1940 U.S. Federal Census of East Bend Township, Champaign, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Champaign County > 1940 Census of East Bend Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AldrichAnna Mborn about 1933
AldrichBertie Eborn about 1902
AldrichCarl Fborn about 1936
AldrichCharles born about 1902
AldrichGlen born about 1927
AldrichHomer born about 1900
AldrichHomer Gborn about 1923
AldrichJohn Bborn about 1929
AldrichMary Eborn about 1939
AldrichRalph Hborn about 1921
AldudgeAnne born about 1876
AldudgeSamuel born about 1871
AppersonAndrew Nborn about 1902
AppersonAugusta Rborn about 1900
AppersonMargaret Fborn about 1932
AppersonRobert Cborn about 1928
AppersonWilliam Aborn about 1922

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B Surnames

BannerClifford Aborn about 1914
BannerClifford Eborn about 1940
BannerMartha Hborn about 1915
BarnettVirgie born about 1910
BarrettDonald born about 1921
BaumanFred born about 1855
BaylorAlonzo born about 1871
BaylorNellie born about 1878
BehrensDorothy Vborn about 1918
BehrensHenry Lborn about 1913
BensonAlice Cborn about 1893
BensonCharles Aborn about 1936
BensonJohn Oborn about 1892
BensonMelvin Eborn about 1930
BergmanHenry Eborn about 1925
BergmanJohn Dborn about 1901
BergmanMinnie Gborn about 1916
BergmanRozene Cborn about 1928
BergmanVelma Lborn about 1930
BergmanWilbar Jborn about 1937
BirkeyBernice Eborn about 1920
BirkeyFloyd born about 1938
BirkeyJohn Cborn about 1890
BirkeyLillie Eborn about 1895
BirkeyLyle Rborn about 1921
BirkyChus Bborn about 1880
BirkyLena born about 1877
BirkyLewis Aborn about 1911
BiskerAlwin Rborn about 1892
BiskerAmelia Aborn about 1892
BiskerCaroll born about 1929
BiskerDelmar Gborn about 1933
BiskerIvan Lborn about 1921
BiskerMargaret Vborn about 1925
BiskerNarvin Aborn about 1907
BrainardAlfred born about 1902
BrainardBitty born about 1935
BrainardJunior born about 1938
BrainardLe Nora born about 1928
BrainardLucy born about 1905
BrainardRobert born about 1930
BrainardWilliam born about 1933
BrrkeyAnna Mborn about 1888
BrrkeyJacob Wborn about 1884
BuckleyElla Sborn about 1891
BuckleyLewis Wborn about
BukeyLila born about 1917
BukeyRaymond born about 1911
BurgeAnnie born about 1852
BustoJuanita born about 1925
BustoLa Vada born about 1930

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C Surnames

CaglePaul Mborn about 1918
CarleyA La Vonneborn about 1933
CarleyHarris Cborn about 1930
CarleyJ Deweyborn about 1935
CarleyJane Eborn about 1926
CarleyM Albertaborn about 1905
CarleyR Melvinborn about 1924
CarleyRobert Vborn about 1928
CarleyRussel Mborn about 1903
CenderChris born about 1873
CenderEldon Eborn about 1932
CenderEmery Pborn about 1907
CenderFern Eborn about 1935
CenderLenora Mborn about 1939
CenderLowell Mborn about 1933
CenderMahlon Jborn about 1929
CenderMattie born about 1906
CenderMilton Lborn about 1931
CenderVietta Kborn about 1938
CenderWilda Mborn about 1936
ConoverClifford born about 1914
ConoverGenevieve born about 1915
CookAlvia Lborn about 1888
CookAlvia Jr born about 1923
CookBessie Mborn about 1921
CookDorothy Jborn about 1929
CookGeorge Wborn about 1903
CookJohn Lborn about 1915
CookLaura born about 1894
CookLois Eborn about 1927
CookMargie Aborn about 1939
CookNelda born about 1924
CookNora Eborn about 1893
CookOren born about 1916
CookRosemary born about 1922
CookW Eldiaborn about 1892
CrozierEmma born about 1894
CrozierJune Aborn about 1927
CrozierMay Lucileborn about 1919
CummeensDorthy born about 1933
CummeensJames born about 1902
CummeensSylvia born about 1907
CummeensWilliam born about 1931
CurkHoward born about 1924
CurkIra born about 1881
CurkJunior born about 1923
CurkMaitilda born about 1888

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D Surnames

DavisCecil born about 1906
DavisGerald born about 1931
DavisJanice born about 1938
DavisLarry born about 1934
DavisLily born about 1906
DavisPatricia born about 1936
DeanCharles Aborn about 1897
DeanGladys Aborn about 1906
DeanKenneth Jborn about 1937
DeanLois Mborn about 1931
DeanMary Fborn about 1927
DeanPatricia Cborn about 1935
DelozierMary Cborn about 1875
DelozierSam Wborn about 1869
DepaepeElizabeth Lborn about 1939
DepaepeLucille Eborn about 1915
DepaepePaul Lborn about 1916
DonovanAmurine born about 1910
DonovanPaul born about 1890
DrenanReith born about 1909
DrenanRuth born about 1912
DrennanAndrei Cborn about 1909
DrennanCharles born about 1936
DrennanDonald Lborn about 1928
DrennanHarry Fborn about 1869
DrennanJohn Cborn about 1903
DrennanLeone Jborn about 1906
DrennanLeslie Cborn about 1905
DrennanLloyd born about 1906
DrennanMar Van born about 1939
DrennanMary born about 1913
DrennanMyrtle Jborn about 1900
DrennanOlga born about 1876
DrennanRoscae Lborn about 1888
DrennanRuth Eborn about 1927
DuartEdna Janeborn about 1940
DuartFloyd born about 1937
DuartJames born about 1933
DuartJohn born about 1935
DuartLa Vaughn born about 1915
DuartLa Vern born about 1905
DuartThelma Maryborn about 1938

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E Surnames

EichalbergerDale Fborn about 1933
EichalbergerDelores Aborn about 1935
EichalbergerDonald Rborn about 1933
EichalbergerEarl Rborn about 1928
EichalbergerEdna Eborn about 1907
EichalbergerEvelyn Mborn about 1927
EichalbergerGeorge Cborn about 1903
EichalbergerMarion Gborn about 1937
EichalbergerPaul Aborn about 1932
EichalbergerVirginia Lborn about 1930
EichalbergerWard Mborn about 1925
EichelbergereAudrey Mborn about 1926
EichelbergereJohn born about 1892
EichelbergereLottie born about 1891
EichelbergereNorma Jborn about 1920
EichelbergereRaymond Hborn about 1923
EllisLeland born about 1922
EllisPauline Eborn about 1921
EmmerosnSpencer born about 1916
EplerArthur Cborn about 1883
EplerElmer Lborn about 1903
EplerMattie Bborn about 1886
EplerSarah Eborn about 1922
ErdmanAdelhert born about 1882
ErdmanAugust Cborn about 1875
ErdmanDonona Mborn about 1930
ErdmanWayne Fborn about 1916
EstiaHarold born about 1913
EstiaWinnie born about 1898
EtchelbergerJohn born about 1862

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F Surnames

FairfieldDwane Wborn about 1925
FairfieldJack Eborn about 1929
FairfieldLenore Eborn about 1904
FairfieldMerle Eborn about 1901
FairfieldNadine Wborn about 1924
FairfieldRobert Mborn about 1922
FarrisJ Hborn about 1940
FarrisJack born about 1888
FarrisLula born about 1891
FarrisRobert born about 1928
FasselBelle born about 1886
FasselBernice born about 1924
FasselChester born about 1919
FasselEmily born about 1922
FergusonThersa Mborn about 1873
FinkEarl born about 1907
FinkElsie born about 1916
FinkJo Anneborn about 1939
FitchEdna Cborn about 1891
FitchHomer Cborn about 1886
FitchHomer C Jrborn about 1917
FitchVirginia Mborn about 1924
FosterThes Hborn about 1872
FrankenburgerRaymond born about 1912
FronellJack born about 1918

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G Surnames

GlazebrookAndy Hborn about 1900
GlazebrookAndy Wborn about 1925
GlazebrookFreddie Oborn about 1934
GlazebrookLeland Jborn about 1922
GlazebrookLucille Mborn about 1927
GlazebrookMaida Jborn about 1923
GlazebrookMary Lborn about 1902
GoedJoseph Cborn about 1906
GoedMildred born about 1914
GoedPaul born about 1938
GoodAlta Eborn about 1911
GoodArthur Eborn about 1897
GoodBernelle Mborn about 1934
GoodBertha Jborn about 1899
GoodDelores Aborn about 1930
GoodEllis Eborn about 1928
GoodIvan Sborn about 1899
GoodLeland Kborn about 1939
GoodLu Ella Mborn about 1903
GoodMary Aborn about 1871
GoodPeter born about 1864
GoodViolet Eborn about 1929
GoodWilliam Wborn about 1926
GreenCurry born about 1884
GreenGrace Aborn about 1882
GreisenBessie born about 1914
GreisenKaren Jborn about 1940
GreisenMelvin born about 1911
GrgersonAlfred Hborn about 1895
GrgersonFrances Iborn about 1920
GrgersonGlayds Mborn about 1895
GrgersonKatherine Aborn about 1925
GrgersonRobert Dborn about 1933
GriederCosby Cborn about 1899
GriederMarie born about 1916
GrieserAlva Gborn about 1914
GrieserBlanche Mborn about 1916
GrieserDelmar Eborn about 1921
GrieserGeorge born about 1878
GrieserLena Mborn about 1882
GrieserLester Jborn about 1906
GrieserRoy Eborn about 1919
GuyWalter Rborn about 1887
GuyZelma Fborn about 1889
GuymanClara Dborn about 1912
GuymanEmary Cborn about 1913
GuynnFreda Mborn about 1895
GuynnJesse Fborn about 1893
GuynnJohn born about 1870
GuynnMaggie Mborn about 1864
GuynnMildred Lborn about 1922
GuynnVernon Lborn about 1925

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H Surnames

HadlerArthur Wborn about 1879
HadlerEthel Eborn about 1906
HadlerHoward Dborn about 1934
HadlerRose Bborn about 1880
HadlerRuth Eborn about 1939
HadlerW Harrisborn about 1902
HaiserAmas Aborn about 1885
HaiserBertha Eborn about 1885
HallHarvey Oborn about 1882
HarschHenry born about 1868
HarschKatie born about 1872
HauerspergerCharles Eborn about 1917
HauerspergerEdward Kborn about 1939
HauerspergerMildred born about 1919
HauerspergerSteven Lborn about 1940
HawwnCharles Sborn about 1916
HawwnEthel Sborn about 1883
HeapDelilah Mborn about 1937
HeapElza Jborn about 1904
HeapLeland Wborn about 1929
HeapLowell Fborn about 1934
HeapMarie born about 1905
HeapVergil Iborn about 1932
HeapVernon Cborn about 1933
HedrickJohn Hborn about 1890
HedrickMartin Wborn about 1921
HedrickNola born about 1895
HedrickRobert born about 1923
HeiberAlvin born about 1886
HeiberClara born about 1919
HeiberElizabeth Mborn about 1892
HeimbergerBarbara Iborn about 1936
HeimbergerFlora born about 1912
HeimbergerGalda Rborn about 1934
HeimbergerHarry Aborn about 1904
HeimbergerHarry Dborn about 1939
HeimbergerWilbur Lborn about 1931
HeinburgerAndy born about 1877
HeinburgerElalon Eborn about 1911
HeinburgerEmma Cborn about 1879
HeinburgerWilliam Rborn about 1917
HeiserAlma born about 1893
HeiserBarbra born about 1890
HeiserElizabeth born about 1905
HeiserEmery Jborn about 1909
HeiserFrances Mborn about 1915
HeiserHilda Gborn about 1919
HeiserIrene Eborn about 1907
HeiserJanet Eborn about 1937
HeiserLai Vborn about 1925
HeiserLowell Dborn about 1935
HeiserManuel Eborn about 1884
HeiserMary Eborn about 1881
HeiserMerle Eborn about 1933
HeiserPauline Kborn about 1924
HeiserPeter born about 1864
HeiserRaymond Wborn about 1913
HeiserRoger Lborn about 1939
HeiserRosalie Mborn about 1936
HeiserRuth Vborn about 1918
HeiserSamuel born about 1891
HeiserSilas born about 1899
HeiserVelma Mborn about 1916
HeiserVerena Fborn about 1920
HeithBetty Jborn about 1928
HeithDale Rborn about 1930
HeithDonald Eborn about 1934
HeithEthel Rborn about 1908
HeithRobert Hborn about 1904
HekmannHazela born about 1923
HekmannWilliam Jr born about 1920
HenneigePritnam born about 1933
HenneighGaylon born about 1918
HerserMargaret Eborn about 1915
HerserVernon Jborn about 1911
HigginsLila Mborn about 1925
HillCarl Nborn about 1916
HillD Leonaborn about 1921
HillDorothy Hborn about 1913
HillFred Aborn about 1880
HillHarold Eborn about 1911
HillRonald Wborn about 1932
HillbaryIsaac born about 1875
HillisonJulia born about 1875
HitchinsDoris Lborn about 1928
HitchinsDorthy Pborn about 1931
HitchinsEmma Gborn about 1900
HitchinsJames Lborn about 1927
HitchinsLloyd Eborn about 1922
HitchinsMable Dborn about 1924
HitchinsPhilip Jborn about 1891
HoffmanDora Aborn about 1891
HoffmanElaine Lborn about 1917
HoffmanFred Wborn about 1885
HoffmanLawrence born about 1917
HoffmanMarion Aborn about 1923
HornAaron Kborn about 1906
HornSylvia Vborn about 1905
HorschEsther born about 1906
HorschGalen Hborn about 1937
HorschHenry Lborn about 1903
HorschJames Eborn about 1940
HorschRichard Vborn about 1932
HowardDan Lborn about 1918
HummelAloyseino Cborn about 1888
HummelAnna Mborn about 1846
HummelCharles Aborn about 1880
HummelChus born about 1863
HummelLaura Kborn about 1887
HummelLaura Kborn about 1928
HummelLewis Hborn about 1873
HummelLyle Fborn about 1920
HummelMarjorie Eborn about 1924
HydeCarol Gborn about 1924
HydeMary Kborn about 1902
HydePaul Aborn about 1899
HydePaul Aborn about 1928

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I Surnames

InglemanWilliam born about 1887
IngoldJohn Dborn about 1938
IngoldLeroy Dborn about 1931
IngoldPaul Rborn about 1926
IngoldRoy Aborn about 1900
IngoldSaide born about 1904
IngoldVirginia Mborn about 1930

J Surnames

JohnsonEldan born about 1931
JohnsonHarry born about 1891
JohnsonHoward born about 1917
JohnsonJohn Eborn about
JohnsonLucile born about 1919
JohnsonMarie born about 1894
JohnsonNancy Bborn about 1890
JohnsonRichard born about 1888
JohnsonSuzan born about 1904
JonesAlwin Aborn about 1894
JonesByron Eborn about 1940
JonesClara Eborn about 1909
JonesEmery Eborn about 1909
JonesFlorence born about 1890
JonesJohn Mborn about 1890
JonesKarl born about 1889
JonesKay Demorrisborn about 1938
JonesLa Verne Aborn about 1906
JonesMae born about 1885
JonesRichard Jborn about 1926
JonesRobert born about 1921
JonesWard Mborn about 1898

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K Surnames

KaufmanDorothy Aborn about 1926
KaufmanJoseph Cborn about 1904
KaufmanKatherine Mborn about 1904
KaufmanMarcella Lborn about 1929
KaufmanVincent L Eborn about 1931
KingAlice Mborn about 1911
KingHubert born about 1908
KnellCharles born about 1869
KnellClifford born about 1933
KnellLeona born about 1857
KnellLewis born about 1935
KnellMarvin born about 1938
KnellMaude born about 1882
KnellSamuel born about 1907
KnellVuda born about 1929
KnoxAlvin Jborn about 1913
KnoxBertha born about 1906
KnoxEarl born about 1910
KnoxElizabeth born about 1883
KnoxFlorence Mborn about 1914
KnoxHerbert born about 1879
KnoxJunior born about 1931
KnoxKathryn born about 1911
KnoxLeona born about 1924
KnoxMary born about 1938
KnoxMoris Aborn about
KrugDonald Rborn about 1939
KrugEdgar Lborn about 1907
KrugSophia born about 1915
KrugWilliam Eborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LambertGertrude Sborn about 1881
LambertWill Sborn about 1874
LartzAlbert born about 1903
LartzDorothy Jborn about 1932
LartzLarry Eborn about 1939
LartzMable Jborn about 1905
LefflerAmelia Jborn about 1898
LefflerCharles Wborn about 1924
LefflerGladys Eborn about 1929
LefflerHarry born about 1892
LefflerMildred Mborn about 1923
LefflerRalph Jr born about 1927
LindemanMable Aborn about 1912
LindemanRalph Bborn about 1908
LinkJohn born about 1872
LinkLaura born about 1872

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M Surnames

MarcellusCharles Cborn about 1900
MarcellusCharles Mborn about 1933
MarcellusDonna Jborn about 1929
MarcellusSylvia Lborn about 1907
McCoyArthur Cborn about 1916
McCraskeyBielie Bborn about 1928
McCraskeyBihe born about 1901
McCraskeyMary born about 1933
McCraskeyWilliam born about 1901
MeiceArnold Oborn about 1914
MeiceClifford Dborn about 1930
MeiceJackson Kborn about 1927
MeiceJames Eborn about 1890
MeiceJames Jr born about 1932
MeiceLillie Mborn about 1892
MeiceLillie Pborn about 1940
MeiceMarion Jborn about 1929
MeiceMary Lborn about 1923
MeiceOtto Eborn about 1919
MennengaClarence Fborn about 1927
MennengaFay Fborn about 1930
MennengaFred Kborn about 1900
MennengaKatherine Jborn about 1905
MennengaRay Mborn about 1932
MeuserAdah Bborn about 1891
MeuserFrank born about 1882
MeuserLucille Fborn about 1923
MillerAngeline Mborn about 1925
MillerEmma born about 1880
MillerThomas born about 1878
MinerArthur born about 1901
MinerCarolyn Mborn about 1937
MinerDorothy Jborn about 1927
MinerOpal Fborn about 1904
MinerRuth Eborn about 1929
MitchellFerna Bborn about 1897
MitchellJohn Gborn about 1880
MitchellKenneth Aborn about 1926
MounceCecil Jborn about 1909
MounceClifford born about 1929
MounceVera Iborn about 1911
MullvainGrace Lborn about 1913
MullvainPhilip Rborn about 1936
MullvainRoh Mborn about 1909

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N Surnames

NaffzigerClara Mborn about 1903
NaffzigerJessie Dborn about 1898
NewbergJese born about 1891
NewbergMaude born about 1890

O Surnames

OlesonBertha Rborn about 1919
OlesonChester Eborn about 1920
OlesonM Ellaborn about 1881
OlesonOlie Eborn about 1879
OrkBetty Mborn about 1934
OrkDale Gborn about 1932
OrkHelen Gborn about 1937
OrkJohn Jr born about 1908
OrkNettie born about 1909
OrkRichard Jborn about 1928
OrrClarence Bborn about 1909
OrrDonald Dborn about 1936
OrrGenevieve Bborn about 1914
OrrOscar Eborn about 1933
OshermanAlbert born about 1868
OshermanFred born about 1906
OshermanHarvey born about 1885
OshermanHittie born about 1875
OshermanLa Virgie born about 1910
OshermanOrville born about 1900
OshermanWilliam born about 1879
OyerBessie Eborn about 1917
OyerBetha born about 1890
OyerDora Mborn about 1923
OyerDorothy Cborn about 1923
OyerElizabeth born about 1910
OyerElmer Jborn about 1915
OyerElsie Kborn about 1915
OyerIda Jborn about 1914
OyerJoseph born about 1880
OyerLeslie Cborn about 1918
OyerLizzie born about 1892
OyerManuel born about 1888
OyerMarilyn Jborn about 1934
OyerMary Aborn about 1919
OyerMerle Eborn about 1931
OyerRichard Dborn about 1932
OyerRuby Bborn about 1920
OyerRuth Mborn about 1920
OyerWalter born about 1910
OyerWilma Jborn about 1937

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P Surnames

PainterBertha born about 1907
PainterCharity Jborn about 1865
PainterJames born about 1928
PainterJunior born about 1930
PainterMerle born about 1903
PainterNellie born about 1898
PalkAlbert Aborn about 1887
PalkBetty Aborn about 1922
PalkCarol Pborn about 1929
PalkInez Lborn about 1893
PalkNorman Wborn about 1926
PattsEdmond Gborn about 1887
PattsEdna Aborn about 1898
PetersFred Aborn about 1876
PetersonCyrus Bborn about 1894
PexwatCarolyn born about 1888
PexwatDelores born about 1931
PexwatJohn Wborn about 1903
PexwatVera born about 1910
PickettJanice Rborn about 1937
PickettJohn born about 1866
PickettRaymond born about 1910
PickettStella Cborn about 1874
PickettV Louiseborn about 1911
PixleyElela born about 1930
PixleyJohn born about 1899
PixleyPatricia born about 1933
PixleyViolet born about 1910

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R Surnames

ReedAnna born about 1917
ReinhartFreddie Aborn about 1916
ReinhartFrnak Aborn about 1892
ReinhartJessie Iborn about 1893
ReinhartLelia Mborn about 1921
RiceErnestine Lborn about 1919
RodenbeckEd Gborn about 1885
RodenbeckEd G Jrborn about 1937
RodenbeckPaul Eborn about 1938
RodenbeckRuth Anaborn about 1940
RodenbeckSunshine Mborn about 1912
RogersJoan born about 1920
RubyAva Hborn about 1887
RynoldsEmery Fborn about 1905
RynoldsemeryfAlice Fborn about 1935
RynoldsemeryfDarlene Mborn about 1927
RynoldsemeryfLola born about 1910

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S Surnames

SandusBessie born about 1919
SandusRamond born about 1939
SandusRaymond born about 1908
SawallowJoseph Eborn about 1896
SawallowJoseph Fborn about 1922
SawallowMar Nborn about 1897
SchooleyBlanche born about 1879
SchooleyErnest Eborn about 1877
SchooleyMary Francisborn about 1917
SeppBertha Jborn about 1883
SeppCarl born about 1884
SeppEdwin Aborn about 1920
SeppEmma E Mborn about 1916
SeppErvin born about 1920
SeppLucille Mborn about 1925
SeppRoymond Gborn about 1914
ShieldsCharles Wborn about 1897
ShieldsElinor Rborn about 1934
ShieldsEvelyn Mborn about 1892
ShieldsM Roseborn about 1900
ShieldsMarvin Nborn about 1933
ShieldsRobert Wborn about 1920
ShieldsRoy Rborn about 1890
ShieldsRussel Eborn about 1925
ShieldsWayne Eborn about 1928
SinkGertrude born about 1936
SommersMary born about 1911
SommersPete Bborn about 1872
SommersSam Iborn about 1908
SommersSommy Rborn about 1936
SpegalBernice born about 1910
SpegalErnest Pborn about 1906
SpegalJoyce Dborn about 1933
SpegalPaul Jr born about 1939
SperlingAugust Wborn about 1908
SperlingMarjorie Wborn about 1908
SpringerDavid Vborn about 1875
SpringerErvin Cborn about 1915
SpringerEvelyn Lborn about 1915
SpringerJohn Dborn about 1901
SpringerLena Aborn about 1877
SpringerLizzie Dborn about 1903
StaceyHarvey Bborn about 1913
StaceyJanice Jborn about 1939
StaceyMancel born about 1915
StaceyViola Eborn about 1915
StantonAria Vborn about 1914
StantonClaudette Mborn about 1937
StantonEmma Mborn about 1917
StantonGary Kborn about 1940
StantonHollon born about 1917
StantonRubin Gborn about 1914
StantonThello born about 1937
SteinKatherine born about 1871
StockerCynthia Hborn about 1915
StonemanDorthy Jborn about 1935
StonemanIva born about 1912
StonleyHarvey Lborn about 1901
StonleyJohn Aborn about 1892
StonleyLousia Jborn about 1868
SunderlandDale Wborn about 1922
SunderlandGlade Wborn about 1897
SunderlandPaul Wborn about 1919
SunderlandZora Eborn about 1900
SutzAlma Kborn about 1902
SutzAugust born about 1896
SutzElmer Lborn about 1921
SutzHelen Lborn about 1928
SutzLucille Mborn about 1924

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T Surnames

TaroffFloye born about 1893
TaroffHelen Mborn about 1935
TaroffMay Lborn about 1932
TaroffSamuel Kborn about 1888
TeuscherElizabeth Aborn about 1939
TeuscherMable Aborn about 1916
TeuscherMelvin Rborn about 1915
TomkinsonMarlen born about 1913

U Surnames

UnzickerCarol Eborn about 1936
UnzickerDarell Tborn about 1940
UnzickerErvin Jborn about 1904
UnzickerJ Robertborn about 1935
UnzickerP Jeanborn about 1934
UnzickerPatricia Mborn about 1937
UnzickerPearl Aborn about 1931
UnzickerVelma Bborn about 1912

W Surnames

WadeErna Cborn about 1934
WadeFlorence Gborn about 1899
WadeLuther Cborn about 1887
WadeW Eleanorborn about 1931
WagnerElmer Rborn about 1899
WagnerJoyce Jborn about 1936
WagnerLa Verne Eborn about 1938
WagnerMamie Bborn about 1902
WagnerPhylis Oborn about 1935
WellsBernice born about 1928
WellsBess born about 1906
WellsCharlotte born about 1938
WellsDaniel born about 1930
WellsGeneva born about 1923
WellsHelen born about 1932
WellsJo Anneborn about 1936
WellsJoyce born about 1934
WellsNorman born about 1900
WhitedFloyd born about 1930
WhitedGordon born about 1931
WhitedHazel born about 1910
WhitedRussel born about 1928
WhitedVirgil born about 1907
WillardDonald born about 1922
WilliamsFred Sborn about 1901
WilliamsHalene born about 1903
WilliamsLyle Kborn about 1927
WilliamsMarilyn Jborn about 1932
WnzickerAmelia Cborn about 1894
WnzickerMildred Mborn about 1921
WnzickerWalter Cborn about 1889
WoliungCharles born about 1864
WoliungHarvey Cborn about 1890
WoliungJames Eborn about 1939
WoliungLeona A Eborn about 1900
WoliungMarilyn Aborn about 1937
WoliungRoalp Rborn about 1898
WoodDelmeth Cborn about 1911
WoodDorothy Mborn about 1909
WoodEllen Rborn about 1935
WoodEsther Jborn about 1890
WoodGeorge Vborn about 1885
WoodJane Cborn about 1922
WoodMartha Jborn about 1932
WoodPatricia Jborn about 1919
WoodPhillip Eborn about 1930
WoodworthAnna Eborn about 1894
WoodworthMarlin born about 1916
WoodworthWilliam born about 1882

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Y Surnames

YoderLucy Aborn about 1876

Z Surnames

ZehrCarol Aborn about 1938
ZehrClara Rborn about 1933
ZehrClarence Dborn about 1922
ZehrDan Pborn about 1881
ZehrEileen Mborn about 1926
ZehrEsther Mborn about 1903
ZehrFaith Eborn about 1908
ZehrJacob Wborn about 1901
ZehrJohn Dborn about 1940
ZehrLavern Aborn about 1938
ZehrLester Rborn about 1910
ZehrLovina Cborn about 1898
ZehrLydia born about 1868
ZehrMable Bborn about 1907
ZehrMildred Eborn about 1919
ZehrMilo Eborn about 1925
ZehrMollie Aborn about 1882
ZehrRozina Aborn about 1908
ZehrRussel born about 1934
ZehrSam Mborn about 1901
ZehrSila Rborn about 1904

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