1940 U.S. Federal Census of Casner Township, Jefferson, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Casner Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHenry born about 1884
AdamsMattie born about 1889
AndersonFred Lborn about 1898
AndersonMary born about 1903

B Surnames

BaimGrace Mborn about 1881
BaimWalter Aborn about 1876
BakerJohn Pborn about 1883
BaldridgeJames born about 1898
BaldridgeJessie born about 1914
BaldridgeMartha born about 1936
BelliChristina born about 1911
BelliFred born about 1880
BenjaminCharles born about 1926
BenjaminRuth Eborn about 1890
BichmannCatherine born about 1888
BichmannWilliam born about
BichmannWilliam Jr born about 1918
BledsaeArthur born about 1914
BledsaeClaude Leeborn about 1938
BledsaeRuby born about 1920
BledsoeAdna born about 1889
BledsoeKeath born about 1924
BledsoeKirtle born about 1901
BledsoeLeon born about 1903
BledsoeLizzie born about 1893
BoatrightForest born about 1921
BoenMinnie born about 1888
BoenNoole born about 1900
BoldmaHattie born about 1891
BoldtAlbert born about 1894
BoldtFern born about 1925
BoldtFred born about 1856
BoldtFreddie born about 1896
BoldtHattie born about 1905
BoldtLeroy born about 1926
BoldtMarietta born about 1903
BoldtMarvin born about 1938
BoldtMildred born about 1923
BoldtMona born about 1934
BoldtOrville born about 1929
BoldtStanley born about 1927
BondJoe Fborn about 1891
BondPete born about 1908
BorowakJoe born about 1892
BorowakJoeseph born about 1928
BorowakJoeship born about 1900
BorowakRoy born about 1933
BourlandFrank born about 1912
BourlandFrankie Jeanborn about 1934
BourlandGeorge born about 1899
BourlandIrene born about 1918
BourlandJames born about 1932
BourlandJerry Laliborn about 1932
BourlandLotty born about 1902
BourlandSale born about 1908
BowerAlice born about 1915
BowerDale born about 1939
BowerJacob born about 1914
BowerReinhard born about 1873
BowerShirley born about 1936
BrewerJohn born about 1872
BrooksDoris born about 1930
BrooksNeoma born about 1933
BrooksOrvil born about 1926
BrooksThelma born about 1928
BrooksWilliam born about 1904
BrownCharles Aborn about 1894
BrownForrest Sr born about 1882
BrownIda born about 1893
BrownMarie born about 1915
BrownStanley born about 1917
BuellLila born about 1896
BuellWalter born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellCharles born about 1932
CampbellEllan born about 1923
CampbellEtta born about 1920
CampbellHelen born about 1929
CampbellJack born about 1908
CampbellJoe born about 1911
CampbellMae born about 1926
CampbellMartha born about 1891
CappJ Wborn about 1855
CappJessie born about 1896
CappLonens Gborn about 1892
CappSarah Lborn about 1865
CarrollAmy born about 1883
CarrollArletta born about 1931
CarrollBarbra Fayborn about 1938
CarrollChas Aborn about 1908
CarrollFern born about 1906
CarrollImagene born about 1931
CarrollKenneth Loeborn about 1935
CarrollLavern born about 1933
CarrollLuella born about 1934
CarrollMartha born about 1909
CarrollMarton born about 1905
CarrollS Wborn about 1882
CasnerJohn born about 1874
CastieAlice born about 1904
CastieJerome born about 1935
CastieJunes born about 1925
CastieRichard born about 1927
CastieStanley born about 1896
CastieThomas born about 1929
CastieWilliam born about 1933
ChampClaude born about 1917
ChampE Cborn about 1886
ChampEarl born about 1924
ChampEdna Eborn about 1875
ChampFaye born about 1905
ChampFayelda born about 1935
ChampGeorge born about 1936
ChampIsabelle born about 1915
ChampJoe born about 1933
ChampLester Leeborn about 1927
ChampLillian born about 1932
ChampMage born about 1890
ChampRay born about 1903
ChampThresia born about 1938
ChampW Rborn about 1876
CheanskAlbert born about 1907
CheanskFrank A Jrborn about 1896
CheanskFrank Sr born about 1873
CheanskHelen born about 1910
CheanskJulia born about 1876
CheanskPhillip born about 1935
ChesnekLeo born about 1904
ChesnokDonald born about 1924
ChesnokEdward born about 1915
ChesnokFred born about 1907
ChesnokHerman born about 1917
ChesnokJulian born about 1879
ChesnokJulian Bborn about 1929
ChesnokRaymond born about 1908
ChesnokRose born about 1885
CihesnekJoe born about 1919
CihesnekJohn born about 1875
CihesnekMargaret born about 1921
CihesnekMitchell born about 1917
ClarkAmos born about 1881
ClarkCharles Hborn about 1844
ClarkClara Pborn about 1889
ClarkGerald born about 1919
ClarkJunior born about 1924
ClarkLela born about 1892
ClarkVerner born about 1894
CoatsClarence Wborn about 1902
CoatsJulia born about 1905
CoatsKatherine born about 1928
CoatsRobert born about 1930
CorowidkJohn born about 1885
CorowidkKatherine born about 1905
CorowidkLoraine born about 1927
CorowidkVirginia born about 1923
CostleyEugene born about 1935
CostleyHerman born about 1913
CostleyLora born about 1934
CostleyRuth born about 1917
CovellJoeseph Rborn about 1864
CreelCarter born about 1911
CreelFred born about 1909
CreelJulie born about 1875
CreelLucian born about 1926
CreelMary Jenettaborn about 1887
CreelWilliam Gerstonborn about 1927
CreelWilliam Hborn about 1875
CrielFrank born about 1903
CrielLucilla born about 1909
CullieJacob born about 1867
CzajkowskiAndrew born about 1925
CzajkowskiAnna born about 1884
CzajkowskiAnna born about 1888
CzajkowskiAugusta born about 1917
CzajkowskiCarol Sueborn about 1939
CzajkowskiClemens born about 1921
CzajkowskiFrank Kborn about 1876
CzajkowskiJames born about 1882
CzajkowskiLouie born about 1922
CzajkowskiThomas born about 1919
CzajkowskiVictoria born about 1882
CzajkowskiWalter born about 1874
CzajkowskiWilliam born about 1913

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D Surnames

DankwardtDorothy born about 1892
DankwardtWalter born about 1882
DennisE Oborn about 1871
DennisHansel Lborn about 1917
DennisMartha Jborn about 1876
DirschauerCarl born about 1918
DirschauerF Wborn about 1889
DirschauerMinnie born about 1879
DownesBeulah born about 1914
DownesEdward born about 1913
DownesGeorge born about 1920
DownesVirgil born about 1923
DownsGeorge born about 1920
DownsGerald born about 1924
DownsJacob born about 1918
DownsLeroy born about 1926
DownsLusinda born about
DownsRufus born about 1887
DraegeAnely born about 1904
DraegeClyde born about 1924
DraegeDoris born about 1937
DraegeEvelyn born about 1935
DraegeGus Hborn about 1897
DraegeHarold born about 1930
DraegeOtto born about 1925
DriggsEdwin born about 1860
DrogeAlbert born about 1910
DrogeEmma born about 1905
DrogeEugene born about 1932
DrogeHenry born about 1866
DuelCarwin born about 1926
DuelElsie born about 1906
DuelJohn born about 1903
DuelLaura born about 1897

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E Surnames

EdmisonCelia born about 1873
EdmisonNoah born about 1871
EdwardsEdward born about 1921
EdwardsHattie born about 1887
EdwardsWilliam born about 1882
ErvineAnna born about 1890
ErvineEldridge born about 1926
ErvineLucille born about 1919
ErvineRhodes Vborn about 1921
ErvineRudolph born about 1883
EubankCaroline Sueborn about 1938
EubankEdward born about 1909
EubankNellie born about 1918
EubanksCarwin born about 1927
EubanksEd Sborn about 1888
EubanksIwa born about 1915
EubanksJessie born about 1894
EubanksLloyd born about 1935
EubanksRichard born about 1913
EubanksRoobert Cborn about 1896
EubanksStella born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairchildAlreva born about 1923
FairchildClara born about 1906
FairchildEvereth born about 1898
FarrelCalvin born about 1923
FarrelWayne born about 1924
FaughtDorothy born about 1915
FaughtLouis Eborn about 1937
FaughtMary Eborn about 1938
FaughtOriel born about 1913
FaughtOriel Bborn about 1936
FaughtPaul Jborn about 1940
FerguesonAddie born about 1926
FerguesonAnnie born about 1883
FerguesonF Lborn about 1876
FerguesonIrene born about 1924
FerguesonLucille born about 1920
FerguesonMircia born about 1927
FerguesonOmer born about 1891
FerguesonVirginia born about 1925
FergusonAdeline born about 1920
FergusonMartha born about 1862
FergusonMary Helenborn about 1926
FergusonMyrtle born about 1897
FergusonRay born about 1896
FergusonWanda born about 1923
FergusonWilfred born about 1917
FergusonWilliam born about 1939
ForstagLawrencia born about 1922
FortagAlfred born about 1929
FortagAnthony born about 1911
FortagAntone born about 1870
FortagEdward born about
FortagElsie born about 1901
FortagKenneth born about 1938
FortagLeo Jborn about 1902
FortagMary born about 1875
FortagMary born about 1927
FortagRalph born about 1931
FosterCharles born about 1914
FosterLena born about 1918
FosterMaggie born about 1881
FosterWalter born about 1879
FoutchMalissia born about 1895
FoutchOscar born about 1879
FriendEula born about 1918
FriendMartin born about 1913
FullarC Eborn about 1869
FullerHarley born about 1902
FullerHarold Leaborn about 1939
FullerJohn Mborn about 1877
FullerLaula born about 1914
FullerLilly born about 1881

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G Surnames

GarmannJacob born about 1871
GarmannMartha born about 1881
GermannAlvin born about 1935
GermannGeorge born about 1933
GermannJacob born about 1929
GermannLellia born about
GermannLouise born about 1924
GermannReinhard born about 1904
GermannVera born about 1927
GermannViola born about 1931
GiederbuferBilly born about 1930
GiederbuferGrace born about 1909
GiederbuferLoren born about 1899
GiederbuferMartha born about 1866
GiederbuferRalieph born about 1893
GiederbuferRoy born about 1931
GiederbuferWayman born about 1929
GiordanoNellie born about 1859
GoforthRay born about 1901
GoforthStella born about 1906
GriffinRalph born about 1900
GriffinTina Elleneborn about 1901
GrissomJosephine born about 1897
GrissomNelson born about 1898
GulleyElla born about 1898
GulleyJohn born about 1888

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H Surnames

HailiagGenevia born about 1905
HailiagGeorge born about 1907
HailiagMary born about 1931
HailsBeatrice born about 1919
HailsClarence born about 1914
HailsErnest born about 1883
HailsHarley born about 1923
HailsJ Bborn about 1881
HailsMahala born about 1882
HailsMary born about 1883
HailsVirgil born about 1908
HailsWayne born about 1937
HallCharles Bborn about 1898
HallDonald Lueborn about 1933
HallHattie born about 1899
HallLois Marieborn about 1929
HallRuth Annborn about 1939
HannaBarbara born about 1933
HannaCharles born about 1927
HannaTaylor born about 1904
HannaTheda born about 1908
HarlowJoseph born about 1939
HarlowLeo born about 1911
HarlowMarie born about 1938
HarlowMary Aliceborn about 1935
HarlowRuth born about 1911
HarrisMartha born about 1870
HartmanBarbara born about 1933
HartmanCora Bborn about 1871
HartmanFrank born about 1907
HartmanMary born about 1910
HartmanRalph born about 1869
HarveyCatherine born about 1888
HarveyGeorge born about 1923
HarveyThomas born about 1927
HarveyTom born about 1871
HarveyVance born about 1920
HarweyDon born about 1898
HarweyWilliam born about 1897
HarweyWilliam Jr born about 1923
HarweyWilma born about 1920
HastonGeorge Wborn about 1891
HastonIva born about 1889
HogsheadAlga born about 1873
HogsheadAlice born about 1873
HogsheadBernice born about 1911
HogsheadClifford born about 1918
HogsheadDaisy born about 1876
HogsheadDale born about 1936
HogsheadEdith born about 1901
HogsheadFayde born about 1904
HogsheadFaye born about 1930
HogsheadJewell born about 1932
HogsheadLyle born about 1902
HogsheadPatricea born about 1938
HogsheadPearl born about 1904
HogsheadWayman born about 1905
HogsheadWilliam born about 1869
HortonBeatrice born about 1901
HortonHarry born about 1918
HoweArthur Fborn about 1884
HoweDoris born about 1910
HoweLeaffia born about 1888
HumphreyBessie born about 1891
HumphreyC Bborn about 1883
HumphreyCorrie born about 1881
HumphreyPhillip born about 1931

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I Surnames

IeversE Lborn about 1885
IeversGertude born about 1901
IeversRose Maryborn about 1931

J Surnames

JanssonElizabeth born about
JohnsonCharles Dborn about 1902
JohnsonMartha born about 1925
JohnsonNova born about 1921
JohnsonSusan born about 1900

K Surnames

KarbanVirginia born about 1920
KasbanEmil born about 1882
KasbanJulia born about 1886
KasbanLeona born about 1913
KasbanThresia born about 1917
KellyDanny born about 1936
KellyMadonna born about 1920
KellyMadonna Sueborn about 1938
KellyOwen born about 1911
KendersonFrank born about 1916
KinkelAnna born about 1879
KinkelHenry born about 1877
KittermanLois born about 1901
KittermanWalter born about 1899
KnoxAlice born about 1875
KnoxAndrew Jborn about 1921
KnoxElizabeth born about 1900
KnoxEva Jborn about 1928
KnoxFranlklin Mborn about 1916
KnoxGeorge born about 1887
KnoxJohn Rborn about 1919
KnoxJulia Sborn about 1866
KnoxLouis Mborn about 1923
KowalskiClarence born about 1939
KowalskiCliffe born about 1879
KowalskiFern born about 1935
KowalskiFreda Fayborn about 1920
KowalskiJulius born about 1870
KowalskiOlga born about 1915
KowalskiOtto born about 1882
KowalskiRaleigh born about 1899
KoyAlfred born about 1923
KoyJoseph born about 1883
KoyJoseph Jr born about 1919
KoyMartha born about 1892
KoyRobert born about 1917
KraltAlvin born about 1923
KujawaAlinna Eborn about 1920
KujawaClara Pborn about 1901
KujawaFrank Jborn about 1893
KujawaLouis born about 1918
KulaFlrancis born about 1939
KulaJohn Hborn about 1898
KulaJosephine born about 1937
KulaKatie born about 1901

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L Surnames

LaceyAlthea born about 1892
LaceyBenton born about 1907
LaceyCharles born about 1864
LaceyJohn born about 1916
LaceyMary born about 1879
LaceyMildred born about 1905
LandesMinnie born about 1888
LaneyAndrew born about 1869
LaneyNova born about 1901
LangaEdward born about 1900
LangaErnest born about 1918
LangaFrank born about 1872
LangaGeorge born about 1915
LangaIrwin born about 1934
LangaJocshipine born about 1882
LangaMartha born about 1866
LangaPaul Aborn about 1909
LangaThresia Aborn about 1915
LangsClara born about 1904
LangsEvelyn born about 1934
LangsHarold born about 1930
LangsJerry born about 1938
LangsJoe Pborn about 1901
LangsMary born about 1936
LarsonAlma Leeborn about 1935
LarsonLanora born about 1938
LarsonNeil born about 1925
LarsonNellie born about 1901
LarsonNorma Lenaborn about 1928
LarsonOlaf born about 1902
LewisMiller born about 1872
LikensArlie born about 1924
LikensCatherine born about 1930
LikensLavoda born about 1888
LikensPauline born about 1926
LinderJohn born about 1859
LongAlvin born about 1904
LongBlanche born about 1914
LongCharles born about 1936
LongEarl born about 1935
LongGerald born about 1938

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M Surnames

MaddoxA Lborn about 1862
MaddoxAnnie Lborn about 1866
MarcrumAlbert Hborn about 1930
MarcrumCharles born about 1890
MarcrumCharles Jr born about 1939
MarcrumDeng Cborn about 1926
MarcrumFlora born about 1906
MarcrumKelly born about 1921
MarcrumMary Francesborn about 1936
MarcrumNorma born about 1928
MarcrumWilliam Bborn about 1882
MarganClarence Rayborn about 1929
MarganElzic born about 1886
MarganFern born about 1897
MarganGeorge born about 1926
MarganLarain born about 1933
MarganLura Fernborn about 1927
MargherioJuliet Darlineborn about 1939
MargherioLena born about 1917
MargherioPete born about 1911
MargherioVirginia born about 1936
MartinAddie born about 1880
MartinBilly Leeborn about 1932
MartinClinton born about 1905
MartinDonald born about 1932
MartinEdith born about 1925
MartinEdna born about 1912
MartinEdward born about 1877
MartinEvelyn born about 1929
MartinHarold born about 1934
MartinHarvey born about 1904
MartinHomer born about 1921
MartinLeslie born about 1907
MartinLeslie Wborn about 1935
MartinShirley born about 1936
MartinVelma born about 1905
MarucmAgnes born about 1905
MarucmEvelyn born about 1932
MarucmJunior born about 1934
MarucmOran born about 1921
MarucmSam born about 1888
McCannCora Aborn about 1887
McCannEmey Bborn about 1879
McCannOacar born about 1876
McDowellJohn born about 1891
McDowellPella born about 1879
McDuffyAlverda born about 1910
McDuffyAndrew born about 1867
McDuffyBetty Janeborn about 1929
McDuffyBlanche born about 1895
McDuffyBlanche Marieborn about 1930
McDuffyDeloris Mayborn about 1934
McDuffyElsie born about 1937
McDuffyGeorge born about 1860
McDuffyGeorge born about 1934
McDuffyGlora Annborn about 1936
McDuffyHarriett born about 1867
McDuffyLloyd born about 1904
McDuffyMarshal born about 1892
McDuffyMarshal Normanborn about 1925
McDuffyRobert Rborn about 1922
McKenzieRoy born about 1901
McMahanBilly born about 1931
McMahanEva born about 1900
McMahanGene born about 1932
McMahanJ Nborn about 1895
McMahanJohn born about 1925
McMahanLa Vernborn about 1937
McMahanMae born about 1936
McMahanMary born about 1922
McMahanPauline born about 1920
McMahanPearl born about 1917
McMahanRay born about 1932
McMahanRoy born about 1938
McMahanRuby born about 1929
McMillonSally born about 1872
McMillonWm Cborn about 1872
MeadorsJoseph born about 1888
MeadorsLena born about 1885
MeffordEsmer born about 1908
MeffordHarvey born about 1907
MeffordImogene born about 1932
MeffordJuanita born about 1935
MeffordLeonard born about 1938
MeffordWilber born about 1930
MillerFrank born about 1865
MillerLucille born about 1924
MillerMalissa born about 1886
MillerWilma born about 1936
MillsEueithe born about 1902
MillsVern born about 1905
MischkeAgnes born about 1909
MischkeHenrietta born about 1881
MischkeRalph born about 1910
MischkeRuth Annborn about 1938
MischkeWilliam born about 1881
MooreAdelia born about 1916
MooreDelbert Dborn about 1933
MooreFern born about 1906
MooreFrankie born about 1934
MoorePatrick born about
MooreR Oborn about 1907
MooreRobert born about 1904
MooreRobert Jr born about 1933
MoranEdna born about 1898
MoranJames born about 1889
MrmillanArdith born about 1940
MrmillanArthur Lborn about 1906
MrmillanMarilyn born about 1934
MrmillanMary born about 1884
MrmillanOpal born about 1911
MunyxonAlbert born about 1915
MunyxonDoris born about 1923
MunyxonEthel born about 1888
MunyxonJames born about 1919
MunyxonJohn Eborn about 1895

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N Surnames

NarkewiczEdward born about 1894
NovakEdward Eborn about 1915
NovakMarion born about 1919
NovakMary born about 1866

O Surnames

OberhoferAnnie born about 1883
OberhoferWilliam born about 1879
OverturfCaroline born about 1907
OverturfEdgar born about 1909
OverturfSarah Eborn about 1869
OverturfWilliam born about 1861
OverturfWilliam born about 1923

P Surnames

PateCharles born about 1902
PateClarence born about 1873
PateOllie Jborn about 1879
PetersonArtic born about 1890
PetersonBeatrice born about 1896
PetersonChristina born about 1880
PetersonH Hborn about 1879
PetersonJack born about 1922
PetersonJames born about 1923
PetersonJeanne born about 1925
PetersonRay born about 1905
PfalsgrafBilly born about 1925
PfalsgrafDale born about 1902
PfalsgrafFaye born about 1904
PfalsgrafJohn Wborn about 1931
PiercyAda born about 1920
PiercyJerry born about
PiercyLloyd born about 1919
PiperBobby born about 1935
PiperCharles Aborn about 1905
PiperCharles Jr born about 1928
PiperFredia born about 1912
PiperJanis born about 1935
PiperJohn born about 1932
PiperLouie born about 1907
PiperStella born about 1905
PolovoyPerry born about 1890
PostonAnnie born about 1911
PostonGeorge Rborn about 1936
PostonL Jborn about 1901
PostonRobert Lborn about 1892
PostonThomas Nborn about 1931
PowersJames Vborn about 1866

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R Surnames

RandophJohn born about 1863
RandophLucie Jborn about 1867
RaunesS Sborn about 1870
RayArthur Sborn about 1903
RayBeatrice born about 1897
RayEdward born about 1928
RiddleAlma Louiseborn about 1927
RiddleAlta born about 1891
RiddleBobby born about 1921
RiddleE Gborn about 1886
RiddleEarl born about 1915
RiddleEdgar born about 1919
RiddleEdna Lborn about 1890
RiddleJames Cborn about 1874
RiddleLeanord born about 1907
RiddleLeland Lborn about 1893
RiddleLily Mborn about 1872
RobinsonCharles Rayborn about 1939
RobinsonFay born about 1916
RobinsonRonald born about 1938
RobinsonRosie Leeborn about 1936
RobinsonWilliam born about 1914
RodatzJames born about 1939
RodatzLouie born about 1905
RodatzRettia born about 1909
RodatzWanda born about 1937
RodotzAugusta born about 1928
RodotzFred born about 1901
RodotzOpal born about 1909
RodotzWilliam born about 1930
RogergWyatt Rborn about 1881
RogersLou born about 1863
RosenbergerEllan born about 1876
RosenbergerJ Kborn about 1874
RosenbergerJoe born about
RoyDarrel born about 1924
RoyElmer born about 1926
RoyJ Wborn about 1869
RoyJohn born about 1926
RoyLulu born about 1880
RoyThelma born about 1927
RozanskiEdwin born about 1924
RozanskiLoretta born about 1929
RozanskiNick born about 1902
RozanskiTillie born about 1904
RudCarl born about 1883
RudCarl Jr born about 1922
RudElwin born about 1909
RudMaye born about 1884
RusselRaymond born about 1926
RynskiBertha born about 1911
RynskiDonald born about 1937
RynskiDorthy born about 1930
RynskiEdward born about 1932
RynskiJoanna born about 1877
RynskiLouis born about 1901
RynskiRobert born about 1935
RynskiRosie born about 1883
RynskiStella born about 1873
RynskiThresia born about 1906
RynskiTony born about 1899

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S Surnames

SchgeidtAnn born about 1910
SchgeidtClaude born about 1908
SchgeidtJerry born about 1938
SchgeidtJesse born about 1880
SchgeidtLarry born about 1937
SchgeidtMytha born about 1906
SchgeidtSusie born about 1883
SchmidtFred born about 1889
SchmidtFreda born about 1913
SchmidtKatherine born about 1892
SchotkowskiAlex born about 1915
SchotkowskiFrances born about 1917
SchotkowskiMary Catherineborn about
SchultzCharles Henryborn about 1933
SchultzErwin born about 1930
SchultzEula born about 1898
SchultzFred born about 1894
SchultzFred Jr born about 1923
SchultzImagene born about 1927
SchultzJanice Leeborn about 1939
SchultzLeona born about 1936
SchultzValma born about 1924
ScogginsHattie born about 1872
ScrankowskiApolonia born about 1859
SheldonAmer born about 1876
SheldonIda born about 1881
ShipmanJohn Fborn about 1896
ShipmanRose born about 1901
ShipmanRose Maryborn about 1925
SidesEmma born about 1876
SidesJosephine born about 1865
SigwtertlsArpha born about 1914
SigwtertlsArthur born about 1915
SigwtertlsCharles born about 1929
SigwtertlsDeloris Anborn about 1939
SigwtertlsJohn Eborn about 1921
SigwtertlsJunior born about 1932
SigwtertlsLizzie born about 1885
SigwtertlsSid born about 1883
SigwtertlsSidney born about 1920
SmithBelle born about 1870
SmithElizabeth Fborn about 1881
SmithFred Oscarborn about 1938
SmithHerbert born about 1918
SmithIsaac born about 1859
SmithLeota born about 1893
SmithLouis born about 1892
SmithRobert born about 1920
SmithVelma born about 1919
SmithWilliam born about 1876
SmolleyFrank born about 1922
SmolleyJohn born about 1874
SmolleyKate born about 1890
SmolleyKatie born about 1925
SmolleyLeo born about 1909
SmolleyPaul born about 1919
SmolleySteve born about 1905
SmolleyThresia born about 1920
SmolleyWalter born about 1916
SpanglerArthur born about 1893
SpanglerD Lee Rayborn about 1936
SpanglerElberta born about 1926
SpanglerGeorgia born about 1904
SpanglerJacob born about 1869
SpanglerLat born about 1905
SpanglerLaverne born about 1934
SpanglerPricilla born about 1872
SpanglerWilliam born about 1860
StevensElizabeth born about 1882
StevensReuben born about 1883
StonecipherWilliam born about 1904
StubeJohn born about 1926
StubeNicholas born about 1887
StubeWanda born about 1887
SzramkowskiDonald born about 1932
SzramkowskiFloyd born about 1929
SzramkowskiLillia born about 1903
SzramkowskiMike born about 1902

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T Surnames

ThompsonJohn born about 1887
TinsleyFred born about 1909
TinsleyJames Aborn about 1905
TinsleyNancy Annborn about
TrouttDonald born about 1931
TrouttErnest Claudeborn about 1924
TrouttErnie born about 1894
TrouttHattie born about 1903
TrouttKathleen born about 1906
TrouttRuth born about 1887
TrouttShelie born about 1905
TrouttW Flaydborn about 1880
TulleyClaudie born about 1886
TulleyEarl Geneborn about 1931
TulleyElmer born about 1910
TulleyVerna Maeborn about 1935
TulleyWalter born about 1882

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V Surnames

VarbauskiPeter Jborn about 1891
VermannArthur born about 1916
VermannNeva born about 1920

W Surnames

WansbeckerBelle born about 1873
WansbeckerFrank Mborn about 1870
WatkinsLa Rueborn about 1928
WatkinsMaurice born about 1925
WatkinsOlive Mborn about 1862
WatkinsRoger Eborn about 1935
WatkinsViva born about 1898
WatkinsWilliam born about 1896
WatsonJ Wborn about 1874
WatsonOllie born about 1873
WaughnAnna born about 1885
WaughnCharles Fborn about 1884
WegmanEd born about 1905
WegmanHarold Eduardborn about 1934
WegmanJerry Leeborn about 1938
WegmanMargaret born about
WegmanNick born about 1877
WegmannGeorge born about 1908
WegmannGertude born about 1909
WegmannMary Louborn about 1933
WeisbecherIda born about 1878
WeisbecherJacob born about 1873
WeisbecherMargaret born about 1921
WeisbecherRonald Deanborn about
WeisbeckerFern born about 1908
WeisbeckerHerry born about 1874
WeisbeckerHoward born about 1903
WeisbeckerLina born about 1875
WeisbeckerMarion born about 1927
WeisbeckerMilton born about 1930
WestenJustice born about 1918
WestenSarah born about 1923
WhitsellJames Hborn about 1876
WhitsellJohn born about 1869
WhitsellMary born about
WhitsellMary born about 1880
WhitsellWilma born about 1925
WilleyCharles born about
WilleyHattie born about 1873
WilliamsAlice born about 1914
WilliamsElla born about
WilliamsHenry born about
WilliamsJames born about
WilliamsLupella born about 1881
WilliamsMarilyn born about 1907
WilliamsThomas born about 1874
WilliamsWalter born about 1908
WilliamsWilliam born about 1905
WilsonAnna born about 1890
WilsonCatherine born about 1917
WilsonCharles Fborn about 1884
WilsonClara born about 1889
WilsonEdward born about 1883
WilsonFredia born about 1894
WilsonHazel Morieborn about 1937
WilsonHelen born about 1887
WilsonHoward Oborn about 1919
WilsonJohn Tborn about 1877
WilsonRalph Lborn about 1918
WilsonStanley born about 1922
WilsonViola born about 1880
WilsonW Wborn about 1879
WilsonWoodrow born about 1913
WinesburghShelie born about 1876
WinesburghStephen Tborn about 1910
WoodCharles born about 1921
WoodClyde born about 1886
WoodHarold born about 1919
WoodKatie born about 1878
WoodLala born about 1887
WoodNelson Aborn about 1878
WoodsonesLaura born about 1863
WoodsonesS Eborn about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZawasckeLeo born about 1911
ZawasckeMabel born about 1919
ZawasckePaul born about 1939
ZimmerMaggie born about 1868

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