1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hanna Township, Henry, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Henry County > 1940 Census of Hanna Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBlake Wborn about 1883
AdamsNina Eborn about 1894
ArmstrongFred Jborn about 1884
ArmstrongHattie Rborn about 1887
AtwellArthur Jborn about 1910
AtwellFred Lborn about 1877
AtwellMabel Aborn about 1882

B Surnames

BahnksBenny Lborn about 1927
BahnksBetty Cborn about 1930
BahnksChester Cborn about 1904
BahnksChester Cborn about 1935
BahnksMary Aborn about 1906
BahnksRobert Eborn about 1924
BahnksSharon Kborn about 1939
BahnksWilliam Bborn about 1933
BaldwinM Melvinaborn about 1885
BaldwinOtis born about 1892
BarkleyBeverly Jborn about 1939
BarkleyCharles Aborn about 1913
BarkleyDoris Eborn about 1937
BarkleyMildred Eborn about 1918
BelowskiBertha Aborn about 1894
BelowskiWilliam H Rborn about 1889
BensenbergBeverly Aborn about 1931
BensenbergHarry Lborn about 1929
BensenbergHarry Wborn about 1898
BensenbergMathilda born about 1874
BernardElsie Mborn about 1883
BernardReuben Rborn about 1874
BetcherAugust born about 1879
BevinsJoseph born about 1880
BonnettLewis Bborn about 1895
BonnettRichard born about 1922
BonnettRobert Lborn about 1927
BonnettViolette Fborn about 1899
BristolHenry born about 1885
BrokawBusbie Jborn about 1902
BrokawCaroline Bborn about 1932
BrokawJeanette Lborn about 1931
BrokawLorenzo Dborn about 1862
BrokawRay Cborn about 1896
BrokawRay C Jrborn about 1927
BrokawRebecca Eborn about 1937
BrokawRoena Mborn about 1929
BrokawWarren Bborn about 1933
BrownJames Aborn about 1895
BrownWinfield Sborn about 1852
BurgstonCarl Hborn about 1896
BurgstonDorothy Lborn about 1923
BurgstonHarold Cborn about 1926
BurgstonMargaret Sborn about 1901
BurgstonSarah Aborn about 1933
BusenbarkDavid Rborn about 1920
BusenbarkElizabeth Mborn about 1889
BusenbarkGeorge Lborn about 1880
BusenbarkJames Wborn about 1924
BusenbarkJane Lborn about 1931
BusenbarkJanice Mborn about 1931
BusenbarkVirgil Dborn about 1918
BuyckCharles Jborn about 1911
BuyckJulius born about 1878
BuyckMargaret Mborn about 1916
BuyckMary Aborn about 1929
BuyckRomaine born about 1886

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C Surnames

CarmanDarlene Mborn about 1922
CarmanErnie Wborn about 1916
CatourHoward born about 1918
CherryBertha born about 1877
CherryMabel born about 1915
CherryMinie Mborn about 1872
CherryThomas born about 1871
ChrisopEdna Nborn about 1894
ChrisopHarold Hborn about 1924
ChrisopHenry born about 1893
ChrisopMerle Aborn about 1920
CollisBertha born about 1868
CollisHazel born about 1891

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D Surnames

DavisLaura Lborn about 1885
DavisP Arthurborn about 1878
DeemFrank Jborn about 1870
DeisbeckJohn Hborn about 1896
DekazelAnna born about 1889
DekazelBen Bborn about 1888
DekazelBennie Fborn about 1923
DekazelCharles Lborn about 1919
DekazelHelen Lborn about 1926
DewildeEmil born about 1897
DewildeMary Lborn about 1897
DewildeRoberta Mborn about 1924
DialHarry Lborn about 1886
DialStella Eborn about 1893
DirckAileen Mborn about 1935
DirckAlice born about 1903
DirckArvid Mborn about 1900
DirckCarol Jborn about 1938
DirckEffie Aborn about 1926
DirckHarley Aborn about 1923
DirckWilbur Hborn about 1927
DixonMary Eborn about 1856
DollieslagerElizabeth Aborn about 1923
DollieslagerElizabeth Mborn about 1895
DollieslagerPauline Mborn about 1930
DollieslagerPeter born about 1890
DollieslagerV Paulborn about 1921
DuncaneDonald Eborn about 1933
DuncaneEdwin born about 1914
DuncaneJackie Lborn about 1934
DuncaneMargaret Iborn about 1915
DuncanePatsy Jborn about 1936

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E Surnames

EddlemanJune Iborn about 1919
EddlemanShirley Aborn about 1939
EddlemanT Hubertborn about 1911
EdwardsArlan Eborn about 1924
EdwardsBernard Cborn about 1937
EdwardsC Louisborn about 1902
EdwardsCarol Eborn about 1933
EdwardsDale Bborn about 1917
EdwardsDave Bborn about 1894
EdwardsHarriet Mborn about 1898
EdwardsMarie Gborn about 1909

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F Surnames

FeeCharles Wborn about 1906
FeeLaverne Eborn about 1905
FenskeFrank Fborn about 1874
FiedlerCharles born about 1887
FiedlerHenry Jborn about 1877
FiedlerNicholas born about 1881
FiedlerPeter Sborn about 1890
FletcherJohn Mborn about 1873
FrelsH Donovanborn about 1920
FrelsHarry Jborn about 1890
FrelsMyrtle Lborn about 1896
FrelsR Henryborn about 1924

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G Surnames

GaineyDorothy Mborn about 1922
GaineyHarriet Lborn about 1894
GaineyHelen Mborn about 1920
GaineyMary Eborn about 1924
GaineyRichard Tborn about 1926
GaineyStacy Bborn about 1895
GaineyStacy Cborn about 1895
GaineyWilbur Lborn about 1918
GasperAlice born about 1913
GasperBardeen born about 1938
GasperClem born about 1909
GasperDonna Jborn about 1935
GasperGayle Mborn about 1933
GasperIva Lborn about 1936
GasperLen Jborn about 1940
GierhartFrances Eborn about 1929
GierhartJoanna Hborn about 1935
GierhartJohn Dborn about 1907
GierhartRuth Eborn about 1912
GlennAlbert Eborn about 1922
GlennClark Jborn about 1882
GlennK Daleborn about 1919
GlennMarjorie Mborn about 1910
GlennNellie Eborn about 1885
GotheridgeJames born about 1890
GottscheJohn Jborn about 1860
GottscheMargaret Cborn about 1868
GouscheJohn Jborn about 1860

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H Surnames

HaarsAugust Aborn about 1888
HaarsHarvey Rborn about 1929
HaarsJulia Mborn about 1891
HaarsPatricia Aborn about 1934
HagermanBena born about 1883
HagermanJames Mborn about 1872
HagermanJulia born about 1924
HansonMary Eborn about 1916
HansonPatricia Cborn about 1938
HansonRollin Dborn about 1909
HassCora born about 1922
HassFred Wborn about 1908
HassHerman Fborn about 1892
HassMary Mborn about 1870
HassWesley Mborn about 1914
HearenFrank Hborn about 1883
HearenMattie Eborn about 1888
HerbatAlice Iborn about 1877

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J Surnames

JacobsonBetty Lborn about 1927
JacobsonJ Vernborn about 1895
JacobsonLula Mborn about 1899
JaquetBetty Iborn about 1925
JaquetClifford Gborn about 1929
JaquetIra Cborn about 1900
JaquetMabel Bborn about 1901
JohnsonEdith Mborn about 1901
JohnsonEdwin Mborn about 1884
JohnsonEmma Lborn about 1885
JohnsonFrank Uborn about 1901
JohnsonFrank Wborn about 1928
JohnsonHarold Eborn about 1910
JohnsonJess Wborn about 1895
JohnsonLeland Mborn about 1922
JohnsonLeroy Gborn about 1918
JohnsonLois Aborn about 1932
JohnsonMyrle Mborn about 1904

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K Surnames

KarstensAugust born about 1869
KarstensHelen born about 1873
KingArthur Bborn about 1913
KingClarence Dborn about 1911
KingDavid Cborn about 1885
KingMary Lborn about 1917
KingRonald Rborn about 1938
KingWilliam Aborn about 1936
KisselDoris Aborn about 1937
KisselMarjorie Mborn about 1939
KisselOtis Wborn about 1914
KisselRuth Iborn about 1914
KlavohnAugusta Wborn about 1881
KlavohnBernice Rborn about 1907
KnowlesGeorge Eborn about 1904
KnowlesMabel Wborn about 1905
KnowlesMaude Aborn about 1874
KnowlesRobert Eborn about 1933
KnowlesWilliam Jborn about 1931
KonitzerMargaret born about 1890
KonitzerPaul born about 1892
KrappGeorge Hborn about 1908

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L Surnames

LarsonElizabeth born about 1891
LarsonGilbert Dborn about 1918
LarsonGladys Mborn about 1925
LarsonJuanne born about 1930
LarsonVern Aborn about 1891
LarvenzGertrude Eborn about 1907
LarvenzLena Tborn about 1879
LarvenzRalph Wborn about 1909
LarvenzReuben Cborn about 1904
LarvenzWilliam Lborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MassingillGene Dborn about 1939
MassingillIlene Jborn about 1932
MassingillLawrence Wborn about 1905
MassingillRobert Aborn about 1930
MassingillVera Iborn about 1908
McCoslinHerbert Eborn about 1888
MeirteBeatrice Lborn about 1915
MeirteJoseph Jborn about 1912
MercerArthur Fborn about 1912
MercerBenjamin Mborn about 1900
MercerJ Everettborn about 1898
MercerL Graceborn about 1934
MercerLena Sborn about 1904
MilamFrank born about 1873
MilamGeorge Lborn about 1917
MilamJames Aborn about 1912
MilamJames Kborn about 1867
MilamM Anneborn about 1871
MillerBeatrice Lborn about 1899
MillerBeatrice Mborn about 1925
MillerFrederick E Hborn about 1932
MillerGrace Eborn about 1875
MillerJoseph Wborn about 1872
MillerNicholas Dborn about 1897
MillerStella Eborn about 1905
MixAnna born about 1893
MixEmil Lborn about 1890
MixGrace Mborn about 1923
MixHoward Aborn about 1920
MorriseyEvelyn Wborn about 1911
MorriseyF Thomas Pborn about 1901
MorriseyHelen Mborn about 1935

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N Surnames

NewmanMan Eborn about 1910
NewmanPatricia Aborn about 1939
NewmanPolly Aborn about 1915
NicholsSidney Sborn about 1919
NicholsonEugene Aborn about 1872
NicholsonMary Jborn about 1887
NickolsonEugene Aborn about 1872
NickolsonMary Jborn about 1887
NorinClarence Lborn about 1919
NorinElmer Aborn about 1921
NorinHazel Rborn about 1898
NorinHelen Mborn about 1932
NorinKenneth Eborn about 1927
NorinLorin born about 1917
NorinMildred Mborn about 1920
NorinO Edwinborn about 1896
NorinRobert Oborn about 1923

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O Surnames

OckeeBernice Fborn about 1925
OckeeEmma Cborn about 1886
OckeeJacob Bborn about 1883
OneillClem Jborn about 1882
OneillJames Lborn about 1932
OneillValentina born about 1891
OpdorpFrank born about 1916
OpdorpKenneth Rborn about 1924
OpdorpLouise Cborn about 1883
OpdorpMargaret born about 1922
OpdorpMatthew Lborn about 1880

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P Surnames

PaetsElizabeth Lborn about 1907
PaetsRita Rborn about 1927
PaetsShirley Aborn about 1933
PaetsWilliam Jborn about 1907
ParnellJohn Eborn about 1876
ParnellKenneth Lborn about 1936
ParnellNellie Hborn about 1905
PetersonHelen Mborn about 1914
PetersonLyle Eborn about 1933
PetersonMary Aborn about 1935
PetersonNels Aborn about 1868
PetersonRaymond Eborn about 1909
PetrosClaire born about 1930
PhilippeEdna Mborn about 1902
PhilippeMarilyn Jborn about 1931
PhilippeReimand born about 1897
PhilippeRobert Vborn about 1924
PinksAlice born about 1886
PinksEdward Gborn about 1892
PinksGeorge Eborn about 1922
PorschkeRobert Lborn about 1924

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Q Surnames

QuillanGuy Hborn about 1887
QuillanR Pearlborn about 1884
QuillinFred Dborn about 1899
QuillinJ Irvingborn about 1925
QuillinRuth Hborn about 1904
QuillinWinifred Rborn about 1926

R Surnames

RahnArchie born about 1895
RahnBess Iborn about 1901
RahnJane Kborn about 1920
ReabJulia Eborn about 1883
ReabWilliam Hborn about 1883
ResserDale Aborn about 1940
ResserJames Lborn about 1938
ResserJames Mborn about 1910
ResserJesse Mborn about 1887
ResserLillian Eborn about 1914
ResserNaomi Mborn about 1923
ResserRobert Lborn about 1930
ResserRosemary Aborn about 1936
ResserTheresa Wborn about 1928
ResserWanda Mborn about 1894
RinkClate Rborn about 1890
RinkEdna Jborn about 1893
RinkKatherine Jborn about 1861
RistanJulius born about 1886
RobertsDarold Lborn about 1939
RobertsElden Cborn about 1932
RobertsHelen Dborn about 1930
RobertsJulia Hborn about 1911
RobertsKenneth Eborn about 1907
RobertsKenneth Sborn about 1936

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S Surnames

SandBeryl Mborn about 1916
SandLyle Fborn about 1915
SayerAugusta born about 1872
SayerCharles Oborn about 1867
SchwarkFred Tborn about 1902
SchwarkGilbert Kborn about 1911
SchwarkHannah Aborn about 1872
SchwarkHerman born about 1908
SchwarkJerry Cborn about 1905
SchwarkMary Eborn about 1915
SearleBurton Oborn about 1897
SearleByron Bborn about 1892
SearleEsther Cborn about 1893
SearleEvelyn Lborn about 1932
SearleHoward Bborn about 1928
SearleJohn Oborn about 1925
SearleLillian Lborn about 1908
SearleMarta Lborn about 1931
SearleRodney Cborn about 1936
ShoemakerLarry Eborn about 1939
ShoemakerMary Fborn about 1915
ShoemakerRobert Lborn about 1913
ShuhCharles born about 1880
ShuhCharles Wborn about 1909
ShuhSally Mborn about 1913
ShuhWilliam born about 1875
SieffermanIrene Mborn about 1911
SieffermanL Eugeneborn about 1933
SieffermanLester Lborn about 1911
SleafordIva Mborn about 1903
SleafordJoseph born about 1899
SnodgrassBenjamin born about 1869
SnodgrassElaine Cborn about 1916
SnodgrassElizabeth born about 1876
SnodgrassElizabeth Jborn about 1939
SnodgrassHarley Lborn about 1908
SnodgrassHarold Aborn about 1911
SnodgrassHarold A Jrborn about 1936
SnodgrassHelen Mborn about 1915
SnodgrassJohn Hborn about 1902
SnodgrassLucille Kborn about 1901
StephensonCharles Eborn about 1893
StephensonLaura Cborn about 1927
StephensonLillian Pborn about 1899
StephensonRichard Wborn about 1924
StephensonRobert Lborn about 1926
StephensonThomas Hborn about 1922
StohlJohn Aborn about 1869
StohlRoland born about 1905
StroudNaomi Cborn about 1884

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T Surnames

TalbotCharles Cborn about 1933
TalbotClaude Eborn about 1884
TalbotDonald Lborn about 1922
TalbotEdna Mborn about 1894
TalbotElbert H Rborn about 1856
TalbotEugene Aborn about 1932
TalbotFloyd Lborn about 1924
TalbotLouie Aborn about 1935
TitusEarl Pborn about 1903
TitusFrances Mborn about 1907
TurfElsie Mborn about 1922
TurfErma born about 1893
TurfRemie born about 1888

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V Surnames

VankeavernArthur born about 1890
VerbruggeDoris Iborn about 1936
VerbruggeDorothy Wborn about 1900
VerbruggeElla born about 1863
VerbruggeIva born about 1853
VerbruggeLeon Jborn about 1897
VerbruggeMaurice Lborn about 1934
VoehlEdward Hborn about 1921
VoehlFred Rborn about 1889
VoehlLorena Tborn about 1895
VoehlMarie Eborn about 1918

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W Surnames

WallenfeldtAxel Fborn about 1873
WallenfeldtEmma Mborn about 1874
WallenfeldtLeslie Eborn about 1937
WallenfeldtLester born about 1910
WallenfeldtLois Eborn about 1920
WallenfeldtRuth Aborn about 1938
WallenfeldtRuth Eborn about 1916
WeberBessie Jborn about 1915
WeberRaymond Hborn about 1914
WeberRobert Iborn about 1936
WeberRobert Rborn about 1938
WellmanDale Lborn about 1939
WellmanDorothy Aborn about 1918
WellmanLuke Jborn about 1914
WellmanWilfred Lborn about 1938
WhitakerLeon born about 1908
WhiteMarie Aborn about 1908
WhiteRobert Wborn about 1908
WigantHenry F Jrborn about 1927
WigantHenry Rborn about 1904
WigantJohnetta Cborn about 1925
WigantKatherine born about 1905
WildemuthLena born about 1874
WildemuthLillian Mborn about 1895
WildemuthLoren Aborn about 1927
WildemuthMary Eborn about 1907
WildemuthMelvin Dborn about 1905
WildemuthPhyllis Lborn about 1931
WildemuthWilliam Jborn about 1866
WilliamsChristine born about 1854
WilliamsOliver born about 1856
WithrowSolon born about 1854
WoodCharles Aborn about 1878
WoodCharles Gborn about 1918
WoodEdward Fborn about 1925
WoodMae Cborn about 1883
WrightRoger Aborn about 1920
WrightTrella Lborn about 1924

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