1940 U.S. Federal Census of Crater, Calhoun, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Calhoun County > 1940 Census of Crater

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndresLeo Hborn about 1896
AndresLeola Ceciliaborn about 1931
AndresMary Violaborn about 1901
AngelArthur born about 1904
AngelGerald born about 1937
AngelHamer born about 1938
AngelHarvey born about 1938
AngelHilda born about 1930
AngelMary born about 1936
AngelPauline born about 1932
AngelRosa born about 1910
AngelWilliam born about 1934
AngelWilma Jeanborn about 1933

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B Surnames

BanghartAlfred born about 1929
BanghartElizabeth born about 1896
BanghartElizabeth Annborn about 1937
BanghartFrank Wborn about 1889
BanghartFrank Jr born about 1924
BanghartNugent Jenneborn about 1938
BanghartSlyvester born about 1920
BaumannBernadetta born about 1924
BaumannCecilia born about 1919
BaumannDelores born about 1927
BaumannDorothy born about 1914
BaumannEdna born about 1919
BaumannEdward born about 1914
BaumannEugene born about 1921
BaumannHelen born about 1914
BaumannJoan born about 1934
BaumannJoe born about 1881
BaumannJohn Mborn about 1875
BaumannJohn Jr born about 1914
BaumannMartin born about 1878
BaumannMary born about 1883
BaumannMary born about 1887
BaumannRose born about 1926
BaumannVincent born about 1920
BauserCaza born about 1912
BauserDeiter born about 1937
BauserDorris born about 1934
BauserEdnsa born about 1891
BauserEula born about 1927
BauserJames born about 1880
BauserJames Jr born about 1922
BauserJeann born about 1935
BauserWm born about 1931
BeckCarl born about 1932
BeckChas born about 1870
BeckFern born about 1893
BeckGale born about 1929
BeckThelma born about 1927
BeckerAloys born about 1933
BeckerCarmalita born about 1934
BeckerEugene born about 1929
BeckerEvelyn born about 1926
BeckerFlorine born about 1913
BeckerHelen born about 1930
BeckerJerome born about 1938
BeckerJohn Wborn about 1899
BeckerJohn Jr born about 1936
BeckerJoseph born about 1908
BeckerLola born about 1905
BeckerNorman born about 1935
BeckerRalph born about 1932
BeckerSara Janeborn about 1932
BeckerSylvester born about 1924
BeckerVincent born about 1937
BellmCaroline born about 1888
BellmEdna born about 1918
BellmFrank born about 1888
BellmNorbert born about 1915
BellmRonny Joeborn about 1939
BellmWilfred Jborn about 1919
BoothBessie born about 1897
BoothBetsy Annborn about 1936
BoothCraig Rayborn about 1922
BoothCurtis Wborn about 1925
BoothEdw Jborn about 1937
BoothElizabeth born about 1929
BoothFreada born about 1918
BoothJerry Oborn about 1936
BoothLawden born about 1918
BoothLuther Aborn about 1934
BoothMary Aliceborn about 1931
BoothVincent Eborn about 1939
BoothWm Hborn about 1915
BoothWm Pborn about 1889
BoughOdessa born about 1920
BrangenbergCarl born about 1913
BrangenbergHelen born about 1939
BrangenbergJoe born about 1904
BrangenbergJoseph Jr born about 1937
BrangenbergLeba born about 1916
BrangenbergLindell born about 1940
BrangenbergMabel born about 1907
BrangenbergMartha born about 1913
BrangenbergMichael born about 1878
BrangenbergRose born about 1880
BrangenbergWm born about 1885
BrennJames born about 1915
BrownSte Evelynborn about 1905

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C Surnames

CarltonOrval born about 1912
ChurchmanChas born about 1884
ChurchmanChas Jr born about 1919
ChurchmanDonna Joanborn about 1939
ChurchmanDoris born about 1939
ChurchmanFrank born about 1914
ChurchmanFremont born about 1911
ChurchmanJohn born about 1917
ChurchmanLarry born about 1940
ChurchmanLouise born about 1882
ChurchmanNellie born about 1912
ChurchmanRussel born about 1933
ChurchmanThelma born about 1920
CoaterFrak born about 1872
CraigmilerEverett born about 1939
CraigmilerJames Eborn about 1919
CraigmilerNancey born about 1920

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D Surnames

DegerliaHarvey born about 1884
DegerliaLydia born about 1866
DirksmeyerDorothy born about 1918
DirksmeyerLe Roy born about 1939
DirksmeyerLois born about 1928
DirksmeyerLucile born about 1937
DirksmeyerRobert born about 1926
DirksmeyerWm Oborn about 1905
DirksmeyersEdger born about 1924
DirksmeyersEdward born about 1924
DirksmeyersMargaret born about 1890
DirksmeyersMartin born about 1887

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E Surnames

EwanElizabeth born about 1935
EwanFreda born about 1905
EwanJohn Joeborn about 1933
EwanJoseph Edwborn about 1939
EwanJoseph Hborn about 1905
EwenChas born about 1867
EwenEtta born about 1909
EwenJohn born about 1909
EwenJohn Jr born about 1935
EwenRose Maryborn about 1938

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F Surnames

FisherAlbert Aborn about 1873
FisherBetty Eborn about 1938
FisherGenevieve born about 1907
FisherGenevieve born about 1940
FisherJohn Rborn about 1927
FisherRobert Aborn about 1930
FisherRose Mborn about 1932
FisherWalter born about 1906
FisherWalter Jr born about 1934
FlynnSte Mary Edmundborn about 1896
FoilesMeca Eborn about 1913
FoilesShelby Wborn about 1910
FoilesWm born about 1876
FoxArchie Dborn about 1894
FreesmeyerAmanda born about 1912
FreesmeyerDean born about 1936
FreesmeyerLe Roy born about 1933
FreesmeyerNorma born about 1939
FreesmeyerRalph born about 1894

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G Surnames

GanszElsie Eborn about 1920
GanszErma Leeborn about 1939
GanszFred Aborn about 1917
GehlhausenHerman born about 1882
GehlhausenKatie born about 1878
GenszEmma born about 1878
GenszHenry born about 1877
GillAurthur Sborn about 1884
GodarCleters born about 1916
GodarCletus Jr born about 1939
GodarEileen born about 1920
GreenJohanna born about 1864
GressBernice born about 1903
GressEdwin Jborn about 1902
GressEmma Louborn about 1927
GressHubert born about 1869
GressWm Rborn about 1901
GressWm Jr born about 1930
GroverCecilia born about 1914
GroverClarence born about 1911
GroverClarence Jr born about 1931
GroverEsther born about 1912
GroverJames born about 1864
GroverLeonard born about 1914
GroverLoretta born about 1937
GroverMary Ceciliaborn about 1932

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H Surnames

HausmanEdw born about 1924
HaynAlois Pborn about 1908
HaynCatherine born about 1926
HaynEdw Cborn about 1916
HaynElizabeth born about 1889
HaynFerd born about 1917
HaynFrank born about 1912
HaynIrene Bborn about 1911
HaynJerome Aborn about 1938
HaynJulia born about 1915
HaynLouise born about 1878
HaynThersa born about 1923
HaynWm born about 1921
HeidenreichFreda born about 1906
HendricksonHoward born about 1911
HendricksonLena born about 1909
HendricksonRose Ellenborn about 1938
HerbertCarlyn born about 1939
HerbertJoan born about 1935
HerbertJoe Jr born about 1907
HerbertJohn born about 1872
HerbertJoseph born about 1860
HerbertRita born about 1937
HerbertRose born about 1914
HousemanCarl born about 1937
HousemanDorothya born about 1929
HousemanEdward born about 1925
HousemanElmer born about 1931
HousemanFred born about 1921
HousemanHarold born about 1935
HousemanHarry born about 1897
HousemanLora born about 1906

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K Surnames

KinmanSamuel Jborn about 1887
KinmanVilla born about 1903
KinscherffAlbert Pborn about 1875
KinscherffKate born about 1876
KlunkArthur Leenardborn about 1927
KlunkCatharine born about 1926
KlunkDoris born about 1935
KlunkEdward born about 1929
KlunkEvelyn born about 1910
KlunkGleada born about 1901
KlunkHenry Mborn about 1886
KlunkJames born about 1936
KlunkJohn born about 1916
KlunkJosephine born about 1889
KlunkKathryn born about 1939
KlunkLawrence born about 1903
KlunkMarjorie born about 1933
KlunkMary Annborn about 1930
KlunkMichael born about 1889
KlunkRobert born about 1934
KlunkRuth born about 1921
KlunkThresa born about 1938
KlunkValentine born about 1904
KlunkVol Joseph Jrborn about 1932

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M Surnames

MicklesEdward born about 1888
MielkeMarie born about 1898
MielkeWm born about 1910

N Surnames

NaughtonSte M???born about 1910
NelsonCrick born about 1891
NewmanClaude born about 1910
NewmanGerald born about 1940
NewmanIrene born about 1915
NewmanRonald born about 1938
NordJohn born about 1913

O Surnames

OcttleElla born about 1880
OcttleRaymond born about 1905
OettleJames born about 1934
OettleJerry born about 1936
OettleKathryn born about 1910
OettleRussell born about 1911
OrmstrongCecile Rborn about 1915
OrmstrongHugh Kborn about 1908
OrmstrongRoy Eborn about 1933
OrmstrongShirley Aborn about 1935

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P Surnames

PohlmanBernard Hborn about 1910
PohlmanEunice born about 1918
PyattCleo born about 1930
PyattJackie born about 1939
PyattJeanett born about 1939
PyattJoan born about 1933
PyattLena born about 1911
PyattLouie born about 1926
PyattRomie born about 1908
PyattRuby born about 1922
PyattVirgil born about 1912
PyettEdward born about 1939
PyettFern born about 1916
PyettGilbert born about 1929
PyettViolet born about 1938
PyettWilfred born about 1926
PyettWm Cborn about 1905

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R Surnames

RhoadsChristinia born about 1905
RhoadsGrace Mborn about 1932
RhoadsWm Aborn about 1907
RhoadsWm Jr born about 1928
RitterArthur born about 1929
RobeenAndrew born about
RobeenCurtis born about 1922
RobeenHarold born about 1918
RobeenMargaret born about 1889
RobeenMark born about 1931
RobeenVincent born about 1928
RobeenVirinia born about 1926
RoentzAlbert Fborn about 1894
RoentzAnna born about 1905
RoentzFrank born about 1861
RoentzJohn Lborn about 1896
RoentzKavrie born about 1921
RoentzLen Aborn about 1864
RoentzMargaret born about 1925
RoentzMary Cborn about 1887
RoentzMildred born about 1933
RoentzWilliam born about 1927
RothAlfred born about 1923
RothAnna born about 1901
RothAnna Marieborn about 1935
RothCarl born about 1929
RothChas Jborn about 1896
RothCony born about 1891
RothEdna born about 1922
RothElenor born about 1922
RothEugene born about 1934
RothHarold born about 1923
RothHelen born about 1926
RothJoe Fborn about 1892
RothJohn Mborn about 1864
RothJoseph Aborn about 1917
RothKathrine born about 1899
RothMary born about 1884
RothMary Aborn about 1864
RothMary Annborn about 1936
RothMilba born about 1932
RothMildred born about 1929
RothRaphael born about 1925
RothRavid born about 1938
RothRosa born about 1911
RothSadie born about 1904
RothWilliam born about 1925
RoundcountArnese born about 1923
RoundcountClarence born about 1889
RoundcountElizabeth born about 1896
RoundcountFrancis born about 1916
RoundcountJoerome born about 1923
RoundcountRaymond born about 1921
RyettBilly born about 1936
RyettGetrude born about 1912
RyettJesse born about 1901
RyettPaul Jeanborn about 1931

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S Surnames

SchneiderChas Jborn about 1886
SchneiderChas P Jrborn about 1937
SchneiderDobrald born about 1921
SchneiderErnastine born about 1896
SchneiderFrank born about 1898
SchumannAlbrirta born about 1929
SchumannAnna born about 1884
SchumannArlegh Louborn about 1929
SchumannBertha born about 1904
SchumannBetty born about 1934
SchumannCatherine born about 1931
SchumannDoretha born about 1932
SchumannEdna born about 1902
SchumannEdward Cborn about 1892
SchumannElizabeth born about 1938
SchumannEvelyn born about 1927
SchumannFlossie born about 1900
SchumannFloyd born about 1934
SchumannFrank Jborn about 1889
SchumannHatte born about 1904
SchumannHenry Mborn about 1859
SchumannIolo born about 1932
SchumannJames born about 1930
SchumannJohn born about 1860
SchumannKarl born about 1937
SchumannLawrence born about 1901
SchumannLawrence Jr born about 1927
SchumannLoretta Mborn about 1924
SchumannLouis born about 1886
SchumannMary born about 1904
SchumannPhilip Fborn about 1897
SchumannRaymond born about 1927
SchumannRoy Lborn about 1899
SchumannWilliam born about 1925
SheehyRev F Mborn about 1896
ShumannArthur born about 1900
ShumannHelen born about 1933
ShumannHenery born about 1934
ShumannRosemary born about 1927
ShumannTina born about 1908
SibleyEoris Melbaborn about 1926
SibleyJoseph born about 1892
SibleyMinnie born about 1892
SibleyVincent Pborn about 1930
SieversAlbert born about 1908
SieversIsabelle born about 1917
StelbrinkAnna born about 1875
StelbrinkJohn born about 1870
StelbrinkMarie Nonaborn about 1908
StelbrinkMarjorie born about 1933
StelbrinkWm born about 1927
StelbrinkWm Aborn about 1902
SullibanEd born about 1890

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T Surnames

TarpyAustin born about 1871
TerneusConrad born about 1934
TerneusEugeina born about 1911
TerneusEverett born about 1914
TolbertChas Leeborn about 1920
TolbertEmial born about 1896
TolbertEmial Jr born about 1925
TolbertHarry born about 1934
TolbertIrene born about 1899
TolbertJesse born about 1931
TolbertLewis born about 1847
TolbertMartha born about 1926
TolbertMyrtle born about 1929
TolbertRay born about 1936
TrauflerEdward Jborn about 1922
TrauflerEmma born about 1873
TrauflerFrank born about 1859
TrauflerJoseph born about 1898
TrauflerMary Kborn about 1889
TrauflerMollie born about 1866
TrauflerPeter Fborn about 1890
TremerBonna Ruthborn about 1935
TremerJoseph Wborn about 1883
TremerJosephine born about 1924
TremerLora Mayborn about 1925
TremerMary Janeborn about 1922
TremerMyrtle born about 1889
TremerWm born about 1928

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V Surnames

VetterFrank born about 1898
VetterRuth born about 1903

W Surnames

WattsCehas Hborn about 1894
WattsLowel Janeborn about 1933
WattsSara born about 1894
WattsWm born about 1929
WirthBarbara born about 1861
WirthErtuerde born about 1924
WirthGeorge born about 1886
WirthJerome born about 1912
WirthJoseph born about 1913
WirthLena born about 1892
WirthMildred born about 1938

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Z Surnames

ZepprichBarbara born about 1909
ZepprichCarl Jborn about 1882
ZepprichElizabeth born about 1881
ZipprichAdam born about 1886
ZipprichAugust born about 1920
ZipprichDelores born about 1927
ZipprichDorothy born about 1934
ZipprichEdward born about 1916
ZipprichFrank born about 1894
ZipprichHelen born about 1929
ZipprichHenry Mborn about 1880
ZipprichHenry Jr born about 1907
ZipprichIrwin born about 1901
ZipprichJames born about 1926
ZipprichLena born about 1895
ZipprichLeo born about 1918
ZipprichLeonard born about 1881
ZipprichLucilla born about 1918
ZipprichM born about 1855
ZipprichMarcella born about 1920
ZipprichMargaret born about 1900
ZipprichMargaret born about 1915
ZipprichMargaret Annborn about 1938
ZipprichMary born about 1940
ZipprichMary Mborn about 1938
ZipprichMellisha born about 1859
ZipprichRobert born about 1924
ZipprichSelma born about 1909
ZipprichSelma Leeborn about 1933
ZipprichVincent born about 1918
ZipprichWm Fborn about 1894

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