1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hutton Township, Coles, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Coles County > 1940 Census of Hutton Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyBelle born about 1864
AbernathyMary born about 1901
AdamsDora born about 1886
AdamsDoris born about 1930
AdamsGlen born about 1909
AdamsHubert Dallborn about 1928
AdamsHubert Wborn about 1906
AdamsIva Eborn about 1886
AdamsJenet born about 1936
AdamsLee born about 1932
AdamsLester born about 1908
AdamsLogan born about 1917
AdamsLouise born about 1905
AdamsMary born about 1912
AdamsPascoe born about 1906
AdamsPatrica born about 1939
AdamsPhyllis born about 1935
AdamsPrudence born about 1911
AdamsRuth born about 1911
AdamsSheron born about 1938
AdamsWendel born about 1935
AndersonCarol Sueborn about 1940
AndersonHarold Eugeneborn about 1923
AndersonJessie born about 1877
AndersonJoe born about 1877
AndersonLeslie born about 1916
AndersonMildred born about 1915
ArnoldCalvin born about 1917
ArnoldClovia born about 1905
ArnoldExil born about 1893
ArnoldForest born about 1905
ArnoldIrma born about 1930
ArnoldRussel born about 1884
ArtrightCarlos born about 1913
ArtrightDaisy Dborn about 1882
ArtrightRobert born about 1875
ArummettOlevia born about 1873
ArummettS Dborn about 1873
AshbyBlanch born about 1899
AshbyBlanche born about 1908
AshbyCatherine born about 1923
AshbyDorthy born about 1923
AshbyFrances born about 1904
AshbyFrancis born about 1904
AshbyImogene born about 1931
AshbyIra born about 1920
AshbyJos born about 1890
AshbyLaura born about 1909
AshbyMary born about 1894
AshbyMary born about 1930
AshbyMary Mborn about 1924
AshbyOrla born about 1894
AshbyOrlie born about 1906
AshbyPaul born about 1902
AshbyRalph born about 1897
AshbyRichard born about 1931
AshbyVirginia born about 1927
AshbyWilma Jborn about 1928
AxtonChester born about 1905
AxtonFern born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaconEthel Sborn about 1902
BaconJames Dborn about 1933
BaconJohn Oborn about 1932
BaconRichard Dborn about 1876
BardinG Tborn about 1887
BardinOlive Zborn about 1887
BardinT Aborn about 1885
BatesColey Eborn about 1876
BatesWillis born about 1876
BeasleyHarlan born about 1936
BeasleyPearl born about 1917
BeasleyRonald born about 1934
BeasleyWayne born about 1913
BeaversBenjiman Hborn about 1893
BeaversBud born about 1934
BeaversBuddy born about 1935
BeaversClarence born about 1911
BeaversDoris Jborn about 1931
BeaversDoris Jeanborn about 1929
BeaversDorthy born about 1897
BeaversEverlyn Pborn about 1927
BeaversIva Maeborn about 1930
BeaversJohn born about 1913
BeaversLinda Janeborn about 1938
BeaversMahlon born about 1888
BeaversMary Kborn about 1925
BeaversNettie born about 1914
BeaversRonald Dborn about 1937
BeaversRonnie born about 1937
BeaversWinifred born about 1913
BellClaud Rborn about 1893
BellDavid Vborn about 1920
BellMary born about 1891
BellNona born about 1876
BellWon born about 1874
BennettAnn born about 1937
BennettAudrey born about 1925
BennettElmore born about 1915
BennettGratton born about 1904
BennettHave born about 1869
BennettHelen born about 1921
BennettIvan born about 1910
BennettMary born about
BennettMatilda born about 1883
BennettNona born about 1911
BennettSaddie born about 1882
BennettZallie born about 1874
BensleyFrank born about 1886
BensleyIva born about 1895
BerkWalter born about 1914
BerkleyJessie born about 1907
BerkleyJosephine born about 1918
BerkleySara Franceborn about 1922
BidleCharles Wborn about 1924
BidleEthel born about 1890
BiggsDonald born about 1915
BiggsKathaleen born about 1915
BiggsL Fborn about 1892
BiggsLottie born about 1892
BiggsMargaret born about 1920
BiggsRussel born about 1912
BlackCharles born about 1919
BlackCleo Iborn about 1871
BlackDonald born about 1940
BlackEdith born about 1936
BlackEunice born about 1930
BlackEva born about 1926
BlackEvelyn born about 1923
BlackIrma born about 1928
BlackLaura Imaborn about 1929
BlackLeebert born about 1898
BlackLeo Rossborn about 1903
BlackNellie Mayborn about 1898
BlackPaul born about 1932
BlackRussel born about 1922
BlaggHarrel born about 1921
BlaggJane born about 1894
BlaggRaymon born about 1923
BlevinsCharles Jborn about 1902
BlevinsIda born about 1908
BlevinsJames born about 1926
BlevinsMildred born about 1910
BlevinsRaymond born about 1904
BlevinsRoseta Jborn about 1936
BrandenburgErf Lborn about 1897
BrandenburgJune born about 1935
BrandenburgKathleen born about 1908
BrandenburgSherley born about 1931
BrantJ Aborn about 1885
BrantMatilda born about 1885
BreedenburgAlice born about 1890
BreedenburgHenry born about 1922
BreedenburgJohn born about 1890
BreedloveArthur born about 1924
BreedloveBetty born about 1929
BreedloveDeline born about 1923
BreedloveEmile born about 1926
BreedloveEugene born about 1934
BreedloveJudie born about 1939
BreedloveMyrtle born about 1903
BreedloveOther born about 1896
BrownDianthie born about 1882
BrownOliver born about 1922
BrownSeton born about 1876
BuffenmeyerEmmie born about 1883
BuffenmeyerSims born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabbleBernie born about 1902
CabbleBessie born about 1906
CahhonCahhon born about 1921
CahhonCarl born about 1921
CarmanOakal born about 1898
CarmanR Lborn about 1928
CarsonAmy born about 1888
CarsonH Oborn about 1873
CarsonLucile born about 1921
CarsonRobert born about 1905
CellJennie Mayborn about 1905
ChrtneyClem born about 1884
ChrtneyRalph born about 1923
ChrtneyRobert born about 1918
ChrtneyWillis born about 1921
ClarkElie born about 1870
ComerJames born about 1866
ConleyJoel born about 1885
ConleyMargaret Nborn about 1939
ConnellyCherry born about 1895
CooperBeulah born about 1895
CooperCarl born about 1918
CooperCarlie born about 1913
CooperDoris born about 1920
CooperDorothy born about 1922
CooperHazel Pborn about 1893
CooperLarkin born about 1893
CooperLoren born about 1931
CooperLowell born about 1929
CooperLucile born about 1919
CooperMarrien born about 1922
CooperSheron Cborn about
CooperVeral* born about 1927
CooperW Lborn about 1890
CortneyAmanda born about 1888
CortneyChas born about 1885
CortneyHelen born about 1922
CortneyJunior born about 1926
CortneyLloyd born about 1920
CortneyRichard born about 1923
CortneyRobert born about 1918
CottinghamJohn born about 1922
CottinghamNina born about 1931
CottinghamPalmer born about 1897
CottinghamVivien born about 1898
CoxBenjiman born about 1889
CoxBennie Deenborn about 1935
CoxBessie born about 1887
CoxBettie Geneborn about 1929
CoxDengil born about 1910
CoxEarl Eborn about 1883
CoxF Claudborn about 1882
CoxFrancis Mborn about 1860
CoxGladys born about 1896
CoxInez born about 1908
CoxIrma born about 1913
CoxJames Rborn about 1856
CoxJerry born about 1932
CoxKatheryn Mayborn about 1921
CoxLily Jborn about 1882
CoxMarilyn born about 1925
CoxMarion born about 1913
CoxMartha born about 1890
CoxMartha born about 1917
CoxRoy born about 1901
CoxWillam Mborn about 1860
CrawfordAda born about 1932
CrawfordDelcia born about 1910
CrawfordDoris born about 1929
CrawfordDorthy born about 1930
CrawfordGlen Wborn about 1934
CrawfordGoldie born about 1935
CrawfordHenry Hborn about 1895
CutwrightAlice born about 1933
CutwrightBessie born about 1928
CutwrightBud born about 1937
CutwrightCarlos born about 1905
CutwrightJean born about 1935
CutwrightJohn born about 1930
CutwrightMattie born about 1905
CutwrightRobert born about 1935
CutwrightRussell born about 1932
CutwrightWm born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallasBettie Fborn about 1931
DallasBetty Fernborn about 1931
DallasElsie born about 1911
DallasGeorge Kborn about 1936
DallasGeorge Kennethborn about 1936
DallasJohn born about 1939
DallasJohn Lborn about 1939
DallasJosie born about 1883
DallasLorane born about 1905
DallasLorraine born about 1905
DallasRobert born about 1933
DallasTheodore born about 1907
DalphidRobert born about 1909
DavisAlbert born about 1877
DavisBertha born about 1901
DavisEvelyn born about 1922
DavisFrank Bborn about 1899
DavisGene born about 1929
DavisHarmon born about 1892
DavisKatherine born about 1918
DavisMary Eborn about 1887
DavisMaud Bborn about 1885
DavisNettie born about 1891
DavisNewton born about 1872
DavisW Hborn about 1888
DawlerDarlene born about 1930
DawlerDella Roseborn about 1930
DawlerDelmar Aborn about 1894
DawlerDonald born about 1927
DawlerLouise born about 1905
DeckerJames born about 1868
DeckerJames Wborn about 1931
DeckerJunita Jborn about 1929
DeckerMargerete born about 1913
DeckerMyrtle born about 1880
DeckerNorma Jeanborn about 1936
DeckerWarren born about 1908
DiehlJake born about 1880
DiehlRuth born about 1882
DoddsEdna Bborn about 1906
DoddsJonetta born about 1932
DoddsPorter Bborn about 1896
DollarFloris born about 1898
DollarHerman born about 1902
DotyClayton born about 1909
DotyDonald Geneborn about 1933
DotyFern born about 1911
DotyLe Roy born about 1875
DotyViola born about 1876
DuckworthDonald born about 1919
DuckworthLeslie born about 1936
DuckworthMartha born about 1919

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E Surnames

EalledgeFelbert born about 1935
EalledgeJames born about 1908
EalledgeJohn born about 1871
EalledgeMildred born about 1911
EalledgePhyillis born about 1936
EalledgeWm Leeborn about 1938
EastonMina born about 1888
EastonOliver born about 1879
EatonC Eborn about 1875
EatonDorthy Maeborn about 1922
EatonJ Edwardborn about 1920
EatonLucile born about 1916
EatonNellie Mborn about 1887
EddingerAnna Mborn about 1894
EddingerDean born about 1931
EddingerHarld Mborn about 1915
EddingerSamuel Lborn about 1884
EddingerSamuel Jr born about
EdwardsMargaret born about 1922
EdwardsNona born about 1902
ElstonAlberta born about 1930
ElstonHenry born about 1918
ElstonJohn born about 1891
ElstonJoonane* born about 1938
ElstonMay born about 1897
ElstonRalph Cborn about 1897
ElstonVera born about 1934
EtnireDarauce born about 1939
EtnireGrace born about 1910
EtnireHenry Sborn about 1859
EtnireMargery born about 1934
EtnireNethie born about 1864
EtnirePalmer born about 1903
EtnireVirgina Annborn about 1933
EtnireWanda Juneborn about 1931
EtnireWilbur born about 1928
EvansBert born about 1901
EvansElsie born about 1905
EvansFernen born about 1927
EvansIvan born about 1939
EvansJohn born about 1937
EvansLa Verne born about 1924
EvansRosa Maryborn about 1932

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F Surnames

FieldAliene born about 1933
FieldBarbra born about 1936
FieldClarence born about 1909
FieldDavid Eborn about 1867
FieldMaurine born about 1911
FinleyMarjorie born about 1915
FinneysCharles born about 1937
FinneysMildred born about 1915
FinneysRay born about 1915
FinneysRoy born about 1939
FinneysSonny born about 1936
FitzpatrickBetty born about 1925
FitzpatrickCarrie born about 1883
FitzpatrickGeorge born about 1923
FitzpatrickTom born about 1881
FlennerMartha born about 1880
FlennerWill born about 1879
ForbesBeartie born about 1908
ForbesHarold born about 1907
FranklinM Sborn about 1878

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G Surnames

GableClarence born about 1887
GableRaymond born about 1922
GableSally born about 1890
GalbreathRoy born about 1898
GalbreathWm born about 1864
GardnerFred born about 1900
GarrisonStewart born about 1898
GassettRalph born about 1921
GibsonEdwin Cborn about 1896
GibsonFlorence born about 1897
GiffinElsie born about 1885
GiffinErson born about 1884
GiffinGeorge born about 1923
GiffinJames born about 1921
GiffinMaxine born about 1919
GlosserEarl born about 1907
GlosserEstie born about 1885
GlosserGeo born about 1882
GobleA Cborn about 1892
GobleAlbert born about 1858
GobleCalvin born about 1935
GobleCarrie born about 1883
GobleCarrie born about 1885
GobleCharles born about 1937
GobleClara born about 1892
GobleClifton born about 1915
GobleEarl born about 1885
GobleEleanor born about 1920
GobleElsie Bellborn about 1939
GobleEmery born about 1877
GobleHazel born about 1930
GobleImogene born about 1933
GobleJames born about 1926
GobleJane born about 1888
GobleJessie born about 1898
GobleManon born about 1928
GobleMary Bellborn about 1923
GobleNeva born about 1910
GobleOrren Lborn about 1890
GobleRobert born about 1899
GobleTillie born about 1886
GobleWilbur born about 1876
GoffGoldie Mborn about 1885
GoffJ Fborn about 1881
GoffJoe born about 1922
GoodmanC Mborn about 1879
GoodmanCoral born about 1905
GossettHarry Mborn about 1889
GossettHazel born about 1901
GossettRalph born about 1900
GossettWilliam Wborn about 1937
GossittCarrie born about 1883
GossittLuke born about 1881
GranlMay born about 1898
GranlWill born about 1892
GrantCatherine born about 1933
GrantClara born about 1910
GrantLeslie born about 1931
GrantMay born about 1883
GrantPauline born about 1935
GrantTom born about 1905
GrantWill born about 1884
GreenClyde born about 1905
GreenDe Lance born about 1922
GreenDorie born about 1885
GreenEliza born about 1910
GreenMary born about 1905
GreenPerry born about 1889
GreenRalph born about 1906
GreenWanda born about 1932
GrisamoreCarrie born about 1884
GrisamoreIva born about 1907
GrisamoreWilliam Cborn about 1870
GwinAnna Eborn about 1901
GwinCarol Eborn about 1927
GwinJohn Fborn about 1924
GwinW Fborn about 1893

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H Surnames

HackerDewey born about 1900
HackerEdwin born about 1875
HackerGenevieve born about 1911
HackerJay Deenborn about 1936
HackerMary born about 1902
HackerMinnie born about 1880
HackerRobert Eborn about 1939
HackettAustin born about 1911
HackettElvera born about 1914
HackettFred born about 1919
HackettHarry born about 1933
HackettJ Cborn about 1887
HackettJohn born about 1935
HackettNellie born about 1890
HaddockBoe born about 1932
HaddockDon born about 1905
HaddockEsther* Eborn about 1908
HaddockIvan born about 1905
HaddockL Hborn about 1859
HaddockMargret Fborn about 1868
HaddockMaxine born about 1919
HaddockMaxine born about 1927
HallCharlotte born about 1931
HallEllis born about 1896
HallF Gborn about 1891
HallGladys born about 1898
HallHarlan born about 1904
HallJames Sborn about 1878
HallKenneth born about 1917
HallMollie born about 1895
HallOra born about 1893
HallTena born about 1881
HauleyLeano born about 1877
HauleyRobert born about 1912
HauleyVirgy born about 1908
HayesWill born about 1870
HeathcoteDan born about 1907
HighfilLinden Jr born about 1918
HobeckJohn born about 1868
HobeckLois born about 1937
HobeckPauline born about 1920
HodgeJas Hborn about 1886
HodgeLucy Oborn about 1890
HodgeOpal Sborn about 1876
HodgesOpal born about 1890
HouchinsBessie born about 1908
HouchinsTessie born about 1908
HuttonHarold born about 1893
HuttonPearl born about 1895
HuttonWilliam Hborn about 1889

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I Surnames

IngramA Sborn about 1866
IngramAllie born about 1871
IngramAlpha born about 1919
IngramBernice born about 1905
IngramClara born about 1896
IngramClaud born about 1887
IngramFlorence born about 1923
IngramJoan born about 1933
IngramLeonard born about 1891
IngramLowell born about 1923
IngramM Sborn about 1862
IngramMary born about 1886
IngramNorma Jeanborn about 1927
IngramRussel born about 1898
IrbyAlice born about 1915
IrbyHenry born about 1913
IrbyHenry Jr born about 1933
IrbyRobert born about 1917

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J Surnames

JenkinsIva born about 1879
JenkinsJames born about 1876
JohnsCarlee born about 1905
JohnsCharles born about 1906
JohnsCora born about 1865
JohnsCormal born about 1895
JohnsMax born about 1935
JohnsRaymond born about 1929
JohnsRex born about 1939
JohnsW Hborn about 1860
JonesBernice born about 1914
JonesDoris born about 1939
JonesHazel born about 1935
JonesIda born about 1891
JonesMinor born about 1913
JonesRussel born about 1937
JonesWayne born about 1933

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K Surnames

KalkBillie Louiseborn about 1930
KalkGene born about 1927
KalkJames Allenborn about 1929
KalkLeonard born about 1906
KalkLouise born about 1906
KellyFrancis born about 1916
KellyLeland born about 1912
KellySandra Lborn about 1939
KingJohn Lewisborn about 1925
KingJohn Wborn about 1878
KingKing Dessieborn about 1882

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L Surnames

LangCarl born about 1898
LangElvera born about 1919
LangJames born about 1925
LangKathleen born about 1930
LangM Gborn about 1888
LangNellie born about 1888
LangRandall born about 1920
LangSarah born about 1902
LanzBerlie born about 1895
LanzMandie born about 1865
LashbrookBen born about 1916
LashbrookLe Roy born about 1936
LashbrookMaxine born about 1917
LawJennie born about 1864
LawyerCarrol Dborn about 1940
LawyerDale born about 1921
LawyerDora born about 1878
LawyerDorthy Iborn about 1911
LawyerEva born about 1881
LawyerFrank born about 1881
LawyerHarry born about 1919
LawyerHoward Jborn about 1928
LawyerJack born about 1915
LawyerJohn born about 1922
LawyerKester born about 1911
LawyerMarine born about 1916
LawyerNancy Aborn about 1932
LawyerNettie born about 1867
LawyerO Jborn about 1883
LawyerRobert born about 1917
LaytonBroron* T Lborn about 1936
LaytonC Aborn about 1879
LaytonN Aborn about 1886
LeeAnna Fborn about 1877
LeeCecil born about 1900
LeeDanel Delane*born about 1935
LeeJ Brigan*born about 1897
LeeLeland born about 1895
LeeLester born about 1921
LeeLois Aborn about 1908
LeeLoren born about 1919
LeeMary Eborn about 1868
LeeMary Ellenborn about 1928
LeeMaxine born about 1923
LeeNila Mernaborn about 1930
LeeRalph Dborn about 1925
LeeRector born about 1872
LevellKenneth born about 1923
LevellOscar born about 1895
LevellPauline born about 1924
LevellSally born about 1895
LevellWilma born about 1930
LewisBilly born about 1936
LewisDora Eborn about 1885
LewisEdith born about 1924
LewisEmel born about 1918
LewisLeona born about 1929
LewisMargie born about 1925
LewisMary born about 1900
LewisOrvill born about 1920
LewisOtis Oborn about 1886
LewisPaul born about 1923
LewisPauline born about 1930
LewisS Iborn about 1885
LiffickAron born about 1890
LiffickDeeth* Lborn about 1923
LiffickImogen born about 1889
LiffickMary Iborn about 1921
LongAba born about 1906
LongAlenda born about 1905
LongHarriet born about 1932
LongJack born about 1935
LongMarion born about 1930
LouisEdith born about 1932
LouisElona Bellborn about 1938
LouisMargery born about 1934
LouisMary born about 1899
LouisOrval born about 1929
LouisOtis born about 1900
LouisPaul born about 1931

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M Surnames

MalcomAmanda Jborn about 1871
MalcomDonald born about 1936
MalcomElsie born about 1906
MalcomEmery born about 1902
MalcomFloyd born about 1904
MalcomLoren Cborn about 1873
MalcomLouise born about 1930
MannMary Mborn about 1912
MannRoyal born about 1910
MartinAgnes Sborn about 1873
MartinConstance born about 1923
MartinDoris born about 1927
MartinNelson Tborn about 1871
MartinR Fborn about 1891
MartinRussel born about 1922
MartinThomas born about 1923
MartinV Cborn about 1894
MartinWave born about 1896
MattoxJoseph born about 1859
MattoxRebecca born about 1881
MaxeyAlice born about 1869
MaxeyGeorge Wborn about 1869
MaxeyWillie born about 1898
McConnelAgnes born about 1896
McConnelHugh born about 1898
McConnelHugh Jr born about 1920
McConnelJene born about 1923
McConnelJohn born about 1918
McConnelSheron born about 1934
McDanielsJennie born about 1884
McGahanJ Lborn about 1920
McGahanJerome born about 1883
McGahanJerome born about 1886
McKenzieAnnabell born about 1870
McMillanHazel born about 1907
McMillanRhondel born about 1932
McMillanThomas born about 1907
McMillanThomas Jr born about 1937
MeltonHarry born about 1937
MeltonVirginia born about 1902
MeltonWalter born about 1898
MerrimeeJames born about 1934
MerrimeeMeriam born about 1915
MerrimeeRoger born about 1912
MerrimeeShirley born about 1937
MerrittGlen born about 1910
MerrittLois born about 1910
MescarDimple born about 1906
MescarEloise born about 1937
MescarIvan born about 1933
MescarJessie born about 1931
MescarMax born about 1934
MescarRussell born about 1906
MillageAllie born about 1889
MillageAlph born about 1883
MillageAudly born about 1912
MillageCarrie born about 1889
MillageDeen born about 1939
MillageDessie born about 1890
MillageForrest born about 1891
MillageGoldie born about 1891
MillageGrover born about 1888
MillageJohn born about 1886
MillageMargeret born about 1920
MillageThelma born about 1913
MillageWebber born about 1914
MillerChas born about 1902
MillerDoris born about 1906
MillerDorothy born about 1901
MillerDorothy born about 1928
MillerElaine born about 1933
MillerElizabeth born about 1867
MillerEnest born about 1930
MillerEsther born about 1931
MillerGlen Eborn about 1902
MillerIra born about 1901
MillerLucille born about 1927
MillerShalaine born about 1936
MillerWanda born about 1931
MilnerG Fborn about 1915
MinerChas Cborn about 1881
MinerGladys born about 1889
MitchellDilbert born about 1900
MitchellGladys born about 1889
MitchellJohn Fborn about 1859
MitchellJohn Jborn about 1920
MitchellJulia Eborn about 1864
MitchellKatie born about 1902
MooreAllen Wborn about 1869
MooreCatherine born about 1917
MooreElla Tborn about 1880
MooreJosephine born about 1902
MooreNancy born about 1938
MooreRobert born about 1922
MooreRobert born about 1931
MooreTom born about 1913
MooreW Mborn about 1900
MurphyCharles born about 1906
MurphyGlen born about 1927
MurphyGlenn born about 1916
MurphyHazel born about 1921
MurphyLois born about 1938
MurphyMartha Jborn about 1932
MurphyNelson Mborn about 1873
MurphyOral Eborn about 1902

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N Surnames

NabbAlberta born about 1928
NabbApal born about 1907
NabbHarold born about 1908
NabbHarold born about 1933
NabbLeslie born about 1937
NabbPatcy Annborn about 1939
NabbRita born about 1935
NealO Cborn about 1900
NebbCora Mborn about 1887
NebbGeorge Eborn about 1885
NeesOad born about 1877
NewellDale born about 1927
NewellDonald born about 1936
NewellEarl born about 1906
NewellEarl Jr born about 1928
NewellElla born about 1868
NewellFannie born about 1880
NewellFlotince* born about 1906
NewellIrma Jborn about 1929
NewellKenneth born about 1930
NewellMary born about 1906
NewellMildred born about 1909
NewellRay born about 1904
NewellRichard born about 1932
NewellRobert born about 1929
NewellRussell born about 1904

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O Surnames

OakleyBernadine born about 1925
OakleyDean born about 1933
OakleyEugene born about 1922
OakleyFrank born about 1898
OakleyHelen born about 1924
OakleyImogene born about 1921
OakleyLeanor born about 1931
OakleyLoraine born about 1902
OakleyNorma born about 1926
OhmePearl born about 1902

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P Surnames

ParkisonGolghi* born about 1884
ParkisonWilliam born about 1884
PaulterCleta Nellborn about 1924
PaulterNellie Mborn about 1904
PaulterWillis born about 1894
PayleyOra born about 1881
PearcyGroven born about 1900
PearcyHarsy born about 1930
PearcyLizzie born about 1901
PearcyMax born about 1927
PearcyWm born about 1932
PerishoDale born about 1939
PerishoGladys born about 1908
PerishoJoe born about 1909
PerishoNeil born about 1937
PfarrElla born about 1868
PhillipsWarmon born about 1920
PinnellEdward born about 1880
PinnellGlenn born about 1910
PinnellMary born about 1879
PriceCearl born about 1907
PriceCheda born about 1930
PriceDessie born about 1908
PriceKatherine born about 1937
PriceRiley born about 1865
PriceRosela born about 1935
PriceRuby born about 1932
PriceThomas born about 1939

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R Surnames

RalstonC Lborn about 1918
RalstonEvin born about 1916
RalstonRea Louiseborn about 1940
RamseyDuane born about 1910
RamseyDuane Jr born about 1937
RamseyMary born about 1939
RamseyReatha born about 1910
RandolphBillie born about 1928
RandolphBlanch born about 1907
RandolphChas Eborn about 1930
RandolphEarl Lborn about 1936
RandolphRay Eborn about 1932
RandolphS Cborn about 1899
ReasorAnna Jborn about 1874
ReasorJohn Pborn about 1874
ReckJanice Clareborn about 1934
ReckJosephine Fborn about 1891
ReckRoy Lincolnborn about 1890
ReedAudrey born about 1903
ReedH Tborn about 1900
ReedMarilyn Jeanborn about 1929
ReedMauricelle born about 1931
RennelsArlin born about 1898
RennelsArlin born about 1900
RennelsArlin Jr born about 1919
RennelsBillie born about 1932
RennelsBilly born about 1932
RennelsCynthia born about 1912
RennelsEdith born about 1900
RennelsEdward born about 1920
RennelsEloise born about 1920
RennelsEsther born about 1923
RennelsEttie born about 1896
RennelsFlorence born about 1926
RennelsFlorious born about 1898
RennelsIvory Fborn about 1883
RennelsJanet born about 1938
RennelsLucy born about 1885
RennelsMarion born about 1902
RennelsMaud born about 1883
RennelsMaxine born about 1922
RennelsMorris born about 1922
RennelsMyrtle born about 1884
RennelsRaymond born about 1908
RennelsSimon Mborn about 1860
RennelsTella born about 1876
RennelsVera born about 1909
RennelsWalter Wborn about 1875
RennelsWilma Paulineborn about 1928
RichardsonBelva born about 1891
RichardsonBillie born about 1930
RichardsonEd born about 1889
RichardsonJohn born about 1918
RichardsonKathryn born about 1914
RichardsonOtto born about 1900
RiderFaith born about 1908
RiderFred born about 1858
RiderNettie Zborn about 1858
RigginsAlbert born about 1880
RigginsAlice born about 1901
RigginsCurtis born about 1890
RigginsEgna born about 1880
RigginsMartha born about 1882
RigginsNola born about 1891
RigginsNorman born about 1928
RoachMike born about 1874
RoachMyrtle born about 1876
RobbinsChristine born about 1929
RobbinsDelos Aborn about 1897
RobbinsGivendolyn born about 1925
RobbinsHeith Hborn about 1923
RobbinsIrene born about 1898
RobertsJess Mborn about 1886
RobertsLillian born about 1892
RobertsNoma born about 1924
RobertsPaul born about 1919
RobertsVennetta born about 1922
RobinsonAudrey born about 1918
RobinsonShellie born about 1918
RobisonAlice born about 1919
RobisonAudrey born about 1917
RogersBarbara Kborn about 1928
RogersDora born about 1860
RogersElmer born about 1904
RogersElmer Eborn about 1930
RogersFrancis born about 1885
RogersMorris Dborn about 1932
RogersRalph born about 1903
RogersW Henryborn about 1872
RogersWalter Rborn about 1937
RothrockEdith born about 1907
RothrockJohn born about 1894
RothrockL Dborn about 1870
RothrockLottie born about 1871
RuderNewman born about 1900
RyanM Kborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SargentJohn born about 1884
SargentPaul born about 1880
SargentsJohn born about 1898
SargentsPaul born about 1895
SchraderEliza born about 1875
SchraderJohn born about 1902
SchraderWill born about 1873
SchytteJohn born about 1915
ScottJohn Wborn about 1873
ScottMandela born about 1883
ScottSherman born about 1888
ShaferElsa born about 1906
ShaferIvan born about 1928
ShaferJohn Lborn about 1931
ShaferJuanita born about 1926
ShaferOrla born about 1905
ShafferCharles born about 1900
ShafferDoris born about 1926
ShafferElsie born about 1905
ShafferMary born about 1859
ShafferSene born about 1934
ShildsDorothy born about 1908
ShildsMary Aliceborn about 1931
ShildsPatty born about 1937
ShildsRalph born about 1906
ShildsRobert born about 1933
SimpsonMcclellen* born about 1922
SimsBarbara born about 1935
SimsBetty Jeanborn about 1937
SimsClarence born about 1915
SimsDonald born about 1932
SimsDorthy born about 1907
SimsFrancis born about 1913
SimsGeorge born about 1907
SimsHamilton born about 1876
SimsJack born about 1935
SimsJessie born about 1917
SimsJohn Hamiltonborn about 1931
SimsJunita born about 1933
SimsLaura Ethelborn about 1895
SimsMajorie born about 1928
SimsMargaret born about 1900
SimsMargaret born about 1933
SimsMax born about 1936
SimsMerle born about 1914
SimsR Kennethborn about 1907
SimsRobert born about 1930
SimsRuby Eborn about 1913
SimsRussel* Andrewborn about 1933
SimsW Hborn about 1897
SmithClinton born about 1878
SmithSarah Lborn about 1879
SmithW Dborn about 1873
SpiresSarah born about 1920
StephensAllen born about 1917
StephensDean born about 1925
StephensJoe born about 1916
StephensMatilda born about 1891
StewartAudrey born about 1910
StewartAudry born about 1917
StewartBatreca born about 1936
StewartBetty born about 1925
StewartElizabeth born about 1888
StewartErmagene born about 1930
StewartEugene born about 1929
StewartEzra born about 1878
StewartFern born about 1908
StewartHarry born about 1907
StewartHarry born about 1915
StewartHorace born about 1893
StewartHorace Jr born about 1922
StewartJames born about 1934
StewartJohn born about 1936
StewartLarry born about 1938
StewartLeo born about 1908
StewartLettie born about 1939
StewartRaymond born about 1938
StewartRobert born about 1932
StewartRoscoe born about 1888
StewartVivien born about 1898
StingleyAudrey Jborn about 1928
StingleyBertha born about 1898
StingleyBlanch Lborn about 1926
StingleyClaud born about 1924
StingleyClaud Eborn about 1925
StingleyF Mborn about 1895
StingleyFrank Jr born about 1931
StingleyJohn Wborn about 1920
StingleyKenneth Lborn about 1936
StingleyLewis Mborn about 1922
StingleyMary Mborn about 1938
StingleyNorman Dborn about 1935
StullCarl born about 1917
StullClara born about 1890
StullHarley born about 1893
SweeneyFrank born about 1886
SweeneyHoward born about 1913
SweeneyMaude born about 1893
SwengieChas born about 1925
SwengieRoy born about 1930
SwengieWanda Leeborn about 1935
SwengieWm born about 1894
SwinfordBessie born about 1888
SwinfordGeorge Aborn about 1887
SwinfordMary Mborn about 1923
SwinfordMaurice born about 1928
SwinfordReece born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThompsonDale born about 1929
ThompsonDorthy born about 1931
ThompsonElizabeth born about 1907
ThompsonGlen born about 1906
ThompsonHelen born about 1927
ThorntonEtta born about 1878
ThorntonGaylord born about 1925
TiftClarice born about 1929
TiftDonald born about 1931
TiftThomas born about 1926
TiftTom born about 1895
TipyNancy born about 1874
TomberlinEsther born about 1880
TomberlinGeorge born about 1884
TurnerFreeda born about 1906
TurnerSam born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpdegraffBillie Gborn about 1935
UpdegraffLillie born about 1912
UpdegraffRobert born about 1911

V Surnames

ValentineAl born about 1873
VeachBulah born about 1911
VeachChas Pborn about 1938
VeachChas Tborn about 1898
VeachDale Cborn about 1936
VeachHarold Mborn about 1935
VeachJessie Mborn about 1933
VeachMary Aborn about 1940
VeachRex Eborn about 1937

W Surnames

WalkerGertrude born about 1888
WalkerInez born about 1893
WalkerJohanne born about 1927
WalkerL Wborn about 1893
WalkerLaurence Jr born about 1923
WalkerLee born about 1878
WalkerSeth born about 1880
WalkerWalter born about 1887
WallaceChas born about 1877
WallaceGeneva Mborn about 1893
WarmanBertha born about 1886
WarmanGeo born about 1873
WarmanHarry born about 1890
WarmanLeo born about 1900
WatkinsA Jborn about 1856
WatsonEverett born about 1905
WatsonHarold born about 1933
WatsonJuainta born about 1932
WatsonMary born about 1913
WatsonNora Bellborn about 1931
WeaverBetty born about 1933
WeaverClifford Dborn about 1904
WeaverHazel born about 1908
WeaverLeland born about 1925
WeaverLester born about 1900
WeaverMax born about 1935
WeaverThelma born about 1902
WebbDorthy born about 1900
WebbEverett Vborn about 1896
WebbVernon Dborn about 1920
WebberDuane born about 1938
WebberFlorence born about 1906
WebberRalph born about 1904
WhitakerDella Tborn about 1896
WhitakerOtis Eborn about 1894
WilberAnna Maeborn about 1923
WilberEsta born about 1885
WilberRobert born about 1927
WilberW Fborn about 1879
WilberWm Jr born about 1924
WileyGeorge Wborn about 1935
WileyJames born about 1905
WileyJames Jr born about 1930
WileyJohn Aborn about 1937
WileyLeo born about 1900
WileyOlive born about 1907
WilliamsDoras born about 1866
WilliamsTom born about 1862
WilsonAudrey born about 1917
WilsonAugust born about 1933
WilsonG Wborn about 1886
WilsonJessie Lborn about 1900
WilsonMable born about 1905
WilsonSallie born about 1889
WrightBillie born about 1935
WrightJosephine born about 1937
WrightMary born about 1917
WrightWillie Gborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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