1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dupage County, DuPage, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > DuPage County > 1940 Census of Dupage County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottAllen Rborn about 1937
AbbottAnnebelle Gborn about 1911
AbbottArlene Mborn about 1939
AbbottCharles Tborn about 1913
AbbottLevette Cborn about 1903
AbbottLevette Cborn about 1930
AbbottLillian born about 1907
AbelElizabeth born about 1901
AbelJulius Gborn about 1896
AbelKenneth born about 1921
AbelRichard born about 1938
AbelRobert born about 1938
AckermanDouglas born about 1930
AdamsBertha born about 1924
AdamsBertha Hborn about 1898
AdamsBetty Iborn about 1928
AdamsDavid Gborn about 1909
AdamsDavid Wborn about 1880
AdamsFelix Cborn about 1897
AdamsIlanae born about 1929
AdamsIrine Mborn about 1885
AdamsMeta Nborn about 1909
AdkerWillie born about 1861
AlbertDavid born about 1926
AlbertEdw Rborn about 1896
AlbertGertrude born about 1896
AlbertMarion born about 1929
AlbertThoma born about 1928
AlbrechtAlma born about 1896
AlbrechtHenry Eborn about 1869
AlbrechtMarie born about 1868
AlexanderEarl Cborn about 1885
AlexanderHazel born about 1881
AliceKuhfal born about 1936
AlsenArlene born about 1927
AlsenEdward born about 1928
AlsenJohn born about 1931
AlsenMary Louborn about 1930
AlsenMyrtle born about 1902
AlsenShirley born about 1923
AmackerCharles Fborn about 1877
AmackerMina Lborn about 1879
AmbroseAllen born about 1897
AmbroseMrs Helenborn about 1898
AmentCarl Cborn about 1886
AmentEsther born about 1901
AmentMariela born about 1928
AndersElsie born about 1872
AndersEphrain born about 1867
AndersenGust born about 1876
AndersonAgnes Chrisborn about 1888
AndersonArvid born about 1892
AndersonArvid Aborn about 1923
AndersonCarl Bborn about 1888
AndersonChester born about 1920
AndersonHarry Wborn about 1883
AndersonHelen born about 1910
AndersonJean born about 1920
AndersonLawrence born about 1917
AndersonLillian born about 1890
AndersonRay born about 1926
AndersonTena born about 1893
AndrykowskiCatherine born about 1905
AndrykowskiEdward born about 1904
AndrykowskiHarold born about 1933
AndrykowskiRichard born about 1931
AnnaHirth born about 1920
AnneCatherine born about 1889
AnneJessie born about 1921
AnneMarian born about 1923
ArmbrustChris born about 1933
ArmbrustChris Jborn about 1904
ArmbrustDoanld born about 1931
ArmbrustDorothy born about 1934
ArmbrustEmma born about 1907
ArmbrustJohn born about 1884
ArmbrustKatherine born about 1886
ArmbrustMarjory born about 1935
ArmbrusterAdolph Aborn about 1911
ArmbrusterAlbert Eborn about 1927
ArmbrusterThea born about 1907
ArmstrongArmond Wborn about 1906
ArmstrongEdw born about 1903
ArmstrongMary born about 1906
ArmstrongMildred born about 1908
ArnoldGertrude Mborn about 1899
ArnoldLyle born about 1886
ArnoldThurman Gborn about 1891
ArthurBerth born about 1928
AtkinsonBernice born about 1913
AtkinsonCraig born about 1903
AtkinsonEvern born about 1875
AtkinsonHugh born about 1934
AtkinsonJohn born about 1936
AtkinsonLawrence born about 1939
AtkinsonMargaret born about 1908
AtkinsonOliver Cborn about 1879
AtkinsonWilliam Oborn about 1913
AugustConstantin born about 1866
AugustKlauch born about 1868
AugustLubnow born about 1877
AytonCharlotte born about 1896
AytonHarvey Sborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabcockMrs Chas Sborn about 1867
BackenArthur born about 1902
BackenVivian born about 1905
BaerAlice born about 1895
BaerCarl born about 1887
BaerCarl Oborn about 1922
BaerElizabeth born about 1921
BaerMartha born about 1930
BaerMary born about 1898
BaerMary Aliceborn about 1924
BaerOrth born about 1898
BaerPatricia Annborn about 1926
BaimbridgeBeverly born about 1939
BaimbridgeFr Dborn about 1896
BaimbridgeMarion born about 1897
BakelmannWilliam born about 1857
BandsauHilda born about 1899
BanksCharles born about 1939
BanksEdward born about 1911
BanksElsie born about 1917
BarbourHenry Oborn about 1925
BarbourMargaret born about 1932
BarclowHelen born about 1903
BarclowRoberts born about 1901
BardenAhijah Jborn about 1887
BardenJosephine born about 1886
BardenJudson born about 1921
BarkerFred born about 1895
BarkerMrs Mildredborn about 1897
BarkerMuriel born about 1923
BarlogaMildred born about 1903
BarnhartClarence born about 1901
BarnhartFrancis born about 1908
BarnhartRobert born about 1934
BaronLouisa born about 1858
BarrCharlene born about 1926
BarrChas Lborn about 1926
BarrRoderick born about 1931
BarrowRuth born about 1917
BartelsAnna born about 1870
BatemanBeth born about 1932
BatemanChas Aborn about 1906
BatemanEmily born about 1909
BatemanJoan born about 1930
BattershellCharles Aborn about 1895
BattershellDavid born about 1928
BattershellJohn born about 1932
BattershellMrs Mildredborn about 1898
BauderDon Cborn about 1897
BauderDonald born about 1937
BauderElenor born about 1900
BauderGeo born about 1933
BauerDoris born about 1906
BauerGeorge born about 1898
BauerRichard born about 1933
BauerSussan born about 1935
BaumCecelia born about 1913
BaumDonald born about 1928
BaumEsther born about 1912
BaumGerald born about 1936
BaumKatherine born about 1886
BaumKatherine born about 1916
BaumMary born about 1920
BaumPeter Pborn about 1908
BausenJohn Pborn about 1904
BavierBarbara born about 1935
BavierFred born about 1900
BavierRuth born about 1904
BavisH Bborn about 1880
BavisJessie born about 1880
BeachBetty Gborn about 1935
BeachCharles Fborn about 1906
BeachEdward Cborn about 1902
BeachElizabeth born about 1915
BeachMary Aborn about 1901
BeachMary Aborn about 1933
BeachRegina born about 1869
BealDonald born about 1906
BealJohn born about 1934
BealVivien born about 1905
BeckerDonna Maeborn about 1937
BeckerEmilie born about 1872
BeckerEmma born about 1900
BeckerGeorge born about 1902
BeckerMary born about 1868
BeckerViola born about 1910
BeekmanGale born about 1925
BeekmanMyron Cborn about 1922
BeekmanMyron Hborn about 1887
BeekmanNaomi Fborn about 1892
BeekmanTed Fborn about 1917
BeggsClarence born about 1909
BeggsFrank Cborn about 1871
BeggsLouise born about 1885
BeisnerBeata born about 1880
BeisnerClara born about 1887
BeisnerHenry born about 1875
BeisnerHerman born about 1882
BelangerEdith born about 1889
BelangerJames born about 1886
BelangerJean born about 1924
BelangerRobt born about 1917
BelltramoBarbara born about 1933
BelltramoCarol born about 1938
BelltramoJames born about 1911
BelltramoJames born about 1930
BelltramoNyma born about 1912
BelltramoRobert born about 1932
BelltramoRonald born about 1936
BenderAllen born about 1912
BenderEmma Mborn about 1892
BenderEthel born about 1918
BenderFrank Jborn about 1891
BenderLois born about 1934
BenderRobert born about 1938
BenderRory born about 1902
BenderRuth born about 1905
BendienEdith born about 1891
BendlEvelyn born about 1918
BendlFrank born about 1914
BendlRichard born about 1937
BenhartGladys born about 1916
BenhartHarold Gborn about 1915
BenhartLena born about 1881
BennettDavid born about 1938
BennettHelen born about 1906
BennettMary born about 1937
BennettWalter born about 1904
BensonFr Jr born about 1939
BensonFranklyn born about 1911
BensonMarjory born about 1915
BentheyCharlotte born about 1878
BentheyFred Jborn about 1878
BerettMrs Berthaborn about 1893
BerettRalph born about 1887
BerkesDolores Cborn about 1923
BerkesElizabeth Mborn about 1879
BerkesJohn born about 1883
BerkesLena born about 1891
BerkesLeo Hborn about 1906
BerkesLouise born about 1904
BerkesMarie Mborn about 1916
BerryBetty Louborn about 1926
BerryDorothy born about 1906
BerryEdward born about 1928
BerryGeorge born about 1900
BerryGeorge born about 1938
BerryValerie born about 1934
BertViolet born about 1911
BerthaHjornevils born about 1905
BeschAlice born about 1928
BeschAloyisious born about 1904
BeschAnna Mborn about 1893
BeschAnna Mborn about 1924
BeschAnthony Nborn about 1898
BeschBarbara Sborn about 1898
BeschBernard born about 1899
BeschBernard born about 1927
BeschCornelia born about 1898
BeschDonald born about 1925
BeschEvelyn born about 1868
BeschFrances born about 1932
BeschFrank Bborn about 1892
BeschGeorge born about 1932
BeschHarold born about 1928
BeschHelen born about 1909
BeschIrwin born about 1925
BeschJohn Jborn about 1888
BeschJohn Nborn about 1925
BeschMarie born about 1896
BeschMichael born about 1870
BeschTeresa born about 1923
BeuermanCatherine born about 1904
BeuermanNancy born about 1928
BeuermanRobert born about 1930
BeuermanRoy born about 1901
BeuversDora born about 1860
BeuversLavern born about 1908
BickBeatrice born about 1900
BickPatrica born about 1934
BickReuben born about 1899
BickRichard born about 1925
BickWilliam born about 1927
BiehlEva born about 1891
BiehlTheodore born about 1894
BiehlTheodore Jr born about 1918
BiehlVernett born about 1920
BielHelen Mborn about 1940
BielMargaret Cborn about 1911
BielWilliam Aborn about 1910
BielWilliam Aborn about 1934
BiesterfeldAlma born about 1912
BiesterfeldAnna born about 1883
BiesterfeldDollie born about 1908
BiesterfeldElmer born about 1904
BiesterfeldIrwin born about 1909
BiesterfeldRalph born about 1931
BiesterfeldRoger born about 1930
BiesterfeldRonald born about 1933
BinneboeseArthur born about 1895
BinneboeseArthur born about 1919
BinneboeseHarold born about 1923
BinneboeseNaomi born about 1929
BinneboeseRamona born about 1896
BinneboeseVictor born about 1921
BirkelbackAlbert born about 1927
BirkelbackAnny born about 1904
BirkelbackAugust born about 1896
BirkelbackRaymond born about 1932
BishopDelores born about 1933
BishopKermit born about 1905
BishopLeona born about 1907
BishopShirley born about 1935
BlackBernice born about 1910
BlackBruce born about 1938
BlackHenry born about 1908
BlairElizabeth born about 1880
BlairFranklin Hborn about 1881
BlombergArthur born about 1909
BlombergErnest Fborn about 1904
BlombergIda born about 1903
BlombergLenora born about 1934
BlombergVictor born about 1935
BlomgergMartha born about 1873
BlueMaxine born about 1915
BochmerDaryl born about 1931
BochmerHelen born about 1898
BochmerPhyliss born about 1933
BochmerSpencer born about 1896
BockAnders born about 1886
BockDarlene born about 1939
BockHenry born about 1906
BockMrytle born about 1916
BodellBruce born about 1929
BodellLida born about 1905
BodellMark born about 1891
BodellVirginia born about 1926
BoehmeAnna born about 1856
BoehmeEleanor born about 1919
BoehmeFred born about 1854
BoehmeGertrude born about 1892
BoehmeMoritz born about 1890
BoehmeRobert born about 1927
BognerM Vereaborn about 1919
BohnhoffAgnes born about 1895
BohnhoffJoan born about 1933
BohnhoffLavern born about 1921
BohnhoffLewis born about 1895
BohnhoffMelvin born about 1923
BohnowDorothy born about 1905
BohnowGeo Aborn about 1895
BokelmanHelen born about 1928
BokelmanHenry born about 1891
BokelmanLouise born about 1896
BokelmanMerwin born about 1925
BokelmanStanley born about 1923
BokelmannClara born about 1901
BokelmannOtto born about 1902
BokelmannRuth born about 1928
BollwegCharles born about 1929
BollwegHenry Jborn about 1906
BollwegMarie Aborn about 1936
BollwegMarie Mborn about 1907
BollwegRichard born about 1933
BollwegThomas born about 1935
BonnetArthur Gustavborn about 1901
BonnetChristina Kborn about 1868
BottermanBetty Annborn about 1929
BottermanEdna born about 1908
BottermanErnest born about 1901
BottermanHenry born about 1900
BottermanRalph born about 1934
BoydenEsther born about 1901
BoydenRalph Wborn about 1905
BoyerGrace born about 1873
BoyleElizabeth born about 1881
BoylstonGloria born about 1937
BoylstonM Jborn about 1895
BoylstonPatricia born about 1930
BoylstonVeima born about 1895
BoyteMrs Majorieborn about 1889
BrackmanMarie born about 1893
BrackmanMartin born about 1893
BrackmanRuth born about 1921
BradshaerCharoltte born about 1861
BrannerClara born about 1888
BrannerJohn born about 1922
BrannerRandolf born about 1888
BrehamGeorge Sborn about 1884
BrehamHarriet Mborn about 1927
BrehamMargaret Hborn about 1932
BrehamMaude born about 1898
BrehamWilliam Lborn about 1928
BremerEd born about 1902
BrewarEdward born about 1874
BrewarMary born about 1886
BriggsPearl Mborn about 1883
BriggsRobert Oborn about 1885
BrinkmanDonald born about 1924
BrinkmanFae born about 1936
BrinkmanGeorge born about 1921
BrinkmanHerman Wborn about 1883
BrinkmanMinnie born about 1889
BrittonIvy Mborn about 1900
BromleyCharles born about 1928
BromleyDonald born about 1899
BromleyDonald Jr born about 1933
BromleyElizabeth born about 1906
BromleyRobert born about 1930
BrownBernice born about 1911
BrownEdw born about 1906
BrownEdw Jr born about 1938
BrummelEdith born about 1921
BrumnelDorothy born about 1922
BruningGlen born about 1923
BruningJohn Vborn about 1922
BruningLilly born about 1900
BruningOlive born about 1897
BuchnerAnton born about 1906
BuchnerDavid born about 1930
BuchnerEdith born about 1907
BuchnerMary born about 1937
BuckmanBeulah born about 1911
BuckmanHarry Fborn about 1910
BuckmanLouise born about 1882
BuegeCharles born about 1920
BullamoreDelbert born about 1914
BullamoreDorothy born about 1917
BullamoreNancy Annborn about 1938
BungeAlice Fborn about 1910
BungeAnne Lborn about 1885
BungeConstance born about 1921
BungeEsther Hborn about 1915
BungePhilip born about 1925
BungeS Dborn about 1878
BurkeAlice born about 1890
BurkeEdw Jborn about 1885
BurkeRichard born about 1917
BurkeRobert born about 1884
BurkeRobert born about 1916
BurkhardtM Lborn about 1865
BurnettAmy born about 1882
BurniceLovering born about 1927
BurnsMartha Jborn about 1922
Busch born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CachBilly born about 1920
CachCecil born about 1889
CachMariam born about 1918
CachSue born about 1887
CaldwellZana born about 1900
CaliniendoViolet born about 1918
CallBetty born about 1923
CallLloyd born about 1894
CallLolita born about 1930
CallVera born about 1895
CampbellAbby born about 1879
CampbellFrank born about 1871
CannAlice born about 1896
CannAndrew Jborn about 1893
CannDuane born about 1917
CarlsonClifton Cborn about 1905
CarlsonEbba born about 1869
CarlsonGustave born about 1873
CarlsonJas Bborn about 1926
CarlsonLivinee born about 1897
CarlsonNettie born about 1880
CarlsonRay Cborn about 1895
CarlsonRobt born about 1922
CarlsonRuby born about 1900
CarmellaEscarcia born about 1922
CarnickDelores born about 1926
CarnickDick born about 1935
CarnickDonald born about 1929
CarnickJames born about 1932
CarnickLeslie born about 1924
CarnickLeslie Fborn about 1901
CarnickNorma born about 1900
CarolWetterman born about 1929
CarrCaroline born about 1903
CarrRaymond born about 1891
CarsonMabel born about 1883
CarterAdlelaide born about 1902
CarterBert Cborn about 1892
CarybellBetty born about 1924
CarybellClarissa born about 1904
CarybellDonald born about 1926
CarybellJean Annborn about 1931
CarybellLoraine born about 1922
CarybellThomas born about 1902
CavanaughAlphonso born about 1871
CavanaughMable Aborn about 1881
ChalbergEarl born about 1902
ChalbergGrace born about 1908
ChalbergPeter born about 1933
ChalbergSusan born about 1938
CharlesBurmeister born about 1861
ChattertonE Sborn about 1891
ChattertonElsie born about 1891
ChessmanAmanda born about 1886
ChessmanRobert born about 1879
ChestermanMarilyn born about 1939
ChoyceBonnie born about 1925
ChoyceClarence born about 1901
ChoyceCynthia born about 1931
ChoyceIrma born about 1900
ChoyceOhn born about 1932
ChristNoller born about 1929
ChristianIrene born about 1906
ChristianWalter born about 1907
CichyLucy born about 1885
ClarenceManning born about 1927
ClarkAlice Amyborn about 1932
ClarkAmanda born about 1903
ClarkCarol born about 1931
ClarkHarry Oborn about 1896
ClarkJames born about 1929
ClarkJames born about 1933
ClarkKatherene born about 1902
ClarkRoy born about 1903
ClarkRoy born about 1929
ClaudineNoller born about 1927
ClemensonFredrick Wborn about 1896
ClemensonMyrtle born about 1899
ClemensonWilliam born about 1929
ClineHerbert born about 1893
ClineJone born about 1920
ClineLeone born about 1896
ClineWilliam born about 1922
ClucasAnna born about 1895
ClucasFrank born about 1919
ClucasLuella born about 1922
ClucasNorman born about 1922
ClucasWilliam born about 1887
ClucasWilliam born about 1917
CobbNina Yborn about 1900
CobbRalph Bborn about 1888
CochranEva born about 1905
ColeEdna born about 1910
ColeFrancis born about 1907
ColeJames born about 1939
ColeRobert born about 1935
CollardHarry born about 1886
CollinsEllen Bborn about 1872
CollinsGeo born about 1868
CollmanLinda Loisborn about 1937
CollmanMrs Almaborn about 1911
CollmanWalda born about 1907
ComanEmily born about 1888
ComanFlorence born about 1919
ComanIrene born about 1920
ComanThomas Fborn about 1872
CombesPauline Cborn about 1910
CombesRoland Jborn about 1898
ComerAlbert Aborn about 1903
ComerEster Mborn about 1905
ConeBarbara born about 1938
ConeJane born about 1915
ConeRichard born about 1915
ConnorsDorothy Hborn about 1923
ConnorsHelen Mborn about 1894
ConnorsJohn Jborn about 1893
ConnorsRose Mborn about 1928
CookClaire Cborn about 1891
CookEdward born about 1925
CookMatilda born about 1897
CookWilliam born about 1925
CooperAnnette born about 1917
CooperBarney born about 1917
CooperCharles born about 1921
CooperDorothy born about 1902
CooperElmer born about 1894
CooperElmer born about 1901
CooperEthel born about 1896
CooperGeorge born about 1939
CooperJean born about 1925
CooperLouis born about 1934
CooperPeggy Annborn about 1933
CooterEarl born about 1906
CooterJoan born about 1935
CooterLouise born about 1918
CooterVirginia born about 1914
CordesFred Hborn about 1881
CotieAlma born about 1912
CotiePamela born about 1939
CotieRussell Eborn about 1918
CovalskyCarl Nborn about 1884
CovalskyDagmar born about 1892
CoxDarlene born about 1939
CoxFreda born about 1909
CoxHarry Lborn about 1899
CrandellEarl born about 1884
CrandellIzo born about 1884
CraneAbraham born about 1893
CraneAdelle born about 1937
CraneBessie born about 1901
CraneDaniel born about 1936
CroalJohn born about 1895
CrockerHelena born about 1882
CrockerRobert born about 1920
CrockerRoy born about 1885
CrookerBrandt born about 1928
CrookerCarol born about 1929
CrookerElsie born about 1903
CullinsEllen born about 1905
CullinsErwin Rborn about 1884
CullinsRose born about 1938
CurtisJesse born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleidenBarbara Mborn about 1930
DaleidenGeorge born about 1912
DaleidenKatherine born about 1904
DaleidenMary born about 1910
DaleidenMary Cborn about 1901
DaleidenWilliam Bborn about 1902
DaleidenWilliam Rborn about 1931
DanaJean born about 1901
DanaWalter Dborn about 1898
DaniellsAdelaide born about 1898
DaniellsBarbara born about 1922
DaniellsJohn Earlborn about 1883
DaniellsSusanne born about 1925
DarisCuster Cborn about 1904
DarisDale Rborn about 1931
DarisFlore Dborn about 1903
DarisJacqueline Jborn about 1933
DarnellGeorge Lborn about 1901
DavisClarence Wborn about 1877
DavisEmelyn born about 1910
DavisHarry Jr born about 1907
DavisHenry born about 1919
DavisHenry Eborn about 1889
DavisIsabelle Jborn about 1910
DavisJennie Jborn about 1881
DavisJohn born about 1913
DavisMildred born about 1892
DavisMildred born about 1925
DavisPatrick born about 1933
DavisWilliams born about 1921
DayneyHugh Bborn about 1930
DayneyJane Aborn about 1932
DayneyLucille Aborn about 1906
DayneyRichard Wborn about 1933
DeanSchmieg born about 1927
DeanWilliam Jr born about 1893
DeblacioGeorge born about 1858
DegenhardtHattie born about 1915
DelanoMay born about 1893
DelanoRoy born about 1880
DeloresDehne born about 1932
DeloresSchmidt born about 1933
DempsterCharles born about 1914
DempsterDeanne born about 1938
DempsterJanise born about 1917
DempsterLaurice born about 1936
DeramiroElisa born about 1888
DerbyAlice Mborn about 1932
DerbyBruce Aborn about 1922
DerbyCora Jborn about 1896
DerbyHarry Fborn about 1897
DericksonEliz born about 1872
DevauitInez born about 1873
DevauitWm Eborn about 1867
DiamondDonna born about 1929
DiamondIrene born about 1901
DiamondWarren born about 1897
DiederichA born about 1910
DiederichBobbie Sueborn about 1939
DiederichLeora born about 1914
DiedrickJohn Cborn about 1899
DiedrickRegina born about 1899
DierschowErnest born about 1868
DieterAlice born about 1928
DieterEileen born about 1935
DieterEleanor born about 1931
DieterFlorence born about 1926
DieterGeorge born about 1904
DieterGeorge born about 1924
DieterGerald born about 1932
DieterHelen born about 1906
DieterJanet born about 1939
DieterRonald born about 1938
DiezMargaret born about 1864
DillardEdith born about 1931
DillardIvanora born about 1925
DillardJohn born about 1902
DillardLucille born about 1907
DillardVerlin born about 1933
DillehayEdw Rborn about 1901
DillehayEstelle born about 1906
DillehayJane Annborn about 1932
DillonBetty born about 1919
DillonCharles born about 1928
DillonElmer Cborn about 1887
DillonGeorgia born about 1923
DillonGrace born about 1921
DillonLilly born about 1888
DixJane born about 1918
DoddsErman Eborn about 1895
DoddsJeanice Mborn about 1930
DoddsJoan born about 1933
DoddsMerna Aborn about 1898
DodgeCass Mborn about 1882
DodgeFannie born about 1869
DodgeOrrn born about 1863
Doege born about 1922
DoegeEdward born about 1892
DoegeEliza born about 1894
DoganElizabeth born about 1900
DoganH Gborn about 1894
DoganJas Wmborn about 1924
DollAlice born about 1869
DollChas born about 1863
DollFred Thborn about 1896
DonaldCalbeck born about 1926
DonaldToppel born about 1932
DonnaFrederking born about 1933
DoranAnne born about 1934
DoranJulie born about 1898
DoranMyron Jborn about 1896
DoranMyron J Jrborn about 1931
DoranSally born about 1934
DorothyRahlfs born about 1926
DoveGena Louborn about 1933
DoveGenevieve born about 1901
DoveRadford born about 1900
DowingAnn born about 1919
DrawbaughEarl born about 1898
DrawbaughEthyl born about 1902
DrawbaughThomas Eborn about 1935
DreschBertha born about 1904
DreschHeinz born about 1925
DreschRudolph born about 1901
DrewHester Bborn about 1897
DrewRichard Hborn about 1925
DrewRoy Dborn about 1894
DrewRoy D Jrborn about 1920
DruehlHenry born about 1875
DruehlLouise X born about 1874
DubyokAnna born about 1892
DubyokJohn born about 1886
DubyokMary born about 1913
DuferLucinda born about 1895
DuggerAlice born about 1903
DuggerAlice born about 1930
DuggerHelen born about 1928
DuggerMary Mborn about 1933
DuggerO M Jrborn about 1902
DunnEdwin born about 1909
DuntemanBertha born about 1870
DutyBernadine born about 1882
DutyClara born about 1912
DutyHenry born about 1876
DutyRuth born about 1922
DwyerJohn Wborn about 1904
DwyerOlive Eborn about 1904
DyckDonald Dborn about 1938
DyckHerman Sborn about 1903
DyckMartha born about 1910
DyckRobert Eborn about 1940
DzurFrank born about 1895
DzurLaura born about 1888

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E Surnames

EarlMaxime born about 1918
EarlPearman born about 1899
EarlRadloff born about 1928
EarlToppel born about 1933
EbelElaine born about 1921
EbelingClara born about 1918
EbelingFred born about 1901
EbelingHerman Iborn about 1898
EdellmanWinefred born about 1890
EdithpRoake born about 1898
EdmondsonDavid born about 1936
EdmondsonJanet born about 1938
EdmondsonMargaret born about 1907
EdmondsonWilliam born about 1904
EdwardKrueger born about 1932
EdwardsCharles born about 1905
EdwardsCharles born about 1934
EdwardsMargaret born about 1892
EganNellie born about 1874
EggertAugust born about 1903
EggertGladys born about 1901
EhlersAmanda born about 1887
EhlersEsther born about 1908
EhlersFred Cborn about 1884
EhlertSophie born about 1858
EhrlichFrieda born about 1905
EhrlichLouis born about 1895
ElizabethPalmer born about 1930
EllenCronk born about 1933
EllenDenig born about 1880
EllisJean born about 1934
EllisJerry born about 1932
EllisJoan born about 1934
EllisMary Lborn about 1931
EllisMatilla born about 1909
EllisRoy Bborn about 1905
EllsworthLouise born about 1898
EllsworthRalph born about 1898
EllsworthRalph Jr born about 1927
ElmerRadloff born about 1922
ElmerRobenhorst born about 1912
ElsenAnna born about 1896
ElsenJohn born about 1892
ElsenMary born about 1868
ElsenMatt born about 1859
ElsenMichael born about 1890
ElsnerFrank born about 1870
ElsnerJosephine Sborn about 1874
ElsyBarbara Aborn about 1932
ElsyMariette born about 1905
ElsyStanley born about 1905
ElsyVictoria born about 1930
EmmaHalke born about 1882
EnderRose Eborn about 1908
EnderWilliam born about 1934
EnderWilliam Jborn about 1908
EndersAnne born about 1908
EndersArthur Aborn about 1919
EndersCarole born about 1935
EndersChristopher born about 1870
EndersDavid born about 1939
EndersEdward Jborn about 1902
EndersElizabeth born about 1880
EndersG Ekebborn about 1904
EndersHelen born about 1900
EndersHelen born about 1901
EndersJames Jborn about 1933
EndersJoseph born about 1912
EndersJulia Jborn about 1890
EndersLawrence born about 1900
EndersMary born about 1865
EndersMary born about 1931
EndersNicholas Jborn about 1888
EndersRobert born about 1926
EndersRose Mary Aborn about 1923
EndersTeresa born about 1897
EndersWinifred born about 1919
EndersWm born about 1886
EngelAlfred born about 1928
EngelLeroy born about 1934
EngelMartin born about 1904
EngelMyrtle born about 1904
EngramBenj born about 1905
EngramBertha born about 1917
EngramJerome born about 1939
ErbGeorge born about 1903
ErbKenneth born about 1940
ErbVerna born about 1913
EricksonDevita born about 1893
EricksonLeroy born about 1889
ErnestLeeking born about 1928
ErnestSchaaf born about 1936
EstesDavid born about 1902
EstesDavid born about 1938
EstesElizabeth born about 1904
EstesMary born about 1935
EstesNancy born about 1936
EthelKading born about 1927
EttingerClinton born about 1902
EttingerPearl born about 1904
EugeneMarks born about 1933
EvansBetty born about 1905
EvansEdith Gborn about 1908
EvansGladys born about 1900
EvansJohn born about 1899
EvansJohn Jr born about 1933
EvansMary born about 1928
EvansPaul Bborn about 1904
EvansRichard born about 1900
EvendenElizabeth born about 1885
EvendenEmma born about 1906
EvendenLois born about 1911
EwaldWilliam born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FairfieldDavid born about 1906
FairfieldDonald born about 1939
FairfieldGlenita born about 1911
FasseAlma born about 1891
FasseAmanda born about 1889
FasseDolores born about 1931
FasseJohn born about 1887
FasseLeroy born about 1924
FasseLorraine born about 1926
FasseLouis born about 1884
FasseMarvin born about 1920
FawcettCora born about 1873
FayPauline born about 1901
FayWilliam born about 1929
FeazierBill born about 1871
FeistHerbert born about 1917
FeistJane born about 1918
FeistRae born about 1887
FenzElrena born about 1913
FenzEvelyn born about 1916
FenzMarion born about 1921
FenzRenata born about 1893
FenzRoland born about 1924
FenzWillard born about 1922
FenzWilliam Aborn about 1890
FergusJosephine born about 1894
FergusRobert born about 1921
FergusWalt Bborn about 1893
FerlesAllan born about 1897
FernaldEdgar born about 1902
FernaldJames born about 1935
FernaldLeone born about 1911
FesslerAugust born about 1898
FesslerBruce born about 1922
FesslerGlen born about 1929
FesslerLaura born about 1901
FesslerLeroy born about 1925
FesslerMerlyn born about 1922
FeuerhakeFloyd born about 1929
FeuerhakeFred born about 1878
FeuerhakeMartha born about 1888
FeulnerKatherine born about 1879
FieldChalmer Herbertborn about 1899
FieldLois Glassborn about 1898
FieldMargaret born about 1867
FieldMary Ellenborn about 1924
FielitzAlvina born about 1911
FielitzArthur born about 1936
FielitzFloyd born about 1940
FielitzHerburt born about 1901
FiletzAugusta born about 1872
FiletzOtto born about 1874
FinnerKenneth Aborn about 1923
FinnerLaura Jborn about 1887
FinnerMichael born about 1881
FinnerRichard Jborn about 1920
FinnerThomas Aborn about 1929
FisherHarry born about 1924
FiskHelen born about 1905
FiskJames born about 1935
FiskKenneth Lborn about 1904
FiskRichard born about 1937
FithianMatt born about 1922
FitzgeraldBarbara born about 1937
FitzgeraldCecilia Aborn about 1938
FitzgeraldDavid Lborn about 1895
FitzgeraldJoesph born about 1931
FitzgeraldJohn born about 1934
FitzgeraldMargaret born about 1902
FitzgeraldMargaret Eborn about 1936
FitzgeraldMary Pborn about 1930
FitzgeraldPhillip born about 1933
FitzgeraldRobert born about 1928
FitzpatrickGertrude born about 1905
FitzpatrickGertrude Anneborn about 1932
FitzpatrickJames born about 1936
FitzpatrickMary born about 1933
FitzpatrickRobert Eborn about 1898
FlemingChester born about 1896
FlemingDonald born about 1933
FlemingJean born about 1930
FlemingJenny born about 1898
FlentgeArthur born about 1898
FlentgeLorraine born about 1934
FlentgeMarvin born about 1930
FlentgeMinnie born about 1900
FlettAlex born about 1888
FlettAlex Jr born about 1923
FlettAlice born about 1919
FlettHelen born about 1893
FlorenceCronk born about 1929
FlorrisWilleford born about 1929
FloydKading born about 1925
FluggeDonna Lborn about 1933
FluggeFrances Sborn about 1936
FluggeLueille born about 1906
FluggeSil born about 1906
FollowellJames Wborn about 1881
FollowellMamie born about 1882
FollowellRowena born about 1908
FooteDavid born about 1929
FooteHenry born about 1898
FooteJoan born about 1932
FooteMargaret born about 1901
FordBertha born about 1904
FordJames born about 1926
FordRichard born about 1933
FordWilliam Jborn about 1897
ForesburgAda Cborn about 1889
ForesburgHildor Mborn about 1885
ForingerFrank Fborn about 1870
ForingerLouise born about 1866
ForsburgOlive born about 1919
FosterBeatrice born about 1900
FosterRobert born about 1925
FoxenJohn Jborn about 1871
FrahmJohn born about 1876
FrahmMaria born about 1883
FrahmOtto born about 1880
FrancesCronk born about 1931
FrancisPalmer born about 1934
FranzenElbert Jborn about 1888
FranzenMarie born about 1866
FraserDonald born about 1934
FraserMrs Katherineborn about 1914
FraserSara born about 1939
FraserScott Bborn about 1909
FraserScott Jr born about 1935
FredKoep born about 1866
FredThoma born about 1927
FredericksonCharles born about 1930
FredericksonFlorence born about 1898
FredericksonFrank born about 1895
FredericksonNancy Jborn about 1925
FredricksDorothy Wborn about 1916
FredricksWm Mborn about 1917
FrenchAnn born about 1918
FrenchGeorge born about 1916
FrenchM Isotella*born about 1892
FrenchReggy Jr born about 1922
FrenchReginald born about 1890
FryeBeth born about 1917
FryeCharlene born about 1921
FryeChas Sborn about 1888
FryeGladys born about 1896
FryeJane born about 1915
FuchsElvira born about 1879
FullerGladys Aborn about 1896
FulwrightHenry born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaarsoeBernard born about 1920
GaarsoeJeannette born about 1898
GaarsoeLeo born about 1897
GaarsoeWallace born about 1930
GaertnerKarl born about 1902
GaertnerLouise born about 1904
GaertnerRobert born about 1937
GalturGeorge born about 1882
GangForrest born about 1905
GangLucille born about 1905
GarretsonFrederick Cborn about 1885
GarretsonGloria born about 1920
GarretsonMagdela born about 1898
GarretsonViolet Mborn about 1925
GarrettBarbara born about 1935
GarrettJ Wborn about 1898
GarrettLea born about 1898
GarveyAda born about 1876
GasparoHelen Sborn about 1874
GasparoJane born about 1880
GasparoJessie born about 1886
GawneEmily born about 1860
GeilsAlfred Wborn about 1909
GeilsKaren Leeborn about 1939
GeilsMarguerite born about 1912
GeisM Lotaborn about 1900
GeistfeldGustave born about 1867
GeorgeKernats born about 1926
GeraldineSpohnholty born about 1930
GerberAllen born about 1930
GerberGeorge born about 1906
GerberPaul born about 1937
GerberRuth born about 1912
GertrudeCronk born about 1926
GertrudeMunsterman born about 1905
GetzAlbert Mborn about 1883
GetzHanna born about 1894
GetzJames Fborn about 1920
GharrityJohn Cborn about 1906
GiesekeBernice born about 1913
GiesekeEdwin Wborn about 1904
GiesekeEleanor born about 1909
GiesekeEngel born about 1864
GiesekeHerbert Gborn about 1914
GiesekeJames born about 1924
GiesekeLavern born about 1930
GiesekeNora born about 1903
GiesekeRichard born about 1928
GiesekeWayne born about 1935
GiesekeWilliam born about 1898
GilbertAllan born about 1919
GilbertBettie Kyleborn about 1932
GilbertCelora born about 1862
GilbertCharles Wborn about 1924
GilbertElizabeth born about 1904
GilbertFrank born about 1927
GilbertGanette born about 1895
GilbertGrover born about 1901
GilbertJohn Aborn about 1889
GilbertJohn Jr born about 1917
GilbertMargaret born about 1920
GilbertRichard born about 1930
GillHarry born about 1926
GillLaurence born about 1927
GladysMayo born about 1930
GlandyMary born about 1870
GlennRadloff born about 1920
GloriaSmith born about 1927
GlosengerGerald Wborn about 1913
GoffLeon born about 1898
GoffRuth born about 1898
GollnowJosephine born about 1888
GollnowWilliam born about 1883
GoodwinDonald born about 1919
GoodwinEdward born about 1880
GoodwinIda born about 1885
GordonAlbert born about 1893
GordonCharlaine born about 1929
GordonCharles Aborn about 1932
GordonHelen born about 1894
GordonJames born about 1858
GordonJulia born about 1867
GordonLewis Aborn about 1865
GordonMarjory born about 1925
GordonSophia born about 1860
GouldHenry Gborn about 1862
GouldZora born about 1863
GraceFlint born about 1883
GraceShearer born about 1882
GraftonCharles born about 1899
GraserIrene born about 1902
GraserSidney born about 1898
GravesGrace born about 1900
GrayElizabeth born about 1890
GrayT Sborn about 1889
GreenHarriet born about 1907
GreenLilly Fborn about 1880
GreenerSylvia born about 1896
GreplingAnna born about 1867
GreplingArthur born about 1924
GreplingElice born about 1896
GreplingMartin Oborn about 1888
GretschelJosephine born about 1904
GretschelJosephine born about 1925
GretschelKarl born about 1927
GretschelMax born about 1930
GriffithElvira born about 1902
GriffithGrace born about 1913
GriffithLois born about 1929
GriffithRobert born about 1898
GriffithRobert born about 1907
GriffithRobert born about 1939
GrimeAnne born about 1894
GrimeHarold born about 1892
GrimeMary born about 1930
GrimmerArthur born about 1875
GrimmerArthur Hborn about 1933
GrimmerAudrey born about 1924
GrimmerElsie born about 1888
GrimmerJune born about 1923
GrippenSophia Mborn about 1860
GronemeierAnna born about 1902
GronemeierGrace born about 1922
GronemeierHarvey born about 1928
GronemeierHoward born about 1924
GronemeierWilliam born about 1896
GronewoldAlice born about 1935
GronewoldIla born about 1898
GronewoldWesley born about 1899
GrosseElla Fborn about 1888
GrosseFebronia born about 1913
GrosseTheo Cborn about 1920
GrosseTheo Eborn about 1885
GrossklausWilliam born about 1877
GrothausBernard Jborn about 1935
GrothausElizabeth born about 1932
GrothausJeanette born about 1904
GrothausMartin Aborn about 1903
GrothausMary Jborn about 1931
GrothausRaymond born about 1929
GrothausRita Fborn about 1939
GrupeBertha born about 1861
GrupeEdna born about 1895
GrupeHenry born about 1860
GrupeHenry born about 1894
GrupeMae born about 1926
GrupeWilliam born about 1891
GunklerAlma born about 1882
GunklerMax born about 1868
GurtzCarol born about 1933
GurtzEric born about 1902
GurtzEric Jr born about 1927
GurtzFlorence born about 1936
GurtzLloyd born about 1928
GuyerDon Eborn about 1903
GuyerLaurice born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HabarstichHerman born about 1889
HabbsLynette Sborn about 1903
HabbsMargeret Aborn about 1862
HaberkampCarol born about 1934
HaberkampElaine born about 1929
HaberkampEsther born about 1902
HaberkampEvelyn born about 1926
HaberkampFred Jr born about 1901
HaberkampGertrude born about 1911
HaberkampHarvey born about 1924
HaberkampRichard born about 1932
HaberkampRobert born about 1935
HaberkampWilbert born about 1910
HaberstichEmielie born about 1868
HabreHarry Fborn about 1912
HabreHarry Hborn about 1891
HabreJames born about 1919
HabreSophie born about 1889
HabustichBertha born about 1887
HabustichEdward born about 1887
HabustichMicheal born about 1917
HabustichRobert born about 1912
HabustichTheodor born about 1910
HadleyFlorence born about 1913
HadleyRichard born about 1909
HagenAmy Carolborn about 1935
HagenClara born about 1909
HagenJack Lborn about 1908
HagenJoann born about 1938
HahnAlvin born about 1918
HahnDorothy born about 1915
HaitonJames Bborn about 1874
HaitonNellie Wborn about 1873
HaleMabel born about 1882
HallBarbara born about 1924
HallDorothy born about 1923
HallFloyd born about 1891
HallHelen born about 1922
HallJessie born about 1898
HallMary born about 1889
HallMildred born about 1890
HallOrie born about 1892
HallOrie Jr born about 1921
HallRobert born about 1875
HallRoy born about 1920
HalleyMary Aborn about 1879
HamannAnna born about 1880
HambergerLorane born about 1923
HammondJean born about 1916
HammondJohn Dborn about 1916
HankeClara born about 1886
HankeEdward Fborn about 1893
HankeRonald Eborn about 1922
HankeShirley Rborn about 1920
HannaMary Jborn about 1925
HannaMuriel born about 1898
HannonMary Cborn about 1904
HarcourtMrs Annaborn about 1881
HarmeningHenry born about 1901
HarmeningLouise born about 1870
HarmeningLurine born about 1905
HarmonDaniel born about 1898
HarmonHelen born about 1896
HaroldKading born about 1923
HaroldManning born about 1928
HarrisEthel born about 1887
HarrisGilbert Rborn about 1872
HarrisGilbert Rborn about 1920
HartBetty born about 1920
HartJean born about 1915
HartJoseph born about 1880
HartJoseph Jr born about 1924
HartMaude born about 1884
HartiganRichard born about 1917
HartmanAnna born about 1904
HartmanLeone born about 1928
HartrayFrank born about 1913
HartrayFrank Jborn about 1878
HartrayJerome born about 1916
HartrayMary born about 1894
HasemanChrn born about 1868
HasemanRosina born about 1869
HasswellAlden born about 1937
HasswellCarlton born about 1939
HasswellJane born about 1911
HasswellLyman born about 1911
HatfieldPatsy born about 1927
HatfieldS Hborn about 1893
HatfieldSue born about 1934
HattendorfClifford born about 1915
HattendorfEthel born about 1921
HattendorfJohn Cborn about 1865
HattendorfLaura born about 1891
HattendorfWalter born about 1891
HauerslevHenry born about 1898
HauerslevOlga born about 1895
HaughtonHarry Pborn about 1881
HaughtonIda born about 1882
HawkinsHelen born about 1885
HawkinsHelene born about 1918
HawkinsRobert Jborn about 1874
HayesArcher Eborn about 1882
HayesArcher Eborn about 1919
HayesEthyl born about 1886
Hazelbarth born about 1903
HeffernanJean born about 1882
HeffernanMrs Lillianborn about 1884
HeffernanRoy born about 1881
HeidenFerdinand born about 1909
HeidenJohn born about 1874
HeidenLina born about 1876
HeidenMartine born about 1866
HeinAnna born about 1891
HeinbergEmma born about 1907
HeinbergEmma born about 1933
HeinbergHarry born about 1906
HeinbergHarvey born about 1937
HeinbergLeila born about 1918
HeinzBarabara born about 1938
HeinzElaine born about 1936
HeinzGeraldine born about 1939
HeinzHarry Eborn about 1893
HeinzLillian born about 1904
HeinzNora born about 1890
HeinzOtto born about 1935
HeinzOtto Wborn about 1895
HeinzSophie born about 1933
HeisslerCatherine Lborn about 1920
HeisslerEdward Jborn about 1925
HeisslerJeanette Fborn about 1930
HeisslerJoseph Fborn about 1922
HeisslerLorraine Mborn about 1918
HeisslerMary Mborn about 1893
HelborEnna born about 1929
HelborGorda born about 1936
HelmerCatherine born about 1920
HelmsNed born about 1886
HenikenEdward born about 1917
HenikenJoseph born about 1923
HenikenJoseph Aborn about 1894
HenikenKeith born about 1937
HenikenMurtle born about 1899
HenikenNorma born about 1921
HenikenRuth born about 1916
HenikenRuth born about 1920
HennenAudrey born about 1932
HennenBetty Janeborn about 1931
HennenGarfield Mborn about 1903
HennenGarfield M Jrborn about 1939
HennenMargaret born about 1908
HennenPeter Gborn about 1940
HenryMoritz born about 1850
HenryOtis Cborn about 1900
HenryPearl born about 1904
HenryRobert born about 1932
HenryWilliams born about 1930
HerbenerDona Jeanneborn about 1939
HerbenerEsther born about 1915
HerbenerVernon born about 1913
HerbenerVernon born about 1931
HermanMadane born about 1871
HermeningJane born about 1933
HermeningVerdell born about 1927
HernandezAlcadia born about 1874
HernandezDonald born about 1925
HernandezEleanor born about 1904
HernandezEleanor born about 1933
HernandezFrank born about 1922
HernandezJohn born about 1894
HernandezJohn Jr born about 1921
HernandezJusto born about 1872
HernandezMarianne born about 1937
HernandezValdimar born about 1919
HernbergAlbert born about 1896
HernbergAlbert Jr born about 1931
HernbergAlfa born about 1901
HernbergMargery born about 1936
HerrittBelle born about 1879
HerrittHarley Rborn about 1882
HerzNellie born about 1875
HibbardCarlton born about 1882
HibbardCarlton Jr born about 1917
HibbardDonald born about 1924
HibbardFlorence born about 1878
HibbardGenevive born about 1918
HibbardGeo Aborn about 1923
HicksElmer Wborn about 1892
HicksM Inezborn about 1892
HigginsBarbara born about 1870
HigginsDaniel Jborn about 1881
HigginsDavid Lborn about 1931
HigginsGeorge Fborn about 1892
HigginsGladys born about 1870
HigginsLena Jborn about 1891
HigginsLeona Mborn about 1917
HigginsLorraine born about 1918
HigginsMarie born about 1888
HigginsMichael Rborn about 1932
HigginsOscar Aborn about 1871
HigginsPhillip Bborn about 1936
HigginsRichard Mborn about 1902
HigginsRoger born about 1922
HigginsSandra Lborn about 1934
HildebrandDoris born about 1919
HildebrandJacob born about 1890
HildebrandJesse born about 1890
HildebrandJohn born about 1917
HildsConstance born about 1913
HildsHorace Sr born about 1911
HillardEdith born about 1894
HillardKenneth born about 1924
HillardLee born about 1889
HillardMargaret born about 1929
HillmannxAnna born about 1876
HillmannxRuth born about 1906
HillmannxTheodore born about 1908
HitzemanAudrey born about 1933
HitzemanElsa born about 1899
HitzemanHarold born about 1898
HitzemannAlbert Aborn about 1913
HitzemannAugust born about 1872
HitzemannBertha born about 1881
HitzemannElla born about 1898
HitzemannMargaret born about 1918
HjarthBessie born about 1893
HjarthCaroline born about 1863
HjelleAlleen born about 1885
HjelleJohn born about 1880
HobbsGlenn Mborn about 1871
HobbsLucy born about 1875
HolbachAlbert Hborn about 1922
HolbachAppolonia Mborn about 1898
HolbachHenry Jborn about 1899
HolbachJohn ???born about 1894
HolbachMaragret born about 1895
HolbachMargaret born about 1925
HolbachMary Jborn about 1927
HolbachRobert Jborn about 1921
HolmsenArlene born about 1906
HolmsenGrant born about 1908
HolmsenJanice born about 1938
HolmsenMarjorie born about 1927
HomerbRoake born about 1897
HomerpRoake born about 1925
HookerEdith Ransonborn about 1861
HoperOlive Mborn about 1862
HoppingEdward born about 1902
HoppingEdward Sborn about 1881
HoppingGrace born about 1907
HoppingHazel born about 1894
HoppingPlinilla born about 1927
HordMary born about 1900
HordMary ???born about 1928
HordThomas born about 1898
HordVirginia born about 1932
HorineEvelyn born about 1910
HorineKarl born about 1883
HorineRosena born about 1883
HouserJoan born about 1933
HouserJoyce born about 1936
HouserLouise born about 1939
HouserMadelyn born about 1914
HouserMarlyn born about 1935
HouserThomas born about 1902
HouserThomas born about 1934
HowardClaire born about 1916
HowardClifford born about 1913
HowardJudith born about 1938
HoyCordelia born about 1903
HoyDavid F Jrborn about 1901
HoytCarl born about 1897
HoytCarl Jr born about 1928
HoytHoward born about 1925
HoytMabel born about 1904
HoytRobert born about 1933
HuburAlbeine born about 1908
HuburHans born about 1899
HuenerbergAnna born about 1877
HuenerbergCharlotte Annborn about 1908
HuenerbergElwood born about 1931
HuenerbergRaymond born about 1900
HuenerbergViola born about 1908
HuenerbergWilliam Fborn about 1872
HuizengaDonald born about 1931
HuizengaJohn born about 1897
HuizengaMay born about 1903
HuizengaRobert born about 1929
HulbertDelci born about 1878
HulbertElmer born about 1867
HullHarry born about 1879
HullLura born about 1883
HutchinsonAnna Sborn about 1896
HutchinsonJean born about 1927
HutchinsonNorman Aborn about 1896
HyattHenry born about 1883
HyattRose born about 1882
HymanGeorge born about 1916
HymanLulu born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IdeClare born about 1934
IdeElizabeth born about 1932
IdeJenny born about 1913
IdeRoy born about 1940
IdeRoy W Jrborn about 1908
IleanaManning born about 1928
IrmaGauger born about 1932
IrvingKuhfal born about 1930
IrvingMata born about 1919
IrvingPatrica born about 1937
IrvingRichard Hborn about 1919
IrvingSuzanne born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JackEscarcia born about 1920
JackWilleford born about 1928
JacksonAlbina born about 1856
JacksonCharles born about 1932
JacksonJane born about 1921
JacksonRobert born about 1913
JacobHoffmann born about 1861
JacobsElizabeth born about 1883
JacobsEvelyn born about 1927
JacobsFlorence born about 1913
JacobsIda born about 1863
JacobsWilliam Aborn about 1890
JamesGeorge born about 1913
JamesRoberta born about 1917
JamesWilliam born about 1935
JanaesAndrew Wborn about 1873
JanaesBernice born about 1916
JanaesDavid born about 1939
JanaesElmer Aborn about 1916
JanaesLucelia born about 1891
JanaesMary Lborn about 1924
JanetFinefield born about 1934
JenesenClute born about 1908
JenesenElaine born about 1936
JenesenIrene born about 1913
JenesenJoyce born about 1939
JenkinsRay born about 1927
JensenLillian Cborn about 1865
JensenMaude Sborn about 1897
JensenPatricia born about 1930
JensenRossell Jborn about 1900
JensenThos born about 1928
JensenWm born about 1873
JensenWm born about 1925
JerryStoneking born about 1929
JeschkeLillian born about 1910
JeschkeRetta Jborn about 1928
JeschkeWilliam born about 1906
JoanGauger born about 1934
JohannsenEdna born about 1902
JohannsenEiner born about 1900
JohannsenJerrene born about 1930
JohnBradley born about 1875
JohnWicher born about 1872
JohnjBoyens born about 1855
JohnsenCarl born about 1899
JohnsenGrace born about 1902
JohnsonA Fborn about 1895
JohnsonDonald Wborn about 1914
JohnsonDonella Sborn about 1937
JohnsonDouglas born about 1936
JohnsonElla Pborn about 1915
JohnsonFlorence born about 1906
JohnsonHarry born about 1928
JohnsonMary born about 1871
JohnsonNorman Cborn about 1902
JohnsonRichard Eborn about 1939
JohnsonVirginia born about 1912
JohnstonArthur Rborn about 1919
JonesEdw Eborn about 1894
JonesEdward born about 1931
JonesLaura Leeborn about 1927
JonesMagaret born about 1899
JonesWilliam born about 1923
JornsMary born about 1870
JornsWilliam born about 1870
JoyceKubfall born about 1932
JralvinMunsterman born about 1933
JuliusClarence born about 1917
JuliusMary born about 1921
JuliusSchnoor born about 1858
JungelsRose born about 1891
JungelsSusan born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KadetskyAaron born about 1893
KadetskyMary born about 1895
KahlerElda born about 1909
KahlerHoward born about 1908
KahlerLynn born about 1938
KarnerFlornece born about 1920
KarnerJames born about 1939
KarnerWilliam born about 1913
KarwoskiCecelia born about 1894
KarwoskiChester born about 1919
KarwoskiFrancis Cborn about 1932
KarwoskiJohn Iborn about 1889
KarwoskiJohn Nborn about 1927
KarwoskiMarion Jborn about 1920
KassermanChas born about 1928
KassermanFred born about 1890
KassermanGerald born about 1916
KassermanJames born about 1919
KassermanKreel born about 1924
KassermanNeva born about 1900
KeedBessie born about 1886
KeeslerxGrace Eborn about 1890
KeeslerxHarry Wborn about 1881
KeeslerxHarry Jr born about 1914
KeibGeorge born about 1903
KeibMargaret born about 1901
KeitelCharles born about 1889
KeitelGladys born about 1887
KeithChester born about 1889
KeithEsther born about 1868
KeithLouis born about 1924
KeithMary Janeborn about 1928
KeithOlga born about 1894
KelloggGertrude born about 1913
KelloggJoan born about 1936
KelloggJos Pborn about 1905
KelloggRita born about 1939
KellyHarold born about 1894
KellyJohn Rborn about 1930
KellyJoseph born about 1883
KellyNellie born about 1883
KellyRichard born about 1912
KellyRuth born about 1896
KellyVirginia born about 1916
KendallAbbie Sborn about 1876
KendallEtta born about 1915
KennethColbech born about 1934
KernerAdolph born about 1884
KernerAdolph born about 1921
KernerAlma born about 1890
KernerGladys born about 1924
KernerRalph born about 1930
KernerRaymond born about 1919
KesbauerPearl Aborn about 1901
KesbauerRudy Eborn about 1921
KesbauerShirley Wborn about 1923
KickelsFrances Nborn about 1877
KickelsLouis Pborn about 1869
KlarRichard Oborn about 1877
KlassenFlorence Uborn about 1898
KlassenMarilyn Aborn about 1931
KlassenPeter born about 1896
KlassenPeter Jborn about 1937
KleinBen Jborn about 1890
KleinGeorgia Lborn about 1935
KleinJudith Hborn about 1933
KleinMaragaret born about 1896
KleinMathias born about 1875
KleinMilton Cborn about 1908
KleinNicholas born about 1882
KleinNyla Hborn about 1908
KleinPatricia Lborn about 1926
KleinPhillip Bborn about 1927
KleinSusan born about 1884
KleinThomas born about 1930
KleinschmidtArthur born about 1893
KleinschmidtLucy born about 1891
KleinschmidtPhyllis born about 1919
KnippenHelen born about 1877
KnippenMatt born about 1878
KnohlDagmar born about 1916
KnohlFrederick born about 1905
KochElizabeth born about 1895
KochLouis born about 1891
KoehnAlfred born about 1924
KoehnAlvin born about 1924
KoehnElsie born about 1916
KoehnFred born about 1887
KoehnFrieda born about 1918
KoehnLawrence born about 1928
KoehnMary Ellenborn about 1923
KoehnMathilda born about 1890
KoehnVera born about 1920
KoesterCecile born about 1897
KoesterWalter born about 1886
KoktaAnne born about 1907
KoktaChristiana born about 1884
KoktaJacob born about 1884
KolacekCecilia born about 1900
KolacekJean born about 1925
KolacekLaura born about 1895
KolacekWilliam born about 1867
KolacekWm Jborn about 1891
KolacekWm Jr born about 1922
KollerMartin born about 1885
KollerRose born about 1899
KollerRose Marieborn about 1929
KosslerM Eugendaborn about 1912
KrackeDonald born about 1932
KrackeHerb born about 1894
KrackeMyrtle born about 1897
KrampienFred born about 1895
KrampienGertrude born about 1897
KrampienHenry born about 1883
KrampienMildred born about 1932
KrampienRobert born about 1934
KrejcikFrank born about 1918
KrejcikRose born about 1890
KristonChandler born about 1923
KristonDorothea born about 1894
KruegerCharlene born about 1930
KruegerChas Aborn about 1904
KruegerEmma born about 1884
KruegerLorene born about 1932
KruegerLouise born about 1865
KruegerMinnette born about 1926
KruegerSusanne born about 1901
KrumwiedeHerman born about 1873
KrumwiedeLucy born about 1900
KrumwiedeWalter born about 1913
KruseAnna born about 1904
KruseElise born about 1865
KruseJoanne born about 1935
KruseMartin born about 1906
KruseRuth born about 1909
KuehnDonald born about 1937
KuehnElwin born about 1897
KuehnGrace born about 1900
KuehnMary Lborn about 1872
KuekingClifford born about 1936
KuekingMarie born about 1901
KuekingRaymond born about 1931
KuekingWilliam born about 1897
KuntzAnna born about 1937
KuntzBertha born about 1908
KuntzOnie born about 1908
KunzEmma born about 1875
KunzGertrude born about 1878
KussmanEdward born about 1878
KussmanEva born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LahyFlora born about 1905
LahyFrank born about 1903
LahyFrank Jr born about 1930
LahyGeorgia born about 1928
LambArthur born about 1892
LambArthur Jr born about 1925
LambBarbara Jborn about 1922
LambMarion born about 1895
LandwherMrs Berthaborn about 1913
LangendorffHelen born about 1905
LangendorffHerb Ii born about 1936
LangendorffHerbt born about 1905
LangerKatherine born about 1923
LaroyGeorge born about 1883
LaroyMary born about 1917
LaroyThomas born about 1915
LaroyVeronic Fborn about 1891
LarsonBernice born about 1932
LarsonClifford born about 1927
LarsonEdith born about 1902
LarsonHarry born about 1900
LarsonNorine born about 1929
LasoccarHarry born about 1923
LasoccarHarry Bborn about 1900
LasoccarJoy born about 1926
LauterbachDorothy born about 1920
LauterbachGeo Wborn about 1889
LauterbachKathy born about 1895
LeaGertrude Sborn about 1883
LeaMarton Aborn about 1867
LeaMarton Aborn about 1925
LeclechPeter born about 1891
LedbetterDavid born about 1934
LedbetterGeraldine born about 1938
LedbetterMary Janeborn about 1935
LeenoneElinor Eborn about 1919
LeenoneJoseph born about 1889
LeenoneKathryn Lborn about 1900
LeggoAngela Nborn about 1864
LeglerCarol Aborn about 1924
LeglerDonald Vborn about 1927
LeglerMae Jborn about 1903
LeglerMelchior Wborn about 1906
LeisebergCharles born about 1862
LenaPalmer born about 1928
LeonardBaumgartner born about 1922
LepageRuth born about 1890
LeroyManning born about 1926
LeslieEdward born about 1888
LeslieEdward born about 1934
LeslieJohn born about 1936
LeslieLester born about 1919
LeslieLillian born about 1895
LesterPorter born about 1929
LeursCharles born about 1890
LeursJustine born about 1895
LevarHarry born about 1890
LevarHarry Jr born about 1919
LevarLucille born about 1921
LevarMae born about 1895
LevineAndrew born about 1900
LewisHalstead born about 1897
LewisMayo born about 1927
LewisMr Ritaborn about 1901
LewisNancy born about 1938
LewisRichard born about 1935
LichthardtAlma born about 1903
LichthardtEdna born about 1910
LichthardtEugene born about 1932
LichthardtHerman born about 1904
LichthardtJanet born about 1938
LichthardtMarjorie born about 1928
LichthardtWalter born about 1900
LiesFlora born about 1881
LiesNicholas Wborn about 1873
LinakBozena Wborn about 1876
LinakChas Jborn about 1876
LindahlLeslie born about 1924
LindahlLois born about 1925
LindahlLucille born about 1896
LindahlRoy Wborn about 1896
LindstromAlan born about 1939
LindstromBruce born about 1931
LindstromCecile born about 1910
LindstromTorgny born about 1907
LineburgGeo born about 1890
LineburgLillian born about 1895
LinesAlice born about 1877
LinesGuy born about 1871
LinnemannJohn born about 1875
LinnemannLena born about 1881
LittellAnne born about 1901
LittellJoan born about 1925
LittellWilliam born about 1931
LittellWilliam Pborn about 1901
LloydFrederking born about 1929
LockArnold born about 1924
LockEarl Gborn about 1900
LockGeorge Gborn about 1926
LockLillian born about 1921
LockMarie born about 1900
LockSylvia born about 1898
LockWalter born about 1895
LockWilliam born about 1933
LockerEleanor Gborn about 1919
LockerElizabeth Bborn about 1922
LockerGrace Tborn about 1879
LockerMarjory Rborn about 1925
LockerPhilip Fborn about 1913
LockerRichard Fborn about 1876
LockerWilliam Mborn about 1920
LoganDarlene born about 1939
LoganMaxine born about 1939
LoganPauline born about 1915
LoganRichard born about 1937
LoganWilliam born about 1912
LoisChrist born about 1935
LondChas Jborn about 1860
LondHarriet born about 1865
LongConstance Fborn about 1906
LongCynthia Cborn about 1937
LookeMargaret born about 1888
LordDorothy born about 1927
LordJoan born about 1932
LordMabel born about 1892
LordMontgomery Jr born about 1935
LordPatricia born about 1929
LordRichard born about 1925
LordRobert born about 1893
LorraineChrist born about 1928
LottieDabis born about 1906
LovelessErdic born about 1896
LovelessGeorge born about 1888
LovelessSylvia born about 1929
LowJoan born about 1889
LowJohn born about 1881
LowMargaret born about 1924
LowdenHope born about 1907
LowdenJames born about 1937
LowdenJerry born about 1934
LowdenLyman born about 1906
LowdenLyman Jr born about 1931
LoyLouis born about 1922
LozierGertrude born about 1916
LozierHarriet born about 1884
LozierHorace Gborn about 1870
LozierLudlow born about 1920
LozierMartha born about 1923
LuebbersAugusta born about 1889
LuebbersGeorge born about 1886
LuebbersWalter born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacbeanAlex born about 1900
MacbeanDilla born about 1896
MacbeanDon born about 1928
MacbeanJohn born about 1932
MackAnna Mborn about 1871
MackCharles Rborn about 1896
MackDean Rborn about 1925
MackJoan born about 1931
MackLu Pborn about 1898
MackayKenneth Hborn about
MackayLouis born about 1919
MackayRosemary born about 1919
MadsenCharles Gborn about 1924
MadsenDoris Eborn about 1928
MadsenGrace Vborn about 1900
MadsenWalter Eborn about 1926
MadsenWalter Rborn about 1898
MagorLillian Cborn about 1913
MagorRalph Nborn about 1897
Makosky??? born about 1940
MakoskyJoan born about 1931
MakoskyKathryn born about 1907
MakoskySusanne born about 1934
MakoskyWalter born about 1900
MarchandDorothy born about 1907
MarchandMarguerite born about 1931
MarchandPatricia born about 1933
MarchandTheodore born about 1878
MargaretSeehamp born about 1927
MarilynSchmidt born about 1930
MarionColbech born about 1929
MarionMunsterman born about 1928
MarionSpencer born about 1894
MarkingM Henryborn about 1912
MarklDonald born about 1936
MarklFerd Cborn about 1896
MarklFerd Jr born about 1924
MarklMagdalen born about 1898
MarklRobert born about 1920
MarletteRobert born about 1881
MarletteRuby Lborn about 1896
MarleyIrene born about 1927
MarleyLorence born about 1898
MarleyLorence born about 1925
MarleyMyrtle born about 1887
MarshDagmar born about 1892
MarshRobert born about 1888
MarshallHerb born about 1875
MartenikClarence Rborn about 1907
MartenikFlorence born about 1907
MartenikRobert born about 1939
MartinDorothy born about 1910
MartinFlorence born about 1896
MartinJean born about 1922
MartinJohn born about 1912
MartinLester born about 1896
MartinRiemer born about 1853
MartinWilliam born about 1938
MartzaEllen born about 1895
MartzaJames born about 1926
MartzaNancy born about 1923
MarwoodLula born about 1915
MarwoodWesley born about 1912
MaryHenry born about 1890
MaryLebert born about 1890
MasonEdith born about 1854
MasonEthyl born about 1880
MathisonBill born about 1928
MathisonHelen born about 1894
MathisonRuth born about 1924
MathisonWegor born about 1890
MatzElizabeth born about 1924
MatzFrances born about 1899
MatzJohn Dborn about 1897
MatzLouise born about 1893
MaxwellAda born about 1860
MayoArthur born about 1885
MayoDorothy born about 1929
MayoJosephine born about 1893
MayoMyrna Jborn about 1927
McCabeCharles born about 1923
McCabeJames born about 1925
McCabeJean born about 1929
McCabeMargaret born about 1922
McCabeMarie born about 1896
McCabeRobert born about 1926
McCabeTerrence born about 1936
McCabeWilliam born about 1928
McCayDonald born about 1921
McCayDonald Sborn about 1882
McCayEsther born about 1896
McCayGeorge born about 1923
McCayThomas born about 1925
McChesneyJoseph Dborn about 1858
McChesneyLillian born about 1887
McClureHelen born about 1912
McCraryEdw Dborn about 1935
McCraryFae born about 1906
McCraryRichard Fborn about 1936
McCraryRidgley born about 1896
McCullochJean born about 1931
McCullochL Mborn about 1894
McCullochLonice born about 1928
McCullochMable born about 1897
McCullochReed born about 1933
McCullochRuth born about 1892
McCullochSibley born about 1930
McDonaldChas Jr born about 1902
McDonaldPatricia born about 1927
McDonaldWillyne born about 1902
McFarlandChas Rborn about 1892
McFarlandDiline born about 1893
McIntireCarolyn born about 1915
McIntireDon Cborn about 1885
McIntireGrace born about 1886
McKeneryJessie born about 1904
McKeneryJoan born about 1931
McKeneryThomas born about 1929
McKeneryThos born about 1893
McKerrowMate born about 1878
McKerrowPatsy born about 1931
McKerrowRobert born about 1878
McNultyFlorence born about 1908
McQualityFrank ???born about 1897
McQualityMarion Eborn about 1896
McQualityMuriel Jborn about 1936
MeadGenevive born about 1884
MehlbergCarl born about 1926
MehlbergCeleste born about 1929
MehlbergDonald born about 1923
MehlbergFreda born about 1901
MehlbergRev Walter Hborn about 1899
MehlbergRhoda born about 1937
MenschingClara born about 1889
MenschingHenry born about 1876
MenschingJohn born about 1857
MerkerHerbert born about 1903
MerkerHerbert Jborn about 1939
MerkerJane Aborn about 1911
MerkerJean Lborn about 1935
MerrillJames Lborn about 1920
MerrillLellie born about 1887
MerrillRuth Janeborn about 1923
MeschlerChrist born about 1869
MeschlerJosephine born about 1879
MessleyBelle born about 1916
MessleyChas born about 1897
MetzAnna born about 1886
MeyerAdolph born about 1870
MeyerAlbert Cborn about 1874
MeyerAnna born about 1876
MeyerBarbara born about 1931
MeyerBernard born about 1903
MeyerBernhard born about 1933
MeyerDorothy born about 1929
MeyerElizabeth born about 1881
MeyerHenrietta born about 1891
MeyerMarcella born about 1903
MeyerMinnie born about 1883
MeyerRichard born about 1891
MeyerSamuel born about 1877
MeyersJanet born about 1924
MeyersKathryn born about 1886
MeyersLucilla born about 1921
MikeEscarcia born about 1923
MillerChanning born about 1933
MillerDavid born about 1930
MillerDorothy Iborn about 1895
MillerEleanor born about 1927
MillerElecta born about 1907
MillerGladys born about 1896
MillerJacob Sborn about 1873
MillerKatherine born about 1874
MillerLeonard born about 1898
MillerMarjorie born about 1902
MillerMilton born about 1896
MillerNanette born about 1885
MillerPhillip born about 1932
MillerRaym Cborn about 1892
MillerRobert born about 1933
MillerShirley born about 1920
MillerWilliam born about 1909
MillerWilliam born about 1928
MillerWilliam born about 1938
MilneAlexander born about 1895
MilneDonald born about 1928
MilneKathryn born about 1890
MimitzAlbert born about 1905
MimitzBernice born about 1911
MimitzLina born about 1878
MimitzMarilyn born about 1936
MinerEdwin Dborn about 1899
MinerHelen Dborn about 1903
MingleIda born about 1885
MinorFrancis born about 1900
MisschraHoffmann born about 1863
MisselizabethGanwei??? born about 1869
MissfriedaSchwortz born about 1894
MissimorAnna born about 1860
MisskateAdams born about 1876
MisslauraDreyling born about 1872
MolandThomas born about 1871
MolitorHelen born about 1922
MolitorMargaret born about 1899
MolitorMichael born about 1896
MonroeJoan born about 1878
MooberryBarbara born about 1934
MooberryDavid born about 1929
MooberryGrace born about 1903
MooberryTheodore born about 1899
MooreBernherd born about 1869
MooreDuane born about 1917
MooreEdward Dborn about 1887
MooreElla born about 1890
MooreElmer born about 1878
MooreElmer Cborn about 1916
MooreGrace born about 1870
MooreMina born about 1878
MorganB Bborn about 1892
MorganEarl born about 1932
MorganFred born about 1903
MorganHarriet born about 1893
MorganJohn born about 1910
MorganMata born about 1938
MorganQueen born about 1908
MorseHarold Sborn about 1898
MorseIrene born about 1890
MouitonWesley Mborn about 1895
MoultonC Lewisborn about 1861
MralbertSturm born about 1873
MroswaldTillie born about 1867
MrsamalieAnkenbroudt born about 1863
MrsannaHuettinger born about 1863
MrsaugustaSchacht born about 1858
MrsaugustaSchenbeck born about 1854
MrsaugustaSchmidt born about 1851
MrsaugusteEggert born about 1870
MrsberthaKrance born about 1861
MrscarolineBlume born about 1861
MrscharlotteGrotemayer born about 1852
MrsdoraKollhorst born about 1854
MrseleamLundt born about 1861
MrselizabethSchalck born about 1863
MrselsieLange born about 1853
MrshaldaBurch born about 1854
MrsjohannaRohrpasser born about 1860
MrsjohnBecker born about 1868
MrslenaSpeiser born about 1870
MrslinaSchaenkneelt born about 1854
MrslizetteAngliker born about 1864
MrslouiseEhlert born about 1860
MrslouiseGeneus born about 1864
MrsminnieGierman born about 1855
MrsoSturm born about 1870
MrsrehaKelling born about 1860
MrswillebminaBehran born about 1857
MuellerArthur Pborn about 1898
MuellerEarl born about 1928
MuellerElsie Cborn about 1901
MuellerMarilyn Rborn about 1934
MuirColin born about 1939
MuirDolis born about 1909
MuirRobert born about 1902
MulcahayKatherine born about 1880
MulcahayWilliam born about 1885
MulloyGertrude Hborn about 1896
MulloyJoan Carolborn about 1930
MulloyRobert Eborn about 1893
MummertAgnes born about 1925
MummertAllison born about 1899
MummertEthyl born about 1937
MummertGeorge Hborn about 1889
MurdochAlbert Dborn about 1904
MurdochAlberta born about 1898
MurdochBetty Jborn about 1927
MurdochJacqueline born about 1936
MurdochYvonne born about 1932
MurrayBernice born about 1883
MurrayThomas born about 1921
MurrayWm Fborn about 1885
MyersElwood born about 1911
MyersMarguerite born about 1909
MyersTonnie Jr born about 1937
MyrtleKubfol born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NadelhofferMary born about 1864
NadelhofferWilliam born about 1890
NagelChrist born about 1867
NagelJosephine born about 1869
NarjesFayette born about 1892
NarjesIrene born about 1918
NashiEliz born about 1872
NaveAmanda born about 1894
NaveFred born about 1881
NeddermeyerRose born about 1894
NeebAxel Gborn about 1885
NeebEmma born about 1870
NeeldClarence born about 1895
NeeldJane born about 1925
NeeldSena born about 1891
NeilForrest Geoborn about 1890
NellBenno Frederic Iiiborn about 1918
NergeAlena born about 1895
NergeAmanda born about 1887
NergeBarbara Annborn about 1940
NergeBernetta born about 1923
NergeEdward born about 1893
NergeEmil born about 1886
NergeGladys born about 1920
NergeLottie born about 1919
NergeRobert born about 1919
NeslundJeanne born about 1912
NeslundOtto Aborn about 1898
NeslundPhilippe born about 1938
NeubauerGledhill born about 1925
NeubauerHenrietta born about 1892
NeubauerNancy born about 1902
NeubauerOtto born about 1894
NeubauerPauline born about 1864
NeubauerRudolph born about 1897
NewbauerRuby born about 1912
NewbauerWalter born about 1896
NeyWilbur born about 1917
NicholsBob born about 1928
NicholsDon born about 1928
NicholsMabel born about 1885
NicholsMary born about 1920
NicholsMaxine born about 1906
NicholsRobt born about 1901
NicholsW Wborn about 1877
NicholsWilliam born about 1937
NickersonBetty born about 1916
NickersonHarold born about 1897
NielsenAllen born about 1929
NielsenFannie born about 1898
NielsenJul Eborn about 1899
NiemannnClara born about 1912
NiemannnMarlin Bborn about 1935
NiemannnMartin born about 1910
NiemannnRonald Aborn about 1937
NilesLucie Mborn about 1877
NilesWilliam Aborn about 1877
NordykeDonald born about 1929
NordykeJames born about 1921
NordykeJosephine born about 1892
NordykeP Allenborn about 1900
NormaFrederking born about 1926
NortonDana born about 1907
NortonJean born about 1939
NortonLillian born about 1907
NortonNancy Jr born about 1937
NovakFtboy born about 1912
NovakRobert born about 1919
NovakSophie born about 1918
NowackDorothy born about 1927
NowackKatherine born about 1904
NowackMarion born about 1930
NowackWilliam born about 1903
NowackWilliam born about 1933
NuckleyGertrude born about 1890
NuckleyJas born about 1887
NuckollsHelen born about 1904
NuckollsJohn born about 1931
NuckollsMary born about 1929
NuckollsOsa Hborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OattsEdward born about 1860
OattsIda born about 1860
OberhartMarjorie born about 1919
ObrienHugh Charlesborn about 1921
OhairRichard born about 1937
OhairTheodoe born about 1938
OhallovanAnna born about 1885
OhallovanMattheas born about 1884
OhenErick Jborn about 1889
OhlEmma born about 1887
OhlFrank born about 1916
OhlJoseph Bborn about 1881
OhlRudalph born about 1912
OhlerEllis born about 1917
OhlerGeorge Wborn about 1880
OhlerJessie born about 1882
OlafsonEvelyn born about 1921
OlafsonGeorge born about 1912
OlanderElmer born about 1899
OlanderGrace born about 1901
OlanderKeith born about 1939
OlanderSonia born about 1936
OlarHorton born about 1917
OlofsonAntoinette born about 1911
OlofsonElaine born about 1935
OlofsonMartine born about 1940
OlofsonNorman born about 1937
OlofsonRobert born about 1908
OlsonAlma Eborn about 1878
OlsonOlenius born about 1860
OlsonOlenius born about 1910
OneilGeorge born about 1880
OneilJoseph born about 1924
OneilLouise born about 1888
OrleneDehne born about 1931
OsgoodJane born about 1900
OsgoodMarjory born about 1928
OsgoodSewall Mborn about 1898
OsgoodSewall Jr born about 1925
OsterbuschAiden born about 1932
OsterbuschCharlotte born about 1928
OsterbuschLudia born about 1903
OsterbuschRay born about 1899
OsterlingAlbin born about 1888
OsterlingAllen Wborn about 1927
OsterlingBlaine Wborn about 1919
OsterlingG Vborn about 1889
OsterlingLoana born about 1890
OsterlingMrs Ellenborn about 1890
OsterlingPaul Hborn about 1919
OttoBertha born about 1883
OverbyLois born about 1907
OverbySigurd born about 1901
OverholserAmie born about 1895
OverholserChas born about 1900
OverholserKathleen born about 1929
OvesonJune Mborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageCharles Eborn about 1935
PageEthel born about 1914
PageWilliam born about 1934
PageWilliam T Jrborn about 1914
PaigeRichard Jborn about 1935
PalaczBarbara born about 1932
PalaczLeone born about 1908
PaleyLewis born about 1895
PaleyMarion born about 1922
PaleyNorman born about 1927
PaleyOrril born about 1896
PaleyVirginia born about 1920
PanotFr born about 1880
PanotHenrieta born about 1880
PantkeIrma born about 1910
PantkeLolita Jeanborn about 1931
PantkeMuriel Ruthborn about 1933
PantkeOscar Eborn about 1903
PapeFloyd Dborn about 1937
PapeJune born about 1929
PapeKenneth born about 1939
PapeLloyd born about 1901
PapeMartha Rborn about 1902
PapeMary Annborn about 1931
PapeViolet born about 1910
ParsonsBert Lborn about 1888
ParsonsDard Bborn about 1923
ParsonsEssie born about 1896
ParsonsEvelyn Rborn about 1918
PatsyDehne born about 1933
PatterLaurence Sborn about 1899
PatterLaurence S Jrborn about 1929
PatterMary Dborn about 1902
PattersonJames C Jrborn about 1924
PattersonMrs Eatherborn about 1894
PattersonNancy Mborn about 1931
PattersonViola born about 1928
PattersonWishard born about 1925
PaulBradford born about 1927
PaulFinefield born about 1928
PaulingAlma born about 1900
PaulingWilliam Cborn about 1885
PearsonJames Jborn about 1891
PearsonJames Jborn about 1930
PearsonJean born about 1927
PearsonMaragaret Sborn about 1890
PearsonWalter Wborn about 1902
PebeuenArthur born about 1930
PebeuenHarrete born about 1904
PebeuenHenry born about 1892
PebeuenLucille born about 1929
PebeuenMargaret born about 1932
PeggjeonWilliam Rborn about 1917
PenkolaEvelyn born about 1909
PenkolaJoanne born about 1938
PenkolaJoseph born about 1909
PenkolaKenneth born about 1933
PenkolaRonald born about 1935
PenningtonDorothy born about 1917
PenningtonVaughn born about 1917
PermellDoris born about 1922
PesckeEdward born about 1881
PetersAlbert born about 1915
PetersGenevieve born about 1925
PetersMyrtle born about
PetersenDorothy born about 1904
PetersenEmil born about 1895
PetersohnClara born about 1898
PetersohnLeonard born about 1932
PetersohnWalter born about 1903
PetersonClaud born about 1890
PetersonClaudine born about 1932
PetersonEdith born about 1903
PetersonErick born about 1898
PetersonHenneth born about 1928
PetersonJanice born about 1936
PetersonJoanne born about 1930
PetersonMillicent born about 1898
PetersonMiriam born about 1920
PetersonRoberta born about 1918
PetgesDonald born about 1936
PetgesDorothy born about 1915
PetgesFrancis L???born about 1938
PetgesLouis born about 1914
PetgesRobert born about 1939
PfingstenAlma born about 1903
PfingstenLouis born about 1898
PfingstenShirley born about 1928
PfortmillerAlbert born about 1888
PfortmillerFreda born about 1893
PfortmillerNorman born about 1918
PhillipsWillard born about 1888
PictonHenry born about 1867
PictonJoseph born about 1898
PinkstonCarl born about 1927
PinkstonErnis born about 1924
PinkstonHaleey born about 1903
PinkstonHelen born about 1901
PinkstonPatrica born about 1932
PittisEdith born about 1875
PlaisenceKathryn born about 1901
PlaisenceSt Jr born about 1926
PlaisenceStanley Fborn about 1888
PohlmanCharles born about 1919
PohlmanEdward born about 1893
PohlmanEvelyn born about 1915
PohlmanGerald born about 1936
PohlmanJeannie born about 1940
PohlmanKathleen born about 1935
PohlmanLa Verne born about 1918
PohlmanPatricia born about 1934
PohlmanWillard born about 1913
PohlmannHattie born about 1889
PohlmannHenry born about 1873
PohlmannHenry born about 1918
PooleH Eborn about 1904
PopeEdrie born about 1910
PopeHelen born about 1875
PopeJohn Dborn about 1899
PopeJohn Jr born about 1927
PopeLucy born about 1875
PopeMichael born about 1930
PopeWilliam born about 1929
PorterCydia born about 1860
PostMarjorie born about 1902
PostMary Belleborn about 1925
PostRoger Jborn about 1927
PostSigmund born about 1892
PreisMartha Eborn about 1881
PretatEliz born about 1909
PretatHamilton born about 1903
PretatHamilton Jr born about 1931
PruczkaJosephine born about 1891
PruczkaJuin born about 1891
PruczkaLeo born about 1924
PttoLehmann born about 1872
PuetzHenry Aborn about 1896
PurceJames born about 1918
PurceJeanae born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaapHenry born about 1863
RaapHerbert born about 1901
RaapHiltrude born about 1911
RaapIda born about 1868
RaihaArnold born about 1910
RaihaArnold Fborn about 1939
RaihaBarbara born about 1940
RaihaEsther born about 1913
RalphBaldwin born about 1930
RalphGauger born about 1930
RamdeckerBarbara born about 1906
RamdeckerEdward born about 1904
RamdeckerJune born about 1931
RamdeckerRichard born about 1934
RamdeckerVirginia born about 1928
RandeckerLouisa born about 1863
RandeckerN Mborn about 1863
RaneyCarroll born about 1911
RaneyEvelyn born about 1915
RaneyJuanita Jeanborn about 1938
RasmusenFloyd born about 1931
RasmusenGenevieve born about 1905
RasmusenGloria born about 1928
RasmusenMelvin born about 1905
RatheElizabeth born about 1923
RatheErwin born about 1895
RatheHenry born about 1906
RatheHenry Jr born about 1932
RatheJulia born about 1914
RatheMargaret born about 1919
RatheMarie born about 1895
RatheRichard born about 1932
RatheWilliam born about 1890
RatheWillis born about 1916
RawlingsJohn born about 1936
RawlingsJohn Wborn about 1907
RawlingsJos Aborn about 1893
RawlingsJos Hborn about 1924
RawlingsJulia Eborn about 1938
RawlingsLena Mborn about 1901
RawlingsPatricia born about 1927
RawlingsZelma born about 1896
ReedGrace born about 1895
ReedPenrose born about 1887
ReevesFlorence born about 1893
ReevesHerman born about 1890
ReevesMary born about 1929
ReevesVirginia born about 1932
ReganAlbert born about 1886
ReinherdtFred Wborn about 1881
ReinherdtJack Cborn about 1918
ReinherdtOsie Rborn about 1885
RentnerGeorge born about 1890
RentnerIrene born about 1898
RentnerRobert born about 1930
RentnerRuth born about 1925
RevalvinJohn Minutemanborn about 1900
RicbonCharles born about 1904
RicbonCharles born about 1936
RicbonCora born about 1903
RicbonPhyllis born about 1929
RichardChrist born about 1930
RichardMinnie born about 1860
RichardStoneking born about 1928
RichardThomas born about 1920
RichterAlbert born about 1892
RichterBernard born about 1918
RichterKenneth born about 1922
RichterMalinda born about 1895
RiechersHattie born about 1900
RiechersWilliam Cborn about 1899
RiedellMarie born about 1879
RihterEdna born about 1897
RinehartBarbara born about 1881
RinneBetty Janeborn about 1925
RinneEdwin Hborn about 1894
RinneElla born about 1899
RinneMarilyn born about 1931
RinnePhyllis Annborn about 1926
RinneWilliam born about 1933
RobertPalmer born about 1929
RobertSchmidt born about 1928
RobertsonBetty Annborn about 1935
RobertsonChas born about 1900
RobertsonChas Jr born about 1930
RobertsonDouglas Bborn about 1881
RobertsonEsther born about 1900
RobertsonGraham born about 1909
RobertsonLena born about 1882
RobertsonMary Aborn about 1909
RobertsonThomas Mborn about 1939
RobinsonBernice born about 1928
RobinsonCharity born about 1907
RobinsonDelpha born about 1935
RobinsonFay born about 1924
RobinsonHarriet born about 1926
RobinsonHelen born about 1901
RobinsonJohn born about 1891
RobinsonLeslie born about 1859
RobinsonRoy born about 1900
RobinsonRoy Jr born about 1933
RobinsonVirginia born about 1929
RobleeLeland born about 1894
RobleeLeland born about 1928
RobleeSusan born about 1938
RobleeVirginia born about 1900
RobleeVirginia Leeborn about 1921
RobuschLouise born about 1901
RobuschLuise born about 1901
RobuschRobert born about 1899
RockwillMartin Eborn about 1872
RockwillSarah Lborn about 1873
RockwoodGeorge Wborn about 1901
RockwoodStella born about 1901
RodaCatherine born about 1876
RodewaldHelen born about 1913
RodewaldHenry Wborn about 1909
RodewaldRonald born about 1938
RogerTon born about 1929
RollAlbernah born about 1897
RollDavid born about 1929
RollFred Aborn about 1896
RollFred Jr born about 1923
RoloffIda born about 1883
RoloffRuth born about 1912
RoloffWilliam born about 1883
RoloffWilliam born about 1914
RomerChristopher born about 1905
RomerMargaret born about 1912
RosanskeyRose born about 1915
RoseFrank born about 1899
RoseRoger born about 1927
RoseVivien Mborn about 1902
RosenthalCharles Lborn about 1917
RosenthalFreda born about 1889
RosenthalHenry Dborn about 1890
RosenthalHenry Jr born about 1916
RosenwinkelFred born about 1905
RosenwinkelGenevie born about 1905
RosenwinkelGerold born about 1931
RosenwinkelNamanee born about 1935
RossCharlotte born about 1925
RossNadine born about 1900
RossThomas born about 1927
RossWilliam born about 1895
RossWilliam Jr born about 1920
RossiterFlorence born about 1900
RossiterGeorgene born about 1929
RossiterWalter born about 1901
RothAnn born about 1931
RothDorothy born about 1913
RothEdward Nborn about 1908
RothFrank born about 1907
RothGeorge born about 1902
RothIon born about 1933
RothJone born about 1937
RothKatherine born about 1874
RothLaura Nborn about 1910
RothMrs Fernborn about 1906
RozawickLeo Wborn about 1902
RueckerLouise born about 1907
RugglesHenry Jborn about 1882
RugglesRobert born about 1936
RugglesWanda born about 1896
RuhnkeDale born about 1935
RuhnkeLucille born about 1926
RushJames Aborn about 1920
RushRichard born about 1917
RushRose Dborn about 1884
RussellBeryl born about 1910
RussellCharles born about 1920
RussellLewis born about 1895
RussellPauline born about 1893
RussellWilvan Jborn about 1888
RybergJohn born about 1882
RyderHarold born about 1902
RyderJacquelyn born about 1907
RyderPhrone born about 1897
RyderRobert born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagesmanAlbert born about 1905
SagesmanAugust Aborn about 1869
SalgeHerbert born about 1920
SallyHatfield born about 1931
SamWilleford born about 1926
SanbornEsther born about 1913
SanbornJessie born about 1887
SanbornShirley born about 1923
SandersonDorothy born about 1898
SandersonGloria born about 1930
SandersonHarry born about 1891
SandersonPearl born about 1898
SandersonRobert born about 1901
SandersonRoger born about 1927
SarsfieldEdward Pborn about 1880
SauageAllen born about 1902
SavermanAnna born about 1877
SavermanArthur born about 1904
SavermanWilliam born about 1869
SawitoskiGertrude born about 1909
SawitoskiJoal born about 1901
SawitoskiJoal Dborn about 1931
SawitoskiLouise born about 1940
SawitoskiSusan born about 1940
SaxonElizabeth born about 1907
SaxonLyle born about 1901
SaxonRobert born about 1926
SaxonWilliam born about 1932
ScamehornBeatrice born about 1922
ScamehornIla born about 1893
ScamehornMelyn born about 1916
ScamehornRayman born about 1892
ScanlonPatrick born about 1905
SchaeferHenry born about 1879
SchaeferIda born about 1888
SchaeferRobert born about 1914
SchalkAlfred born about 1890
SchalkAlfred born about 1918
SchalkAmanda born about 1891
SchalkGeraldine born about 1920
ScharlauAugust born about 1880
ScharlauBertha born about 1913
ScharlauClara born about 1881
ScharlauErnest born about 1912
ScharlauHarvey born about 1937
ScharlauJames born about 1934
SchellenbergBeatty born about 1928
SchellenbergGertrude born about 1900
SchellenbergJohn born about 1899
SchellenbergJohn born about 1924
SchlechtBernice born about 1896
SchlechtGeorge born about 1894
SchlechtMadeline born about 1926
SchlickAlbert Wborn about 1915
SchlickFrank Jborn about 1911
SchlickKatherine born about 1919
SchlickLouise born about 1937
SchlickMae Nborn about 1911
SchmidtAl Pborn about 1889
SchmidtClara born about 1888
SchmidtDavid born about 1933
SchmidtErnst born about 1884
SchmidtEvelyn born about 1905
SchmidtJoann born about 1932
SchmidtJoseph born about 1906
SchmidtKatherine born about 1864
SchmidtLouise born about 1868
SchmidtMartha born about 1890
SchmidtPeter born about 1864
SchmiotEmma born about 1873
SchmoldtBertha born about 1905
SchmoldtElmer Eborn about 1906
SchmoldtHerman born about 1876
SchmoldtJustine born about 1885
SchmoldtRobert Eborn about 1937
SchmoldtWilbert Aborn about 1908
SchneidorCharles born about 1882
SchneidorLouise born about 1880
SchrachtaChas born about 1881
SchrachtaEffie Eborn about 1880
SchrachtaHazel Lborn about 1918
SchrachtaRobert Cborn about 1918
SchrachtaSozanne born about 1939
SchramerBetty Jborn about 1925
SchramerDonald Eborn about 1932
SchramerEdward Nborn about 1903
SchramerFlora Mborn about 1929
SchramerIrene Mborn about 1903
SchramerJohn born about 1861
SchramerRose born about 1866
SchremerAngel born about 1900
SchremerJohn Vborn about 1898
SchremerNick born about 1873
SchremerTillie born about 1902
SchultzClara born about 1872
SchultzCorlyn Jeanborn about 1932
SchultzIrma born about 1907
SchultzMark born about 1906
SchusterMarvin born about 1913
SchusterSandra born about 1939
SchusterSara born about 1913
SchwarzMarie born about 1917
ScottBilly born about 1922
ScottDonald Hborn about 1896
ScottEdith born about 1889
ScottFrank born about 1916
ScottGeorge born about 1914
ScottMary born about 1917
ScottRobt Sborn about 1889
ScurrahGeorge Cborn about 1911
ScurrahJohn Aborn about 1917
ScurrahJohn Cborn about 1879
ScurrahKatherine born about 1884
ScurrahRobert Gborn about 1920
SeboitHarold born about 1906
SeboitSegrid born about 1906
SeddonBetty born about 1918
SeddonHugh born about 1918
SeddonHugh Kennethborn about 1939
SeddonRaymond born about 1911
SeddonViola born about 1914
SegesmanEmma born about 1909
SegesmanErwin born about 1908
SegesmanJanet born about 1938
SeifertMartha born about 1875
SeifertOtto Hborn about 1865
SekeleyAnna born about 1886
SekeleyJoseph born about 1882
SelbertZemke born about 1928
SelenyLuetta born about 1917
SelenyShirley born about 1939
SelenyWilliam born about 1917
SelenyWilliam Jr born about 1939
SelkeAdelyn born about 1904
SelkeBarbara born about 1935
SelkeGloria born about 1932
SelkeRudolph born about 1900
SellersIrena born about 1888
SellersJoseph born about 1879
SellhornHenrietta born about 1886
SembachDonald born about 1930
SembachDorothy born about 1935
SembachEleanor born about 1904
SembachJean born about 1934
SembachKenneth born about 1928
SembachKenneth Cborn about 1907
ShanksBarbara born about 1935
ShanksFrancis born about 1910
ShanksRichard Pborn about 1909
ShannonM Givenborn about 1892
ShannonMargaret born about 1872
ShannonMartha born about 1907
ShannonOrville Nborn about 1902
SharpeBeverly Anborn about 1937
SharpeEsther born about 1904
SharpeGeorge born about 1900
SharpeHerbert born about 1870
ShawF Edwardborn about 1909
ShawLouise born about 1911
ShepherdA Rborn about 1890
ShepherdOlive born about 1892
ShermanAmanda born about 1895
ShermanEmily born about 1888
ShermanGenevieve born about 1926
ShermanGeorge born about 1900
ShermanGloria born about 1925
ShermanKenneth born about 1923
ShermanLois born about 1928
ShermanRobert born about 1922
ShermanVictor born about 1888
ShermanWoodroff born about 1918
ShieldBeroyl born about 1896
ShieldEmmett born about 1921
ShieldWesley born about 1896
ShifferMary Cborn about 1866
SilvasyRuth born about 1917
SilvasySandra born about 1936
SilvasyWendy born about 1939
SilvasyZoltan born about 1909
SilverDonald born about 1932
SilverEric born about 1904
SilverLouis born about 1866
SilverMarie born about 1878
SilverMichael born about 1932
SilverMr Belvaborn about 1912
SimGeorge born about 1891
SimGeorge born about 1917
SimJack born about 1922
SimMyrtle Sborn about 1922
SimMyrtle Vborn about 1894
SimNeal born about 1920
SimPatricia born about 1924
SimonsFern born about 1895
SimonsHarold born about 1889
SimpsonJeanne born about 1926
SimpsonKenneth born about 1896
SimpsonKenneth born about 1927
SimpsonLillian born about 1897
SiymourElayne born about 1896
SiymourPhylice born about 1905
SletteTomina born about 1912
SlingerlandCleone born about 1912
SlingerlandDiane born about 1937
SlingerlandJ Haroldborn about 1907
SlingerlandSharon born about 1940
SlocumEva born about 1913
SlocumRobert born about 1913
SmidAnne born about 1884
SmithBernice born about 1911
SmithBeulah born about 1878
SmithCharles born about 1930
SmithClifford born about 1906
SmithClifford born about 1932
SmithElizabeth born about 1934
SmithKenneth born about 1938
SmithLaura born about 1860
SmithLucy born about 1898
SmithSeth born about 1883
SnyderMary born about 1917
SomaIngborg born about 1890
SomaTrivge born about 1888
SondeDorothy born about 1907
SondeFred Mborn about 1903
SondeHarold born about 1910
SpeakmanHarry born about 1890
SpeakmanPearl born about 1893
SpearsByron born about 1872
SpearsCathyrn Cborn about 1879
SpearsEdith Rborn about 1909
SpearsJames born about 1913
SpearsJohn born about 1917
SpekerBeulah born about 1912
SpinnerLillian born about 1905
SpinnerOtto born about 1900
SpinnerRobert born about 1935
StachDavid born about 1937
StagmanAnna born about 1886
StagmanCharles born about 1879
StagmanMargaret born about 1919
StallsmithHarvey born about 1884
StallsmithHarvey Jr born about 1923
StallsmithIda born about 1889
StallsmithWallace born about 1920
StanaAnna born about 1886
StanleyMarks born about 1932
StanleyRobt born about 1921
StantonElizabeth born about 1933
StantonMarillac born about 1909
StantonThomas Pborn about 1930
StantonThomas Wborn about 1900
StanwoodCaroline Eborn about 1855
StarkEsther born about 1897
StarkJoseph born about 1894
StegmanFrank born about 1873
StegmanFrank Jr born about 1909
StegmanMary born about 1876
SteinbeckAllan born about 1930
SteinbeckAnna born about 1898
SteinbeckCarol born about 1929
SteinbeckEdward born about 1902
SteinbeckHelen born about 1928
SteinsonBillee Bborn about 1912
SteinsonHarold Mborn about 1909
SteinsonRobert born about 1938
StelmoreAndrey born about 1922
StelmoreRoman born about 1894
StelmoreRoman Jr born about 1924
StephenGeorge born about 1920
StephenLucille born about 1886
StephenRobert born about 1885
StephenRobert Jr born about 1919
StephensonChas born about 1864
StephensonMary born about 1864
SternburgCharles born about 1922
SternburgEva born about 1890
SternburgGordon born about 1919
StillmanAlice born about 1939
StillmanEva Bborn about 1936
StillmanFlorence born about 1906
StillmanLela Kborn about 1935
StillmanMerle Cborn about 1903
StoltenbertHildur born about 1898
StoltenbertMary Janeborn about 1935
StoltenbertRaymond born about 1895
StoltenbertRaymond Jr born about 1921
StoltenbertRichard born about 1921
StoltenbertWilliam born about 1927
StouckMary born about 1869
StreetCherrill born about 1935
StreetJeannete born about 1902
StreetRobert born about 1938
StreetTheo Hborn about 1903
StrofferCharles born about 1880
StrofferJosephine born about 1886
StuartAllen born about 1939
StuartDonald born about 1935
StuartDonald Wborn about 1911
StuartEdna born about 1915
StuartGertrude born about 1907
StuartJames born about 1939
StuartJanet born about 1938
StuartRobert born about 1906
StuartRobert ???born about 1937
StuerzebecherEdith born about 1939
StuerzebecherErna born about 1903
StuerzebecherGeorge born about 1897
StuerzebecherGertrude born about 1925
StuerzebecherLucille born about 1927
StullfantElvina born about 1920
StullfantMarguerite born about 1897
StullfantMay born about 1885
StullfantWilliard born about 1918
SulzannAlberta born about 1892
SulzannMilada born about 1904
SulzannRobert born about 1925
SutherlandRobert born about 1903
SutterEdwin Aborn about 1868
SwiatowskiClarice Mborn about 1923
SwiatowskiSophie Mborn about 1894
SwiatowskiThomas Nborn about 1936
SwiatowskiVincent Bborn about 1926
SwiatowskiWilliam Jborn about 1894
SwisherCharles born about 1934
SwisherFrancis born about 1901
SwisherThomas born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackClarice born about 1902
TackMilton born about 1907
TackRud born about 1937
TaylorArthur born about 1908
TaylorGeo Cborn about 1870
TaylorHelen born about 1881
TaylorHelen born about 1931
TaylorMarie born about 1910
TaylorSharon born about 1939
TegtmeierDoris born about 1931
TegtmeierErna born about 1906
TegtmeierFred born about 1905
TegtmeierFred born about 1929
TegtmeierRobert born about 1932
TempleAnna born about 1893
TempleAnnette born about 1919
TempleDelia born about 1907
TempleFernk born about 1923
TempleFrances born about 1926
TempleFrancis born about 1901
TempleGeorge born about 1873
TempleJames Rborn about 1923
TempleLouis born about 1892
TerryBeverly born about 1939
TerryGriffin born about 1911
TerryMary born about 1909
TewsBeatrice born about 1932
TewsDonald born about 1933
TewsFlorence born about 1909
TewsGeorge born about 1907
TewsHarold born about 1919
TewsHarry born about 1901
TewsLillian born about 1902
TewsWillard born about 1929
ThallsClyde born about 1934
ThelmaSchmieg born about 1925
TheobaldAnna born about 1889
TheobaldHenry born about 1877
TheresaEscorcia born about 1928
ThieleGladys born about 1910
ThieleLeonard Hborn about 1907
ThieleMarion born about 1939
ThieleShirley born about 1938
ThielenBetty born about 1922
ThiemannDorothy born about 1907
ThiemannFred born about 1860
ThiemannGeorge born about 1904
ThiemannHerman born about 1873
ThiemannJanet born about 1932
ThiemannLouisa born about 1866
ThiemannMartha born about 1872
ThiemannMinnie born about 1882
ThiemannNorman born about 1919
ThiemannSophie born about 1859
ThiemannWilliam born about 1882
ThiemeEstelle Rborn about 1900
ThomasAlbert born about 1885
ThomasBertha Hborn about 1921
ThomasFlorence born about 1892
ThomaspRoake born about 1931
ThompsonCatherine born about 1866
ThompsonEarl born about 1892
ThompsonEdith born about 1894
ThompsonMildred born about 1900
ThorsellBertha born about 1902
ThorsellGladys born about 1929
ThorsellHarold born about 1927
ThorsellVerdell born about 1923
ThorsellWilliam born about 1900
ThorwaldsenJenny born about 1909
ThorwaldsenLorelei born about 1928
ThorwaldsenMeryln born about 1930
ThorwaldsenRus born about 1907
ThurnauEdna born about 1912
ThurnauErwin born about 1908
ThurnauMinnie born about 1885
ThurnauRichard born about 1936
ThurnauWilliam born about 1876
TillmanCamilla born about 1907
TillmanCarl born about 1902
TolleyEdw born about 1902
TolleyEdward born about 1929
TolleyEsther born about 1903
TolleyLee born about 1932
TomaseckBessie born about 1886
TomaseckEmil born about 1883
TomlinKathryn born about 1901
TomlinPaul born about 1901
TomlinPhillip born about 1930
TomlinsonHelen born about 1862
TreadwayClaire born about 1881
TriggsJoseph born about 1916
TrostAlma born about 1889
TrostCharles Hborn about 1881
TrostElvera born about 1921
TroykeAdolph born about 1856
TroykeAlma born about 1894
TroykeEdward Hborn about 1921
TroykeEdwin Hborn about 1895
TroykeJohn born about 1928
TroykePaul born about 1930
TrulockBartha born about 1877
TrulockBurma born about 1900
TrulockGuy Eborn about 1901
TrulockPamela Annborn about 1930
TurekFrank born about 1913
TurekJosephine born about 1916
TurmanGeorge born about 1912
TurmanViolet born about 1915
TurnerCharles Eborn about 1927
TurnerNadine born about 1903
TurnquistBarbara Aborn about 1940
TylerRobt Jr born about 1930
TylerTaylor born about 1933
TylerThomas born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmbackMary born about 1870
UnderwoodHarley born about 1893
UnderwoodJune born about 1917
UnderwoodLottie born about 1890
UnderwoodRobt born about 1920
UnrathAlbert born about 1914
UnrathAldonna born about 1940
UnrathHelen born about 1917
UnrathVirginia born about 1914

V Surnames

VailBenedict born about 1909
VailEillen born about 1908
VailPhilip born about 1937
VanburkomWillard born about 1937
VangoathenAlice born about 1934
VangoathenAugust born about 1912
VangoathenAugust Jr born about 1937
VangoathenEleanor born about 1915
VantubergenRf born about 1913
VantubergenThelma born about 1915
VanwinkleElla born about 1923
VeaverMarshall born about 1891
VeaverMerl born about 1894
VenardCatherine born about 1894
VenardCatherine born about 1936
VenardGeroldine born about 1930
VenardMichael born about 1880
VenardRichard born about 1934
VenardRobart born about 1928
VenardThomas born about 1931
ViningLucetta born about 1899
VogtAnnette born about 1887
VogtChristian born about 1883
VogtChristine born about 1921
VogtHarold born about 1925
VolberdingDella Mborn about 1894
VolberdingDorothy born about 1917
VolberdingHarry Hborn about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

Wagner born about 1918
WagnerJohn born about 1884
WagnerMrs born about 1886
WaiteW Wborn about 1858
WalchBarbara born about 1898
WalchCarol Annborn about 1932
WalchLeo born about 1900
WalchLeo Jr born about 1930
WalserClarence born about 1906
WalserJohn born about 1937
WalserRuth born about 1908
WalterShotwell born about 1884
WarrenCora born about 1863
WarrenElsie Eborn about 1912
WarrenHarold Jr born about 1910
WaskowGustav born about 1884
WaskowRobert born about 1914
WaskowRose born about 1890
WastomEmma born about 1914
WatsonAllen born about 1931
WatsonAllen Sborn about 1897
WatsonBeatrice born about 1897
WatsonDeneena born about 1904
WatsonLouise born about 1908
WayAlice born about 1895
WayHarry born about 1895
WeidmanRose born about 1858
WeishaarEmma born about 1901
WeishaarJohn born about 1901
WenslaffFrieda born about 1870
WerdellClara Rborn about 1887
WerdellDorothy born about 1923
WerdellFrancis born about 1917
WerdellGerard born about 1927
WerdellMarcella born about 1914
WerdellNicholas born about 1912
WerdellNicholas Pborn about 1888
WerglesMable born about 1883
WestBlythe born about 1895
WestHarriet born about 1865
WestRobert born about 1924
WestRussel Eborn about 1895
WestRymond born about 1920
WestcottDorothy born about 1898
WestenfeldtMargaret born about 1899
WestenfeldtRobert born about 1900
WestenfeldtRobert born about 1930
WestfallEmma born about 1889
WestfallFred Cborn about 1886
WestwoodGeorge born about 1895
WestwoodRachel born about 1894
WheelerChloe born about 1863
WheelerEdwin born about 1918
WheelerEliz born about 1927
WheelerHelen born about 1900
WheelerHenry born about 1891
WheelerJane born about 1892
WheelerJohn Fborn about 1888
WheelerLouise born about 1888
WheelerMarjory born about 1919
WheelerWm born about 1898
WhitewayE Eborn about 1893
WhitewayHoward born about 1928
WhitewayIvy born about 1896
WhitingLouiza born about 1862
WhitlockCarol born about 1929
WhitlockJohn Bborn about 1894
WhitlockMarjory born about 1894
WhitlockMarjory born about 1916
WickstromGeorge born about 1905
WickstromGeorge born about 1930
WickstromMary Annborn about 1933
WickstromVera born about 1909
WienkeEmil Jborn about 1881
WienkeEtta Bborn about 1886
WienkeHarley born about 1908
WieseEmma born about 1887
WieseFred born about 1881
WieseHerman born about 1886
WieseRaymond born about 1912
WieseWinona born about 1918
WilderJames Dborn about 1935
WilderJoan born about 1925
WilderJoseph Dborn about 1896
WilderLaurence born about 1921
WilderMargaret Mborn about 1897
WilderPatricia born about 1931
WilderRose Maryborn about 1923
WilderTherese born about 1928
WillardFrances born about 1918
WillardGeorge Bborn about 1892
WillardHilda born about 1896
WilleConrad born about 1864
WilleEmil born about 1907
WilleSophia born about 1870
WillerAltha born about 1890
WillerArthur born about 1884
WillerEugene born about 1914
WilliamHuebsshmann born about 1856
WilliamKmeyer born about 1930
WilliamKoken born about 1925
WilliamSchaaf born about 1932
WilliampRoake born about 1926
WilliamsArthur Lborn about 1922
WilliamsCowan Cborn about 1893
WilliamsCowan Hborn about 1921
WilliamsGertrude born about 1902
WilliamsHerb born about 1901
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1931
WilliamsNancy born about 1932
WilliamsRuth Aborn about 1894
WilliamsRuth Aborn about 1926
WilliardDavid born about 1933
WilliardGuy Cborn about 1890
WilliardMildred born about 1896
WilsonHarriet Tborn about 1895
WilsonLeanor Lborn about 1929
WilsonMarjorie Jborn about 1925
WilsonRichard Jborn about 1898
WincherAlburt born about 1863
WindAda born about 1892
WindFrank born about 1890
WindJames born about 1920
WinslowStart born about 1901
WintersGordon born about 1934
WintersMilvin Pborn about 1898
WintersMyrtle born about 1900
WischsteadtBertha born about 1878
WismerAgnes born about 1911
WolcottFredrick born about 1865
WolcottMargaret born about 1864
WolgastElva born about 1907
WolgastPaul born about 1903
WollmanAnna Aborn about 1869
WollmanLouis Pborn about 1865
WolsfeldFrank Pborn about 1902
WolsfeldJames born about 1927
WolsfeldKatherine born about 1898
WolsfeldKatherine born about 1921
WolsfeldLorraine born about 1926
WolsfeldMatilda born about 1904
WolsfeldRobert born about 1932
WomeldorfCaole born about 1932
WomeldorfCaroline born about 1880
WomeldorfFreda born about 1908
WomeldorfWallace born about 1903
WoodGeorge born about 1934
WoodJohn born about 1900
WoodJohn Jr born about 1932
WoodMary Eborn about 1924
WoodSylvia born about 1899
WoodmanseeCatherine born about 1900
WoodmanseeJane born about 1927
WoodmanseeJohn born about 1899
WoodrowPalmer born about 1933
WrightAlta born about 1912
WrightDavid Hborn about 1936
WrightDennis Tborn about 1890
WrightDennis W Jborn about 1933
WrightDennis Jr born about 1912
WrightJeana born about 1888
WursterEdward Jborn about 1898
WursterMae born about 1903
WursterRalph born about 1930
WyskochilDoris born about 1939
WyskochilHenry Jborn about 1913
WyskochilMary Aborn about 1913
WyskofElizabeth born about 1920
WyskofFrank born about 1884
WyskofGeorgine born about 1888
WyskofMartha born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YockleyClarence born about 1896
YockleyFannie Lborn about 1902
YockleyFranklin Eborn about 1934
YockleyLaurence Eborn about 1925
YockleyMarion Wborn about 1924
YorgerJohanna born about 1875
YoungBernall born about 1907
YvonneHatfield born about 1933

Z Surnames

ZariLila born about 1913
ZariRaymond born about 1907
ZarndtElsie born about 1912
ZarndtWalter born about 1892
ZeierDonald Jborn about 1920
ZeierHerbert Wborn about 1902
ZeierJacob born about 1896
ZeierJoseph Wborn about 1909
ZeierJule born about 1903
ZeierKatherine born about 1891
ZeierKatherine Mborn about 1914
ZeierMary Aborn about 1928
ZeierMary Cborn about 1890
ZeierMary Eborn about 1887
ZeierNancy born about 1935
ZeierRobert Eborn about 1923
ZeierWilliam Wborn about 1882
ZelinskyBoles born about 1908
ZelinskyLempi born about 1905
ZinzerE Mborn about 1902
ZoellickBetty born about 1935
ZoellickGeorge born about 1900
ZoellickPricilla born about 1910
ZuttermeisterAdele born about 1910
ZuttermeisterOtto Eborn about 1910

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