1940 U.S. Federal Census of Farrington Township, Jefferson, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Jefferson County > 1940 Census of Farrington Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsIda born about 1864
AyersLouise born about 1923
AyersNettie born about 1893
AyersWillie born about 1887

B Surnames

BaldwinFred born about 1903
BaldwinLester born about 1905
BarnettLucy born about 1927
BarnettLula born about 1878
BarnettLuther born about 1882
BarnettMary Lborn about 1923
BarnettMaude born about 1886
BarnettR Henryborn about 1921
BlackburnLeona born about 1875
BlackburnScott Aborn about 1871
BondGale Aborn about 1899
BondInez Lborn about 1906
BondMary Eborn about 1927
BooneJoyce born about 1929
BooneLester born about 1904
BooneSylvia born about 1907
BooneVerlin born about 1931
BourlandEva born about 1909
BourlandJ Edwardborn about 1908
BourlandJoann born about 1930
BraddyAubrey born about 1923
BraddyCarl born about 1930
BraddyCecile born about 1902
BraddyJames Eborn about 1891
BraddyJesse Tborn about 1872
BradfordCarl Eborn about 1939
BradfordCharley born about 1923
BradfordE Ireneborn about 1923
BradfordEarl born about
BradfordFreda born about 1927
BradfordFreddie Earlborn about
BradfordHerbert born about 1930
BradfordJesse born about 1901
BradfordJoseph born about 1858
BradfordLaura born about 1868
BradfordLee born about 1902
BradfordLizzie born about 1903
BradfordMildred born about 1909
BradfordMinnie born about 1881
BradfordMinnie born about 1900
BradfordSamuel born about 1917
BradfordWillis Eborn about 1926
BransonDilard born about 1864
BransonDorothy born about 1908
BransonJerome born about 1925
BransonLewis born about 1905
BransonLewis Jr born about 1926
BransonLizzie born about 1871
BransonMary Annborn about 1935
BransonMary Eborn about 1869
BrentonEllis born about 1904
BrentonEunice born about 1933
BrentonGene born about 1932
BrentonHazel born about 1937
BrentonJimmy born about 1939
BrentonMuriel born about 1910
BrookmanBobby Deanborn about 1935
BrookmanEarl I*born about 1937
BrookmanEmma born about 1864
BrookmanFrank born about
BrookmanGeorge born about 1874
BrookmanGordon born about
BrookmanJoe Henryborn about 1937
BrookmanJohn Robertborn about
BrookmanLester born about 1911
BrookmanLloyd born about 1915
BrookmanLoriene born about 1939
BrookmanLucreta born about 1874
BrookmanMargarette born about 1923
BrookmanNaomi born about 1916
BrookmanRene born about 1912
BrookmanRosa born about 1888
BrookmanRoy born about 1904
BrookmanRuby born about 1917
BrookmanSylvia born about 1936
BrookmanTrellis born about 1915
BrownBetty Louborn about 1933
BrownJohn born about 1880
BrownLewis Carlborn about 1930
BrownMinnie born about 1911
BryanArthur born about 1910
BryanFaris born about 1914
BryanViola Lborn about 1931
BurgersRalph born about 1925
BurgessAlvin born about 1877
BurgessEarnie born about 1936
BurgessHelen born about 1917
BurgessHenry born about 1923
BurkittAlice born about 1932
BurkittDale born about 1928
BurkittEverett born about 1895
BurkittJohn born about 1918
BurkittLela born about 1926
BurkittLowell born about 1930
BurkittNadine born about 1924
BurkittRuth born about 1935
BurkittVera Leeborn about 1921
BurnsDonald born about 1916
BurnsMay born about 1890
BurnsTony Jborn about 1885
ByarsBarney Cborn about
ByarsBarney Jborn about 1872
ByarsBertha Eborn about 1878
ByarsClara born about 1869
ByarsGeorge born about 1921
ByarsGeorge Eborn about 1873
ByarsGleason born about
ByarsLeatrice Mborn about 1932
ByarsLillian Eborn about 1886
ByarsLoe born about 1912
ByarsMildred born about 1896
ByarsSamantha Aborn about
ByarsVirginia Bborn about 1934
ByarsWilliam Dborn about 1887
ByarsWinona born about 1923

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C Surnames

CalhoonAnnie born about 1878
CalhoonCletis born about 1917
CalhoonElmer born about 1876
ChamblissBertha born about 1885
ChamblissBetty Ruthborn about 1935
ChamblissCalvin born about 1925
ChamblissCharles Junieborn about 1927
ChamblissClarence born about 1908
ChamblissDonald born about 1936
ChamblissDwight born about 1939
ChamblissElizabeth born about 1913
ChamblissGeraldine born about 1930
ChamblissHoward born about 1911
ChamblissJani??? born about
ChamblissJesse born about 1884
ChamblissKathleen born about 1939
ChamblissKeith born about 1910
ChamblissLela born about 1911
ChamblissLeuty born about 1923
ChamblissMargaret born about 1918
ChamblissMarshal born about 1938
ChamblissMarvin born about 1914
ChamblissMildred born about 1933
ChamblissPauline born about 1915
ChamblissRichard Leeborn about 1935
ChamblissRobert born about 1932
ChamblissRuth born about 1906
ChamblissSamuel born about 1881
ChamblissVilma born about 1937
ChamblissWanda Louiseborn about 1938
ChamlessDoris born about 1922
ChamlessIda born about 1897
ChamlessOscar born about 1895
ChamlessTalmadge born about 1916
ClarkBarney Cborn about 1875
ClarkBetty born about 1934
ClarkBeu Fborn about 1870
ClarkCharles Cborn about 1928
ClarkCharles Eborn about 1887
ClarkDarrel Dealborn about 1936
ClarkDena born about 1888
ClarkDonald born about 1932
ClarkGleason born about 1932
ClarkGlenn born about 1932
ClarkGolda born about 1912
ClarkIona born about 1931
ClarkJackie born about 1938
ClarkJesse born about 1895
ClarkJulia born about 1861
ClarkLois Fborn about 1925
ClarkLulu born about 1870
ClarkMary Eborn about 1886
ClarkOliver born about 1902
ClarkParthena born about 1883
ClarkSamuel born about 1858
ClarkSusie Mborn about 1897
ClarkVachel born about 1874
ClarkeEthel born about 1881
ClarkeG Walterborn about 1878
ClarkeJo Willborn about 1920
ClarkeSusie Carineborn about 1926
CochranHibe born about 1882
CochranIda born about 1895
CoilArchie born about 1916
CoilBernard born about 1931
CoilBernice born about 1937
CoilClara Bborn about 1912
CoilDaisy born about 1918
CoilDonald Aborn about 1930
CoilKelly born about 1902
CoilLois Maeborn about 1932
CoilLovine born about 1939
CoilLucile born about 1908
CoilMajorie Anneborn about 1935
CoilOtis born about 1939
CoilRoy born about 1937
CoilVoris born about 1909
CooperAgnes born about 1878
CooperCecil born about 1909
CooperDale Eborn about 1921
CooperDelbert Hborn about 1876
CooperEthel born about 1889
CooperJames Oborn about 1885
CooperJohn born about 1928
CooperMartha Aborn about 1898
CooperMillie born about 1889
CooperOleta born about 1923
CooperOscar Lborn about 1891
CooperPatricia born about 1933
CooperVenita born about 1923
CoperBillie born about 1932
CoperNorma born about 1929
CrumbacherE Mborn about 1867

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D Surnames

DancanDolores born about 1932
DancanHarley born about 1908
DancanHelen born about 1910
DancanLinda Sueborn about 1937
DanielsDorthy born about
DanielsLuther born about
DanielsMary Eborn about 1868
DanielsPinkney born about 1857
DavisJames Eborn about 1882
DavisLucy Lborn about 1927
DavisMaude born about 1887
DavisRuby Jborn about 1922
DialEva born about 1915
DialFrances born about 1914
DialRonald born about 1939
DohohoDena born about 1902
DohohoEdna Lborn about 1932
DohohoJames Mborn about 1922
DohohoJohn Oborn about 1900
DohohoLee Jborn about 1923
DohohoStella Pborn about 1925
DonohoAda born about 1861
DonohoAda born about 1912
DonohoAlene born about 1923
DonohoAlfred born about 1898
DonohoAlfred Jr born about 1927
DonohoArizona born about 1893
DonohoBeecher born about 1918
DonohoBertha born about 1918
DonohoBetty Rborn about 1932
DonohoCecile Wborn about 1910
DonohoCharles born about 1923
DonohoCharles Aborn about 1924
DonohoChester born about 1908
DonohoClifford Wborn about 1908
DonohoDale born about 1933
DonohoDelbert born about 1935
DonohoDeloris born about 1939
DonohoDocia born about 1876
DonohoDoloris born about 1939
DonohoDorothy born about 1909
DonohoEunice born about 1934
DonohoFredie born about 1931
DonohoGaylord born about 1934
DonohoGeorge Wborn about 1907
DonohoGertie born about 1899
DonohoGrace born about 1885
DonohoH Edmonborn about 1889
DonohoHarry Dborn about 1923
DonohoHerschel born about 1881
DonohoIda Mayborn about 1878
DonohoIrene born about 1928
DonohoJames born about 1929
DonohoJames Iborn about 1870
DonohoJanie born about 1902
DonohoJenice Cborn about 1937
DonohoJohn Edwardborn about 1920
DonohoJohn R Jrborn about 1869
DonohoJohn Wborn about 1915
DonohoKelley born about 1924
DonohoL Austinborn about 1888
DonohoLadonne born about 1931
DonohoLavern born about 1931
DonohoLawrence Lborn about 1883
DonohoLeland Rborn about 1928
DonohoLouise born about 1917
DonohoLuther born about 1898
DonohoMerley Lborn about 1921
DonohoMerritt born about 1890
DonohoMildred born about 1910
DonohoMinda born about 1878
DonohoMona Bborn about 1920
DonohoOra Jborn about 1887
DonohoRichard born about 1907
DonohoRoy born about 1891
DonohoSusan born about 1888
DonohoThelma born about 1912
DonohoViolet Mborn about 1929
DonohoWilliam Tborn about 1873
DonohoWoodrow born about 1915
DowellAlice born about 1897
DowellPresley born about 1895
DunnBill born about 1914

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E Surnames

EdmisonJ Rborn about 1886
EdmisonLaura Lborn about 1885
EllerAdele born about 1898
EllerEdward born about 1885
EllerLawrence Cborn about 1888
EllerLawrence C Jrborn about 1922
EllerLee born about 1919
EllerNora Eborn about 1894
EllerVera born about 1923
EllisAndrew Lborn about 1935
EllisAnna Belleborn about 1924
EllisBonita born about 1930
EllisCarl born about 1932
EllisCharles Lborn about 1936
EllisCharles Wborn about 1874
EllisClyde born about 1926
EllisCora Eborn about 1899
EllisDr C Lborn about 1886
EllisErma born about 1901
EllisEvelyn born about 1914
EllisFerral born about 1918
EllisFranklin born about 1934
EllisGertie born about 1891
EllisHarry Tborn about 1898
EllisIlla Maeborn about 1922
EllisImogene born about 1929
EllisIrene born about 1936
EllisJames Eborn about 1905
EllisJerry Eborn about 1937
EllisKeith Bborn about 1925
EllisKenneth born about 1935
EllisLa Verne born about 1920
EllisLeon born about 1935
EllisLloyd born about 1916
EllisLola Bborn about 1906
EllisLousie born about 1939
EllisLula Mayborn about 1939
EllisMae born about 1881
EllisMargie born about 1916
EllisMargie Hborn about 1939
EllisMartha born about 1864
EllisMerle born about 1922
EllisNoll born about 1937
EllisNorma Rborn about 1933
EllisOleta born about 1927
EllisPauline born about 1919
EllisRobert Cborn about 1914
EllisVerle born about 1918
EllisWalter born about 1894
EllisWillie Pborn about 1897
EstesElmer born about 1876
EvansLulu born about 1875
EvansVernon born about 1916
EvansWarieta born about 1922

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F Surnames

FieldsAster born about 1913
FieldsMontie born about 1911
FieldsRosadele born about 1935
FoxMeda born about 1892
FoxMerita born about 1923
FoxW Melziaborn about 1890
FoxWilliam Lborn about 1928
FreachFerne born about 1903
FreachHarold Rborn about 1927
FreachRobert born about 1891
FrenchAlbion Tborn about 1861
FrenchAmandie born about 1861
FrenchArthur born about 1895
FrenchBettie born about 1938
FrenchBeulah born about 1907
FrenchCharles Rborn about 1893
FrenchChloe born about 1901
FrenchCurtis born about 1898
FrenchDan Eborn about 1890
FrenchDarrell born about 1934
FrenchDwight born about 1924
FrenchEdwin born about 1919
FrenchErmil born about 1918
FrenchEva Jborn about 1868
FrenchFrances born about 1893
FrenchGeorgie born about 1934
FrenchGrace born about 1912
FrenchJuanita born about 1915
FrenchLizzie born about 1866
FrenchMargie Aborn about 1930
FrenchMary Lborn about 1924
FrenchMyrtle born about 1901
FrenchNelie Jborn about 1933
FrenchPatsy Annborn about 1938
FrenchPearl born about 1903
FrenchRufus born about 1904
FrenchSadie born about 1887
FrenchStanley born about 1913
FrenchSusie Jborn about 1888
FrenchWallace born about 1932
FrenchWilma born about 1922
FryBelle born about 1869
FryJames Aborn about 1864
FryLawrence born about 1902
FryLeek Hborn about 1898
FryOlive born about 1910
FryPearl born about 1893

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G Surnames

GanieanyLeslie born about 1923
GanieanyNora born about 1903
GanieanyVera born about 1924
GanieanyVictor born about 1890
GarrisonCharley born about 1923
GarrisonDonald born about 1928
GarrisonEliza born about 1861
GarrisonJossie born about 1901
GarrisonLonnie born about 1896
GarrisonNathan Wborn about 1858
GarrodBettie Louborn about 1939
GarrodCharles Cborn about 1905
GarrodDessie Oborn about 1910
GarrodFrancis Cborn about 1928
GarrodGeorge Gborn about 1930
GarrodGloria Jborn about 1933
GarrodHenry Cborn about 1936
GastonCurrel Sborn about 1876
GastonDovel born about 1925
GastonJohn born about 1888
GastonLowell born about 1923
GastonLucile born about 1933
GastonMary Eborn about 1883
GastonPhoebe born about 1898
GastonWilliam born about 1928
GeorgeAnn born about 1895
GeorgeDonald born about 1928
GeorgeDoris born about 1925
GilliganEffie born about 1880
GreenBert born about 1883
GreenMarion born about 1927
GreenStella born about 1891
GreeneBertha born about 1900
GreeneGeorge born about 1902
GreeneRichard born about 1935
GreenwallGordon born about 1933
GreenwallJacanita born about 1905
GreenwallLambert born about 1932
GreenwallLambert Aborn about 1902
GreenwallMarilyn born about 1938
GreenwallRomania* born about 1939
GreenwallRonald born about 1929
GreenwallSharon born about 1930
GreenwaltAda Iborn about 1902
GreenwaltDonald born about 1922
GreenwaltFloyd Eborn about 1901
GregoryCharles Cborn about 1858
GregoryErna born about 1864
GregoryRay born about 1897
GrunwalBessie born about 1891
GrunwalHerschel born about 1919
GrunwalJohn Dborn about 1891

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H Surnames

HallEvalo born about 1922
HallGeorge born about 1923
HeicksPearl born about 1900
HibbetsJoyce born about 1938
HibbetsMay Fernborn about 1920
HibbetsVirgil born about 1917
HibbettsAllen born about 1926
HibbettsEugene born about 1919
HibbettsGlen born about 1928
HibbettsLilly born about 1896
HibbettsMilo born about 1923
HibbettsMyrl born about 1931
HibbettsTwila born about 1930
HickeyBurrel born about 1917
HickeyMildred born about 1919
HiltonDixie born about 1939
HiltonFaye born about 1922
HiltonHattie born about 1900
HiltonJulia born about 1930
HiltonRay born about 1929
HiltonSyble born about 1925
HollawayCharles born about 1872
HollawayRose Bborn about 1879
HollowayAnbdrew born about 1871
HollowayBenton born about 1918
HollowayBetty born about 1929
HollowayClara born about 1904
HollowayDonald born about 1928
HollowayElza Eborn about 1896
HollowayErma born about 1895
HollowayEunice born about 1932
HollowayFloy born about 1899
HollowayGeorge born about 1938
HollowayGrant born about 1868
HollowayIrene born about 1921
HollowayJessie born about 1895
HollowayJewell born about 1909
HollowayLee born about 1870
HollowayLoretta born about 1939
HollowayLowell born about 1922
HollowayMaggie born about 1898
HollowayMarie born about 1925
HollowayMarion born about 1916
HollowayMary Nellborn about 1938
HollowayNora born about 1879
HollowayNorma born about 1933
HollowayRonald born about 1939
HollowayRose born about 1870
HollowayRoy born about 1897
HollowaySally born about 1872
HollowayVirginia born about 1936
HollowayWalter Dborn about 1891
HollowayWilmajean born about 1927
HumbleSarah born about 1853
HuntCharles Eborn about 1861
HuntLillie born about 1898
HuntM Patborn about 1937
HuntMary Eborn about 1866
HuntRobert Lborn about 1925
HuntRoy born about 1898
HuntTommy born about 1932
HurstHarve born about 1869
HurstLillie born about 1876

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J Surnames

JohnsonDelois born about 1924
JohnsonFloyd born about 1898
JohnsonGune born about 1927
JohnsonGussie born about 1892
JohnsonMarshal born about 1915
JohnsonSpeedy born about 1886
JohnstonLouise born about 1920
JohnstonTerry Leeborn about 1939
JohnstonTommy born about 1918
JohnstonTommy Carolborn about
JonesM??? born about 1936
JonesMary born about 1908
JonesOrliner* Gborn about 1870
JonesThula born about 1872

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K Surnames

KeeleArthur born about 1906
KeeleBetty born about 1932
KeeleCharley born about 1876
KeeleDoshie Eborn about 1878
KeeleDwight born about 1934
KeeleInard born about 1928
KeeleJ Davidborn about 1925
KeeleKenneth born about 1922
KeeleLeuty Lborn about 1905
KeeleLillian born about 1908
KeeleMaude born about 1903
KeeleMerley Oborn about 1899
KeeleRuth born about 1906
KeenFrank born about 1876
KincaidWilliam born about 1853
KingCharley born about 1903
KingDavid Hborn about 1930
KingFreda born about 1895
KingJoan born about 1933
KnaussAlma born about 1930
KnaussArthur Lborn about 1899
KnaussCharles Lborn about 1939
KnaussChester born about 1909
KnaussFred Mborn about 1884
KnaussJake born about 1925
KnaussJohn Mborn about 1933
KnaussMabel born about 1913
KnaussMaggie Mborn about 1888
KnaussNancey Eborn about 1865
KnaussNell born about 1923
KnaussNora born about 1900
KnaussSusie born about 1921
KnightCassie Iborn about 1925
KnightGracie Eborn about 1892
KnightMildred Mborn about 1932
KnightWilliam Wborn about 1889

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L Surnames

LagowLester born about 1914
LagowNorman Lborn about
LagowVera born about 1918
LattaIrvie born about 1907
LattaJ Rborn about 1880
LattaKeith born about 1911
LattaLorena born about 1884
LeutySam born about 1862
LisenbyAbe born about 1878
LisenbyDewall born about 1917
LisenbyDorthy born about 1921
LisenbyEva born about 1886
LisenbyMorris born about 1916
LisenbyRoberta born about 1935
LokerEugene born about 1895
LokerFreda born about 1927
LokerPearl born about 1905
LongWilliam Hborn about 1878
LongZora Bborn about 1885
LoweryBarbary born about 1934
LoweryDenzil born about 1910
LoweryMarjory born about 1932
LoweryPhillip born about 1936
LoweryPriscilla born about 1913
LuttrellGertrude born about 1895
LuttrellWalter born about 1891

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M Surnames

MandorEdgar born about 1884
MandorElzie born about 1886
MarlowArthur Wborn about 1899
MarlowBernard born about 1923
MarlowMinta born about 1865
MarlowOnis born about 1924
MartinGrace born about 1906
MartinVern born about 1897
MastersEdith Eborn about 1920
MastersLowel Eborn about 1913
MastersLowel Kborn about 1938
MastersMay Eborn about 1937
MaxeyAnna Maeborn about 1912
MaxeyChancey born about 1910
MaxeyClyde born about 1934
MaxeyDenver born about 1931
MaxeyDonald born about 1925
MaxeyDonna Xkayborn about
MaxeyLucy born about 1929
MaxeyMay born about 1900
MaxeyNoble born about 1922
MaxeyRay born about 1898
MaxeyVerla born about 1933
McConnahayBessie born about 1905
McConnahayIvan born about 1926
McConnahayOscar born about 1907
McConnaughhayBen Fborn about 1896
McConnaughhaySarah born about 1896
McEliroyDella born about 1883
McEliroyW Lborn about 1869
McElravyMamie born about 1907
McElravyMelvin born about 1929
McElravyVirgel born about 1906
McKinessAubrey born about 1932
McKinessGolda born about 1897
McKinessIda born about 1875
McKinessLouise born about 1935
McKinessOrval born about 1928
McKinessRobert Lborn about 1896
McKinessSherman born about 1868
McKinessWillis born about 1924
McKinessfClaude born about 1896
McNailDollie born about 1896
McNailLeland I Wborn about 1923
MeyersConstance Lborn about 1937
MeyersWilliam Jborn about 1939
MillsCharles Cborn about 1926
MillsCora born about 1883
MillsEdward born about 1880
MillsKeith born about 1925
MillsKermit born about 1905
MillsMarvin born about 1918
MillsRuby born about 1906
MillsTyra born about 1882
MinorAllen born about 1934
MinorAlma born about 1911
MinorBeatrice born about 1925
MinorCarl born about 1918
MinorDennis born about 1928
MinorErie born about 1911
MinorEugene born about 1932
MinorEvalo born about 1930
MinorGeorge Wborn about 1879
MinorGlenn born about 1905
MinorImogene born about 1927
MinorJerry born about 1937
MinorJewell born about 1915
MinorKelley born about 1937
MinorLena born about 1884
MinorLeon Eborn about
MinorLillie born about 1909
MinorMaurice born about 1915
MinorOliver born about 1912
MinorPhilip born about 1908
MinorRaymond born about 1912
MinorRoy born about 1920
MinorRuth born about 1922
MinorSherley born about 1939
MullinaxJames born about 1878
MullinoxRichard born about 1887

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O Surnames

OffensteinLouisa Aborn about 1871
OffensteinRudolph born about

P Surnames

ParishEliza born about 1882
PattersonA Jeffersonborn about 1863
PeirceCharles Wborn about 1924
PenningtonAlvin born about 1932
PenningtonBeulah born about 1926
PenningtonJasper born about 1877
PenningtonMargery born about 1928
PenningtonRobert born about 1934
PenningtonWillie born about 1923
PierceAmos born about 1897
PierceAnna born about 1892
PierceBelle born about 1889
PierceBertie born about 1877
PierceCalvin born about 1925
PierceDewey born about 1919
PierceDoris born about 1918
PierceEarlne born about 1929
PierceGale Mborn about 1914
PierceGeorge born about 1870
PierceGhnell born about 1923
PierceGlen Averaborn about 1924
PierceHattie born about 1897
PierceHerbert born about 1918
PierceIda Vborn about 1870
PierceJohn Mborn about 1892
PierceLorene born about 1927
PierceLouisa born about 1901
PierceLowell born about 1922
PierceNellie born about 1904
PierceNorma Jeanborn about 1931
PierceOscar born about 1901
PierceParker born about 1900
PierceRolla born about 1925
PierceVelma born about 1932
PierceW Earlborn about 1903
PierceWallace born about 1919
PierceWilbert born about 1927
PierceWilford born about 1938
PierceWilma Lborn about 1930
PierceWilmajean born about 1931
PierceWinnie born about 1906
PierseDelbert born about 1939
PooleBernice born about 1922
PooleIrvin born about 1919
PooleJoye born about 1930
PooleLura born about 1893
PooleRoss born about 1892
PotterCharles Jborn about 1934
PotterDavid Lborn about 1876
PotterEtta born about 1893
PotterIrma Rborn about 1930
PotterJames Kborn about 1925
PotterMary Lborn about 1898
PotterW Royborn about 1931
PotterWilliam Aborn about 1885
PritchadJennie born about 1865
PritchadM Abeborn about 1863

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R Surnames

RappCline born about 1911
RappElna Ruthborn about 1936
RappHattie Lborn about 1916
RappJammy Lborn about 1931
RappJoan born about 1935
RappMelba Mborn about 1934
RappShelba Jborn about 1938
RappShirley born about 1937
RappWilliam Vborn about 1863
ReeceArthur Aborn about 1891
ReeceBernadine born about 1918
ReeceDorothy born about 1934
ReeceFloyd born about 1915
ReeceJerry born about 1936
ReeceLaura born about 1892
ReeceMarie born about 1923
ReeceMary born about 1926
ReekerAnna Sborn about 1875
ReekerBeverly born about 1939
ReekerDorthy born about 1928
ReekerFred Wborn about 1861
ReekerFreda born about 1906
ReekerFreddy born about 1935
ReekerMckinley Fborn about 1901
ReekerMonroe born about 1919
RichardsonVolna born about 1853
RileyCharles born about 1939
RileyJessie born about 1915
RileyLillie Maeborn about 1934
RileyOscar born about 1913
RollinsonJennie born about 1888
RollinsonWayne Bborn about 1883
RusellAlbert born about 1884
RusellHassie born about 1884

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S Surnames

SagerAmy born about 1891
SagerCharles Pborn about 1930
SagerJessie Roseborn about 1925
SagerNellie Joborn about 1921
SagerWilliam Jborn about 1887
SagerWilliam Mborn about 1927
SawyerCoe Vborn about 1871
SawyerInez Aborn about 1883
SawyerScott Eborn about 1868
ScholesJos born about 1923
SchultzEdith born about 1912
SchultzGodbey born about 1910
ShaefferHomer born about 1904
ShaefferOpal born about 1904
ShaferAnna Jborn about 1877
ShaferBertha Eborn about 1900
ShaferHenry Mborn about 1914
ShaferJohn Hborn about 1875
ShaferNora Bborn about 1879
ShaferWilliam Cborn about 1899
ShaferWilliam Rborn about 1936
SharpAlma born about 1925
SharpClara born about 1929
SharpClayd born about 1915
SharpGlenna born about 1938
SharpJimmy born about 1921
SharpLloyd born about 1914
SharpLouie born about 1923
SharpNorman born about 1933
SharpOpal born about 1927
SharpPhyllis Jborn about 1940
SharpReith born about 1917
SharpRosa born about 1897
SharpRosa Maeborn about 1930
SharpRuby born about 1922
SharpWillie born about 1893
ShieldsEsther born about 1892
ShieldsFinley born about 1914
ShieldsGlen born about 1923
ShieldsHelen born about 1919
ShieldsHoward born about 1919
ShieldsJ Reomerborn about 1890
ShieldsJune Roseborn about 1926
ShieldsMax Owenborn about 1939
ShieldsNorma born about 1917
SimmonsAlbert born about
SledgeAna born about 1897
SledgeAnna Belborn about 1932
SledgeB Rborn about 1867
SledgeBertha born about 1908
SledgeBurrell born about 1935
SledgeClayton Lborn about 1901
SledgeDavid born about 1928
SledgeEdith born about 1916
SledgeEsterlee born about 1920
SledgeEtha Bborn about 1898
SledgeFern born about 1918
SledgeGladys born about 1904
SledgeGlenda born about 1841
SledgeHarry born about 1901
SledgeJimmy born about 1927
SledgeJoe born about 1930
SledgeJohn Wborn about 1897
SledgeKelley born about 1927
SledgeLeland born about 1908
SledgeLester born about 1933
SledgeLoman born about 1922
SledgeLouise born about 1925
SledgeMarcene born about 1923
SledgeMaririe born about 1923
SledgeMary Eborn about 1894
SledgeMary Lborn about 1930
SledgeMary Louborn about 1939
SledgeMinnie Aborn about 1929
SledgeMinnie Mborn about 1868
SledgeOlen born about 1930
SledgeRaymond born about 1892
SledgeRobert born about 1921
SledgeRoy Fborn about 1904
SledgeShirley born about 1936
SledgeSophronia Aborn about 1867
SledgeVirginia born about 1922
SledgeWalter born about 1926
SledgeWesley Eborn about 1892
SledgeWilliam Wborn about 1895
SloverEber born about 1917
SloverOpal born about 1919
SloverShelba Jeanborn about 1938
SmithAdna born about 1920
SmithArthur born about 1912
SmithBerthel born about 1920
SmithCecil born about 1899
SmithCharles Hborn about 1890
SmithEuline Mborn about 1939
SmithEvelyn born about 1922
SmithFaye born about 1918
SmithFoster born about 1895
SmithGale born about 1917
SmithGeorge born about 1923
SmithH Rebeccaborn about 1893
SmithJennie born about 1915
SmithKatie Leeborn about 1930
SmithLeonard born about 1934
SmithLouise born about 1924
SmithMamie born about 1925
SmithMerlene born about 1921
SmithOttis born about 1935
SommonsAlice born about 1932
SommonsJohn born about 1928
SommonsKatie born about 1906
SommonsNona born about 1924
SommonsThomas born about 1903
SpanglerDallas Dborn about 1939
SpanglerIra born about 1887
SpanglerLola Bborn about 1919
SpanglerMabel born about 1893
SpanglerVictor Dborn about 1912
StaleyDara born about 1886
StaleyThadus born about 1871
SumnerGrace born about 1890
SumnerLeuty born about 1925
SumnerPerry born about 1883
SumnerRoberta born about 1928
SumnerSarah Eborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

Tate Jerollborn about 1912
TateBetty Lonborn about 1929
TateBuella born about 1931
TateDennis born about 1930
TateDolly born about 1905
TateEva born about 1898
TateEvalo born about 1936
TateI Eborn about 1875
TateJ Royborn about 1899
TateLenna born about 1873
TateOrville Wborn about 1905
TateRaymus born about 1927
TateShirley born about 1934
TelfordRandall born about 1872
TelfordRaymond born about 1896
ThomasBetty born about 1927
ThomasBurrel born about 1921
ThomasCharley Wborn about 1885
ThomasInez born about 1889
ThomasWillard born about 1919
ThompsonGrace born about 1890
ThompsonHelen Eborn about 1918
ThompsonJ Lowellborn about 1916
ThompsonO Richardborn about 1860
ThompsonR Vernonborn about 1910
ThreattCharlotte Tborn about
ThreattFerne born about 1910
ThreattJames Royborn about 1937
ThreattPaul born about 1902
TylorJack Olinborn about 1925
TylorLeota born about 1870
TylorWilliam Aborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VansickleScynthia born about 1863
VansickleSemore Aborn about 1860
VeatchAnna Leeborn about 1937
VeatchHenrietta born about 1904
VeatchHoward born about 1900
VeatchReatha born about 1929
VeatchRonald born about 1934
VeatchRoyal born about 1930

W Surnames

WardAlice born about 1908
WardBilly born about 1935
WardDonald born about 1933
WardDoris born about 1925
WardFranklyn Sr born about 1860
WardG Edmonborn about 1898
WardHerald born about 1923
WardJean born about 1928
WardL Frank Jrborn about 1901
WardNora born about 1899
WardRebecca born about 1932
WardS Annisborn about 1865
WattsAgnes born about 1869
WattsEdgar born about 1867
WebberJohn born about 1876
WellsEffie born about 1909
WhitlockRobert born about 1924
WhitsonBelle born about 1871
WigginsAlmeda born about 1874
WigginsChester born about 1921
WigginsEddie born about 1896
WigginsEddie born about 1933
WigginsEffie Mborn about 1920
WigginsHarry born about 1908
WigginsHazel born about 1915
WigginsJimmie born about 1940
WigginsJury Bobborn about
WigginsLewis born about 1910
WigginsLizzie born about 1886
WigginsRobert born about 1931
WigginsRoy Eborn about 1917
WigginsRuth Ednoborn about 1926
WiggintonRobert Cborn about 1894
WilcoxBarney born about 1890
WilcoxGerald Deanborn about 1924
WilcoxGuy born about 1918
WilcoxPauline born about 1928
WilcoxPearl born about 1890
WilcoxRuis born about 1932
WilkinsMary Mborn about 1895
WilkinsShirley Mborn about 1936
WilkinsViola born about 1927
WilkinsWilburn Fborn about 1892
WilliamsEffie Mborn about 1879
WilliamsJ Oscarborn about 1875
WilliamsJoe Rborn about 1920
WilliamsJohn born about 1907
WilliamsLewis Lborn about 1868
Wilson Linda Louborn about 1937
WilsonAmos Aborn about 1893
WilsonBen Oborn about 1890
WilsonBruce born about 1917
WilsonCalvin born about 1916
WilsonDale born about 1928
WilsonDonald born about 1928
WilsonElsie born about 1925
WilsonEmmet born about 1930
WilsonFrank born about 1923
WilsonGlen born about 1910
WilsonH Edwardborn about 1872
WilsonHorace born about 1915
WilsonJerry born about 1923
WilsonJesse born about 1900
WilsonLeonard born about 1911
WilsonMartha Jborn about 1931
WilsonMelva born about 1933
WilsonMinnie born about 1895
WilsonMinnie born about 1901
WilsonNeil born about 1926
WilsonNorma Jeanborn about 1928
WilsonOrra born about 1890
WilsonPatsy Annborn about
WilsonPhoebe Ireneborn about 1908
WilsonRobert born about 1933
WilsonRuby born about 1925
WilsonRuth born about 1921
WimberlyBetty born about 1927
WimberlyClarence born about 1879
WimberlyLeslie born about 1920
WimberlyMary born about 1922
WimberlyNewell born about 1918
WimberlyVerda born about 1924
WinegardnerChester born about 1883
WinegardnerJossie born about 1888
WithrowBoomer Hborn about 1912
WithrowFern born about 1911
WithrowGeraldine born about 1936
WithrowMelvin born about 1939
WoodwardAlfred born about 1930
WoodwardBenjamin born about 1935
WoodwardCharlette born about 1937
WoodwardGeorge born about 1877
WoodwardGeorge Bborn about 1939
WoodwardHattie born about 1913
WoodwardVirginia born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungbloodEmery born about 1894
YoungbloodEmma born about 1870
YoungbloodGertrude born about 1896

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