1940 U.S. Federal Census of Alexander Township in Morgan County, Morgan, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Alexander Township in Morgan County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEuphemia born about 1881
AlexanderBenjamen born about 1926
AlexanderClifford born about 1932
AlexanderDoris born about 1930
AlexanderLoretta born about 1903
AlexanderNorman Wborn about 1900
AlexanderVelma born about 1934
AlexanderVirginia born about 1928
AlredClifford born about 1922
AmbroseArchie born about 1919
AnkromBetty Lborn about 1939
AnkromElizabeth born about 1920
AnkromLeslie Rborn about 1919
AuittSarah born about 1871

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B Surnames

BamhartJoseph Mborn about 1869
BashamAndrew Jborn about 1885
BashamAndrew Jborn about 1920
BashamHelen born about 1890
BashamHobert Wborn about 1897
BashamMargaret Lborn about 1924
BeardHazel Mborn about 1919
BeardRobert Lborn about 1920
BeckAltha born about 1908
BeckBetty Annborn about 1940
BeckBeverly born about 1940
BeckEarl Hborn about 1906
BeckEugene born about 1934
BeckKeith born about 1939
BeckKenneth born about 1938
BeckerCarl born about
BeckerCarmen born about 1908
BeckerCarolyn born about 1940
BeckerWilliam born about 1883
BeerupAnnie born about 1862
BeerupDale born about 1925
BeerupKenneth Vborn about 1890
BeerupMartha Lborn about 1892
BeerupMax born about 1935
BeerupRobert born about 1919
BeerupWanda born about 1922
BelkAnna born about 1911
BelkDavid born about 1911
BelkFrancis Wborn about 1932
BelkFrank Aborn about 1906
BelkHelen Jborn about 1938
BelkJoseph Wborn about 1909
BelkMary born about 1910
BelkMary Cborn about 1911
BelkNorma Jborn about 1933
BelkPatricia Aborn about 1935
BenderElizabeth born about 1914
BenderGuy Wborn about 1882
BenderMary Aborn about 1876
BennettEarnest born about 1936
BennettFlorence born about 1909
BennettGeorge born about 1935
BennettHarold born about 1938
BennettHarry born about 1898
BennettJames born about 1930
BennettMarie born about 1934
BeratPhilip born about 1875
BerchtoldCarl Jborn about 1904
BerchtoldClara born about 1901
BerchtoldEdward born about 1910
BerchtoldElizabeth born about 1876
BerchtoldFrank born about 1905
BergscheiderEarl Rborn about 1908
BergscheiderFred Jr born about 1908
BergscheiderGertrude born about 1873
BergscheiderJohn Fborn about 1872
BergscheiderLonard Eborn about 1911
BergschneiderElizabeth born about 1883
BergschneiderHenry born about 1893
BergschneiderMary born about 1860
BirdsellAndrew born about 1939
BirdsellBetty born about 1938
BirdsellCharley born about 1874
BirdsellDonnie born about 1932
BirdsellDorothy born about 1915
BirdsellJoseph born about 1936
BirdsellMargaret born about 1908
BirdsellMilton born about 1910
BirdsellNancy born about 1934
BirdsellTheodore born about 1913
BirdsellTheodore Wborn about 1939
BrakerBernice born about 1927
BrakerHarold born about 1920
BrakerMartha born about 1888
BrakerMelvin born about 1923
BrakerVirginia born about 1924
BrakerWilliam born about 1881
BreckonCarl born about 1923
BreckonEugene born about 1928
BreckonIva born about 1891
BreckonLester born about 1890
BrownDonald born about 1932
BrownEnma born about 1878
BrownGladys born about 1929
BrownJohn Aborn about 1875
BrownMary born about 1901
BrownWalter Aborn about 1901
BurukCloyd Hborn about 1886
BurukFrances Mborn about 1893

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C Surnames

CampbellLouis born about 1906
CarmanMaude born about 1884
CassBetty born about 1934
CassLois born about 1911
CassRoyal born about 1905
CassonAlvin born about 1910
CassonBeverly born about 1936
CassonHilda born about 1914
CassonThomas born about
ChaudoinAsia born about 1897
ChaudoinDale born about 1924
ChaudoinEdgar Mborn about 1895
ChaudoinMilton born about 1920
ChildersAlfred born about 1927
ChildersLouise born about 1929
ChildersMarie born about 1922
ChildersMary born about 1930
ChildersOrville born about 1924
ClementJames born about 1921
ClemmonsBillie Cborn about 1932
ClemmonsDixie Bborn about 1934
ClemmonsEsther born about 1902
ClemmonsPatricia Wborn about 1930
ClemmonsSandra Lborn about 1939
ClemmonsWilliam Lborn about 1898
CockinBonnie Lborn about 1933
CockinEthel born about 1899
CockinGeorge Cborn about 1866
CockinGeorge Wborn about 1902
CockinGeorge Wborn about 1933
CockinHarold Eborn about 1901
CockinHarriet born about 1917
CockinJohn born about 1904
CockinJohn Pborn about 1871
CockinOlza born about 1900
CockinPhillis Jborn about 1930
ColwellBetty born about 1925
ColwellCarl born about 1928
ColwellDean born about 1926
ColwellFrank born about 1894
ColwellGeorge born about 1889
ColwellGertha born about 1894
ColwellGilbert born about 1923
ColwellJohn born about 1922
ColwellMargaret born about 1918
ColwellRobert born about 1920
CoopAlene born about 1935
CoopAlvin born about 1939
CoopEdna born about 1932
CoopHelen born about 1915
CoopHerbert born about 1911
CoopJohn born about 1937
CoopJohn Aborn about 1910
CoopJohn Cborn about 1939
CoopLouise Kborn about 1913
CoopMary Eborn about 1936
CoopWannita born about 1934
CourierBernard born about 1911
CourierBert born about 1879
CourierElizabeth Gborn about 1886
CourierEverett born about 1920
CourierFrancis born about 1920
CourierIrene born about 1921
CourierIrvin born about 1920
CourierJohn born about 1914
CoxClyde Eborn about 1880
CoxDaisie Nborn about 1919
CoxFlorence Eborn about 1876
CoxGarland Pborn about 1916
CoxGerold born about 1939
CoxLillian Mborn about 1882
CrawfordEdwin born about 1919
CrawfordIrene born about 1916
CrawfordJ Ivanborn about 1914
CrawfordMinnie born about 1886
CrawfordRaleigh born about 1904
CrawfordRalph born about 1912

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D Surnames

DahmanChris Hborn about 1883
DahmanTheresa born about 1881
DanfortBenjamin Dborn about 1863
DanfortEmma Jborn about 1868
DaubardHenry Wborn about 1886
DaubardPearl born about 1890
DavenfortBearlugh* born about 1908
DavenfortDonald born about 1935
DavenfortEva Pborn about 1912
DavenfortNorma Jborn about 1931
DavenportElla born about 1864
DavenportGrace Aborn about 1889
DavenportRoy Wborn about 1889
DavenportWilliam Mborn about 1861
DavidsonAnna Mborn about 1920
DavidsonEffie born about 1885
DavidsonPrinter* Mborn about 1886
DavidsonRoy born about 1908
DavisSamuel Eborn about 1877
DavisSamuel Mborn about 1912
DavisWilliam born about 1915
DewittCarlos Jborn about 1930
DewittCarlos Lborn about 1901
DewittDavid O Lborn about 1933
DewittIda Wborn about 1923
DewittLucilla born about 1906
DewittMarvin Bborn about 1934
DickersonElmer born about 1918
DickersonGeorge Mborn about 1894
DickersonPaul born about 1916
DickersonPorter Cborn about 1921
DickersonSherman born about 1928
DickersonZola born about 1924
DoolinJames born about 1903
DoolinWilliam Jborn about 1879
DorksCharley Eborn about 1884
DorksCleta born about 1909
DorksMilton born about 1912
DowellAllie Jborn about 1873
DowellCharley born about 1908
DowellDeward Hborn about 1878
DowellLuther born about 1877
DowellZelma Lborn about 1892
DruryAnna Tborn about 1869
DruryFrank Tborn about 1906
DuewerAlvina born about 1892
DuewerAugust Hborn about 1890
DuewerBernice born about 1923
DuewerClarence born about 1916
DycheEdgar born about 1906

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E Surnames

EagearR J Renborn about 1901
EckElizabeth Mborn about 1910
EckEmerich born about 1909
EckFrancis born about 1930
EckJames born about 1934
EckRobert born about 1939
EdmondsArthur Rborn about 1909
EdmondsElnor Jr born about 1872
EdmondsMae Mborn about 1912
EdmondsMarlyn Eborn about 1935
EdmondsReginald born about 1932
ElmoreAlma born about 1907
ElmoreDonna born about 1933
ElmoreRobert born about 1907

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F Surnames

FagenCecil Aborn about 1922
FagenWilliam born about 1915
FarmerDelia born about 1899
FarmerGeorge born about 1887
FichelsonFred born about 1883
FitzsimmonsHelen born about 1916
FitzsimmonsJoseph born about 1915
FlynnCharley Eborn about 1932
FlynnFrancis Pborn about 1926
FlynnFranklin Dborn about 1934
FlynnGeorge Lborn about 1924
FlynnHerschel Mborn about 1931
FlynnIda Mborn about 1890
FlynnJames Mborn about 1878
FlynnJames Rborn about 1919
FlynnJesse Lborn about 1934
FlynnLouise born about 1893
FlynnMable Lborn about 1928
FlynnRaymond Lborn about 1922
FlynnRobert Lborn about 1922
FlynnRose Mborn about 1934
FlynnRussell Fborn about 1940
FlynnRuth Aborn about 1897
FlynnSilas Wborn about 1875
FlynnViola Mborn about 1936
FlynnWanda Rborn about 1928
FlynnWilliam born about 1929
FlynnWilliam Eborn about 1925
FlynnWilliam Jborn about 1879
FordCoy Lborn about 1906
FosterElla Eborn about 1894
FosterFrank Rborn about 1888
FosterHarry Wborn about 1896
FosterMabel Fborn about 1896
FosterMargarite born about 1920
FosterRobert Fborn about 1917
FrainerArthur born about 1908
FrainerDonald born about 1934
FrainerLucille born about 1909
FrommeBernard born about 1919
FrommeFrancis born about 1917
FrommeFrank Bborn about 1890
FrommeMabel born about 1899
FrommeMary born about 1922
FuchsFrancis born about 1927
FuchsJohn born about 1880
FuchsLeo born about 1918
FuchsLouise born about 1893
FuchsRaymond born about 1924
FultonGeorge born about 1905
FultonHenry born about 1916
FultonJames born about 1871
FultonMary born about 1897
FultonRuth born about 1918
FultonThomas born about 1862

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G Surnames

GansbauerCarl born about 1897
GansbauerDaniel born about 1934
GansbauerDorothy Cborn about
GansbauerElizabeth born about 1905
GansbauerFrancis born about 1929
GansbauerJohn born about 1930
GansbauerMargie born about 1933
GansbauerMary Aborn about 1937
GansbauerMildred Aborn about 1937
GansbauerPauline born about 1927
GansbauerRobert born about 1924
GardnerAshley born about 1915
GerhardtDavid born about 1877
GerhardtFred born about 1902
GerhardtRose born about 1883
GobleBetty born about 1929
GobleEthel born about 1908
GrayJohn Chosborn about 1926
GrayLester Rborn about 1897
GrovesBedford born about 1909
GrovesJames born about 1929
GrovesRuth born about 1923

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H Surnames

HaganGenevie born about 1921
HagenArthur born about 1916
HagenCora born about 1888
HagenEmma born about 1926
HagenWilliam born about 1885
HallAlice Pborn about 1917
HallFlora Jborn about 1877
HallHenry Rborn about 1886
HallMargaret Eborn about 1891
HamiltonDale Sborn about 1897
HamiltonElla born about 1902
HamiltonLetha Aborn about 1931
HarrisonGilbert Cborn about 1876
HarrisonSarah Jborn about 1878
HartzellMargaret born about 1890
HartzellRobert born about 1917
HendersonCarrol Jborn about 1932
HendersonDale Rborn about 1937
HendersonIrl Rborn about 1901
HendersonOdessa Rborn about 1907
HennessLawrence born about 1877
HermesAgnes born about 1923
HermesAnna Kborn about 1932
HermesAnna Mborn about 1894
HermesBernice Lborn about 1936
HermesCarl Jborn about 1907
HermesCatherine born about 1881
HermesCatherine Eborn about 1938
HermesChristina Tborn about 1938
HermesDorothy Aborn about 1930
HermesEdward Aborn about 1889
HermesElizabeth Aborn about 1936
HermesElizabeth Gborn about 1897
HermesFrancis Eborn about 1922
HermesFrank born about 1901
HermesFred Eborn about 1892
HermesGenevieve born about 1923
HermesGertrude born about 1892
HermesJacob Cborn about 1939
HermesJoseph Hborn about 1934
HermesJosephine Gborn about 1911
HermesLeo Fborn about 1924
HermesLeo Wborn about 1921
HermesLeona born about 1919
HermesLillian Mborn about 1931
HermesMargaret born about 1901
HermesMary Jborn about 1936
HermesPaul born about 1927
HermesPeter Wborn about 1882
HermesRichard Jborn about 1933
HermesRose Mborn about 1928
HermesVincent Eborn about 1924
HermesWilliam Jborn about 1893
HeroClifford Lborn about 1908
HeroDonald Lborn about 1933
HeroDorothy born about 1911
HeroDorothy Jborn about 1931
HeroLarry Gborn about 1937
HimesMargaret born about 1899
HinmanMarcella born about 1927
HinrichsenAnne Aborn about 1881
HohmanJohn born about 1900
HohmanJohn Mborn about 1858
HohmanLloyd born about 1894
HohmanMary born about 1886
HohmanPhilip born about 1897
HohmanWilliam born about 1892
HolmannAnna Cborn about 1891
HolmannElma Pborn about 1922
HopkinsBlanch Fborn about 1939
HopkinsJohn Aborn about 1934
HopkinsMary born about 1908
HopkinsRobert born about 1911
HopkinsRobert Jborn about 1932
HornGerald born about 1918
HosterJoan Fborn about 1929

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I Surnames

IsaacsCynthia born about 1938
IsaacsHazel born about 1902
IsaacsHelen born about 1936
IsaacsHenry Hborn about 1892
IsaacsJohn born about 1934

J Surnames

JacobsHarold born about 1895
JacobsKathryn born about 1896
JohnsonDorothy born about 1926
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1873
JohnsonFrank born about 1895
JohnsonFredrick Aborn about 1915
JohnsonHarold Lborn about 1935
JohnsonHermes born about 1865
JohnsonHoward born about 1904
JohnsonLouise born about 1908
JohnsonRose born about 1898

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K Surnames

KaiserKatherine born about 1876
KaiserMargaret Aborn about 1893
KeenanBarbara born about 1934
KeenanClaude Eborn about 1884
KeenanEvelyna born about 1916
KeenanOral born about 1886
KeenanPatricra born about 1935
KeenanPaul born about 1923
KeenanTalbert Wborn about 1911
KeiferJohn born about 1871
KellerJohn Jborn about 1915
KellerMildred Lborn about 1919
KenollHarry Cborn about 1888
KillamAngela born about 1922
KillamJohn born about 1926
KillamJohn Sborn about 1874
KillamPearl born about 1889
KillamRuth born about 1927
KindredAlice born about 1885
KindredBetty Lborn about 1939
KindredByron Sborn about 1884
KindredByron Jr born about 1911
KindredCatherine Aborn about 1936
KindredDonald born about 1932
KindredFrancis born about 1924
KindredHarold born about 1919
KindredHelen born about 1917
KindredLucille born about 1914
KindredMary Lborn about 1936
KindredRobert born about 1921
KindredWilliam born about 1938
KinnettEmberson Cborn about 1876
KinnettHulda born about 1880
KinnettLilburn born about 1901
KinnettMae Eborn about 1893
KinnettWayne Aborn about 1886
KlackleWilliam born about 1870
KloffeLouis born about 1922
KloffeLouise born about 1894
KloffeWilliam born about 1886
KordeJohn Lborn about 1897
KumleBeaumant Sborn about 1926
KumleBessie born about 1911
KumleGeorge Lborn about 1922
KumleLebostian* Bborn about 1890
KumleMabel born about 1891
KumlePhillis Jborn about 1923
KumleRobert Wborn about 1922
KumleUna born about 1891
KumleWilbur Cborn about 1905
KumleWilliam Jborn about 1887

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L Surnames

LashCleda Mborn about 1939
LashMary Jborn about 1923
LashWalter Lborn about 1916
LaurentAnnie born about 1873
LaurentJohn born about 1867
LawsonEthel Mborn about 1896
LawsonLucius born about 1891
LockhartBridget Cborn about 1886
LockhartDennis born about 1875
LockhartGeorge Wborn about 1871
LockhartLeo born about 1889
LoganRay born about 1914
LoydAuscho born about 1884
LoydCarrie Mborn about 1890
LoydWilliam Kborn about 1915
LubyAnnie born about 1877
LubyJohn born about 1870
LubyKatie born about 1900
LubyMary Cborn about 1915
LubyPaul born about 1906
LubyWilliam born about 1878
LudwigAnna born about 1905
LudwigAnnie born about 1866
LudwigMary born about 1898
LukenClara born about 1894
LukenDorothy born about 1918
LukenGilbert Cborn about 1910
LukenJames born about 1925
LukenOtto born about 1892
LukenVernie born about 1910

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M Surnames

MadlinAbbie born about 1875
MadlinStewart born about 1879
MaguireGene born about 1933
MaguireHelen born about 1927
MaguireJohn born about 1925
MaguireJohn Eborn about 1892
MaguireLeo born about 1931
MaguireLois born about 1922
MaguireRoy born about 1929
MaguireRuth born about 1896
MaloneCarl born about 1905
MaloneEllen Lborn about 1940
MaloneMinnie born about 1910
MaloneRobert born about 1937
MayberryAda born about 1898
MayberryArthia born about 1907
MayberryDonald Eborn about 1926
MayberryEvlyn born about 1935
MayberryGlen born about 1937
MayberryJoe born about 1906
MayberryRay born about 1930
MayberryRobert born about 1927
MayberryRoscoe Aborn about 1897
MayberryRussell born about 1932
McGeeBetha Eborn about 1929
McGeeDelmer Pborn about 1937
McGeeDonald Lborn about 1935
McGeeEdward Lborn about 1931
McGeeJohn Lborn about 1885
McGeeLaura Bborn about 1899
McGeeMaggie Bborn about 1927
MeyerAdolph Pborn about 1880
MeyerEarl born about 1918
MeyerNellie Mborn about 1891
MoellerCarrie born about 1884
MoellerEdward born about 1924
MoellerFred Jborn about 1879
MoellerHelen born about 1885
MoellerLouis Fborn about 1878
MuckelstonEarl Wborn about 1892
MuckelstonJosephine born about 1899

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N Surnames

NealFred Wborn about 1887
NealKathryn born about 1887
NegusBenj Wborn about 1903
NegusBernice born about 1910
NelsonBertha born about 1933
NelsonGeorge born about 1893
NelsonJames born about 1923
NelsonMabel born about 1900

P Surnames

ParmeleHelen born about 1901
ParmeleWalter born about 1899
PateCecil Lborn about 1912
PateCharley born about 1914
PateCharley Eborn about 1939
PateEva Mborn about 1923
PateMarjorie born about 1922
PatePerscelia born about 1927
PateRoy Dborn about 1920
PateSpicy Jborn about 1891
PateVirginia born about 1929
PenmanEarl born about 1921
PierceAlberta born about 1915
PierceClara Rborn about 1935
PierceSam Oborn about 1914
PiersonElizabeth born about 1929
PiersonHarold born about 1900
PiersonPhyllis born about 1933
PrattIvan born about 1927
ProffittJene Jborn about 1885
ProffittJohn Wborn about 1917
ProffittMary Jborn about 1925
ProffittMary Rborn about 1891

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R Surnames

ReifJohn Wborn about 1874
ReifMaude Eborn about 1878
ReiserAlbert Cborn about 1894
ReiserClara Hborn about 1885
ReiserGrace born about 1897
ReiserLouis Jborn about 1878
RidderJoseph born about 1859
RidderLouisa born about 1893
RobbimsDollie born about 1906
RobbimsHolman born about 1899
RobbinsIrvin born about 1916
RobbinsIrvin Jr born about 1940
RobbinsKatherine born about 1877
RobbinsOwen born about 1903
RobbinsRuth born about 1920
RobertoAda born about 1919
RobertoIva born about 1938
RobertoWoodroe Oborn about 1916
RobertsBeaula born about 1898
RobertsDemcie Lborn about 1886
RobertsIrene Jborn about 1865
RobertsJesse Lborn about 1893
RobertsMary born about 1891
RobertsWilliam born about 1904
RobertsWilliam Pborn about 1864
RobertsonJ Westleyborn about 1876
RobinsonFloyd born about 1907
RobinsonNellie born about 1911
RoebleBetty born about 1922
RoebleBeulah born about 1901
RoebleSamuel born about 1879
RogersFrank born about 1878
RogersFrank born about 1916
RogersMildred born about 1921
RogersMinnie born about 1889
RomseyCecil born about 1911
RomseyCecil Eborn about 1938
RomseyMargie born about 1918
RubleLaura Jborn about 1869
RubleMelton born about 1868
RubleMilton Eborn about 1903
RyanGertrude born about 1879
RyanLeona born about 1910
RyanOwen Eborn about 1872

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S Surnames

ScheweCharley born about 1875
SemmersAlta Jborn about 1920
SeymourEstelle born about 1894
ShanerWalter born about 1902
ShoemakerAngie born about 1890
ShoemakerSid born about 1869
ShuttBilly Gborn about 1928
ShuttJoann born about 1935
ShuttJohn Aborn about 1939
ShuttJohn Hborn about 1907
ShuttJoyce Rborn about 1937
ShuttOpal born about 1907
SiebenmannEdward born about 1921
SmelserAbert born about 1888
SmelserJessie born about 1891
SmithAlbert born about 1902
SmithDarell born about 1934
SmithFreda born about 1898
SmithLloyd born about 1912
SmithTwyla born about 1910
SmithWallace born about 1923
SnodgranHerbert born about 1918
SnyderEmma Hborn about 1893
StatenLouis born about 1913
StatenRuth born about 1918
StenemeyerJosephine born about 1878
StenemeyerKatherine born about 1872
StevensAlbert Jborn about 1874
StevensMyrtle born about 1882
StevesonClark Rborn about 1924
StevesonClarke Hborn about 1885
StevesonNelle born about 1887
StrawnByron Wborn about 1921
StrawnCharles Mborn about 1888
StrawnEdna born about 1897
StrawnElmer Gborn about 1899
StrawnSylvia Vborn about 1899
SuttonAlfred born about 1916

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T Surnames

TimbleMaude born about 1887
TimbleWilliam born about 1880
TobinAndrew Jborn about 1894
TobinDorothy born about 1935
TobinJohn Dborn about 1924
TobinMary Aborn about 1932
TobinRozilla born about 1904
TolerCecil born about 1919
TolerCecil Rborn about 1940
TolerEarnest born about 1914
TolerFronia born about 1889
TolerHelen born about 1928
TolerHomer born about 1926
TolerMurl born about 1918
TolerThomas born about 1887
TolerVirginia born about 1923
TraversElizabeth born about 1890
TraversFredrick Rborn about 1869
TrentEarl Tborn about 1901
TrentHenry Dborn about 1874
TrentHerbert born about 1937
TrentMaggie born about 1862
TrentNellie born about 1917
TrentVoilet born about 1938
TrombleAlbert born about 1911
TrombleFrieda born about 1917
TurnerKatherine born about 1895

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W Surnames

WagnerHarold Jborn about 1916
WagnerJohn born about 1872
WagnerMarie born about 1886
WalkerJohn Jborn about 1909
WalkerJoyce Aborn about 1940
WalkerShirley Lborn about 1938
WalkerZelma born about 1916
WallbaumAlice Eborn about 1916
WallbaumAnthony born about 1907
WallbaumCatherine born about 1898
WallbaumCatherine Aborn about 1934
WallbaumCharley Hborn about 1906
WallbaumCharley Wborn about 1939
WallbaumEster born about 1873
WallbaumFred Rborn about 1870
WallbaumHenry born about 1879
WallbaumJanet Kborn about 1940
WallbaumJennie born about 1875
WallbaumJohn Cborn about 1910
WallbaumMary Lborn about 1906
WallbaumMary Lborn about 1931
WallbaumPaul born about 1921
WallbaumRaymond born about 1916
WallbaumRobert born about 1919
WalpoleClyde born about 1889
WalpoleDean born about 1921
WalpoleDorothy born about 1923
WalpoleEvelyn born about 1917
WalpoleMildred born about 1912
WalpoleOrla born about 1886
WalpoleRobert born about 1912
WalshClarence born about 1917
WalshHarold born about 1910
WalshJohn born about 1871
WalshJosephine born about 1879
WalshLeo born about 1908
WaltersDenneth Rborn about 1934
WaltersDoris born about 1936
WaltersKathern born about 1938
WaltersKenneth born about 1930
WaltersLowis born about 1907
WaltersLula born about 1914
WebsterAlma born about 1912
WebsterArthur Wborn about 1904
WeigandElizabeth born about 1873
WeigandGentry Marieborn about 1902
WeigandJohn born about 1895
WeigandLouise born about 1900
WeigandMike Jborn about 1896
WeigandMike Sr born about 1861
WeigandTeresa born about 1897
WeiserMary born about 1899
WhelanJohn Jborn about 1909
WhelanMary born about 1911
WhiteAgnes born about 1920
WhiteFrances born about 1918
WhiteGeorge Mborn about 1881
WhiteGeorge M Jrborn about 1913
WhiteJohn Fborn about 1922
WhiteJoseph Fborn about 1910
WhiteMary Aborn about 1887
WhiteMildred born about 1912
WhiteRobert Hborn about 1925
WildtDerrell born about 1918
WileyLuther born about 1897
WileyMaude Cborn about 1884
WileyNoel born about 1876
WilliamsAlbert born about 1912
WilliamsDale Aborn about 1940
WilliamsLouise born about 1911
WilliamsRosalie born about 1937
WinglerAlbert born about 1912

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Y Surnames

YatesEula born about 1920
YatesRaymond born about 1928
YoungEugene born about 1924
YoungMartha born about 1898
YoungPaul born about 1928
YoungWilliam born about 1896
YoungWilliam Jr born about 1921

Z Surnames

ZellerAdelaide born about 1888
ZellerDorothy born about 1923
ZellerJoseph Aborn about 1888
ZellerLuke born about 1919

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