1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kilbourne Township, Mason, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Mason County > 1940 Census of Kilbourne Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdeCharles born about 1865
AdeHarve born about 1873
AltigElsworth born about 1910
AltigEula born about 1914
AltigFrancis born about 1936
AltigGlenda born about 1939
AltigMargie Maeborn about 1935
AltigRuth born about 1881
AndersonJennie born about 1868
AshurstMarie born about 1935
AshurstMarshall born about 1870
AtheyHarry born about 1877

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B Surnames

BahlGary Wayneborn about 1940
BahlJuanita born about 1922
BahlRaymond born about 1912
BaileyLela born about 1896
BaileyMarsha born about 1937
BaileyMelvin born about 1935
BaileyRobert Hborn about 1902
BarkerBarbara Roseborn about 1938
BarkerBessie born about 1920
BarkerEarl born about 1924
BarkerHoward born about 1913
BarrettCarl born about 1888
BarrettDonald born about 1938
BarrettEliza born about 1860
BarrettElla born about 1887
BarrettElsie Janetteborn about 1940
BarrettFred born about 1911
BarrettHazel born about 1917
BarrettJacke Wayneborn about 1940
BarrettJohn born about 1914
BarrettMargaret born about 1938
BarrettTressa born about 1915
BeamsBetty born about 1931
BeamsBonnie born about 1937
BeamsElsie born about 1911
BeamsGrace born about 1935
BeamsJames born about 1889
BeamsJames ???born about 1940
BeamsPatricia born about 1933
BeardDoras born about 1923
BeardMarie born about 1898
BeardWilliam C Jrborn about 1917
BeardWm Clevelandborn about 1893
BeardenAgnes born about 1862
BeardenCharles born about 1869
BeardenGrace born about 1893
BeardenJames born about 1894
BeardenJimmie born about 1921
BeckwithCharles born about 1879
BeckwithElla born about 1882
BeckwithHenry Aborn about 1873
BeckwithMinnie born about 1871
BellBessie born about 1901
BellDelbert born about 1900
BellEileen born about 1916
BellGilbert born about 1916
BellMargie Maeborn about 1927
BellWarren born about 1923
BlakeleyAnna born about 1890
BlakeleyAnna born about 1897
BlakeleyDon born about 1940
BlakeleyDouglas born about 1924
BlakeleyElmer born about 1918
BlakeleyElsie born about 1922
BlakeleyHarry born about 1874
BlakeleyLeona born about 1901
BlakeleyLucille born about 1923
BlakeleyOliver born about 1902
BlakeleyOscar born about 1886
BlakeleyParna Aborn about 1878
BlakeleyPaul born about 1929
BlakeleyScott born about 1938
BlakeleyWalter born about 1899
BlakleyEarl born about 1899
BlakleyEarl Jrborn about 1926
BlakleyEmma born about 1905
BlakleyHoward born about 1929
BlakleyKenneth born about 1927
BoyleBobby born about 1932
BoyleBornard born about 1912
BradshawJohn born about 1872
BrausenOra born about 1871
BruseHazel born about 1914
BruseWilber born about 1909
BurrellMary born about 1911
BurrellPearl born about 1887
ButlerGarold born about 1937
ButlerGeorgetta born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadeWilliam born about 1918
CarryBenjamin born about 1889
CarryBo born about 1924
CarryHarold born about 1919
CarryNorman born about 1926
CarryOrpha born about 1894
CarterEarl born about 1903
CarterLoreta born about 1908
CarterLyle born about 1928
CarterUvonne born about 1924
CarterWilford born about 1926
CaveBen born about 1923
ClarkCallie born about 1888
ClarkEillen born about 1919
ClarkEleanor born about 1932
ClarkFred born about 1908
ClarkJohn born about 1884
ClarkLola born about 1909
ClarkMarilyn born about 1935
ClarkMarshall born about 1910
ClarkRuby born about 1887
CliftonCharles born about 1880
CloseBlaine born about 1918
CloseGrace born about 1884
CloseWilburn born about 1889
CobbGeorge born about 1875
CobbJames born about 1860
CobbMartha born about 1882
CobbNorman born about 1877
CobbOra born about 1876
ConklinDaisy born about 1925
ConklinDonald born about 1930
ConklinFlossie born about 1893
ConklinFloye born about 1923
ConklinHarold born about 1928
ConklinHenrietta born about 1916
ConklinHomer born about 1924
ConklinJames born about 1937
ConklinJune born about 1926
ConklinLeslie born about 1891
ConklinLloyd born about 1918
ConklinNina born about 1921
ConklinPatsy born about 1931
ConklinRaymond born about 1914
ConklinRobert born about 1938
ConklinRoy Edwardborn about 1939
ConklinRoy Mborn about 1911
CooperJame Nathanielborn about 1880
CowanDick born about 1914
CowanEula born about 1916
CowanEula Jeanborn about 1934
CowanHarry Leeborn about 1936
CowanMary Lonborn about 1939
CoxBeverly born about 1933
CraggsArthur born about 1891
CraggsBeulah born about 1915
CraggsBobby born about 1936
CraggsBossie Dborn about 1898
CraggsClinton born about 1913
CraggsCoral born about 1887
CraggsDela born about 1939
CraggsDonnie born about 1934
CraggsDorthey born about 1933
CraggsEldred born about 1914
CraggsGeorge born about 1926
CraggsGilbert born about 1911
CraggsIda born about 1891
CraggsIsley born about 1891
CraggsJesse born about 1866
CraggsLizzie born about 1868
CraggsLouise born about 1913
CraggsMintie born about 1873
CraggsPearl born about 1891
CraggsPearl Bborn about 1891
CraggsVerla born about 1914
CraggsWalter born about 1911
CraggsWayne born about 1921
CraggsWesley born about 1869
CurryCecil born about 1901
CurryGeorge born about 1873
CurryJennie born about 1890
CurryJennie born about 1902
CurryLouisa born about 1923
CurrySteve born about 1868
CurryWayne born about 1929
CurryWesley born about 1921

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D Surnames

DammermanEmma born about 1908
DammermanGeorge born about 1899
DammermanMargaret Annborn about 1939
DanielFrank born about 1881
DanielMabel born about 1893
DanielsClell Rborn about 1899
DanielsDorothy born about 1900
DanielsJames born about 1864
DanielsLizzie born about 1869
DanielsWendell born about 1928
DanielsWinona born about 1922
DawsonJames born about 1917
DawsonKittie born about 1872
DawsonLloyd born about 1905
DayMary born about 1916
DerrSamuel Lborn about 1858
DevoreLeah born about 1934
DevoreRuth born about 1905
DewLela Mayborn about 1939
DewYvonne born about 1930
DierkerBarbara born about 1903
DierkerBetty Loiseborn about 1930
DierkerIra born about 1890
DierkerLoretta born about 1932
DohsonEmma born about 1879
DohsonFrances born about 1876
DolbinAlice born about 1890
DolbinIsabelle born about 1859
DolbinStephen born about 1890
DrakeDallas born about 1895
DrakeFlorence born about 1897
DuckwilerCleo born about 1933
DuckwilerEarl born about 1900
DuckwilerHelen born about 1926
DuckwilerJoseph Bborn about 1871
DuckwilerMary Janeborn about 1880
DuckwilerRessie born about 1906
DuckwilerWayne born about 1929

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E Surnames

EadyEdward Bborn about 1871
EbkenDarryl born about 1938
EbkenDon Burkeborn about 1935
EbkenEarl born about 1911
EbkenEarl Garyborn about 1940
EbkenHenery born about 1882
EbkenKate born about 1887
EbkenMaurine born about 1911
EbkenUrla born about 1914
EbkenWilber born about 1909
EddyAdaline born about 1873
EddyDalton born about 1905
EddyEdward born about 1906
EddyHazel born about 1913
EddyJessy born about 1878
EdwardAlberta born about 1884
EdwardWilliam born about 1885
EremlingAlta born about 1888
EremlingEdward born about 1871
EymanDarrell born about 1938
EymanEsther born about 1915
EymanJohn born about 1914

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F Surnames

FieldJennie born about 1858
FletcherCatherine Annborn about 1899
FletcherDonald Wborn about 1927
FletcherEldon Mborn about 1936
FletcherEsther born about 1912
FletcherGrace Tborn about 1873
FletcherLester born about 1902
FletcherLester Gborn about 1928
FletcherLloyd Iborn about 1904
FletcherMarjorie Jeanborn about 1932
FletcherMelvin born about 1928
FletcherMorse Eborn about 1910
FletcherMyrtle Iborn about 1905
FletcherNorman Eborn about 1931
FletcherTim born about 1907
FletcherVelma Nborn about 1911
FletcherWilma Bborn about 1903
FriendCharles born about 1873
FriendClifford born about 1866
FriendDonna born about 1934
FriendDoris born about 1907
FriendEthel born about 1921
FriendGeorge Wborn about 1906
FriendMargaret born about 1917
FriendNina born about 1939
FriendPaul born about 1908
FriendPeachie born about 1873
FriendRonald born about 1936
FriendRuth born about 1939

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G Surnames

GalbreathFrank born about 1894
GalbreathMyrtle born about 1901
GalbreathVernon Kborn about 1927
GanterCharles born about 1872
GanterEliziabeth born about 1871
GarrettAlbert born about 1906
GarrettDonald born about 1938
GarrettEileen born about 1939
GarrettFred born about 1887
GarrettHazel born about 1921
GarrettLaretta born about 1915
GarrettLon born about 1882
GarrettMabel born about 1892
GarrettMolly born about 1871
GarrettPauline born about 1920
GarrettRussell born about 1915
GarrettWilliam born about 1871
GebhardGeneva born about 1921
GebhardIrwin born about 1902
GeisterKittie born about 1867
GerdesRose Mayborn about 1876
GilmoreDeloris born about 1926
GilmoreEugene born about 1930
GilmoreFranklin born about 1936
GilmoreRussel born about 1933
GilmoreSteve born about 1891
GobenCecil born about 1909
GobenDonald born about 1934
GobenEmery born about 1915
GobenFrances born about 1887
GobenHilda born about 1898
GobenIda born about 1876
GobenJoe born about 1899
GobenJohn born about 1864
GobenLillie born about 1867
GobenNancy born about 1865
GobenOra born about 1895
GobenRichard born about 1865
GobenRichard born about 1935
GobenStephen Lborn about 1873
GolandAnna born about 1884
GregoryGeneva born about 1904
GregoryLeo Hborn about 1900
GriffonRobert born about 1934
GriffonSylvia born about 1893

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H Surnames

HabbsBlanch born about 1920
HabbsClyde born about 1923
HahnHannah born about 1865
HallBernard born about 1925
HallDonald Leeborn about 1929
HallEdward born about 1920
HallEuvanah born about 1922
HallHarriet born about 1923
HallMable born about 1919
HallMaude born about 1890
HallRaymond born about 1926
HallWilliam born about 1890
HardinClark born about 1896
HardinEtta born about 1872
HardinJames Matborn about 1859
HardinLee born about 1900
HardinMartha born about 1894
HardinMinnie born about 1883
HardinOra born about 1882
HardinRoy born about 1887
HardinThomas born about 1899
HawksAnna born about 1876
HawksJohn born about 1871
HaymanViola born about 1876
HibbettElza born about 1918
HibbettIda born about 1871
HibbettIva born about 1908
HibbettLorena born about 1919
HibbettShirley born about 1939
HibbettWilliam born about 1867
HillArnold born about 1938
HillEarl Eborn about 1914
HillEthel born about 1902
HillEthel born about 1916
HillEvelyn born about 1927
HillGilbert born about 1928
HillJohn born about 1870
HillJohn Eborn about 1933
HillLloyd born about 1939
HillOrville born about 1899
HobbsLula born about 1914
HodgsonAlbert born about 1903
HodgsonArlene born about 1935
HodgsonBobby born about 1933
HodgsonCaroline born about 1939
HodgsonDarline born about 1931
HodgsonDonald born about 1930
HodgsonEunice born about 1910
HodgsonFrancis Aborn about 1866
HokeAnna born about 1861
HokeEmma born about 1889
HokeFlloyd born about 1930
HokeJohn born about 1882
HolmesBobby born about 1934
HolmesDelores born about 1925
HolmesDollie born about 1900
HolmesFrancis born about 1922
HolmesFrank born about 1899
HolmesFranklin born about 1930
HolmesLarry born about 1936
HolmesMarlene born about 1937
HolmesMaureen born about 1937
HolmesMazie born about 1928
HolmesRichard born about 1931
HoskinsGretchen born about 1929
HoweHarry born about 1899
HoweHarry Jr born about 1923
HoweMarceline born about 1934
HoweMary born about 1930
HoweMinnie born about 1897
HoweReva born about 1936
HoweShirley born about 1929
HuberCharles born about 1876
HuberEdythe born about 1904
HuberLouise born about 1913
HugesEdith born about 1895
HugesGladys born about 1919
HugesMarie born about 1917
HugesRoss born about 1893
HughesCarl born about 1882
HughesCarl born about 1921
HughesCordelia born about 1889
HughesEfner born about 1886
HughesElsie born about 1923
HughesFrank born about 1885
HughesGlen born about 1904
HughesHarold born about 1919
HughesHazel born about 1906
HughesHoward born about 1922
HughesJames born about 1898
HughesLloyd born about 1930
HughesMay born about 1884
HughesOtis born about 1917
HughesRosy born about 1927
HughesViola Cborn about 1851
HurstMyrtle born about 1876

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I Surnames

IshBuford born about 1923
IshCecil born about 1921
IshGlen born about 1920
IshGrace born about 1898
IshMarie born about 1930
IshOrland born about 1927

J Surnames

JohnsonIrietta born about 1911
JohnsonJack born about 1931
JohnsonJames born about 1936
JohnsonJean born about 1933
JohnsonLloyd born about 1915
JohnsonShirrell born about 1908
JusticeAddie born about 1904
JusticeEllen born about 1876
JusticeJohn born about 1872
JusticeLyle Deanborn about 1926
JusticeThomas born about 1900

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K Surnames

KastendiekArnold born about 1918
KastendiekDorthy born about 1927
KastendiekEdna born about 1929
KastendiekHarold born about 1925
KastendiekMinnie born about 1888
KolvesArnold born about 1903
KolvesJanet born about 1938
KolvesLanora born about 1915

L Surnames

LackmanCharles born about 1883
LackmanLetha born about 1923
LaneAlice born about 1906
LaneAnnie born about 1865
LaneAnnie born about 1891
LaneBernard born about 1912
LaneBernard born about 1920
LaneCallie born about 1889
LaneCharles Dborn about 1876
LaneCharles Hborn about 1889
LaneClifford born about 1926
LaneDelford born about 1917
LaneErnest born about 1894
LaneHoward born about 1925
LaneIla Waveborn about 1921
LaneLarue born about 1894
LaneLena born about 1883
LaneLloyd born about 1924
LaneLula born about 1893
LaneMay born about 1877
LaneSherman born about 1866
LaneVictor born about 1902
LeeCarl born about 1910
LeeHelen born about 1916
LeeJanet Darleneborn about 1939
LeidingClara born about 1891
LeidingGeorge Dborn about 1889
LeidingMelvin born about 1918
LifferettCasta Leeborn about 1929
LintnerVivian Jr born about 1924
LippertFred born about 1868
LivengoodMatilda born about 1902
LivengoodOscar born about 1905
LynnCharlene born about 1932
LynnCharles born about 1890
LynnMildred born about 1902
LyonsMelvin born about 1909

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M Surnames

MadisonFrank born about 1858
MadisonFrank Hborn about 1889
MadisonLora Aborn about 1863
MadisonNora born about 1876
MadisonOrie born about 1876
MahanMinnie born about 1891
MahanNada born about 1916
MahanSylvester born about 1880
MahanWanda born about 1935
MastenLavina born about 1929
MastenMartin born about 1876
MathewsJohn born about 1919
MillerDelores born about 1927
MillerDwight born about 1939
MillerEllen born about 1900
MillerMilburn born about 1921
MillerNyle born about 1935
MillerPaul born about 1898
MillerWinona born about 1923
MillersHoward born about 1936
MillersLloyd born about 1921
MillersViolet born about 1908
MillersWilbur born about 1913
MillersWilliam born about 1863
MillesonAlfred Wborn about 1879
MorseElla born about 1892
MorseFred born about 1875
MowderArchie born about 1888
MowderJoe born about 1878
MowderNell born about 1884
MowderReka born about 1889
MurdockAnna born about 1913
MurdockEarl born about 1913
MurdockGail born about 1939
MurdockPatricia born about 1935
MusgroveJohn born about 1863
MyersBeverly born about 1932
MyersCatherine born about 1935
MyersDonna born about 1926
MyersElsie born about 1902
MyersOrvie born about 1898
MyersRonald Leeborn about 1930
MyersWarren born about 1923
MyersWayne born about 1921
MyersWyatt born about 1919

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N Surnames

NallHarry born about 1872
NallMaggie born about 1875
NallMallie born about 1889
NallWilby Wborn about 1882
NanceFlorine born about 1921
NanceOtho born about 1915
NewcomerJames born about 1882
NighswongerIda born about 1864

O Surnames

OestAnna born about 1898
OestEdward born about 1894
OestEdward Wmborn about 1923
OestGlen born about 1927
OestRobert born about 1934
OllerDonna born about 1939
OllerGeorge born about 1908
OllerGwendolyn born about 1929
OllerJohn born about 1879
OllerLaford born about 1925
OllerLillian born about 1913
OllerMaude born about 1922
OllerPearl born about 1882
OllerRiley born about 1914

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P Surnames

PierceJ Henryborn about 1856
PlarenosGeorgina born about 1929
PrattEthel born about 1903
PrattLora born about 1871
PrettymanBlanch born about 1922
PrettymanEdith born about 1890
PrettymanHenery born about 1876
PurdyJohn born about 1870
PurdyMary born about 1872

R Surnames

RansonRoy born about 1886
RansonWinnie born about 1886
RemneckerFrances born about 1925
RemneckerFred Aborn about 1898
RemneckerPlondiena born about 1900
RemneckerRobert born about 1929
RiegelAda born about 1920
RiegelAlbert born about 1898
RiegelClaude born about 1910
RiegelRoger Rayborn about 1939
RinglandEleanor Joyborn about 1928
RinglandKal born about 1896
RinglandLeatha born about 1900
RobertsMaris born about 1864
RobinsonBeverley born about 1936
RobinsonGeorge born about 1915
RobinsonMildred born about 1922
RobinsonMilford born about 1938
RobinsonRaymond born about 1920
RobinsonRossie born about 1895
RobinsonShirley born about 1939
RobinsonVesta born about 1915
RobinsonWilliam born about 1893
RochAudrey born about 1933
RochDessie born about 1913
RochHerbert born about 1909
RochRobert born about 1934

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S Surnames

SarffEdison born about 1902
SarffLeon born about 1905
SarffMilford born about 1929
SarffMylin Marborn about 1925
SarffStanley born about 1936
SaylerJerome Abborn about 1921
SaylerLouise born about 1881
SchoonoverAlbert born about 1886
SchoonoverOllie born about 1881
ShaadAugusta born about 1881
ShaadCharles born about 1879
ShoresBonnie born about 1934
ShoresGladys born about 1908
ShoresGloria born about 1926
ShoresHarold born about 1905
ShoresHarold Jr born about 1927
ShoresIris born about 1931
ShowalterAlice born about 1929
ShowalterBetty born about 1930
ShowalterCharles born about 1895
ShowalterCharles Jr born about 1928
ShowalterDrucilla born about 1924
ShowalterEdna born about 1902
ShowalterMary born about 1869
ShowalterRose born about 1923
ShowalterSharon born about 1936
ShowalterShirley born about 1926
SielschottAdolph born about 1912
SielschottDelbert born about 1939
SielschottJean born about 1919
SimmonsRalph born about 1885
SissonBetty born about 1931
SissonDeanna born about 1939
SissonFranklin born about 1919
SissonFranklin Jr born about 1940
SissonGrace born about 1905
SissonHarvey born about 1893
SissonHarvey Jr born about 1933
SissonJoyce born about 1923
SissonMarcus born about 1932
SissonMargaret born about 1936
SissonMarie born about 1922
SissonMarion born about 1927
SissonMaurice born about 1935
SissonNina born about 1897
SissonNina Mayborn about 1925
SissonRussell Mborn about 1907
SissonRuth born about 1918
SissonTheadore born about 1938
SmithArthur born about 1876
SmithBessie born about 1902
SmithConnie born about 1939
SmithDonald born about 1926
SmithEffie born about 1876
SmithEthel born about 1914
SmithGeneva born about 1921
SmithIra Everettborn about 1921
SmithJohn born about 1911
SmithMarreye born about 1888
SmithMazie born about 1899
SmithSamuel Wborn about 1868
SmithThomas born about 1918
SmithWallace born about 1897
SmithWanda born about 1939
SmithWilliam born about 1886
SmithWillis born about 1891
SteeleHenery born about 1877
SteeleLibbie born about 1882
StegingFred born about 1881
StegingHenery born about 1876
StoutAmanda born about 1903
StoutFrank Vborn about 1896
StoutLeonard born about 1921
StoutOra Vincentborn about 1926
StoutWalter born about 1922
SuttonAlice born about 1860
SuttonBenjaman Hborn about 1888
SuttonClifford born about 1912
SuttonJeanette born about 1886
SuttonJohn born about 1887
SuttonLarry born about 1938
SuttonLloyd born about 1912
SuttonMae born about 1892
SuttonVirginia born about 1922

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T Surnames

TarvinMinnie born about 1897
TarvinRo born about 1931
TarvinRockford born about 1893
ThomasCharles born about 1914
ThomasEvelyn born about 1914
ThomasKenneth born about 1937
ThomasMelvin born about 1916
ThomasShelby Jeanborn about 1939

U Surnames

UppCharles born about 1864
UppDrury born about 1909
UppEmma born about 1873
UppVera born about 1895

V Surnames

VanderveenBernice born about 1915
VanderveenJohn born about 1872
VanderveenRobert born about 1912
VandeventerHerbert born about 1914
VanettenAgatha born about 1917
VanettenGlen born about 1889
VanettenGlendale born about 1924
VanettenGlendora born about 1922
VanettenJanet born about 1939
VanettenLeo born about 1913
VanettenLois born about 1889
VannakenHoward born about 1923
VannakenJohn born about 1884
VaughnDoris born about 1931
VaughnMinnie born about 1909
VaughnNelson born about 1926
VaughnRussel born about 1929
VaughnWilliam born about 1901

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W Surnames

WalkerGertie born about 1896
WalkerJames born about 1892
WalkerRufus born about 1927
WallaceAllen born about 1860
WallaceCarrie born about 1888
WallaceClyde born about 1885
WallaceEdgar born about 1887
WallaceEunice born about 1926
WallaceGeorge Allenborn about 1911
WallaceGerald born about 1935
WallaceGrace born about 1889
WallaceHarry Jborn about 1888
WallaceHazel born about 1896
WallaceIda born about 1885
WallaceNellie born about 1898
WallaceOlof born about 1912
WallaceOrlie born about 1888
WallaceVada born about 1883
WallaceWyatt born about 1917
WaltersHenery born about 1863
WatkinsIrene born about 1924
WhiteheadClark born about 1928
WhiteheadJames born about 1925
WhiteheadMaxine born about 1923
WhiteheadWilliam born about 1898
WhiteleyEva born about 1910
WhiteleyFrank born about 1909
WhiteleyJanet born about 1939
WhiteleyJoan born about 1932
WhiteleyMaggie born about 1886
WhitlowBlanch born about 1894
WhitlowDenzil born about 1923
WhitlowRicana born about 1921
WhitlowRue born about 1894
WilcoxBillie born about 1922
WilcoxFrank Eborn about 1883
WilcoxLeone born about 1882
WilliamsAbbie born about 1881
WilliamsAnna born about 1895
WilliamsAnna Jborn about 1867
WilliamsArnold born about 1892
WilliamsBilly born about 1923
WilliamsCarl born about 1891
WilliamsCarl Jr born about 1930
WilliamsGertrude born about 1902
WilliamsHarry born about 1926
WilliamsHoward born about 1918
WilliamsJames born about 1866
WilliamsLoura born about 1898
WilliamsMay born about 1893
WilliamsTheresa born about 1918
WilliamsVerna born about 1921
WilliamsWilliam Jborn about 1898
WillingDorothy born about 1931
WillingEarl born about 1934
WillingEugene Lborn about 1881
WillingPhillip born about 1926
WillingRichard born about 1923
WillingSadie born about 1893
WillingWalter Abborn about 1921
WiseAlta born about 1925
WiseBennie born about 1922
WiseEtta born about 1886
WiseGeorge born about 1878

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Z Surnames

ZirkleWalter born about 1879
ZirkleWilliam born about 1881

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