1940 U.S. Federal Census of Carroll Township in Calhoun County, Calhoun, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Calhoun County > 1940 Census of Carroll Township in Calhoun County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsElaine born about 1939
AdamsEstellie born about 1916
AdamsJohn born about 1914
AkermanBill born about 1857
AllemaGordon born about 1858
AlltoffEdna born about 1903
AndersonJens born about 1857
AshbyDon Jborn about 1876

B Surnames

BashawBarth born about 1877
BatchelorAllene born about 1925
BatchelorClara born about 1905
BatchelorNathan born about 1896
BatchelorPhyllis born about 1928
BatchelorWesley born about 1930
BensonAnna Marieborn about 1857
BensonBetty born about 1929
BensonGustave Hanborn about 1910
BensonVictor born about 1882
BerkstresserBessie born about 1897
BerkstresserCarolyn born about 1927
BerkstresserMary Janeborn about 1930
BerkstresserWm born about 1896
BeyerGladys born about 1916
BeyerGlenn born about 1913
BicklehaupMaria Eborn about 1865
BowerKate born about 1869
BowersBlanche Eborn about 1922
BowersChester Wborn about 1911
BowersEmma Rborn about 1875
BowmanAndy born about 1884
BowmanMary Aborn about 1854
BowmanSimon born about 1852
BrayFlorence born about 1885
BrayRoyal Dborn about 1884
BrayRoyal Jr born about 1919
BrindyCharlie born about 1898
BrinkmanJason born about 1929
BrinkmanJerry born about 1938
BrinkmanJohn born about 1937
BrinkmanM Eborn about 1898
BrinkmanPhilomena born about 1909
BrockRaymond born about 1900
BroitzmanAlice born about 1874
BrunnerCharles born about 1906
BrunnerFlorelnce born about 1904
BrunnerGlenn born about 1929
BrunnerPaul born about 1931
BrunnerPhillip born about 1902
BuckwalterElzora born about 1901
BundyFern born about 1905
BundyKatharina born about 1878
BundyShirley born about 1936
BundyTheodore born about 1871
BundyWalter born about 1900

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C Surnames

CassellberryRee born about 1918
CauliflowerDorothy born about 1908
CauliflowerNancey born about 1939
ChristensenEileen born about 1915
ChristensenHarold born about 1910
ChristensenJoyce Maeborn about 1937
ChristensenKeren Jeanborn about 1939
ChristianAddie born about 1869
ChristianWill born about 1861
ColehourJohn Aborn about 1925
ColehourMyrtle born about 1877
ColehourRobert Lborn about 1899
ColehourRoberta Rborn about 1923
ColehourRuth born about 1899
ColehourS Pborn about 1876
CollinsonEdith born about 1893
CollinsonFlorence born about 1914
CollinsonGeorge born about 1894
CollinsonGeorge Jr born about 1918
CollinsonHarold born about 1932
CollinsonLe Roy born about 1928
CollinsonLloyd born about 1921
CollinsonVada Maeborn about 1926
CondonFrank born about 1860

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D Surnames

DaleyJessie born about 1918
DaleyRobert born about 1913
DauphinArline born about 1928
DauphinJulius born about 1878
DauphinJulius Jr born about 1932
DauphinLeonard born about 1922
DauphinLilian born about 1897
DayballEugene born about 1913
DayballNellie born about 1921
DeckerBertha born about 1903
DeckerJohn born about 1934
DeckerLarry born about 1931
DeckerLouis born about 1902
DeckerLouis Jr born about 1926
DeckerMaynard born about 1929
DeckerRobert born about 1938
DodsonEmma Janeborn about 1860
DolebeerEldon Cborn about 1882
DolebeerMae born about 1881
DouglasElizabeth born about 1871
DouglasRoy born about 1907
DowningEva born about 1878
DowningHarvey born about 1909
DowningHarvey Jr born about 1930
DowningLoomer born about 1874
DowningPreston born about 1915
DowningRuth born about 1912
DuncanJoseph Wborn about 1872
DunnAzro born about 1872
DykstraRoy born about 1919
DysinRobert born about 1868

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E Surnames

EckmanJ Trumanborn about 1859
EdwardsBelle born about 1885
EdwardsMame born about 1868
ElliottAustin born about 1892
ElliottFlorence born about 1896
ElliottLou Mborn about 1873
EngelkingBurton born about 1899
EverhartFritzi born about 1877
EwaltDorothy Lborn about 1918
EwaltRandll Mborn about 1937
EwaltRay Aborn about 1912
EwaltRichard Aborn about 1936
EwaltRobert Lborn about 1935
EwaltRoy A Jrborn about 1934

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F Surnames

FetkeLawrence born about 1916
FinerMelvin born about 1905
FinkbeinerMary born about 1886
FlickingerHarnet born about 1916
FlickingerLa Verne born about 1910
FlickingerRobert born about 1935
FoltzClyde born about 1903
FordBertha born about 1887
FordJames Aborn about 1880
FranckeEllen born about 1920
FranckeHal born about 1890
FranckeIona Bborn about 1890
FrederikPauline born about 1925
FreemanArthur born about 1926
FreemanCharles born about 1890
FreemanChas Sr born about 1861
FreemanDonald born about 1927
FreemanEarl born about 1921
FreemanKatherine born about 1866
FreemanKenneth born about 1933
FreemanLloyd born about 1923
FreemanLucille born about 1925
FreemanMargaret born about 1895
FreemanOlive Maeborn about 1895
FreemanRobert born about 1931
FreemanWilliam born about 1888
FrenchBill born about 1883
FritzEdna born about 1885
FritzKatherine born about 1909
FritzMargaret born about 1913
FritzRoy born about 1883
FulrathAdam born about 1879
FulrathCarrie born about 1895
FulrathErma born about 1921
FulrathHarry born about 1895
FulrathRachael Aborn about 1854
FulrathS Rborn about 1871

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G Surnames

GillespieFlora Maeborn about 1937
GillespieFlorlence Eborn about 1932
GillespieMabel born about 1898
GillespieRichard born about 1924
GillespieRuth born about 1931
GillespieWard born about 1899
GintherGeorge born about 1897
GintherJoyce Dborn about 1934
GintherMargaret born about 1899
GoodenoughGlen born about 1908
GordenAnna born about 1857
GordenHettie born about 1866

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H Surnames

HalyEarl born about 1893
HalyElsie born about 1892
HalyGrace born about 1885
HalyMerle born about 1925
HalyMyrtle born about 1898
HalyOris born about 1878
HalyWilliam born about 1887
HartmanAda born about 1887
HartmanAda Mborn about 1882
HartmanAlbert born about 1929
HartmanAllen born about 1918
HartmanAlva born about 1890
HartmanChas Eborn about 1891
HartmanEdith born about 1899
HartmanEdna born about 1903
HartmanFannie born about 1860
HartmanFloyd born about 1898
HartmanHelen born about 1895
HartmanLucy born about 1904
HartmanLyle born about 1928
HartmanM Aborn about 1900
HartmanR Mborn about 1889
HartmanRobert born about 1927
HartmanW Wborn about 1870
HartmanWalter born about 1903
HartmanWalter Fborn about 1935
HartmanWm born about 1898
HartmanWm Bborn about 1858
HaughtEsther born about 1894
HaughtLaurence Mborn about 1901
HeinzeA Fborn about 1891
HeinzeJennie born about 1893
HellyerAlma Mborn about 1899
HellyerDorothy born about 1903
HellyerJean born about 1935
HellyerL Mborn about 1867
HickeyAllen born about 1918
HinebaughJake born about 1883
HockmanCarol born about 1937
HockmanEmma born about 1891
HockmanMaxine born about 1924
HockmanMilton born about 1922
HockmanRobert born about 1920
HockmanRoy born about 1890
HockmanWayne born about 1925
HoganWilliam Bborn about 1891
HolyLewis born about 1889
HookJames born about 1922
HorterGeorge Aborn about 1889
HorterHelen born about 1913
HueghesJake born about 1922
HuseCharlie born about 1847

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I Surnames

IneyVincent born about 1887

J Surnames

JamesKenneth Jamesborn about 1928
JamesMerle born about 1923
JamesVivian born about 1906
JamesWalter born about 1903
JamesYovonne born about 1925
JohnsonAndrew Nborn about 1873
JohnsonAudery born about 1916
JohnsonChas Wborn about 1915
JohnsonGlenn Hborn about 1899
JohnsonGlenn Henryborn about 1926
JohnsonNellie born about 1890
JohnsonVirginia born about 1923

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K Surnames

KauffmanGeorge born about 1906
KauffmanIvas born about 1918
KeimNellie born about 1870
KelsoPierce born about 1907
KesslerCharles born about 1927
KesslerCharlie Eborn about 1894
KesslerGene born about 1930
KesslerGerald born about 1930
KesslerHerbert born about 1923
KesslerVera born about 1892
KlimeAugusta born about 1860
KlimeHerman born about 1860
KnauerCharles born about 1901
KnauerDonald born about 1926
KnauerNettie born about 1905
KrauseJulius born about 1868
KretzM Lborn about 1920

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L Surnames

LashelleEliza born about 1911
LashelleErnest born about 1910
LashelleEverett born about 1936
LashelleFranklin born about 1939
LashelleGerald born about 1938
LashelleMary born about 1934
LawMathew born about 1858
LawNora born about 1891
LeasmanPauline born about 1908
LeaversDolores born about 1906
LeaversDwight born about 1928
LeaversEdna born about 1930
LeaversLuther born about 1895
LehnerDorothy born about 1899
LehnerWalter born about 1893
LehrDuane born about 1921
LehrMyrtle Vborn about 1884
LehrWilliam Cborn about 1881
LibfertonAlvin born about 1922
LibfertonCharles born about 1925
LibfertonCid born about 1926
LibfertonFlorence born about 1886
LibfertonLorelle born about 1912
LibfertonNeal born about 1923
LibfertonRussell born about 1933
LibfertonWill born about 1879
ListerAustin born about 1860
LockwoodA Tborn about 1906
LommanReuben Rborn about 1900
LordCurtis born about 1923

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M Surnames

MalloyJohn born about 1920
McKeeEdna born about 1891
McKinneyAnna Louborn about 1860
McKinneyElmer Pborn about 1892
McKinneyMary Rborn about 1880
MessingerBart born about 1880
MessingerLewis born about 1865
MessingerRose born about 1883
MetzlerMarie Lborn about 1918
MetzlerRalph born about 1910
MetzlerVelma Jeanborn about 1939
MillerGeorge born about 1869
MillerKatie born about 1872
MillerTheodore born about 1906

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N Surnames

NealsonHattie born about 1889
NealsonMildred born about 1922
NeisCaroline born about 1881
NeisGeorge born about 1874
NeisLloyd born about 1919
NeuschwangerBetty born about 1921
NeuschwangerDoris born about 1930
NeuschwangerE Wborn about 1898
NeuschwangerEsther born about 1900
NeuschwangerGlenn born about 1926
NeuschwangerHarry born about 1919
NewmanBen born about 1915
NewmanFrank Aborn about 1916
NewmanLillian born about 1919
NewmanMinnie born about 1918
NewswangerAda born about 1884
NewswangerElizabeth born about 1861
NewswangerJennette born about 1923
NewswangerMerritt born about 1919
NewswangerRoberta born about 1916
NewswangerRoy born about 1878
NipeJennie Bborn about 1863
NuschwangerGuy born about 1920

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P Surnames

PackardMildred Aborn about 1901
PearsonAlfred born about 1876
PetersonJosephine born about 1880
PhillipsAlferd born about 1894
PhillipsJake born about 1869
PoffenbergerAlta born about 1922
PoffenbergerFred born about 1883
PoffenbergerGlenn born about 1920
PoffenbergerJo Annborn about 1896
PolhillGeorge born about 1903
PolhillMabel born about 1908
PrestonBertha born about 1899
PrestonEmmory born about 1881
PrestonEugene born about 1918
PrestonMary Janeborn about 1933
PrestonNancy Louborn about 1937
PrestonRobert born about 1873
PutmanBessie born about 1886
PutmanErnest born about 1884

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R Surnames

RahnKatie born about 1880
RamseyGeorge born about 1861
RiceEtta born about 1872
RiceRolland born about 1868
RichardsonEarl born about 1909
RichterBeulah born about 1893
RichterHenry born about 1891
RobertsBetty born about 1933
RobertsGeorge born about 1927
RobertsGlenn born about 1912
RobertsGust born about 1882
RobertsIrvin born about 1915
RobertsJule born about 1930
RobertsLisa born about 1889
RobertsLloyd born about 1911
RobertsLucille born about 1922
RobertsMary born about 1926
RobertsMelvin born about 1935
RobertsPaul born about 1924
RobertsPhillip born about 1928
RobertsVic born about 1929
RobertsWesley born about 1932
RootElizabeth born about 1876
RootIola born about 1887
RosakeMelvin P Jrborn about 1925

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S Surnames

SchallFred Wborn about 1917
SchallGeorge born about 1932
SchrechDorothy born about 1934
SchrechEleanor born about 1933
SchrechGlenola born about 1911
SchrechOscar born about 1905
SchreineAnna Mborn about 1876
SchreineHenry Kborn about 1873
SchrinerCharlie born about 1848
SeiberAlbert born about 1893
SeiberBernard born about 1927
SeiberHarold born about 1923
SeiberKatherine born about 1894
SeidellJoe born about 1860
SeidenbergHarold born about 1924
SeidenbergRuby born about 1904
SenneffBarbara Janeborn about 1940
SenneffBeverly Jeanborn about 1939
SenneffIsadora born about 1919
SislerRetta born about 1872
SmithAdeli born about 1877
SmithAnna born about 1880
SmithCharles Cborn about 1871
SmithChas Eborn about 1872
SmithEdna born about 1887
SmithEdward born about 1922
SmithFlorence born about 1915
SmithGenora born about 1874
SmithGlenn Oborn about 1915
SmithHazel born about 1901
SmithHoward born about 1889
SmithIrene born about 1927
SmithJames born about 1924
SmithJess born about 1878
SmithLila born about 1911
SmithLyle born about 1911
SmithMargaret born about 1885
SmithMary Eborn about 1869
SmithRaymond Cborn about 1899
SmithRobert Wborn about 1909
SmithRuth born about 1902
SmithT Jborn about 1877
SmithWeston Eborn about 1884
SpikerJesse born about 1878
StageMerle born about 1907
StarattM Effieborn about 1865
StormElva born about 1910
StormTheodore born about 1906
StrickerEarl born about 1899
StrickerLena born about 1904
StrickerRichard born about 1935
StricklerHoward Fborn about 1861

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T Surnames

TrippAnnie born about 1871
TrippBeulah born about 1900
TrippHenry born about 1866
TuckeyAmanda born about 1879
TueckbowerAlvin born about 1898
TueckbowerEverett born about 1929
TueckbowerFreda born about 1906
TueckbowerJean born about 1927
TurnbaughBertha born about 1896
TurnbaughJoe born about 1884
TurnbaughJohn born about 1940

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V Surnames

VincentFrank born about 1865

W Surnames

WacherCarrie born about 1878
WagnerBetty born about 1925
WagnerMae born about 1906
WagnerRobert born about 1924
WagnerWeb born about 1900
WaltyFred Hborn about 1907
WaltyVirginia born about 1901
WarfieldAlbert born about 1896
WarfieldHarold born about 1926
WarfieldLee born about 1924
WarfieldLuella born about 1903
WarfieldRoy born about 1927
WarfieldRuby born about 1931
WatermanE Jborn about 1896
WatermanFrances born about 1903
WeberFlorence born about 1900
WeberRichard born about 1931
WeberRussell born about 1924
WeberVernon Hborn about 1901
WeidmanEathel born about 1909
WeidmanGerald born about 1936
WeidmanLuverta born about 1910
WeidmanRaymond born about 1908
WeidmanRonald born about 1933
WeidmanVernon born about 1905
WilkinsonDorothy born about 1906
WilkinsonGary Patborn about 1936
WilkinsonJames born about 1939
WilkinsonK Pborn about 1908
WilliamsGeorge Wborn about 1880
WilliamsGeorgia born about 1900
WilliamsMarie born about 1891
WilliamsW Lborn about 1893
WilliamsWallace Davidborn about 1940
WilliamsonOlive born about 1881
WilliamsonRen born about 1878
WilsonNarland born about 1917
WitmerJohn Hborn about 1923
WitmerJohn Tborn about 1883
WitmerVernie Fborn about 1890

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Y Surnames

YatesAnna Rborn about 1890
YatesBlaine born about 1929
YatesEdna Eborn about 1909
YatesEverett born about 1927
YatesFrank born about 1891
YatesGeorge born about 1898
YatesGeorge born about 1927
YatesLenora born about 1927
YatesNora born about 1903
YatesPatricia born about 1929
YatesSally Annborn about 1934
YatesW Fborn about 1907
YenneyArnold born about 1940
YenneyClarence born about 1926
YenneyDonald born about 1915
YenneyHarmon born about 1911
YenneyHelen born about 1916
YenneyLilli born about 1923
YenneyLilly born about 1878
YoeckelElizabeth born about 1890
YoeckelHenry Jr born about 1879
YoeckelLydia born about 1884
YoeckelOtto born about 1887

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Z Surnames

ZiglerFlave born about 1885
ZinkArville born about 1908
ZinkDella born about 1906
ZucherBill born about 1862

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