1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wayan, Caribou, Idaho

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Idaho > Caribou County > 1940 Census of Wayan

B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

B Surnames

BenchFrank born about 1936
BenchFurlene born about 1939
BenchKenneth born about 1911
BenchMili born about 1919
BurtonBenda Gborn about 1919
BurtonEllen born about 1937
BurtonEmma Marieborn about 1920
BurtonJohn born about 1918
BurtonLillie Marieborn about 1938
BurtonLyle Clarenceborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallAloma born about 1937
CallBen born about 1915
CallDesmond born about 1921
CallEliza born about 1928
CallEmily born about 1895
CallGeneve Lborn about 1917
CrawfordBernie born about 1902
CrawfordJames born about 1933
CrawfordLestlie Fborn about 1903
CrawfordPhyllis born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DrayWilliam Eborn about 1863
DubackHenry born about 1885

F Surnames

FultonCharles born about 1910
FultonMay born about 1923

G Surnames

GranCleone born about 1933
GranDarlene born about 1934
GranDelmar born about 1931
GranElda born about 1912
GranGlen Lborn about 1910

H Surnames

HiradsunnerJohn born about 1880
HiradsunnerMarie born about 1884
HokansonFulton born about 1929
HokansonJoseph born about 1892
HokansonNina born about 1905
HomasElizabeth born about 1932
HuffDoris Vborn about 1914
HuffDorris Goyleborn about 1934
HuffHenry Eborn about 1900
HuffPerry Daleborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JensenEarnest Wborn about 1894
JensenEvra Sborn about 1938
JensenFlorence born about 1905
JensenGerald born about 1927
JensenJess born about 1899
JensenLelda born about 1923
JensenLula Aborn about 1904
JensenMelvin born about 1928
JensenRoyal Jborn about 1929
JensenSusan Sborn about 1867
JensenSylvia Juneborn about 1931
JensenWilbur Eborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LodermanAbraham Eborn about 1877
LodermanEdna born about 1912
LodermanJohanna born about 1876

M Surnames

MarganJames Danielborn about 1908
MarganMattie Eborn about 1870
MuirJay Bertborn about 1938
MuirJoe Bertborn about 1905
MuirJohn born about 1916
MuirVirginia born about 1915
MurphyWilliam born about 1876

O Surnames

ObergHilda born about 1899
ObergMatt born about 1887
ObergRuth Jborn about 1928

P Surnames

PhilpsCharles Aborn about 1934
PhilpsMax born about 1936

R Surnames

RayClaude Lborn about 1907
RayFrancis Rborn about 1911
ReeseAlbert Jborn about 1895
ReeseAlbert Rayborn about 1925
ReeseJohn Dborn about 1924
ReeseMary Beatriceborn about 1903

S Surnames

SamsenJohn Bborn about 1882
SibbettCecil Dborn about 1907
SibbettClyde Wilburborn about 1916
SibbettGayle Kborn about 1931
SibbettLizie Sylviaborn about 1883
SibbettLynn Rayborn about 1937
SibbettSam Fborn about 1883
SibbettVera born about 1905
SodermanJoan Paulineborn about 1931
SodermanJohn born about 1897
SodermanMartha Paulineborn about 1908
SodermanShirley Mayborn about 1938
SodermanVernan Johnborn about 1935
SomsenFeith Rayborn about 1927
SomsenGarrett A Frankborn about 1921
SomsenGarrett Wborn about 1892
SomsenMattie Mborn about 1894
SomsenRobert Marvinborn about 1922
SomserEarl Lborn about 1916
SomserFlorence Leeborn about 1921
SomserGary Dborn about 1939
SomserRonald Jborn about 1940
StaarEllis born about 1920
StaarFrank Reedborn about 1935
StaarMarie born about 1922
StaarMarvin born about 1919
StaarMildred born about 1899
StaarOdell Lborn about 1918
StaarRoy Lborn about 1896
StaarWilliam Johnborn about 1926
StoorAlice Fborn about 1908
StoorBud Mborn about 1916
StoorDarlene born about 1937
StoorElaine Dborn about 1918
StoorEmil born about 1896
StoorFarrel born about 1926
StoorLynn Mborn about 1939
StoorRobert born about 1920
StoorVirginia born about 1934
SwainJune born about 1915
SwainNorma Annborn about 1940
SwainPaul Kborn about 1915
SwainTarry Kborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasChirstian Hborn about 1889
TingeyDelbert Lborn about 1910
TingeyEnid Rayborn about 1927
TingeyKeith Sborn about 1912
TingeySara Iborn about 1887
TingeyWilliam Wborn about 1881

V Surnames

ViasAlfred Lborn about 1908
ViasIsaac born about 1872
ViasMeletha born about 1894
ViasRex Dborn about 1920

W Surnames

WeaverBudd Dborn about 1876
WeaverCleone born about 1922
WeaverJosephine born about 1895
WeaverMargaret Kborn about 1933
WeaverMax born about 1926
WeaverSara Janeborn about 1936
WeaverWanda born about 1929

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