1940 U.S. Federal Census of Grandville Township, Jasper, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Jasper County > 1940 Census of Grandville Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamByrl born about 1934
AbrahamEstalane born about 1910
AbrahamJames born about 1929
AbrahamJoanne born about 1937
AbrahamLoren born about 1909
AbrahamMargaret born about 1930
AbrahamWilma born about 1877
AdamsonAmie born about 1888
AdamsonAmy born about 1898
AdamsonElza born about 1891
AdkissonCleda born about 1917
AdkissonEugene born about 1916
AultBeverly Jborn about 1935
AultCoy born about 1909
AultEva born about 1887
AultEvelyn born about 1917
AultJoe born about 1887
AultJohn Cborn about 1939
AultLenora born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerAllis born about 1880
BakerCleve born about 1885
BakerDorothy Lborn about 1927
BakerDuane born about 1927
BakerEarl born about 1934
BakerEmma born about 1913
BakerEugene born about 1922
BakerIrene born about 1922
BakerJames born about 1929
BakerJoan born about 1900
BakerJohn Rborn about 1864
BakerLela born about 1926
BakerLily born about 1920
BakerMary born about 1922
BakerPaul born about 1924
BakerPearl born about 1901
BakerRebecca born about 1907
BakerRuby born about 1923
BakerRuth born about 1938
BakerSarah Aborn about 1865
BakerWarren born about 1932
BakerWilson born about 1913
BarnettAmbros Lborn about 1867
BarnettCora born about 1877
BarnettCoraelta born about 1923
BartleyBruce Oborn about 1934
BartleyKenneth Fborn about 1906
BartleyMary Lborn about 1906
BartleyRuth Eborn about 1937
BealsBeulah born about 1910
BealsHarry born about 1932
BealsMyrtle born about 1882
BealsRalph born about 1906
BealsRita born about 1934
BealsRuby born about 1903
BealsVince born about 1878
BlackOra born about 1882
BlackPearl born about 1883
BoldryArlie born about 1903
BoldryDonald born about 1937
BoldryFrancis born about 1927
BoldryKennith born about 1931
BoldryMelvin born about 1929
BoldryOpal born about 1909
BonenDella born about 1879
BonenWillis born about 1880
BoumanCora born about 1877
BowenLaurence Eborn about 1885
BowenNellie born about 1887
BoydClem born about 1906
BoydClenn born about 1906
BoydClyde born about 1915
BoydDarts born about 1917
BoydDermia born about 1900
BoydEdna born about 1908
BoydFred born about 1903
BoydFreda born about 1920
BoydHomer born about 1923
BoydJames Wborn about 1881
BoydLenore born about 1915
BoydLona born about 1887
BoydMettie Mborn about 1864
BoydNettie Mborn about 1864
BoydOrley born about 1884
BrawithClara born about 1887
BrawithFrank born about 1883
BrawithGeneva born about 1925
ByersMiriam born about 1867

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C Surnames

CalvertMynra born about 1897
CalvertRoy born about 1895
CalvertWelden born about 1923
CampbellDeloris born about 1937
CampbellHazel born about 1915
CampbellRoy Sborn about 1910
CarrolJack Rborn about 1927
CarrolJohn Eborn about 1895
CarrolLenora born about 1904
ChaneyFreda Mborn about 1904
ChaneyHarold Eborn about 1929
ChaneyHerbert Lborn about 1930
ChaneyMarion Rborn about 1939
ChaneyWalter Bborn about 1905
ChapmanAllen Allenborn about 1935
ChapmanBenjmin born about 1925
ChapmanBettie Louborn about 1932
ChapmanBiley born about 1916
ChapmanBruce born about 1885
ChapmanCatia born about 1887
ChapmanClarence born about 1925
ChapmanDiley born about 1882
ChapmanDonald born about 1927
ChapmanEdna born about 1928
ChapmanEdna Lborn about 1887
ChapmanEmer Aborn about 1884
ChapmanFlossie born about 1905
ChapmanHelen Loiseborn about 1939
ChapmanLeonard born about 1934
ChapmanMarei??? born about 1933
ChapmanMarshall born about 1911
ChapmanMay born about 1927
ChapmanMildred born about 1930
ChapmanOlive born about 1907
ChapmanOtto Oborn about 1893
ChapmanRose Eborn about 1906
ChapmanRussell born about 1928
ChapmanSie born about 1886
ChapmanThelma born about 1930
ChapmanWayne born about 1920
ChapmanZella born about 1934
CharrisonSarah Jborn about 1858
ClarkAmos Wborn about 1869
ClarkAnnie born about 1911
ClarkEarl born about 1932
ClarkElsie Eborn about 1896
ClarkErnest born about 1908
ClarkErnest Jr born about 1936
ClarkEtta born about 1880
ClarkEverett born about 1934
ClarkLloyd Eborn about 1927
ClarkLuther Rborn about 1885
ClarkMary Mborn about 1926
ClarkNoel Dborn about 1924
ClarkPaul born about 1920
ClarkThelma born about 1938
ClarkThelma Mborn about 1905
ClarkVictor Rborn about 1901
ClarkVictor Rborn about 1929
ClemonsPetto born about 1873
CohoonClara Bborn about 1930
CohoonElmer Hborn about 1895
CohoonFloyd Wborn about 1932
CohoonFrancis Mborn about 1923
CohoonGeorge Wborn about 1921
CohoonGertin born about 1902
CohoonPearl Wborn about 1926
CohoonSteve Lborn about
CollinsCarl born about 1890
CollinsLuna born about 1890
CollinsMadelyn born about 1929
CoonsClaude Dborn about 1889
CoonsEdith born about 1891
CoonsFern Lborn about 1923
CoonsGeorge Vborn about 1913
CoonsMartha Jborn about 1931
CoonsMary Eborn about 1929
CoonsRalph Lborn about 1927
CoxBeryl born about 1919
CoxClenn born about 1920
CoxDon born about 1924
CoxEarl born about 1916
CoxElsie born about 1924
CoxFreeman born about 1887
CoxGuy born about 1917
CoxJ Floydborn about 1893
CoxLoren born about 1926
CoxMary born about 1887
CoxOla Bborn about 1894
CoxOva born about 1914
CoxRex born about 1913
CramanDonald born about 1919
CramanFloyd born about 1891
CramanHerman born about 1923
CramanJona born about 1892
CramanLois born about 1927
CramerAlin born about 1879
CramerAmy Rborn about 1904
CramerBruce born about 1904
CramerCaroline born about 1933
CramerClaude born about 1882
CramerClaude Wborn about 1923
CramerDean born about 1917
CramerEdith born about 1921
CramerEdward born about 1919
CramerElya born about 1902
CramerEthel born about 1884
CramerEugene born about 1933
CramerEvelyn Jborn about 1931
CramerHerman born about 1868
CramerJohanna born about 1928
CramerJohn born about 1926
CramerJonna born about 1923
CramerLula born about 1879
CramerMae born about 1924
CramerWilliam Aborn about 1896
CramerWilson born about 1877
CrothenyCecil born about 1898
CrothenyHearold born about 1906
CrothenyR Lethaborn about 1908
CrothenyShirley Aborn about 1937
CumminsChristine born about 1897
CumminsClone born about 1894
CumminsJohn born about 1868
CumminsVada Aborn about 1887
CummisBarbara born about 1938
CummisBetty Jborn about 1921
CummisDale born about 1918

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D Surnames

DavinsonJohn born about 1872
DavinsonSarah Lborn about 1881
DavisBonnie born about 1916
DavisGilbert born about 1914
DeboardEmma born about 1886
DeboardWilliam born about 1882
DecherFlorence born about 1885
DecherWiley born about 1881
DeekerCharles born about 1922
DeekerDavis born about 1895
DeekerIrene born about 1919
DeekerJack born about 1922
DeekerMarjoria born about 1925
DeekerRay born about 1916
DeekerWarren born about 1923
DillmanElizabeth born about 1877
DillmanMack born about 1876
DillmanPearl born about 1885
DillmanRobert born about 1904
DouglasWilliam Pborn about 1889
DramerGilbert born about 1871
DramerWinona born about 1873
DrinkwaterAmie Bborn about 1883
DrinkwaterFrank born about 1884
DrinkwaterIra born about 1878
DuhanJohn born about 1864
DuhanMary Mborn about 1872
DunneEdd Mighburborn about 1890
DunneMadge born about 1915

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E Surnames

EdwardsBen born about 1858
EdwardsClarence born about 1923
EdwardsFlora born about 1867
EdwardsIva Marieborn about 1899
EdwardsJames Oborn about 1896
EdwardsOlive born about 1925
EmnelBetty born about 1931
EmnelDavid born about 1938
EmnelDonald born about 1935
EmnelLeek born about 1893
EmnelLucile born about 1923
EmnelMa??? born about 1903
EmnelMadge born about 1920
EmnelMarie born about 1924
EmnelOtho born about 1899
EmnelRuth born about 1926
EmnelVirgile born about 1928

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F Surnames

FarleyArthur born about 1872
FarleyCatherine born about 1912
FarleyClyde Aborn about 1913
FarleyDelle born about 1869
FarleyDonald Jborn about 1939
FarleyHarry born about 1905
FarleyJanie born about 1885
FarleyJason born about 1880
FarleyLois born about 1916
FarleyMartha born about 1885
FarleyMary Pborn about 1876
FarleyNoah born about 1878
FarleyOrell born about 1909
FarleyRussell born about 1905
FarleySylvanus born about 1853
FearEarl Oborn about 1889
FearEverett born about 1928
FearGrace born about 1896
FearGrace born about 1932
FearLowell born about 1936
FearMargaret born about 1928
FearRaymond born about 1926
FearVelva born about 1905
FearWannetta born about 1938
FearWilbert born about 1902
FinnyEllie born about 1879
FinnyGuss born about 1865
FiseherAgnus born about 1901
FiseherAmelia born about 1934
FiseherAnna Louisaborn about 1939
FiseherLeon born about 1924
FiseherMary Ellenborn about 1925
FiseherTheodore born about 1901
FontyAlice born about 1898
FontyFrank born about 1897
FontyFreddie born about 1929
FontyThelma born about 1939
FontyVernica born about 1924
FoulerLenora born about 1916
FoulerRobert Wborn about 1917
FoutyArthur Tborn about 1923
FoutyBilly Dborn about 1927
FoutyClyle born about 1915
FoutyEmma born about 1862
FoutyNova born about 1913
FoutyOma born about 1890
FoutySam Jborn about 1888
FoxGuy born about 1909
FoxMaurice born about 1929
FoxMildred born about 1910
FrostFloyd born about 1908
FrulandWilliam born about 1866
FusonAlbert born about 1935
FusonAlvin born about 1901
FusonBlanche born about 1911
FusonHarold born about 1936

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G Surnames

GainsClarence Oseaborn about 1936
GainsLulu Belleborn about 1938
GainsRoy Bborn about 1907
GainsRuthellen born about 1935
GainsVera born about 1917
GiffordCarmie born about 1882
GiffordGoldie born about 1890
GiffordUlysses Gborn about 1865
GiffordViola born about 1870
GiffordWilbert born about 1876
GriffitAlva born about 1876
GriffitBessie born about 1879
GriffitElba Rayborn about 1920
GriffyL Aborn about 1890
GriffyOrpha born about 1890
GroveAmos Pborn about 1856
GroveCelia born about 1862

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H Surnames

HallEster born about 1901
HallEsther born about 1921
HallGearld born about 1900
HallJune born about 1919
HallKenneth Lborn about 1913
HallKent born about 1939
HamiltonAiteen born about 1924
HamiltonGeorge born about 1906
HamiltonHansel born about 1907
HamiltonHugh born about 1901
HamiltonJohn Pborn about 1896
HamiltonJohn Wborn about 1868
HamiltonKarl born about 1920
HamiltonMarie born about 1900
HamiltonMary Eborn about 1873
HamnessDonald born about 1937
HamnessDorthy born about 1916
HamnessHoward born about 1912
HamnessJames born about 1939
HampstenDoris born about 1903
HampstenHarry born about 1902
HampstenJanet born about 1939
HampstenRichard born about 1930
HampstenRuth born about 1932
HampstenSarah born about 1862
HampstonCleon born about 1929
HampstonDessie born about 1891
HampstonGlenn born about 1922
HampstonJohn born about 1886
HampstonKenneth born about 1917
HarperDelcie Jborn about 1928
HarperDorthy Jborn about 1925
HarperGuy Dborn about 1887
HarperJohn Lborn about 1927
HarperKay born about 1935
HarperLee Mborn about 1939
HarperNellie born about 1905
HarperVirginia Lborn about 1930
HarrisDon born about 1905
HarrisElizabeth born about 1873
HarrisEthel born about 1894
HarrisHubert Wborn about 1882
HarrisJohn born about 1891
HarrisMarilyn born about 1932
HarrisMarina born about 1934
HarrisMary born about 1910
HarrisMaurice born about
HarrisMillisa born about 1865
HarrisRillata Rborn about 1859
HarrisWilliam born about 1857
HarrisWilliam Hborn about 1861
HeffsBruce born about 1909
HeffsMae born about 1913
HepnerEmma born about 1867
HepnerJesse born about 1884
HickoxCarol born about 1939
HickoxDayle born about 1913
HickoxEarl born about 1935
HickoxMargret born about 1864
HickoxMarjorie born about 1913
HickoxOliver born about 1853
HickoxPhylilis born about 1937
HickoxWendell born about 1933
HickoyCarold Nborn about 1894
HickoyEnnice born about 1923
HickoyFannie born about 1904
HickoyLouise born about 1935
HickoyRex born about 1927
HickoyWayne born about 1924
HillJinn born about 1870
HowardCarrie born about 1885
HowardChester born about 1886
HowardFreddie Eborn about 1918
HowardGeorge Wborn about 1864
HowardMary born about 1874
HowardNora Mborn about 1919
HowardRaymond born about 1903
HowardRuth Aborn about 1923
HuddelestonWillard born about 1870
HuddlestonAlva born about 1885
HuddlestonBennie Lborn about 1933
HuddlestonCarolyne born about 1930
HuddlestonClaude born about 1892
HuddlestonCleater born about 1900
HuddlestonClovie born about 1897
HuddlestonDelowis born about 1938
HuddlestonDensel born about 1905
HuddlestonEdna born about 1925
HuddlestonElden born about 1928
HuddlestonElmer born about 1893
HuddlestonFreda born about 1923
HuddlestonHayden born about 1906
HuddlestonHazel born about 1903
HuddlestonHelen born about 1913
HuddlestonHershel born about 1921
HuddlestonIda Bborn about 1895
HuddlestonImogene born about 1911
HuddlestonInes born about 1907
HuddlestonIra Wborn about 1875
HuddlestonJerold born about 1936
HuddlestonJesse born about 1883
HuddlestonJuan born about 1905
HuddlestonLavange born about 1921
HuddlestonLennie born about 1877
HuddlestonLeon born about 1910
HuddlestonLloyd born about 1919
HuddlestonLula born about 1894
HuddlestonMarion born about 1887
HuddlestonMarshall born about 1916
HuddlestonMaude born about 1891
HuddlestonNeva Kborn about 1921
HuddlestonOpal Mborn about 1895
HuddlestonPearl born about 1890
HuddlestonRonald born about 1931
HuddlestonRuth born about 1908
HuddlestonSantelia born about 1875
HuddlestonSarah born about 1892
HuddlestonThelma born about 1917
HuddlestonVerle born about 1905
HunsakerAlbert Migkberborn about 1920
HunsakerMary born about 1885
HuntClems born about 1884
HuntMary born about 1884
HurtCecil born about 1905
HurtTheo born about 1910

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J Surnames

JamesDelbert born about 1929
JamesFredrick born about 1931
JamesLouis born about 1903
JamesPearl born about 1908
JeagerEmma born about 1861
JeagerEthelyn born about 1916
JeagerGeorge born about 1861
JeagerWilliam born about 1904
JeffirsBetty Louiseborn about 1930
JeffirsBruce Deanborn about 1936
JeffirsGalil born about 1904
JeffirsLela Eborn about 1907
JeffirsRoy Leeborn about 1928
JeffirsRuth Evelynborn about 1934
JonesDelbert born about 1929
JonesFredrick born about 1931
JonesLewis born about 1903
JonesPearl born about 1908

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K Surnames

KellerArthur born about 1907
KellerCharles born about 1930
KellerEster born about 1907
KellerFreda born about 1936
KelleyInez born about 1932
KesonAlbert born about 1935
KesonAlvin born about 1901
KesonBlanche born about 1911
KesonHarold born about 1936
KetehenBertha Dborn about 1908
KetehenMildred Annborn about 1939
KetehenMiles Aborn about 1910
KidwellHattie born about 1869
KidwellJames born about 1864
KingeryClinton born about 1936
KingeryIrma born about 1931
KingeryJulia born about 1909
KingeryNorma born about 1929
KingerySamuel born about 1906
KingerySamuel Jborn about 1933
KrulandCassie born about 1933
KrulandCharles born about 1925
KrulandEugene born about 1928
KrulandGeorge born about 1931
KrulandMarie born about 1900
KrulandMary Fborn about 1927
KrulandWinter born about 1885
KrulandWooten born about 1937

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L Surnames

LansberyLavi born about 1894
LansberyMary born about 1899
LaymonBertha born about 1892
LaymonFred born about 1890
LeamonArthur born about 1868
LeamonStella born about 1874
LewisClay Aborn about 1879
LewisCora Gborn about 1876
LivinstonJady born about 1939
LivinstonJessie born about 1904
LivinstonJosephine born about 1920
LivinstonJunior born about 1929
LivinstonPaul born about 1938
LivinstonRoy born about 1927
LockhartElla born about 1888
LockhartPerry born about 1882
LockhartRalph born about 1919

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M Surnames

MartinAlan Eborn about
MartinAnna Lborn about 1938
MartinBurl born about 1929
MartinCharles born about 1909
MartinClaudine born about 1909
MartinEdma born about 1916
MartinEdna Mborn about 1937
MartinElbert born about 1901
MartinElbert Lborn about 1891
MartinElla Bborn about 1923
MartinEmily Oborn about 1866
MartinGeneva born about 1899
MartinGordon Eborn about 1923
MartinGrace born about 1858
MartinGrace Eborn about 1898
MartinHelen born about 1910
MartinHelen born about 1932
MartinJoyce born about 1899
MartinLester born about 1883
MartinLillie Annborn about 1872
MartinLloyd born about 1908
MartinLourence born about 1896
MartinLull??? born about 1936
MartinMary Jborn about 1861
MartinMildred born about 1934
MartinNuva born about 1901
MartinPearl Lborn about 1938
MartinPerry Fborn about 1867
MartinRoberta born about 1934
MartinRoy Fborn about 1917
MartinVictor born about 1893
MartinVirgil born about 1909
MartinWayne born about 1927
MartinWilliam born about 1939
MartinWinifred born about 1928
MaskElla born about 1866
MathenyAda born about 1898
MathenyBetty born about 1934
MathenyCary born about 1872
MathenyEffie born about 1872
MathenyJoan born about 1931
MathenyLester born about 1902
MathenyMargret born about 1926
MathenyMax born about 1928
MathenyMildred born about 1925
MathenyPatsy born about 1937
MathenyRaymond born about 1892
MathenyRuby born about 1906
MatthenyCleon born about 1923
MatthenyLorna born about 1900
MatthenyOlive born about 1903
MaxallDarvin born about 1939
MaxallDon born about 1935
MaxallFloyd born about 1909
MaxallJack born about 1934
MaxallJerry born about 1937
MaxallLorene born about 1913
McCainAvis born about 1908
McCainCass born about 1865
McCainMattie born about 1870
McCartnyBobby born about 1930
McCartnyCelia born about 1904
McCartnyDonald born about 1936
McCartnyEugene born about 1933
McCartnyGeneva born about 1922
McCartnyRaymond born about 1908
McCoyBennie born about 1884
McCoyEverett born about 1877
McCoyFrank born about 1869
McCoyLettie born about 1879
McCoyRussell born about 1917
McCoyRuth born about 1905
McDanielEdith born about 1905
McDanielEllis Eborn about 1871
McDanielHearold born about 1901
McDanielRobert born about 1924
McKinleyLouis born about 1923
McKinleyWilliam born about 1897
MeekerDoyt born about 1908
MeekerIrene born about 1890
MeekerRoscoe born about 1885
MillerAmey born about 1866
MillerAmey Mborn about 1926
MillerBessie Mborn about 1924
MillerBettie Lborn about 1929
MillerCecil born about 1890
MillerDarrel born about 1919
MillerEarl Dborn about 1925
MillerEdna Jborn about 1931
MillerFern Lborn about 1899
MillerHarlen born about 1894
MillerJames born about 1922
MillerJoe Wborn about 1922
MillerLee born about 1892
MillerLena born about 1898
MillerMillard born about 1891
MillerNellie born about 1921
MillerOrlin born about 1920
MillerPaul born about 1932
MillerPearl born about 1898
MillerRalph born about 1927
MillerRose born about 1897
MillerRoselee Aborn about 1933
MillerWilmajean born about 1929
MitchellGeorge born about 1876
MoneyDoan born about 1868
MorganEssi Aborn about 1883
MorganJohn born about 1890
MukerJohn Dborn about 1897
MukerNettie born about 1879
MukerRuby Ellenborn about 1912
MukerRussell born about 1912
MullenMadge born about 1898
MuroneyEdd born about 1866
MuroneyLoyd born about 1906
MuroneyOwen born about 1893
MurooneyCharles born about 1900
MurooneyGearld born about 1924
MurooneyHearold born about 1925
MurooneyLowell born about 1927
MurooneyThelma born about 1904
MurryWalter born about 1866
MyersMaurine born about 1906
MyersRichard born about 1928

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N Surnames

NankenbakerElizabeth Mborn about 1881
NankenbakerEllice Cborn about 1876
NebergallMary Nicghforborn about 1878

O Surnames

OdellAlbert born about 1879
OdellAllen born about 1918
OdellAlva born about 1901
OdellAnna born about 1928
OdellAure born about 1923
OdellBeulah born about 1917
OdellClara born about 1885
OdellDait born about 1916
OdellDale born about 1939
OdellDick born about 1901
OdellDon born about 1918
OdellDotty born about 1925
OdellEsta born about 1916
OdellFaye born about 1917
OdellFrank born about 1876
OdellHelen born about 1923
OdellJoe born about 1924
OdellJohn born about 1870
OdellLola born about 1936
OdellLottie born about 1884
OdellLucille born about 1920
OdellSadie born about 1896
OdellStella born about 1879
OdellStella born about 1880
OdellVirgil born about 1917
OdellWayne born about 1935
OrrLettie Mborn about 1853
OverettJohn Wborn about 1878
OverettViola born about 1875

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P Surnames

PackerGrace Iborn about 1879
PackerJame born about 1874
ParcelAmos born about 1868
ParcellAlbert born about 1900
ParcellClee born about 1903
ParcellPaul Wborn about 1930
PaulsonMaggie born about 1877
PerdneEddie Eborn about 1898
PerdneMaxine born about 1924
PerdneVera born about 1900
PeriskoVirginia born about 1925
PostlewaitDavid born about 1880
PostlewaitEthel born about 1882
PriceAllie born about 1901
PriceClaude Nborn about 1930
PriceClella Lborn about 1934
PriceCleon Jborn about 1926
PriceCloyee Eborn about 1908
PriceDonald Eborn about 1936
PriceEtta Mborn about 1882
PriceEtta Pborn about 1910
PriceEvelyn Mborn about 1933
PriceEverett Iborn about 1931
PriceFloyd born about 1924
PriceFrank Fborn about 1893
PriceJohn Nborn about 1875
PriceMary Jborn about 1922
PurcellAaron born about 1934
PurcellCharles born about 1900
PurcellClinton born about 1937
PurcellGene born about 1927
PurcellLeona born about 1902
PurcellLester born about 1892
PurcellLester Oborn about 1892
PurcellLouise born about 1929
PurcellRonald born about 1932
PurcellWayne born about 1918
PurcellWendell born about 1920
PurcellZella born about 1898

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R Surnames

ReedLola born about 1891
ReedMinerva born about 1918
ReedSteven born about 1925
RhodesRexa born about 1873
RhodesW Fborn about 1871
RichardsElick born about 1888
RichardsLizzie born about 1888
RitterChas Aborn about 1926
RitterEthel born about 1887
RitterFreemont born about 1876
RitterLois Lborn about 1929
RitterLyle born about 1931
RitterRuby born about 1914
RitterVictor born about 1937
RitterWilliam born about 1911
RobinsonCarl born about 1913
RobinsonFlossie born about 1919
RobinsonRena born about 1881
RobinsonSylvia Jborn about 1931

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S Surnames

ShookDean born about 1920
ShookHannah born about 1860
ShookJohn born about 1866
SkenderEarl born about 1904
SkenderFreda born about 1925
SkenderGrace born about 1903
SmithAllie born about 1885
SmithAxie born about 1886
SmithBonnie born about 1891
SmithCleda born about 1922
SmithClyde born about 1924
SmithDorothy born about 1917
SmithEdith born about 1887
SmithElmer born about 1876
SmithErnest born about 1891
SmithFloyd born about 1920
SmithFreddie born about 1916
SmithHelen born about 1924
SmithJason born about 1888
SmithJohn born about 1884
SmithJohn born about 1919
SmithLester born about 1917
SmithMary born about 1915
SmithShirley Aborn about 1935
SmithWardie born about 1915
SnearleyArdem born about 1927
SnearleyCora Pborn about 1889
SnearleyDale born about 1917
SnearleyEdith born about 1883
SnearleyEverett born about 1886
SnearleyGeneva born about 1915
SnearleyMaggie born about 1873
SnearleyMary born about 1862
SnearleyO Cborn about 1882
SnearleyRalph born about 1925
SnearleyVirginia born about 1929
SnearleyWanda Mborn about 1923
SnearlyMarie born about 1893
SnearlyOrin born about 1892
SniderForrest born about 1913
SniderSamul born about 1855
SpenserAlice Bborn about 1936
SpenserBelia born about 1877
SpenserBilly Dborn about 1930
SpenserDorthy born about 1908
SpenserLeah Rborn about 1932
SpenserPerry born about 1871
SpenserWayne born about 1928
SpraginsForrist born about 1918
SpraginsJames born about 1939
SpraginsRuth born about 1921
StevensElizabeth born about 1876
StreatonLauree born about 1877
SwarleyCarl born about 1918
SwarleyFay born about 1924
SwarleyJaunita born about 1928
SwarleyLester born about 1895
SwarleyMarjorie born about 1930
SwarleyMarshall born about 1921

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T Surnames

TurnipseedAvid born about 1890
TurnipseedBerl born about 1911
TurnipseedDella born about 1890
TurnipseedGene born about 1931
TurnipseedRuth born about 1929
TurnipseedVelma born about 1909
TurnipseedVivian born about 1933

V Surnames

VokeClora born about 1914
VokeHoward born about 1911
VokeNeal Dborn about 1939

W Surnames

WaldenInza born about 1891
WaldenKenneth born about 1914
WaldenLogan born about 1887
WashburnFarnie born about 1889
WashburnFloyd born about 1919
WashburnW Mborn about 1875
WattLaura born about 1870
Wattleworth??? born about 1866
WattleworthAleen born about 1912
WattleworthCarl born about 1909
WattleworthEdd born about 1868
WattleworthEdna born about 1884
WattleworthFred born about 1881
WeckHarlon born about 1893
WeckRocce born about 1896
WhisennandAncil born about 1877
WhisennandHazel born about 1891
WhisennandMyrtle born about 1880
WhisennandOrr born about 1894
WilsonFlossie born about 1916
WilsonVictor born about 1917
WiltJohn Gborn about 1851
WiltMary born about 1854
WimanBerle Bborn about 1926
WimanBernadine born about 1897
WimanCharlie born about 1890
WimanDale Fborn about 1930
WimanFloyd born about 1892
WimanGlenn born about 1903
WimanGuy born about 1916
WimanJames Fborn about 1937
WimanMabel born about 1907
WimanMarilyn Lborn about 1933
WimanMary Jborn about 1868
WimanRuth born about 1895
WimanWayne Fborn about 1923

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