1940 U.S. Federal Census of Burns Township, Henry, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Henry County > 1940 Census of Burns Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdersonLaura born about 1907
AdersonMelville born about 1904
AlbrechtHerman born about 1892
AlbrechtMary born about 1891
AlbrechtRobert born about 1918
AlgeraEmil born about 1928
AlgeraShella Mborn about 1926
AndersonAlbert Dborn about 1880
AndersonAnton born about 1892
AndersonFlorence born about 1892
AndersonFrances born about 1919
AndersonJosephine born about 1884
AndersonLillian born about 1917
AndersonLovella born about 1922
AndersonPearl born about 1912
AndersonRaymond born about 1912
AndrewNettie born about 1876
AndrewRaymond born about 1926
AndrewWatson born about 1871
ArmstrongBurton born about 1917
ArmstrongDorothy born about 1918
ArmstrongSuzanne Raeborn about 1939
AtwellDorothy born about 1916
AtwellWalter born about 1919

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B Surnames

BarberChas Dborn about 1865
BarberEthel born about 1886
BarberJames born about 1860
BarberJohn born about 1886
BatesAlice Lborn about 1927
BatesCarl Jborn about 1895
BatesDonna Jborn about 1929
BatesDoris Mborn about 1925
BatesEarl Wborn about 1932
BatesEdward Cborn about 1924
BatesLois Mborn about 1926
BatesPhyllis born about 1936
BatesThomas Fborn about 1924
BatesVerla born about 1896
BegynJohn born about 1910
BegynMargery born about 1924
BegynPeter born about 1874
BegynSadie born about 1882
BergstromWilliam born about 1900
BettsElernor Mborn about 1921
BettsPaul born about 1916
BettsPaul Aborn about 1940
BingeEvelyn Mborn about 1922
BingeIra born about 1897
BingeIrene born about 1924
BingeJane born about 1861
BingeMabel born about 1885
BingeStella born about 1909
BingeWilliam born about 1887
BoelensAlberta born about 1929
BoelensAugust born about 1922
BoelensCharles born about 1889
BoelensEmily born about 1892
BoelensEmma born about 1897
BoelensRaymond born about 1925
BoelensRichard born about 1892
BoosJames born about 1889
BoosVerna born about 1889
BoothGrace Eborn about 1882
BraselLewis born about 1879
BraselMaud born about 1882
BridgewatersAlmeta born about 1920
BridgewatersCalvin born about 1888
BridgewatersLouis born about 1924
BridgewatersLucille born about 1917
BridgewatersMacel born about 1922
BridgewatersMary Ruthborn about 1894
BridgewatersVerna Jeneborn about 1926
BridgewatersWayne born about 1931
BrownFred Gborn about 1883
BuchananAmron born about 1907
BuchananMartha born about 1907
BuckleyArthur born about 1876
BuckleyJohn born about 1918
BurnettAndrew born about 1906
BurnettElizabeth born about 1935
BurnettLeslie born about 1928
BurnettLucille born about 1910
ByrdDean born about 1933
ByrdEllen born about 1910
ByrdJohn born about 1934
ByrdMary Francesborn about 1932
ByrdRichrd born about 1930
ByrdRussell born about 1901

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C Surnames

CastleEldon born about 1905
CastleGertrude born about 1903
CharletAlice Gborn about 1868
CharletBernard born about 1881
CharletBernard Eborn about 1878
CharletBerneice born about 1884
CharletCharles Cborn about 1871
CharletDe Elte born about 1909
CharletDorothy Lborn about 1919
CharletEileene born about 1938
CharletEmma born about 1876
CharletG Elaineborn about 1929
CharletHelen Fborn about 1927
CharletIsabel born about 1909
CharletJohn born about 1870
CharletKaren Ruthborn about 1939
CharletLaverne born about 1935
CharletLawrence born about 1901
CharletLee born about 1908
CharletLottie Mborn about 1887
CharletMarcelene born about 1937
CharletMarvis born about 1932
CharletNora born about 1876
CharletPearl Eborn about 1924
CharletRussell born about 1920
CharletRuth born about 1899
CharletWalter born about 1907
CharletWm Fborn about 1869
CharletWm Jborn about 1867
ChilauskyDonn Bborn about 1880
ChilauskyJohn born about 1917
ChilauskyMelvina born about 1890
ChilauskyPaul born about 1915
ClarkeHomer born about 1895
ClarkeHomer born about 1924
ClarkeMartha born about 1894
CombsHazel Marieborn about 1910
CombsJoseph Tborn about 1877
CombsWalter Aborn about 1911
ConklingMyrtle born about 1896
ConklingRobert born about 1928
ConklingRussell born about 1926
ConklingWade born about 1884
ConnellErna born about 1901
ConnellJames Dborn about 1928
ConnellJames Wborn about 1896
ConnellMary Eborn about 1929
ConnellNorma Louiseborn about 1926
CorwinHoyt Aborn about 1894
CorwinMaggie born about 1893
CosnerClarence Pborn about 1895
CosnerElaine born about 1935
CosnerEmily Iborn about 1870
CosnerMargaret born about 1907
CosnerMarilyn born about 1938
CosnerWm Carrollborn about 1904
CosnerWm Oborn about 1867
CouveAlice born about 1916
CouveEarnest born about 1873
CouveGlen born about 1916
CouveHenry Cborn about 1876
CouveMary Cborn about 1878
CouveOlive born about 1874
CrawfordBelle born about 1886
CullenEster born about 1900
CusterEmiel born about 1869
CusterLee born about 1910
CusterMartha born about 1869
CusterWillie born about 1882

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D Surnames

DanielsReynold born about 1938
DanielsRobert Eugeneborn about 1940
DeclercyMartha born about 1918
DeclerryAnnie Hborn about 1909
DeclerryAugusta born about 1884
DeclerryFrank Josephborn about 1921
DeclerryTheo Tborn about 1879
DeclireqAugust born about 1911
DeclireqMarilyn born about 1939
DeclireqPearl born about 1918
DeskinFrank born about 1879
DoyeEarnest born about 1884
DoyeEdward Aborn about 1879
DoyeEmma born about 1880

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E Surnames

EdwardsWm born about 1938
EllenwoodGeorge born about 1888
EllenwoodLaverna born about 1878
EngelsAchiel born about 1930
EngelsAugust born about 1903
EngelsMarvin born about 1932
EngelsMary born about 1904
EngelsRichard born about 1934
EngelsVernon born about 1939

F Surnames

FellTom born about 1895
FeslerDoris born about 1939
FeslerGeorge born about 1912
FeslerLeona born about 1913
FeslerMarilyn born about 1938
FeslerRollin born about 1935
FeslterAlbert born about 1871
FeslterEmma born about 1877
FeslterFannie born about 1915
FeslterHenry born about 1921
FesslerLina born about 1901
FishRobert born about 1863
FisherClifford born about 1907
FisherHarold Deanborn about 1933
FisherRobert Dborn about 1932
FisherRuth born about 1905
FlemingLeonard born about 1918
FlemingMargaret born about 1916
FlemingMary born about 1876
FlemingMell born about 1878
FuhrmanDonald Aborn about 1932
FuhrmanGenevieve Aborn about 1935
FuhrmanMelvin Eborn about 1937
FuhrmanRhea Mrs born about 1906

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G Surnames

GarrisonElizabeth Louiseborn about 1937
GarrisonFlorence born about 1917
GarrisonFrank born about 1902
GarrisonGerald Leeborn about 1939
GelaudeBertha born about 1922
GelaudeConstant born about 1887
GelaudeHenry Rborn about 1918
GelaudeMarie born about 1894
GelaudeMorris born about 1924
GermanCarrol born about 1918
GermanDale born about 1923
GermanDoris born about 1922
GermanEdwin Gborn about 1929
GermanElaine born about 1925
GermanElla born about 1865
GermanEmilee born about 1928
GermanFloyd born about 1891
GermanG Dborn about 1864
GermanGeorge born about 1902
GermanHelen born about 1932
GermanLeslie born about 1892
GermanMargaret born about 1892
GermanMary born about 1904
GermanMary Louborn about 1927
GermanMattie born about 1888
GermanRobert born about 1931
GermanSammie born about 1921
GermanVirginia born about 1917
GermanWm born about 1915
GirkinCarl Wborn about 1905
GirkinDonnie born about 1922
GirkinFrances born about 1928
GirkinLarry Rborn about 1940
GirkinLucinda born about 1906
GirkinMary born about 1926
GirkinWm Fborn about 1869
GirkinsAnna born about 1891
GirkinsLillian Dborn about 1925
GirkinsMartin born about 1881
GirkinsRay born about 1920
GoldenDean born about 1936
GoldenIrene born about 1938
GoldenLeonard born about 1912
GoldenLuvina born about 1912
GoodBeatrice born about 1921
GoodCarolyn born about 1939
GoodDale born about 1918
GoodwinAnna born about 1916
GoodwinForest born about 1915
GoodwinRoger born about 1939
GrantHazel born about 1912
GrantMoline born about 1905
GreenDonald born about 1920
GreenEffie born about 1888
GreenJaunita born about 1922
GreenJoan born about 1930
GreenKayleen born about 1937
GreenMildred born about 1900
GreenRichard born about 1927
GreenRobt born about 1894
GreenVirginia born about 1924
GundbergCarrie born about 1882
GundbergEmil born about 1876
GundbergVirgil born about 1919

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H Surnames

HadsallEmma born about 1890
HadsallSmith born about 1887
HamiltonCaryl born about 1939
HamiltonHarlan born about 1912
HamiltonLoris born about 1917
HamiltonMartha born about 1936
HamiltonPhyliss born about 1937
HawthoneRaymond born about 1883
HawthorneElmer Gborn about 1889
HawthorneFlorence born about 1890
HawthorneFlorence born about 1929
HawthorneLester born about 1924
HenryFrances born about 1913
HenryWm Jr born about 1911
HirbFred Cborn about 1884
HirbMay born about 1883
HollsteinAlice born about 1902
HollsteinRichard born about 1896
HuffmanAnna born about 1926
HuffmanBessie Mborn about 1903
HuffmanBettie born about 1930
HuffmanCarl born about 1900
HuffmanCharles born about 1933
HuffmanDoris born about 1919
HuffmanLawrence born about 1913
HuffmanLeota Mborn about 1924
HuffmanLevi Aborn about 1867
HuffmanMason born about 1938
HuffmanMinnie born about 1873
HuffmanMinnie born about 1935
HurlbuttHarlan born about 1916
HurlbuttHenrietta born about 1916
HurlbuttIsabelle born about 1873
HurlbuttLevi born about 1866
HutchinsonClare Louiseborn about 1889
HutchinsonGeorge Lborn about 1918
HutchinsonGilbert born about 1924
HutchinsonRobt Vernborn about 1889

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I Surnames

IsenbarthJohn born about 1873

J Surnames

JohnsonDorothea born about 1927
JohnsonEdna Vborn about 1917
JohnsonHarold Aborn about 1903
JohnsonHenry born about 1884
JohnsonMarlene Mayborn about 1939
JohnsonRuth born about 1901
JuddEarl born about 1919

K Surnames

KenerlingHanna Eborn about 1893
KenerlingIrene born about 1926
KenerlingLoyd Aborn about 1917
KenerlingMones born about 1889
KinneyEdward born about 1928
KinneyEster Mayborn about 1924
KinneyMathew born about 1902
KinneyMay born about 1905
KinneyNadine Fayborn about 1936
KirmanEverett born about 1908
KirmanFrances born about 1912
KirmanGeorge born about 1907
KirmanHelen born about 1914
KirmanJane born about 1939
KirmanJerry born about 1938
KirmanRodney born about 1935
KramerCleoria born about 1887
KramerFred born about 1922
KramerJames born about 1924
KramerJohn born about 1920
KramerMarie born about 1928
KramerWm Rborn about 1882
KrauseArlie born about 1897
KrauseBetty born about 1928
KrauseBetty Louborn about 1939
KrauseEdith born about 1912
KrauseElmer Hborn about 1897
KrauseEverett born about 1913
KrauseFlorence born about 1900
KrauseGladys born about 1900
KrauseJames born about 1935
KrauseMarielene born about 1924
KrauseVelma born about 1912
KrauseWalter born about 1911
KusterArline born about 1917
KusterEdward born about 1884
KusterEster born about 1928
KusterFrancis born about 1914
KusterFrank born about 1888
KusterGrace born about 1896
KusterHazel born about 1923
KusterHenry Cborn about 1889
KusterHoward born about 1916
KusterJohn born about 1919
KusterKatheryn born about 1892
KusterLoine born about 1887
KusterVirginia born about 1920

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L Surnames

LarsonAgnes Mrs born about 1891
LarsonBeatrice Lborn about 1932
LarsonFrederick born about 1901
LarsonHarold born about 1930
LarsonJohn born about 1928
LarsonMarion Jeanborn about 1926
LarsonMary born about 1900
LarsonRobt born about 1922
LarsonSusanne born about 1929
LehmanCarl born about 1905
LehmanCarolyn born about 1934
LehmanPearl born about 1904
LelfHilvon born about 1885
LempkeElizabeth born about 1882
LempkeWm Fborn about 1886
LewellenClarence born about 1920
LewellenElmer born about 1897
LewellenSarah born about 1893
LickeFrieda born about 1898
LickeOtto born about 1896
LoranceHildegarde born about 1917
LoranceHoyt born about 1909
LorancePatiricia Annborn about 1939
LoranceWm Georgeborn about 1936
LordCharles born about 1909
LordHenry born about 1876
LordLeona born about 1878
LundellFrederick born about 1902
LundellLilas born about 1909
LundellNeal born about 1935
LundellShelva Jeanborn about 1939

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M Surnames

MahaffeyDana born about 1901
MahaffeyE Maudborn about 1878
MahaffeyMargaret born about 1915
MahaffeyMose born about 1872
MahaffeyMosie born about 1915
MahaffeyRoland born about 1906
MahaffeyWilliam born about 1920
MantkeMarlis born about 1925
MantkeRose born about 1886
MantkeWillard born about 1922
MantkeWilliam born about 1887
MartinAlice Mborn about 1879
MartinElsie born about 1876
MartinGlenn born about 1922
MartinJ Albertborn about 1880
MartinJack born about 1879
MartinPearl born about 1885
MartinRobt Jborn about 1863
McLaughlinChester born about 1907
MedleyCharles born about 1928
MedleyClarence born about 1921
MedleyMerle born about 1923
MedleySpencer born about 1894
MedleyWinifred born about 1895
MertheMartin born about 1912
MertheMary born about 1908
MerthePaul born about 1933
MichaelsDonald Wborn about 1919
MichaelsFreda born about 1894
MichaelsPauline Fredaborn about 1922
MichaelsW Russellborn about 1890
MilleAlbert born about 1896
MilleGeorge born about 1934
MilleJustine born about 1913
MilleRaymond born about 1912
MillerAnn born about 1895
MillerJack born about 1922
MillerWm Jborn about 1884
MittsDean born about 1926
MittsFlossie born about 1912
MittsGeorge born about 1912
MittsGeorge born about 1936
MittsWilma born about 1939
MonteImogene born about 1922
MoultonGaylord born about 1923

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O Surnames

OgburnCharles born about 1913
OgburnJames born about 1880
OgburnSusie Mayborn about 1888
OlsonCharles born about 1927
OlsonDonald born about 1935
OlsonLida born about 1901
OlsonWalter born about 1898
OpalkaIrma born about 1916
OpalkaKenneth born about 1915
OuartAlbert born about 1893
OuartAlvin born about 1899
OuartArthur born about 1909
OuartCarrie born about 1872
OuartCharles born about 1931
OuartJosephine born about 1897
OuartLester born about 1925
OuartLouise Mrs born about 1877
OuartLucretia born about 1883
OuartNellie born about 1912
OuartRonald born about 1936
OuartSharon born about 1938
OuartTheo born about 1905
OuartVivian born about 1915
OverbayC Cborn about 1900
OverbayCatherine born about 1905
OverbayLouise born about 1924

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P Surnames

PageSarah Eborn about 1867
PolonskyCarolyn born about 1939
PolonskyIsabel born about 1930
PolonskyJohn born about 1905
PolonskyKathryn born about 1904
PolonskyOwen born about 1937
PrusatorFrank born about 1880
PurvisBeulah born about 1932
PurvisGladys born about 1914
PurvisWalter born about 1911

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R Surnames

RobertsAmelia born about 1877
RobertsDonna born about 1927
RobertsEverett born about 1902
RobertsLola Mborn about 1904
RobertsRoscoe born about 1871
RobertsShirley born about 1926
RobsonDoris Eleanorborn about 1933
RobsonEdith born about 1901
RobsonEdythe born about 1909
RobsonHarry born about 1905
RobsonLee born about 1900
RobsonLloyd born about 1897
RobsonLois Jeanborn about 1939
RobsonMary born about 1872
RobsonMary Francisborn about 1937
RobsonRuth born about 1904
RobsonWilbur born about 1927
RoseClara born about 1914
RosePhillip born about 1911
RoseRichard born about 1940
RosenbergDorothy born about 1933
RosenbergElmer Fborn about 1901
RosenbergVerena born about 1904

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S Surnames

SawickisAlphonse born about 1918
SawickisBernard born about 1932
SawickisBetty born about 1934
SawickisDonald born about 1930
SawickisEdward born about 1928
SawickisEmily born about 1923
SawickisJoe born about 1920
SawickisJohn born about 1926
SawickisLucy born about 1895
SawickisVictor born about 1891
SawickisVito born about 1930
SchramConstant born about 1897
SchramLeo born about 1883
SchramMarie Sborn about 1880
SchroederAlbert born about 1882
SchroederClarence born about 1909
SchuettsEdna born about 1885
SchuettsEdna Mborn about 1911
SchuettsElaine born about 1939
SchuettsErma born about 1908
SchuettsHayden born about 1935
SchuettsLawrence born about 1906
SchuettsLouis born about 1881
SchultzAlvin born about 1920
SchultzClara born about 1893
SchultzWalter Aborn about 1892
SedigSelma born about 1876
SeefeldDean born about 1934
SeefeldElva born about 1902
SeefeldLouis born about 1901
SherbeynDonna Marieborn about 1935
SherbeynJanet Annborn about 1940
SherbeynMargaret Vborn about 1905
SherbeynMarietta Maeborn about 1938
SherbeynWm Pborn about 1902
ShieldsLee born about 1919
ShimminEvelyn born about 1916
ShimminKenneth born about 1910
SmithCarl Aborn about 1940
SmithDonna born about 1938
SmithDoris born about 1918
SmithGall born about 1914
SmithGeorge Cborn about 1881
SmithLavonne born about 1937
SmithersFrancis born about 1910
SnowLuther Bborn about 1872
SpiegelCarl born about 1880
SpiegelFred born about 1899
SpiegelJohn Eborn about 1925
SpiegelMarvin born about 1927
SpiegelRuth born about 1893
SpiegelSadie born about 1909
StackhouseBurdie born about 1895
StackhouseC Hborn about 1913
SwansonDorothy Amosborn about 1868

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T Surnames

ThemansonJosephine born about 1917
ThomasMarjiore born about 1928
ThomasMay Mrs born about 1900
ThomasRobert born about 1927

V Surnames

VandurnValenstine Mrs born about 1886
VanvoorenElizabeth born about 1901
VanvoorenFred born about 1901
VanvoorenVernon born about 1931
VerboutDonald born about 1926
VerboutGene born about 1925
VerstraeteAnna Maeborn about 1916
VerstraeteJohn Lborn about 1916

W Surnames

WagerHelen born about 1911
WagerMary Annborn about 1939
WagerNorman born about 1915
WagerNorman Jeanborn about 1937
WagerRuth Marieborn about 1936
WagerWalter born about 1935
WarnerBert born about 1885
WarnerEdna born about 1889
WarnerJean born about 1923
WarnerLois born about 1928
WarnerMayme born about 1893
WarnerPerley born about 1891
WarnerPerley born about 1923
WarnerR Bborn about 1865
WerkesierHazel born about 1919
WerkesierMarvin born about 1915
WerkheiserAlvin Eborn about 1898
WerkheiserBessie born about 1908
WerkheiserDale born about 1928
WerkheiserDorothy Mborn about 1938
WerkheiserE Fborn about 1860
WerkheiserElaine born about 1938
WerkheiserElva born about 1933
WerkheiserHayden Warrenborn about 1940
WerkheiserHazel born about 1908
WerkheiserHoward Fborn about 1940
WerkheiserJohn Carlborn about 1904
WerkheiserMary Lborn about 1874
WilteEdward born about 1875
WilteElmer born about 1916
WilteGladys born about 1910
WilteJenean born about 1938
WilteJulia born about 1887
WilteLester born about 1916
WilteRaymond born about 1911
WilteWarren born about 1924
WinterHelene Mrs born about 1892
WisnerDorothy born about 1926

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Y Surnames

YargerDale born about 1924
YargerDonald born about 1926
YargerDonna Leaborn about 1935
YargerEugene born about 1928
YargerMaude born about 1902
YargerMilton born about 1901

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