1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sharon, Bear Lake, Idaho

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Idaho > Bear Lake County > 1940 Census of Sharon

B SurnamesK SurnamesO Surnames
G SurnamesL SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesM Surnames

B Surnames

BatschiDean born about 1921
BatschiEnes Kborn about 1899
BatschiLeo Fborn about 1891
BatschiLouise born about 1926
BatschiSherman born about 1938
BatschiTwilla born about 1932
BatschiVarrell born about 1939
BatschiVern born about 1925
BatschiViolet born about 1923
ButlerEarnest born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GamblingCarlyle born about 1920
GamblingGrant born about 1930
GamblingMinnie born about 1891
GamblingNorman born about 1923
GamblingRoscoe born about 1914

H Surnames

HymasBay Lborn about 1903
HymasBelle Wborn about 1906
HymasColleen born about 1939
HymasDoneal Bborn about 1933
HymasMarlyn Jborn about 1930

K Surnames

KingDavid Cborn about 1868
KingFanear born about 1936
KingHarvey Tborn about 1907
KingIdell born about 1933
KingLawrence born about 1909
KingReed born about 1917
KingRose Mborn about 1878
KingThella born about 1931
KingVera born about 1930
KingVonda born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LionDonna Mborn about 1932
LionJames Hborn about 1910
LionKay Sborn about 1934
LionLaurel Jborn about 1936
LionWaneta Mborn about 1912
LongBill Hborn about 1899
LongBodney Fborn about 1926
LongHazel Mborn about 1902
LongMorna Hborn about 1923
LongPhylis Lborn about 1922
LougeeEmilie born about 1871
LougeeThomas Mborn about 1894
LyonDan born about 1919
LyonGeorge born about 1918
LyonMellie Eborn about 1883
LyonThelma born about 1927
LyonWilliam Jborn about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MickolaisenDarrel Lborn about 1935
MickolaisenDarrel Pborn about 1908
MickolaisenMary Mborn about 1936
MickolaisenMerrie Cborn about 1917

O Surnames

OrrAda born about 1906
OrrDearl born about 1923
OrrInfant born about 1940
OrrMaxseen born about 1934
OrrRolla Rborn about 1905

P Surnames

PrescottArlene born about 1927
PrescottCarma Leeborn about 1935
PrescottCyril Jborn about 1925
PrescottIda Lborn about 1900
PrescottLyman born about 1937
PrescottMarjean born about 1930
PrescottThon Lborn about 1896

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