1940 U.S. Federal Census of Goose Creek Township, Piatt, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Piatt County > 1940 Census of Goose Creek Township

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsDaisy Eborn about 1887
AdamsGordon born about 1905
AdamsHoward born about 1915
AdamsJ Qborn about 1880
AdamsKeitty born about 1914
AdamsMargarett born about 1875
AndersonArthur born about 1906
AndersonEdain born about 1938
AndersonEugene born about 1931
AndersonFern born about 1908
AndersonJune born about 1931
AndersonMary Moudeborn about 1927
AndersonW Jborn about 1874
ArrowsmithMildred born about 1906

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B Surnames

BarrRobert born about 1918
BerryFrank born about 1870
BerryLyda born about 1869
BichelEthel Nborn about 1892
BichelHarry Eborn about 1890
BichelJ Eborn about 1853
BichelJohn Wborn about 1918
BichelMinnie born about 1860
BichelRoland born about 1882
BlytheDewight born about 1924
BlytheDoris born about 1925
BlytheFlorence born about 1897
BlytheRobert born about 1921
BlytheRoy born about 1892
BontonBerenice born about 1932
BontonDelores born about 1926
BontonEltia born about 1905
BontonJobe born about 1902
BontonMary born about 1930
BontonRaymond born about 1924
BontonRobert born about 1936
BortonBelle born about 1865
BortonJ Lborn about 1862
BoslerEmma born about 1921
BoslerGlenn born about 1898
BoslerRuby born about 1892
BoslerVergina born about 1925
BowlesD born about 1903
BowlesOla born about 1903
BowlesThelma born about 1925
BowlesWilliam Edwardborn about 1930
BowlesWilma born about 1928
BowsherHarriot Mborn about 1892
BrownEileen born about 1909
BrownMorris born about 1908
BruggeAodger Eborn about 1931
BruggeAudra Jborn about 1930
BruggeBetty Lborn about 1926
BruggeFot?? Mborn about 1901
BruggeG Dborn about 1899
BruggeGeorgia Mborn about 1924
BruggeMirian Fborn about 1937
BuchmanDenney born about 1939
BuchmanEugene born about 1931
BuchmanGeorge born about 1906
BuchmanMargaret born about 1914
BuchmanNancy born about 1938
BuckansBelly born about 1932
BuckansCharles born about 1938
BuckansClcia born about 1907
BuckansDale born about 1940
BuckansFrancis born about 1934
BuckansFrank born about 1901
BuckansGracie born about 1930
BuckansWayne born about 1909
BurtonBana born about 1936
BurtonBurton born about 1912
BurtonDeon born about 1926
BurtonGeorge born about 1929
BurtonGilbert born about 1912
BurtonJames born about 1933
BurtonJerry born about 1931
BurtonMarion born about 1899
BurtonMarrila born about 1902
BurtonRoland born about 1924
BurtonSolmon Kborn about 1911

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C Surnames

CafinAndrey born about 1931
CafinDoyne born about 1881
CafinGinvie born about 1912
CafinJimmie born about 1935
CalvinBetty born about 1928
CalvinElizabeth born about 1925
CalvinEvelyn born about 1922
CalvinGeorge born about 1924
CalvinMary born about 1897
CalvinTurner born about 1893
CampbellCarolyn born about 1934
CampbellGeneva born about 1896
CampbellMaxine born about 1919
CampbellMinnie born about 1874
CampbellMorton born about 1928
CampbellRoy Hborn about 1893
CanndyL born about 1916
CanndyLucille born about 1920
CathcartBess born about 1892
CathcartCarol Leeborn about 1928
CathcartElizabeth born about 1922
CathcartR Iborn about 1891
ChaneyAlice born about 1868
ChaneyArnold born about 1903
ChaneyHoward born about 1888
ChaneyMinnie born about 1882
ChaneyWilliam born about 1864
CheneyDaisy born about 1913
CheneyFrancis* born about 1934
CheneyS Lborn about 1911
ChismanFrank born about 1887
ChismanJessie born about 1890
ChrismanJohn born about 1877
ChrismanRoseanna born about 1888
ChurchillHubert born about 1862
ChurchillIda Cborn about 1872
ChurchillIda Jeanborn about 1929
ChurchillLucretia born about 1920
ChurchillMrs Gertude born about 1895
ChurchillVevginia born about 1925
CiscoAnna born about 1890
CliftonBell born about 1885
CliftonDorman born about 1936
CliftonHoward born about 1906
CliftonLeonard born about 1919
CliftonMildred born about 1922
CliftonOllive born about 1910
CliftonWayne born about 1936
CliftonWendell born about 1930
CliftonWitlie born about 1885
CooperClare born about 1898
CooperClarence born about 1925
CooperElizabeth born about 1933
CooperFrancis born about 1921
CooperFred born about 1892
CooperMarget born about 1936
CooperStella born about 1918
CooperThelma born about 1928
CooperVelma born about 1928
CorderDonie Rosaborn about 1930
CorderJohn Williamborn about 1935
CorderMrs Norles born about 1910
CorderPeggy Janeborn about 1933
CrismonDoara born about 1930
CrismonGeorge born about 1884
CrismonGeorge Wborn about 1936
CrismonGeorgia born about 1934
CrismonJean born about 1925
CrismonJeneva born about 1928
CrismonMargarito born about 1932
CrismonMary born about 1902
CrismonRichard born about 1939

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D Surnames

DaltonAlma born about 1918
DaltonBeanseleon born about 1916
DaltonBetty born about 1923
DaltonEdwin born about 1938
DaltonHarry born about 1887
DaltonPillin Annborn about 1939
DaltonVarlin born about 1908
DickMae Ragne*born about 1880
DorisAddit born about 1890
DorisG Rborn about 1888
DresbachHoward born about 1917
DresbachJohn Rborn about 1906
DresbachMarie born about 1911
DresbachMoe Annaborn about 1883

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E Surnames

EssreyLewin Mborn about 1882
EssreySadio born about 1882

F Surnames

FiftLee Aborn about 1859
FiftWilliford born about 1887
FillBeulah born about 1917
FillRoy Jborn about 1911
FitzusterAnethen born about 1874
FitzwaterPearl born about 1880
ForberEuphemia born about 1867
ForcumAllen Keithborn about 1908
ForcumPeorl born about 1910
ForumCarmon born about 1922
ForumMolly born about 1896
ForumP Eborn about 1896
FosteAritis born about 1928
FosteArnold born about 1923
FosteArthel born about 1918
FosteClotha born about 1892
FosteClyde born about 1930
FosteCrystiene born about 1934
FosteDanny born about 1880
FosteEdith born about 1925
FosteMindel born about 1932
FranchardG Rborn about 1867
FranchardHelen born about 1901
FranchardJo Annborn about 1929
FranchardW Bborn about 1900
FranciscoAgnes born about 1929
FranciscoAnna born about 1926
FranciscoCharles born about 1921
FranciscoEarl born about 1932
FranciscoHazel born about 1887
FranciscoJoyce born about 1930
FranciscoMary born about 1924
FranciscoWilliam born about 1877
FranciscoWilliam born about 1906
FranklinAudrey Jeanborn about 1932
FranklinDanel born about 1936
FranklinJenasse born about 1910
FranklinWilliam born about 1906
FrechieHerman born about 1906
FrossBetty Louborn about 1940
FrossGilma Janeborn about 1920
FrossHarold born about 1916

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G Surnames

GainerVertel born about 1921
GainesAsma born about 1912
GainesMor Georgeborn about 1869
GainesNelly born about 1904
GainsElmer born about 1890
GainsLola born about 1892
GaitherFary* born about 1935
GaitherHarry born about 1937
GallyJames born about 1939
GallyMajorie born about 1919
GantzMargarie Ethel Mayborn about 1927
GinoBetty Annborn about 1938
GinoDeloria born about 1931
GinoEta Arllenborn about 1912
GinoFrancis born about 1940
GinoMelvin born about 1905
GinoMiller Louisborn about 1936
GloydVelvor born about 1903
GlynEmma born about 1912
GlynIda born about 1939
GlynJohn born about 1907
GonesElbert born about 1907
GrantAlma born about 1905
GrantAlma Janeborn about 1936
GrantBally born about 1925
GrantBobby born about 1929
GrantDean born about 1926
GrantDonald born about 1933
GrantGeorge born about 1901
GrayRobert born about 1922
GriffithFrank born about 1879
GrubaughLevi born about 1883
GrubaughSava born about 1888
GrubaughVera born about 1927
GuffeyBartha born about 1911
GuffeyEarl born about 1908
GuffeyElza born about 1877
GuffeyLydia born about 1888

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H Surnames

HagoDonald born about 1919
HagoHarry Nborn about 1889
HagoLois born about 1922
HagoRuth born about 1882
HallenbackBarbara born about 1935
HallenbackBobby born about 1932
HallenbackBuddy born about 1930
HallenbackHelen born about 1924
HallenbackLo Eborn about 1891
HallenbackMrs L Eborn about 1893
HallenbackRex born about 1934
HallenbackStanley born about 1925
HamiltonMary born about 1870
HamiltonMike born about 1866
HammittBurford born about 1901
HammittMaud born about 1876
HardonJosephine born about 1902
HardonRobert born about 1869
HardonSara born about 1866
HarmanIrene born about 1913
HarmanRalph born about 1907
HarmanRuth Annborn about 1938
HarrAlferd born about 1913
HarrDale born about 1936
HarrOlga born about 1910
HarrisCelia Cborn about 1856
HatfieldIola born about 1895
HatfieldOliver born about 1895
HatfieldPaul born about 1924
HeadleeAdolph born about 1913
HeadleeNola born about 1914
HellenC Tborn about 1869
HellenMinnie born about 1874
HendersonBeatrice born about 1914
HendrixBorden born about 1907
HendrixJanet born about 1939
HendrixJoan born about 1937
HendrixVida born about 1908
HoffmanHelen born about 1917
HolfortyCharles born about 1876
HolfortyOra born about 1877
HoltGeorge born about 1901
HolzhueterMyrtle born about 1881
HolzhueterRoy born about 1879
HoopsHerman born about 1883
HorrerW Rborn about 1865
HuisingaBert born about 1901
HuisingaBeulah born about 1926
HuisingaDale born about 1937
HuisingaGeneva Eborn about 1903
HuisingerAlice Joanborn about 1938
HuisingerDorene born about 1924
HuisingerDorothy Mayborn about 1921
HuisingerEthel Mayborn about 1899
HuisingerHarm Jborn about 1893
HuisingerJames born about 1925
HuisingerJoe born about 1928
HuisingerK Bborn about 1897
HuisingerLouise born about 1910
HuisingerMary born about 1916
HuisingerMilford born about 1915
HuisingerMilford Linderborn about 1939
HuisingerRobert born about 1918
HurchG Rborn about 1880
HurchInez born about 1880

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J Surnames

JonesElbert Leeborn about 1929
JonesElberta born about 1935
JonesElwood born about 1933
JonesEtta born about 1910
JonesEugene born about 1930
JonesLora born about 1877
JonesWilliam born about 1880

K Surnames

KellembachFrancis born about 1919
KellembachRodger born about 1938
KellembachWilliam born about 1916
KiddByrl born about 1916
KiddDella born about 1890
KiddJ Rborn about 1884
KiddRobert born about 1939
KiddRoberta born about 1918
KiddWilliam born about 1923
KingsboroCarl born about 1914
KingsboroEster born about 1919
KingsboroGail born about 1923
KingsboroGem born about 1891
KingsboroM Bborn about 1889
KingsboroMerlyn born about 1913
KingtonCarl born about 1898
KingtonCorwin born about 1923
KingtonFranklin born about 1926
KingtonRobert born about 1940
KingtonRuby born about 1902
KinsleyMaryguerite born about 1913
KinsleySeymore born about 1910
KnisleyFrances born about 1911
KnisleyH Bborn about 1908
KnisleyJackie born about 1938
KnoxCarol born about 1939
KnoxKenneth born about 1909
KnoxRuth born about 1910
KnoxSue Annborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LaneConstance born about 1895
LaneDonnes born about 1930
LaneGeorge born about 1894
LaneSherly Annborn about 1935
LeischnerAnnie born about 1868
LeischnerDaniel born about 1869
LeistmanFred born about 1865
LeistmanNattie born about 1869
LillyFred born about 1888
LillyMary born about 1889
LillyRobert born about 1925
LoneyArtella born about 1898
LoneyGeorge born about 1894
LoneyGeorge born about 1932
LoneyJames born about 1921
LoneySara born about 1925
LongabaughDorthy Aborn about 1921
LongabaughEugene Cborn about 1927
LongabaughGuy Oborn about 1893
LongabaughLette Mborn about 1894
LongabaughLoyd Mborn about 1923
LongabaughNancy Hborn about 1925
LongabaughPaul Eborn about 1919
LongabaughWelma Vborn about 1929
LubbenClora Eborn about 1889
LubbenG Jborn about 1891
LubbenSlanter* Jborn about 1924
LubbersAnna born about 1886
LubbersAnnie born about 1889
LubbersJ Oborn about 1882
LubbersKatherine born about 1890
LubbersOtto born about 1883
LymchNellie born about 1873

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M Surnames

MackeyJohn Stanleyborn about 1938
MackeyPhyllis Jeanborn about 1939
MackeyStanley born about 1917
MackeyTwila born about 1918
MaddenGayland born about 1903
MaddenNeil born about 1925
MaddenSally born about 1902
MadenBelly born about 1928
MadenCaroll born about 1933
MadenErnest born about 1921
MadenEthel born about 1907
MadenGarland born about 1927
MadenGeorge born about 1881
MadenGrace born about 1896
MadenHerbert born about 1918
MadenJane born about 1883
MadenJina* born about 1896
MadenPatsy born about 1930
MadenPeggy born about 1933
MadenSally Joborn about 1936
MadenVergina born about 1925
MadenWilliam born about 1904
MansfeildMinnie born about 1870
MansfieldAnnie born about 1871
MansfieldHugh born about 1912
MansfieldJohn born about 1871
MarinHammond born about 1924
MarphyMargret born about 1862
MarquiarAllen born about 1905
MarquiarArvilla born about 1896
MarquiarBetty born about 1929
MarquiarDorothy born about 1920
MarquiarLouse born about 1922
MarquiarMaxine born about 1924
MarquiarPaul born about 1892
MarryHarry born about 1884
MarryNellie born about 1880
MarryRichard born about 1919
MarvelZelda born about 1902
MarvinClarrie born about 1907
MarvinDarlene born about 1932
MarvinDonald born about 1935
MarvinElmer born about 1907
MattewsonEdith Mayborn about 1894
MattewsonFlorence born about 1924
MattewsonFred born about 1893
MaxCarol born about 1939
MaxDeane born about 1929
MaxDoris born about 1932
MaxElmer born about 1899
MaxFlorence born about 1925
MaxFrancis born about 1923
MaxOpal born about 1927
MaxRoger born about 1939
MaxVelda born about 1901
McBridMrs J Tborn about 1857
McClellanWilliam born about 1917
McClellonGeorge born about 1922
McClellonGlen born about 1919
McClellonSanabelln born about 1890
McClellonWilliam born about 1883
McClineBonia born about 1923
McClineLucille born about 1917
McClinePluma born about 1893
McClineRobert born about 1892
McClineRobert Jamesborn about 1924
McGremMargaret born about 1915
McGremRen Damborn about 1890
McMadderAnna born about 1860
McMadderH Iborn about 1863
MelchAnna born about 1876
MelchBetty Annborn about 1936
MelchC Cborn about 1874
MelchEarl Gradlineborn about 1934
MelchElame Eborn about 1898
MelchEuphemia born about 1896
MelchEva Geneborn about 1932
MelchMary Eborn about 1881
MelchMiller born about 1901
MelchPary born about 1939
MelchWilliam Wborn about 1886
MeseveyLewy born about 1909
MeseveyZollie born about 1909
MessaAgnes born about 1904
MessaAugust born about 1898
MessaDonald born about 1928
MessaMary born about 1925
MessaMelvin born about 1926
MeyerBelle born about 1869
MeyerBruce born about 1927
MeyerDale born about 1929
MeyerEmma born about 1908
MeyerGeorge born about 1866
MeyerHerman Gborn about 1899
MeyerHorn Oborn about 1895
MeyerKathleen born about 1931
MeyerLouis born about 1901
MeyerNarliene born about 1937
MeyerNeomi born about 1895
MeyerRobert born about 1924
MillerM Eborn about 1865
MillerThelma born about 1906
MixAugust Fborn about 1861
MixDoula born about 1902
MoberlyDolores born about 1920
MoberlyJuuel born about 1896
MorfeyAlford born about 1917
MorfeyHarold born about 1938
MorfeyJay Charlesborn about 1940
MorfeyMable born about 1915
MorfeyNorma born about 1936
MorfletBradley born about 1899
MorfletEthel born about 1892
MorfletMildred born about 1921
MorganFrank born about 1884
MorganLaura born about 1889
MorrisEdith born about 1890
MorrisJames Eborn about 1888
MuirJohn Dborn about 1872
MurphyDorthy born about 1925
MurphyErna born about 1895
MurphyMary Margretborn about 1922
MurphyRobert Tborn about 1890

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N Surnames

NantzBarley born about 1891
NantzGenevia Maryborn about 1922
NantzHoward Parlyborn about 1921
NantzIda born about 1898
NantzLouis born about 1924

O Surnames

OliverBarbra Aborn about 1939
OliverEva born about 1921
OliverGeorge born about 1917
OliverGeorge Dborn about 1939
OlsonClora born about 1891
OlsonMary born about 1924
OlsonMelda born about 1894
OparkEd born about 1884
OparkLeota born about 1917
OparkLillie born about 1891
OsbachRobert born about 1911

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P Surnames

PaceGordon born about 1913
PaceJenette born about 1939
PaceMyrtle born about 1914
PageAnsel born about 1892
PageBella born about 1896
PageDorthy born about 1926
PageDorthy born about 1930
PageHudan born about 1924
ParkeMary Anneborn about 1936
ParkeMonette born about 1910
ParkeNeale born about 1909
ParkePhyllis born about 1932
ParrickCarry born about 1892
ParrickCatherine born about 1928
ParrickClarrence born about 1928
ParrickIda Maeborn about 1934
ParrickKenneth born about 1921
ParrickMax born about 1933
ParrickPaul born about 1919
ParrickSherman born about 1888
ParrishOllie born about 1898
ParrishRobert Mborn about 1922
ParrishRoy Eborn about 1888
PaulsonRoy born about 1907
PeattEthel born about 1915
PeattMary Katherynborn about 1940
PeattWilson born about 1916
PerrichJoseph born about 1868
PettyMarilyn born about 1934
PettyRoy born about 1908
PettyVelma born about 1911
PittsCora Eborn about 1872
PittsJ Mborn about 1871
PlonhenhmG Eborn about 1904
PlonhenhmMaryann born about 1939
PlonhenhmMinnie born about 1909
PonterClifford born about 1877
PonterMande born about 1880
PorrickMay Janeborn about 1870
PortaClyde born about 1880
PortaJoyce born about 1883
PorterFlorance born about 1902
PorterHarold born about 1900
PoughGrace born about 1898

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R Surnames

ReidDonna born about 1878
RemmenAnna born about 1855
RemmersErnest born about 1910
RemmersGrace born about 1887
RemmersHarold born about 1923
RemmersJohn born about 1887
RemmersKarry born about 1939
RemmersMabel born about 1910
RemmersMary Ellenborn about 1937
RichardsonAnnabell born about 1924
RichardsonDonald Leeborn about 1929
RichardsonEma born about 1885
RichardsonHubert born about 1912
RichardsonJames Kborn about 1883
RichardsonJunior born about 1922
RinehartMrs Il born about 1860
RinehartMrs Lila born about 1859
RodmanMabel born about 1882
RomineCarol born about 1932
RomineHelen born about 1928
RomineIrene born about 1908
RomineM Tborn about 1908
RubankaSusan born about 1855
RudisillAnna born about 1898
RudisillElmer born about 1897

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S Surnames

SaltorEthel Fborn about 1904
SaltyB Datorieborn about 1910
SaltyBeverley Kaneborn about 1936
SaltyGilbert born about 1933
SaltyHubert born about 1905
SaltyHubert Jr born about 1929
ShafferBen born about 1880
ShafferBenny born about 1936
ShafferCharles born about 1912
ShafferCharles Raymondborn about 1938
ShafferIda born about 1879
ShafferRuth born about 1916
SimaAlbert born about 1876
SimaImegene born about 1884
SmithBart Fborn about 1897
SmithBeverley born about 1929
SmithClearance born about 1901
SmithDean born about 1937
SmithDenna born about 1879
SmithFun born about 1895
SmithJanes born about 1935
SmithMattie born about 1897
SmithNorma born about 1927
SmithNova born about 1909
SmithRichard born about 1922
SmithRochel born about 1924
SmithWiliard Wborn about 1891
SnowElla born about 1889
SnowHarry born about 1889
SpargueCharles Eborn about 1897
SpargueEva born about 1880
SpargueJoseph Lborn about 1935
SpargueMary Ellaborn about 1932
SpargueRobert born about 1936
SpargueWanda born about 1930
SparksClarence born about 1911
SparksDelora born about 1936
SparksJohn born about 1933
SparksJudith born about 1938
SparksMargaret born about 1916
SparksShamen born about 1935
SparrowGuy born about 1903
SparrowIrene born about 1904
SparrowRobert born about 1927
StephesonWillia born about 1912
StottsEthel born about 1887
StottsJoseph born about 1916
StottsLucille born about 1914
StottsNewt born about 1880
SubberAruthur Fborn about 1909
SubberJoyce born about 1934
SubberJuanita born about 1912
SullivanHenery born about 1869
SullivanRuth born about 1913
SwartzL Dborn about 1908
SwartzPhyllis born about 1918
SwashFenn born about 1925
SwashImegene born about 1926
SwitzerDelia born about 1897
SwitzerErvie born about 1892
SwitzerHarold born about 1928
SwitzerMargaret born about 1916

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T Surnames

TammonsKatherine born about 1859
TaylorBobby born about 1934
TaylorCampbell born about 1881
TaylorDavid born about 1910
TaylorEarl born about 1914
TaylorEarl born about 1936
TaylorFrancis born about 1938
TaylorGeorge born about 1928
TaylorJo Annborn about 1932
TaylorJunior born about 1926
TaylorKathrin born about 1930
TaylorMarrial born about 1939
TaylorMary Louiseborn about 1936
TaylorMildred born about 1914
TaylorOrland born about 1923
TaylorParry born about 1921
TaylorRichard born about 1939
TaylorThelma born about 1919
TaylorVernie born about 1892
TempletonAvalle born about 1930
TempletonGeston born about 1910
TempletonLavern born about 1928
TempletonLoyd born about 1933
TempletonVerla born about 1910
ToylsOlive born about 1915
TrasterAmy Sborn about 1914
TrasterClara Jeanborn about 1937
TrasterDarold born about 1939
TrasterRoy born about 1913
TriggBess born about 1895
TriggCharlene born about 1925
TriggCharles Cborn about 1895
TriggIda born about 1885
TriggJames born about 1922
TriggLola born about 1895
TriggSherly Annborn about 1931
TriggWilliam born about 1897
TrimbleAurther born about 1930
TrimbleBetty born about 1927
TrimbleCarl born about 1891
TrimbleCarson born about 1895
TrimbleDoren born about 1933
TrimbleEarl born about 1923
TrimbleEdna born about 1925
TrimbleElice born about 1921
TrimbleEra born about 1918
TrimbleErma born about 1927
TrimbleIrwin born about 1926
TrimbleLeo born about 1919
TrimbleMillie born about 1920
TrimbleMrytle born about 1899
TrimbleNorman Ireneborn about 1939
TrimbleOlzora born about 1891
TrimbleWilbur born about 1919
TropellKenneth born about 1909
TurnipseedB??? born about 1888
TurnipseedCharles born about 1886
TurnipseedRaymond born about 1914

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V Surnames

VanceLeland Saleborn about 1936
VanceRichard born about 1939
VanceSally born about 1917
VanceWinford born about 1908
VaughaJohn Jr born about 1919
VaughaLucill born about 1919
VaughenHelen born about 1921
VaughenLoran Royborn about 1939
VaughenLoren born about 1915
VaughnHelen born about 1919
VaughnMelvin born about 1913
VaughnNancy born about 1939
VaughonNaomi born about 1904
VirgleEarl born about 1914
VirgleViola born about 1917
VughonRay born about 1903

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W Surnames

WachobEva born about 1892
WachobR Sborn about 1892
WachobRaymond born about 1923
WalberGlenna* born about 1898
WalberLeland born about 1924
WalberMarilyn born about 1932
WalberNoel born about 1921
WalberPerry born about 1894
WalberVern born about 1919
WalkerElzia born about 1855
WalkerG Sborn about 1880
WalkerGeneva born about 1914
WalkerMable born about 1882
WaltripBarbara born about 1935
WarrenCarl born about 1907
WauglerDanise born about 1890
WauglerSmith born about 1890
WauglerStanley born about 1939
WebbBill Tedborn about 1935
WebbCecil born about 1890
WebbCecil born about 1925
WebbClarence born about 1913
WebbClarence Aborn about 1912
WebbDorn Amborn about 1936
WebbEloise born about 1929
WebbEuguene born about 1925
WebbGertrude born about 1917
WebbJannet born about 1939
WebbJo Annborn about 1936
WebbJoe born about 1939
WebbKenneth born about 1918
WebbMargaret born about 1924
WebbMarth born about 1915
WebbMary Janeborn about 1940
WebbMary Lonborn about 1932
WebbNellie born about 1894
WebbOliver born about 1888
WebbRex Earlborn about 1929
WebbRobert Tborn about 1889
WebbRuby born about 1920
WebbTed born about 1901
WebbTruman born about 1927
WebbWayne born about 1917
WebbWillie born about 1904
WebbWilma born about 1923
WelchMary born about 1913
WelchThomas born about 1911
WelchThomas born about 1937
WertsAlferts born about 1919
WertsJurgen born about 1875
WertsWinnie born about 1877
WestElma born about 1879
WestLona born about 1876
WettigGeorge born about 1878
WettigJessie born about 1923
WettigKatherin born about 1926
WettigMargeret born about 1925
WettigMarion born about 1928
WettigMedia born about 1888
WettigRoy born about 1917
WhiteBetty born about 1918
WhiteD born about 1901
WhiteJo Annborn about 1932
WhiteMrs Lula born about 1880
WhiteMyrtle born about 1891
WhitePaul born about 1918
WilliamsonFaye born about 1900
WilliamsonRobert born about 1934
WilliamsonShana born about 1938
WilliamsonWayne born about 1895
WilsonElsie born about 1923
WilsonJunior born about 1930
WilsonMrs E born about 1884
WineEvelyn born about 1932
WineGarled born about 1924
WineOlan born about 1902
WineRuth born about 1901
WisegarverCarthr Cborn about 1894
WisegarverEdwin born about 1930
WisegarverGene born about 1919
WisegarverMary Ellenborn about 1921
WisegarverNoami born about 1897
WisegarverRobert born about 1928
WisegarverVirginia born about 1923
WolfeKatherine born about 1913
WoodLettore born about 1882
WoodMildred born about 1927
WoodSherley born about 1875

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