1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mason Township in Effingham County, Effingham, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Effingham County > 1940 Census of Mason Township in Effingham County

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsEva born about 1888
AdamsHarry born about 1882
AdamsI Oborn about 1867
AdamsJames Oborn about 1929
AdamsRuth born about 1885
AlexanderMary born about 1869
AlexanderRebecca born about 1866
AlfredCharlotte born about 1882
AlfredLong born about 1875
AllanBlanch born about 1889
AllanDave born about 1886
AllanDora born about 1889
AllanEarl born about 1919
AllanGlenda born about 1933
AllanInez born about 1908
AllanJohn born about 1917
AllanJohn Gillison Jrborn about 1925
AllanJohn Gillison Srborn about 1855
AllanLloyd born about 1907
AllanRichard born about 1924
AllanShirley born about 1921
AllenIris born about 1916
AllenJames born about 1884
AllenStella born about 1883
AltmanCharles Lborn about 1911
AltmanDonald Wborn about 1924
AltmanMary born about 1882
AltmanOrville Gborn about 1914
AltmanWilliam Tborn about 1904
AmosBetty born about 1929
AmosCleta born about 1924
AmosDonald born about 1926
AmosDoris born about 1932
AmosGloria Dborn about 1940
AmosLilley Jborn about 1899
AmosMelvin born about 1923
AmosMinnie born about 1901
AndersonAndrew born about 1877
AndersonAnna born about 1883
AndersonRennie Cborn about 1883
AndersonRose born about 1888
AngelBenny born about 1932
AngelGeorge born about 1918
AngelHarriet born about 1896
AngelJessie Mayborn about 1921
AngelMayne born about 1926
AngelRaymond born about 1920
AngelWilliam born about 1892
AnglenThomas born about 1858
AnglinEdward Cborn about 1869
AnglinMatilda Jborn about 1884
AputisAlfred born about 1912
AputisChristine born about 1939
AputisEvelyn born about 1912
AputisMaggie born about 1880
AputisMike Jr born about 1910
AputisMike Sr born about 1881
ArnoldAnna born about 1902
ArnoldEffie Jborn about 1872
ArnoldWalter Wborn about 1904
AshtonFlora born about 1880
AshtonOlin born about 1908
AsmanAlva Eborn about 1880
AsmanGernon Lborn about 1920
AsmanMary born about 1888
AtterberryNettie born about 1879
AtterberryNettie born about 1927
AtterburyAdele born about 1939
AtterburyBetty Jborn about 1937
AtterburyClayton born about 1935
AtterburyJames born about 1917
AtterburyLeroy born about 1933
AtterburyLodema born about 1911
AustinEdward born about 1893
AustinLulu Belleborn about 1936
AustinMattie born about 1921
AustinMyrtle born about 1896
AustinScottie born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyBernard born about 1914
BaileyIva born about 1905
BaileyJessie Bborn about 1890
BaileyLogan born about 1879
BakerAaron born about 1906
BakerCharles born about 1875
BakerClara born about 1914
BakerDarrel born about 1939
BakerGeorge born about 1879
BakerHoward born about 1911
BakerKenneth born about 1937
BakerLela born about 1882
BakerMary born about 1904
BakerVera born about 1921
BaldwinBarbara born about 1870
BaldwinBetty Jborn about 1931
BaldwinElizabeth born about 1895
BaldwinFlossie born about 1907
BaldwinHoward born about 1932
BaldwinOtto born about 1894
BaldwinVerlin born about 1905
BarhamPatty born about 1905
BarkerGertrude born about 1877
BartelsAnna Lborn about 1925
BartelsArthur Hborn about 1896
BartelsBernice Lborn about 1932
BartelsBertha Dborn about 1895
BartelsCarl Wborn about 1928
BartelsCecil born about 1938
BartelsClarence Aborn about 1923
BartelsLola Cborn about 1921
BartelsMonroe Lborn about 1930
BartelsNora Bborn about 1920
BartelsWalter Leeborn about 1940
BartelsWilbur born about 1936
BartleyAlice born about 1873
BartleyAnna born about 1920
BartleyWilbur born about 1866
BearElla born about 1870
BearJoseph born about 1858
BearMartha born about 1872
BeccusElberta Aborn about 1933
BeccusLoretta born about 1939
BeccusLouise born about 1910
BeccusMartin born about 1903
BellAda Fborn about 1886
BellAdele Dborn about 1926
BellDarrell Wborn about 1919
BellGlenn Eborn about 1924
BellWilliam born about 1882
BeyersJohn Wborn about 1870
BilbruckLuke born about 1854
BillowsCatherine born about 1875
BillowsFred born about 1913
BillowsRobert born about 1915
BinghamDavid Cborn about 1875
BinghamEverette Jborn about 1913
BinghamTeenie born about 1875
BirchEdwin born about 1905
BirchJosephine born about 1909
BirchMaggie born about 1868
BirchNora Jborn about 1928
BirchRoy born about 1867
BirchWalter born about 1900
BluntAlexander born about 1879
BooneGeorge Oborn about 1872
BordersHenry born about 1867
BosticJenny born about 1864
BovardCharles born about 1897
BovardGlen born about 1928
BovardMarilyn born about 1931
BovardVera born about 1906
BoyceEmma born about 1864
BoyceJohnny born about 1863
BoyerAlvin born about 1933
BoyerElla born about 1931
BoyerFreda born about 1911
BoyerNettie born about 1937
BoyerRichard born about 1901
BradfordAlice born about 1926
BradfordBetty born about 1923
BradfordCharles born about 1923
BradfordClara born about 1904
BradfordDumas born about 1903
BradfordElizabeth born about 1905
BradfordGrace born about 1904
BradfordHerbert born about 1879
BradfordHerbert Dborn about 1938
BradfordJaletta born about 1928
BradfordJames born about 1931
BradfordJoan born about 1936
BradfordLeon born about 1902
BradfordLeroy born about 1905
BradfordMaud born about 1913
BradfordWilliam born about 1937
BradleyDaisy born about 1887
BradleyWilliam born about 1886
BrentBritta born about 1884
BrentRobert born about 1870
BrewerAlfred born about 1895
BrewerAnnie born about 1895
BrewerCharles Hborn about 1929
BrewerJohn Wborn about 1926
BrewerRobert Oborn about 1925
BrockettOliver born about 1873
BroomAlice born about 1919
BroomAnna Bborn about 1928
BroomBlenda born about 1940
BroomEdith born about 1925
BroomElizabeth born about 1866
BroomGrace Lborn about 1889
BroomHerschel born about 1915
BroomJesse born about 1888
BroomJohn born about 1858
BroomSarah Bborn about 1925
BroomVale born about 1923
BroomWarren born about 1926
BrownBetty born about 1927
BrownElenor born about 1925
BrownScottie born about 1896
BrownSophia born about 1903
BrummerBetty Cborn about 1939
BrummerClarence born about 1926
BrummerDoris born about 1937
BrummerEdward Nborn about 1929
BrummerFreda Mborn about 1906
BrummerJoe Hborn about 1904
BrummerLouis Jborn about 1922
BrummerNorma Jborn about 1933
BrummerWilliam born about 1924
BryantOtis born about 1919
BuchholzFred born about 1887
BuchholzMary Eborn about 1924
BuchholzMaurice born about 1921
BuchholzMyrtle born about 1888
BuchholzNorma Jborn about 1927
BucholzMelvin born about 1919
BucholzSharon born about 1939
BucholzTheta born about 1909
BuellFlora born about 1884
BuellMary Lborn about 1918
BuellPerce born about 1883
BuhrmannHenrietta born about 1927
BuhrmannHenry born about 1885
BuhrmannMildred born about 1911
BulholtzBen born about 1895
BulholtzBillie born about 1932
BulholtzEileen born about 1925
BulholtzFranklin born about 1924
BulholtzJohn Rossborn about 1861
BulholtzJohn Wborn about 1893
BulholtzMinnie born about 1900
BulholtzThelma born about 1918
BurchFloyd born about 1861
BurchKatie born about 1865
BurgessBerniece born about 1908
BurgessEarl born about 1904
BurgessHelen born about 1937
BurgessLeroy born about 1932
BurgessNellie born about 1928
BurgessRalph born about 1935
BurgessRobert born about 1939
BurgessWilliam born about 1930
BurkeChesley born about 1858
BurkeEmma born about 1868
BurkeHaven Eugeneborn about 1928
BurkeHaven Sr born about 1900
BurkeJames born about 1862
BurkeMarie born about 1902
BurkeRose Irisborn about 1935
BurtonHarry born about 1906
BurtonLarene born about 1910
BurtonVirginia born about 1932
BushurCharles born about 1925
BushurCharles Jr born about 1906
BushurDarrell born about 1937
BushurDona Mborn about 1937
BushurFlorence born about 1910
BushurGertrude born about 1899
BushurGladys born about 1913
BushurHerman born about 1906
BushurJames born about 1881
BushurJames born about 1934
BushurJames Aborn about 1937
BushurLarry Lborn about 1935
BushurLeo born about 1895
BushurLota born about 1888
BushurRalph born about 1927
BushurRichard Eborn about 1933
BushurRonald Dborn about 1933
BushurShirley Aborn about 1938
BushurVirgil born about 1922
ByersCarl born about 1914
ByersCorliss born about 1917
ByersDonna born about 1940
ByersLinna born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellCarol Aborn about 1935
CampbellEdna born about 1909
CampbellFrank Wborn about 1921
CampbellGlen born about 1901
CampbellGlenera born about 1926
CampbellJessie Mborn about 1924
CampbellJune born about 1931
CampbellLois Rborn about 1925
CampbellMary born about 1929
CampbellOliver Mborn about 1892
CampbellRaymond born about 1921
CarrollMike born about 1905
ChahanSapronia born about 1863
ChamberlainBernice born about 1893
ChamberlainFrank born about 1892
ChamberlainJohn born about 1921
ChamberlainRalph born about 1897
CheatamFred born about 1890
CheatamVella born about 1885
CherryDella born about 1875
CherryJohn born about 1886
ChestnutBernadine born about 1926
ChestnutJohn born about 1923
ChestnutMaude born about 1887
ChestnutNorma born about 1928
ChestnutWilliam born about 1888
ClarClar Jr born about 1932
ClarGeneva born about 1912
ClarPaul Dborn about 1937
ClarRuffner born about 1898
ClarUrban Bborn about 1935
ColeElizabeth born about 1868
ColeWilliam born about 1853
ComptonDorothy Iborn about 1925
ComptonEvelyn Eborn about 1927
ComptonLucian born about 1899
ComptonMildred born about 1894
ConnLaura born about 1873
ConnWalter born about 1868
CornwellAudis born about 1916
CornwellCharlotte born about 1934
CornwellHarry born about 1913
CornwellRonald Dborn about 1936
CoxMary Cborn about 1859
CrawfordJohn Mborn about 1890
CreekCharles born about 1869
CrittendenLeon born about 1875
CrittendenThomas born about 1869
CrowderBarbara born about 1902
CrowderRalph born about 1926
CrowderThomas born about 1895
CrushAda born about 1867
CulleyGertie born about 1875
CulleyHarry born about 1876
CulleyLeone born about 1914
CulleyNora born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DamonFrank Rborn about 1875
DamonKathleen born about 1879
DanksGeorge Jr born about 1913
DanksJoyc born about 1912
DavidsonFannie born about 1874
DavidsonJohnathan born about 1865
DavisArnold born about 1912
DavisBeth born about 1912
DavisEthel born about 1894
DavisMary born about 1858
DavisPaul born about 1892
DavisRobert born about 1918
DavisSarah Lborn about 1871
DebaultCharles Aborn about 1893
DebaultCharles Eborn about 1919
DebaultDelmar Dborn about 1918
DebaultDonald Oborn about 1927
DebaultEmma born about 1891
DebaultNorma Mborn about 1929
DebaultOpal Vborn about 1924
DentonBurl born about 1910
DentonDoris born about 1936
DentonJune born about 1931
DentonMarie born about 1910
DentonNorma Jborn about 1924
DepoisterHarl born about 1924
DewDonna Aborn about 1932
DewThomas born about 1889
DickensRoderick born about 1931
DickmanElizabeth born about 1917
DonaldsonCharley born about 1880
DonaldsonEd born about 1869
DonaldsonNellie born about 1876
DonaldsonNellie born about 1885
DouglasLucian born about 1864
DravesWilliam born about 1888
DuckwitzJohanna born about 1855
DunnEdd born about 1880
DurreDon Iborn about 1936
DurreEdward born about 1872
DurreFrank born about 1870
DurreFreda Oborn about 1903
DurreGerald Eborn about 1928
DurreMonoro Bborn about 1875
DurreSophia born about 1875
DurreWalter Eborn about 1903
DurreeGeorge born about 1890
DurreeGlenn born about 1934
DurreeKenneth born about 1915
DurreeLulu born about 1893
DyeHarley born about 1893
DyeMaud born about 1894
DyeS Mborn about 1858
DyerDean born about 1931
DyerEarl born about 1898
DyerJoe born about 1928
DyerMarie born about 1907
DyerStella born about 1875

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E Surnames

EarnestHallie born about 1885
EarnestHazel born about 1925
EarnestRoyal born about 1929
EarnestWallace born about 1922
EarnestWilliam Hborn about 1891
EdwardsAnn born about 1864
EdwardsBeverly born about 1939
EdwardsDorothy born about 1913
EdwardsLeo born about 1908
EdwardsLeo Jr born about 1937
EdwardsSidney born about 1934
EidentAlice born about 1918
EidentCharles born about 1920
ElliottCharlotte born about 1920
ElliottDale born about 1915
ElliottRoy Fborn about 1897
ElliottStella born about 1900
ErnstAllie born about 1868
ErnstAugust born about 1880
ErnstBetty born about 1925
ErnstEvie born about 1886
ErnstFrances Eborn about 1916
ErnstFrank born about 1888
ErnstMary born about 1923
ErnstNellie born about 1890
ErnstRichard born about 1867
ErvinNellie born about 1877
ErvinVernon born about 1913
EtchasonCarl born about 1918
EtchasonCharles born about 1915
EtchasonClifford born about 1911
EtchasonHenry born about 1920
EtchasonJulia born about 1892
EtchasonKenneth born about 1903
EtchasonLeah born about 1904
EtchasonLoren born about 1908
EtchasonVelma born about 1923
EtchesonAlice born about 1907
EtchesonCarl born about 1930
EtchesonCharles born about 1928
EtchesonWilliam Cborn about 1899
EvansBeulah born about 1904
EvansCarl born about 1933
EvansDella born about 1874
EvansFanny born about 1856
EvansMaud born about 1884
EvansNannie born about 1876
EvansRay born about 1904
EvansWilliam born about 1875
EverettCharles born about
EverettLoren born about 1936
EverettLouise born about 1915
EverettPaul born about 1935
EverettRenes born about 1912

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F Surnames

FaganDaisy born about 1906
FaganMartha Eborn about 1932
FaganMary Cborn about 1939
FaganWalter born about 1905
FaremanElba born about 1868
FaremanJoseph born about 1865
FieldRaleigh born about 1896
FieldRebecca born about 1875
FlickEtta born about 1899
FlickJohn born about 1897
FolowellCarson born about 1881
FolowellLester born about 1920
FolowellMattie born about 1891
ForemanAlma born about 1886
ForemanArlin Kborn about 1921
ForemanCharles born about 1890
ForemanClarence born about 1892
ForemanNeta born about 1899
FranklinIvah Dborn about 1877
FranklinWellington born about 1875
FriendAndrew born about 1878
FriendFlorence born about 1896
FuchsMamie born about 1863
FunderMartha born about 1877

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G Surnames

GaudetJoseph Cborn about 1909
GelsingerElsie born about 1888
GelsingerIra born about 1886
GerbelLaura Eborn about 1904
GerbelLewis Aborn about 1898
GerbelThomas born about 1858
GharstDora born about 1907
GharstJohn born about 1908
GharstJohn Sr born about 1870
GharstLora Leeborn about 1934
GharstLulu born about 1883
GharstThomas Cborn about 1878
GibbsCharles born about 1866
GibbsDoris born about 1933
GibbsGerty born about 1872
GibbsHorace born about 1872
GibbsIrene born about 1869
GillespieAnna born about 1919
GillespieDora born about 1880
GillespieJames Eborn about 1908
GillespieKern born about 1909
GillespieLeoroy Gborn about 1939
GillespieLinda Lborn about 1937
GillespieLora born about 1935
GillespieLowanda born about 1932
GillespieMerle Lborn about 1930
GillespieSopha born about 1909
GillisAnna born about 1876
GillisClarence born about 1877
GillisElvin born about 1872
GilmoreBernadean born about 1923
GilmoreDona Galeborn about 1938
GilmoreDonald born about 1915
GilmoreElba born about 1910
GilmoreErastus born about 1878
GilmoreFern born about 1918
GilmoreHarold born about 1908
GilmoreHenry born about 1880
GilmoreHenry Jr born about 1920
GilmoreJake born about 1905
GilmoreJohn born about 1862
GilmoreLina born about 1863
GilmoreMarie born about 1914
GilmoreMary born about 1884
GilmoreMary Eborn about 1909
GilmoreMinnie born about 1920
GilmoreRena born about 1913
GilmoreVictoria born about 1885
GoddardHazel born about 1891
GoddardMabel born about 1883
GoddardRichard born about 1887
GoensCharles born about 1936
GoensCharley born about 1906
GoensRuby born about 1919
GoodknightAlice born about 1859
GrathBetty born about 1936
GrathFrank born about 1923
GrathJames born about 1927
GrathMabel born about 1899
GrathWilliam Fborn about 1889
GrearAvie born about 1937
GrearAvon born about 1937
GrearDale born about 1931
GrearDonald born about 1930
GrearGoldie born about 1932
GrearIva born about 1907
GrearLee born about 1928
GrearPatrick born about 1935
GrearRodney born about 1933
GrearWilliam born about 1890
GrearYvonne born about 1929
GriederNettie born about 1887
GriederWilliam born about 1863

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H Surnames

HaleSerilda Cborn about 1866
HammondJohn Hborn about 1915
HardinCarol born about 1928
HardinIsach born about 1906
HardinPhilena born about 1925
HardinSaxon born about 1927
HardinZella Leeborn about 1931
HardsockBruce born about 1879
HardsockEdward born about 1869
HardsockFred born about 1908
HardsockGrace born about 1911
HardsockHeneretta born about 1885
HardsockMae born about 1879
HardsockMattie born about 1875
HardsockRobert Eborn about 1866
HarrellAleda born about 1910
HarrellRandall born about 1908
HaseleyAdolph born about 1916
HaseleyArnold born about 1912
HaseleyEmma born about 1910
HaseleyJohanna born about 1880
HaysAnna Belleborn about 1925
HaysArthur Fborn about 1892
HaysClematine born about 1927
HaysEunice born about 1929
HaysGuy born about 1935
HaysHugh Fborn about 1923
HaysMaxine born about 1934
HeiserJames born about 1928
HenryElla born about 1885
HenryJohn Jborn about 1886
HethCharles born about 1872
HethKate born about 1876
HigginbothamCharles born about 1908
HigginbothamFrances born about 1908
HigginbothamRichard Eborn about 1931
HigginbothamWayne Dborn about 1933
HiggsAlma Mborn about 1922
HiggsDelmar born about 1916
HiggsFrances born about 1882
HiggsGeneva born about 1920
HiggsJohn born about 1877
HiggsOdress born about 1909
HiggsOma born about 1917
HildibrandBernadine born about 1930
HildibrandClyde born about 1902
HildibrandEdith born about 1908
HildibrandIlene born about 1927
HinkleAlta Rborn about 1939
HinkleHarry born about 1900
HinkleJohn Mborn about 1861
HinkleOscar born about 1897
HinkleSarah Mborn about 1901
HitesDavid born about 1908
HitesFern born about 1936
HitesGeorgia born about 1939
HitesGeorgia Lborn about 1918
HitesGlenn born about 1931
HitesRussel born about 1930
HobbsJohn Hborn about 1861
HobbsMary Kborn about 1875
HobbsMyrtle born about 1884
HockmanAlbert born about 1886
HockmanHelen born about 1937
HockmanJanice born about 1936
HockmanNina born about 1925
HockmanRobert born about 1931
HockmanTressa born about 1900
HodgeCharley born about 1895
HodgeCharline born about 1923
HodgeGeorge born about 1861
HodgeGeorgie born about 1935
HodgeSarah born about 1858
HoffmanBetty born about 1925
HoffmanDolly born about 1897
HoffmanJohn born about 1926
HoffmanLois born about 1925
HoffmanLorene born about 1928
HoffmanMary born about 1888
HoffmanOscar born about 1879
HoffmanSherman born about 1900
HoffmanWilma born about 1926
HollandJ Hborn about 1863
HookerCora Mborn about 1880
HookerHarry born about 1869
HorathAlfred born about 1914
HorathAndrew born about 1878
HorathBetty born about 1894
HorathDorothey born about 1933
HorathLeo Gborn about 1936
HorathNellie Bborn about 1938
HorathNolen born about 1925
HorathPansy born about 1931
HorathRoy Eborn about 1929
HorathThelma born about 1927
HorathVernie born about 1922
HutsonChester Aborn about 1925
HutsonGrover born about 1895
HutsonJaunita born about 1936
HutsonJohn Cborn about 1923
HutsonJustus Jborn about 1932
HutsonMary Eborn about 1919
HutsonTina Mborn about 1897
HutsonTina Mborn about 1927

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J Surnames

JinksDale born about 1937
JinksDorothy born about 1904
JinksOrville born about 1898
JinksOrville Jr born about 1924

K Surnames

KapnerAlva born about 1880
KatzCatherine born about 1914
KatzFred Allenborn about 1938
KatzGeorge born about 1903
KavanaughDeme born about 1864
KavanaughDick born about 1886
KayertsMary born about 1877
KeelerAline born about 1898
KeelerClyde born about 1924
KeelerGenevieve born about 1930
KeelerLois born about 1927
KeelerRaymond born about 1898
KellarBeverly born about 1935
KellarEvelyn born about 1932
KellarJackie born about 1933
KellarSylvia born about 1914
KellarWandron born about 1913
KellyEdna born about 1881
KestersonEmma born about 1894
KestersonThelma born about 1927
KincadeEtha born about 1881
KincadePhyllis born about 1931
KincadeThomas born about 1879
KirbyBertha born about 1926
KirbyElza born about
KirbyElzon Hborn about 1893
KirbyEva born about 1899
KirbyJohn born about 1911
KirbyMary born about 1929
KirbyMay born about 1888
KirbyRay born about 1909
KirbyRichard born about 1934
KirbyRobert born about 1929
KirbySidney born about 1923
KlingerAlta born about 1922
KlingerDarrell born about 1925
KlingerEffie born about 1903
KlingerFred born about 1893
KlingerGrace born about 1900
KlingerHerman born about 1893
KlingerMalissa born about 1930
KlingerNora born about 1856
KlingerOma born about 1929
KlingerWilliam Vborn about 1933
KodisClematine born about 1890
KodisLillian born about 1929
KodisPeter born about 1919
KodisStanley born about 1878
KramerBernard born about 1939
KramerHenry born about 1919
KramerMary born about 1920
KrohnAlice born about 1864
KrohnAnna born about 1886
KrohnJacob born about 1893
KrohnKate born about 1864
KrugerHerman born about 1902
KuhlmanAlice born about 1934
KuhlmanBarney born about 1871
KuhlmanBarney born about 1900
KuhlmanBarney born about 1927
KuhlmanCarrolann born about 1940
KuhlmanDewey born about 1868
KuhlmanDonald born about 1923
KuhlmanDorothy born about 1924
KuhlmanEmma born about 1863
KuhlmanGerald born about 1939
KuhlmanIrene born about 1928
KuhlmanJean born about 1937
KuhlmanJohn born about 1895
KuhlmanJohn born about 1933
KuhlmanMarcella born about 1916
KuhlmanMary born about 1931

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L Surnames

LagerhamAnna born about 1883
LagerhamHenry born about 1883
LagerhausJoseph born about 1911
LagerhausVera born about 1912
LandrethAdrian born about 1916
LandrethBessie born about 1883
LandrethCharles born about
LandrethCharley born about 1890
LandrethDean born about 1909
LandrethDean Jr born about 1938
LandrethHelen born about 1921
LandrethJane born about 1861
LandrethJohn born about 1873
LandrethKenneth born about 1937
LandrethMorris born about 1853
LandrethRoberta born about 1937
LandrethVictoria born about 1866
LawsonJohn Lborn about 1870
LawsonLouise Hborn about 1888
LaysonRoy born about 1884
LaysonStella born about 1886
LaytonInez born about 1899
LaytonKatherine born about 1921
LaytonPhillis born about 1930
LaytonRalph born about 1898
LaytonThomas born about 1919
LeathermanHarve born about 1855
LeeAlta born about 1907
LeeJohn born about 1906
LeeJohn Wesleyborn about 1928
LeeRobert Nborn about 1933
LeibnitzFred Wborn about 1869
LeibnitzLeta born about 1881
LeibnitzMargaret born about 1872
LeithAllen born about 1856
LeithCarol Mborn about 1937
LeithDonald Aborn about 1932
LeithKenneth Rborn about 1907
LeithMargaret born about 1882
LeithMildred Fborn about 1907
LeithWall R Oborn about 1880
LeslieEstheleen born about 1875
LeslieJones born about 1870
LewisLarene born about 1924
LilleyEstella born about 1901
LilleyJohn Dborn about 1884
LilleyNeva born about 1914
LilleyOrrin born about 1923
LilleySue Gborn about 1888
LilleyWilliam born about 1889
LittletonClara born about 1889
LoganBeaulah born about 1895
LoganCallie Mborn about 1888
LoganCharles born about 1919
LoganGeorge born about 1865
LoganLouise Eborn about 1916
LoganMary born about 1921
LoganOra Oborn about 1888
LoganRosa Mborn about 1874
LongEugene born about 1923
LongfordCharles Wborn about 1928
LowderCharlott Mborn about 1930
LowderFlorence born about 1877
LowderMaggie Eborn about 1888
LowderNovita Pborn about 1929
LowderOwen Gborn about 1887
LowderRobert born about 1874

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M Surnames

MacklinHariet born about 1934
MacklinMarie born about 1908
MacklinOscar born about 1906
MacklinWilliam born about 1939
MahonEllis born about 1885
MahonMax Wborn about 1939
MahonRosa Lborn about 1904
MahonRosemary born about 1937
MaierEthel born about 1912
MaierFred born about 1872
MaierLewis born about 1921
MaierMinnie born about 1874
MaierWalter born about 1900
MarionJohn Revborn about 1883
MarshallAda born about 1878
MarshallJoseph born about 1888
MartinBetty Eborn about 1928
MartinBetty Lborn about 1925
MartinBetty Louborn about 1921
MartinCurtis Jborn about 1910
MartinFreda born about 1889
MartinHarvey born about 1891
MartinHelen Marieborn about 1912
MartinHomer born about 1888
MartinJames Rborn about 1907
MartinLee born about 1896
MartinMargaret born about 1900
MartinMary born about 1914
MartinMary Aborn about 1925
MartinNannie born about 1869
MartinNaomi Eborn about 1898
MartinPatricia Lborn about 1928
MartinRay born about 1920
MartinRobert born about 1910
MartinThelma born about 1911
MatlockClinton born about 1923
MatlockHazel born about 1922
MatlockLeroy born about 1930
MatlockRay born about 1892
MatlockRuth born about 1897
MatlockVelma born about 1921
MaycroftGeorge born about 1878
MaycroftGerald born about 1922
MaycroftKatie born about 1880
McArtorAlbert born about 1893
McArtorCecil born about 1929
McArtorDonald born about 1923
McArtorFrances born about 1926
McArtorJohn born about 1898
McArtorJohn born about 1928
McArtorLucy born about 1901
McArtorOpal born about 1924
McElroyDella born about 1883
McElroyEdward born about 1890
McGeeJames born about 1924
McGeeJanice born about 1924
McGeeLorna Lborn about 1927
McGlassonJohn Wborn about 1937
McGlassonRhea born about 1902
McManawayAnn born about 1858
McManawayArthur born about 1891
McManawayClaude born about 1901
McManawayClaudine born about 1934
McManawayEarl born about 1936
McManawayHarry born about 1896
McManawayMarie born about 1915
McManawayWilliam born about 1886
McQuireLesta born about 1885
MeansLori born about 1859
MesnardBlanch born about 1884
MesnardCharles born about 1922
MesnardCharles Eborn about 1881
MesnardEarl born about 1920
MesnardGlenn born about 1926
MesnardIva Jborn about 1930
MesnardMartha Mborn about 1888
MesnardWalter born about 1881
MettlerEmma born about 1869
MeyerPatricia born about 1933
MichaelCharles born about 1892
MichaelCharles born about 1922
MichaelHelen born about 1924
MichaelMabel born about 1895
MichaelWayne born about 1932
MikalortisCharles born about 1885
MikalortisRosa born about 1894
MillerBeatrice born about 1911
MillerCharley born about 1893
MillerLenard Rborn about 1938
MillerLoretta Fborn about 1938
MillerMarion born about 1935
MillerMary Eborn about 1934
MillsEdna born about 1900
MillsRalph born about 1896
MillsRodger born about 1925
MillsRomena born about 1853
MitchellBertha born about 1882
MitchellHomer born about 1882
MonahanBetty Jborn about 1928
MonahanGeorge Jr born about 1933
MonahanLucille born about 1906
MonahanMarianne born about 1931
MooreIrene born about 1932
MorrisCarol Kborn about
MorrisDoris born about 1934
MorrisFaneta born about 1909
MorrisGerald born about 1909
MorrisGeraldine born about 1931
MorrisHoward born about 1913
MorrisJerald Leeborn about
MorrisPatrica born about 1936
MorrisPhilomena born about 1915
MorrisonElizabeth Aborn about 1930
MorrisonEma born about 1909
MorrisonGeorge Rborn about 1934
MorrisonJulian C Jrborn about 1932
MorrisonJulian Sr born about 1906
MorrisonValetta Fborn about 1929
MortonAllen born about 1931
MortonCharles born about 1884
MulburgerFred Eborn about 1864
MulburgerFred Rborn about 1919
MulburgerHarry born about 1888
MundyFlora born about 1883
MundyOrville born about 1903
MurphyCharles born about 1923
MurphyCora born about 1886
MurphyLaurence born about 1921
MurphyMary born about 1926
MurphyThomas born about 1884
MurphyThomas born about 1919
MurphyVearley born about 1905
MushowJennie born about 1891
MushowOtto Aborn about 1882
MyersCharles born about 1926
MyersCora born about 1886
MyersDonald born about 1924
MyersEzra born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaveEugene born about 1878
NelsonDonald born about 1907
NelsonDonald Leeborn about 1931
NelsonRuth born about 1910
NelsonSue Annborn about 1938
NoneArthur born about 1885
NoneCarl born about 1918
NoneLola born about 1885
NorbertAdolph born about 1919
NorbertLloyd born about 1921
NorrisRose born about 1867
NorrisWilliam born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OderBetty Jborn about 1924
OderChester Rborn about 1883
OderGehl born about 1936
OderGuy Gborn about 1915
OderJohn born about 1919
OderLola born about 1891
OderLyle Dborn about 1930
OderSybyl born about 1933
OdonnellAmanda born about 1878
OdonnellBarbara born about 1937
OdonnellCharles born about 1915
OdonnellEileen born about 1916
OdonnellEssie born about 1875
OdonnellFrances born about 1914
OdonnellMarie born about 1900
OdonnellMax born about 1931
OdonnellMichael born about 1869
OlearyIsabelle born about 1900
OlearyMichael born about 1885
OlearyMichael Jr born about 1931
OsmanCharles born about 1911
OsmanDean born about 1917
OsmanEvyln born about 1919
OsmanGary Eborn about 1939
OsmanGehl Dborn about 1937
OsmanIone born about 1909
OsmanIva born about 1891
OsmanJames born about 1887
OsmanLeta born about 1927
OsmanMalinda born about 1860
OsmanPhyllis born about 1931
OsmanWilliam born about 1909
OterJoe born about 1908
OwensAlna born about 1886
OwensClay born about 1920
OwensElenor born about 1923
OwensEvan born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageLowery born about 1895
PageTheresa born about 1890
ParkerEthel born about 1896
ParkerMatilda born about 1876
ParksBessie born about 1910
ParksBetty born about 1931
ParksEdna born about 1936
ParksGrace born about 1902
ParksJohn Oborn about 1904
ParksMinor born about 1911
ParksMinor Jborn about 1939
ParksTheodore born about 1929
ParksWilliam Lborn about 1934
PaughAlbert born about 1909
PaughAnna born about 1872
PaughWilliam born about 1873
PeckClay born about 1891
PeckGerald born about 1914
PeckLowell born about 1919
PeckMaud born about 1897
PeckMorris born about 1913
PeckNannie born about 1896
PeckRichard born about 1892
PeckWilliam Mborn about 1935
PembertonClay born about 1881
PembertonEmma born about 1887
PetersCharles Rborn about 1935
PetersJames Hborn about 1937
PetersKenneth born about 1939
PetersonAugusta born about 1845
PhiesterAnna born about 1873
PhillipsFrank born about 1874
PhillipsLaverna born about 1924
PhillipsNellie born about 1900
PhillipsNorma Dborn about 1929
PratherBetty Jborn about 1940
PratherCleo born about 1908
PratherDeloris born about 1932
PratherEugene born about 1936
PratherLa Verne born about 1934
PratherMayrse born about 1922
PratherRadell born about 1931
PratherRalph born about 1908
PratherVerl born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuestAnna born about 1867
QuestGeorge born about 1860

R Surnames

RagelGrace born about 1872
RagelJames born about 1865
RagelLeo born about 1912
ReadAnna born about 1884
ReaderCarl born about 1917
ReaderLorene born about 1918
ReaderMelba born about 1938
ReadyBarbara born about 1930
ReadyCharles born about 1925
ReadyDale born about 1936
ReadyDorothy born about 1898
ReadyEmma born about 1867
ReadyFloyd born about 1924
ReadyJerry born about 1939
ReadyJohn born about 1934
ReadyLaura born about 1902
ReadyLynn Wborn about 1907
ReadyMyrtle born about 1909
ReadyUrban born about 1932
ReadyWarren born about 1897
ReadyWilliam Aborn about 1900
ReadyWilmeta born about 1924
RedderEdna born about 1904
RedderEdward born about 1928
RedderEsta born about 1925
RedderEvelyn born about 1930
RedderLoyd born about 1933
RedderNadine born about 1936
RedderWilliam born about 1903
ReddingCecil born about 1924
ReddingCharles born about 1890
ReddingDwight born about
ReddingHazel born about 1927
ReddingJean born about 1884
ReddingJohn Mborn about 1935
ReddingLawanda born about 1924
ReddingRichard born about 1919
ReddingVerna born about 1887
ReddingViva born about 1891
RedmanElias born about 1880
RedmanGertie born about 1892
ReeceHelen born about 1916
ReeceLyle born about 1910
ReedDolly born about 1873
ReedDora born about 1883
ReedMitchell Eborn about 1880
ReiceLaura born about 1873
ReiceSteven born about 1871
ReidMary Janeborn about 1864
ReidRalph born about 1900
ReynoldsCharles born about 1872
ReynoldsElizabeth born about 1876
RiceArlin Lborn about 1936
RiceMuneis born about 1900
RiceNed born about 1895
RiceRuth Eborn about 1929
RiceTed born about 1922
RichardsonEugene born about 1921
RiddingEliza born about 1867
RipleyDevone born about 1907
RipleyNaomi born about 1910
RipplingerDorothy born about 1923
RipplingerMargaret born about 1900
RipplingerSamuel born about 1894
RipplingerVivian born about 1926
RobbinsJoella born about 1916
RobertsonBlanche born about 1921
RobertsonBobay born about 1931
RobertsonCharles born about 1876
RobertsonCharles Eborn about 1934
RobertsonDonny Dborn about 1938
RobertsonEdwin born about 1919
RobertsonElmer born about 1906
RobertsonEugene born about 1922
RobertsonGerald born about 1915
RobertsonHazel born about 1909
RobertsonLaura born about 1872
RobertsonMary Lborn about 1930
RobertsonOscar born about 1872
RobertsonZelma born about 1882
RobinsonEunice born about 1891
RobinsonHenry born about 1882
RobinsonLorene born about 1926
RoedlBertha born about 1888
RoedlCharles born about 1927
RoedlHarold born about 1918
RoedlJohn born about 1884
RoedlJohnny born about 1923
RoedlLoretta born about 1929
RoedlVelma born about 1913
RogersClaude born about 1903
RogersClifford Eborn about 1927
RogersEffie Eborn about 1887
RogersElla Rosettaborn about 1940
RogersErma Jborn about 1930
RogersFlossie born about 1903
RogersGeorge born about 1875
RogersGeorge born about 1918
RogersLouise born about 1922
RogersLoyd born about 1920
RogersPearl born about 1925
RogersVivian born about 1934
RogersWanda born about 1926
RogersZola born about 1929
RoseAlice born about 1860
RoseCharles born about 1901
RoseClifford born about 1896
RoseConstance Eborn about 1939
RoseHazel born about 1927
RoseMadeline born about 1900
RoseShirley born about 1937
RoseThomas Fborn about 1910
RoseWilma born about 1920
RoseZora born about 1900
RowbothamElzora born about 1858
RowbothamThomas born about 1883
RoyLarne born about 1909
RushDelphus born about 1901
RushHarold born about 1933
RushHazel born about 1905
RushKenneth born about 1930
RushLee born about 1938
RushMae Bborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalzmanGeorge born about 1898
SalzmanGlayds born about 1909
SalzmanJanelda born about 1927
SalzmanVivian born about 1929
SandersHarold born about 1905
SappAnna born about 1880
SappArtie Jborn about 1925
SappBobby born about 1925
SappCecil Rborn about 1913
SappCharles born about 1929
SappDaniel born about 1927
SappDean born about 1940
SappEdith born about 1899
SappJoie Dborn about 1933
SappLinda born about 1937
SappRobert born about 1875
SappRuby Mborn about 1918
SappTed born about 1902
SappTevas born about 1923
SappTheodore born about 1930
SappVeva born about 1901
SappVivian born about 1935
SappWanda Lborn about 1934
SappWesley born about 1898
SchaferWilliam born about 1856
SchoenJoseph born about 1868
SchoenburgCarl born about 1882
SchoenburgFrance born about 1880
SchoenburgJoshephine born about 1850
SchoenburgLettie born about 1884
SchramHerman Cborn about 1889
SchramPearl born about 1892
SeatonLottie born about 1873
SegrisBonnie Iborn about 1935
SegrisDorothy born about 1910
SegrisEarl born about 1911
SemanLola born about 1892
SemanWade Lborn about 1930
SemanWilliam Jborn about 1880
SenetRuth born about 1909
SeniorCleo born about 1913
SeniorDorothy Jborn about 1939
SeniorHarold born about 1907
SeniorHarold Lborn about 1931
SeniorJimmy born about 1924
SeniorKeith born about 1932
SeniorLulu Maeborn about 1918
SeniorMartin born about 1912
SeniorPatrica born about 1935
SettleBarbara born about 1936
SettleCharles born about 1896
SettleDora born about 1904
SettleFrank born about 1912
SettleMinda born about 1882
SettlePhilip born about 1927
SettleRobert born about 1925
ShahanElizabeth born about 1868
ShreneLeta born about 1909
ShreneVern born about 1911
ShumacherNellie Eborn about 1886
ShumacherRay Aborn about 1880
ShumacherWarden Aborn about 1918
ShumakerClayton born about 1916
ShumakerGeorge Wborn about 1870
ShumakerJames born about 1934
ShumakerRosa born about 1878
ShumakerVerna born about 1914
SiddensCurtis born about 1866
SiddensF Wborn about 1866
SiddensMarjorie born about 1909
SiddensRobert Lborn about 1929
SiddensRoy born about 1905
SiddensVadie born about 1882
SiebertGeorge born about 1888
SiebertHildegard born about 1924
SiebertMarie born about 1886
SiebertNorman born about 1922
SiebertWilbur born about 1919
SingerJosephine born about 1910
SingerWilliam born about 1905
SissonHarry born about 1875
Smith??? born about 1902
SmithBess born about 1896
SmithChester born about 1888
SmithDale born about 1931
SmithDorris born about 1925
SmithEdna born about 1913
SmithFlora Tborn about 1871
SmithIva born about 1891
SmithJoseph born about 1893
SmithJune born about 1935
SmithKeith born about 1921
SmithLoren born about 1924
SmithLouise born about 1862
SmithMabel born about 1933
SmithMable born about 1932
SmithNina born about 1924
SmithOscar born about
SmithPaul Jborn about 1901
SmithVista born about 1887
SprouseJesse born about 1876
SprouseNellie born about 1883
SpurlinCharlotte born about 1903
SpurlinEmma born about 1867
SpurlinWright born about 1876
StalineHenry born about 1866
StalineIdah born about 1866
SteeleAlice born about 1882
SteeleArdnel Rborn about 1925
SteeleBurle born about 1879
SteeleHubert Rborn about 1893
SteeleIna Sborn about 1899
SteeleLawrence Eborn about 1932
SteeleMary Aborn about 1930
SteeleRobert Tborn about 1928
SteinAleda born about 1927
SteinBelva born about 1932
SteinFred born about 1890
SteinFredrick born about 1925
SteinMaude born about 1898
StephensAndrew born about 1916
StephensHelen born about 1917
StephensThomas born about 1939
StewartAvis born about 1912
StewartDwain Rborn about 1939
StewartRay born about 1913
SuckowBernice born about 1935
SuckowGertrude born about 1906
SuckowLeslie born about 1932
SuckowMarvin born about 1928
SuckowWilliam born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TibbsClarence born about 1893
TibbsHenry born about 1920
TibbsWilliam born about 1889
TonnAlbert born about 1932
TonnElizabeth born about 1888
TonnEmelia born about 1893
TonnErnest born about 1898
TonnEsther born about 1928
TonnMarvin born about 1931
TonnPaul born about 1892
TonnRuth born about 1930
TonnValarie born about 1926
TonnWayne born about 1925
TowlesClifford Lborn about 1932
TowlesDarrell Gborn about 1925
TowlesEileen Wborn about 1924
TowlesFern born about 1905
TowlesGlenn Dborn about 1934
TowlesLester born about 1904
TowlesLois Iborn about 1927
TowlesRosa Mborn about 1873
TowlesVelma Lborn about 1930
TryDonald born about 1921
TuckerFred born about 1894
TuckerOlive born about 1887
TuckerVirgina born about 1924
TurmanAlfred born about 1874
TurmanMary born about 1887
TurnerBertha born about 1892
TurnerCharles born about 1891
TurnerEmma born about 1861
TurnerHenry born about 1860
TynerMinnie born about 1862
TynerWilliam born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanhooserGeneva born about 1906
VanhooserNorman born about 1939
VanhooserRussell Rborn about 1932
VanpeltClara Maeborn about 1931
VanpeltDonny born about 1933
VanpeltElba Juneborn about 1926
VanpeltGertrude born about 1890
VanpeltJohn Jr born about 1906
VanpeltJohn Sr born about 1851
VanpeltNona born about 1904
VanpeltRita Roseborn about 1937
VanpeltRobert born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadeAlfred born about 1878
WadeClara born about 1883
WagonerEva Bborn about 1917
WagonerPersy born about 1914
WagonerRheba Aborn about 1939
WalkerAlice born about 1916
WalkerRobert born about 1917
WeaverBeulah born about 1918
WeaverEdger born about 1883
WeaverZura born about 1885
WeberFanny born about 1859
WeberGeorge born about 1856
WebsterBennie Lborn about 1932
WebsterGladys born about 1928
WebsterJessee born about 1888
WebsterMadona born about 1922
WebsterRosa born about 1896
WebsterVera born about 1926
WelchBertha born about 1912
WelchCarl born about 1932
WelchLee Hborn about 1905
WelchMartha born about 1930
WhartonBernice born about 1910
WhartonDoris born about 1915
WhartonDorris born about 1928
WhartonEthel born about 1904
WhartonEugene born about 1930
WhartonJohn G Jrborn about 1930
WhartonJohn G Srborn about 1908
WhartonLester born about 1912
WhartonLetha born about 1927
WhartonLinden Bborn about 1935
WhartonMary born about 1878
WhartonNaldi born about 1929
WhartonNicholas Eborn about 1873
WhartonOra born about 1901
WhartonPearl born about 1908
WhartonRaleigh born about 1903
WheatleyFannie born about 1892
WheatleyFred born about 1880
WheatleyHazel Mborn about 1901
WheatleyJames born about 1899
WheatleyJohn born about 1891
WheatleyLaura Aborn about 1918
WheatleyMernie born about 1886
WheatleyRichard born about 1927
WhiteHershel born about 1920
WildeEllen born about 1929
WildeFlorence born about 1923
WildeMarion born about 1924
WildeMarjorie born about 1926
WildeWilliam born about 1894
WildeWilliam Jr born about 1932
WilliamsFlorence born about 1883
WilliamsLem born about 1877
WilsonAdelaide born about 1869
WilsonBourlie born about 1876
WilsonEdd born about 1870
WilsonEdith Mborn about 1911
WilsonEdward born about 1884
WilsonEdward Fborn about 1876
WilsonErmine born about 1908
WilsonFrank Vborn about 1870
WilsonGeneieve Aborn about 1939
WilsonHazel born about 1918
WilsonHomer born about 1885
WilsonJoe born about 1884
WilsonJohn Aborn about 1904
WilsonJohn Lborn about 1867
WilsonLulu born about 1875
WilsonOtis born about 1913
WilsonPearl born about 1895
WilsonPearl born about 1913
WilsonRoss born about 1870
WilsonZella born about 1881
WinesCora born about 1882
WinesElmer Nborn about 1899
WinesJohn born about 1864
WinesJordan born about 1900
WinesRichard born about 1918
WoodHeneretta born about 1890
WrightElla born about 1867
WriterJulia born about 1852

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakoviczAlex born about 1876
YakoviczBruno born about 1921
YakoviczKleofassa born about 1890
YatesEarl born about 1901
YatesJohn Hborn about 1878
YatesRosa Lborn about 1878
YatesVera born about 1902
YattanMaud born about 1900
YattanRobert born about 1900

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