelAdolph born about 1920
SiebelAmelia born about 1888
SiebelAnna Lborn about 1926
SiebelPhilip born about 1883
SiebelViola Iborn about 1923
SimmonsAlta Mborn about 1889
SimmonsMerle Sborn about 1887
SlaughterLewis Mborn about 1896
StewartEarl born about 1922
SumaetaCristine born about 1887
SumaetaManuel born about 1888
SummersCarol Jborn about 1939
SummersLucille Jborn about 1920
SummersRalph Lborn about 1916
SwartzByron Pborn about 1890
SwartzDonald Bborn about 1913
SwartzEdith Eborn about 1893
SwartzPaul Mborn about 1925
SwartzRichard Lborn about 1920
SwartzRobert Mborn about 1916
SwedlundCarl Aborn about 1885
SwedlundHazel Lborn about 1902
SwedlundLa Vera Rborn about 1928

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T Surnames

ThielDorthy born about 1882
ThielEdna Maeborn about 1922
ThielEdwin Lborn about 1924
ThielJacob born about 1880
ThielRebecca Lborn about 1920
ThielReynold born about 1913
ThomasJames Lborn about 1854
ThompsonGloria Aborn about 1934
TomlinsonBilly Rborn about 1926
TomlinsonDora Eborn about 1889
TomlinsonFloyd Tborn about 1921
TomlinsonHazel Fborn about 1923
TomlinsonLee Royborn about 1929
TomlinsonNeil Hborn about 1918
TomlinsonThomas Fborn about 1884
TorreyAlbert Bborn about 1905
TorreyDallas Dborn about 1929
TorreyHarley Gborn about 1932
TorreyHarrold Pborn about 1924
TorreyKenneth Nborn about 1930
TorreyPearl Dborn about 1906
TrobaughCepha Cborn about 1880
TrobaughJohn Cborn about 1927
TrobaughRuby Fborn about 1890
TurrallBud born about 1901

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V Surnames

VassarBessie Cborn about 1899
VassarFrancis Dborn about 1934
VassarJohn Cborn about 1892
VassarVirginia Mborn about 1926
VassarWayne Eborn about 1928

W Surnames

WatermanBarbara Jborn about 1931
WatermanFreida Eborn about 1938
WatermanNaomi Fborn about 1907
WatermanRamond Vborn about 1933
WatermanVictor Fborn about 1904
WebsterBarbara Aborn about 1931
WebsterMamie Gborn about 1910
WebsterWillis Lborn about 1905
WelshGloria Bborn about 1928
WelshGrace Vborn about 1925
WhiteBarbara Jborn about 1930
WhiteFred Hborn about 1911
WhiteMax Gborn about 1931
WhiteMildred Fborn about 1907
WhiteRalph Dborn about 1899
WhiteRoss born about 1933
WoodsWilliam Eborn about 1873
WrightAlice Vborn about 1920
WrightAnita Joborn about 1940
WrightMarvin Dborn about 1908

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Y Surnames

YaryanDolly born about 1881
YaryanHugh Aborn about 1881
YoderAnna born about 1887
YoderHarvey Jborn about 1893

Z Surnames

ZimmermanAlta Mborn about 1930
ZimmermanElbert Cborn about 1880
ZimmermanJohn Sborn about 1916
ZimmermanJoseph Cborn about 1921
ZimmermanLora Eborn about 1889

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