1940 U.S. Federal Census of Garfield Township, Grundy, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Grundy County > 1940 Census of Garfield Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdmundsJohn born about 1884
AdmundsJohn Jr born about 1926
AdmundsMaude Mborn about 1882
AldersonEulia born about 1911
AldersonGeorge born about 1904
AldersonGeorge Jr born about 1931
AldersonIwilla Jborn about 1933
AlesonHannah born about 1885
AlesonHenry born about 1886
AllenAmbrose born about 1924
AllenAnna born about 1882
AllenEdwin born about 1920
AllisonAda Mborn about 1883
AllisonBesse born about 1886
AllisonCecile Eborn about 1890
AllisonChas Dborn about 1872
AllisonDorothy Mborn about 1919
AllisonEdith born about 1913
AllisonEmma Lborn about 1861
AllisonHarvey born about 1866
AllisonJoan born about 1937
AllisonJohn Bborn about 1889
AllisonJohn Pborn about 1916
AllisonMary Eborn about 1886
AllisonMina born about 1884
AllisonScott Wborn about 1862
AllisonStanley Wborn about 1912
AllisonWade Sborn about 1884
AmblerMeta born about 1903
AmblerYvonne born about 1931
AndersonAnma born about 1885
AndersonChris born about 1854
AndersonEdward born about 1878
AndersonEmma Cborn about 1893
AndersonErval born about 1906
AndersonEthel born about 1907
AndersonEugene Rborn about 1929
AndersonHaans Mborn about 1888
AndersonHelen Gborn about 1919
AndersonMarlene born about 1937
AndersonMoor born about 1879
AndersonSharlene born about 1937
AndersonViolet born about 1930
ArandtArthur born about 1891
ArandtHelen born about 1896
ArandtMargaret born about 1915
ArandtShirley born about 1935
AshBetty Lborn about 1926
AshHazel Bborn about 1901
AshVernon born about 1899

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B Surnames

BallyCharles born about 1929
BallyFred born about 1933
BallyMary Eborn about 1906
BallyMary Lborn about 1935
BallyRantz Jborn about 1902
BallyVernon born about 1937
BarnesErsie born about 1916
BarnesJune born about 1918
BarrCatherine Sborn about 1863
BarrClarence Cborn about 1902
BarrDonald born about 1929
BarrElsie born about 1906
BarrJohn Rborn about 1907
BarrLoura Aborn about 1934
BarrNellie Iborn about 1909
BarrettDaisy Mborn about 1893
BarrettJames born about 1857
BarrettMerla Kborn about 1882
BartonLizzie born about 1878
BeamEdward Jborn about 1876
BeamLaura born about 1874
BenmettArch Rborn about 1912
BerglundDonald Wborn about 1931
BerglundGeorge born about 1895
BerglundMargareite born about 1893
BerglundPeter born about 1861
BerlinskiBenjamin born about 1926
BerlinskiLillian born about 1922
BerlinskiMary born about 1897
BestMary born about 1859
BezoldEdward born about 1875
BezoldMable Aborn about 1881
BezoldWayne Eborn about 1915
BicknellMary Sborn about 1864
BlakeGrace Eborn about 1905
BlakeJoseph born about 1902
BoilanPatrick born about 1871
BoilanStephen born about 1873
BookwalterChas Eborn about 1895
BookwalterEda Mborn about 1902
BookwalterGenevieve Lborn about 1901
BookwalterIra born about 1899
BookwalterKarl Eborn about 1925
BookwalterLouise Aborn about 1926
BookwalterSamuel Jborn about 1927
BoothAbraham Lborn about 1861
BoothBen born about 1877
BoothCapitola Bborn about 1865
BoothEleanor born about 1877
BoothMaurice Rborn about 1911
BoothMeribah Cborn about 1913
BoothRobert Dborn about 1936
BoothWilliam Eborn about 1940
BottinoJohn Fborn about 1909
BottinoMary Aborn about 1914
BricksonAgnes born about 1913
BricksonRay Lborn about 1907
BrooksCleo Jborn about 1932
BrooksClyde Mborn about 1907
BrooksDorothy born about 1921
BrooksEdith born about 1866
BrooksGeorge born about 1896
BrooksGeorgia Bborn about 1929
BrooksGertrude born about 1910
BrooksJean Cborn about 1934
BrooksMyrtle Mborn about 1910
BrooksPearl born about 1895
BrooksWillard born about 1904
BrooksWilliam Lborn about 1938
BrushinghanJohn Aborn about 1911
BrushinghanJone born about 1915
BruskingtonElizabeth born about 1874
BruskingtonWilliam born about 1871
BullRoger Iborn about 1908
BullRussell Nborn about 1898
BullSarah Aborn about 1864
BunkhardtAileen Gborn about 1926
BunkhardtArville born about 1903
BunkhardtDian Jborn about 1936
BunkhardtHelen Rborn about 1928
BunkhardtJennie Mborn about 1904
BunkhardtPatricia Aborn about 1932
BunkhardtRichard born about 1933
BunkhardtWilliam Oborn about 1925
BurnsEllen born about 1863

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C Surnames

CabbDonma born about 1930
CabbDorlene born about 1935
CabbDrane born about 1939
CabbErlan born about 1907
CabbHilda born about 1908
CalesLa Lorettaborn about 1865
CaplingerAlene born about 1917
CarlsonAlbert Cborn about 1895
CarlsonBetty Rborn about 1933
CarlsonCharles Aborn about 1923
CarlsonEvylyn Dborn about 1919
CarlsonFlorence Lborn about 1925
CarlsonNora Eborn about 1899
CarterEdward Rborn about 1896
CarterHazel Dborn about 1897
CaufieldAnnie born about 1872
ChaseJean Kborn about 1925
ChaseMinnie born about 1886
ChaseRobert born about 1918
ChaseWilliam born about 1920
ChiovaterioJoseph born about 1909
ChiovaterioLewis born about 1885
ChiovaterioMary born about 1887
ChiovaterioVictor born about 1913
ChristensenAgnes Iborn about 1910
ChristensenArla born about 1925
ChristensenBodil born about 1898
ChristensenChristian born about 1860
ChristensenEarl born about 1919
ChristensenEvelin born about 1913
ChristensenFred born about 1878
ChristensenGeorge born about 1894
ChristensenJames born about 1892
ChristensenJohn born about 1937
ChristensenLenora born about 1923
ChristensenLloyd born about 1927
ChristensenLyle born about 1923
ChristensenMargaret born about 1914
ChristensenMaria born about 1883
ChristensenMary born about 1870
ChristensenMatie Mborn about 1893
ChristensenMethe born about 1893
ChristensenRay Sborn about 1899
ChristensenRhea Fborn about 1936
ChristensenRobert born about 1923
ChristensenSophia born about 1858
ChristensenSophia born about 1876
ChristensenThomas born about 1864
ChristensenValida Cborn about 1938
ChristensenWalter born about 1886
ChristensenWalter Lborn about 1928
ChristensenWarner born about 1894
ChristensenWendell born about 1928
ClarkAlta born about 1909
ClarkAvan Dborn about 1934
ClarkKenneth born about 1908
ClaverAmos Wborn about 1859
ClaverClarence Eborn about 1889
ClaverDorothy Lborn about 1923
ClaverEmma born about 1867
ClaverMarjorie Iborn about 1931
ClaverZella Lborn about 1890
CloverJessie Mborn about 1863
CobbCyrus Fborn about 1920
CobbFrancis Aborn about 1875
CobbJenmie born about 1883
ColstockJas Eborn about 1868
ColstockMariella born about 1875
ConleyHelen born about 1916
ConleyLynn born about 1937
CoundleyDorothy Mborn about 1920
CoundleyEllen born about 1871
CoundleyEthel born about 1923
CoundleyIva born about 1894
CoundleyRichard born about 1891
CraverCharles Hborn about 1894
CraverChas H Jrborn about 1936
CraverElsie Mborn about 1934
CraverEugene Wborn about 1940
CraverFern born about 1918
CraverMarie Aborn about 1909
CraverMary born about 1914
CraverSarah born about 1874
CraverStephen born about 1910
CraverSydney born about 1907
CrumHarriet Jborn about 1934
CrumJoseph Eborn about 1907
CrumMargaret Eborn about 1908
CulbertLorrina born about 1867
CumingsEnola born about 1914
CumingsErnest Pborn about 1881
CummingCharles Sborn about 1872
CummingLulu born about 1878
CummingRichard Oborn about 1910
CunningsClarence Eborn about 1883
CunningsEthel Cborn about 1891
CunningsGrace Pborn about 1930
CunningsRoger born about 1921

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D Surnames

DaleyAucia Mborn about 1875
DandenoAlice born about 1906
DandenoLoyd born about 1906
DayArnanda born about 1892
DayCharles born about 1922
DayErnest Hborn about 1891
DevisonEdward Lborn about 1873
DevisonNellie Cborn about 1877
DillonCecilia Mborn about 1908
DillonMary Cborn about 1874
DillonThomas Fborn about 1906
DowdArthur Rborn about 1891
DowdElla Mborn about 1890
DowdMary Lborn about 1928
DrnecLa Velleborn about 1939
DrnecRuth Eborn about 1916
DrnecWilliam born about 1916
DunlopHoward born about 1874
DunlopMary Gborn about 1919
DunlopMay Bborn about 1880
DunlopThomas Rborn about 1911
DunnClyde Eborn about 1882
DunnIda Mborn about 1889
DunnLa Velle Eborn about 1919
DunnMarion Eborn about 1908

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E Surnames

EastonBealah Bborn about 1903
EastonLeroy Hborn about 1924
EastonRay Cborn about 1902
EdmundsDorothy born about 1906
EdmundsOdis born about 1899
EdmundsRobert born about 1929
EdmundsonHarold born about 1910
EdmundsonMary born about 1874
EdmundsonMary Lborn about 1940
EdmundsonMinnie born about 1914
EisenAndrew Hborn about 1885
EisenAnna born about 1859
EisenMagdalene born about 1884
ElamEdgar Lborn about 1927
ElamFlorence born about 1934
ElamJames Tborn about 1889
ElamJulia Aborn about 1929
ElamMary born about 1864
ElamMildred born about 1924
ElamScott Dborn about 1933
ElamWallace Rborn about 1925
ElamWarren born about 1935
ElamWinifred Iborn about 1918
ElamWinifred Iborn about 1939
EldredRobert Lborn about 1899
EnersonElizabeth born about 1901
EnersonElmer born about 1896
EricksonElizabeth born about 1881
EricksonNels Eborn about 1874

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F Surnames

FabreggCharles born about 1869
FabreggFlorence Bborn about 1920
FabreggLeo Lborn about 1918
FabreggMary born about 1881
FergusonAnna born about 1883
FergusonWilliam Fborn about 1882
FerryDaniel born about 1909
FerryMarie born about 1901
FinchHelen Lborn about 1913
FisherCarol Lborn about 1929
FisherKathryn born about 1900
FisherRalph Fborn about 1899
FisherRobert Aborn about 1931
FoodFred born about 1870
FordCecil born about 1917
FordDarryl Fborn about 1940
FordDolores born about 1931
FordFred Jr born about 1905
FordLillian born about 1912
FordPearl born about 1880
FordPearl born about 1908
FreemarkEdith Hborn about 1885
FreemarkErnest Cborn about 1883
FullerEarlan Gborn about 1876
FullerLucy Sborn about 1882
FyeldeAnna born about 1900
FyeldeArlene born about 1932
FyeldeMortin born about 1895
FyeldeRoy born about 1929
FyeldeVerna born about 1924

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G Surnames

GantCharlotte Sborn about 1916
GantWalter Hborn about 1916
GarrettAdah born about 1873
GaviraThomas born about 1872
GermainEleanor Mborn about 1935
GermainGuy born about 1881
GermainHazel Mborn about 1910
GianneiniAlbert born about 1938
GianneiniAldo born about 1937
GianneiniLoraine born about 1913
GianneiniOtto born about 1883
GlasgowDonald Lborn about 1924
GoweyMargaret Tborn about 1857
GuizzettiCharles born about 1873
GuizzettiElvira Mborn about 1877
GundersonGordon born about 1914
GundersonGordon Jr born about 1939
GundersonIrene born about 1915
GundersonNelse born about 1856
GutelRuth born about 1919

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H Surnames

HallmeyerElla Dborn about 1862
HallmeyerHelen born about 1897
HallmeyerRichard Bborn about 1905
HannonDoris born about 1933
HannonFay Aborn about 1895
HannonFlorence born about 1936
HannonFrances born about 1925
HannonFrances Jborn about 1884
HannonJasse born about 1927
HannonMary born about 1922
HannonRuth born about 1939
HannonThomas born about 1931
HannonVincent born about 1923
HansenAnita born about 1934
HansenCatherine born about 1914
HansenJean Mborn about 1937
HansenJens Pborn about 1861
HansenMargaret born about 1880
HansenRonald Lborn about 1938
HansenSamuel Lborn about 1913
HansonFlorence born about 1892
HansonMartin Aborn about 1854
HansonNorman Dborn about 1889
HansonSusanna born about 1859
HarropAnnie born about 1897
HarropBetty Aborn about 1923
HarropGeorge born about 1890
HarropGeorge Eborn about 1921
HarropGeraldine Mborn about 1927
HarsenChristian born about 1866
HarsopIrene Lborn about 1901
HarsopJohn Wborn about 1902
HartSusan born about 1867
HarveyIsabella born about 1859
HausenAlvin born about 1914
HausenCarl born about 1882
HausenCatherine born about 1919
HausenCena born about 1885
HausenHarry Jborn about 1887
HausenHarry Lborn about 1913
HausenIna born about 1928
HausenJohanna born about 1866
HausenLenora Aborn about 1929
HausenMargaret born about 1887
HausenMary born about 1863
HausenMilred Cborn about 1912
HausenRaymond born about 1922
HausenSophia born about 1890
HazenCula Aborn about 1892
HazenSylvester Hborn about 1885
HeggaboIngwald born about 1882
HendrixCharles born about 1927
HendrixKenneth born about 1931
HendrixLoomis born about 1905
HendrixMayme born about 1908
HendrixWilliam born about 1929
HewittMargaret Cborn about 1877
Hibner born about 1871
HibnerBertha born about 1891
HillDale born about 1922
HillFrank Lborn about 1885
HillJohn born about 1897
HillMinnie born about 1885
HillMyrtle born about 1896
HillYvonme born about 1934
HollmeyerAlta Mborn about 1895
HollmeyerAnna Bborn about 1894
HollmeyerHenry Cborn about 1891
HollmeyerWilliam Lborn about 1927
HollmeyerYvonne born about 1928
HolmAdolph born about 1897
HolmAndrew born about 1887
HolmCurtis born about 1921
HolmIna Mborn about 1914
HolmIrma born about 1927
HolmJessie born about 1883
HolmLeslie born about 1884
HolmLillian born about 1899
HolmSophia born about 1897
HolmesBelle Oborn about 1867
HolmesJohn Tborn about 1892
HolmesMildred Mborn about 1902
HolmesNary Eborn about 1898
HonrudHakon born about 1900
HonrudHarley born about 1921
HonrudMable born about 1902
HonrudRussell born about 1934
HonrudSylvia born about 1924
HorrieAnn born about 1887
HorrieBessie born about 1885
HorrieDorothy Rborn about 1923
HorrieLoren Gborn about 1920
HorrieMable Mborn about 1882
HorrieMadison Dorothy Wborn about 1857
HorrieNeal Mborn about 1918
HorrieNina Nborn about 1923
HorrieRobert Mborn about 1939
HorrieTracy Eborn about 1887
HorrieTracy E Jrborn about 1918
HorrieWilma born about 1916
HoubergAnton born about 1879
HoubergOlena born about 1879
HoubergStella born about 1907
HouckRebecca Mborn about 1896
HouscomAnnice born about 1881
HoustonIrene born about 1919
HoustonLa Verneborn about 1914

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I Surnames

IngramCharles born about 1860
InhoutDuane Dborn about 1922
InhoutGarland born about 1896
InhoutGarland Bborn about 1923
InhoutJohn born about 1890
InhoutLester Lborn about 1932
InhoutPierie Jborn about 1925
InhoutRodney Dborn about 1928

J Surnames

JackmanDale Eborn about 1928
JackmanRuth born about 1901
JacobsgaardClarence born about 1913
JacobsgaardHarold born about 1936
JacobsgaardLena born about 1887
JacobsgaardNissen born about 1885
JacobsgaardRuth born about 1928
JacobsgaardViolet born about 1915
JaffersBernice born about 1895
JaffersDale born about 1928
JaffersDorothy Aborn about 1932
JaffersPhillip Eborn about 1929
JaffersRobert Jborn about 1930
JaffersVera Cborn about 1900
JansenAlma Mborn about 1929
JansenJohn Tborn about 1935
JansenMarjorie Aborn about 1911
JansenMiggo born about 1909
JansenNancy Jborn about 1931
JansenThora Aborn about 1933
JensenChristiana born about 1868
JepsenHans Cborn about 1871
JewettHettie Mborn about 1863
JohnsonAnnastachi* born about 1896
JohnsonDixie Jborn about 1912
JohnsonDonald born about 1935
JohnsonDorothy born about 1919
JohnsonFern born about 1913
JohnsonFrederick born about 1932
JohnsonFreeda born about 1933
JohnsonGeneva born about 1923
JohnsonGeorge Fborn about 1890
JohnsonHarold born about 1915
JohnsonHarold born about 1922
JohnsonHenry born about 1866
JohnsonJudith Annborn about 1939
JohnsonLaurence born about 1903
JohnsonLenord born about 1905
JohnsonPhylis born about 1933
JohnsonRita born about 1882
JohnsonSusie born about 1903
JohnsonThomas born about 1939
JohnsonWilliam Eborn about 1907
JohnstonHarold born about 1895
JohnstonKatherine born about 1870
JohnstonLeora born about 1894

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K Surnames

KaldemGeorge born about 1912
KaldemMyrtle born about 1885
KaldemThomas born about 1871
KeisengerJohn born about 1864
KervinEdith born about 1911
KervinEdward Fborn about 1912
KervinRobert Tborn about 1875
KervinRobert T Jrborn about 1914
KervinSophia born about 1884
KewinAlberta Gborn about 1870
KewinThomas Jborn about 1876
KirkendallClenton Eborn about 1891
KirkendallLydia born about 1903
KlineEdna born about 1906
KlineEdward born about 1936
KlineFaith born about 1933
KocissGladys born about 1909
KocissGlenn born about 1931
KocissJames born about 1939
KocissJohn born about 1901
KocissJohn Jr born about 1933
KocissKenneth born about 1937
KratochivilDelores born about 1933
KratochivilDorothy born about 1922
KratochivilElla born about 1898
KratochivilFrank born about 1894
KratochivilLouise born about 1919
KratochivilRobert born about 1925
KrollAlexander born about 1904
KrollCassmer born about 1867
KrollLucile born about 1909
KrollMary born about 1870
KruegerHenry Jborn about 1887
KrugAlbert born about 1902
KrugJohn Lborn about 1874
KrugJosephine born about 1882

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L Surnames

LacoreAdele Fborn about 1889
LacoreFay born about 1885
LarsenHarlow born about 1913
LarsenJosephine born about 1916
LarsenJudith born about 1939
LarsonDale Mborn about 1931
LarsonLois Bborn about 1891
LarsonMarion born about 1920
LarsonMary born about 1874
LarsonMildred born about 1925
LarsonOttila born about 1887
LarsonSadie born about 1887
LarsonViolet born about 1919
LauridsenJames Lborn about 1926
LauridsenJens born about 1893
LauritzenHans born about 1883
LeeCelia Mborn about 1881
LeeFloyd born about 1911
LessMillicent Bborn about 1871
LessWilliams Eborn about 1870
LeursAmelia born about 1907
LeursRobert born about 1907
LewisEdith born about 1926
LewisLoretta Lborn about 1922
LewisRichard Wborn about 1880
LewisRosemary born about 1932
LikenessEline born about 1865
LikenessMichal born about 1867
LikenessMura Gborn about 1895
LockwoodKenneth born about 1917
LongVirginia Eborn about 1911
LouchErla Mborn about 1929
LouchErlan born about 1904
LouchKay born about 1938
LouchMeta born about 1902
LouchShirley born about 1935
LundChristina born about 1889
LundDagny born about 1923
LundFrancis born about 1916
LundMada born about 1885
LundMarie born about 1926
LutzAlice Tborn about 1907
LutzAugusta Aborn about 1881
LutzIrene Eborn about 1903
LutzJacob Cborn about 1876
LutzJoam Lborn about 1939
LutzJoyce Lborn about 1938
LutzJudith Lborn about 1936
LutzKarl Bborn about 1905
LutzKarl T Jrborn about 1935
LutzMunnie born about 1880
LutzRhea born about 1933
LutzWeston born about 1907

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M Surnames

MadisonNellie born about 1852
MadsenChristina born about 1888
MadsenLouis born about 1863
MageeEdna Rborn about 1903
MageeIda Oborn about 1877
MageeJohn Fborn about 1876
MageeKenneth Rborn about 1927
MageeRaymond Fborn about 1902
MaherArthur Jborn about 1928
MaherBartholomew born about 1934
MaherBartholomew Pborn about 1876
MaherFrances Bborn about 1892
MaherFrancis Annborn about 1926
MaherJohn Eborn about 1923
MaherKatherine born about 1888
MaherMolle Gborn about 1932
MaherThomas Fborn about 1890
MaherThomas Jr born about 1921
MaherThrether born about 1930
MakerJoseph Bborn about 1937
MaleAnnie born about 1885
MaleBettie born about 1913
MaleCharles born about 1926
MaleIra born about 1917
MaleRaymond born about 1909
MalekAnna born about 1886
MalekEdward Jborn about 1909
MalekMargorie Dborn about 1938
MalekMary Dborn about 1870
MalekMortimer born about 1862
MalekPatricia born about 1939
MalekVivian Fborn about 1915
MalekWilliam born about 1883
ManegoldMargaret Aborn about 1874
MariettaEleanor born about 1875
MariettaMichael born about 1871
MariettaWilhelnia born about 1924
MartinAnna Mborn about 1889
MartinHelen Mborn about 1919
MartinLlwellyn born about 1878
MasgkMichael born about 1868
MasonAlic born about 1930
MasonBertha Dborn about 1887
MasonPearl born about 1916
MasonRoland Wborn about 1918
MathesonBertha born about 1893
MathesonMartin Gborn about 1894
MathisonAmos born about 1907
MathisonAnna born about 1897
MathisonEmma Aborn about 1881
MathisonMath Pborn about 1891
MathisonMons born about 1872
MauroJames born about 1914
MauroMorie born about 1915
McCarterAustin born about 1877
McCarterElenor born about 1911
McCarterFrank born about 1922
McCarterMittie born about 1881
McCarterRussell born about 1915
McCumberWilliam born about 1865
McDonaldAnita Mborn about 1929
McDonaldArlene Iborn about 1925
McDonaldBertha born about 1905
McDonaldBetty Mborn about 1927
McDonaldIda Lborn about 1934
McDonaldIda Mborn about 1862
McDonaldMarion born about 1900
McDonaldMarion Jr born about 1923
McDonaldPhilip Dborn about 1933
McGurkAnna born about 1875
McGurkDonald Aborn about 1936
McGurkDorla Dborn about 1931
McGurkEvan Lborn about 1939
McGurkLoren Dborn about 1932
McGurkRosa born about 1909
McGurkStephen born about 1907
McGurkTeresa Mborn about 1930
McGurkWinona born about 1928
McHughAma born about 1926
McHughArthur born about 1920
McHughGalda born about 1895
McHughHarold born about 1917
McHughHenry born about 1891
McHughLeslie born about 1922
McHughMary Eborn about 1932
McKnightAlbert Jborn about 1910
McKnightAlbert Jr born about 1934
McKnightAnma born about 1910
McKnightDaisy Eborn about 1887
McKnightDorothy Mborn about 1937
MeierHenry born about 1901
MeierLucile born about 1901
MelbourneAnne Eborn about 1868
MelbourneBetty born about 1926
MelbourneCharles born about 1862
MelbourneClara Hborn about 1898
MelbourneDella Mborn about 1891
MelbourneErlan Eborn about 1906
MelbourneHarry born about 1897
MelbourneLucile born about 1919
MelbourneVictor Eborn about 1889
MetzChris born about 1875
MetzMary born about 1880
MeyerArthur born about 1883
MiddletonEugene Cborn about 1930
MiddletonGrace Bborn about
MiddletonJasper born about 1897
MiddletonJasper B Jrborn about 1922
MiddletonPhillip Cborn about 1931
MollerskovBendix born about 1915
MollerskovEdna born about 1920
MollerskovLillian born about 1926
MollerskovMargaret born about 1919
MonbrunLena born about 1892
MorganKatherine born about 1881
MorganWilliam Hborn about 1876
MorrisBetty born about 1927
MorrisJames born about 1915
MorrisJohn born about 1884
MorrisKenneth born about 1926
MorrisMabel born about 1919
MorrisNellie born about 1886
MorrisRaymond born about 1913
MorrisWanda born about 1922
MortoedtHalver born about 1884
MortoedtInga born about 1883
MortoedtVerne born about 1918
MortvedtHoward born about 1913
MortvedtIugabore born about 1907
MortvedtMay born about 1919
MortvedtOliver born about 1910
MortweiltEdward born about 1880
MortweiltIngerid born about 1880
MottaFrank born about 1895
MottaFrank Jr born about 1929
MottaJennie born about 1894
MulveyFrank born about 1876
MulveyJames born about 1854
MulveyLeon born about 1894
MulveyMary Jborn about 1853
MulveyTracy born about 1918

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N Surnames

NelsonAlma born about 1886
NelsonBernard born about 1912
NelsonEdna born about 1903
NelsonErling born about 1926
NelsonFanmie born about 1879
NelsonJean born about 1925
NelsonJohn born about 1914
NelsonLaurence born about 1904
NelsonLoraine born about 1921
NelsonLouise born about 1907
NelsonPeter born about 1870
NelsonRaymond born about 1923
NelsonSemon born about 1899
NelsonVernon born about 1927
NelsonVictor born about 1914
NicholsAnna born about
NicholsClyde born about 1900
NicholsJames Eborn about 1907
NicholsJohn born about 1872
NicholsKenneth Jborn about 1931
NicholsRose Mborn about 1911
NicholsSamuel Rborn about 1937

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O Surnames

OlesonCarl born about 1915
OlesonCarolena born about 1870
OlesonClarence born about 1907
OlesonLucile born about 1917
OlesonRasmus born about 1868
OlesonShirley born about 1936
OlesonSimon born about 1900
OlseaAlvin born about 1921
OlsenAlfred born about 1895
OlsenAnma born about 1921
OlsenCatherine born about 1933
OlsenChristiana born about 1898
OlsenEdith born about 1923
OlsenHolger born about 1925
OlsenHuggo born about 1927
OlsenJune born about 1938
OlsonClem born about 1860
OlsonDonald Eborn about 1925
OlsonDonna Jborn about 1936
OlsonLaverne Aborn about 1912
OlsonLeona born about 1915
OusenCarl Jborn about 1882
OusenDale Eborn about 1923
OusenDean Eborn about 1928
OusenDoris Lborn about 1926
OusenMarjore Eborn about 1924
OusenMartha Gborn about 1888
OusenShirley Mborn about 1921

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P Surnames

PapeIla Mayborn about 1918
PapeRichard Lborn about 1939
PapeWalter Lborn about 1912
ParkinsonAnnabelle born about 1920
ParkinsonHarold Bborn about 1917
ParkinsonJane Eborn about 1880
PaulsonDorothy born about 1889
PaulsonRalph born about 1933
PaulsonWalter born about 1884
PeekEdward born about 1865
PeekWalter born about 1867
PerkinsKatherine born about 1904
PerkinsThomas Hborn about 1935
PerkinsWillard Aborn about 1906
PerkinsWillard Eborn about 1926
PetersonAlice born about 1870
PetersonAlice Mborn about 1906
PetersonAlma born about 1880
PetersonAnmie Eborn about 1885
PetersonChris born about 1883
PetersonSarah born about 1853
PetersonTheodore born about 1865
PetitFrances born about 1875
PetitLeonder born about 1873
PetitMable born about 1887
PetitSherman born about 1870
PicklerBlanche Lborn about 1916
PicklerKay Lborn about 1938
PicklerTreasure Fborn about 1914
PopeFred born about 1914
PopeMargaret Jborn about 1919
PopePatricia Wborn about 1939
PrestonEdith born about 1912
PrestonHarold born about 1895
PrestonJames born about 1865
ProvanceBlanchi Lborn about 1889
ProvanceLee Hborn about 1922
ProvanceLewis Bborn about 1885
ProvanceRay Kborn about 1916
ProvanceWilliam Aborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuionleyFred Wborn about 1888
QuionleyIda Eborn about 1891

R Surnames

RadmacherDorothea born about 1917
RamblingElsie born about 1891
RamblingGeorgia Bborn about 1920
RamblingLyle born about 1926
RamblingMorgan born about 1924
RamblingWilleroy born about 1892
RanquinJohn Lborn about 1859
RhodisMartha born about 1863
RhodisOscebla born about 1857
RiyLena born about 1879
RiyRobert born about 1886
RiyRussell born about 1911
RiyWalter born about 1917
RobertsBeulah Eborn about 1899
RobertsDale Nborn about 1898
RobertsEvan Daleborn about 1931
RobertsMadelon born about 1918
RobertsRichard born about 1937
RobertsRowena Rborn about 1924
RobinsonAgnes Mborn about 1892
RobinsonLevi Cborn about 1893
RobinsonLewis Mborn about 1924
RobinsonRosemary Sborn about 1927
RodgerAnnie Mborn about 1870
RoffBernadine Mborn about 1894
RoffEmily Lborn about 1937
RoffErnest Bborn about 1893
RoffJoseph Wborn about 1925
RogersLeota born about 1880
RominesHerman born about 1897
RominesHerman Jr born about 1928
RominesJay Mborn about 1930
RominesLarry Lborn about 1932
RominesRachel Mborn about 1909
RominesRichard Eborn about 1934
RousbaughGeorge born about 1914
RozackIrene born about 1920
RyanAnna born about 1913
RyanClara born about 1917
RyanLena born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampsonCena born about 1859
SampsonChris Hborn about 1889
SampsonM Enzaborn about 1890
SampsonSam born about 1861
SandeneAlma born about 1908
SandeneAmla L Vborn about 1940
SandeneKenneth Pborn about 1938
SandeneTorris born about 1900
SandenoAlvin born about 1913
SandenoAmos born about 1909
SandenoAnma born about 1878
SandenoBert born about 1900
SandenoCarrie born about 1875
SandenoDelores born about 1939
SandenoGertrude born about 1868
SandenoJoseph born about 1908
SandenoLois born about 1938
SandenoMargaret born about 1919
SandenoMarion born about 1920
SandenoMay Mborn about 1913
SandenoMyrna Gborn about 1939
SandenoRonald born about 1921
SandenoThomas born about 1871
SandenoTosis born about 1877
SandenoWellard born about 1910
SandenoWilliam born about 1875
SavageDean born about 1908
ScanavinoEvylen born about 1917
ScanavinoOtto born about 1912
ScanivinoAngelo born about 1918
SchaulinLyle Rborn about 1912
SchaulinMildred born about 1918
SchaulinWillia Lborn about 1939
SchillingEthel born about 1902
SchultzClaudia born about 1930
SchultzJewell born about 1921
SchultzLaurena Aborn about 1898
SchultzLillian born about 1901
SchultzWhitney born about 1923
SchuntzAnna Cborn about 1875
SchuntzJacob Jborn about 1880
ScogginCarolyn Hborn about 1903
ScogginEsther Lborn about 1915
ScogginLeo Fborn about 1915
ScogginMargaret Lborn about 1937
ScogginRaymond born about 1893
ScogginRobert Lborn about 1939
ScottHarlan Wborn about 1904
ScottPearl Fborn about 1903
SeversenHarold born about 1915
SeversenLewis born about 1906
SeversenSarah born about 1884
SeversenSevert born about 1875
SeversonCarrie born about 1871
SeversonEdward born about 1908
ShellyLaura born about 1891
ShellyMaxine born about 1926
SkinnerRosanna born about 1897
SlivenskiJohn born about 1891
SmallIda Fborn about 1873
SmallJames Aborn about 1864
SmallRuah born about 1899
SmithArthur born about 1926
SmithElla Maeborn about 1922
SmithHarriet Mborn about 1867
SmithHarry born about 1880
SmithHarry Jr born about 1928
SmithHoward born about 1915
SmithIda born about 1884
SmithLaura born about 1924
SollisAmanda born about 1863
SorensenBeatrice Jborn about 1927
SorensenBessie born about 1891
SorensenChris Mborn about 1887
SorensenEiner Rborn about 1923
SorensenElda Mborn about 1908
SorensenEveyln Rborn about 1922
SorensenHelen Mborn about 1923
SorensenLoren Lborn about 1938
SorensenLyle born about 1912
SorensenMargaret born about 1889
SorensenWilliam born about 1891
SorensenWilliam Hborn about 1935
SorensonClara born about 1890
SorensonFred born about 1892
SorensonOrville born about 1919
SowersArchie Mborn about 1923
SowersBetty born about 1925
SowersDorothy Mborn about 1930
SowersFrank Jborn about 1890
SowersHarold Aborn about 1932
SowersJean Eborn about 1934
SowersJohn Fborn about 1918
SowersJosephine born about 1899
SowersJuanita Aborn about 1936
SowersLoraine Dborn about 1927
SowersMaisha Kborn about 1939
SowersMaxine Cborn about 1921
SpillerAmelia Lborn about 1888
SpillerEileen Eborn about 1908
SpillerHarry born about 1883
SpillerSadie Aborn about 1875
SpradlinMary Eborn about 1923
SprinbornMinnie born about 1885
SprinbornPaul Hborn about 1883
StammAgusta Aborn about 1899
StammIra Cborn about 1922
StammPlymn Bborn about 1884
StamonChloe born about 1878
StevensDoris Vborn about 1933
StevensFlorence born about 1899
StevensFrancis Rborn about 1881
StevensGloria Eborn about 1931
StevensLyle Eborn about 1920
StevensMargaret Lborn about 1923
StevensMina born about 1866
StevensRalph Eborn about 1896
StevensRussell Lborn about 1918
StevensRuth Lborn about 1925
StounEarl born about 1917
StounErnest born about 1920
StounHaus born about 1915
StounLoraine born about 1924
StounMabel born about 1926
StounMargaret Bborn about 1915
StounMarion born about 1936
StounMary Eborn about 1893
StounPearl Dborn about 1930
StounRobert born about 1935
StounTracy born about 1881
StounTracy Jr born about 1932
StranzsEdith born about 1913
StranzsHarry born about 1933
StranzsMary born about 1934
StranzsRita born about 1936
SwartzElizabeth born about 1863
SwartzWilliam born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateHenry Aborn about 1898
TateJenneth Cborn about 1902
TaylorMaurine Eborn about 1934
TaylorMaurins* Bborn about 1911
TaylorPhilip Hborn about 1933
ThachikPearl Aborn about 1911
ThomAlexander born about 1872
ThomEdward born about 1912
ThomKeziah born about 1878
ThomRobert Aborn about 1939
ThomThena Lborn about 1914
ThompsonAnna born about 1875
ThompsonJulia born about 1878
ThompsonReinhart born about 1865
ThygersonMary born about 1877
ThygersonThyger born about 1867
ThygesenEsther Jborn about 1906
ThygesenFrances Hborn about 1896
ThygesenJack Lborn about 1935
TieldeLizzie born about 1878
TieldePeder born about 1882
TkachikAndrew born about 1874
TkachikJohn Fborn about 1901
TkachikMary born about 1883
TkachikRonald Fborn about 1937
TopperJoanna Mborn about 1934
TopperJoseph Tborn about 1906
TopperMargaret Wborn about 1909
TracyArmond born about 1862
TracyIzetta born about 1903
TreasureAlbert Cborn about 1911
TreasureCharles Aborn about 1885
TreasureCharles Wborn about 1936
TreasureDale Wborn about 1923
TreasureEmma born about 1883
TreasureFloyd born about 1907
TreasureForrest born about 1907
TreasureGlen Jborn about 1915
TreasureLilla Aborn about 1920
TreasureLilla Eborn about 1864
TreasureMable Eborn about 1911
TreasureMildred born about 1909
TreasureMyrtle Iborn about 1902
TreasureNancy Aborn about 1937
TreasureViola Vborn about 1895
TreasureWilliam Pborn about 1901
TwaitBerdean born about 1939
TwaitDorothy born about 1915
TwaitElmer born about 1908
TwaitHannah born about 1879
TwedtIvy born about 1920
TwedtJoseph born about 1913
TwedtJoseph Jr born about 1939
TweedtDarwin Lborn about 1937
TweedtEugene Oborn about 1927
TweedtGilley born about 1895
TweedtGrace Lborn about 1907
TweedtLars born about 1904
TweedtSelma born about 1908
TynerFrank Eborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodMarion born about 1888

V Surnames

ViggnocchiDominica Fborn about 1881
ViggnocchiFrank born about 1914
ViggnocchiRobert born about 1878
ViggnocchiRobert born about 1923
ViggnocskiBarbara Aborn about 1940
ViggnocskiJoanne born about 1933
ViggnocskiLillian born about 1913
ViggnocskiRobert Hborn about 1935
ViggnocskiSereno born about 1909
VignocchiGloria Jborn about 1939
VignocchiLoretta Jborn about 1920
VignocchiLouis Dborn about 1913
VignocchiRichard Lborn about 1938
VivianaDorothy Mborn about 1931
VivianaMabel born about 1904
VivianaRoger born about 1939
VivianaSamuel born about 1898
VivianaSamuel Jr born about 1925
VogenAdeline born about 1916
VogenArchold born about 1912
VogenArthur born about 1905
VogenClifford born about 1926
VogenGustave born about 1911
VogenHannah born about 1882
VogenIda born about 1911
VogenIvis born about 1923
VogenKnute born about 1876
VogenLa Verneborn about 1919
VogenStewart born about 1901
VonjualenErlan born about 1913
VonjualenHarry born about 1887
VonjualenMarie born about 1890
VonjualenRalph born about 1928
VonjualenVivian born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerEdna born about 1910
WagnerHarold born about 1910
WaldonDonald born about 1931
WaldonElmer born about 1893
WaldonGrace born about 1910
WallinChristina born about 1868
WalshEdna born about 1919
WeberBernice Lborn about 1925
WeberCora Mborn about 1867
WeberLaurence Bborn about 1899
WeberLois Mborn about 1936
WeberMildred Vborn about 1905
WeberRobert Hborn about 1926
WheelerElma born about 1870
WheelerFred born about 1862
WhitmoreChristina born about 1867
WilhoefteMaud Fborn about 1870
WilhoeftePerry Fborn about 1868
WilliamsonLionel born about 1916
WilliamsonMary born about 1921
WilsonCharles Eborn about 1864
WilsonLottie born about 1881
WiseClarence born about 1918
WiseEmory born about 1910
WiseEva Mborn about 1903
WiseGeorge born about 1880
WiseGlenn born about 1919
WiseLester Gborn about 1905
WiseMargaret born about 1883
WoodlandArthur Jborn about 1895
WoodlandDorothy born about 1919
WoodlandEsther born about 1861
WoodlandGeorge born about 1860
WoodlandLina Dborn about 1894
WoodlandStanley Aborn about 1922
WrightArthur Eborn about 1889
WrightBeryle born about 1889
WrightGilbert born about 1922
WrightLaura Lborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatuniFrank born about 1900
YatuniMargaret born about 1899
YatuniRita born about 1924
YatuniWilliam born about 1922
YatuninGlenn Aborn about 1931
YatuninJames born about 1895
YatuninJames Jr born about 1925
YatuninLizzie born about 1897
YatuninMary Lborn about 1928
YatuninRaymond born about 1922
YoungMary Eborn about 1855

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