1940 U.S. Federal Census of Honey Point Township, Macoupin, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Macoupin County > 1940 Census of Honey Point Township

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AdwellAlbert born about 1880
AdwellGeorge Hborn about 1904
AdwellGeorge Wborn about 1867
AlexanderC Eborn about 1909
AlexanderIrene born about 1905
AngeloBruce born about 1938
AngeloJulia born about 1897
AngeloVernon born about 1897
ArmourCary born about 1877
ArmourEmma born about 1881

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B Surnames

BaconEarl born about 1912
BaconGlenn born about 1926
BaconHoward born about 1916
BaconLeonard born about 1930
BaconMelvin born about 1924
BaconSusie born about 1895
BaconWm Robtborn about 1891
BalmettaFelix born about 1883
BalmettaJosephine born about 1889
BandyEarl Oborn about 1888
BandyEdith born about 1899
BelkeIrene born about 1874
BelkeJohn born about 1875
BelkeOla Mayborn about 1893
BelkeRobert Hborn about 1898
BelmaAlbert born about 1881
BelmaJames born about 1912
BelmaMaude born about 1883
BelmaWayne born about 1922
BenningThelma born about 1913
BittenJohn Wborn about 1862
BittenKate born about 1872
BitterHarry born about 1893
BitterJohn Philipborn about 1918
BitterMary born about 1887
BlackAlvin Gborn about 1926
BlackAubrey Cborn about 1915
BlackClyde Eborn about 1920
BlackEugene Fborn about 1922
BlackGeraldine born about 1922
BlackLydia Jborn about 1888
BlackNelda born about 1911
BlackOliver Nborn about 1887
BlackSusie born about 1887
BlackTruman born about 1888
BlackWilliam born about 1916
BlackWm Bborn about 1911
BoedeckerAlma born about 1917
BoedeckerAlvin born about 1890
BoedeckerBella born about 1890
BoedeckerErnest born about 1923
BoedeckerMarion born about 1938
BoedeckerMarjorie born about 1927
BoedeckerMaynard born about 1921
BoedeckerRoberta born about 1920
BoedeckerVernon born about 1918
BoedeckerWilford born about 1915
BrayDonald born about 1929
BrayHarold Mborn about 1904
BrayIrene born about 1904
BruceCharles born about 1858
BurgenAlfred born about 1917
BurgenBertha born about 1892
BurgenLewis born about 1887
BurgenLorene born about 1925
BustleEdward born about 1897
BustleHarold born about 1923
BustleJosephine born about 1898

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C Surnames

ClarkBernard born about 1913
ClarkGlenn born about 1932
ClarkMildred born about 1914
CoplinGeorge born about 1876
CoplinWilliam born about 1901
CorriganFrancis born about 1916
CorriganHall born about 1919
CorriganJerome born about 1930
CorriganJoseph born about 1917
CorriganMaxine born about 1893
CorriganRegina born about 1922
CorriganVincent born about 1926
CorriganWilliam born about 1920
CouleeIrene born about 1921
CouleeWanda born about 1939
CouleeWendell born about 1918
CrabtreeKerlin born about 1910
CrouchBelle born about 1900
CrouchCarol born about 1900
CrouchCecil Jr born about 1926
CrouchMarjorie born about 1930
CulpC Cborn about 1878
CulpMartha Mborn about 1881
CulpS Hborn about 1867

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D Surnames

DavisBetty born about 1924
DavisMary Eborn about 1885
DavisOrlval born about 1921
DavisRobert born about 1924
DavisW Lborn about 1877
DrewelBelinda born about 1897
DrewelFred Aborn about 1886
DrewelHelen born about 1877

E Surnames

EdwardsGeraldine born about 1938
EdwardsNorma born about 1932
EdwardsPaul born about 1907
EdwardsPaul Jr born about 1934
EdwardsSally born about 1936
EdwardsThelma born about 1909

F Surnames

FentonLloyd born about 1917
FentonLucille born about 1917
FischerFrances born about 1896
FischerGeorge born about 1878
FischerHelen born about 1924
FischerLeon born about 1917
FischerWilliam born about 1880
FletcherBelle born about 1897
FletcherClarence born about 1893
FletcherHazel born about 1926
FletcherMarvel born about 1920
FletcherRaymond born about 1930
FletcherRoss born about 1923
FrezscheAlvin born about 1938
FrezscheElmer born about 1917
FrezscheElmer Jr born about 1939
FrezscheSelma born about 1915
FrezscheWesley born about 1931
FullerEdith born about 1900
FullerEugene born about 1939
FullerLester born about 1893
FullerLoretta born about 1917
FullerRalph born about 1914

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G Surnames

GatesCarri Lborn about 1863
GatesStella born about 1899
GatesT Mborn about 1853
GatesWilliam born about 1891
GatesWilliam Jr born about 1923
GirardDorothy born about 1928
GirardLila born about 1926
GrovesGertrude born about 1886
GrovesRichard born about 1877

H Surnames

HaleyAnna born about 1901
HaleyDonald Dborn about 1937
HaleyEsther born about 1928
HaleyGeorge born about 1904
HaleyGeorge Jr born about 1929
HaleyHelen born about 1938
HamktonHenry born about 1918
HammannAlice Lborn about 1922
HammannBetty Kborn about 1924
HammannHerbert Jborn about 1926
HammannHerbert Pborn about 1893
HammannHuda Mborn about 1893
HammannLeonard Cborn about 1928
HartClara born about 1914
HartOrland born about 1927
HartRalph Lborn about 1905
HartWayne born about 1921
HawthorneAmy born about 1889
HawthorneHarry born about 1881
HelonaEmil born about 1912
HelonaMary born about 1905
HelonaWatt born about 1870
HeyenAlbert born about 1901
HeyenAmelia born about 1905
HeyenJoan born about 1936
HeyenMinnie Mrs born about 1873
HoefkerAmanda born about 1893
HoefkerHarold born about 1923
HoefkerHenry Gborn about 1896
HuddlestonFloyd born about 1909
HughesAida born about 1902
HughesAlbert Jborn about 1938
HughesCharles Eborn about 1931
HughesEdna born about 1930
HughesEdward born about 1902
HughesGale Leeborn about 1936
HughesLylly Fayborn about 1928
HughesRosetta born about 1926
HuttonEllen born about 1922
HuttonEugene Gborn about 1890
HuttonFrances born about 1892
HuttonJames born about 1925
HuttonJoseph born about 1930
HuttonRoy born about 1927

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J Surnames

JacksonLucy Eborn about 1870
JacksonWilliam born about 1864
JarvisGerald born about 1927
JarvisMerle Almaborn about 1895
JearyAbbie born about 1885
JearyBessie born about 1889
JearyVirgil Eborn about 1890
JohnstonChas Oborn about 1913
JohnstonDonald Dborn about 1915
JohnstonDorothy born about 1928
JohnstonEvelyn Eborn about 1920
JohnstonJanet Eborn about 1940
JohnstonMary Eborn about 1892
JohnstonRoy Leeborn about 1890

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K Surnames

KauffmanBernard born about 1935
KauffmanMargeret born about 1936
KauffmanRichard born about 1938
KauffmanRosalie born about 1915
KellyJohn born about 1857
KeplingerJohn Wmborn about 1870
KeplingerLaura born about 1872
KerrEliza Aborn about 1882
KerrJohn Fborn about 1879
KiddMay born about 1886
KiddWalter Aborn about 1886
KindenBessie born about 1883
KindenHarry born about 1880
KlausBeverly born about 1939
KlausDonald born about 1915
KlausGene born about 1929
KlausHarry born about 1899
KlausLoretta born about 1901
KlausMibba born about 1925
KlausNan born about 1877
KlausNorma born about 1933
KlausPeggy born about 1938
KlausRobert born about 1927
KlausTeresa born about 1910
KlausVirginia born about 1917
KlausWilliam born about 1870
KlausWm Jr born about 1912
KleinAnna born about 1894
KleinChas Tborn about 1892
KlekampH Henryborn about 1873
KlekampHerman born about 1911
KomickArthur born about 1905
KomickMarion born about 1915

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L Surnames

LancasterBessie born about 1870
LargeFrancis born about 1892
LargeFrank Cborn about 1892
LargeMinnie born about 1930
LavJohn born about 1880
LavMatha born about 1880
LavWendell born about 1913
LebarrDorothy born about 1893
LebarrFay born about 1894
LebarrFred Kborn about 1918
LebarrIrene born about 1930
LebarrLora born about 1920
LebarrRoy Jborn about 1922
LebarrWilma born about 1924
LeknertBarbara born about 1913
LeknertCarl born about 1916
LeweyBetty born about 1925
LeweyEva born about 1906
LeweyLloyd born about 1904
LeweyRichard born about 1929
LibbraEnrico born about 1888
LibbraGloria born about 1924
LibbraJoseph born about 1928
LibbraLena born about 1916
LibbraMinnie born about 1896
LibbraViolet born about 1926
LinkCharles born about 1880
LinkJoseph born about 1884
LinkMary born about 1882
LoehrAlbert Hborn about 1865
LoehrAlbert Jr born about 1905
LoehrElmer Hborn about 1902
LoehrHulda born about 1895
LoehrJohn Sborn about 1939
LoehrMartha born about 1907
LoehrMary born about 1866
LoehrRachel born about 1933
LoehrRebecca born about 1936
LukenByron born about 1920
LukenT H Mrsborn about 1872

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M Surnames

MansfieldEileen born about 1920
MansfieldForrest born about 1891
MansfieldGilbert born about 1917
MansfieldKenneth born about 1928
MansfieldMaude born about 1892
MansfieldNoel born about 1921
MansfieldTwyla born about 1922
MansfieldViolet born about 1924
McAdamsLutia born about 1901
McAdamsMarian born about 1887
McAdamsRuth born about 1928
McCaslandBetty born about 1927
McCaslandKathyrn born about 1908
McCaslandLee born about 1899
McCaslandLee Jr born about 1933
McCaslandLoraine born about 1925
McCaslandShirley born about 1936
McClureEdward born about 1914
McClureFlorence born about 1893
McClureHarry born about 1887
McIntyreDorothy born about 1912
McIntyreGrace Mborn about 1886
McIntyreJohn Eborn about 1886
McIntyreLenore born about 1909
McIntyreNorma born about 1932
McReynoldsHugh born about 1892
McReynoldsJessie born about 1892
MeeceArminda born about 1926
MeeceCoe born about 1902
MeeceJulia born about 1902
MeeceWilliam born about 1925
MehansEdward Hborn about 1867
MehansEugene born about 1927
MehansFrank Hborn about 1888
MehansFreda Lborn about 1892
MehansMelvin born about 1916
MehansMildred born about 1921
MehansNorma born about 1922
MehlbergClarence born about 1919
MehlbergEdna born about 1893
MehlbergW Cborn about 1889
MeyerAugust born about 1888
MeyerLydia born about 1888
MillerIrene born about 1892
MillerJohn Mborn about 1881
MillerLouis born about 1924
MillerRoy born about 1918
MitchellDorothy born about 1929
MitchellEva born about 1898
MitchellJune born about 1903
MitchellMorris born about 1928
MitchellRalph born about 1893
MitchellRobert born about 1924
MitchellSteve Oborn about 1897
MooreGeorge born about 1875
MooreGrace born about 1881
MooreRuth born about 1905
MoreheadBelly born about 1926
MoreheadDean born about 1922
MoreheadDora born about 1886
MoreheadEarl born about 1906
MoreheadJohn Wborn about 1886
MoreheadLester born about 1920

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N Surnames

NailClarence born about 1895
NailEarl born about 1934
NailHenry born about 1926
NailLloyd born about 1930
NailMarie born about 1901
NeihausAnna born about 1894
NeihausLoralda born about 1929
NeihausLouis Hborn about 1883
NeihausMarvin born about 1935
NeihausNelda born about 1931
NimmahsFrank born about 1887
NimmahsFrank Jr born about 1923
NimmahsGerald born about 1921
NimmonsBernice born about 1922
NimmonsFrances born about 1924
NimmonsHoward born about 1918
NimmonsJoseph born about 1883
NimmonsJulia born about 1892
NimmonsRalph born about 1916

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O Surnames

OdonnellFern born about 1899
OdonnellFrank Kborn about 1896
OdonnellJohn born about 1934

P Surnames

PerrineAurthur born about 1919
PerrineLaura born about 1886
PerrineLuther born about 1883
PetersJohn Hborn about 1901
PetersSarah born about 1905
PlozizkaGertrude born about 1934
PlozizkaHemran born about 1909
PlozizkaMinnie born about 1913
PlozizkaWilliam born about 1920

R Surnames

RetzleffGerald born about 1930
RetzleffIvan born about 1904
RetzleffLillian born about 1906
RetzleffMarilyn born about 1937
ReymerEugene born about 1922
ReymerMarie born about 1901
ReymerWalter born about 1894
RoachAbby born about 1889
RoachAbby Jr born about 1922
RoachCharles Lborn about 1930
RoachEllen Joyborn about 1938
RoachFred Aborn about 1924
RoachJackie Galeborn about 1933
RoachRaymond born about 1926
RoachRosa born about 1895
RoachVictor Mborn about 1932
RobbinsDaniel born about 1885
RobbinsDelores born about 1928
RobbinsGlen born about 1922
RobbinsJullia born about 1895
RobbinsLenard born about 1924
RobbinsViola born about 1932
RobbinsVirgil born about 1927
RobinsonDorothy born about 1924
RobinsonEffie born about 1895
RobinsonKenneth born about 1926
RobinsonLuther born about 1889
RobinsonMildred born about 1929
RogersDorothy born about 1923
RogersWinifred born about 1890
RolandClarence born about 1904

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S Surnames

SatterleeBruce born about 1939
SatterleeCharles born about 1911
SatterleeHale born about 1940
SatterleeLois born about 1920
SchmidtGeo Hborn about 1909
SchmidtLorena born about 1908
SchoenBertha born about 1895
SchoenHarman born about 1893
SchoenHelen born about 1921
SchoenShirley born about 1936
SchultzArthur born about 1898
SchultzDelores born about 1928
SchultzHilda born about 1906
SchultzWilliam born about 1924
SchundtBetty born about 1925
SchundtHarold born about 1922
SchundtHenry Lborn about 1897
SchundtLydia born about 1901
SchundtRobert born about 1929
SchundtVernon born about 1923
SchwabAlbert born about 1933
SchwabAloysius Jborn about 1893
SchwabAnna born about 1896
SchwabAnna Kborn about 1918
SchwabBernard born about 1922
SchwabCarl born about 1936
SchwabCharles born about 1874
SchwabClarence born about 1931
SchwabDarrell born about 1928
SchwabEdward Sborn about 1896
SchwabEmma born about 1897
SchwabEugene born about 1922
SchwabEugene born about 1925
SchwabFrank Jborn about 1884
SchwabHenrietta born about 1894
SchwabJenice born about 1928
SchwabJoseph born about 1896
SchwabJoyce born about 1934
SchwabLindell born about 1924
SchwabLoretta born about 1924
SchwabMarcella born about 1927
SchwabMarlayn born about 1937
SchwabMarvela born about 1928
SchwabMary Elizborn about 1874
SchwabMaxine born about 1926
SchwabMelba born about 1921
SchwabPaul born about 1929
SchwabRaymond born about 1922
SchwabRita Cborn about 1921
SchwabRose born about 1892
SchwabStuart born about 1920
ShepherdClarence Rborn about 1888
ShepherdLeona born about 1890
SmithEdwin born about 1908
SmithElmer born about 1914
SmithElsie born about 1912
SmithElvina born about 1914
SmithEmma born about 1882
SmithHarvey born about 1916
SmithJohn Fborn about 1875
SmithRose born about 1906
SpencerCharles born about 1878
StotlerEdward Eborn about 1879
StotlerFlora Mborn about 1890
StotlerHarold Wborn about 1925
StratmanFred born about 1890

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T Surnames

ThortonDorothy Dellaborn about 1939
ThortonFred born about 1910
ThortonFred Jr born about 1937
ThortonMary Annborn about 1939
ThortonMaude born about 1914
TremanArthur born about 1918
TwitchellEvelyn born about 1893
TwitchellJames born about 1893
TwitchellJames Jr born about 1922
TwitchellShirley born about 1926

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V Surnames

VarnerDora born about 1913
VarnerPauline born about 1934
VarnerRussell born about 1905

W Surnames

WalschlegerJohn born about 1880
WalschlegerUna born about 1878
WaltonMary Violaborn about 1921
WaltonMckinley born about 1895
WaltonVerda born about 1898
WaltonWilliam born about 1919
WatermeirenAlbert Vborn about 1893
WatermeirenClara Maeborn about 1900
WatermeirenLeland Aborn about 1928
WernerArthur born about 1900
WernerDelores born about 1935
WernerElvina born about 1912
WernerLawrence born about 1939
WernerRoberta born about 1934
WhitbyBertha born about 1880
WhitbyGeorge born about 1883
WhitbyRobert born about 1921
WhitbyWilliam born about 1890

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Y Surnames

YorkDaisy Lborn about 1885
YorkFloyd born about 1894
YorkRoma born about 1884
YorkWilliam born about 1879
YoungAlbert born about 1884
YoungCharles born about 1882
YoungGelbert born about 1910
YoungGeorgia born about 1881
YoungMargaretta born about 1882
YoungStanley born about 1920

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