1940 U.S. Federal Census of Linder Township, Greene, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Greene County > 1940 Census of Linder Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AblenCatherine born about 1907
AblenElizabeth born about 1876
AblenW Mborn about 1868
AgnewMabel born about 1884
AlbrechtAnna born about 1891
AlbrechtDorthy Cborn about 1924
AlbrechtEda Eborn about 1895
AlbrechtEdward Aborn about 1928
AlbrechtHenry born about 1889
AlbrechtHerold Jborn about 1922
AlbrechtJohn Henryborn about 1924
AlbrechtJoseph born about 1891
AlbrechtLoretta Pborn about 1931
AlbrechtMarjorie born about 1928
AlbrechtMary Cborn about 1929
AlbrechtRalph Bborn about 1921
AlbrechtRobert Aborn about 1925
AlbrechtWm Dborn about 1935
AlexanderLa Verne born about 1912
AlexanderMary Helenborn about 1877
AlexanderR Fborn about 1879
AllenBeverly Jeanborn about 1940
AllenClyde Mborn about 1916
AllenHilda Iborn about 1919
AllenPeggy Oyceborn about 1938
AndersonAlta Mborn about 1905
AndersonGeorge Fborn about 1930
AndersonGladys born about 1900
AndersonHelen Maryborn about 1927
AndersonJohnny Lborn about 1939
AndersonOscar Aborn about 1925
ArcheyEdna Lborn about 1906
ArcheyJames Jborn about 1937
ArcheyLuther born about 1904
ArcheySally Mborn about 1939
ArmstrongLeah born about 1923
ArnoldHorace Eborn about 1892
ArnoldHorace Eborn about 1919
ArnoldRuth born about 1894
AshfordAnna born about 1885
AshfordGeorge Wborn about 1879
AshfordMyrtle Mborn about 1884

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B Surnames

BakerAlfus born about 1902
BakerAlice Fayeborn about 1938
BakerBarbara Annborn about 1935
BakerBertha Rborn about 1935
BakerCecil Mborn about 1904
BakerCecil Jr born about 1920
BakerClayton Aborn about 1938
BakerEsther Fborn about 1931
BakerEvelyn Mborn about 1931
BakerHal Dborn about 1927
BakerJohn Cborn about 1892
BakerJohn Loyalborn about 1933
BakerKeith Wborn about 1918
BakerLillie Maeborn about 1932
BakerMartha Nborn about 1929
BakerPhylis Mborn about 1929
BakerRay Wborn about 1931
BakerVerna Mborn about 1908
BakerViolet Louiseborn about 1928
BakerWanda Louborn about 1939
BallCatherine born about 1861
BallardAda Iborn about 1878
BallardAlmeda born about 1907
BallardEdward born about 1875
BallardElizabeth born about 1922
BallardThomas born about 1919
BallardVernie born about 1896
BarettWm born about 1870
BarkerHarry born about 1850
BarmanEarl Fborn about 1921
BarmanElsie Maeborn about 1934
BarmanFrank Cborn about 1893
BarmanLillian Mborn about 1901
BarmanLucy Aborn about 1928
BarmanMartha Iborn about 1927
BarmanMary Jborn about 1923
BarnardNatalie born about 1926
BaumgartnerDavid born about 1921
BaumgartnerEliz born about 1889
BaumgartnerGrover born about 1895
BaumgartnerHelen Lborn about 1859
BaumgartnerIra born about 1880
BaumgartnerIrene born about 1919
BaumgartnerMyrtle born about 1883
BaumgartnerP Aborn about 1855
BeckBetty Jeanborn about 1939
BeckGertrude Tborn about 1920
BeckJoseph born about 1920
BellDorthy Maeborn about 1925
BellLois Vborn about 1929
BellMarion Eborn about 1901
BellMeddie Mborn about 1900
BettisJohn Mborn about 1918
BizaillionAgnes born about 1910
BizaillionThos born about 1909
BoarmanAda born about 1896
BoarmanHerbert Nborn about 1920
BoarmanMartin born about 1894
BrownBlanche born about 1885
BrownEugene born about 1881
BrownHenry Sborn about 1915
BrownLue born about 1881
BrownRosa born about 1923

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C Surnames

CaizzleC Lborn about 1894
CaizzleDavid Rborn about 1938
CaizzleJoseph Dborn about 1926
CaizzleOra Eborn about 1895
CaizzleRalph Lborn about 1928
CannedyPearl Jborn about 1894
CannedyWade born about 1896
CannedyWarren Aborn about 1934
CatnatsyMindel born about 1917
ClothierAndy Cborn about 1924
ClothierArthur Dborn about 1937
ClothierBoby Eborn about 1934
ClothierCarl born about 1918
ClothierDora Wborn about 1886
ClothierLena Bellborn about 1928
ClothierNellie Mborn about 1906
ClothierRosella Mborn about 1908
ClothierThomas born about 1886
CoblynJames Aborn about 1934
CoblynWm Aborn about 1931
CochranAnna Kborn about 1894
CochranCurt born about 1885
CochranDean Mikeborn about 1932
CochranGene Ikeborn about 1932
CochranLeroy Bborn about 1913
CochranShirley Fborn about 1923
CorcoranJames born about 1869
CoxWanda Mborn about 1923

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D Surnames

DammAnna Fborn about 1933
DammChas Wmborn about 1931
DammEbert born about 1905
DammEbert Eborn about 1929
DammEmma Mborn about 1935
DammFlorence born about 1903
DammMary Vborn about 1937
DammMildred Sborn about 1938
DammNsadine born about 1928
DarAlva born about 1882
DarBertha Bborn about 1882
DarrEthel born about 1897
DarrFloyd Eborn about 1935
DarrFrancis born about 1898
DarrFrancis Jr born about 1929
DaumChas Cborn about 1908
DaumDarlene born about 1935
DaumDavid Cborn about 1930
DaumEmily Wborn about 1923
DaumEva born about 1883
DaumGeorge Fborn about 1909
DaumHelen Mborn about 1910
DaumHris born about 1870
DaumIrene born about 1916
DaumMary Elizborn about 1936
DaumPaul born about 1913
DaumRichard Cborn about 1895
DawdyChas born about 1878
DawdyKenneth born about 1907
DayRuth born about 1913
DixonErnest born about 1884
DixonFloyd Cborn about 1910
DixonHelen Mborn about 1915
DixonMaude born about 1884
DowdallCarrie Lborn about 1870
DowdallEd born about 1867
DowdallNancy Eborn about 1868
DowdallR Lborn about 1869
DunbarHurl born about 1886
DunbarIris Ivaborn about 1892
DunbarPaul Wmborn about 1926

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E Surnames

EdwardsAdrian born about 1919
EdwardsEleanor Bborn about 1917
EdwardsHoward born about 1919
EdwardsLucius Eborn about 1886
EdwardsMildred born about 1918
EdwardsMinnie Bborn about 1890

F Surnames

FairT Hborn about 1865
FarrellMargaret born about 1891
FarrellPhilip born about 1891
FieldsAyne born about 1938
FieldsCurtis born about 1916
FieldsGerald born about 1939
FieldsGeraldine born about 1920
FirriorWm born about 1902
FitteronAlva born about 1916

G Surnames

GallupHilda Kborn about 1900
GallupJunius Pborn about 1890
GallupMinnie Bborn about 1865
GallupSarah Fborn about 1860
GatesFrank born about 1867
GimmyJohn Kborn about 1920
GimmyJohn Oborn about 1875
GimmyMazie Mborn about 1895
GoeddeyGeorge born about 1911
GoeddeyMarguerite born about 1915
GrahamBetry Rborn about 1923
GrahamDavid Fborn about 1930
GrahamDorthy Mborn about 1928
GrahamGeorge Aborn about 1925
GrahamGeorge Wborn about 1901
GrahamGilda Fborn about 1901
GrahamHerbert Neilborn about 1933
GrahamJanie Louiseborn about 1938
GrahamKeith Kborn about 1937
GrahamLois Virginiaborn about 1926
GrissonLou born about 1890
GrissonPearl born about 1891
GrizzleWilbur Iborn about 1917
GrovesCharles Aborn about 1928
GrovesCharles Bborn about 1904
GrovesDorthy Jborn about 1931
GrovesLendell Tborn about 1937
GrovesMary Louiseborn about 1932
GrovesRobert Leeborn about 1934
GrovesRussel Aborn about 1929
GrovesTempa Mborn about 1907
GrummelLeo born about 1913

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H Surnames

HamiltonCarel Eborn about 1936
HamiltonElla Mborn about 1871
HamiltonH Wborn about 1868
HamiltonJames Oborn about 1907
HamiltonVeda Eborn about 1915
HardscastleJohn Rborn about 1883
HardscastleLucy Eborn about 1884
HardscastleM Cborn about 1911
HardwickChris Cborn about 1872
HardwickEarl born about 1910
HardwickJames born about 1914
HardwickMartha Lborn about 1876
HargissEverett Bborn about 1894
HargissFannie Dborn about 1864
HarrHerbert Wborn about 1893
HarrLouis Wborn about 1923
HarrVera Fborn about 1898
HarrisonChas Eborn about 1924
HartsookAnna Eborn about 1917
HartsookJohn Eborn about 1939
HartsookMelvin Cborn about 1915
HartsookMelvin Wborn about 1937
HavenJessie born about 1880
HerbertAlexander born about 1861
HobbsJoseph born about 1925
HubbardChardell born about 1926
HubbardEarl born about 1899
HubbardJimmy Joeborn about 1937
HubbardLucille born about 1905
HuntEdith Vborn about 1892
HuntGeorgie Mborn about 1882
HuntJames Cborn about 1889
HuntKate Mborn about 1856
HuntOrnan Cborn about 1887

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I Surnames

IsenhornRalph born about 1898
IsenhornRuby Lborn about 1902

J Surnames

JacksonWm born about 1875
JohnesseeClarence born about 1893
JohnesseeClinton born about 1916
JohnesseeElizabeth Maeborn about 1937
JohnesseeElla born about 1873
JohnesseeElla Aborn about 1926
JohnesseeEvelyn Lborn about 1915
JohnesseeJoseph Cborn about 1937
JohnesseeSadie Annborn about 1938
JohnesseeSussie born about 1894
JohnsonPaul Eborn about 1922
JonesMinnie born about 1879
JonettBarbara Annborn about 1938
JonettChester born about 1909
JonettRuth Eborn about 1919
JonettRuth Louiseborn about 1940
JumpAlice born about 1867

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K Surnames

KellyEdward Iborn about 1870
KellyHarry born about 1890
KellyHelen Lborn about 1929
KellyIda Lborn about 1890
KingElby born about 1921
KingImogene born about 1927
KingJohn born about 1862
KingLee Hborn about 1884
KingMinnie Mborn about 1886
KingPaul born about 1888
KingRuby born about 1891
KingThayne born about 1916
KirbachCarrolyn Jborn about 1938
KirbachEdmund Pborn about 1921
KirbachHelen born about 1915
KirbachHenry Cborn about 1887
KirbachHenry Fborn about 1914
KirbachHenry Lborn about 1927
KirbachLeonard Hborn about 1924
KirbachMary Aborn about 1897
KitsmillerBetty Louborn about 1934
KitsmillerCharles born about 1900
KitsmillerEd born about 1867
KitsmillerEdgar born about 1906
KitsmillerEmma born about 1873
KitsmillerMarguerite born about 1915
KittieHarriet Jborn about 1925
KittieHarry Hborn about 1885
KittieHenry Bborn about 1921
KittieHoward Sborn about 1919
KittieMary Bborn about 1928
KosterClement Aborn about 1911
KosterElla born about 1878
KosterGeorge born about 1870
KosterJohn Cborn about 1909
KosterMorbert Hborn about 1915
KuhnlineAndrew Sborn about 1925
KuhnlineElizabeth Aborn about 1927
KuhnlineFrancis Lborn about 1923
KuhnlineFrank Gborn about 1891
KuhnlineJoseph Hborn about 1933
KuhnlineMargaret Cborn about 1921
KuhnlineMary Cborn about 1937
KuhnlineThecla Eborn about 1896

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L Surnames

LangerAlvin born about 1884
LangerIda Mborn about 1888
LangworthyEleanor Rborn about 1912
LangworthyFred Cborn about 1913
LilesFannie born about 1910
LilesMelven born about 1908
LilesMelvin Jr born about 1932
LongmeyerC Eborn about 1910
LongmeyerClarence Jr born about 1939
LongmeyerHelen Bborn about 1910
LongmeyerLoyna Mborn about 1935
LongmeyerMary Hborn about 1932

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M Surnames

MaberyEsther Bborn about 1907
MaberyHenry born about 1910
MaberyNancy Eborn about 1935
MaberyNorman Cborn about 1939
MahollandBetty born about 1929
MahollandGrant born about 1865
MahollandHelen born about 1900
MahollandLaura born about 1862
MahollandLynn born about 1895
MantzHoward born about 1898
MarchallAudrey Mborn about 1911
MarchallGeorge born about 1912
MarchallGeorgia Aborn about 1933
McDannielsOrvile born about 1902
MeansRobert born about 1901
MeeksBlanche born about 1910
MeeksLodema born about 1921
MeeksVaugn born about 1913
MeidrumKenneth born about 1913
MeldrumAnne Eborn about 1934
MeldrumAnnie born about 1872
MeldrumChas born about 1897
MeldrumDorthy Jeanborn about 1940
MeldrumEdith born about 1899
MeldrumFloyd Gborn about 1910
MeldrumG Eborn about 1868
MeldrumHelen Eborn about 1912
MeldrumMary Kborn about 1938
MeldrumSamuel Jr born about 1936
MillerFred born about 1879
MilnesSinnie born about 1887
MilnesWalter born about 1887
MottazConstant born about 1859
MurielR Dayborn about 1907
MurrayEd Jborn about 1875
MurrayElizabeth Hborn about 1877

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N Surnames

NicholsJames born about 1870
NordAdam born about 1908
NordCatherine Mborn about 1902
NordJoseph Bborn about 1939

P Surnames

PaceLucile Lborn about 1917
PaceMarrion Lborn about 1936
PaceSharon Eborn about 1937
PaceTroy Lborn about 1914
PaceTroy Jr born about 1939
PageHarry born about 1873
PainterEverett born about 1903
PainterLeth born about 1906
PerringsRobert Wborn about 1919
PickettDoris born about 1938
PickettEdna born about 1910
PickettRalph born about 1896
PickettRalph Dr born about 1939
PinchIda born about 1871
PinkertonAndrew Oborn about 1924
PinkertonBonnie Pborn about 1922
PinkertonEtta Mborn about 1886
PinkertonHarry born about 1920
PinkertonHazel Dborn about 1920
PinkertonWalla born about 1887
PohlmanHelen Aborn about 1920
PollardBobert born about 1916
PowersBenny Aborn about 1891
PowersBenny Jr born about 1933
PowersOla Eborn about 1894
PowersRay born about 1930
PrangerDoris Eborn about 1930
PrangerGeorge born about 1872
PrangerGertrude born about 1896
PrangerHelen Mborn about 1921
PrangerHenry Jborn about 1931
PrangerIrene Cborn about 1926
PrangerJerome Hborn about 1918
PrangerJoseph Hborn about 1890
PrangerJoseph Hborn about 1924
PrangerMargaret born about 1873
PrangerMartin Fborn about 1896
PrangerTed Bborn about 1901
PriceAdrian Bborn about 1926
PriceGary Galeborn about 1939
PriceIna born about 1904
PriceLawrence born about 1903
PriceLawrence Aborn about 1933
PriceMaurice Hborn about 1923
PriceSophia Janeborn about 1931
PurlCallie Mborn about 1888
PurlChas Gborn about 1892
PurlMary Vborn about 1890

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R Surnames

RaweAsgnes Tborn about 1909
RaweBarbara Eborn about 1919
RaweElizabeth Annborn about 1935
RaweFrancis Jborn about 1912
RaweFred Aborn about 1907
RaweHenry Jborn about 1904
RaweLeo Aborn about 1909
RaweLucy born about 1882
RaweLucy Ruthborn about 1939
RaweMarjorie Rborn about 1920
RaweMary Agnesborn about 1938
ReadAdrian born about 1906
ReadWalter Lborn about 1916
ReedEdgar Lborn about 1882
ReedEtna Mborn about 1884
ReifHarold born about 1925
ReifJames born about 1919
ReifVerna Ruthborn about 1924
ReifWm born about 1891
ReischLouis born about 1886
ReischMary Eborn about 1891
RexsoatLeslie born about 1903
ReynoldsGladys born about 1895
ReynoldsMerrill Oborn about 1925
ReynoldsRoss born about 1893
ReynoldsSyndell Rborn about 1923
RhoadesFlorence born about 1906
RhoadesHelen Wborn about 1923
RhoadesLewy Fborn about 1930
RhoadesMary Mborn about 1932
RhoadesNorma Iborn about 1934
RhoadesRosalea born about 1938
RhoadesRoy Lborn about 1904
RiceBerne born about 1896
RiceEd born about 1875
RiceMagnolia born about 1872
RileyEva born about 1914
RobinsonBurris born about 1920
RobinsonDavid born about 1916
RobinsonJohn born about 1892
RobinsonLee Gborn about 1873
RobinsonNellie born about 1892
RothAlbert Aborn about 1932
RothAlberta Aborn about 1936
RothBernadine Aborn about 1925
RothCletus Lborn about 1938
RothFredrick Pborn about 1934
RothGerald Mborn about 1924
RothJerome Rborn about 1930
RothMargaret born about 1898
RothMatt born about 1899
RothRolland Jborn about 1928
RothVincent Cborn about 1926

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S Surnames

ScharfenbergErnst born about 1881
SchneltenAnne Maryeborn about 1894
SchneltenDoris Anneborn about 1928
SchneltenJohn Hborn about 1924
SchneltenJohn Wborn about 1885
SchneltenMary Francisborn about 1933
SchneltenRosalia Mborn about 1921
ScottA Wborn about 1858
ScottClara born about 1865
ScottClarence born about 1894
ScottElsie Tborn about 1889
ScottRoy Hborn about 1884
ScrubyMary Fborn about 1863
ShannonE Aborn about 1866
ShannonEffie Sborn about 1876
ShannonHarland born about 1911
ShannonIrene born about 1911
ShannonLucy Maeborn about 1910
ShannonMarilyn Joyceborn about
SieversClara Eborn about 1913
SieversJoe Bborn about 1938
SieversJoseph born about 1909
SieversRosemary born about 1936
SmithChas born about 1877
SteeleEugenia born about 1908
SteeleHarry born about 1877
SteeleIda born about 1877
StevensFelter born about 1901
StevensJames Wmborn about 1926
StevensonC Lborn about 1859
StevensonJohn Hborn about 1882
StevensonLucy Fborn about 1863
StoryH Cborn about 1898
StoryJames Wborn about 1928
StoryNellie born about 1895
StoryRoy Edwardborn about 1925
StoryVernon Wborn about 1932
SuttinThos born about 1871
SwiresCaroline born about 1876
SwiresFrankie born about 1908
SwiresJohn born about 1876
SwiresJohneny born about 1913

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T Surnames

TallferroKnola Vborn about 1889
TallferroLoyd Lborn about 1889
TapenEleanor Catherineborn about 1940
TapenGeneveive born about 1913
TapenPaul Fborn about 1911
TepenAdel Cborn about 1939
TepenAlfred Bborn about 1927
TepenAlvie Jborn about 1901
TepenAnna Mborn about 1928
TepenCatherine Mborn about 1930
TepenDorthy Lborn about 1932
TepenEsther Mborn about 1936
TepenFlossie Fborn about 1902
TepenVictor Aborn about 1934
TepenWilliam Bborn about 1906
ThaxtonEffie Mborn about 1886
ThaxtonElster Jborn about 1917
ThaxtonFreda Bellborn about 1926
ThaxtonMildred Fernborn about 1923
ThaxtonT Pborn about 1887
TurnerAlberta Mayborn about 1926
TurnerAlfred Eborn about 1927
TurnerBetty Louiseborn about 1929
TurnerEmery born about 1901
TurnerGilbert Pborn about 1937
TurnerHazel Ireneborn about 1924
TurnerLulu Belleborn about 1931
TurnerMildred Pborn about 1902

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V Surnames

VarbleAnna Lborn about 1928
VarbleAnnie born about 1881
VarbleC Pborn about 1870
VarbleCharles Elonborn about 1929
VarbleDoris Darleneborn about 1939
VarbleElen Mborn about 1898
VarbleHelen Mborn about 1932
VarbleMarlon Sborn about 1911
VarblePearl Aborn about 1908
VarbleZelma Lborn about 1931
VinyardAlbert born about 1871
VinyardArie Bborn about 1896
VinyardElizabeth born about 1877
VinyardFrancis Mborn about 1934
VinyardLloyd Eborn about 1903
VinyardLoren Fborn about 1911
VoilesJames born about 1891

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W Surnames

WadlowHoward born about 1917
WaggonerEd born about 1924
WaggonerFrances born about 1926
WaggonerJean born about 1928
WaggonerJr born about 1922
WeberAdam Dborn about 1909
WeberMissouri Sborn about 1911
WeberWayne Aborn about 1936
WebeyHerschel born about 1899
WebeyHershell Dborn about 1929
WebeyLille Mborn about 1902
WelhausenO Dborn about 1914
WellhausenAnna born about 1880
WellhausenFred Cborn about 1916
WellhausenJohn born about 1875
WellhausnAlma Bborn about 1919
WellhausnChris born about 1881
WellhausnDollie born about 1891
WellhausnJohn Rborn about 1935
WellhausnKeith Gborn about 1916
WellhausnR Cborn about 1924
WheelerLucile born about 1915
WittAddie Lborn about 1891
WittDorris Eborn about 1922
WittNeil Eborn about 1924
WittRorie Eborn about 1888
WolfingtonClark born about 1866
WollenweberGerald Tborn about 1935
WollenweberLeslie born about 1906
WollenweberLeslie Eborn about 1931
WollenweberMary born about 1907
WollenweberMary born about 1925
WollenweberRobert Dborn about 1937
WoodsBillie Dborn about 1930
WoodsDorthy Mborn about 1937
WoodsLouise born about 1919
WoodsNellie Mborn about 1883
WoodsRaymond born about 1911
WoodsRuth born about 1912
WoodsTroy born about 1909
WoodsVirginia Mborn about 1932
WoodsW Tborn about 1885
WrightBarbara Lborn about 1933
WrightBul Cborn about 1901
WrightDonald Dborn about 1927
WrightFrances born about 1925
WrightRuth Jborn about 1903
WyattJefferson born about 1884

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Y Surnames

YanitzPaul born about 1870

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