1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bonne Township, Boone, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Boone County > 1940 Census of Bonne Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AhlensdorfJulius Jborn about 1878
AhlensdorfLena Lborn about 1884
AhlensdorfVirginia Lborn about 1928
AndersonBeulah Aborn about 1909
AndersonEllen born about 1880
AndersonErika Bethborn about 1939
AndersonErvin Aborn about 1906
AndersonNellie born about 1911
AndersonRaymond Wborn about 1921
AndersonRobert born about 1916
ArderyJames Mborn about 1872
ArderyLucy Mborn about 1880
AvilaAnna Bborn about 1920
AvilaJosephine Mborn about 1940
AvilaLazaro Aborn about 1907
AvilaLazaro Cborn about 1937

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B Surnames

BatesAlbert Eborn about 1859
BensonEdward born about 1876
BentzenBertha Lborn about 1863
BkackClair Aborn about 1902
BkackHazel Lborn about 1918
BkackMildred born about 1929
BlazerFrancis Eborn about 1926
BlazerLester Lborn about 1921
BlazerRaymond Lborn about 1919
BlazerViolet Mborn about 1924
BowersDavid Aborn about 1938
BowersLuther E Jrborn about 1905
BowersMajorei Iborn about 1915
BowersRonald Sborn about 1936
BoydGrace Laraborn about 1938
BoydIva Bborn about 1903
BoydMontelle Mborn about 1890
BrannerIda born about 1878
BrannerVerna Lborn about 1906
BrettEileen Fborn about 1927
BrettElizabeth Mborn about 1926
BrettEmily Jborn about 1925
BrettEmily Sborn about 1892
BrettRichard Jborn about 1922
BrettWilliam Jborn about 1923
BrillLeo born about 1889
BurgeAnna Lborn about 1925
BurgeCarrie Mborn about 1898
BurgeEleanor Mborn about 1931
BurgeFrank born about 1894
BurgeFrank Lborn about 1929
BurgeJohn Lborn about 1935
BurgeNorman Rborn about 1923
BurtnessClara Dborn about 1903
BurtnessErnest Gborn about 1901

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C Surnames

CagleIda born about 1892
CapesBertha Lborn about 1931
CapesBetty Lborn about 1936
CapesGoldie Pborn about 1928
CapesGrace born about 1909
CapesIda Mborn about 1875
CapesMargaret Mborn about 1926
CapesOrville Lborn about 1931
CapesRuby Mborn about 1929
CapesRueben Lborn about 1903
CapesRueben Sr born about 1865
CapesSadie Bborn about 1939
CarlsonGeorge Hborn about 1877
CarterAlbert Wborn about 1919
CarterCarrie Wborn about 1886
CarterWillis Jborn about 1877
CasperAgness Aborn about 1915
CasperAllan Dborn about 1939
CassetteArmond Cborn about 1890
CassetteBeatrice born about 1885
CassetteGeorge Lborn about 1888
CassetteLeona Mborn about 1897
CaudryDudley Oborn about 1870
CaudryMargaret Mborn about 1876
ChesterAnna born about 1865
ChesterOscar Lborn about 1865
ChristensenJulien Mborn about 1919
ChristensenMargaret Gborn about 1913
ChristensenMartin Pborn about 1893
ClarkElizabeth Lborn about 1862
CochranAugusta born about 1878
CochranBernice Eborn about 1915
CochranBryce Hborn about 1939
CochranHarold Oborn about 1911
CochranLorraine Bborn about 1937
CochranSamuel Aborn about 1875
ConleyMarian Eborn about 1916
ConleyWilliam Gborn about 1917
Conrad born about 1865
ConradDavid born about 1865
ConyesEdmund Jborn about 1888
ConyesEugenia Janeborn about 1922
ConyesIda Gborn about 1887
ConyesJesse Pborn about 1864
ConyesRoberta Gborn about 1899
CramerElmer Bborn about 1874
CramerNora Mborn about 1893

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D Surnames

DanielsMargaret Mborn about 1869
DavidsonCarl Bborn about 1927
DavidsonClara born about 1903
DavidsonGladys Lborn about 1925
DavidsonTalma Lborn about 1923
DavidsonThomas born about 1893
DemunnCarrie Mborn about 1884
DemunnDuane born about 1880
DemunnEdna Nborn about 1892
DemunnEmmaline born about 1855
DemunnFloyd Sborn about 1891
DennisonRobert born about 1918
DiehlEdith born about 1901
DiehlNevin Eborn about 1900
DowningAnna Mborn about 1888
DowningClara Cborn about 1869
DowningJoel Cborn about 1891
DowningWesley Cborn about 1868
DukeAlma Jborn about 1931
DukeDeanna Lborn about 1937
DukeElberta Cborn about 1914
DukeElsie Eborn about 1925
DukeEva Lborn about 1928
DukeFrankie Mborn about 1921
DukeLouis Mborn about 1913
DukeMamie born about 1905
DukeMaud born about 1890
DukeMaurice Pborn about 1904
DukeNeva Lborn about 1928
DukeRolla Rborn about 1901
DukeVera Mborn about 1927
DukeVerna Aborn about 1901
DukeVirginia Iborn about 1933
DukeWilliam Eborn about 1924
DullamJesse E Junborn about 1918
DullamJesse E Senborn about 1881
DullamLula Eborn about 1890
DyerFay Lborn about 1917
DyerJames Bborn about 1921
DyerLloyd Jborn about 1893
DyerMable Aborn about 1897
DyerRobert Pborn about 1933
DyerSylvia Jborn about 1910

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E Surnames

EdwardsAlbert born about 1878
EdwardsHattie Lborn about 1878
EdwardsHoward Rborn about 1923
EllingsonCharlotte born about 1877
EllingsonNels born about 1858
EllingsonNorman Cborn about 1915
EllwangerCharlotte Aborn about 1913
EllwangerEugene Rborn about 1938
EllwangerHarry Mborn about 1909
EllwangerPatricia Aborn about 1935
EllwangerRoger born about 1934
EverettsSarah Eborn about 1884

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F Surnames

FallonAda Mborn about 1885
FallonStephen Cborn about 1876
FayArnold Eborn about 1939
FayFlorence Hborn about 1920
FayMilton Aborn about 1917
FeltonRoberta born about 1871

G Surnames

GeorgesonJohn Aborn about 1931
GeorgesonMabel Eborn about 1882
GeorgesonNorma Iborn about 1902
GeorgesonRuth Mborn about 1920
GeorgesonWilliam Mborn about 1896
GeorgesonWilliam Nborn about 1928
GibsonEugene Mborn about 1927
GibsonJohn Sborn about 1884
GibsonMarguerite Dborn about 1917
GibsonRobert Eborn about 1920
GibsonWalter Lborn about 1928
GlenderJosephine born about 1883
GoodallEllen born about 1888
GoodallFrancis born about 1927
GoodallJoan Rborn about 1933
GoodallMargaret Eborn about 1914
GoodallRaymond Tborn about 1914
GoodallSam Sborn about 1885
GundersonMary Jborn about 1896
GustafsonEdith Mborn about 1907

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H Surnames

HamiltonFred Tborn about 1876
HansonBertha born about 1871
HansonThomas born about 1864
HarrisBetty Lborn about
HarrisEli Eborn about 1870
HarrisElizabeth Aborn about 1923
HarrisLeonadel Eborn about 1939
HarrisLeonard Rborn about 1916
HarrisLucinda Pborn about 1876
HawverJay born about 1880
HawverMabel born about 1888
HayesCharles Hborn about 1910
HayesEvelyn Fborn about 1915
HayesLinda Aborn about 1939
HeitschmidtArthur Jborn about 1905
HeitschmidtElla Mborn about 1882
HeitschmidtMarilyn Jborn about 1935
HensonBetty Janeborn about 1933
HensonLula Mborn about 1914
HensonMaryland Mborn about 1934
HensonReuben Rborn about 1912
HighlandIvan born about 1906
HoeyMarjorie Eborn about 1923
HoeyWilliam born about 1919
HollandBert Nborn about 1887
HooperMary Aborn about 1865
HooverEvelyn Lborn about 1908
HooverFloyd Wborn about 1906
HooverJane Lynborn about 1938
HopperstadAlfred Eborn about 1876
HopperstadJennie born about 1881
HoppersteadAlbert Wborn about 1910
HoppersteadLucille Kborn about 1917
HouserAnnette born about 1879
HouserOscar ?born about 1871
HoveyCarrie Jborn about 1897
HoveyEverett Eborn about 1922
HoveyRoger Mborn about 1885
HunchAdah Iborn about 1912
HunchMary Ellenborn about 1936
HunchRalph Rborn about 1937
HunchRoy Gborn about 1911
HurshGeneva Iborn about 1916
HurshJames Eborn about 1938
HurshRonald Eborn about 1936
HurshSoren Gborn about 1939
HurshWayne Eborn about 1910
HutchensonMinerva Jborn about 1854
HutchensonRobert born about 1851
HutchensonRobert Hborn about 1916
HutchinsonDurword Aborn about 1920
HutchinsonIris Eborn about 1923
HutchinsonIris Lborn about 1882
HutchinsonJenne Mborn about 1927
HutchinsonJoseph born about 1883
HutchinsonWarren born about 1876
HyndmanEdward Rborn about 1872
HyndmanMary Cborn about 1876

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I Surnames

IngrassiaJoseph Jborn about 1917
IngrassiaLaura born about 1917

J Surnames

JacobsonChas Oborn about 1874
JacobsonJohn Lborn about 1911
JacobsonLottie Jborn about 1878
JanssenAndrew Jborn about 1917
JanssenGrace born about 1889
JanssenJohn Hborn about 1886
JohnsonAndrew Eborn about 1878
JohnsonDaniel Eborn about 1887
JohnsonEda Cborn about 1875
JohnsonEdith Rborn about 1871
JohnsonEmma Aborn about 1897
JohnsonFrank Eborn about 1878
JohnsonFred Tborn about 1893
JohnsonGevena born about 1860
JohnsonHarry Aborn about 1893
JohnsonHelen Mborn about 1924
JohnsonHenry Sborn about 1905
JohnsonImbert Aborn about 1873
JohnsonJerome Lborn about 1898
JohnsonJessie Vborn about 1886
JohnsonJohn Fborn about 1852
JohnsonMargarel Lborn about 1929
JohnsonMargaret Iborn about 1902
JohnsonMargaret Lborn about 1913
JohnsonMatilda born about 1879
JohnsonMuriel Lborn about 1909
JohnsonPaul Eborn about 1907
JohnsonRuth Aborn about 1938
JohnsonVega Hborn about 1899
JonesNorman born about 1924

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K Surnames

KeefeCatherine Mborn about 1925
KendallBetty Mborn about 1897
KendallFrances Mborn about 1923
KendallMyles born about 1887
KerstenElma born about 1924
KettletonBessei Oborn about 1884
KettletonEverett Cborn about 1916
KettletonJay Cborn about 1884
KettletonJohn Cborn about 1913
KettletonRobert Cborn about 1920
KieselbergBarbara Jborn about 1938
KieselbergGladys born about 1914
KieselbergLester Rborn about 1913
KirkbrideGoldie born about 1891
KirkbrideThomas born about 1882
KitchenHarry born about 1872
KjosAlfred Aborn about 1925
KjosChris born about 1889
KjosClifford Hborn about 1921
KjosHilda born about 1886
KjosTillman Jborn about 1918
KleiveIda Mborn about 1917
KleiveJulia born about 1885
KleiveLewis Hborn about 1871
KnightEther Cborn about 1898
KnightHarry Wborn about 1885
KraemerAnnie born about 1867
KroescheAudrey Mborn about 1917
KroescheRobert Hborn about 1910
KroescheSandra Jborn about 1939

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L Surnames

LaftHarry Aborn about 1920
LaftMarilyn Aborn about 1939
LaftRoselyn Aborn about 1918
LambertAlice Mborn about 1900
LambertBonnie Yborn about 1929
LambertFayette Wborn about 1926
LambertFred Wborn about 1895
LambertHelen Mborn about 1907
LambertJohn Gborn about 1888
LambertMarilyn Eborn about 1922
LambertMaureen Fborn about 1931
LambertRobert Gborn about 1930
LambertVirginia Mborn about 1931
LaneBen Hborn about 1884
LaneHelen Eborn about 1891
LarsenAnton Nborn about 1875
LarsenMargaret born about 1890
LarsonAndrew born about 1873
LeeHerbert Eborn about 1889
LeeJessie Hborn about 1891
LeeMary Annborn about 1931
LloydEdna Lborn about 1905
LloydHarvey Mborn about 1894
LoftAnton born about 1885
LoftBelle Aborn about 1885
LoftChristian born about 1882
LoftMargaret Bborn about 1925
LoftRobert Vborn about 1923

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M Surnames

MackleyAbbie born about 1882
MackleyHarry Fborn about 1901
MackleyMilburn born about 1931
MadsenMargaret Sborn about 1921
MadsenMartin Tborn about 1888
MadsenRobert Mborn about 1929
MadsenSophi born about 1893
MaidensFred Eborn about 1863
MaidensMary Aborn about 1873
ManringCharles Fborn about 1892
ManringDewitt born about 1924
ManringGerald Lborn about 1926
ManringRuth born about 1892
MarshallArnold Dborn about 1868
MarshallJames Fborn about 1929
MarshallSarah Cborn about 1901
MarskeBeynon born about 1920
MarskeClara Mborn about 1893
MarskeClayton born about 1926
MarskeErnest born about 1890
MarskeJohn born about 1919
MarskeKenneth born about 1924
MarskeMucome born about 1922
MarskeNina born about 1928
MarskeRaymond born about 1934
MartinsenMartin born about 1875
MartinsenNina Eborn about 1882
MascowCarol Dborn about 1931
MascowDavid Rborn about 1906
MascowNaomi Rborn about 1905
McCluskyEva Eborn about 1891
McCluskyJohn Rborn about 1888
McCluskyMargaret Fborn about 1882
McEchrenAlex born about 1893
McPeekAdah Fborn about 1887
McPeekMargaret born about 1932
MeckleyDavis Lborn about 1925
MeckleyMildred Iborn about 1927
MendellMaude Eborn about 1887
MendellVella Rborn about 1914
MillandBertha born about 1866
MitchellNellie born about 1875
MitchellRoyal Dborn about 1873
ModeenClara Lborn about 1892
ModeenClarance Dborn about 1886
MooreLouis Rborn about 1870
MulliganAileen Rborn about 1922
MulliganAndrew Aborn about 1885
MulliganJ Margaretborn about 1890
MulliganRobert Aborn about 1921
MunsonJohanna Cborn about 1886
MunsonNels born about 1866
MunsonPeter born about 1874
MunsonRobert Aborn about 1931
MunsonViggie Sborn about 1910
MyersDorothy born about 1922

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N Surnames

NeilsenAnna Mborn about 1894
NeilsenHarriet Mborn about 1919
NeilsenNels Pborn about 1885
NelsonBessie born about 1910
NelsonCarol Lborn about 1935
NelsonDonald Eborn about 1938
NelsonDonna Jborn about 1932
NelsonEarl Oborn about 1899
NelsonEmma born about 1884
NelsonEva born about 1885
NelsonHarriet Oborn about 1901
NelsonKaren ???born about 1940
NelsonMarilyn Rborn about 1935
NelsonMartin born about 1878
NelsonMary Aborn about 1877
NelsonMilton Oborn about 1917
NelsonMorgan Hborn about 1910
NelsonOle born about 1873
NelsonOle Rborn about 1906
NelsonRay Oborn about 1922
NelsonRobert Nborn about 1904
NelsonShirley Lborn about 1925
NelsonWilliam Hborn about 1913
NettletonEssie Aborn about 1881
NettletonFrank born about 1880
NordvigAlpha Mborn about 1894
NordvigMarie Bborn about 1922
NordvigPaul Jborn about 1933
NordvigViggo Lborn about 1894

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O Surnames

OlesonBertha born about 1855
OlsonAda Lborn about 1898
OlsonAgness Lborn about 1886
OlsonBartel born about 1893
OlsonEldon Jborn about 1928
OlsonEnoch born about 1862
OlsonEstella Cborn about 1897
OlsonGeorge H Aborn about 1879
OlsonMaudeline Bborn about 1915
OlsonRussell born about 1902
OlsonShirley Eborn about 1924
OlsonSophie born about 1847

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P Surnames

ParsonsElizabeth Iborn about 1901
ParsonsFrank Lborn about 1926
ParsonsLeslie Aborn about 1897
PetersenChristian born about 1867
PetersenEinar Mborn about 1890
PetersenElizabeth born about 1865
PetersenEsther Bborn about 1896
PetersonJohn Mborn about 1933
PetersonJunata Cborn about 1887
PughAnna Fborn about 1909
PughEdgar Mborn about 1911

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R Surnames

RahmEdwin Nborn about 1913
RahmNorma Lborn about 1916
RahmSandra Lborn about 1940
RasmussenAnker born about 1929
RasmussenAnker Jborn about 1893
RasmussenDorothy born about 1925
RasmussenEvelyn born about 1921
RasmussenMinnie born about 1898
RasmussenRobert born about 1923
RefsdalKermanherman born about 1860
RhodesCharles Dborn about 1884
RhodesDorothy Jborn about 1924
RhodesMayme Eborn about 1889
RichardsonEvelyn born about 1896
Ringheim born about 1873
RobinsonAgnes Mborn about 1881
RobinsonGrace Gborn about 1913
RobinsonRobert Jborn about 1909
RosengrenEvelyn born about 1911
RufahlClifton Gborn about 1926
RufahlGeorge Jborn about 1887
RufahlHarold Lborn about 1930
RufahlMargaret born about 1894
RyanJohn Fborn about 1879
RyanLulu Lborn about 1892

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S Surnames

SalterWilliam Hborn about 1869
SandsGeorge Hborn about 1852
SandsIda Sborn about 1855
SchaltzEdward Pborn about 1912
SchmidtEdwin Mborn about 1911
SchmidtJohn Rborn about 1935
SchmidtLouis Yborn about 1909
SchmidtMargaret Aborn about 1913
SchmidtMargaret Iborn about 1883
SchmidtPatricia born about 1937
SchmidtWilliam Jborn about 1912
SchobertBetty Eborn about 1926
SchobertJohn Lborn about 1888
SchobertLillian Mborn about 1894
SchobertLois Lborn about 1922
ShoubaHenry Iborn about 1869
ShoubaLouise Vborn about 1874
SmithAlbert Eborn about 1872
SmithArthur Wborn about 1911
SmithEllis Dborn about 1879
SmithEmma Gborn about 1875
SmithEudora Pborn about 1883
SmithEvelyn Mborn about 1915
SmithFred Aborn about 1903
SmithHelen Aborn about 1860
SmithIona Mayborn about 1939
SmithJames Aborn about 1921
SmithJesse born about 1934
SmithJesse Mborn about 1908
SmithKenneth Lborn about 1938
SmithLenia born about 1878
SmithLuwell Pborn about 1924
SmithMyrus Leeborn about 1938
SmithRachel Mborn about 1919
SmithRobert Mborn about 1870
SmithSadie Eborn about 1906
SmithSarah Jborn about 1875
SmithShirley Aborn about 1929
SmithThelma Mborn about 1922
SmithWendell Gborn about 1919
SpencerBetty Jborn about 1924
StallAndrene Aborn about 1872
StallDaisy Cborn about 1881
StevensonBess Aborn about 1883
StimesCora Mborn about 1875
StimesJule Aborn about 1880
SuttleHorace Fborn about 1861

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T Surnames

TalbertLillian Dborn about 1898
TerryAvie Cborn about 1922
TerryBetty Sborn about 1932
TerryDorothy Rborn about 1895
TerryGrover Cborn about 1894
TerryMary Lborn about 1904
TerryMary Louborn about 1932
ThompsonAgusta born about 1868
ThompsonJean Lborn about 1935
ThompsonJohn Lborn about 1908
ThompsonNancy Cborn about 1940
ThompsonOle born about 1861
ThompsonRuth Aborn about 1913
ThompsonTilda born about 1847
TrumanWillis Cborn about 1867
TulpFrank Jborn about 1893

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V Surnames

VanceRichard born about 1867
VestBobbie Gborn about 1927
VestLe Roy Cborn about 1925
VestLinda born about 1904
VestOrda Aborn about 1922
VestViolet Lborn about 1923

W Surnames

WaltonsEarl Jborn about 1933
WaltonsFlorence Hborn about 1932
WaltonsMitchel Lborn about 1928
WardAgnes born about 1867
WatrousEdward Jborn about 1898
WatrousFern born about 1896
WatrousHoward Wborn about 1917
WestermanElmer Gborn about 1872
WestermanMarie born about 1888
WilcoxFlorence Mborn about 1875
WilcoxFrank Sborn about 1874
WilhelmBeatrice born about 1902
WilhelmClarence Eborn about 1896
WilhelmMark Eborn about 1939
WilhelmMary Lborn about 1922
WillettAdele Mborn about 1900
WillettHarry Sborn about 1884
WincapawHazen Rborn about 1926
WincapawHelen Mborn about 1885
WincapawWilliam Dborn about 1882
WincapawWilma Iborn about 1922
WolfGlenn born about 1908
WolfIrving Gborn about 1940
WolfKay Mborn about 1939
WolfMyrtle born about 1909
WolframJohn Fborn about 1862
WolframLettie Bborn about 1862
WolframNell Hborn about 1893

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Y Surnames

YatesCollin Gborn about 1884
YatesEmma Aborn about 1888
YoemanAdele born about 1859
YoemanBelden born about 1857

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