1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mullan, Shoshone, Idaho

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Idaho > Shoshone County > 1940 Census of Mullan

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AariedalGeorge born about 1911
AatesAlbert Edwardborn about 1894
AatesMartha born about 1902
AatesWilliam Johnborn about 1927
AckermanChris born about 1901
AckermanElizabeth born about 1900
AckermanElizabeth born about 1909
AckermanFrances born about 1921
AckermanJake born about 1898
AckermanJames born about 1929
AckermanMarlyn born about 1939
AckermanWalter born about 1919
AckermanWayne born about 1925
AdamsEsther Mborn about 1916
AdamsGeorge Eborn about 1869
AdamsGeorge Jborn about 1908
AdamsHarietta Leeborn about 1937
AdamsHarry born about 1896
AdamsHettie born about 1892
AdamsJane born about 1937
AdamsMabel Iborn about 1902
AdamsMyrtle born about 1915
AdamsRichard born about 1876
AhoBernhard born about 1905
AhoLaura born about 1908
AhoTovis born about 1913
AlankoOliver born about 1910
AlankoSopha born about 1910
AlankoVictor Hborn about 1909
AlberaturiFrancisco born about 1909
AlderinGordon born about 1920
AldrigeCole born about 1910
AleenCarl born about 1908
AleenDoris born about 1916
AlexanderClem born about 1914
AlexanderEarl born about 1936
AlexanderElma born about 1914
AlexanderEster born about 1917
AlexanderJanice born about 1938
AlexanderJerry born about 1940
AlexanderJoe born about 1911
AlexanderKatherine born about 1915
AlexanderRobert born about 1939
AlexanderRudolph born about 1937
AlexanderVincent born about 1910
AlexanderWayne born about 1936
AllenDelane born about 1938
AllenGloyd born about 1900
AllenMaureen born about 1937
AllenRay born about 1911
AllenRaymond born about 1936
AllenRuth born about 1917
AllisonBertha Fernborn about 1899
AllisonD Eborn about 1911
AllisonDickie Murlinborn about 1935
AllisonEdna Maeborn about 1927
AllisonMariam born about 1909
AllisonMarian born about 1928
AllisonThomas Durwardborn about 1938
AllisonW Hborn about 1897
AllisonWilbur Paulborn about 1924
AllisonWilliam Donaldborn about 1929
AlmenJean Van born about 1885
Almquist born about 1928
AlmquistBessie born about 1908
AlmquistElmer born about 1922
AlmquistFrank born about 1913
AlmquistGus born about 1883
AlmquistHarry born about 1917
AlmquistMarjorie born about 1922
AlmquistMina born about 1882
AmquistWalter born about 1909
AndersonBevelery born about 1938
AndersonCarol born about 1937
AndersonEddie born about 1910
AndersonEralyn Aborn about 1896
AndersonFrank born about 1868
AndersonGeorgia born about 1923
AndersonGodfrey born about 1884
AndersonHerbert Edwardborn about 1899
AndersonHilma born about 1902
AndersonHoward born about 1921
AndersonIda born about 1890
AndersonKarin born about 1863
AndersonRobert born about 1926
AndersonRomona born about 1914
AndersonSelma born about 1913
AndersonWalter born about 1905
AndreskoJohn born about 1936
AndreskoJosephine born about 1916
AndrewHerman born about 1886
AndrewMinnie born about 1895
AnnbellPerry Nborn about 1901
AnnoMary born about 1871
AppeltEdward born about 1913
AppeltLillian born about 1921
AppeltLou Le Royborn about 1939
AranguenaGregano born about 1904
AresJohn born about 1883
AriasBruns born about 1914
ArmesHelen born about 1930
ArmesHenry born about 1900
ArmesLempy born about 1887
ArmoalipePete born about 1909
AroAdolph Gusborn about 1897
ArteAugustin born about 1900
ArteFlora born about 1911
ArteRaymond born about 1931
ArteRichard born about 1932
ArthiersBernard born about 1910
ArthiersLeah Eleanoreborn about 1935
ArthiersMargaret born about 1910
ArthurFrank born about 1915
ArthurKeth born about 1938
AshbyAlvin born about 1912
AshbyMildred born about 1919
AshleyMaxine born about 1915
AshtonJoy born about 1926
AshtonRalph born about 1894
AshtonRose born about 1905
AspectVictor born about 1887
AsrustasHelen born about 1939
AsrustasMary born about 1918
AsrustasTheodore born about 1892
AtankoJo Annborn about 1931
AtankoJunior born about 1930
AuneArt born about 1896
AuneCarrie born about 1922
AuneElbjory born about 1925
AuneGordliaf born about 1920
AuneJohannah born about 1901
AuringerJesse born about 1906
AustinRay born about 1914
AuthierLeo born about 1915
AuthierPhyllis born about 1922
AuthierSherman Kayborn about 1939
AutioDavid Oborn about 1911
AutioHarry born about 1898
AutioLulu Nborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachKenneth born about 1901
BacklundChristinia born about 1873
BacklundHannah born about 1888
BacklundNels born about 1873
BaertchFlorence born about 1886
BaffasTony born about 1892
BagleyLottie born about 1910
BagshawAdah born about 1890
BagshawAlice born about 1930
BagshawFrank born about 1887
BagshawMary born about 1933
BaierFred born about 1904
BaierJacquelyn born about 1936
BaierJames born about 1933
BaierLucile born about 1909
BaillieErnest born about 1933
BaillieFred born about 1924
BaillieGeorge born about 1931
BaillieGertrude born about 1896
BaillieJohn born about 1882
BaillieMelvin born about 1920
BaillieRalph born about 1928
BanAmos born about 1913
BanDorothy Annborn about 1936
BanFrancis born about 1913
BanMary Louisborn about 1940
BanViola born about 1915
BarchEva born about 1861
BarnettGlen born about 1905
BarnettJ Kborn about 1869
BarnettMuriel born about 1934
BarnettNeil born about 1909
BarnettNina born about 1905
BarnettNorman born about 1928
BarnierJulian born about 1887
BarrettDick born about 1914
BarryHelen born about 1900
BarryPatrick born about 1895
BarterJames born about 1916
BarterRaymond born about 1921
BartonBurdine born about 1919
BartonDick born about 1915
BartonJoyce Elaineborn about 1939
BartonLois born about 1915
BartonMathew Lborn about 1907
BartonThomas Lborn about 1935
BaslingtonDell born about 1909
BaslingtonDuane born about 1938
BaslingtonGeneva born about 1912
BassLouis born about 1901
BastickDan born about 1900
BauerElizabeth born about 1883
BauerHarold born about 1907
BauerHenry born about 1883
BaxterBarbara Joanborn about 1939
BaxterJack Sborn about 1918
BaxterRuth born about 1919
BeanAnna born about 1888
BeanJames born about 1925
BeanThomas born about 1914
BeanWilliam born about 1879
BeanWilliam born about 1918
BeatonJames Robertborn about 1921
BellaryEarl born about 1909
BenedictAlice born about 1905
BenedictEdward born about 1907
BenedictJames born about 1906
BennettJohn born about 1889
BensonAda born about 1921
BensonArla born about 1937
BensonArta born about 1939
BensonLaurence born about 1912
BensonOtis born about 1914
BensonSandra Lborn about 1940
BensonWanda born about 1921
BentleyDorris born about 1930
BentleyMalcolm born about 1923
BentleyOrlean born about 1895
BergAugusta born about 1884
BergOscar born about 1886
BergerCharley born about 1922
BergerHenry born about 1910
BerglundBertha born about 1898
BerglundIvan born about 1906
BerglundVictor born about 1929
BerriochoaAdeline born about 1925
BerriochoaAlbert born about 1935
BerriochoaEllen born about 1922
BerriochoaLouis born about 1923
BerriochoaMay born about 1926
BerriochoaRuby born about 1929
BesalaWilliam born about 1901
BestMarilynn Sueborn about 1939
BestPhilip born about 1911
BestViolet born about 1913
BettineAnna born about 1918
BettineCarl born about 1916
BettineHazel Annborn about 1939
BinghamWalter born about 1905
BirdBen born about 1889
BirdEmma born about 1885
BirlewBertha born about 1883
BirlewGeorge born about 1878
BishopBenjamin Aborn about 1915
BishopJoe Kborn about 1917
BishopRobert born about 1924
BisihkeRudolph born about 1914
BlandEugene born about 1910
BlandMargarite born about 1909
BlatnickFrank born about 1915
BlattarDolores born about 1939
BlattarEster born about 1920
BlattarWilliam born about 1915
BlissLonore born about 1916
BloomCarl born about 1899
BloomCharles born about 1871
BloomErvin born about 1901
BloomHelen born about 1927
BloomHilda born about 1872
BloomJames Rborn about 1926
BloomNorma born about 1904
BodikerRoger born about 1923
BodikerVirl born about 1916
BolanderArthur born about 1884
BolanderLucile born about 1907
BondC Jr born about 1894
BontinenAileen born about 1935
BontinenEdna born about 1938
BontinenEmil born about 1903
BontinenJean born about 1934
BontinenMary born about 1913
BoutinenAnna born about 1883
BoutinenAxel born about 1906
BoutinenCharlene born about 1933
BoutinenIsabel born about 1909
BowdenAlice born about 1891
BowdenJohn born about 1891
BowdenLucille born about 1921
BoydLeonard born about 1917
BradburyHoward born about 1911
BraggLewis born about 1880
BrandCharles born about 1903
BrandFred born about 1932
BrandGerry born about 1939
BrandVera born about 1908
BrandtArlan born about 1940
BrandtBeverley born about 1931
BrandtCharles born about 1897
BrandtCharles Jr born about 1930
BrandtDenice born about 1939
BrandtGilbert born about 1926
BrandtGust Gborn about 1902
BrandtHoward born about 1928
BrandtJames born about 1927
BrandtLillian born about 1908
BrandtMarbie born about 1936
BrandtMaude born about 1908
BransonAdolph born about 1889
BrashierEarl born about 1894
BrashierPhyllis born about 1901
BrechonWilliam born about 1917
BrentleyClell born about 1895
BrentleyDonna born about 1935
BrentleyEloise born about 1925
BrentleyGenevieve born about 1905
BrentleyNorma born about 1923
BrentleyRosanne born about 1939
BrewerBelden born about 1912
BrewerKatherina Francesborn about 1939
BrewerKatherine Francesborn about 1913
BrezonikMartin born about 1887
BristowE Mborn about 1900
BritelAlice born about 1910
BritelBertena born about 1931
BritelHoward born about 1887
BritonArthur born about 1879
BritonElsie born about 1898
BritonHoward born about 1914
BritonMarion born about 1919
BrittonWallace born about 1919
BrooksJ Bborn about 1900
BrooksJames born about 1925
BrooksMarjorie born about 1924
BrooksMina born about 1904
BrownAnn Karolynborn about 1940
BrownAstrid born about 1906
BrownDean born about 1904
BrownDouglas born about 1928
BrownElizabeth born about 1893
BrownFoster born about 1904
BrownFrank born about 1871
BrownHayden born about 1890
BrownKeith born about 1938
BrownLucia born about 1937
BrownMary born about 1913
BrownMolly Leeborn about 1931
BrownRonald born about 1924
BrownWendell born about 1910
BrownlowJohn Robertborn about 1933
BrownlowMaude born about 1888
BrownlowNorma born about 1931
BruinCecil born about 1904
BruinLawrence born about 1935
BruinNell born about 1915
BruinPatrick born about 1939
BruntorJessie born about 1880
BrustonArdeth born about 1925
BrustonHarley born about 1928
BrustonMarcie born about 1901
BrustonSally born about 1932
BryantEdward born about 1886
BryantMary born about 1896
BryantWesley born about 1927
BryntesonGus born about 1893
BryntesonValborg born about 1906
BunnallJohn born about 1871
BurgessJack born about 1908
BurkeCecilia born about 1927
BurkeMartin born about 1901
BurkeThomas born about 1901
BurkeThomas born about 1931
BurkeVera born about 1907
BurnsHarry born about 1890
BurnsMarjorie born about 1894
BurrisFrances born about 1903
BurrisGordon born about 1930
BurrisHelen born about 1929
BurrisNorman born about 1928
BurrisRichard Bborn about 1907
BussMatt born about 1924
BustilloCelestina born about 1902
BustilloJoe born about 1888
ButlerDelma born about 1935
ButlerDelmer born about 1935
ButlerHomer born about 1923
ButlerKenneth born about 1939
ButlerLouis born about 1899
ButlerMarion born about 1906
ButlerPearl born about 1905
ButlerRobert born about 1927
ButtiVaine born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CacebeerBertha born about 1914
CacebeerJohn born about 1908
CadyElizabeth born about 1904
CameronRalph Pborn about 1915
CampbellElsie Floraborn about 1878
CampbellGeorge born about 1879
CampbellRussel born about 1896
CamphillArthur Dborn about 1893
CamphillGrace Mborn about 1883
CanfieldKenneth born about 1907
CanwellAnita born about 1923
CanwellJohn Bborn about 1876
CanwellTom born about 1917
CarlosSam born about 1893
CarlsonArlette born about 1928
CarlsonBennett born about 1912
CarlsonEster born about 1902
CarlsonFrank born about 1891
CarlsonFred born about 1896
CarlsonHerman born about 1892
CarlsonIrene born about 1910
CarlsonIris born about 1922
CarlsonJean born about 1926
CarlsonJohn born about 1891
CarlsonLillian born about 1898
CarlsonLily born about 1902
CarlsonVictor born about 1890
CarricoRalph born about 1897
CarrySpyne born about 1888
CarsonJoe born about 1890
CarsonMary born about 1859
CartwightAnna born about 1888
CartwightCharles born about 1871
CarusoCarmen born about 1906
CarusoJames born about 1902
CarverHarry born about 1933
CarverWayne born about 1931
CaseGrace born about 1916
CasebeerArlene born about 1936
CasebeerCharles born about 1873
CasebeerCharles Nborn about 1915
CasebeerIda born about 1879
CasebeerWinnifred born about 1915
CaseyJeff born about 1902
CaseyMarie born about 1909
CaseyMarion born about 1936
CastonBuck born about 1911
CastonMary born about 1918
CavanaughElmer born about 1891
CavanaughMary born about 1895
CheyneBene born about 1909
CheyneMildred Cborn about 1918
CheyneVonda born about 1935
ChubBonnie born about 1922
ChubHerschel born about 1919
ClairmontJoe born about 1912
ClappGerald born about 1935
ClappLouis born about 1910
ClappMargaret born about 1915
ClaypoolChristina born about 1915
ClaypoolWalter born about 1908
ClaypoolWalter Jr born about 1932
ClemonsMarlyn born about 1923
ClevelandEdna Fborn about 1933
ClevelandGladys born about 1913
ClevelandIvan born about 1905
ClevelandJack born about 1930
ClevelandJean Eborn about 1938
ClevelandLola born about 1905
ClevelandWalter born about 1901
ClubFred born about 1917
ClubbBob born about 1927
ClubbGeorge born about 1872
ClubbJack born about 1920
ClubbMae born about 1885
ClubbStarker born about 1884
CobbClara born about 1889
CobbMaynard born about 1920
CoffeyJoe born about 1919
CoffeyKatherine born about 1920
ColeGeorge born about 1883
ColeHerman born about 1880
ColeMargaret born about 1880
ColeMargaret born about 1888
CollacottAlice born about 1910
CollacottSidney born about 1888
CollisonJack born about 1901
CondottaAngela born about 1901
CondottaAngelo born about 1895
CondottaFlora born about 1925
CondottaHelen born about 1924
CondottaLeno born about 1922
ConstanAnna born about 1875
ConwayAlma born about 1905
ConwayRichard born about 1924
CooperJewel born about 1901
CooperJohn born about 1894
CooperMargaret born about 1927
CooperOrland born about 1881
CortesePete born about 1874
CostarVirginia born about 1915
CostasGlen Hborn about 1938
CouchElizabeth born about 1911
CouchMarvin born about 1931
CouchWilliam born about 1889
CoughlenW Eborn about 1874
CoumerilkWilliam born about 1874
CoxJune born about 1918
CoxRoss born about 1919
CrabaughCatherine born about 1921
CrabaughClo Allanborn about 1923
CrabaughCloe born about 1887
CrabaughHazel born about 1896
CrabaughMavie born about 1926
CrabaughRay born about 1916
CrabaughWallace born about 1928
CralyaughCreman Lborn about 1915
CralyaughFred born about 1936
CralyaughRobeta born about 1916
CrawfordMary Annborn about 1936
CrawfordMaurice born about 1913
CrawfordMay born about 1918
CrnkovichFranklin born about 1932
CrnkovichGeorge born about 1931
CrnkovichIvan born about 1893
CrnkovichIvan born about 1937
CrnkovichJoe born about 1927
CrnkovichKatherine born about 1905
CrnkovichKatherine born about 1939
CrnkovichMike born about 1928
CrnkovichSteve born about 1935
CrooksEinar born about 1909
CrooksEsther born about 1905
CrooksFrederick born about 1875
CrooksMartha born about 1909
CrumCharles born about 1881
CunninghamEdith born about 1909
CunninghamRex born about 1913
CurdClara born about 1900
CurrieElmer born about 1920
CurryEdward born about 1909
CurryIrene born about 1916
CurtisHarvey born about 1906
CurtisHarvey Jr born about 1936
CurtisJosephine born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleShanklin born about 1902
DallasSem born about 1896
DaloBenjamin born about 1912
DaloRegina born about 1898
DancerChristine born about 1897
DancerDonald born about 1925
DancerGenevieve born about 1939
DancerGeorge born about 1935
DancerGladys born about 1933
DancerGrace born about 1924
DancerGrover born about 1887
DancerHarold born about 1927
DancerRose born about 1932
DarrowClarence born about 1908
DarrowDolores born about 1932
DarrowEugene born about 1936
DarrowLaverne born about 1934
DarrowLouise born about 1910
DavidsonFrank born about 1914
DavidsonGeorge born about 1912
DavidsonJimmie Lborn about 1939
DavisArchie Fborn about 1900
DavisBilly born about 1925
DavisClair born about 1882
DavisClair Lborn about 1922
DavisGlen born about 1913
DavisHelen born about 1919
DavisHenrietta born about 1887
DavisJean born about 1910
DavisJoan born about 1939
DavisRogal born about 1911
DavisWilliam born about 1916
DayEdward born about 1899
DayMyrtle born about 1936
DayNelia born about 1891
DeasyLenna born about 1910
DeasyMark born about 1910
DeatleyColleen born about 1923
DeatleyRobert born about 1920
DeeveyLeona born about 1910
DeeveyVance born about 1908
DehlichEli born about 1911
DehlichWinifred Mborn about 1916
DeightonGeorge born about 1937
DeightonHilda born about 1917
DeightonMolly Jeanborn about 1940
DeightonWalter born about 1916
DelandyAmelia born about 1880
DelandyRankin born about 1864
DelanyLouise born about 1920
DelanyRankin Dborn about 1918
DelichDraga born about 1917
DelichTom born about 1889
DempseyLudwig born about 1898
DempseyMargaret born about 1904
DempseyPaul Leroyborn about 1940
DennisBarbara born about 1937
DennisFred born about 1915
DennisJessie born about 1919
DevereaughWarren born about 1924
DevineEdward born about 1938
DevineEllen born about 1918
DevineGale born about 1939
DevineJohn born about 1916
DixJean born about 1914
DixTony born about 1913
DolanGladys born about 1920
DolanJohn born about 1909
DolanJohn Louisborn about 1940
DolbeyGertrude born about 1877
DolbeyRoy born about 1882
DolbeyVirginia born about 1912
DomitrovichBernice born about 1905
DomitrovichVincent born about 1905
DonoheDorothy born about 1933
DonoheEloise born about 1932
DonoheGeraldine born about
DonoheNorma born about 1914
DonoheNorvel born about 1910
DonoheNovella born about 1939
DoolingFrances born about 1898
DoolingJack born about 1917
DoolingKenneth born about 1919
DoolingMarlyn born about 1935
DoolingTom born about 1888
DorisWilliam born about 1908
DosfresnePete born about 1901
DownsHannah born about 1879
DownsWilliam born about 1872
DownsWm born about 1914
DragerJohn born about 1914
DragerPatricia born about 1914
DragerSidney born about 1939
DroogsCarolyn born about 1933
DroogsLarry born about 1934
DroogsLois born about 1938
DroogsRaymond born about 1907
DroogsRobert born about 1935
DroogsVerla born about 1907
DuffyBernard born about 1905
DuffyJames born about 1931
DuffyJohn born about 1932
DuffyKatherine born about 1927
DuffyMary born about 1907
DuffyRichard born about 1929
DuffyThomas born about 1939
DupinsAudrey born about 1926
DupinsFlorence born about 1886
DupinsJack born about 1874
DupinsJack Jr born about 1916
DupinsPete born about 1913
DurickEugene born about 1919
DurickIsabel born about 1890
DurickJohn born about 1927
DurickMichael born about 1872
DutheweilesEdward born about 1891
DutheweilesFreda born about 1908
DutheweilesFreddie born about 1937
DutheweilesRudy born about 1935
DutyGlady born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarhowElsie born about 1919
EarleFrances born about 1882
EarleJoe born about 1880
EarlyArthur Charles Lborn about 1910
EastmanDolores born about 1934
EastmanElsie born about 1900
EastmanFred born about 1897
EcheaFelix born about 1902
EdmondsFred born about 1905
EdmondsMargaret born about 1917
EdwardsAdah born about 1901
EdwardsHarold Donborn about 1934
EdwardsW Eborn about 1902
EggersJohn born about 1918
ElfersAlma born about 1877
ElfersElmer born about 1877
ElfersGale born about 1920
ElliottCharles born about 1898
EllisBetty born about 1925
EllwoodAnna born about 1887
EllwoodDonald born about 1922
EllwoodIsaac born about 1875
EllwoodJohn born about 1934
EllwoodKenneth born about 1910
EllwoodKenneth born about 1931
EllwoodLoraine born about 1924
EllwoodMabel born about 1908
ElordiDimas born about 1909
EmmersonBobbie born about 1925
EmmersonHarold born about 1928
EmmersonLucille born about 1906
EngebretsonAlice born about 1903
EngebretsonDan born about 1921
EngebretsonLouis born about 1901
EngebretsonPeggy born about 1925
EnglishAlbert Jborn about 1917
EpfinDoris born about 1933
EricksonAnna born about 1871
EricksonAnna Bborn about 1867
EricksonBeatrice born about 1902
EricksonDolores born about 1937
EricksonDonald born about 1932
EricksonDorris born about 1923
EricksonElizabeth born about 1917
EricksonEsther born about 1902
EricksonGilbert born about 1894
EricksonGlen born about 1929
EricksonGloria born about 1939
EricksonIsaac born about 1887
EricksonJanet born about 1935
EricksonJohn born about 1908
EricksonKenneth born about 1937
EricksonMatt born about 1891
EricksonMildred born about 1924
EricksonOlaf born about 1856
EricksonRoy born about 1899
EricksonSandra born about 1891
EricksonViena Mayborn about 1926
EricksonWalter born about 1911
EricksonWillaim born about 1924
EricksonWilliam born about 1897
EsklundGust born about 1893
EslickGrant Hilbergborn about 1917
EslickGrant Jr born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarissD Hborn about 1873
FarissLucile born about 1881
FealkoJohn born about 1922
FealkoRalph born about 1921
FeldmanTheodore born about 1916
FeldmanWinona born about 1921
FennerCharlotte Annborn about 1939
FennerMargaret born about 1906
FennerMary born about 1932
FennerSteve born about 1903
FergusenBert born about 1880
FerogliaGene born about 1927
FerogliaGeorge born about 1897
FerogliaMary born about 1906
FinchBetty born about 1920
FinchCarl born about 1918
FinchClarence born about 1916
FinchRaymond born about 1930
FinkbanerJake born about 1914
FinleyBess born about 1890
FinleyJack born about 1889
FisherFreda born about 1885
FisherGuy born about 1885
FisherHazel born about 1918
FisherJ Dborn about 1876
FisherLeslie born about 1908
FisherLeslie born about 1937
FisherOctavia born about 1908
FisherPearl born about 1884
FitscherAntone born about 1890
FlankLouis born about 1910
FlankPatricia born about 1937
FlankSamma born about 1910
FletcherLouise born about 1910
FletcherW Mborn about 1910
FlippoClara Dborn about 1930
FlippoEva Mborn about 1911
FlippoJames Eborn about 1905
FlorinWalford born about 1885
FordCarl born about 1911
FordFrancis born about 1915
FordLinnie born about 1919
ForomanCharlie born about 1916
FossAlice born about 1928
FossGeneva born about 1938
FossGeorge born about 1891
FossGrace born about 1895
FossHenry born about 1897
FossJanne born about 1937
FossJohn born about 1935
FossLoretta born about 1899
FossMarcus born about 1923
FossMary born about 1926
FosterEsther born about 1900
FosterFaihdyn born about 1921
FosterJames born about 1881
FosterJames born about 1921
FosterKathryn born about 1928
FosterLouis born about 1897
FosterLucy born about 1884
FoxBessie born about 1908
FoxEarl born about 1937
FoxEllen Janeborn about 1932
FoxGeorge born about 1904
FoxGeorge born about 1939
FrankJoseph born about 1890
FraserIna born about 1907
FraserRoy born about 1905
FreemanAlbin born about 1893
FreemanAlma born about 1891
FreemanAlvina born about 1932
FreemanEdward born about 1928
FreemanJ Eborn about 1899
FreemanMarguerita born about 1914
FreemanRalph born about 1925
FreemanViola born about 1909
FreytagCecille born about 1908
FreytagErnest born about 1903
FrindstrandHelen born about 1899
FrindstrandHilda born about 1888
FritzHannah born about 1896
FuentezAbraham born about 1894
FuentezEtta born about 1866
FuentezFern born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabicaJohn born about 1919
GaerberLeland born about 1918
GaerberMary born about 1920
GaerberWilliam born about 1940
GaffEvelna born about 1914
GaffFloyd Eborn about 1907
GaffFranklin Wborn about 1937
GaffJohn Alfredborn about 1938
GalesAdolph born about 1909
GalesLora born about 1911
GalesMercides born about 1936
GalloDolores born about 1932
GalloDoris born about 1905
GalloJoyce born about 1939
GalloMike born about 1895
GalloRuth born about 1933
GarciaWilliam born about 1906
GaritoneAllene born about 1919
GaritoneAmelia born about 1926
GaritoneDominick born about 1917
GaritoneDon Elaineborn about 1939
GaritoneEugene born about 1911
GaritoneEvelynna born about 1920
GaritoneJoe born about 1869
GaritoneMarian born about 1929
GaritoneMary born about 1888
GaritoneRonald born about 1939
GarnessArthur born about 1909
GarnessHelen born about 1917
GarnessJudith born about 1939
GarrelMarie born about 1907
GaryMike born about 1898
GaslinMary born about 1915
GaslinMarylyn born about 1935
GaslinRonald born about 1911
GaslinRonald born about 1937
GeltmeorGifford Irimanborn about 1911
GeorgeNick born about 1891
GernerFred born about 1872
GernerSarah born about 1875
GiachettiDominick born about 1897
GiachettiJames born about 1924
GiachettiJames born about 1924
GiachettiKatherine born about 1923
GiachettiRobert born about 1926
GiachettiSelma born about 1907
GiachinoFrances born about 1915
GiachinoFrank born about 1914
GiachinoFrank born about 1938
GiachinoJohn born about 1906
GiachinoMadeline born about 1881
GiachinoVirginia born about 1920
GibichRate born about 1888
GibsonForest born about 1883
GibsonJulia born about 1891
GiethinoHelen born about 1918
GiethinoPaul born about 1920
GillettLen born about 1906
GillettWilliam born about 1910
GillisArchie Aborn about 1909
GillisArchie Sueborn about 1866
GilmoreRobert born about 1927
GipsonMargaret born about 1914
GipsonRobert born about 1907
GlimeHelen born about 1869
GoebelGeorge born about 1913
GolburnAlma born about 1910
GolburnPaul born about 1900
GolburnSylvia born about 1934
GolobAlfred born about 1916
GolobGordon Albertborn about 1939
GolobJulia born about 1920
GolobVince born about 1912
GoostreyEric born about 1912
GoreSteve born about 1910
GorsheJosephine born about 1892
GorsheLouis born about 1888
GorsheLouis born about 1922
GorsheMargarite born about 1925
GorsheRose born about 1918
GortiandiaGabina born about 1910
GrahamBarbara born about 1931
GrahamBlois born about 1924
GrahamJames born about 1893
GrahamMildred born about 1893
GrahamShirley born about 1937
GrassPaul born about 1889
GreenEdward Cborn about 1889
GreenLida born about 1890
GreenfieldBessie born about 1931
GreenfieldForest born about 1902
GreenfieldForest born about 1924
GreenfieldFrancis born about 1927
GreenfieldPeggy born about 1932
GreenfieldRoland born about 1925
GreenfieldStella born about 1906
GreenleeAlbert born about 1881
GreenoughBertha born about 1886
GreenoughDaren Earlborn about 1885
GreenoughRoger born about 1896
GreerLonnie born about 1906
GreigBetty born about 1936
GreigEdith born about 1919
GreigIola born about 1937
GreigJack born about 1911
GribbleDorothy born about 1913
GribbleFoster born about 1900
GribbleHarold born about 1911
GribbleJune born about 1877
GribbleMildred born about 1906
GrillisAlrich born about 1908
GrossAloys born about 1906
GuessEvelyn born about 1923
GuessJames born about 1915
GuessPatricia born about 1939
GuffHarold born about 1926
GuffHarry born about 1904
GuffMargueritte born about 1908
GuffRaymond born about 1924
GuisasolaLouise born about 1938
GuisasolaMarie born about 1910
GustafsonLarry born about 1900
GustafsonMary born about 1862

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaackeCarl Jborn about 1905
HaackeHelen Tborn about 1911
HaackeStanley born about 1939
HaeselerAlbert born about 1901
HaeselerKathleen born about 1900
HaeskeAlydia born about 1902
HaeskeLeslie Rborn about 1910
HafelfingerJulius born about 1893
HagerCarrie born about 1920
HagerDonna born about 1939
HagerRog born about 1909
HagesBetty born about 1925
HagesCharles born about 1885
HagesHazel born about 1890
HahnFrances born about 1919
HahnFrank born about 1917
HahnOscar born about 1916
HaightBertha born about 1890
HaightFrances born about 1918
HaightLawrence Aborn about 1896
HakalaAugust born about 1905
HakalaIna Juneborn about 1940
HakalaLaura born about 1913
HakalaPaul born about 1939
HaleTom born about 1902
HallAgnes born about 1904
HallBen born about 1890
HallCecil born about 1905
HallClara born about 1897
HallDon born about 1920
HallEstelle Eborn about 1879
HallJack born about 1933
HallJulia born about 1897
HallLois born about 1927
HallRoy born about 1893
HallWilliam born about 1887
HammondRichard Dborn about 1916
HamphillLora Leeborn about 1935
HamphillRoy born about 1907
HamphillViola born about 1913
HansenBertha born about 1905
HansenEva born about 1901
HansenHarold born about 1926
HansenJames born about 1925
HansenMartin born about 1894
HansenMartin Jr born about 1922
HansenPete born about 1890
HansenPhillip born about 1927
HarperKenneth born about 1885
HarringLeona born about 1909
HarrisWalter born about 1904
HartAndrew born about 1893
HartGladys born about 1900
HartHoward born about 1885
HartMabel born about 1919
HartRetta born about 1907
HartWallace born about 1908
HartWallace Jr born about 1939
HarveyGeorge born about 1912
HarwoodArthur born about 1890
HarwoodDan born about 1921
HarwoodDorothy born about 1924
HarwoodJo Anneborn about 1933
HarwoodMattie born about 1894
HaskinsAda born about 1926
HaskinsClyde born about 1906
HaskinsHazel born about 1929
HaskinsJulia born about 1911
HaskinsKenneth born about 1924
HaskinsMarie born about 1918
HaskinsNellie born about 1887
HaskinsPauline born about 1936
HaskinsPhillip born about 1939
HaskinsPual born about 1890
HaskinsRichard born about 1913
HaskinsSheron born about 1939
HaskinsVern born about 1931
HaskinsWilliam born about 1929
HastingsR Wborn about 1904
HaughanAlfred born about 1918
HaughanByron born about 1922
HaughanViolet born about 1897
HawlyClara born about 1892
HawlyGordon born about 1893
HawoodChester born about 1896
HayesBirtchel born about 1912
HayesBobbie Leeborn about 1932
HayesCharles born about 1910
HayesCharles born about 1929
HayesClinton born about 1930
HayesEdith born about 1907
HayesGerald Lloydborn about 1935
HayesMarguerite born about 1916
HayesNaomi La Verneborn about 1933
HebeinKatie born about 1875
HeberDuane born about 1938
HeberEdward born about 1908
HeberJulia born about 1912
HeberRonald born about 1935
HebertBilly born about 1934
HebertJimmie born about 1936
HebertMargaret born about 1900
HebertSimon born about 1912
HebertWilliam born about 1907
HebertWilma born about 1897
HeikkilaEmma born about 1885
HeikkilaNorman born about 1917
HeikkilaSam born about 1885
HelferBert born about 1897
HelferBert born about 1920
HelferEdwin born about 1929
HelferElsie born about 1898
HelferEster born about 1927
HelferOmar born about 1924
HellemAndrew born about 1908
HellemBetty Annborn about 1928
HellemElaine born about 1929
HellemInga born about 1910
HendricksonAlbert born about 1896
HendricksonAlbert born about 1916
HendricksonAnna born about 1889
HendricksonEdward born about 1916
HendricksonEllis born about 1928
HendricksonElvera born about 1926
HendricksonGurdelda born about 1894
HendricksonIda born about 1893
HendricksonJohn born about 1905
HendricksonJohn born about 1910
HendricksonMatthew born about 1913
HendricksonRay born about 1920
HendricksonTwyla born about 1939
HendricksonTyyne born about 1914
HendricksonVjaland born about 1897
HendricksonWalter born about 1919
HenelyAlphea born about 1911
HenelyBilly born about 1929
HenelyLawrence Cborn about 1905
HennikmanFrank born about 1916
HennikmanLeo born about 1917
HennikmanMargaret born about 1894
HensleeFay born about 1898
HerlinEllen born about 1936
HerlinLouise born about 1915
HerlinOnnie born about 1908
HerlinVirginia born about 1931
HicksAdeline born about 1905
HicksBuddie born about 1930
HicksJack born about 1923
HicksNickie born about 1925
HicksRay born about 1928
HicksWilliam born about 1898
HildeEdward born about 1887
HillAlfred born about 1899
HillAndrew born about 1893
HillArvid Jborn about 1916
HillBetty Louborn about 1938
HillEdla Jborn about 1886
HillEdward born about 1890
HillFlorene born about 1916
HillHomer born about 1912
HillJacob born about 1881
HillLydia born about 1902
HillMary born about 1910
HillWilliam Eborn about 1868
HinnenkampGregory born about 1917
HitchinaAmanda born about 1895
HitchinaJune born about 1925
HitchinaRichard born about 1891
HjalmarKojola born about 1893
HobbsEva born about 1911
HobbsLeona born about 1939
HobbsLeonard born about 1898
HobsonJerry born about 1907
HodginsAlbert born about 1886
HodginsAlice born about 1931
HodginsHazel born about 1898
HodginsJay born about 1927
HodginsJean born about 1925
HodginsWilliam Bborn about 1915
HoffartBarbara born about 1939
HoffartCasper born about 1911
HoffartMary born about 1915
HoffartThomas born about 1938
HoffstrandHelen born about 1886
HoffstrandOscar born about 1881
HoganAmanda born about 1891
HoganDonald born about 1936
HoganLily born about 1913
HoganNick Eborn about 1879
HoganNorma born about 1937
HoganNorman born about 1891
HollandDaisie born about 1906
HollandEdward born about 1901
HollandEdwin born about 1927
HollandJanyce born about 1930
HollandKenneth born about 1933
HollywoodLawrence born about 1864
HolmbergRichard born about 1902
HoltDaysey born about 1908
HoltDean Cborn about 1920
HoltHenry born about 1892
HomiBernice born about 1915
HomiClarence born about 1938
HomiSolomon born about 1880
HonnaLawrence born about 1911
HonnaNorma born about 1934
HonnaOpal born about 1912
HoogIda born about 1882
HoutariiMabel born about 1899
HoutariiShirley born about 1923
HoutariiWilliam born about 1899
HowardAnnette born about 1936
HowardBarbara born about 1932
HowardElsie born about 1917
HowardFranklin born about 1905
HowardKenneth born about 1912
HowardLucille born about 1903
HoweJohanne born about 1904
HoweNate born about 1891
HudsonDan born about 1853
HuffmanAnnette born about 1918
HuffmanClaude born about 1917
HugucorinCynthia born about 1934
HugucorinLeo born about 1913
HugucorinMaxine born about 1912
HultnerHarold born about 1914
HultnerSharon born about 1938
HultnerViolet born about 1909
HuntClifford born about 1927
HurstJoanne born about 1939
HurstJohn born about 1914
HurstRuby born about 1920
HurtVerne Allanborn about 1920
HustonEdith born about 1905
HustonPark born about 1922
HustonRichard born about 1907
HustonRosina born about 1866
HutchinsAlbert born about 1920
HutchinsLouise born about 1875
HutchinsRobert born about 1908
HydornRobert Lborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ImpelmanFred Hborn about 1893
ImpormoznieErnest born about 1902
IngallsBertha born about 1878
IngallsHarry born about 1880
IngramIda born about 1875
IrwinJackson born about 1896
IrwinViolet born about 1910
IvesFred born about 1900
IvesMary born about 1890
IvesSylvester born about 1896
IvyMendel born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonGail born about 1917
JacksonGerald born about 1938
JacksonJohn born about 1884
JacksonJohn born about 1915
JacksonMary born about 1887
JacksonSophia born about 1878
JacobsonAdolph born about 1909
JacobsonArthur born about 1911
JacobsonFloyd born about 1922
JacobsonJohn born about 1920
JacobsonLois born about 1920
JacobsonMarie born about 1887
JacobsonPatricia born about 1940
JakolaBernard Jr born about 1934
JakolaLola born about 1914
JaloraEiner born about 1903
JaloraFanny born about 1902
JamesEdla born about 1881
JamiesonHelen born about 1911
JamiesonJames born about 1911
JamiesonRalph born about 1877
JamisonJack born about 1914
JarneleJonas born about 1892
JessenAlbert born about 1900
JessenCarol born about 1932
JessenDewey born about 1899
JessenDonna born about 1936
JessenEmmett born about 1914
JessenGary born about 1939
JessenIrene born about 1905
JessenJanet born about 1939
JessenLester born about 1923
JessenMarvin born about 1927
JessenMary born about 1918
JessenRuth born about 1925
JessenSteven born about 1938
JessenWilliam born about 1938
JhansonJlmer born about 1901
JoelsonIne born about 1895
JohnsFred Hborn about 1889
JohnsLeonard born about 1892
JohnsNell born about 1893
JohnsonAda born about 1916
JohnsonAileen born about 1907
JohnsonAnn born about 1917
JohnsonAnnie born about 1873
JohnsonAsteid* born about 1906
JohnsonAxel born about 1906
JohnsonBerthil born about 1930
JohnsonBetty born about 1929
JohnsonClarence born about 1906
JohnsonClyde born about 1893
JohnsonDallas born about 1940
JohnsonDelmer born about 1915
JohnsonDolores born about 1935
JohnsonDonna born about 1918
JohnsonDonna Maeborn about 1932
JohnsonEdgar born about 1906
JohnsonEdith born about 1899
JohnsonEdward born about 1896
JohnsonEdwin Lborn about 1904
JohnsonElla born about 1915
JohnsonElmer Aborn about 1899
JohnsonElsie born about 1927
JohnsonEric born about 1885
JohnsonErthia born about 1910
JohnsonGerald born about 1938
JohnsonGunner born about 1912
JohnsonGus born about 1893
JohnsonHilda born about 1919
JohnsonHilmer born about 1935
JohnsonIda born about 1893
JohnsonJerry born about 1931
JohnsonJohn Aborn about 1895
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1901
JohnsonKaren Ruthborn about 1938
JohnsonLloyd born about 1927
JohnsonMarlys born about 1939
JohnsonMatt Aborn about 1901
JohnsonMay born about 1876
JohnsonMelvin born about 1933
JohnsonMiriam born about 1928
JohnsonNathalia born about 1915
JohnsonOscar born about 1885
JohnsonRaymond born about 1937
JohnsonRodney Lborn about 1908
JohnsonRuth born about 1908
JohnsonShirley born about 1932
JohnsonThomas born about 1929
JohnsonVerner born about 1918
JohnsonVivian born about 1922
JohnsonWalter born about 1895
JohnsonWilliam born about 1912
JohnstonLouise Aborn about 1906
JokilaArthur born about 1909
JokilaMartha born about 1915
JonesHenry born about 1906
JonesJudith born about 1908
JonesLeland born about 1915
JonesMarion born about 1928
JonesNora born about 1891
JonesRay born about 1912
JonesShirley born about 1932
JonesThomas Francisborn about 1916
JonesWilliam born about 1887
JutilaAnna born about 1867
JutilaDonald born about 1934
JutilaEllen born about 1914
JutilaEmil born about 1905
JutilaEric born about 1905
JutilaGarry born about 1939
JutilaHenry born about 1909
JutilaJohn born about 1869
JutilaJohn born about 1932
JutilaJohn Jborn about 1892
JutilaMelvin born about 1937
JutilaNancy born about 1934
JutilaSanna born about 1893
JutilaSenja Ceciliaborn about 1913
JutilaTilda born about 1898
JutilaWaino born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KalinVictor born about 1892
KambotzEmma Jeneborn about 1902
KambotzMarjorie born about 1929
KambotzMaxine born about 1929
KambotzShirley born about 1925
KambotzWilliam born about 1901
KamppiEdith born about 1914
KamppiFlno born about 1910
KamppiGlenn born about 1931
KamppiLabona born about 1933
KaneAdelina born about 1900
KaneAlbert born about 1897
KangasAnnie born about 1916
KangusElma born about 1906
KangusMatt born about 1888
KangusOlka born about 1891
KangusRaino born about 1913
KangusShirley born about 1938
KantolaDonald born about 1924
KantolaFrank born about 1894
KantolaSophi born about 1898
KargasSusan born about 1939
KargasTovio born about 1912
KargasVienna born about 1916
KarhuMike born about 1881
KarjalaAndrew born about 1886
KarjipiWaino born about 1882
KatehlaVollie born about 1914
KauppiIda born about 1888
KeenanAl born about 1915
KeenanJames born about 1909
KellyAgnes born about 1901
KellyBernadine born about 1917
KellyFrank born about 1919
KellyJames Aborn about 1883
KellyJoseph Cborn about 1916
KellyLucile born about 1922
KempElsie born about 1897
KempFred born about 1892
KennedyCarmen born about 1915
KennedyJohn born about 1905
KennedyMary Eborn about 1868
KennedyMichael Jborn about 1879
KennedyPat Ivanborn about 1906
KennedyRichard Pborn about 1875
KernBennie born about 1920
KincaidArthur born about 1919
KingsleyBen born about 1886
KinneyEdward Sborn about 1852
KinzieAnna born about 1901
KinzieFred Sborn about 1881
KirchnerAlbert born about 1910
KirchnerAlice born about 1912
KirchnerJames Allenborn about 1938
KirlandJames born about 1893
KirlandMary Annborn about 1894
KlagesFred born about 1908
KlagesHelene born about 1911
KlughardtWilliam born about 1884
KnollByron born about 1927
KnutsonFrances Kayborn about 1940
KnutsonGertrude born about 1920
KnutsonPatrick born about 1915
KokkonenHenry born about 1892
KokkonenLydia born about 1901
KokkonenPheobe born about 1924
KorpelaDonald born about 1928
KorpelaInez born about 1906
KorpelaWilliam born about 1903
KorpelaWilma born about 1926
KoskinenBetty Juneborn about 1937
KoskinenJoanne born about 1940
KoskinenJohn born about 1912
KoskinenMary born about 1918
KosonenAndrew born about 1890
KosonenIda born about 1886
KoudelaElizabeth born about 1885
KoudelaFrank born about 1871
KralieTony born about 1887
KramerDorothy born about 1911
KramerMabel born about 1882
KramerRalph born about 1881
KrauseBarbara born about 1927
KrauseBertha born about 1932
KrauseElla born about 1895
KrauseFred born about 1885
KrauseFred born about 1924
KrauseMary born about 1934
KrausePaul born about 1929
KrauseRobert born about 1937
KrollIris born about 1919
KrollLevina born about 1917
KrollPaul born about 1908
KrollRonald Paulborn about 1940
KrostaliaTom born about 1894
KrulitzBarbara born about 1889
KrulitzClem born about 1917
KrulitzEdward born about 1915
KrulitzJohn born about 1911
KrulitzLeo Mborn about 1939
KrulitzMyrtle Hborn about 1913
KrulitzWalter born about 1920
KrupporbergHarvey born about 1920
KuneppeAugust born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaaksoEleanore born about 1924
LaaksoElmer born about 1926
LaaksoElwood born about 1931
LaaksoHelen born about 1909
LaaksoIna born about 1923
LaaksoWester born about 1896
LaberowlilasJoe born about 1915
LaberowlilasPhyllis born about 1919
LagusGus born about 1893
LamarErnest born about 1918
LamerstonLeonard born about 1893
LamertonRuth born about 1909
LamphereArthur born about 1920
LamphereJoseph born about 1880
LamphereLillie born about 1882
LamphereRobert born about 1918
LamuthJoe born about 1913
LangShirley born about 1932
LanmertBonnie born about 1931
LanmertGerald born about 1937
LanmertHarold born about 1907
LanmertJosephine born about 1914
LaroneFred born about 1907
LaroneLeila born about 1928
LaroneWanda Jeanborn about 1926
LaroseJohn born about 1939
LarsonMorris born about 1909
LatinaRamon born about 1907
LattimerDorance born about 1916
LattridgeDonna born about 1936
LattridgeDouglas born about 1939
LattridgeGeorgia born about 1905
LattridgeRichard born about 1904
LattridgeStephen born about 1937
LeachZoe born about 1858
LeeHarry born about 1909
LeeLily Mayborn about 1913
LegallAndrew born about 1906
LegallGeorge born about 1913
LegallIrma born about 1912
LegallJames born about 1939
LegallThelma born about 1937
LehmanAndrew born about 1877
LehmanGrace born about 1893
LehtoEmma Sborn about 1883
LehtoLena born about 1894
LehtoPete born about 1894
LeinAllen born about 1919
LeonardJohn Fborn about 1887
LeonardSophia born about 1888
LeppalaMatt Rborn about 1901
LepplaDan born about 1905
LepplaDoraine born about 1932
LepplaKatherine born about 1906
LetsonReid Fborn about 1899
LeusureDan born about 1876
LeveniMargaret born about 1883
LeviAmerica born about 1911
LeviBurneeta born about 1914
LeviCarol Lynnborn about 1935
LeviNelson born about 1915
LienKathryn born about 1897
LindroosGary born about 1940
LindroosSelma born about 1881
LindroosVienna born about 1912
LindroosWilliam born about 1915
LindroosWilliam born about 1937
LindrossElma born about 1929
LindrossIna born about 1905
LindrossWaino born about 1903
LindsayForrest Gborn about 1892
LindsayMabel born about 1888
LindseyLouis born about 1916
LinquistMagnus born about 1879
LoadermilkReta born about 1908
LobbEllen born about 1938
LobbMary born about 1919
LobbOrville born about 1915
LockettCleda born about 1922
LockettEldon born about 1922
LockettNealon born about 1918
LongtonAlice born about 1921
LongtonEdward born about 1914
LonnenAlbert born about 1929
LonnenMary born about 1913
LonnenNat born about 1908
LoomisElima born about 1916
LoomisRaymond born about 1909
LoomisWilfred born about 1925
LorchRichard born about 1869
LorglyErnest born about 1897
LorglyOra born about 1880
LoseyDorothy born about 1916
LovedahlDale born about 1921
LowryClara Annborn about 1938
LowryLorene born about 1912
LowryThomas born about 1909
LucasVera born about 1918
LucianAlfred born about 1878
LucianDonald born about 1911
LucianMary born about 1920
Lukonen born about
LunkronewBruno born about 1921
LunkronewEino born about 1892
LunkronewHilja born about 1895
LuomaJohn born about 1898
LuomaLillian born about 1908
LusidaPete Jborn about 1878
LyngEdith born about 1918
LyngLester born about 1915
LyngVirginia born about 1940
LyonsCecil born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacdonaldJohn Edwardborn about 1898
MackyVerner born about 1918
MacleodMyrta born about 1898
MacntyreKarol born about 1914
MagnusonWarren born about 1900
MagoffHarriet born about 1920
MagoffJoe born about 1914
MaierMartha born about 1917
MaingoBeneda born about 1918
MakiAdam born about 1912
MakiAllen born about 1927
MakiDorothy born about 1923
MakiEinar born about 1919
MakiFannie born about 1891
MakiIlmo Samuelborn about 1881
MakiJack born about 1892
MakiJack Wmborn about 1939
MakiJohn born about 1899
MakiJohn born about 1915
MakiKatie born about 1886
MakiLoivo born about 1915
MakiMarlene born about 1934
MakiMatt born about 1895
MakiRaino born about 1912
MakiThelma born about 1908
MakiToivo born about 1892
MakiVilma born about 1921
MakiVirginia born about 1921
MalcolmAllen born about 1905
MalcolmChristine born about 1908
MalcolmGregory born about 1939
MaloneJack born about 1920
MaloniDan born about 1897
MandyJames born about 1919
ManienFiani born about 1890
ManienJack born about 1888
MannCleda born about 1896
MannRalph born about 1893
ManningC Rborn about 1891
ManningThelma born about 1909
MargylaIrene born about 1912
MargylaJohn born about 1906
MargylaLinda Leeborn about 1930
MarichBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MarichBeverley born about 1919
MarichMarcus born about 1913
MarkiNestor born about 1877
MarsinkoMartin born about 1881
MartinDonald born about 1936
MartinGeorgia born about 1918
MartinRobert born about 1916
MartinRobert born about 1938
MartindaleEdward born about 1904
MartindaleEmma born about 1907
MartindalePauline born about 1926
MartindaleRay born about 1930
MartindaleThelma born about 1933
MasonClifford born about 1906
MasonNettie born about 1903
MathewsonMatilda born about 1862
MatilaJack born about 1875
MatsonGus born about 1893
MatteiAntone born about 1891
MatteiLela born about 1895
MattiesonHelen born about 1908
MattiesonIrene born about 1926
MattiesonVictor born about 1905
MattiesonWilfred born about 1925
MattsonWalter born about 1892
MayAlbert born about 1917
MayBetty born about 1927
MayJohn born about 1921
MayMargaret born about 1920
MayRichard born about 1928
MaySteven born about 1939
MayThersa born about 1884
MayViolet born about 1923
McCallEdward born about 1900
McCallEva born about 1898
McCallJames born about 1925
McCallRobert born about 1924
McCardIval born about 1915
McCardJo Annborn about 1936
McCardMicheal born about 1939
McCardWinnie born about 1916
McCarthyFrank born about 1916
McCarthyJennie born about 1921
McCarthyJohn born about 1920
McCartneyCharles born about 1914
McCartneyCharles born about 1937
McCartneyMartha born about 1921
McCollumOrville born about 1902
McCreaAngus born about 1861
McCreaBert born about 1896
McCreaGlen born about 1909
McCreaHattie born about 1885
McCreaWilbur born about 1907
McCreavyAgnes Vborn about 1880
McCreavyEarl born about 1901
McCreavyHarvey born about 1867
McCulloughEdith born about 1899
McCulloughPatricia born about 1926
McCulloughWilliam born about 1896
McDonaldAlice born about 1914
McDonaldCelia born about 1892
McDonaldChristine born about 1912
McDonaldW Dborn about 1883
McDowellAleta born about 1921
McDowellRonald born about
McDowellWayne born about 1916
McEachernMary born about 1904
McEachernWendell born about 1890
McElmellMartha born about 1866
McElroyJames born about 1931
McElroyMargaret born about 1902
McGawGlenn born about 1891
McGrathAileen born about 1927
McGrathMildred born about 1926
McGrewArthur born about 1890
McGrewIna born about 1918
McGrewJohn born about 1910
McHughBernard born about 1895
McHughElizabeth born about 1896
McHughKenneth born about 1933
McHughLorretta born about 1923
McHughOlive born about 1893
McIntyreCarl born about 1914
McIntyreJack born about 1933
McIntyreMarie born about 1910
McKinneyArthur born about 1892
McKinneyCleo born about 1897
McKinneyLloyd born about 1915
McKinnonBetty Juneborn about 1924
McKinnonLela Maeborn about 1926
McKinnonMary Louiseborn about 1925
McKinnonOpal born about 1904
McKinnonSamuel born about 1883
McKirkLester born about 1890
McKittrickClaire born about 1900
McKittrickDavid born about 1933
McKittrickGrace born about 1916
McKittrickIno born about 1908
McKittrickJoan born about 1931
McKittrickMarion born about 1934
McKittrickMary born about 1902
McKittrickRita born about 1935
McLeaneJohn Jborn about 1901
McLerranJames born about 1917
McLerranLeora born about 1913
McMurrayFlorence born about 1901
McMurrayFrank born about 1874
McMurrayGertrude born about 1923
McMurrayWayne born about 1922
McMurrayWilliam born about 1920
McPhailArchie born about 1890
McPhailChristina born about 1892
McPhailLaura born about 1914
McPhailLloyd born about 1906
MellongHarold Tborn about 1919
MelnirickNellie born about 1924
MelsonEdna born about 1905
MelsonEdward born about 1940
MelsonHugh born about 1904
MelsonJerry born about 1939
MelsonRussel born about 1936
MenardGeorge born about 1880
MenardMyrtle born about 1888
MenzieMay Lborn about 1910
MenzieNel born about 1911
MessyBob born about 1904
MetzkerGoldie Mborn about 1923
MetzkerWilliam born about 1916
MichaelsEmil born about 1930
MichaelsEmil Eborn about 1907
MichaelsEmma born about 1912
MichaelsJosephine born about 1886
MichaelsKenneth born about 1935
MichaelsLouise born about 1914
MichaelsMike born about 1876
MiettunenEmil born about 1890
MiettunenMatilda born about 1888
MihelichFred born about 1913
MihelichHelen born about 1926
MihelichMargaret born about 1890
MihelichMargaret born about 1923
MihelichMiro born about 1915
MillerAlbert born about 1928
MillerAnna Mayborn about 1930
MillerBertha born about 1906
MillerBevelery born about 1936
MillerCharles born about 1937
MillerChris born about 1893
MillerClarence Dborn about 1876
MillerDolores born about 1929
MillerDouglas born about 1932
MillerEffie born about 1905
MillerEtta born about 1896
MillerFred born about 1897
MillerIona born about 1875
MillerIrene born about 1925
MillerJ F Aborn about 1861
MillerJacqualine born about 1927
MillerJean born about 1929
MillerJohn born about 1896
MillerJohn Cborn about 1911
MillerJohn Mikeborn about 1890
MillerJosie Rborn about 1877
MillerLa Vonne born about 1935
MillerLorraine born about 1925
MillerLucile born about 1912
MillerLydia born about 1908
MillerMamie born about 1906
MillerMilton born about 1927
MillerOscar born about 1913
MillerPaul Mborn about 1885
MillerTene born about 1904
MillerVernon born about 1931
MillerWalter born about 1901
MillerYvonne born about 1940
MiltonHuster born about 1909
MiltonJae born about 1911
MingoDolores born about 1930
MingoDominga born about 1887
MingoEugene born about 1885
MingoGloria born about 1927
MingoIgnacio born about 1909
MingoVirginia born about 1924
MirapolskyBolaslaw born about 1894
MitchelsHenrietta born about 1884
MitchelsJae born about 1879
MolobIngvald born about 1910
MonroeAnne born about 1913
MonroeGerald Eborn about 1893
MonroePatricia born about 1926
MonteeAlline born about 1916
MonteeBilly born about 1937
MonteeDonald born about 1936
MonteeVergil born about 1914
MooreAlice Iborn about 1881
MooreFred Hborn about 1878
MoreauErnest born about 1904
MoreauGladys born about 1909
MorganDorothy born about 1897
MorganDorothy Mayborn about 1925
MorganRudy born about 1890
MorganWilliam born about 1898
MorganWilliam Georgeborn about 1927
MorrisBessie born about 1896
MorrisC born about 1878
MorrisErma born about 1916
MorrisErma Leeborn about 1939
MorrisJohn born about 1915
MorrisLe Roy born about 1890
MorsawDennis born about 1900
MosbyTom born about 1885
MoznikVivian born about 1900
MugnainiDante born about 1891
MurphyAneetta born about 1909
MurphyArthur born about 1899
MurphyColleen born about 1930
MurphyJohnie born about 1906
MurphyLerrance born about 1936
MurphyPatrick born about 1906
MurrayAlex born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelmarkGeorge Gborn about 1918
NelsonArthur born about 1898
NelsonArthur Pborn about 1913
NelsonBetty born about 1929
NelsonBonnie born about 1926
NelsonClarence Dborn about 1894
NelsonDavid born about 1888
NelsonDelia born about 1903
NelsonDorothy born about 1927
NelsonEllis born about 1908
NelsonGertrude born about 1914
NelsonHenry Samuelborn about 1903
NelsonIda born about 1885
NelsonJean born about 1926
NelsonJerry born about 1939
NelsonJohn born about 1894
NelsonJoseph born about 1922
NelsonLarry born about 1938
NelsonLe Roy born about 1908
NelsonLena born about 1913
NelsonLois born about 1902
NelsonLouis born about 1901
NelsonLydie born about 1894
NelsonMatt Eborn about 1899
NelsonNels Bborn about 1897
NelsonRichard born about 1932
NelsonRobert born about 1925
NelsonViolet Mayborn about 1889
NelsonW Wborn about 1880
NelsonWilliam born about 1872
NevalaEdith born about 1922
NevelaWalter born about 1889
NewberryBarbara born about 1929
NewberryBenjamin born about 1895
NewberryHelen born about 1921
NewberryJoseph born about 1939
NewberryRuth born about 1899
NewberryRuth born about 1927
NewellLouise born about 1900
NewhouseThedore Aborn about 1920
NeznikJoseph Tborn about 1917
NiemiHilda born about 1887
NiemiHilma born about 1883
NiemiLillian born about 1914
NiemiOtto born about 1887
NikkilaJohn born about 1894
NikkilaLillian born about 1906
NikulaIssac born about 1888
NilsonLora born about 1883
NilsonPaul born about 1910
NivaEly born about 1894
NivaEmma born about 1908
NogaCarl born about 1893
NordahlGertrude born about 1906
NordahlLinus born about 1892
NormanElsie born about 1918
NormanFrank born about 1893
NormanHenry born about 1917
NormanIvan born about 1915
NormanMary born about 1893
NormanMeliss born about 1894
NormanReino born about 1916
NorthAnnie born about 1898
NorthHarry born about 1885
NortonMartha born about 1906
NortonMelvin born about 1901
NybargAnnie born about 1904
NybargBertha born about 1875
NybargHugo born about 1896
NybergEdith born about 1917
NybergHenry born about 1876
NybergHenry Eborn about 1908
NybergInez born about 1914
NybergJo Hannseborn about 1882
NygardElsie born about 1917
NygardGarrett born about 1938
NygardLenore born about 1933
NygardOscar born about 1912
NygardRay born about 1936
NyppeliEmil born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObergMartin born about 1902
ObergeGus born about 1873
ObrienJessie born about 1887
ObrienMichael born about 1887
OchaDorothy born about 1917
OchaGeorge born about 1917
OkkanennArthur born about 1918
OldsonEric born about 1891
OldsonEsther born about 1893
OleraineFrank born about 1921
OleraineMarjorie born about 1915
OleraineSerafin born about 1910
OlkanennMarie born about 1918
OlkonenAlbert born about 1915
OlkonenEmil born about 1884
OlkonenSelma born about 1894
OllikainenNaine born about 1904
OllikainenSarah born about 1905
OllikonenMack born about 1938
OllilaFrank born about 1891
OllilaHilma born about 1887
OlsonAnn born about 1916
OlsonBette Janeborn about 1936
OlsonBillie born about 1933
OlsonCharles born about 1904
OlsonChristine born about 1904
OlsonElmer born about 1881
OlsonFrank born about 1912
OlsonGerda born about 1889
OlsonHenry born about 1908
OlsonHjalmer born about 1912
OlsonIda born about 1921
OlsonJanet born about 1939
OlsonKenneth born about 1931
OlsonLaura born about 1911
OlsonLe Roy born about 1926
OlsonLeslie Josephborn about 1913
OlsonLester born about 1910
OlsonLloyd born about 1914
OlsonLucille born about 1924
OlsonMary born about 1913
OlsonOluf Pederborn about 1869
OlsonRobert born about 1929
OlsonWilbur born about 1911
OlsonWilbur born about 1916
OmanLeon born about 1919
OngFred born about 1911
OrazenAndrew born about 1888
OrazenFrank born about 1915
OrazenJohn born about 1886
OrazenMary born about 1891
OrazenRosie born about 1890
OrazenRudolph born about 1916
OrazenVirginia born about 1931
OsbornBernadett born about 1923
OsbourneArthur born about 1930
OsbourneClarence born about 1895
OsbourneJean born about 1928
OsbourneWillema born about 1907
OsmundsonCarey born about 1896
OsmundsonClara Jeanborn about 1936
OsmundsonJohn born about 1890
OtavaIvar born about 1892
OuimetteAgnes born about 1876
OuimetteBenjamin born about 1874
OwensHelen born about 1916
OwensLester born about 1914
OwensLuster born about 1934
OymarEleanor born about 1929
OymarGrover born about 1939
OymarLeona born about 1911
OymarMaine born about 1936
OymarPatty Louborn about 1938
OymarRay born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaaroHenry born about 1906
PabstArthur born about 1896
PabstDorothy born about 1924
PabstElsie born about 1903
PainterDorothy born about 1912
PainterTheodore born about 1915
PakkalaRaymond born about 1917
PalmerCarolyn born about 1940
PalmerDonald born about 1926
PalmerGeorge born about 1911
PalmerHarold born about 1924
PalmerKatherine born about 1928
PalmerLelia born about 1911
PalmerOpal born about 1923
PapalawHelen born about 1905
PapalawNick born about 1900
PapeDora born about 1906
PapeEdward Gborn about 1934
PapeJohn born about 1890
PapeJohn Claudborn about 1939
PappalawPeggy born about 1929
PappasJames born about 1897
PappasNorma born about 1914
ParentClarence born about 1907
ParentGreg born about 1939
ParentJanet born about 1914
ParentPaul born about 1935
ParentViltal Lborn about 1876
ParkerAnna born about 1910
ParkerDonald born about 1930
ParkerGrace born about 1920
ParkerJames Aborn about 1887
ParkerL Lewellynborn about 1906
ParkerMay born about 1887
ParkerPaul born about 1910
ParkerSam born about 1915
ParkerSam born about 1940
ParolaArnold born about 1917
ParrishCalvin born about 1914
ParrishLyyli born about 1920
ParrishW?hur born about 1924
ParrishWilmer born about 1920
ParttiHilma born about 1885
ParttiIrene born about 1908
ParviMatt born about 1883
PattersonDuke born about 1906
PattersonGertrude born about 1916
PattersonMary Louborn about 1940
PattersonRoy Sborn about 1910
PattersonVerna born about 1909
PaytonBillie Fborn about 1938
PaytonElsie born about 1910
PaytonEva born about 1918
PaytonFloyd born about 1902
PaytonGeorge Bborn about 1913
PaytonGeorge Lborn about 1938
PaytonIsabel Mborn about 1918
PaytonRobert born about 1916
PaytonTreva born about 1921
PaytonWeldon born about 1929
PaytonWilliam born about 1911
PearsonAdolp born about 1887
PearsonBlanche born about 1914
PearsonConrad born about 1926
PearsonFred born about 1904
PearsonJane born about 1921
PearsonJohn born about 1884
PearsonKarin born about 1902
PearsonRayner born about 1921
PellissierAntonette born about 1908
PellissierJoseph born about 1887
PellissierKatherine born about 1893
PellissierMorris born about 1892
PellissierMorris born about 1934
PellissierRosaly born about 1932
PeltonArvo born about 1914
PeltonElsie born about 1916
PeltonRichard born about 1938
PembertonDale born about 1917
PembertonEarl born about 1891
PembertonWilliam born about 1880
PembleBarbara born about 1937
PembleBetty born about 1922
PembleClaud born about 1894
PembleJames born about 1918
PembleJudith born about 1939
PembleLynn born about 1934
PembleMarie born about 1932
PembleVera born about 1910
PenaJoe born about 1883
PenmanHarold born about 1919
PeoneEdith born about 1906
PeoneTheodore born about 1908
PeralaHarold born about 1914
PeralaLempa born about 1907
PeralaRoger born about 1940
PeralaWalter born about 1903
PetersonAlbert born about 1920
PetersonAlfred born about 1926
PetersonChri born about 1887
PetersonEdward born about 1874
PetersonEdwin born about 1918
PetersonEire born about 1885
PetersonFreida born about 1890
PetersonHans Fborn about 1886
PetersonHazel born about 1899
PetersonHelen born about 1933
PetersonJohn born about 1882
PetersonJohn born about 1886
PetersonMary born about 1892
PetersonNorma born about 1925
PetersonOrville born about 1918
PetersonTheodore born about 1889
PetersonVirginia born about 1916
PettisTheodore born about 1919
PettryJulius born about 1893
PettryLucile born about 1925
PierceAnnie born about 1910
PierceJackie born about 1929
PierceRay born about 1905
PierceThelma born about 1935
PippoManda born about 1893
PippoMatt born about 1892
PittsMarie born about 1884
PittsPaul born about 1890
PleseMike born about 1887
PlouharJohn born about 1899
PoindexterBlanche born about 1907
PoindexterCarl born about 1909
PoindexterCelia born about 1912
PoindexterDolores born about 1934
PoindexterJames born about 1937
PoindexterRalph born about 1932
PoindexterRobert born about 1912
PoindexterVirginia born about 1935
PolEd born about 1881
PolingGrace born about 1917
PolingHoward born about 1918
PolingJames born about 1939
PolingRoland born about 1938
PolingVera born about 1913
PolingWoodrow born about 1912
PollaArlene born about 1939
PollaEllen born about 1914
PollaJames born about 1914
PosnickHelen born about 1925
PosnickJohn born about 1900
PosnickJohn born about 1927
PosnickMarjorie born about 1930
PosnickMartha born about 1905
PosnickPatricia born about 1931
PralaBernice born about 1919
PralaHerman born about 1920
PralaPete born about 1916
PrattJames born about 1882
PrattMabel born about 1893
PrescottHazel born about 1912
PrescottJohn born about 1911
PrescottMargeret Wabbborn about 1912
PrescottWm born about 1914
PresserConrad born about 1912
PriceGeorge born about 1891
PriceGeorge Sborn about 1919
PriceRuby born about 1893
PriceShirley Leeborn about 1924
PrinceAnita born about 1909
PrinceGrant born about 1904
PrinceRobetta born about 1937
ProctorJacqueline born about 1926
ProctorRichard born about 1928
ProctorSharon born about 1939
ProctorWalter born about 1885
ProctorWilhelmina born about 1903
PrusJohn born about 1918
PruterEdna born about 1891
PruterIrene born about 1926
PruterWilliam born about 1886
PryorDonald Colemanborn about 1913
PryorMargaret Louiseborn about 1917
PunnalaJohn born about 1870
PutneyLaura born about 1911
PuzTony born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuallsSarah born about 1883
QuallsW Cborn about

R Surnames

RaisanenHoward born about 1902
RakestranRoy Cborn about 1908
RandaLillian Vborn about 1923
RandallCharles born about 1893
RandallDave born about 1886
RandallEarl born about 1892
RandallErma born about 1930
RandallHelen Marieborn about 1925
RandallLena born about 1903
RandallMarie born about 1877
RandallMattie born about 1886
RandallNathan born about 1886
RandallRuth born about 1925
RannigFrank born about 1881
RantaAnton Jborn about 1892
RantaAnton Sborn about 1917
RantaAxel born about 1898
RantaHilja born about 1902
RantaKatherine born about 1891
RantaLinda born about 1924
RatliffBarbara born about 1926
RatliffClarice born about 1932
RatliffEarl born about 1896
RatliffFlorence born about 1898
RatliffLouise born about 1920
RatliffMargaret born about 1924
RavioArmas born about 1906
RavioLinda born about 1909
RavioRichard born about 1932
RecordsBarbara Juneborn about 1930
RecordsElvin Eborn about 1903
RecordsViola born about 1904
RedfieldEarl Eborn about 1880
RelleyJoe born about 1911
RhondesRoland born about 1917
RichanChrist Rborn about 1887
RicksDonna Mborn about 1932
RicksWilliam born about 1895
RiddleBillie born about 1934
RiddleLillian born about 1914
RiddleMary Ellaborn about 1938
RiddleWilliam born about 1913
RindseyEdna born about 1896
RindseyJoan born about 1923
RindseyJohn Aborn about 1893
RindseyViola born about 1919
RinneCharles born about 1888
RinneMarie born about 1880
RistauCharlie born about 1893
RistauDonna Arlineborn about 1939
RistauRuth Eborn about 1925
RistauRuth Lborn about 1904
RitchieDoris born about 1911
RitchieJoan born about 1937
RitchiePhyllis born about 1932
RitchieStanley born about 1909
RittsDugan born about 1889
RizzonelliArthur born about 1903
RizzonelliDonald born about 1928
RizzonelliMay born about 1911
RoberMathele born about 1917
RoberRoy born about 1913
RoberRuby born about 1937
RobertsCallie Eborn about 1911
RobertsDonald Eborn about 1919
RobertsElaine Eborn about 1936
RobertsFred Wborn about 1903
RobertsRoger Lborn about 1934
RobertsonEdith born about 1901
RobertsonErnest Nborn about 1912
RobertsonGay Pearlborn about 1912
RobertsonGeorge Donaldborn about 1917
RobertsonSilas born about 1902
RobinsonGlenn born about 1908
RobinsonJonathan born about 1938
RobinsonRosie born about 1918
RogersJohn Aborn about 1899
RoggeGeorge born about 1890
RoggePhyllis born about 1921
RolfsFrederick Wborn about 1870
RolfsIonala born about 1885
RomischerJoyce born about 1933
RomischerMarie born about 1904
RomischerMarlyn born about 1937
RomischerWilliam born about 1902
RonningGeraldine born about 1929
RonningHans born about 1891
RonningMabel born about 1892
RoseLee born about 1912
RosedahlAnna born about 1888
RossWalter born about 1910
RovettoAngelo born about 1928
RovettoDolores born about 1930
RovettoFrancis born about 1939
RovettoHelen born about 1927
RovettoLoraine born about 1937
RovettoMike born about 1891
RovettoMyrtle born about 1911
RoweJoseph born about 1896
RoweJunior born about 1927
RoylandCarl born about 1896
RoylandElsie born about 1908
RubyEsther born about 1892
RubyHarry born about 1889
RuglundJonas born about 1900
RuglundMargaret born about 1940
RuglundPetra born about 1920
RuraffHarold born about 1909
RuschEvelyn born about 1905
RusselDon born about 1921
RusselDorothy born about 1919
RusselHarold born about 1919
RyanPhilip born about

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaariSulo born about 1893
SabalaConcha born about 1896
SabalaDomingo born about 1888
SabalaDorothy born about 1920
SabalaNancy Joborn about 1939
SabalaTheresa born about 1914
SabalaTony born about 1917
SackErnest Aborn about 1890
SaffordFern Mborn about 1924
SaffordHomer born about 1923
SagliGeorge born about 1916
SahiPeter born about 1890
SakulieJohn born about 1893
SalaJohn born about 1888
SalmiDaisy born about 1925
SaloArnold Jborn about 1918
SaloElmer born about 1929
SaloJack born about 1891
SaloLouisa born about 1893
SalterHorace born about 1912
SalterJohn born about 1939
SalterLinda Lucileborn about 1940
SalterVirginia born about 1920
SamonsFay born about 1938
SamonsLarry born about 1936
SamonsRuth born about 1915
SamonsTom born about 1887
SampontBetty Joyceborn about 1929
SampontDe Forest born about 1904
SampontMaud born about 1904
SampontVera Jborn about 1925
SampsonAnna born about 1886
SampsonAnton born about 1877
SanbornCarl born about 1902
SanbornJames born about 1933
SanbornRuby born about 1912
SandersHannah born about 1888
SandersWilliam born about 1893
SandersWilma born about 1927
SaribnerEugene born about 1918
SaribnerKenneth born about 1917
SaribnerMary born about 1879
SaribnerRoland born about 1909
SastrmpoaEmeli born about 1879
SaundersBessie born about 1916
SaundersKenneth born about 1934
SaundersPerry born about 1897
SaundersSyvannah born about 1937
SaundersVirginia born about 1940
SaupeHarold born about 1894
SchliemanDavid born about 1929
SchoferJames Lborn about 1909
SchusterNick born about 1894
ScottD Rborn about 1877
SeadenBillie born about 1933
SeadenVirgil born about 1914
SegariniAdolph born about 1907
SegariniJoe born about 1881
SegariniKatherine born about 1884
SegariniKatherine born about 1920
SegariniSylvio born about 1919
SekulieAlice Imogeneborn about 1923
SekulieDorothy born about 1909
SekulieElizabeth Katherineborn about 1921
SekulieMabel Ruthborn about 1901
SekulieMartin born about 1885
SellersBetty born about 1926
SellersGeorge Aborn about 1928
SellersOrrin Aborn about 1875
SerafinoLouis born about 1882
SeverWilliam born about 1923
SevertsonThrig born about 1902
SextonDwight born about 1916
SextonDwight born about 1939
SextonEva born about 1917
ShaferR Pborn about 1902
ShanklinRuth born about 1914
ShattoStephen Eborn about 1873
ShayFlorence born about 1916
ShayRay born about 1913
ShayWillard born about 1937
ShepardDon born about 1915
ShermanJune born about 1921
ShewmakerGeorge born about 1897
ShewmakerGrace born about 1896
ShorkenHarley Aborn about 1920
ShowalterJohn born about 1871
ShumakerMary born about 1906
ShumakerMary born about 1929
ShumakerMike born about 1900
SiekkinenNesbit born about 1918
SiekkinenWilliam born about 1912
SilfvastMartha born about 1914
SilfvastOliver born about 1910
SilveriaLe Nonne born about 1936
SinelLempi born about 1894
SinelNorma born about 1928
SinelOtto Kborn about 1894
SingerHenry born about 1879
SinkLloyd born about 1909
SinkViolet born about 1912
SiscelGene born about 1923
SiskAnna born about 1888
SiskHarry born about 1885
SkantelDorothy born about 1925
SkantelEmma born about 1920
SkantelJoe born about 1903
SkantelJohn born about 1915
SkantelMabel born about 1909
SkantelMary born about 1880
SkantelRobert born about 1928
SkantelTerry born about 1937
SkinnerArthur born about 1872
SkinnerIcuphina born about 1882
SladeJass born about 1901
SloanEthel born about 1907
SmithAlice born about 1922
SmithAllen born about 1898
SmithDon born about 1924
SmithElmer born about 1883
SmithFreda born about 1915
SmithHannah born about 1889
SmithHerriot Maeborn about 1887
SmithHiram Loganborn about 1885
SmithJudy Annborn about 1940
SmithKenneth born about 1919
SmithMilton Wborn about 1911
SmithNona born about 1915
SmithRaleigh born about 1911
SmithRalph born about 1921
SmithRay born about 1893
SmithRichard Dborn about
SmithRosa born about 1923
SmithRuby born about 1908
SmithThomas born about 1920
SmithTommy born about 1939
SmtihArthur born about 1908
SmtihAudrey born about 1911
SnappLawrence born about 1913
SnappLucile born about 1915
SnappWallace Duaneborn about 1935
SnookOrsen Wborn about 1872
SnyderMarvin Hborn about 1909
SnyderOpal Aborn about 1912
SoiniCharles Eborn about 1921
SoiniJohn Eborn about 1922
SongstadJohn born about 1896
SongstadJohn born about 1932
SongstadNellie born about 1925
SothernBruce born about 1919
SpinneyGeorge born about 1876
SpogClarence Wborn about 1909
SpogEdith born about 1911
SpogMelvina born about 1887
SpogStuart Aborn about 1915
SpruteAlice born about 1918
SpruteLouis born about 1908
StaffordClifford born about 1938
StaffordJohn Tborn about 1915
StaffordJune born about 1920
StagelCalla born about 1910
StagelEgar born about 1902
StagelLinda born about 1939
StandowElsworth born about 1921
StandowGarland born about 1924
StandowLucile Edithborn about 1922
StandowNellie born about 1890
StandowRichard born about 1882
StanleyConnie born about 1936
StanleyHarold born about 1912
StanleyHerbert born about 1911
StanleyMarguert born about 1913
StanleyRay born about 1934
StaplesJoseph Eborn about 1912
StarkKirby born about 1897
StarkKirby born about 1930
StarkPhyllis born about 1923
StarkTwila born about 1904
StefanacEllen born about 1900
StefanacJohn born about 1896
StefanacKatherine born about 1922
StefanacMary Ellenborn about 1928
SteichenIrene born about 1920
SteichenLeo born about 1917
SteichenRalph born about 1918
StevensNorman born about 1880
StgarnieWilfred born about 1919
StickneyMarian born about 1931
StockerBetty Jeanborn about 1926
StokerEli Bborn about 1872
StokerJennie born about 1878
StokesIrene born about 1908
StokesRalph born about 1902
StokesStanley born about 1935
StolbergCarl born about 1902
StolbergJohn born about 1871
StoneKustova born about 1884
StoutArvella born about 1913
StoutBeverely born about 1936
StoutClinton born about 1905
StoutEmma born about 1914
StoutGlenn born about 1907
StoutJames born about 1939
StoutJon born about 1933
StoutJune born about 1934
StoutShirley born about 1937
StraghanAugust born about 1917
StralovichDorothy born about 1933
StralovichJohn born about 1908
StrobelMarie born about 1908
StromArtfield born about 1910
StromGenieve born about 1912
StuartRobert Nborn about 1916
StumpCecil born about 1905
SullivanIla born about 1897
SullivanJack born about 1896
SurilaHilma born about 1896
SurilaJohn Eliborn about 1892
SwanFrank born about 1888
SwansonAlla born about 1922
SwansonAlma born about 1905
SwansonAnton born about 1897
SwansonEthel born about 1894
SwansonHerman born about 1895
SwansonJack born about 1893
SwansonJeannette born about 1927
SwartzCarl born about 1877
SwinnertonFred born about 1920
SwinnertonLaura born about 1887
SwinnertonWilliam born about 1883
SymatinkAndrew born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TabnerOnnie born about 1912
TackettClaude born about 1897
TaffollaAlfred born about 1917
TaffollaNorma born about 1921
TafollaAnna born about 1933
TafollaEdward born about 1915
TafollaFrank born about 1903
TafollaJoe born about 1935
TafollaLeo born about 1930
TafollaMary born about 1909
TafollaRamona born about 1929
TaftAnna Maud Bborn about 1870
TaftBillie born about 1907
TaftHarry born about 1877
TaftSally born about 1930
TaftViolit born about 1910
TalbertMary born about 1870
TallentJack born about 1923
TallentJosephine born about 1906
TallentLuke born about 1901
TallentMildred born about 1895
TallentRalph Wborn about 1898
TallentWillarene born about 1926
TalveElmer born about 1901
TalveOlive born about 1899
TattariPete born about 1889
TaylorDorothy born about 1925
TaylorEsther born about 1893
TaylorFrances born about 1887
TaylorJack born about 1893
TaylorJohn born about 1893
TaylorLaskin Aborn about 1872
TaylorPearl born about 1899
TaylorSennet born about 1918
TaylveDorothy Leeborn about 1918
TaylveEdith born about 1884
TedrowBarbara Maeborn about 1930
TedrowEdwin born about 1902
TedrowFlorence born about 1915
TedrowKenneth born about 1937
TeedAlma born about 1898
TellerL Aborn about 1913
TemplinBernnie born about 1919
TenneyWarren Sborn about 1883
TerantzGeorge Fborn about 1906
TerrellDorothy born about 1919
TerrellOrval born about 1915
TerrellPatricia Nborn about 1938
TerroCharles born about 1908
TervoAmie born about 1913
TervoDelman born about 1936
TervoDoreen born about 1939
TervoElaine born about 1914
ThibodouA Eborn about 1874
ThomasJohn born about 1908
ThomasShelby born about 1871
ThomasWilma born about 1906
ThompsonJohn born about 1867
ThompsonJohn born about 1938
ThompsonOlivert born about 1917
ThrerienNona born about 1914
ThroekmortonJames Rborn about 1920
TietjensFay born about 1901
TietjensHelen born about 1903
TiffneyKay born about 1937
TiffneyLawrence born about 1917
TiffneyMarjorie born about 1917
TimkenMartha born about 1858
TimkerFranklin born about 1925
TolsonAnna Jeanborn about 1932
TolsonBetty Annborn about 1935
TolsonDavid born about 1904
TolsonJames born about 1919
TolsonJohannie born about 1936
TolsonRobert born about 1910
TolsonRobert Aborn about 1931
TolsonSarah born about 1909
TolsonWilliam born about 1909
TolsonWillma born about 1940
TowersRalph Wborn about
TrickeyBen born about 1905
TrickeyBennie Daleborn about 1928
TrickeyRuth born about 1911
TruesdaleAllen born about 1929
TruesdaleHannah born about 1903
TruesdaleKenneth born about 1937
TruesdaleRodney born about 1905
TruesdaleWarren born about 1928
TrunkeyElmer born about 1914
TuckerEdward born about 1886
TuckerEsther born about 1886
TulletteGeorge Bborn about 1873
TurkRay born about 1917
TurnerDorothy born about 1909
TurnerIsaac born about 1902
TuuriIsaac born about 1886

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U Surnames

UreartiAgnel born about 1903
UrquidiJose born about 1900
UrquidiRuth born about 1904
UrrestiJohn born about 1901
UtterRay born about 1916

V Surnames

VaaraEdith born about 1904
VaaraWilliam born about 1897
ValentinePauline born about 1933
ValerioAlbert born about 1913
ValerioBessie born about 1909
ValerioDale born about 1937
ValerioDarla born about 1939
VallieGilbert born about 1899
VallieLillian born about 1900
VanbarenRoy Sborn about 1919
VanwayenenEdith born about 1858
VanwayenenRoy born about 1884
VeltrieVictor born about 1906
VibergMary Iborn about 1888
VictorGeorge born about 1916
VirtanenEmil born about 1883
VirtanenHilda born about 1886
ViteznikFrances born about 1905
ViteznikFrank born about 1899
ViteznikStyan born about 1929
VittoneJim born about 1886
VogtFrank born about 1908
VolnessOpal born about 1910
VonborgenOtto born about 1898
VosnickBarbara born about 1938
VosnickDoris born about 1908
VosnickEugene born about 1929
VosnickGeorge born about 1901
VosnickGeorge born about 1928
VowiellChristine born about 1925
VowiellLuther born about 1922
VukcihGeorge born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalbackJohn born about 1881
WaldLester Gordonborn about 1888
WalkerDonald born about 1931
WalkerDorris born about 1910
WalkerKarl born about 1929
WalkerNelda born about 1928
WalkerPhilip born about 1903
WalkerPhillip born about 1936
WallGeorge born about 1906
WallMary born about 1910
WalleyHugo born about 1913
WalleyLoini born about 1917
WalleyRobert born about 1937
WallsWyvetta born about 1918
WalshBeulah born about 1909
WalshJohn born about 1910
WalshVernon born about 1912
WaltersFrank Aborn about 1877
WaltersJessie born about 1892
WaltersRaymond born about 1885
WaltersSam born about 1920
WaltersStella Mborn about 1884
WaltonsAlma born about 1911
WaltonsRay born about 1894
WardAbbie born about 1899
WardOlive born about 1921
WareBarbara born about 1930
WareCyril born about 1909
WareJanice born about 1936
WareMargaret born about 1911
WarrenAlce born about 1894
WashingtonPresley born about 1913
WatsonLouis Rborn about 1867
WdricJoseph born about 1909
WebsterBobbie born about 1922
WebsterEdith Mborn about 1898
WebsterPaul born about 1893
WeeksBessie born about 1908
WeeksJames born about 1938
WeeksLeo born about 1900
WeeksWilliam born about 1927
WelchBeryl born about 1911
WelchJohn born about 1903
WelshAllan born about 1910
WelshAnna Mayborn about 1909
WelshBetty born about 1932
WelshBetty Mayborn about 1928
WelshCharles born about 1908
WelshCharles Hborn about 1940
WelshDorothy born about 1939
WelshGerald born about 1935
WelshMildred born about 1901
WelshRobert born about 1931
WestAgnes born about 1898
WestMary Janeborn about 1924
WestWilliam born about 1918
WheatleyAlem Fborn about 1891
WheatleyAvirell born about 1923
WheatleyClem born about 1919
WheatleyDonald born about 1917
WheatleyGeorge born about 1886
WheatleyJohn born about 1881
WheatleyLaura born about 1894
WheatleyMattie Janeborn about 1898
WheatleyMildred born about 1894
WheatleyRuth born about 1921
WheelerDane born about 1908
WheelerEarl born about 1921
WheelerKaye born about 1938
WheelerMerlie born about 1912
WheelerTommie born about 1922
WhippleClifford born about 1900
WhippleJanice Marieborn about 1939
WhippleMary born about 1914
WhiteEdith born about 1897
WhiteIrene born about 1931
WhiteJerry born about 1928
WhitePercy born about 1893
WhitesideDorothy born about 1912
WhitesideEdward born about 1875
WhitesideKenneth born about 1906
WhitesideWallace born about 1935
WickbergAljean born about 1937
WickbergGeorge born about 1896
WickbergVallorg born about 1907
WickbergWaldemer born about 1928
WickmanBryon born about 1925
WickmanLydia born about 1902
WickmanOtto born about 1895
WickmanVirginia born about 1922
WicksAnnie born about 1912
WicksFred born about 1892
WicksGary born about 1940
WicksJoyce born about 1932
WicksPerry born about 1908
WicksRay born about 1935
WicksRuth born about 1913
WicksShirley born about 1936
WiddowsonEdgar born about 1890
WiddowsonEthel born about 1889
WiitalaEino born about 1909
WiitalaLila born about 1934
WiitalaSenjas born about 1915
WilcoxJ Bborn about 1882
WilcoxMargaret born about 1875
WilkinsonHarvey Eborn about 1882
WilkinsonMae born about 1887
WilliamsAdelle born about 1915
WilliamsCecil born about 1896
WilliamsCharles born about 1906
WilliamsElsie born about 1910
WilliamsFlora born about 1906
WilliamsHenry born about 1935
WilliamsHugh born about 1908
WilliamsLee born about 1914
WilliamsMelvin born about 1914
WilliamsSylvia born about 1918
WilliamsenAgnes born about 1920
WilliamsenCarl born about 1913
WilliamsenDerma born about 1918
WilliamsenDonald born about 1920
WilliamsenGerald born about 1938
WillmanMilton born about 1898
WilmoreJohn Miltonborn about 1898
WilsonC Rborn about 1885
WilsonElma born about 1907
WilsonElmer Burtonborn about 1925
WilsonElmer Eborn about 1898
WilsonJames Eborn about 1896
WilsonMildred born about 1900
WilsonMolly Jeanborn about 1923
WilsonMyrtle born about 1888
WinchesterAlbert born about 1871
WinchesterDella born about 1874
WirtalaArvo born about 1912
WirtalaMarjorie born about 1936
WirtalaMartha born about 1915
WirtnerCharles Eborn about 1903
WisnerEarl born about 1926
WisnerKenneth born about 1927
WisnerOlive born about 1932
WoffardVelra born about 1921
WoffardW Eborn about 1918
WoffardWilliam Chesterborn about 1939
WoffordOpal born about 1909
WoffordOscar born about 1906
WokertherheadJohn Cborn about 1866
WolfAndrew born about 1915
WolfBetty born about 1921
WolfgramFoster born about 1918
WolvertonFannie born about 1892
WolvertonFreeman born about 1896
WolvertonGeorge born about 1892
WolvertonMabel born about 1890
WoodAllen Lborn about 1889
WoodPearl born about 1890
WoodeEllan born about 1911
WoodeWilliam born about 1912
WorkBetty born about 1923
WorkEdward born about 1925
WorkEthel Mborn about 1901
WorkJohn born about 1899
WorkJohn born about 1927
WorkMillard born about 1922
WormwardSylvia born about 1914
WormwardThurston born about 1912
WorthingtonC Rborn about 1895
WorthingtonIda born about 1888
WorthingtonNeona born about 1924
WorthingtonRichard born about 1920
WorthingtonVictor born about 1918
WurrBernard born about 1890
WysongCarolyn born about

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungByron born about 1917

Z Surnames

ZahnArt born about 1908
ZahnGrace born about 1913
ZahnMartha born about 1912
ZahnPearl born about 1929
ZahnRienhold born about 1901
ZahnWalter born about 1928
ZeiglerGlen Fborn about 1887
ZeiglerGrace born about 1886
ZillerJohn Eborn about 1884
ZirkleDe Ann born about 1938
ZirkleIda born about 1917
ZirkleMarvin born about 1916
ZojaTony born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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