1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bluff, Monroe, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Monroe County > 1940 Census of Bluff

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AhneArthur Jborn about 1933
AhneCorine born about 1910
AhneJoseph Fborn about 1901
AhneLaverne Mborn about 1934
AhneMartin Gborn about 1931
AllscheidJacob born about 1905
AllscheidMyrtle Kborn about 1912
AltesAma A Cborn about 1911
AltesCaroline born about 1853
AltesEdna Jborn about 1903
AltesElmer Wborn about 1916
AltesEthel Eborn about 1931
AltesGeorge born about 1877
AltesLouisa Cborn about 1886
AltesMildred H Clborn about 1924
AltesOliver Gborn about 1910
AltesWilliam Jr G born about 1898
AlthoffAugust Hborn about 1893
AlthoffClara born about 1897
AlthoffClharles Hborn about 1873
ArresOswold Cborn about 1909
ArretDena Lborn about 1890
ArretErwin Tborn about 1912
ArretGeorge Wborn about 1915
ArretHelen Kborn about 1917
ArretWarren Aborn about 1922

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B Surnames

BangeCarrie Cborn about 1880
BangeEdward Pborn about 1890
BangeElizabeth born about 1860
BangeLavisa Wborn about 1890
BangeWilda Tborn about 1928
BangeWilner Aborn about 1928
BartonGeraldina born about 1931
BartonJacqueline Jborn about 1927
BartonLila Mborn about 1906
BartonMae born about 1925
BartonPauline born about 1933
BartonWilliam Mborn about 1901
BechleinCarrie born about 1878
BechleinFred born about 1879
BerschHenry Wborn about 1895
BerschLouisa born about 1892
BerschMary born about 1860
BoehneArthur Nborn about 1899
BoehneEsther Wborn about 1919
BoehneLouisa born about 1858
BoehneMeta Cborn about 1903
BoehneRaymond Gborn about 1913
BoehneWilliam born about 1894
BoerschJohn born about 1885
BoerschMinnie born about 1892
BrandtFlorence Lborn about 1918
BrandtLarry Geneborn about 1939
BrandtLucille L Eborn about 1921
BrandtRaymond Gborn about 1914
BrandtSylvester Mborn about 1917
BrandtVictor ???born about 1916
BuckAnna Cborn about 1912
BuckChristina Cborn about 1869
BuckElizabeth born about 1892
BuckEmma Wborn about 1904
BuckFred born about 1873
BuckWilhelmina born about 1872
BuckWilliam born about 1870
ByersEranville born about 1871
ByersTheresa born about 1879

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C Surnames

CharboneauJesse Orrborn about 1939
CharboneauMenie born about 1919
CharboneauSteve Oborn about 1911
ClemerEdith Lborn about 1934
ClemerElice Lborn about 1913
ClemerHomer Lborn about 1912
ClemerNorma Lborn about 1932
ClemerRoberta Mayborn about 1938
ClemerUla?ay born about 1936

D Surnames

DaienBernice Mborn about 1936
DaienOlinda born about 1915
DaienRaymond born about 1913
DavisJe Royborn about 1935
DavisLucy Leeborn about 1931
DavisMaretta born about 1933
DietzConrad Cborn about 1901
DietzDonald Cborn about 1936
DietzDorothy Mborn about 1937
DietzGeorge Cborn about 1933
DietzJoseph Aborn about 1939
DietzLucille Mborn about 1907
DietzMarie Dborn about 1914
DietzPeter Sborn about 1905

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E Surnames

EbelPhilip born about 1865
EdlerGeorge Hborn about 1888
EdlerMarie Sborn about 1894

F Surnames

FloerkeHenry born about 1882
FloerkeMabel born about 1921
FloerkeMarcellus born about 1924
FloerkeMary born about 1888
FloerkeWilliam born about 1866
FosterAnna Mborn about 1903
FosterFloyd Dborn about 1925
FosterJo Annborn about 1933
FosterJohn born about 1889
FosterJohon Jr born about 1923
FosterLester Glennborn about 1938
FosterRobert Gborn about 1930

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G Surnames

GoodmanDorothy Aborn about 1922
GoodmanElizabeth born about 1886
GoodmanElla May Mborn about 1928
GoodmanGretz born about 1876
GrittmannAdam Gborn about 1889
GrittmannAlice Lborn about 1924
GrittmannEthel Rborn about 1925
GrittmannLe Roy Hborn about 1934
GrittmannLydia C Fborn about 1905
GrittmannRobert Lborn about 1931
GrittmannRuth Lborn about 1929
GrittmannViolet Dborn about 1927
GrittmannWilliam Aborn about 1937
GutermuthHenry Jborn about 1890
GutermuthLillian ?sborn about 1898

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H Surnames

HarbaughAnnie Mborn about 1901
HarbaughJohn Mborn about 1875
HarbaughMargaret Jborn about 1881
HartmannLouisa Wborn about 1915
HartmannPeter Kborn about 1908
HelfrichCharles born about 1884
HesterbergDoris born about 1929
HesterbergFrieda born about 1900
HesterbergLillian born about 1939
HesterbergRaymond born about 1903
HesterbergRaymond Eborn about 1934
HesterbergVernon Fborn about 1925
HewittEdward born about 1887
HirschAlbert Gborn about 1883
HirschCharles Nborn about 1923
HirschMary Eborn about 1886
HoffmannAmelia Lborn about 1892
HoffmannAnda Eborn about 1898
HoffmannCaroline Jborn about 1906
HoffmannCaroline Lborn about 1879
HoffmannCharles Pborn about 1919
HoffmannCharles Jr born about 1883
HoffmannClarence Oborn about 1922
HoffmannClora Lborn about 1917
HoffmannElizabeth Aborn about 1883
HoffmannElvera Bborn about 1925
HoffmannEmil born about 1902
HoffmannErich Mborn about 1911
HoffmannErwin Aborn about 1898
HoffmannEugene Gborn about 1919
HoffmannGeorge Bborn about 1879
HoffmannGeorge Lborn about 1871
HoffmannHenry Lborn about 1912
HoffmannJulia Fborn about 1926
HoffmannLe Roy Kborn about 1931
HoffmannLeona Fborn about 1921
HoffmannLeona Wborn about 1917
HoffmannLorena Eborn about 1910
HoffmannLouis Pborn about 1913
HoffmannLouisa born about 1887
HoffmannNorman Fborn about 1925
HoffmannOlivia Bborn about 1922
HoffmannOtto Lborn about 1914
HoffmannRoger O Aborn about 1930
HoffmannRoland Fborn about 1909
HoffmannRoy Wborn about 1921
HoffmannVernon A Rborn about 1925
HoffmannVerona Wborn about 1929
HoffmannViolet Cborn about 1936
HoffmannWilliam Gborn about 1884
HoffmannWilliam Jr born about 1895
HoffmannWillis Oborn about 1929
HoffmannsEdwin Aborn about 1905
HoffmannsHulda Mborn about 1907
HoffmannsMaeline Mborn about 1938
HonkeCatherine born about 1865
HonkeHenry born about 1862
HonkeIda Eborn about 1899
HonkeJohn Hborn about 1895

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J Surnames

JessieArbelle born about 1904
JessieBetty Rborn about 1936
JessieJohn Rborn about 1929
JessieRandell Lborn about 1932
JessieVerga Rborn about 1892
JessieWilliam Dborn about 1927
JohannsenEstella born about 1913
JohannsenEthel Mayborn about 1939
JohannsenFrederick W Oborn about 1936
JohannsenLaverne Eborn about 1938
JohannsenOtto Lborn about 1899

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K Surnames

KesterTom born about 1884
KippingAugust Cborn about 1904
KippingGregory Aborn about 1929
KippingHelen Mborn about 1901
KippingMarcella Mborn about 1927
KippingMargaret Eborn about 1910
KnoblochSylvan Fborn about 1922
KraftJohn born about 1864
KraftJoseph born about 1905
KuhnArthur born about 1892

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L Surnames

LangadorfAlice Lborn about 1910
LangadorfCharles Aborn about 1902
LangadorfLeland Cborn about 1936
LichAlois Lborn about 1931
LichGeorge Wborn about 1888
LichLewis Wborn about 1924
LichMary Wborn about 1890
LichRobert Hborn about 1927
LinkerCassie Aborn about 1916
LinkerCatherine born about 1929
LinkerElizabeth born about 1927
LinkerFrances Sborn about 1871
LinkerFrank Hborn about 1912
LinkerFred Wborn about 1880
LinkerLucinda born about 1892
LucyClyde Gborn about 1906
LucyClyde Jr born about 1931
LucyJohn Henryborn about 1932
LucyMolly Pborn about 1912
LuehringElsie Lborn about 1902
LuehringJohn Wborn about 1890
LuehringJohn Sr born about 1857
LuehringLouisa born about 1857
LuehringNorman Aborn about 1927

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M Surnames

MartinCleo born about 1917
MaullerAlois Wborn about 1915
MaullerFerdinane Oborn about 1880
MaullerLaura Cborn about 1924
MaullerSusie born about 1884
MausJohn Georgeborn about 1876
MaversAloysiou Aborn about 1902
MaversAnna Mayborn about 1934
MaversBernard born about 1926
MaversEd Tborn about 1907
MaversElla born about 1903
MaversJacob born about 1901
MaversLoretta born about 1930
MaversTony born about 1932
MaversVerginia born about 1928
McCarthyMildred born about 1914
McCarthySylvester born about 1912
McDonaleJean Mborn about 1927
McDonalePauline Mborn about 1895
McDonaleRichard Jborn about 1930
McDonaleWallene Jborn about 1898
MeisenbachEvald born about 1891
MeisenbachMary Mborn about 1893
MesnrichRobert born about 1932
MonroeAlura Lborn about 1914
MonroeElmer Aborn about 1934
MonroeLyle Cborn about 1936
MonroeLynean Rborn about 1907
MonroeLyvean Rborn about 1933
MorquardtClarence Eborn about 1931
MorquardtEsther Mborn about 1928
MorquardtRose Cborn about 1907
MorquardtRoseann Jborn about 1938
MorquardtTheresa Hborn about 1935
MorquardtWilliam Mborn about 1897
MuellerHenry Wborn about 1882
MuellerWilhelmina Cborn about 1884
MuertzAgatha Mborn about 1910
MuertzDolores Cborn about 1935
MuertzGeorge Fborn about 1932
MuertzGeroldine Tborn about 1934
MuertzHerbert Cborn about 1937
MuertzMary Joneborn about 1939
MuertzPeter born about 1905
MuertzRose Annborn about 1931
MuertzTheodore Jborn about 1930

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N Surnames

NaselFred born about 1876
NixJayce Fborn about 1933
NixMargaret Lborn about 1927
NixMildred Lborn about 1903
NixShirley Mborn about 1938
NixWilliam Oborn about 1880
NobbeEdna Rborn about 1927
NobbeFrieda Pborn about 1892
NobbeRoy Pborn about 1924
NobbeRuth Mborn about 1924
NobbeWilliam Lborn about 1887
NuttmeierAlvera Mborn about 1923
NuttmeierConrad Lborn about 1937
NuttmeierFrieda Eborn about 1896
NuttmeierGeorge Fborn about 1892
NuttmeierMilton Cborn about 1917
NuttmeierRozer Aborn about 1927

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P Surnames

PaffenHerman Eborn about 1904
PaulusIrene born about 1911

R Surnames

RaheAnna Mborn about 1888
RaheLouis E Jborn about 1889
RaheMyrtle V Cborn about 1923
RayArnold born about 1878
RayEunice Mborn about 1917
RayJesse Lborn about 1921
RayLeonard Dborn about 1905
RayMary Eborn about 1940
RayShelf Eborn about 1938
RaySimon Oborn about 1925
ReesBetty Jeanborn about 1940
ReesCecil Eborn about 1918
ReesMarine born about 1924
ReichFrank Mborn about 1887
ReichMary Eborn about 1892
ReichMilon born about 1935
ReinboldAdam born about 1868
ReinboldEmma born about 1884
RencehausenAlfred Eborn about 1914
RencehausenJernita Mborn about 1921
RencehausenWilma Lborn about 1939
RevJoseph A Duehrenborn about 1907
RohlfingRheresa born about 1852
RustebergAnna Cborn about 1900
RustebergCharles Aborn about 1890
RustebergFred Aborn about 1886
RustebergGeorge Hborn about 1900
RustebergHenry Wborn about 1885
RustebergJohanna born about 1894
RustebergJohn Wborn about 1888
RustebergKatherine born about 1868
RustebergLizzie Mborn about 1892
RustebergLouisa Kborn about 1891
RustebergMarcellious Hborn about 1924
RustebergMilton Aborn about 1920
RustebergRobert Uborn about 1934
RustebergWilbert Eborn about 1925

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S Surnames

SchaeferAdalia Mborn about 1908
SchaeferAlfred Hborn about 1934
SchaeferClarence Jborn about 1929
SchaeferClyde Rborn about 1936
SchaeferElizabeth born about 1870
SchaeferEmil Aborn about 1906
SchaeferFrances Aborn about 1933
SchaeferFrances Cborn about 1903
SchaeferGertrude Mborn about 1928
SchaeferHarvey Fborn about 1934
SchaeferHenry Jborn about 1927
SchaeferJacob Hborn about 1898
SchaeferMarie Eborn about 1936
SchaeferMartin Jborn about 1939
SchaeferRegina Fborn about 1931
SchaeferRobert Oborn about 1937
SchaeferRuth Annborn about 1938
SchraerLeona born about 1926
SchreidtJacob born about 1896
SchrothErther Hborn about 1932
SchrothHenry born about 1898
SchrothKate born about 1906
SchrothLeroy Eborn about 1927
SchrothMary born about 1869
SchultenGeorge born about 1867
SichingerLeona Maeborn about 1894
SparwasserArlene Eborn about 1933
SparwasserElaner Lborn about 1902
SparwasserJean Ellenborn about 1940
SparwasserMarlene Aborn about 1937
SparwasserRay born about 1914
SparwasserThelma R Tborn about 1911
StammAnnie Fborn about 1891
StammCharles Jr born about 1890
StammRoselle born about 1920
SteinmannHarry Eborn about 1915
SteinmannMinnie Eborn about 1892
SteinmannNelson Pborn about 1920
SteinmannPhilip born about 1886
SteinmannTheodore Pborn about 1918
SteinmannWilliam Oborn about 1888
SteinsieckElizabeth Cborn about 1875
SteinsieckMary Cborn about 1866
StemmlerAnna Wborn about 1894
StemmlerGladys M Eborn about 1935
StemmlerHerbert C Jborn about 1934
StemmlerHerman Fborn about 1907
StemmlerIda Cborn about 1913
StemmlerJacob born about 1881
StemmlerKatie Aborn about 1885
StemmlerPhilip Cborn about 1887
StemmlerPhilip Jborn about 1920
StemmlerWalter Eborn about 1919
StemmlerWillis L Eborn about 1939
StudtLuise Mborn about 1920
StudtMartin Cborn about 1879
StudtRichard Aborn about 1920
StudtWilhelmina Cborn about 1881
StumpfAdolph Mborn about 1894
StumpfAlice Ab Lborn about 1929
StumpfAlice Kborn about 1906
StumpfBernice L Oborn about 1934
StumpfCharles Wborn about 1920
StumpfDorothy Lborn about 1933
StumpfEmma born about 1874
StumpfEugene Mborn about 1900
StumpfFrieda Kborn about 1902
StumpfHelen E Oborn about 1919
StumpfHenry Jborn about 1913
StumpfJames Rborn about 1936
StumpfLaura Cborn about 1918
StumpfLouis Eborn about 1931
StumpfLucille M Lborn about 1923
StumpfMinnie Cborn about 1893
StumpfNelson A Eborn about 1932
StumpfRaymond Jborn about 1907
StumpfRobert Rborn about 1923

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T Surnames

ThieleDorothy Fborn about 1920
ThieleEileen Lborn about 1925
ThieleEmma born about 1893
ThieleFrances born about 1869
ThieleHerman born about 1890
ThieleLouis Oborn about 1895

U Surnames

UhlmannElizabeth born about 1863

V Surnames

VagelTony born about 1887
ValentineAlbert Jborn about 1880
ValentineMary Eborn about 1885
VergeneVirgenia Cborn about 1922

W Surnames

WagnerEugene Jborn about 1923
WagnerHarold Dborn about 1920
WagnerHilda Sborn about 1898
WagnerNorman Wborn about 1924
WalkupMattie Eborn about 1875
WaltonEmma Kborn about 1886
WatsonGladys Fborn about 1920
WatsonVirginia Fborn about 1939
WatsonWesley born about 1917
WeberAgnes Lborn about 1923
WeberAlbert born about 1896
WeberCatherine Jborn about 1898
WeberDonald Richardborn about 1934
WeberDoreen Dborn about 1924
WeberGladys Marieborn about 1925
WeberKenneth Williamborn about 1929
WeberPeter born about 1927
WeberRasalyn Ritaborn about 1927
WeberRose born about 1895
WeberWilliam Jborn about 1898
WehingerCaroline Mborn about 1875
WehingerJohn Wborn about 1873
WeiblaCharles born about 1911
WeiblaDoris Gborn about
WeiblaVivian Oborn about 1918
WerlingAlbert Lborn about 1909
WerlingColeen born about 1938
WerlingDavid born about 1934
WerlingDonald Lee Eborn about 1939
WerlingEmma Lborn about 1894
WerlingHarold Wborn about 1914
WerlingHilma born about 1929
WerlingHutie Mborn about 1884
WerlingIda Cborn about 1917
WerlingJames born about 1933
WerlingLeona Fborn about 1919
WerlingMartha born about 1936
WerlingMonroe Wborn about 1914
WerlingVirleen Lborn about 1920
WerlingWalter Jborn about 1893
WerlingWilliam Jborn about 1878
WetzelCatherine Aborn about 1905
WetzelCharles Pborn about 1896
WienhoffLawerence Aborn about 1906
WienhoffMarie Iborn about 1908
WierschemAlvin Aborn about 1926
WierschemEdna Cborn about 1924
WierschemJohn born about
WierschemMary born about 1870
WierschemMary Bborn about 1899
WierschemRose Aborn about 1906
WierschemWilliam born about 1866
WierschemWilliam Aborn about 1894
WindelerDick born about 1898
WolfFrieda born about 1889
WolfHerbert Wborn about 1920
WolfOtto Lborn about 1891
WrightEdith Aborn about 1901
WrightFloyd Lborn about 1924
WrightGloyd Lborn about 1922
WrightLulie Lborn about 1891
WrightVivian Janiceborn about 1927
WuertzAnnie Tborn about 1920
WuertzEdward Wborn about 1904
WuertzMargaret born about 1865
WuertzMary Cborn about 1876

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