1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fairfield, Camas, Idaho

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Idaho > Camas County > 1940 Census of Fairfield

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottCharles Tborn about 1925
AbbottElizabeth Jborn about 1923
AbbottGeorge Rborn about 1887
AbbottMary Bborn about 1915
AbbottNellie Bborn about 1890
AbbottRelf Hborn about 1920
AbbottWilliam Bborn about 1917

B Surnames

BakerAlice Bborn about 1931
BakerBeulah Mborn about 1925
BakerBillie Rborn about 1939
BakerEdna Mborn about 1905
BakerJeanett Lborn about 1920
BakerJon Hborn about 1938
BakerNila Wborn about 1900
BakerWarren Lborn about 1928
BaldwinIda Jborn about 1891
BaldwinLonzo Wborn about 1910
BaldwinW Daltonborn about 1886
BanscherAllen Rborn about 1922
BanscherElsie Mborn about 1882
BanscherFred Lborn about 1908
BanscherHelen Fborn about 1910
BanscherHenry Gborn about 1879
BanscherMary Lborn about 1913
BanscherRonald Rborn about 1912
BanscherWilliam Aborn about 1935
BeylerFrances Iborn about 1889
BeylerMannie Jborn about 1888
BeylerMary Rborn about 1927
BowlesAgnes born about 1912
BownAnnie Lborn about 1868
BownFrank Jborn about 1863
BradfordGeorge Eborn about 1898
BrinegarAlbet Eborn about 1876
BrinegarMary Jborn about 1892
BundyDewitt Oborn about 1891
BundyLloyd Eborn about 1892

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C Surnames

ChandlerJohn Tborn about 1885
ChandlerRhoda Lborn about 1889
ClureAlbert Lborn about 1921
ClureJane born about 1919
ClureKenneth Lborn about 1940
CollinsArthur Fborn about 1939
CollinsEsther Jborn about 1910
CollinsLester Lborn about 1908
ComstockEdwin Hborn about 1918
CulverAlice Mborn about 1925
CulverBen Cborn about 1890
CulverBennie Eborn about 1934
CulverBessie Tborn about 1902
CulverLelah Dborn about 1928
CulverThelma Bborn about 1921

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D Surnames

DallinArthur Lborn about 1895
DallinDraxy Lborn about 1900
DavidsonJohn Pborn about 1917
DavisJoseph Bborn about 1869
DavisMinnie Aborn about 1870
DayAlice Aborn about 1912
DayAlton Rborn about 1909
DayAnn Mborn about 1936
DayBillie Dborn about 1935
DayRobert Bborn about 1934
DehnelEd born about 1874
DixonElaine Eborn about 1916
DixonGlen Oborn about 1937
DixonNeal Pborn about 1936
DixonVerl Lborn about 1913

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F Surnames

FailA Barkleyborn about 1926
FailMargaret Bborn about 1891
FayCarl Mborn about 1896
FayCarol Mborn about 1932
FayElva Mborn about 1931
FayMyrtle Aborn about 1901
FinchBea Jborn about 1923
FinchBeth Hborn about 1923
FinchClaude Eborn about 1886
FinchEugene born about 1892
FinchEva Eborn about 1891
FinchKatherine Eborn about 1882
FunkCarlyne born about 1940
FunkFoster Dborn about 1933
FunkFoster Jborn about 1910
FunkLeomie born about 1939
FunkRoma born about 1912
FunkSheryl Aborn about 1937

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G Surnames

GaileyFern Eborn about 1884
GaileyJohn Wborn about 1877
GriffithJohn born about 1915

H Surnames

HeathAudrey Eborn about 1930
HeathBlanch Eborn about 1905
HeathDarrel Nborn about 1931
HeathDonald Jborn about 1927
HeathSamuel Cborn about 1933
HeathTheodore Dborn about 1903
HendricksClarence Oborn about 1916
HomenDavid Hborn about 1865
HousmanFrank born about 1860
HousmanHelen born about 1867

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J Surnames

JarronDavid Gborn about 1869
JenserTom born about 1885
JohnsonBarbara Jborn about 1930
JohnsonBurden Fborn about 1927
JohnsonEva Mborn about 1902
JohnsonGeorge Fborn about 1859
JohnsonGeorge Jborn about 1928
JohnsonGerald Aborn about 1925
JohnsonMarshall Cborn about 1893
JohnsonMarshall Cborn about 1922
JohnsonRaymond Pborn about 1937
JohnsonRhoda Dborn about 1933
JohnsonShirley Lborn about 1931
JohnsonVelda Lborn about 1939
JohnsonWalter Rborn about 1935

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K Surnames

KinneyAgnes Mborn about 1909
KinneyC Forestborn about 1899
KinneyD Meyrlborn about 1930
KinneyRoger Dborn about 1937
KinneyVada Mborn about 1929
KinneyVictor Bborn about 1934
KiserAlfred Cborn about 1923
KiserClarence Eborn about 1917
KiserEva Cborn about 1928
KiserGeorge Wborn about 1885
KiserMattie born about 1890
KiserWalter Gborn about 1921
KnowltonAlvah Aborn about 1907
KnowltonAnne Lborn about 1936
KnowltonElizabeth Cborn about 1911
KnowltonJames Lborn about 1936
KnowltonStephen Jborn about 1940
KoonceBlanche Eborn about 1882
KoonceCurtis Lborn about 1868
KoonceEdgar Hborn about 1935
KoonceJoel Mborn about 1939
KoonceJohn Pborn about 1933
KoonceKathryn Vborn about 1904
KoonceLuther Eborn about 1905
KoonceMargaret Aborn about 1937
KoonceMary Eborn about 1937
KrahnCarl Jborn about 1867

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L Surnames

LeekChatman Bborn about 1927
LeekChatman Hborn about 1880
LeekIrene Mborn about 1887
LeekPhyllis Mborn about 1887
LeekTheresa Jborn about 1921
LoveFreeman Jborn about 1885
LoveLillian Rborn about 1880

M Surnames

ManwillAnna Mborn about 1900
ManwillCharles Oborn about 1895
ManwillDon Lborn about 1926
ManwillElmo Jborn about 1921
ManwillGlade Oborn about 1928
ManwillIva Aborn about 1935
ManwillKenneth Lborn about 1932
ManwillMeryl Cborn about 1930
ManwillMoyle Cborn about 1924
MaurerDorothy Oborn about 1918
McCannAllien Aborn about 1888
McCannJames Hborn about 1875
McCannMary Mborn about 1927
McCarterClaude Cborn about 1894
McCarterLena Rborn about 1904
McClaudeDorothy Iborn about 1903
McClaudeRoss Dborn about 1897
McDonaldWilliam Sborn about 1880
MeeksLucile Dborn about 1915
MeeksLydia Iborn about 1885
MeeksOmer Eborn about 1884
MuffleyDorothy Aborn about 1914
MuffleyEdwin Rborn about 1938
MuffleyNancy Jborn about 1939
MuffleyRoland Hborn about 1912

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N Surnames

NaserAnna Pborn about 1926
NaserCarl Rborn about 1924
NaserMay Lborn about 1932
NaserOlga Aborn about 1897
NaserOscar Rborn about 1886
NaserRobert Lborn about 1934
NelsonFrancis born about 1875
NelsonHuhg Mborn about 1918
NelsonLucy Mborn about 1881
NewmanLee born about 1906

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P Surnames

PackhamCharles Hborn about 1939
PackhamCharles Wborn about 1913
PackhamMary Lborn about 1916
PahlLouis born about 1880
PattersonCarrie Iborn about 1885
PattersonFrank Jborn about 1876
PearsonEarl Jborn about 1888
PearsonEffie born about 1891
PearsonW Daleborn about 1922
PearsonWalter Eborn about 1913
PeckDonald born about 1928
PeckEdna Mborn about 1890
PeckHoward Bborn about 1889
PeckKenneth born about 1931
PeckMargar born about 1925
PetersonAllen Fborn about 1905
PetrieGeorge born about 1905
PetrieJoyce Aborn about 1930
PetrieSarah Aborn about 1900
PhippiAlfred born about 1927
PhippiBooker born about 1889
PhippiEvlyn born about 1933
PhippiFay Mborn about 1929
PhippiFrank born about 1928
PhippiGrace Eborn about 1927
PhippiGrant Wborn about 1932
PhippiHelen Tborn about 1908
PhippiKyle Hborn about 1917
PhippiLee born about 1925
PhippiMay Lborn about 1922
PhippiOrley born about 1899
PhippiOscar born about 1935
PhippiViola born about 1895
PhippiViolet born about 1931
PhippiWanda Jborn about 1933
PlaceVernon Fborn about 1887
PondEva born about 1893
PondGeraldyne born about 1931
PondZera Wborn about 1891

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R Surnames

ReaCharles Rborn about 1939
ReaLester Tborn about 1890
ReaMattie Fborn about 1938
ReaRuth Aborn about 1908
ReaganAnna born about 1894
ReaganWilliam born about 1888
ReedyCarrie Lborn about 1905
ReedyDale born about 1928
ReedyJim Mborn about 1901
ReedyTommie born about 1934
ReedyWill born about 1888
RenfrowCarl born about 1901
RenfrowDavid Pborn about 1935
RenfrowJackie Fborn about 1927
RenfrowMary Eborn about 1905
ReynoldsDavid Oborn about 1876
ReynoldsLaura born about 1878
ReynoldsMaxine born about 1921
RobertsonDeloris Rborn about 1936
RobertsonEvelyn Jborn about 1939
RobertsonGeorge Rborn about 1913
RobertsonRaymond Gborn about 1938
RobertsonRuby Mborn about 1913

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S Surnames

StacyArthur Hborn about 1910
StacyViolet Eborn about 1916
StevensBirdie Lborn about 1915
StevensDelores Aborn about 1936
StevensErnest Eborn about 1934
StevensEva Mborn about 1939
StevensWilliam Aborn about 1911
SylderHannah Mborn about 1888
SylderLester Eborn about 1878

V Surnames

VanskikeCarol Iborn about 1894
VanskikeDorothy Mborn about 1939
VanskikeLoy Lborn about 1914
VanskikePearl Mborn about 1917
VanskikeS Veraborn about 1909
VanskikeW Burkborn about 1920

W Surnames

WallinClaude Eborn about 1884
WallinJohn Pborn about 1931
WallinKathryn Eborn about 1898
WallinLyda Jborn about 1926
WallinRobert Kborn about 1924
WellsGeo born about 1869
WhiteCharles born about 1886
WilliamEverett Lborn about 1920
WilsonBenjamin Fborn about 1876
WilsonEvelyn Mborn about 1918
WilsonJohn born about 1905
WilsonMarilyn Rborn about 1938
WilsonRilda Mborn about 1879
WilsonWilford Hborn about 1910
WoodJoe Cborn about 1865

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Y Surnames

YamamotoAnn born about 1932
YamamotoJim born about 1898
YamamotoMargaret born about 1933
YamamotoMary born about 1912
YeatesAlta Nborn about 1932
YeatesDaisy Lborn about 1931
YoungCyrus Wborn about 1928
YoungDon Pborn about 1883
YoungGreeta Iborn about 1899

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