1940 U.S. Federal Census of Golf Village, Cook, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Cook County > 1940 Census of Golf Village

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames

A Surnames

AamodtJulia born about 1921
AhrensBernice born about 1928
AhrensClarence born about 1919
AhrensElsie born about 1900
AhrensFlorence born about 1937
AhrensFrank born about 1900
AhrensHenry Jr born about 1929
AhrensLenard born about 1936
AhrensLeroy born about 1936
AhrensMarion born about 1935
AhrensMildred born about 1927
AhrensRalph born about 1939
AhrensRoland born about 1934
AhrensWillard born about 1931
AndersonAlberta born about 1905
AndersonBasil born about 1931
AndersonEarle born about 1935
AndersonSmith Bertramborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaumanFrancis born about 1893
BaumanFrederik born about 1889
BaumanFrederik born about 1920
BaumanGeorge born about 1929
BaumanMary born about 1917
BaumanRichard born about 1935
BierbaumArmind born about 1897
BierbaumArmind Jr born about 1925
BierbaumBill born about 1931
BierbaumHarriett born about 1901
BierbaumRobert born about 1929
BogersPauline born about 1902
BrownKathryn born about 1939
BrownOrpha born about 1910
BrownPeter born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

ChristmanAndrew born about 1878
ColeHelen born about 1899
ColePetricia born about 1927
ColeRobert born about 1899
ColeRobert born about 1929
CooperFrank born about 1916
CooperHarriet born about 1887
CooperHill born about 1887
CooperMary born about 1919

E Surnames

EberliMarcella born about 1916
EberliMayme born about 1885
EberliWilliam Gborn about 1882
EberliWilliam Jr born about 1914
EllisDavid Eamesborn about 1933
EllisFrancis born about 1891
EllisJohn Fborn about 1921
EllisLoverna Pborn about 1896
EllisRobert Wborn about 1918

F Surnames

FreuEdward born about 1893
FreuEllinor born about 1905

G Surnames

GautnerBetty born about 1920
GautnerEdward born about 1895
GautnerEdward Jr born about 1922
GautnerLucille born about 1900
GautnerRobert born about 1923

H Surnames

HamserCarolyn Tborn about 1935
HamserHoward born about 1899
HamserHoward Jr born about 1930
HamserRuth born about 1902
HardenberghJames born about 1930
HardenberghMargat born about 1936
HardenberghMary born about 1900
HardenberghMary Fborn about 1933
HardenberghWesley born about 1894
HardenberghWilliam born about 1928
HillLouise born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JensenAlma born about 1902
JensenHarry born about 1898
JensenHarry born about 1928

K Surnames

KoffmanDorothy born about 1916
KoffmanElizabeth born about 1875
KoffmanLouis Jr born about 1875

L Surnames

LeachBernice born about 1898
LeachDick born about 1928
LeachEdmund born about 1924
LeachJoseph Pborn about 1898
LeiderDavid born about 1940
LeiderJohn born about 1918
LeiderVivian Oborn about 1921
LindMyrtle born about 1902
LindWalter born about 1899
LongAnn born about 1892
LongHomer ?born about 1891
LongJohn Rborn about 1923
LongRichard born about 1928
LordanJane born about 1914
LordanMartin born about 1907
LordanMartin Jr born about 1937
LykesBernice born about 1908
LykesMary born about 1934
LykesRobert Hborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MatreEarl Fborn about 1929
MatreElenaor born about 1892
MatreFrank born about 1890
MayByron Jborn about 1899
MayRobert born about 1936
MaySandra born about 1935
MayVilma Sborn about 1901
MelzerJoseph born about 1913
MelzerLydia born about 1917
MeyerRuth born about 1915
MichelFrank born about
MichelFrank Jr born about 1933
MichelGerald born about 1932
MichelGordon born about 1928
MichelLucile born about 1903
MuellerRay born about 1917
MurphyAlberta born about 1889
MurphyMartin born about 1932
MurphyWilliam born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NortonDavid born about 1923
NortonVirginia Vborn about 1900

P Surnames

PetersonCharles born about 1898
PetersonDorothy born about 1898
PetersonHerry born about 1927
PetersonMarjore born about 1930

R Surnames

ReedyMartha born about 1916
RemboldLena born about 1903
RemboldWilliam born about 1899
RobertRuth Hborn about 1908
RobertThomas born about 1900
RounsfieldFrederik born about 1885
RounsfieldLillian Gborn about 1885
RounsfieldReginald born about 1921

S Surnames

SchmelzerAnna born about 1882
SchmelzerEmma born about 1924
SchmelzerFrank born about 1877
SchmelzerGrace born about 1921
SchmelzerJohn born about 1881
SchmelzerJohn Jr born about 1919
SchmelzerRosemary born about 1923
SchmidtEmil born about 1905
SchmidtEster born about 1905
SchmittGeorge born about 1932
SchmittJohn born about 1934
SmithElizabeth born about 1929
SmithHazel born about 1897
SmithMargaret born about 1904
SmithRaymond born about 1898
SmithThomas born about 1891
SmithWilliam born about 1875
SmithWilliam born about 1922
SonneEleanor born about 1899
SonneFrederik born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorChester born about 1939
TaylorChester Hborn about 1913
TaylorShirley born about 1914

U Surnames

UcollEdmund born about 1915
UcollJosephine born about 1893
UcollLucile born about 1919
UcollRobert born about 1890
UcollRobert born about 1915

V Surnames

VenablesBertha Vborn about 1881
VenablesFrederik born about 1881
VinstrandAnna Wborn about 1917

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