1940 U.S. Federal Census of Irwin Township, Montgomery, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Montgomery County > 1940 Census of Irwin Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AddingtonOlin born about 1903
ArianisJoseph born about 1904
ArianisMargaret born about 1915
ArianisPatricia born about 1933

B Surnames

BaileyCarrie born about 1874
BaileyCharles born about 1874
BaileyJack born about 1918
BeasleyAllegratte born about 1928
BeasleyArthur born about 1923
BeasleyArthur Eborn about 1897
BeasleyBessie Lborn about 1903
BeasleyRaymond born about 1922
BeasleyRoundall born about 1926
BerryDolores born about 1938
BerryDoris born about 1938
BerryFrank Mborn about 1862
BerryGrace born about 1872
BerryKenneth born about 1904
BerryLiuda born about 1909
BrownBlanche born about 1900
BrownElias born about 1884
BrownHarold born about 1897
BrownJohn Fborn about 1862
BrownLizzie born about 1900
BryceEffie Eborn about 1872
BryceGeorge Aborn about 1861
BryceMildred born about 1894
BryceRalph born about 1894
BurkeHenry Leeborn about 1913
BurkeMargie born about 1919
ButlerElsie born about 1881
ButlerWilliam born about 1874

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C Surnames

CalameCarol Anneborn about 1939
CalameMargaret born about 1914
CalameWaban born about 1913
CampbellCharles Wborn about 1876
CampbellGrace born about 1888
CampbellJohn Wborn about 1884
CampbellJohn Jr born about 1927
CampbellLillie born about 1885
CampbellVirgil born about 1924
CampbellWayme born about 1925
ChandlerEdna born about 1926
ChandlerHarry Wborn about 1889
ChandlerKaty born about 1893
ChandlerMargaret born about 1928
ChandlerMary born about 1924
ChildsLeslie born about 1886
ChildsNorma Lonborn about 1927
ChildsWillah born about 1885
CholenwinskiCatherine born about 1874
CholenwinskiEjon born about 1911
CholenwinskiLeonard born about 1905
CholenwinskiStanley born about 1875
ClellandElizabeth born about 1881
ClellandJames Jborn about 1882
ClellandJames Jr born about 1925
ClellandMadge born about 1923
CollinsEugene born about 1922
CollinsJames born about 1929
CollinsRay born about 1926
CollinsWilliam born about 1924
CranfillAlva Fborn about 1895
CranfillBanjamin Fborn about 1873
CranfillDella born about 1893
CranfillDonald born about 1937
CranfillGeorge born about 1913
CranfillJames born about 1921
CranfillOpal born about 1910
CranfillWilliam born about 1932
CurtoDaniel born about 1875
CurtoJohn born about 1919
CurtoMary born about 1915
CurtoTheresa born about 1877

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D Surnames

DammannCharles born about 1939
DammannMargrie born about 1916
DammannPhillip born about 1935
DammannThomas born about 1916
DearstonEarl born about 1903
DearstonNellie Jborn about 1867
DemtonDarlene born about 1929
DemtonOleguer* born about 1904
DemtonRobert born about 1937
DemtonRoy born about 1899
DoerrCarollee born about 1936
DoerrClara born about 1901
DoerrClarence Fborn about 1905
DoerrElizabeth born about 1875
DoerrPeter born about 1868
DohlerJewell born about 1844
DohlerJohn Sborn about 1878
DohlerLaura Aborn about 1882
DohlerLawrence Eborn about 1935
DohlerLawrence Jborn about 1912
DohlerMary Anneborn about 1937
DurbenArthur born about 1899
DurbenChristoper born about 1865
DurbinAlvan Leroyborn about 1938
DurbinHarold Lears*born about 1934
DurbinKenneth Daleborn about 1936
DurbinRobert Leeborn about 1930
DurbinThelma born about 1910
DurbinWalter born about 1904

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E Surnames

EllisDale born about 1936
EllisEarl born about 1935
EllisEdith born about 1938
EllisErman born about 1897
EllisFrances born about 1903
EllisRuby born about 1937
EllisVelma born about 1939
EllisVirgina born about 1932
EllisWayne born about 1930

F Surnames

FathKate Mborn about 1869
FathLuke Aborn about 1867
FaulknerViola born about 1925
FearsMaud born about 1891
FearsOtis Bborn about 1886
FearsRobert born about 1919
FoglemanJohn Iborn about 1874

G Surnames

GilbertAmos Sborn about 1899
GilbertFaye born about 1932
GilbertGail born about 1935
GilbertGeneva born about 1927
GilbertMargaret born about 1926
GilbertSylvia born about 1909
GreenDonald born about 1935
GreenJoseph Nborn about 1884
GreenMabel born about 1902
GreenNellenne born about 1928
GriffenElizabeth born about 1864
GriffenJames Sr born about 1857
GrinesIrene born about 1909
GrinesJames Eborn about 1880
GrinesNonnie born about 1887
GrinesRalph born about 1913

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H Surnames

HallCharles Eborn about 1920
HartliebCaroline born about 1883
HartliebPhillip Jborn about 1886
HartmanSylvia born about 1920
HaweyAaron Mborn about 1901
HolzknechtHelen born about 1902
HolzknechtHenry born about 1883
HolzknechtJosephine born about 1930
HolzknechtMary Mborn about 1925
HolzknechtWilliam born about 1922
HuberAlbert Gborn about 1891
HuberBetty Jeanborn about 1926
HuberElla born about 1891
HuberVirgil born about 1922
HuckerAlbert Jborn about 1879
HuckerAllie born about 1887
HuckerElsie born about 1891
HuckerEmma born about 1853
HuckerJohn born about 1880
HuckerNettie born about 1884
HudsonCleo born about 1901
HughesAlbert Sborn about 1890
HughesAnderson born about 1888
HughesBelle born about 1882
HughesFrank born about 1870
HughesHelen born about 1901
HughesPhyllis born about 1934

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J Surnames

JonesFaye Eborn about 1898
JonesJoe Bborn about 1895
JonesJoe Cborn about 1918
JoyceBetty Louborn about 1935
JoyceEdgar Hborn about 1907
JoyceHarry born about 1928
JoyceMyrtle born about 1902
JoyceNadarasa born about 1931
JoycePauline born about 1931
JoyceRaymond born about 1926

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K Surnames

KingChlo born about 1892
KingDonald Leeborn about 1930
KingFloyd Oborn about 1919
KingGoldia born about 1921
KingLouis Cborn about 1913
KingRobert Wborn about 1917
KingWalter Wborn about 1888

L Surnames

LawGeorge born about 1928
LawJack born about 1926
LawMelbourne born about 1922
LawWilbur Ivanborn about 1920
LentzCarroll born about 1921
LentzSue born about 1898
LewisAlma born about 1907
LewisHomer born about 1907
LivingstoneFrank born about 1888
LivingstoneIona born about 1884
LongEmma born about 1883
LongMildred born about 1920
LongWalter Bborn about 1879
LortsClyde born about 1919
LortsIlene born about 1924
LortsNellie Eborn about 1894
LortsWilliam J Dborn about 1893
LortsWilmer born about 1914
LoskatAntone born about 1888
LoskatElizabeth born about 1883
LoskatWilliam born about 1925
LoskotAgnes born about 1872
LoskotFrank born about 1875
LoskotFrank Jr born about 1917
LuceDorthea born about 1925
LuceHazel born about 1897
LuceSilar Wborn about 1897
LuddekeGertrude born about 1878
LuddekeTheodore Jborn about 1872
LyerlaBelle born about 1878
LyerlaCora Eborn about 1889
LyerlaEarl Bborn about 1886
LyerlaFred Rborn about 1880
LyerlaJames Eborn about 1926
LyerlaRay Eborn about 1895
LyerlaWanda born about 1931

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M Surnames

McCulleyHarold born about 1933
McCulleyJoanna born about 1934
McCulleyJoyce born about 1939
McCulleyMagia born about 1912
McCulleyWayne born about 1911
McDowellBessie born about 1887
McDowellCharles born about 1887
McDowellEldon born about 1921
MdowellBetti born about 1923
MdowellCatherine born about 1884
MdowellWalter born about 1871
MillerAmanda born about 1877
MillerBetty Annborn about 1933
MillerFlorence born about 1909
MillerJohn Aborn about 1873
MillerLyman born about 1907
MillerLyman Jr born about 1935
MillerMarylyn born about 1934
MillerRichard born about 1939

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N Surnames

NelsonEsther born about 1914
NewberryWilliam born about 1858
NewburyFrank Lborn about 1890
NewburyFrank Jr born about 1933
NewburyRuth Kborn about 1911
NewmanRalph born about 1914
NoyesCharles born about 1871
NoyesCharles Tborn about 1898
NoyesClyde born about 1928
NoyesDale born about 1937
NoyesDonald born about 1925
NoyesDonna born about 1925
NoyesEliza born about 1866
NoyesNellie born about 1902
NoyesRobert born about 1930
NoyesWalter born about 1921
NoyesWanda born about 1932

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O Surnames

ObudeAlbert born about 1880
ObudeEtta born about 1884
ObudeJean born about 1934
ObudeOpal born about 1912
OtterArchie Bborn about 1896
OtterKatherine born about 1925
OtterLois born about 1936
OtterOllie born about 1896
OtterPatricia born about 1927
OwensAley born about 1892
OwensTaylor born about 1888

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P Surnames

ParryGeorge Wborn about 1888
ParryLouise born about 1904
PerkinsCharles Mborn about 1877
PerkinsFlorence born about 1884
PerkinsRoss born about 1913
PointerAndrew Jborn about 1875
PointerMartha born about 1873
PopeGeorge Rborn about 1877

R Surnames

RenkenDale born about 1934
RenkenDonald born about 1936
RenkenEdwin Hborn about 1911
RenkenRuby born about 1916
RhodesFletcher born about 1871
RhodesNaurice born about 1875
RoachLunda born about 1937

S Surnames

SatterleeMary Cborn about 1884
SatterleeWalter Eborn about 1885
SauterWilliam born about 1917
SchoenEdna born about 1901
SchoenHerman Eborn about 1894
SchoenLouise born about 1926
SeiglerCeiclia born about 1888
SeiglerEsther born about 1873
SeiglerFrank Jborn about 1870
SeiglerTroy born about 1920
SellersVincent born about 1919
ShermanEmma born about 1890
ShermanWilliam born about 1886
SmithAlexander Pborn about 1882
SmithFred Mborn about 1899
SmithJames born about 1929
SmithRose born about 1927
SmithRoy born about 1930
SohoenewexWilliam born about 1871
SowashAtele born about 1877
SowashRudolf born about 1870
StettbacherConrod born about 1886
StettbacherLizzie born about 1873
StevensMaude born about 1891
SturgeonCharles Hborn about 1895
SturgeonDorena born about 1920
SturgeonIone born about 1939
SturgeonRobert Lborn about 1863
SturgeonRobert Jr born about 1919
SturgeonVirginia Cborn about 1895

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T Surnames

TarranAnnie born about 1887
TarranThomas Gborn about 1887
TaylorCarl born about 1915
TaylorCarl born about 1929
TaylorClayton born about 1938
TaylorDarrell Cborn about 1912
TaylorDelphina born about 1910
TaylorJames Aborn about 1928
TaylorLeda born about 1890
TaylorLoren born about 1935
TaylorMary born about 1913
TaylorMay born about 1882
TaylorMildred born about 1934
TaylorOrville born about 1937
TaylorRoss born about 1917
TaylorRoy Kborn about 1903
TaylorRussel born about 1922
TaylorRuth born about 1940
TaylorWalter born about 1878
TaylorWilliam born about 1873
TerronDeunis* born about 1931
TomamichealCleo Almaborn about 1885
TomamichealIlene born about 1900
TomamichealJoseph born about 1878
TomamichealJoseph Pborn about 1912
TomamichealWilma born about 1915

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U Surnames

UptonJune born about 1928
UptonMartha born about 1925
UptonNancy Gborn about 1894
UptonPaty Joeborn about 1934

W Surnames

WalcherAlbert born about 1886
WalcherDulsie born about 1870
WalcherEtta born about 1884
WalcherZenes Lborn about 1886
WellaClara born about 1857
WellaWesley Wborn about 1855
WellerCuitis born about 1870
WhiteDeelicia born about 1896
WhiteRaymond Jborn about 1897
WhiteRaymond Jr born about 1923
WhittenClaude Nborn about 1883
WilhelmAnne born about 1928
WilhelmBenjamin born about 1921
WilhelmBertha born about 1887
WilhelmClarence born about 1909
WilhelmJames born about 1934
WilhelmLuthella born about 1924
WilhelmMargaret born about 1916
WilhelmMary born about 1918
WilhelmMary Janeborn about 1923
WilhelmMildred born about 1919
WilhelmPemberton born about 1886
WilhelmVelma born about 1892
WilhelmWaldo born about 1920
WilhelmWilles born about 1916
WilhelmWilliam born about 1915
WilhelmWilliam Hborn about 1874
WilsonAllen born about 1924
WitteEdward born about 1884
WitteEmma born about 1889

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Y Surnames

YeskeFrank born about 1891
YeskeHerman born about 1861
YeskeSarah born about 1875
YeskeWalter born about 1893

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