1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bluffdale Township, Greene, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Greene County > 1940 Census of Bluffdale Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonRobert born about 1915
AndrewsAllen born about 1893
AndrewsJohn born about 1916
AndrewsNona born about 1893
AshlockClaudie born about 1883
AshlockEdward born about 1921
AshlockElisabeth born about 1911
AshlockHarry born about 1881
AshlockPatric born about 1937
AshlockRobert born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BacorCharles born about 1868
BakerDoris born about 1930
BakerEdward born about 1906
BakerEdward Jr born about 1931
BakerMary born about 1910
BakerMary Lborn about 1929
BarnettAce born about 1879
BarnettAmbrose born about 1936
BarnettGeneva born about 1919
BarnettJackue born about 1939
BarrardLinda born about 1939
BarrardRosalia born about 1920
BarrardStanley born about 1916
BechdoltAugustas born about 1888
BechdoltBernetta born about 1918
BechdoltBeverly born about 1937
BechdoltCecile born about 1886
BechdoltCharles born about 1888
BechdoltDelbert born about 1914
BechdoltEdith born about 1895
BechdoltGeorge born about 1883
BechdoltHelen born about 1920
BechdoltJacob born about 1859
BechdoltOrville born about 1918
BechdoltThomas born about 1882
BechdoltTonnie born about 1925
BeckdoldtBetty born about 1928
BeckdoldtNellie born about 1900
BeckdoldtNorma born about 1929
BeckdoldtOtto born about 1886
BeckerEsteleen born about 1921
BeckerFred born about 1898
BeckerGearldie born about 1937
BeckerGeralee born about 1937
BeckerLaray born about 1927
BeckerLavell born about 1922
BeckerLindell born about 1924
BeckerMargert born about 1900
BeckerRichard born about 1938
BeckerVernabee born about 1931
BeebeFrank born about 1864
BeebeWarren born about 1848
BennerFannie born about 1855
BennerJames born about 1895
BennerJohn born about 1879
BennerMamie born about 1899
BennerRollen born about 1931
BennerWalter born about 1920
BergerDelbert born about 1908
BergerMary born about 1888
BestMartha born about 1939
BestMary born about 1930
BestOlga born about 1899
BestRichard born about 1898
BestRichard born about 1925
BestRobert born about 1926
BinnerEdith born about 1891
BinnerMary Kborn about 1922
BinnerTomar born about 1889
BinnerTommie born about 1925
BlackBen Tborn about 1889
BlackEvelena born about 1894
BlackMary born about 1926
BlairFay born about 1926
BlairFrank Cborn about 1894
BlairFrank Jr born about 1928
BlairLouise born about 1895
BlairMarvin born about 1933
BoothHenry born about 1881
BoothPauline born about 1883
BormanElla born about 1897
BormanGoldie born about 1890
BormanHarry born about 1883
BormanLeo born about 1894
BormanMajorie born about 1940
BormanNettie born about 1871
BrakwilleJulian born about 1874
BrannanAnna born about 1914
BrannanBobby Lborn about 1932
BrannanCarmen born about 1915
BrannanCharles born about 1877
BrannanDarlene born about 1936
BrannanDorthy born about 1914
BrannanFrancis born about 1935
BrannanGeorge born about 1908
BrannanGeorge Jr born about 1930
BrannanHarold born about 1901
BrannanHarold born about 1938
BrannanInfant Thomasborn about
BrannanJames born about 1931
BrannanJulia born about 1904
BrannanKenneth born about 1905
BrannanLena born about 1872
BrannanLulu born about 1914
BrannanMaxie born about 1929
BrannanOpal born about 1909
BrannanWilliam born about 1870
BrantDale born about 1932
BrownBonnie born about 1939
BrownDixie Lborn about 1938
BrownEddie born about 1883
BrownNeta born about 1919
BrownWilliam born about 1915
BryantDonald born about 1919
BryorClaude born about 1918
BryorGeorge born about 1883
BryorLottie born about 1886
BushnellAlven born about 1863
BushnellAudra born about 1925
BushnellCharles born about 1939
BushnellCurlos born about 1932
BushnellDaniel born about 1864
BushnellDean Fborn about 1886
BushnellDean Jr born about 1932
BushnellDeanie born about 1908
BushnellDonald born about 1940
BushnellDorris born about 1932
BushnellEdith born about 1918
BushnellEula born about 1918
BushnellFannie born about 1881
BushnellFannie born about 1937
BushnellFrances born about 1937
BushnellGerelda born about 1885
BushnellHarry born about 1892
BushnellIda born about 1889
BushnellJack born about 1922
BushnellKenneth born about 1938
BushnellLucretia born about 1884
BushnellMirl born about 1919
BushnellOrvill born about 1874
BushnellPasha born about 1870
BushnellRay born about 1915
BushnellRosa born about 1915
BushnellRuth born about 1928
BushnellViola Lborn about 1935
BushnellWilliam born about 1912
ButlerStirlen born about 1907
ButlesJohn born about 1887
ButlesLilie born about 1883
ButlesRobert born about 1919
BylandEster born about 1916
BylandEstes born about 1916
BylandFlorence born about 1888
BylandFrank born about 1880
BylandJohn born about 1918
BylandKenneth born about 1911
BylandOpal born about 1913
BylandPaul born about 1927
BylandRonald born about 1936
BylandRonald born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadleAlferd born about 1900
CadleLorn born about 1901
CadleWelma born about 1916
CambenHowell born about 1922
CamererArther born about 1929
CamererBea born about 1915
CamererBert born about 1873
CamererBertha born about 1925
CamererBetty born about 1932
CamererBetty born about 1934
CamererBeverly born about 1939
CamererCarl born about 1931
CamererCharles born about 1937
CamererClyde born about 1877
CamererDarel born about 1915
CamererDonald born about 1922
CamererDorthy born about 1915
CamererEarl born about 1910
CamererEarnie born about 1887
CamererFillo born about 1939
CamererFlorence born about 1880
CamererGeorge born about 1844
CamererGleen born about 1920
CamererHarold born about 1913
CamererHelen born about 1879
CamererJanet born about 1934
CamererJean born about 1915
CamererJohnny born about 1924
CamererLilian born about 1905
CamererLindsey born about 1880
CamererLoyd born about 1898
CamererLoyd Jr born about 1924
CamererMarjorie born about 1931
CamererMary born about 1924
CamererMyrtle born about 1891
CamererNancy born about 1856
CamererNora born about 1874
CamererNorman born about 1927
CamererOpal born about 1923
CamererSam born about 1912
CamererSchirley born about 1938
CamererTillie born about 1912
CamererVera born about 1928
CamernCharles born about 1937
CamernDelia born about 1891
CamernEdward born about 1878
CamernEdward Jr born about 1931
CandernBlanch born about 1902
CandernLottie born about 1930
CandernRoulla born about 1902
ChapmanAlice born about 1912
ChapmanCurtis born about 1911
ChapmanDavid born about 1935
ChapmanDonna born about 1937
ChapmanElsie born about 1912
ChapmanEthel born about 1918
ChapmanFloyd born about 1908
ChapmanGlynn born about 1906
ChapmanImogine born about 1928
ChapmanInfant Janesborn about 1940
ChapmanJoe born about 1933
ChapmanOllie born about 1907
ChapmanPatraci born about 1934
ChapmanRobert born about 1931
ChristopherLizzie born about 1854
ClaflinJacob born about 1917
ClarkFrank born about 1875
ClarkFred born about 1894
ClarkGeo born about 1889
ClarkJames born about 1924
ClarkLena born about 1885
ClarkMary born about 1900
ClaymanMary born about 1884
ClaymanWardie born about 1923
ClendennenBertha born about 1891
ClendennenCarol Wborn about 1922
ClendennenClanona born about 1924
ClendennenClara born about 1929
ClendennenEdward born about 1926
ClendennenGlynn born about 1932
ClendennenHarold born about 1920
ClendennenOscar born about 1891
ClendermenRuben born about 1869
ComboCarlie born about 1920
ComboDorse born about 1925
ComboHazel born about 1935
ComboJames born about 1875
ComboJohn born about 1897
ComboJohn Jr born about 1933
ComboMary born about 1900
ComboNola born about 1925
ComboNorris born about 1937
ComboPanny born about 1922
ComboPaul born about 1912
ComboRolland born about 1933
ComboThelma born about 1929
ComboVerda born about 1927
ComboWillard born about 1919
ComboWilliam born about 1922
ConradDey born about 1895
ConradEdna born about 1927
ConradElmer born about 1899
ConradEugene born about 1922
ConradPaul born about 1931
ConradRobert born about 1925
ConrodAllie born about 1872
CookFrank born about 1899
CookLenord born about 1924
CookLoyd born about 1922
CookMary born about 1898
CookMary born about 1935
CookRobert born about 1921
CoonrodBetty born about 1938
CoonrodJames Hborn about 1905
CoonrodMary Eborn about 1907
CoonrodRoberta born about 1929
CoonrodViolet born about 1933
CoonrodWillie born about 1930
CordesHenry born about 1886
CordesHenry Jborn about 1927
CordesHulda Jborn about 1922
CordesMary born about 1891
CordesMary Kborn about 1917
CornodEthel Mborn about 1931
CornodFreddie born about 1930
CornodHoward born about 1918
CornodJohnnie born about 1919
CornodMildred born about 1915
CornodNeva born about 1929
CornodNittabell born about 1923
CornodWilliam born about 1885
CraderSadie born about 1919
CraneGeorge born about 1868
CraneIda born about 1870
CurtisCloah born about 1894
CurtisEffie born about 1856
CurtisGeorge Bborn about 1894
CurtisJames born about 1926
CurtisNorma born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleGoldie born about 1917
DarrAdeline born about 1873
DarrCora born about 1891
DarrHarlin born about 1901
DarrHoward born about 1899
DarrHoward born about 1924
DarrKenneth born about 1899
DarrMarion born about 1925
DarrMarion Aborn about 1878
DarrMary born about 1915
DarrMary born about 1923
DarrOffie born about 1896
DarrOpal born about 1902
DarrRobert Cborn about 1872
DarrRodger born about 1887
DaudyAnna born about 1908
DaudyEmil born about 1938
DaudyEvermadue born about 1928
DaudyJulia born about 1935
DaudyRussell born about 1906
DavidsonBeatrice born about 1889
DavidsonElenor born about 1929
DavidsonIra born about 1871
DavidsonIrl born about 1896
DavidsonJesse born about 1889
DavidsonJohn born about 1919
DavidsonLetha born about 1908
DavidsonLetha born about 1924
DavidsonMary born about 1927
DavidsonNina born about 1925
DavidsonStella born about 1877
DayDorthy born about 1912
DayHarry born about 1918
DayRosalia born about 1920
DayRussell born about 1939
DayTheodore born about 1906
DodsonBilly born about 1939
DodsonCharles born about 1938
DodsonCora born about 1878
DodsonDaniel born about 1875
DodsonDaniel born about 1940
DodsonImogene born about 1939
DodsonIrie born about 1903
DodsonLaverne born about 1913
DodsonManerd born about 1913
DodsonMary born about 1920
DodsonMary born about 1938
DodsonPauline born about 1926
DodsonR Lborn about 1918
DodsonTommie born about 1936
DodsonVera Aborn about 1921
DodsonVernon born about 1935
DodsonWilliam Oborn about 1910
DoyleElsig born about 1876
DoyleWarren born about 1873
DushingPauline born about 1926
DyerAlven born about 1924
DyerBen born about 1890
DyerDean born about 1926
DyerLula born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlyGelbert born about 1909
EarlyGrace born about 1909
EarlyJack born about 1929
EarlyNita born about 1915
EarlyRalph born about 1907
EarlyRonald born about 1937
EbeyFloyd born about 1908
EbeyFloyd Jr born about 1937
EbeyIvan born about 1933
EbeyLucy born about 1875
EbeyMaris born about 1915
EbeyWilliam born about 1870
EdmistonArcher born about 1891
EdmistonNancy born about 1858
EdmistonRobert born about 1861
EdwardsAnna born about 1911
EdwardsDale born about 1938
EdwardsRoy born about 1920
EdwardsShirley born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarrowBeverly born about 1906
FarrowDellis born about 1870
FarrowDonald born about 1939
FarrowGeorge born about 1906
FarrowGeorge Jr born about 1936
FarrowKay Dborn about 1935
FarrowLizzie born about 1875
FarrowMarcella born about 1903
FarrowVerna born about 1915
FarsonBeverly born about 1874
FarsonMinnie born about 1888
FescherBertha born about 1890
FescherBessie born about 1928
FescherFrankie born about 1923
FescherJohn born about 1919
FescherWalter born about 1885
FlattAndra born about 1936
FlattBernes born about 1915
FlattCora born about 1902
FlattDamon born about 1876
FlattDaniel born about 1873
FlattDonald born about 1930
FlattEarl born about 1928
FlattEllex born about 1876
FlattFord born about 1902
FlattFrank born about 1898
FlattFrank born about 1902
FlattGeo born about 1869
FlattGladys born about 1909
FlattMartha Sborn about 1846
FlattMinnie born about 1878
FlattRosa born about 1909
FlattRoy born about 1903
FoxEmma born about 1895
FoxGuy Bborn about 1893
FoxNorma born about 1915

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G Surnames

GehlhausenEva born about 1883
GehlhausenPaul born about 1873
GersonHenry born about 1884
GersonKatie born about 1891
GersonOtis born about 1917
GibersonHershel born about 1917
GibersonLois born about 1917
GilbertClara born about 1915
GilbertJulius born about 1906
GilbertJunior born about 1933
GilbertLinas born about 1936
GillisEugene born about 1908
GillisFred born about 1937
GillisHarvey born about 1933
GillisJohnnie born about 1930
GillisJune born about 1932
GillisRichard born about 1939
GillisRuby born about 1912
GoansCharlott born about 1932
GoansClara born about 1897
GoansEthel born about 1911
GoansHarley born about 1898
GoansJacob born about 1887
GoansRoy born about 1902
GoansRoy Jr born about 1939
GoansShirley born about 1932
GoansVirginia born about 1936
GoodNona born about 1877
GoodOtto born about 1878
GoodmanBradly born about 1895
GoodmanEarl born about 1926
GoodmanEdna born about 1923
GoodmanHester born about 1901
GriffithMax born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HandlingDaniel born about 1932
HandlingEarl born about 1910
HandlingFannie born about 1891
HandlingFrances born about 1932
HandlingHarold born about 1921
HandlingHelen born about 1911
HandlingWanda born about 1927
HandlingWindell born about 1927
HardwickCharlott born about 1934
HardwickDoris born about 1937
HardwickElmer born about 1913
HardwickJane born about 1921
HardwickMerilda born about 1913
HardwickWalter born about 1911
HardwickWanda born about 1936
HardwickWilma born about 1938
HayesJohn Aborn about 1916
HayesRuth born about 1914
HeltonFloyd born about 1902
HeltonJames born about 1881
HeltonLela born about 1905
HeltonMaud born about 1885
HendricksDowe born about 1885
HendricksLucile born about 1926
HendricksSam born about 1879
HendricksonChas born about 1917
HendricksonMae born about 1914
HensonAlberta born about 1923
HensonCharles born about 1920
HensonDonald born about 1927
HensonDorthy born about 1935
HensonFay born about 1939
HensonGracie born about 1931
HensonHarvy born about 1925
HensonMary born about 1901
HensonOvill born about 1937
HensonThomas born about 1929
HensonWilliam born about 1936
HermanCharles born about 1884
HermanCharles born about 1922
HermanGlynn born about 1912
HermanLela born about 1916
HermanMaud born about 1890
HermanTeddy born about 1939
HermanZelma born about 1919
HermellWilliam born about 1888
HerringThomas born about 1889
HeskettOlive Bborn about 1905
HiresCarl born about 1916
HiresClaudie born about 1925
HiresDarleene born about 1930
HiresElane born about 1930
HiresGolder born about 1894
HiresJesse born about 1927
HiresLarence born about 1923
HiresLavern born about 1924
HiresManard born about 1939
HiresMandiline born about 1921
HiresThelma born about 1902
HolfordGeorge born about 1915
HolfordLois born about 1925
HolfordMary Eborn about 1867
HootsAlmira born about 1862
HootsDoris born about 1925
HootsDouglas born about 1859
HootsFrank born about 1897
HootsHarry born about 1887
HootsMay born about 1898
HootsMildred born about 1902
HoughHershan born about 1858
HubbardEva born about 1910
HubbardHarold born about 1936
HubbardJacob born about 1908
HubbardRonald born about 1938
HurstEbert born about 1893
HurstJoseph born about 1873
HurstMary Jborn about 1923
HurstTillie born about 1885
HurtCharles born about 1902
HurtCharles born about 1933
HurtJerald born about 1933
HurtJerry born about 1938
HurtLendell born about 1931
HurtNelbert born about 1906
HurtSam born about 1929
HydeArnold born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IversAlma Fborn about 1919
IversEarnie born about 1886
IversVerna born about 1886
IversWard Wborn about 1917

J Surnames

JamesDenver born about 1914
JamesGarry born about 1938
JamesKenneth born about 1912
JamesRuby born about 1918
JonesMary born about 1861
JourneyCleve born about 1938
JourneyElanor born about 1933
JourneyMary born about 1935
JourneyMildred born about 1913
JourneyPaul born about 1910

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K Surnames

KaffarMamie born about 1875
KaffarMartin born about 1873
KeeperElisabeth born about 1870
KimbroAgnes born about 1914
KimbroFloyd born about 1907
KimbroGarry born about 1936
KingAdeline born about 1902
KingAdeline born about 1926
KingAlferd born about 1873
KingAnna Bborn about 1870
KingArdena born about 1925
KingBarbara born about 1931
KingBen born about 1902
KingBen Jborn about 1923
KingBlanch born about 1902
KingBlevey Sborn about 1939
KingChas R Jrborn about 1927
KingDavid born about 1874
KingElma born about 1905
KingEtta born about 1877
KingEugene born about 1923
KingFlorence born about 1883
KingFrank born about 1871
KingHarold born about 1931
KingJulia born about 1875
KingKcharles born about 1900
KingLenard born about 1899
KingMax born about 1925
KingRobert born about 1925
KingShirley born about 1935
KingTonnie born about 1910
KosterBen born about 1904
KosterBernice born about 1924
KosterBessie born about 1912
KosterHerman Hborn about 1891
KosterJohn born about 1905
KosterMary born about 1894
KosterMary born about 1939

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L Surnames

LaceyAnna Mborn about 1888
LaceyArtes Hborn about 1887
LaceyArther Lborn about 1919
LaceyDoris Mborn about 1938
LaceyHarvy Aborn about 1917
LaceyLuther born about 1915
LaceyNellie Eborn about 1922
LaceyRalph Eborn about 1924
LaceyVirginia Eborn about 1919
LaceyWiley born about 1927
LangerAnnie born about 1894
LangerDean born about 1925
LangerDonald born about 1923
LangerGoldie Lborn about 1937
LangerJohn born about 1874
LangerLouis born about 1896
LangerLucy born about 1902
LangerMary born about 1869
LangstonFlora born about 1887
LangstonLouis born about 1887
LattCatton Hborn about 1853
LattHulda born about 1863
LayElisabeth born about 1914
LayTheodore born about 1904
LegionAda born about 1895
LegionClarence born about 1917
LegionHarry born about 1887
LegionValeria born about 1920
LegionWanda born about 1938
LoganAlice born about 1936
LoganCoa born about 1876
LoganGeorge born about 1868
LoganImogene born about 1921
LoganJohnnie born about 1927
LoganLois born about 1925
LoganManford born about 1915
LoganMartha born about 1934
LoganPhyllis born about 1939
LoganRichard born about 1933
LoganRobert born about 1917
LoganRoy Jborn about 1889
LoganWinnie born about 1899

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M Surnames

MaffenbiesChristine born about 1878
MaffenbiesFerdenan born about 1920
MangerFrances born about 1909
MangerJanie born about 1928
MangerJoan born about 1930
MangerPaul born about 1900
MangerUrusla born about 1907
MarchCharlott born about 1899
MarchGeorge born about 1886
MarchLonnin born about 1886
MargesonDarrell born about 1930
MargesonDorthy born about 1928
MargesonHazel born about 1907
MargesonJesse born about 1902
MargesonLola born about 1925
MargesonMarget born about 1936
MargesonMarven born about 1923
MartinCarl born about 1917
MartinDonald born about 1938
MartinElsie born about 1890
MartinLela born about 1902
MartinMelvin born about 1894
MartinRobert born about 1924
MartinWilliam born about 1897
MartinWilma born about 1935
MathenyElwood born about 1909
MayArden born about 1919
MayC Jborn about 1885
MayCharles born about 1908
MayCharles born about 1929
MayDoris born about 1940
MayEdna born about 1909
MayMarie born about 1923
MayMary Lborn about 1938
MayRichard born about 1915
MayRuth born about 1895
McAdamsCharles born about
McAdamsCharles born about 1871
McAdamsDora born about 1907
McAdamsDora born about 1916
McAdamsEdna born about 1874
McAdamsElmer born about 1894
McAdamsGrant born about 1869
McAdamsHarry born about 1914
McAdamsHoward born about 1904
McAdamsMarget born about 1882
McAdamsRuth born about 1904
McAhertyBetty born about 1927
McAhertyClarence born about 1906
McAhertyDean born about 1929
McAhertyDorthy born about 1907
McAhertyGarland born about 1925
McAhertyHarlin born about 1931
McAhertyPeggy born about 1936
McClughreyMarchel born about 1901
McGlassonBill born about 1922
McGlassonByrl born about 1902
McGlassonHelen born about 1904
McGlassonMeline born about 1926
McGlassonRex born about 1924
McGlassonRobert born about 1928
MillerBetty Oborn about 1928
MillerClyde born about 1892
MillerDavid born about 1934
MillerDoris born about 1922
MillerFloyd born about 1905
MillerFloyd born about 1919
MillerGeraldine born about 1925
MillerShirley born about 1936
MillerViola born about 1907
MillerWilliam born about 1857
MillsNellie born about 1915
MitchellLena born about 1909
MitchellOrland born about 1908
MorineJames born about 1862
MossWalter Lborn about 1919
MossWilma born about 1921
MulberryClinton born about 1880
MulberryMary born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashFred born about 1874
NashLester born about 1885
NashRuth born about 1872
NellEarnest born about 1908
NellOpal born about 1908
NettlesBen born about 1909
NettlesClinton born about 1930
NettlesStella born about 1909
NettlesVivian born about 1933
NettlesWanda born about 1932
NewmanBelly born about 1930
NewmanEarl born about 1903
NewmanEdward born about 1927
NewmanJune born about 1933
NewmanMay born about 1902
NewmanShirly born about 1938
NewtonClifford born about 1908
NewtonCorol born about 1937
NewtonDonald born about 1928
NewtonDorthy born about 1907
NewtonEvelyn born about 1914
NewtonFred Bborn about 1872
NewtonLora born about 1932
NewtonMary born about 1930
NewtonNorma born about 1915
NewtonOtto born about 1911
NewtonRichard born about 1935
NewtonRoss born about 1902
NewtonTerry born about 1940

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O Surnames

OliverRobert born about 1914
OwensAlyora born about 1879
OwensLena born about 1903
OwensOlive born about 1878
OwensVetra born about 1906

P Surnames

PagePearl born about 1894
PageWilliam born about 1881
PegramAlvin born about 1921
PegramBessie born about 1901
PegramCalven born about 1937
PegramClinton born about 1898
PegramClinton Jr born about 1929
PegramNellie born about 1925
PegranDonald born about 1917
PegranDorthy born about 1920
PflegerDale born about 1938
PflegerGary born about 1929
PflegerGeorge born about 1923
PflegerHoward born about 1929
PflegerLeon born about 1935
PflegerMabel born about 1898
PflegerMarget born about 1936
PflegerWalter born about 1890
PhelpsClyde born about 1885
PhelpsEthel born about 1894
PloggerEugene born about 1935
PloggerHelen born about 1913
PloggerLouell born about 1912
PloggerMary born about 1937
PloggerPhillis born about 1940
PohlmanFrances born about 1900
PohlmanJohn born about 1894
PortwoodCarl born about 1932
PortwoodClaudie born about 1868
PortwoodDonald born about 1929
PortwoodHoward born about 1931
PortwoodJohn born about 1868
PortwoodKenneth born about 1924
PortwoodLouis born about 1897
PortwoodOmar born about 1939
PortwoodRobert born about 1891
PortwoodVerna born about 1894
PortwoodVirgil born about 1907
PowellClara born about 1926
PowellJames born about 1876
PowellMary Aborn about 1894
PowellMollie born about 1872
PowellOpal born about 1935
PowellVirgil born about 1920
PribleDorthy born about 1917
PribleGary born about 1936
PribleMilton born about 1914
PribleStanley born about 1938
ProbstClarabell born about 1922
ProngerHelen Fborn about 1897
ProngerLarence Aborn about 1905
PryorEarnest born about 1908
PryorElsie born about 1911
PryorGeorge born about 1933
PryorHarry born about 1939
PryorImogine born about 1931
PryorJimmie born about 1935
PryorJoyce born about 1932

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Q Surnames

QuerreyEllen born about 1919
QuerreyWilliam born about 1893

R Surnames

RabtreeFay born about 1902
RabtreeGeorge born about 1924
RabtreeHarley born about 1900
RanwaterAda born about 1924
RanwaterAileen born about 1922
RanwaterAlice born about 1902
RaweAnna born about 1904
RaweAugust born about 1908
RaweBenerard born about 1914
RaweEmma born about 1881
RaweHarvey born about 1901
RaweHerman born about 1873
RayBessie born about 1924
RayBetty born about 1925
RayChas born about 1892
RayCliffie born about 1890
RayDeanie born about 1928
RayEdith born about 1925
RayEdna born about 1906
RayFreddie born about 1923
RayHoward born about 1905
RayLouise born about 1869
RayReva born about 1906
RayRobert born about 1897
ReeceBasil born about 1898
ReeceCarl born about 1935
ReeceHarold born about 1930
ReeceLena born about 1898
ReeceWilliam born about 1936
ReynoldsAnna born about 1865
ReynoldsAnna born about 1932
ReynoldsEsther Aborn about 1906
ReynoldsFrank Jborn about 1906
ReynoldsHerman born about 1933
ReynoldsIona born about 1894
ReynoldsJames born about 1930
ReynoldsLouise born about 1928
ReynoldsLulabelle born about 1927
ReynoldsRobert Fborn about 1930
ReynoldsSamuel Cborn about 1859
ReynoldsWade born about 1887
RhodesBeatrice born about 1897
RhodesEvert born about 1894
RoachAnna born about 1898
RoachCelestine born about 1895
RoachMary born about 1933
RobleyArthur born about 1857
RobleyElmer born about 1890
RobleyGertie born about 1873
RobleyNellie born about 1895
RobleyYeates born about 1900
RussellElla born about 1923
RussellIda born about 1882
RussellJohn born about 1870
RussellRobert born about 1872
RussellRobert Jr born about 1912
RuyleArther born about 1899
RuyleArther Wborn about 1929
RuyleBilly born about 1938
RuyleClyde born about 1913
RuyleDavid born about 1938
RuyleGlynn born about 1931
RuyleHelen born about 1927
RuyleHoward born about 1924
RuyleJennet born about 1940
RuyleLeon born about 1932
RuyleMildred born about 1914
RuyleMiza born about 1918
RuyleOsar born about 1876
RuylePansy born about 1900
RuyleRoberta born about 1934
RuyleRoy born about 1915
RuyleWanda born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SavageImogene born about 1936
SavageLarence born about 1924
SavageMarjorie born about 1938
SavageRaymond born about 1933
SchawBarford born about 1904
SchawDella born about 1907
SchieldsGeorge born about 1863
SchieldsMarye born about 1870
SchofieldArther born about 1901
SchofieldClaude born about 1905
SchofieldDelmar born about 1939
SchofieldDelta born about 1935
SchofieldDonald born about 1929
SchofieldDoris born about 1932
SchofieldMary born about 1895
SchofieldNellie born about 1912
SchroderAugusta born about 1872
SchroderEdgar born about 1939
SchroderFrankie born about 1915
SchroderFred born about 1893
SchroderIrene born about 1916
SchroderRussell born about 1912
SchroderVirgina born about 1904
SchroderWayne born about 1922
SchroderWilber born about 1900
SchwalenstakesEdwin born about 1922
SchwalenstakesRuth born about 1904
SchwalenstakesWinthryn Aborn about 1891
ScogginsE Cborn about 1869
ScogginsLee born about 1878
ScogginsLeroy born about 1919
ScogginsLucile born about 1921
ScogginsOtis born about 1921
ScrogginsMary born about 1877
ScrogginsRobert born about 1882
ScroggusBobby born about 1930
ScroggusDonald born about 1933
ScroggusFloyd born about 1908
SeagoCarl born about 1922
SeagoDorthy born about 1927
SeagoMaud born about 1902
SeagoMildred born about 1931
SeagoRoss born about 1906
ShakefordBrian born about 1901
ShakefordLetha born about 1877
ShanksEdward born about 1920
ShanksLaura born about 1893
ShanksMaxine born about 1931
ShanksPaul born about 1936
ShanksPercella born about 1939
ShanksRichard born about 1917
ShanksRobert born about 1884
ShanksRobert born about 1908
ShanksRobert born about 1934
ShanksVelma born about 1912
ShawAlven born about 1917
ShawBilly born about 1935
ShawCarline born about 1924
ShawCatley born about 1895
ShawCatley Wborn about 1925
ShawClarence born about 1928
ShawClarence born about 1929
ShawDon Aldborn about 1931
ShawEnid born about 1902
ShawErvin born about 1910
ShawErvin Lborn about 1933
ShawEvert born about 1907
ShawGeorgann born about 1927
ShawGladys born about 1911
ShawGladys born about 1919
ShawGordan born about 1933
ShawIda Bborn about 1931
ShawJames Lborn about 1898
ShawJames Jr born about 1939
ShawKatherine born about 1895
ShawKenneth born about 1932
ShawLee born about 1886
ShawLeroy born about 1923
ShawLilia Bborn about 1881
ShawLouise born about 1929
ShawLula born about 1911
ShawMattie born about 1886
ShawMildred born about 1921
ShawMinta born about 1887
ShawNella Vborn about 1929
ShawNicholas born about 1886
ShawPete born about 1884
ShawRalph Aborn about 1927
ShawRay born about 1933
ShawRobert Eborn about 1936
ShawRomona born about 1929
ShawShirley Aborn about 1938
ShawThomas born about 1921
ShieldsCora born about 1892
ShieldsFrank born about 1890
ShieldsMarget born about 1916
ShieldsVirginia born about 1918
ShortEthel born about 1896
ShortEunice born about 1875
ShortJames born about 1902
ShortMary Jborn about 1873
ShortPerry born about 1871
ShortRay born about 1896
ShortRuth born about 1903
ShroderEva born about 1897
ShutzLouis born about 1891
SkunerIva born about 1920
SmithAlbert Lborn about 1938
SmithEdna Mborn about 1936
SmithEdward Pborn about 1936
SmithJunior born about 1927
SmithLuther born about 1909
SmithMartha born about 1937
SmithMathew born about 1909
SmithMildred born about 1915
SmithOters born about 1887
SmithVerna born about 1906
SnyderAnna born about 1938
SnyderBruce born about 1940
SnyderCortney born about 1917
SnyderEva born about 1922
SnyderHenry born about 1880
SnyderHenry born about 1919
SnyderLester born about 1910
SnyderMary born about 1886
SpangleAlbert born about 1861
SpearsBethy born about 1930
SpearsCharles born about 1937
SpearsClarby born about 1935
SpearsDelores born about 1933
SpearsEdward born about 1927
SpearsHarvy born about 1894
SpearsHenneth born about 1929
SpearsHerman born about 1923
SpearsLucile born about 1925
SpearsOcatava born about 1902
SpearsOliver born about 1921
SrizzleGearldine born about 1927
SrizzleJoseph born about 1898
SrizzleRoena born about 1896
SuttonWilliam born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateFloyde Wborn about 1918
TaylorJames born about 1883
TaylorMary born about 1883
TelberryBaydean born about 1934
TelberryDonald born about 1924
TelberryEarnest born about 1898
TelberryLarrna born about 1905
TelberryRonald born about 1937
TribbleFrancis born about 1917
TribbleGilbert born about 1889
TribbleGrace born about 1896
TribbleHelen born about 1927
TribbleJames born about 1930
TribbleMary born about 1932
TribbleOrville born about 1922
TribbleTony Dborn about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanblasdicotNora born about 1868
VarbelClayton born about 1937
VarbelEarl born about 1926
VarbelHarold born about 1927
VarbelJaunita born about 1928
VarbelLavenia born about 1932
VarbelLena born about 1900
VarbelLinda born about 1939
VarbelMarjorie born about 1932
VarbelMay born about 1869
VarbelNeva born about 1893
VarbelRay born about 1933
VarbelRuben born about 1904
VenyardArchie born about 1895
VenyardEarl born about 1932
VenyardLenord born about 1930
VenyardMelba born about 1926
VenyardMichael born about 1934
VenyardRossella born about 1924
VenyardThomas born about 1929
VenyardWilliam born about 1927
VoilsGladys born about 1913
VoilsJohn born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagonerAlbert born about 1901
WagonerAnnie born about 1873
WagonerCarl born about 1904
WagonerDorla Dborn about 1933
WagonerFlorence Mborn about 1910
WagonerGeorge born about 1894
WagonerIrene born about 1909
WagonerJohn born about 1891
WagonerJohn Jr born about 1922
WagonerJoseph born about 1936
WagonerKenneth born about 1933
WagonerPansy born about 1898
WagonerWilliam born about 1920
WagonerWilliam Hborn about 1906
WankelLucile born about 1915
WankelUgene born about 1903
WattesBetty born about 1928
WattesCarroll born about 1938
WattesClifford born about 1932
WattesEdna born about 1902
WattesMarjorie born about 1937
WattesOrvill born about 1921
WattesRobert born about 1900
WeberJack born about 1939
WentchelEugene born about 1928
WentchelMira born about 1906
WentchelTruman born about 1904
WentchellAlven born about 1868
WentchellKatne born about 1868
WheelerJohn Pborn about 1933
WhitakerClinton born about 1909
WhitakerHarry born about 1880
WhitakerHattie born about 1886
WhitakerHelen born about 1905
WhitakerLee born about 1905
WhitakerMartha born about 1922
WhitakesAileen born about 1913
WhitakesOtis born about 1911
WhitakesSally born about 1936
WhitakesWilliam born about 1932
WhiteFred born about 1885
WhiteMary born about 1921
WhiteNile born about 1925
WhitesideHelen born about 1896
WhitesideLee born about 1892
WhitlockEdward born about 1907
WhitlockFrancis born about 1906
WhitlockMary born about 1939
WhitlockPete born about 1878
WhitlockRose born about 1885
WhitlockWalter born about 1921
WilliamsEdward born about 1919
WolfbyAndrew born about 1864
WolfbyGerald born about 1938
WolfbyMartha Jborn about 1936
WolfbyMary Lborn about 1933
WolfbyThelma born about 1902
WolfbyTruman born about 1901
WolfleyMartin born about 1891
WolfleyMaud born about 1893
WolfleyVirgil born about 1914
WollenweberJohn born about 1903
WollenweberLola born about 1912
WollmucherAlbert born about 1898
WollmucherAnna born about 1874
WollmucherThomas born about 1902
WollmucherThomas Aborn about 1865
WoodsC Cborn about 1875
WoodsJackie born about 1930
WoodsLora born about 1932
WoodsNina born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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