1940 U.S. Federal Census of Literberry Township, Morgan, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Literberry Township

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BalsleyOdessa born about 1894
BarberHarrison Bborn about 1924
BarberLeo Hborn about 1892
BarberLilliam Bborn about 1892
BeaversChauncey Aborn about 1873
BeaversEliza Sborn about 1876
BeaversFarida Hborn about 1909
BeaversJames Rborn about 1909
BeaversShirley Aborn about 1933
BeavisBlanche Lborn about 1916
BeavisGeorge Rborn about 1938
BeavisHarry Lborn about 1912
BeavisNorma Jborn about 1936
BeckeumGloria Dborn about 1940
BeckeumViola born about 1911
BournBessie Eborn about 1891
BournDale Vborn about 1922
BournVinton Lborn about 1887
BranerNewton born about 1862
BranotBessie Jborn about 1906
BranotHazel Iborn about 1925
BranotJoy Vborn about 1903
BromerIona Hborn about 1901
BromerLee Oborn about 1900
BromerPorter Lborn about 1920
BromerRoland Kborn about 1929
BrownEdgar Dborn about 1882
BrownMargaret Jborn about 1921
BrownVallie Mborn about 1880
BurmeisterJohn Rborn about 1882
BurmeisterNettie Aborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CampbellEva Aborn about 1877
CampbellHarry Lborn about 1919
CampbellJohn Lborn about 1871
ChapmanAlbert Rborn about 1929
ChapmanAlma Mborn about 1935
ChapmanIla Mborn about 1937
ChapmanLola Vborn about 1906
ChapmanLynn born about 1934
ChapmanOrville Lborn about 1910
ChapmanRobert Pborn about 1939
ChapmanRussell Eborn about 1927
CiterElizabeth Rborn about 1871
CoatesNellie born about 1872
CookCyrus born about 1878
CrumCecil Cborn about 1920
CrumDoris Wborn about 1929
CrumEdith born about 1893
CrumEverett Lborn about 1923
CrumF Eleanorborn about 1918
CrumH Durrellborn about 1881
CrumM Carlineborn about 1922
CrumMarion born about 1917
CrumMattie born about 1870
CrumOrrin Wborn about 1929
CrumOrville Lborn about 1881
CrumWilma born about 1898

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D Surnames

DanieleLelia Bborn about 1896
DanieleWarren Wborn about 1894
DanielsCora Mborn about 1889
DanielsIrene Lborn about 1921
DanielsJohn Mborn about 1887
DeatonWilliam Eborn about 1863
DeckerAlbert born about 1926
DeckerGeorge born about 1889
DeckerGertrude born about 1892
DeckerJune born about 1935
DeckerMary born about 1932
DeckerMildred born about 1924
DeckerOpal born about 1922
DeckerRaymond born about 1921
DeckerRuth born about 1929
DeckerSarah born about 1868
DodsworthFrank Sborn about 1874
DraughnElbert born about 1899
DraughnEugene born about 1931
DraughnFranklin Dborn about 1935
DraughnIrene born about 1928
DraughnMargaret born about 1903
DraughnNova Eborn about 1937
DraughnStanley born about 1926
DraughnWalda born about 1930
DunlopG Alvinborn about 1872

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E Surnames

ElliasArmida Gborn about 1890
ElliasCharles Gborn about 1919
ElliasCharles Hborn about 1885
ElliasMildred Jborn about 1920

F Surnames

FagleLon born about 1891
FagleMildred Lborn about 1906
FastenJames Wborn about 1878
FastenMeroll Lborn about 1921
FastenPaulina born about 1892
FlahartyFranklin Rborn about 1928
FortadoDorothy born about 1921
FortadoIrene born about 1891
FortadoJoseph born about 1888

G Surnames

GabhartChester Wborn about 1912
GabhartIrwin Eborn about 1940
GabhartLucille born about 1917
GoodrickClarence Dborn about 1883
GoodrickMaude Jborn about 1887
GoodrickMerlin Eborn about 1922

H Surnames

HarneyCoy born about 1921
HopperJasper born about 1923
HorrisCorolotto Deanborn about 1935
HorrisElizabeth born about 1914
HorrisJohn born about 1913
HorrisJohn Lewisborn about 1937
HorrisRichard Coyborn about 1939
HorrisShirley Anneborn about 1938

J Surnames

JewsburyAmanda born about 1874
JewsburyHenry Cborn about 1866
JewsburyMary Cborn about 1858
JewsburyTirzah Iborn about 1872
JohnsonAlberta Mborn about 1919
JohnsonOtha Eborn about 1939
JohnsonOtha Lborn about 1910
JohnsonPatricia Aborn about 1939
JohnsonRaymond born about 1919

K Surnames

KershawAlma Bborn about 1900
KershawArthur Mborn about 1900
KershawO Deanborn about 1923

L Surnames

LindsayHella Rborn about 1878
LindsayLester born about 1914
LindsayWilliam Hborn about 1881
LiterAlbert Wborn about 1865
LiterHoward Fborn about 1874
LiterRufina born about 1859
LiterWilma born about 1896
LockhartFrancis Eborn about 1907
LockhartJohn born about 1873
LockhartMary Eborn about 1878
LockhartRobert Wborn about 1911
LonerganAlice Vborn about 1895
LonerganCornelius Eborn about 1889
LonerganLydia Lborn about 1925
LonerganWilber Wborn about 1923
LowdenJames Bborn about 1869
LoweDonald born about 1923
LoweLyle born about 1924
LoweryEverett Lborn about 1926
LoweryGoldie Bborn about 1904
LoweryHarry Lborn about 1897
LoweryTressie Jborn about 1934
LoweyBertha born about 1917
LoweyCharles Aborn about 1870
LoweyElla Nborn about 1873
LoweyHelen born about 1915
LoweyJames Lborn about 1939

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M Surnames

MartinMary Eborn about 1921
MartinRollin Eborn about 1921
MaulGertrude Eborn about 1898
MaulJohn born about 1921
MaulMora born about 1876
MaulRaymond Hborn about 1922
MaulRoy Hborn about 1897
MayesKatherin born about 1909
MayesThomas Cborn about 1904
McKinleyBetty Aborn about 1933
McKinleyElinor Bborn about 1936
McKinleyMelba Lborn about 1932
McKinleyRay Eborn about 1926
McKinleyRobert Lborn about 1928
McKinleyStella born about 1904
McKinleyVernon born about 1904
McKinleyVernon Jborn about 1925
McKinleyWilma Gborn about 1930
MeadowsBonnie Pborn about 1908
MeadowsHarvey Lborn about 1934
MeadowsHerbert Rborn about 1930
MeadowsRichard Hborn about 1927
MillonAlice born about 1904
MillonCarroll Wborn about 1933
MillonJames Rborn about 1903
MillonRobert born about 1868
MillonRobert Eborn about 1931
MorreyHam born about 1882
MorrisClarence born about 1921
MorrisGeneva born about 1916
MorrisLena Hborn about 1881
MorrisRichard born about 1924
MorrisRobert Eborn about 1925
MorrisThena born about 1891
MorrissMilton Mborn about 1886
MurphyFrances born about 1922
MurphyHubert Gborn about 1918
MurphyLora born about 1891
MurphyMarilan Jborn about 1940
MyersEarl Jborn about 1894
MyersJohn Gborn about 1852
MyersMae born about 1887
MyersMargaret Eborn about 1899
MyersSue Eborn about 1929

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O Surnames

OdafferHarold born about 1921
OlroydAlva Eborn about 1877
OlroydBert born about 1878
OlroydLoyce Wborn about 1917
OlroydSamuel Hborn about 1909

P Surnames

PetefishAna Mborn about 1885
PetefishBetty Jeanborn about 1929
PetefishDavid Hborn about 1940
PetefishDewey Hborn about 1899
PetefishDona Rborn about 1938
PetefishEsther Eborn about 1907
PetefishEthel Eborn about 1907
PetefishHarold Lborn about 1934
PetefishHarry Wborn about 1874
PetefishHelen Lborn about 1916
PetefishIvan Iborn about 1906
PetefishJ Haroldborn about 1905
PetefishLora Dborn about 1885
PetefishMargaret Kborn about 1937
PetefishOrville Oborn about 1894
PetefishRaymond Gborn about 1920
PetefishRuth Mborn about 1925
PetefishVera Eborn about 1913
PetefishWendell born about 1926
PeveyJames Hborn about 1865
PeveyMary Eborn about 1923
PeveySarah Rborn about 1867
PondCarolyn born about 1923

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R Surnames

RatliffAlfongo born about 1883
RatliffGertha Bborn about 1887
RayLydia Aborn about 1851
ReedDonald Dborn about 1935
ReedFranklin Eborn about 1932
ReedRemona Mborn about 1929
RexroatAlden Eborn about 1916
RexroatAllen born about 1919
RexroatAnna Bborn about 1884
RexroatEdward Lborn about 1879
RexroatElise Fborn about 1881
RexroatGeorge Aborn about 1937
RexroatHenry Fborn about 1921
RexroatHilda born about 1915
RexroatMargaret Eborn about 1914
RexroatRuth born about 1924
RexroatW Earlborn about 1884
RichardNina Mborn about 1893
RoachCharles Cborn about 1890
RoachMollie Eborn about 1896

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S Surnames

SchillingerEleanor Mborn about 1908
SchillingerFloyd Jborn about 1912
ShepherdMcclellan born about 1865
SmithArthur Cborn about 1896
SmithEmma Cborn about 1857
SmithThelma Lborn about 1900
SorrillAudrey Mborn about 1918
SorrillBertha Lborn about 1886
SorrillBetty Fborn about 1921
SorrillDorothy Dborn about 1925
SorrillGloria Dborn about 1938
SorrillJames Aborn about 1913
SorrillMarvin born about 1917
SorrillMary Cborn about 1919
SorrillMary Louborn about 1939
SorrillWilliam Lborn about 1885
StewartBradford Aborn about 1898
StewartVirgie Jborn about 1899

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T Surnames

TaylorFrancis Lborn about 1932
TaylorMyrtle Cborn about 1928
TaylorRoselle born about 1929

W Surnames

WegehoftAllen Tborn about 1922
WegehoftCecil Hborn about 1896
WegehoftMargaret Eborn about 1895
WegehoftRichard Hborn about 1923
WhileNettie born about 1871
WhiteCharles Wborn about 1938
WhiteDavid Eborn about 1934
WhiteDelores Iborn about 1939
WhiteEdward born about 1911
WhiteFlorence Jborn about 1912
WhiteJohn Aborn about 1935
WhiteJoseph Eborn about 1932
WhiteMary Iborn about 1931
WilliamsCharles Rborn about 1935
WilliamsDona Jborn about 1932
WilliamsInez born about 1908
WilliamsJanice Mborn about 1939
WilliamsLeon born about 1929
WilliamsMilton born about 1903
WillisAlice Aborn about 1915
WillisGeorge born about 1903
WillisMary Lborn about 1937
WillisMitchell born about 1892
WilsonBenjamin Hborn about 1890
WilsonFanny born about 1894
WrightManilla Eborn about 1899
WrightRuel Aborn about 1900

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Y Surnames

YoungEarnest Gborn about 1873
YoungPearl born about 1883
YoungWriley born about 1858

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