1940 U.S. Federal Census of Meacham, Marion, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Marion County > 1940 Census of Meacham

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBetty born about 1919
AdamsElmer born about 1884
AdamsNora Mborn about 1919
AdamsRena Lborn about 1897
AdamsRufus Wborn about 1916
AdamsThomas born about 1862
AdamsWesley born about 1896

B Surnames

BalkeMary born about 1878
BenningEmma born about 1925
BenningNellie born about 1907
BenningRaymond born about 1903
BlainNelle Hborn about 1892
BlainOlin Wborn about 1895
BostonAndrew Jborn about 1880
BostonIsaac born about 1871
BostonJames Rborn about 1922
BostonMarion born about 1922
BostonMary Eborn about 1887
BostonRobert Cborn about 1884
BostonU Rochelleborn about 1918
BousemanDorothy Cborn about 1912
BousemanJohn Tborn about 1870
BousemanJohn Wborn about 1928
BousemanMarion born about 1880
BousemanMaude born about 1883
BousemanMollie Oborn about 1870
BousemanRalph born about 1908
BousemanRichard born about 1936
BousmanHoward born about 1914
BraselAllen Lborn about 1924
BraselAlta Dorisborn about 1929
BraselMarion Pborn about 1933
BraselMary Iborn about 1933
BraselPaul Bborn about 1898
BraselSylvia Fborn about 1901
BrayNoel Eborn about 1925
BrimberryClifford Pborn about 1927
BrimberryDorothy born about 1924
BrimberryEdna Mborn about 1899
BrimberryGarland born about 1930
BrimberryGladys born about 1936
BrimberryLeroy Gborn about 1920
BrimberryRolla Eborn about 1901
BrimberryWalter Hborn about 1925
BrownIris born about 1905
BrownRose born about 1867
BurkettAnnie born about 1886
BurkettBetty Lborn about 1932
BurkettForrest Eborn about 1926
BurkettFrank born about 1881
BurkettGene Eborn about 1928
BurkettLa Donna Gborn about 1934
BurkettLayman born about 1889
BurkettLewis Dborn about 1897
BurkettOrville born about 1903
BurkettRobert Jborn about 1930
BurkettRose Mary Aborn about 1937
BurkettSarah Eborn about 1897
BurkettVirgil born about 1923
ButtsAddaline Mborn about 1908
ButtsAlpha Dborn about 1938
ButtsBernice Bborn about 1912
ButtsBobby Dborn about 1931
ButtsBurdette Oborn about 1932
ButtsDelma Jborn about 1928
ButtsDelmar born about 1912
ButtsEdith born about 1901
ButtsElery born about 1906
ButtsEllis born about 1873
ButtsGeorge Eborn about 1924
ButtsGerald Eborn about 1925
ButtsIda born about 1890
ButtsLaverne Yborn about 1937
ButtsMaria Eborn about 1867
ButtsMary Arlethaborn about 1939
ButtsMike born about 1897
ButtsOmar Mborn about 1936
ButtsOna born about 1906
ButtsOrion born about 1896
ButtsOrion Jr born about 1928
ButtsPete born about 1897
ButtsQuinton Cborn about 1939
ButtsRosetta Hborn about 1934
ButtsWanda born about 1924
ButtsWilliam M Srborn about 1867

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C Surnames

CampbellGeorge born about 1875
CampbellSusannah born about 1885
CombsBetty Cborn about 1935
CombsDewey born about 1898
CombsDorothy born about 1929
CombsEstel Gborn about 1920
CombsEsteline Lborn about 1938
CombsFern Aborn about 1906
CombsHarry born about 1939
CombsLila Fborn about 1939
CombsLola Mborn about 1939
CombsMary born about 1900
CombsMary Pborn about 1936
ConantBilly born about 1924
CoppleAlbert Nborn about 1874
CoppleAnnie born about 1880
CoppleHugh born about 1911
CoppleOlga born about 1920
CoursonArthur born about 1909
CoursonDavid Iborn about 1870
CoursonDorothy born about 1928
CoursonEarl born about 1894
CoursonEmma born about 1859
CoursonEverett Lborn about 1931
CoursonGrover Cborn about 1891
CoursonHarley born about 1937
CoursonIva born about 1904
CoursonJohns Sborn about 1884
CoursonLulu Vborn about 1888
CoursonMattie born about 1871
CoursonMildred born about 1935
CoursonMinnie born about 1910
CoursonRichard born about 1939
CoxCharles born about 1884
CoxJames Iborn about 1880
CoxLou Mborn about 1881
CoxMartha born about 1893
CrainCarl Charlesborn about 1921
CrainCarrol born about 1938
CrainEffie born about 1902
CrainFreddie Eugeneborn about 1925
CrainHelen Janetteborn about 1939
CrainHilda born about 1917
CrainLoren Cborn about 1916
CrainMelvin born about 1938
CrainNaomi born about 1914
CrainOllie Oborn about 1912
CrainRita Juneborn about 1937
CrainRuben born about 1893
CrosleyAmelia born about 1874
CrosleyEdward born about 1872
CrosleyWalter Eborn about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DevoreIvan Lborn about 1920
DewerffBertha born about 1894
DillonEdward Gborn about 1879
DillonGrace Mborn about 1881
DippoldArkel Rborn about 1930
DippoldEdith Eborn about 1909
DippoldJean Aborn about 1932
DippoldRaymond born about 1906
DunbarEldon born about 1891
DunbarJunia born about 1893

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E Surnames

EdwardsJane born about 1876
EdwardsWilliam Hborn about 1868
EngelAugust Gborn about 1897
EngelCalvin Aborn about 1932
EngelCarrol Wborn about 1927
EngelCharles Eborn about 1929
EngelDelores Lborn about 1931
EngelJean Aborn about 1938
EngelLarry Lborn about 1939
EngelLaverne Mborn about 1924
EngelLidia Lborn about 1902
EngelLouis Eborn about 1937
EngelMary Belleborn about 1934
EngelMelvin Cborn about 1922
EngelMinerva Mborn about 1926

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F Surnames

FarrellCornelius born about 1871
FarrellDoris Nborn about 1938
FarrellElsworth Hborn about 1923
FarrellHarley Lborn about 1921
FarrellJames Lborn about 1928
FarrellLee Jborn about 1897
FarrellMinnie Eborn about 1900
FarrellMitchell Rborn about 1937
FarrellMrytle Eborn about 1888
FarrellTheodore Cborn about 1930
FarrellWesley Sborn about 1932
FarrisCarder Sborn about 1874
FarrisMary born about 1873
FellerEdith born about 1885
FellerEvelyn born about 1922
FellerEzra born about 1890
FinkboneAlice Raeborn about 1939
FinkboneAvanelle born about 1917
FinkboneCharles Rborn about 1881
FinkboneDonald Aborn about 1938
FinkboneFern born about 1918
FinkboneGerald Lborn about 1936
FinkboneJohn born about 1915
FinkboneOrvill Pborn about 1912
FinkboneWanda Lborn about 1939
FinkboneZola Mborn about 1934
FogersonEdna Iborn about 1891
FogersonGrover born about 1888
FogersonLydia born about 1887
FogersonRoy Lborn about 1891
FoglerCarrie Mborn about 1894
FoglerCharles Eborn about 1888
FoglerCharles Lborn about 1920
FoglerPaul Mborn about 1913
FoglerRichard Eborn about 1915
FoglerWilliam Hborn about 1910
FollowellHenry Cborn about 1873
FollowellMary born about 1885
FollowellOlive born about 1912
FordCarrol born about 1936
FordDonald born about 1902
FordEdith born about 1908
FordEugene born about 1873
FordGilbert born about 1903
FordMartha born about 1880
FultonJames Aborn about 1915
FultonJames Hborn about 1937
FultonRuth Eborn about 1913
FultonRuth Eborn about 1936
FultonThelma Eborn about 1940

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G Surnames

GambillJohn Aborn about 1874
GambillMae born about 1873
GentryC Earlborn about 1919
GentryClayton Sborn about 1927
GentryFreda born about 1901
GentryLizzie born about 1861
GentryShelley Wborn about 1891
GentryWilliam Dborn about 1932
GigarDella Pborn about 1898
GigarHenry born about 1892
GoenNettie born about 1882
GreenEvelyn Mborn about 1929
GreenFlorence Eborn about 1901
GreenWilliam Eborn about 1888
GreenWilliam Hborn about 1925
GreenwoodEarl born about 1898
GreenwoodKaye Eborn about 1937
GreenwoodLois Kborn about 1901
GreenwoodMerle born about 1926

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H Surnames

HammondForrest born about 1895
HammondLylyan born about 1901
HampstenClark born about 1916
HampstenErvin born about 1893
HampstenGlenn Eborn about 1923
HampstenLily Mborn about 1896
HampstenVera Mborn about 1925
HampstenVirgil Lborn about 1920
HamptonCharles born about 1900
HanbaumAudrey born about 1927
HanbaumCharlotte born about 1935
HanbaumErnest born about 1899
HanbaumKenneth born about 1925
HanbaumMary born about 1905
HanbaumOren born about 1927
HanbaumWilliam born about 1928
HanksAlvin born about 1881
HanksBlanche born about 1906
HanksDonald Leeborn about 1936
HanksG Galeneborn about 1933
HanksJames Eborn about 1918
HanksLela Eborn about 1903
HanksMasel born about 1902
HarrellEdwin born about 1876
HarrellEugene born about 1916
HarrellImogene Rborn about 1922
HarrellMary Eborn about 1873
HarrisElva born about 1904
HarrisFrank Sborn about 1863
HarrisOra Bborn about 1873
HarrisRuby born about 1924
HassebrockAnna Louborn about 1935
HassebrockAnna Mborn about 1892
HassebrockEarl Aborn about 1928
HassebrockErnie Mborn about 1926
HassebrockHenry Fborn about 1924
HassebrockMartin Hborn about 1887
HawkeyClifford Vborn about 1904
HawkeyEdward Pborn about 1873
HawkeyJoan Iborn about 1939
HawkeyLyle Leeborn about 1936
HawkeyMarlene Jborn about 1935
HawkeyMaude Eborn about 1878
HawkeyNita Fborn about 1910
HawkeyVivian Lborn about 1922
HayesAlfred Eborn about 1907
HayesGeneva Mborn about 1915
HayesJimmie Wborn about 1938
HayesNorma Jeanborn about 1935
HeicherBertha born about 1898
HeicherDora born about 1887
HeicherEdd born about 1893
HeicherGeneval born about 1922
HeicherLeonard born about 1912
HeicherMerle Jborn about 1913
HenningClaud born about 1885
HenningElizabeth born about 1855
HohltElno born about 1906
HohltFenton born about 1910
HohltFlorence born about 1909
HohltFred born about 1868
HohltJackie Leeborn about 1931
HohltJeannette Eborn about 1930
HohltLinda born about 1900
HolzhausenFred Pborn about 1882
HolzhausenMartha Mborn about 1885

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I Surnames

IngramArgola Aborn about 1899
IngramBetty Mborn about 1937
IngramBobby Fborn about 1937
IngramCarolyn Jborn about 1939
IngramCecil Eborn about 1920
IngramDale Bborn about 1924
IngramEdward Aborn about 1892
IngramGlenn Gborn about 1922
IngramLois Gborn about 1930
IngramPhillis Aborn about 1933
IngramRichard Jborn about 1932
IngramVirginia Rborn about 1928

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J Surnames

JahrausCarrol born about 1926
JahrausDonald born about 1922
JahrausElla born about 1895
JahrausEugene born about 1924
JahrausGeorge Wborn about 1894
JahrausHarriet born about 1928
JahrausJohn born about 1919
JahrausSue born about 1933
JahrausTeddy born about 1930
JamisonBertha born about 1913
JamisonCarrol Eborn about 1936
JamisonClaud born about 1911
JamisonEstel Bborn about 1913
JamisonIrene born about 1916
JamisonLester Eborn about 1939
JamisonMarshall born about 1920
JoerdingBarbara Kborn about 1930
JoerdingCleta Iborn about 1900
JoerdingWilliam Hborn about 1897
JohnstonArthur born about 1900
JohnstonBertha Lborn about 1911
JohnstonEugene born about 1922
JohnstonEvelyn born about 1926
JohnstonGrover born about 1890
JohnstonHarvey Wborn about 1922
JohnstonHelen Lborn about 1922
JohnstonJessie Lborn about 1889
JohnstonLola born about 1902
JohnstonLoren born about 1933
JohnstonLouise born about 1935
JohnstonMerle Nborn about 1912
JohnstonOren born about 1938
JohnstonVirginia born about 1924
JohnstonWoodrow Cborn about 1917
JohnstonXon Richardborn about 1940
JonesCharles Leeborn about 1938
JonesErnest born about 1915
JonesGenevieve Wborn about 1917
JonesLillie born about 1882
JonesLyman Eborn about 1910
JonesPauline born about 1933
JonesSusannah born about 1873
JonesUrsell born about 1898
JonesZilpha born about 1909

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K Surnames

KagyIdella born about 1865
KagyJames born about 1889
KillerCharles Sborn about 1878
KillerJosephine Mborn about 1879
KillerMarjorie Lborn about 1907
KingCharles Sborn about 1904
KingGeorge Wborn about 1909
KingMartha born about 1872
KrutsingerAlta born about 1893
KrutsingerBetty Louborn about 1934
KrutsingerClark born about 1931
KrutsingerDarlene born about 1928
KrutsingerEdna Belleborn about 1928
KrutsingerEura born about 1898
KrutsingerExie born about 1892
KrutsingerFloyd born about 1893
KrutsingerFrancis born about 1925
KrutsingerHarlas born about 1922
KrutsingerHarold born about 1924
KrutsingerHazel born about 1919
KrutsingerHelen Mborn about 1934
KrutsingerHerchel born about 1920
KrutsingerHildred born about 1930
KrutsingerIra born about 1896
KrutsingerIvan born about 1915
KrutsingerJasper born about 1870
KrutsingerJuanita born about 1925
KrutsingerKenneth born about 1933
KrutsingerLillie born about 1899
KrutsingerLuvena born about 1923
KrutsingerMary Lborn about 1930
KrutsingerMaude born about 1871
KrutsingerMildred born about 1922
KrutsingerMildred born about 1930
KrutsingerNellie Lborn about 1895
KrutsingerRalph born about 1929
KrutsingerRoy born about 1889
KrutsingerVirginia born about 1923

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L Surnames

LambertGeorge Aborn about 1932
LambertHarold Hborn about 1922
LambertMinnie born about 1894
LambertPauline Cborn about 1928
LambertWalter born about 1890
LeeFlora Eborn about 1901
LeeGeorge Edwardborn about 1938
LeeLaverne Aborn about 1930
LeeLeland Keithborn about 1934
LeeWilliam Eborn about 1887
LeonardAnita Kborn about 1927
LeonardCaryl Gborn about 1937
LeonardLaura born about 1897
LeonardMargaret Jborn about 1934
LeonardWalter Cborn about 1896
LeonardWalter Cborn about 1932
LewisBetty born about 1931
LewisJames Hborn about 1872
LewisJames Hborn about 1935
LoceyEthel born about 1894
LoceyLincoln Sborn about 1861
LoceyPercy Nborn about 1891
LoseyAlberta Aborn about 1915
LoseyCharles Lborn about 1914
LoseyCharles Lborn about 1939
LoseyDorothy Eborn about 1916
LoseyEdward born about 1874
LoseyHazel Eborn about 1895
LoseyHugh Mborn about 1918
LoseyKenneth Pborn about 1922
LoseyLuther Eborn about 1925
LoseyMaurice Eborn about 1905
LoseyMilton Sborn about 1891
LoseyNancy Iborn about 1925

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M Surnames

MangnerCharles born about 1901
MangnerDaniel born about 1928
MangnerHulda Gborn about 1898
MangnerMargaret Lborn about 1940
MarlowAdelia born about 1930
MarlowAnna born about 1887
MarlowBarbara Jborn about 1936
MarlowDonald born about 1901
MarlowHarold Dborn about 1938
MarlowLaura born about 1932
MarlowLila born about 1904
MarlowPhillip born about 1928
MarlowRose Leeborn about 1934
MarlowWilliam born about 1923
MayerMary Hborn about 1872
McCartyDonald born about 1932
McCartyGlenn born about 1902
McCartyHazel born about 1905
McCartyImogene born about 1928
McCartyLawrence born about 1926
McCartyLoretta born about 1937
MerrittClara Belleborn about 1928
MerrittEmmit born about 1869
MerrittEthel born about 1898
MerrittEva Darleneborn about 1930
MerrittIra Gborn about 1899
MerrittIra Jr born about 1926
MerrittMartin Keithborn about 1939
MerrittPaul Leonborn about 1937
MerrittWillard Dborn about 1927
MichaelKatherine born about 1878
MillerCharles born about 1899
MillerDavid born about 1876
MisselbrookFreddie Rborn about 1919
MisselbrookHannah born about 1888
MisselbrookRoy born about 1881
MisselbrookWanda Mborn about 1927
MulvaneyAlice Lborn about 1940
MulvaneyArthur Eborn about 1909
MulvaneyCharles Hborn about 1928
MulvaneyCharles Oborn about 1886
MulvaneyClarence born about 1885
MulvaneyClyde Cborn about 1918
MulvaneyClyde Eugeneborn about 1939
MulvaneyDora Deanborn about 1931
MulvaneyEdith born about 1902
MulvaneyElla Fborn about 1886
MulvaneyEmmit born about 1865
MulvaneyErnie Kborn about 1925
MulvaneyEthel Jborn about 1921
MulvaneyGeorge Aborn about 1933
MulvaneyHarold born about 1914
MulvaneyHelen Aborn about 1923
MulvaneyHoward born about 1913
MulvaneyJackie Darrellborn about 1938
MulvaneyLatta Mborn about 1927
MulvaneyMarie born about 1921
MulvaneyMarton born about 1894
MulvaneyMary Lborn about 1925
MulvaneyMary Ruthborn about 1929
MulvaneyMildred born about 1922
MulvaneyNellie Fborn about 1923
MulvaneyNora Aborn about 1866
MulvaneyRalph Pborn about 1919
MulvaneyRena Lborn about 1915
MulvaneyRoy Oborn about 1938
MulvaneySamuel Jborn about 1873
MulvaneySarah Gborn about 1868
MulvaneyShirley Jborn about 1938
MulvaneyZetta Lborn about 1930
MyersBernice born about 1915
MyersBuddy Clarkborn about 1938
MyersClara born about 1870
MyersMarilyn born about 1936
MyersShirley born about 1905
MyersShirley Jeanborn about 1935

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N Surnames

NealAndrew Pborn about 1924
NealCharley Sborn about 1922
NealClarence Mborn about 1929
NealDetta Eborn about 1903
NealDoris Mborn about 1912
NealFenton Mborn about 1905
NealForrest Mborn about 1935
NealFreddie Hborn about 1930
NealGoldia Mborn about 1905
NealHarold born about 1935
NealIvory Aborn about 1911
NealJohnny Oborn about 1925
NealMaggie Aborn about 1872
NealMaxine born about 1933
NealR Elmerborn about 1900
NealStella Mborn about 1930
NealThomas Aborn about 1870
NealVelma Eborn about 1937
NicholsAnna born about 1889
NicholsEugene Cborn about 1906
NicholsHarry born about 1881
NormanCharles Fborn about 1928
NormanDorothy Lborn about 1923
NormanE Louiseborn about 1930
NormanEstus born about 1899
NormanFrancis Aborn about 1919
NormanHelen Eborn about 1921
NormanJesse Cborn about 1887
NormanLena Eborn about 1887
NormanLucille Hborn about 1908

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O Surnames

OulreyClyde Cborn about 1906
OulreyElva Gborn about 1902
OulreyMyrtle Zborn about 1892
OulreySam Sborn about 1893
OuthouseE Belleborn about 1889
OuthouseEarl Wayneborn about 1920
OuthouseRobert born about 1888

P Surnames

ParrillArthur Jborn about 1889
ParrillBessie Hborn about 1891
ParrillClark Wborn about 1917
ParrillClifford Nborn about 1920
ParrillDean born about 1883
ParrillEmma born about 1889
ParrillKenneth born about 1922
ParrillOlive born about 1891
ParrillSchuyler Bborn about 1870
PerryBeulah Vborn about 1925
PerryChester Lborn about 1923
PerryCleo Vernonborn about 1921
PerryD Jeniceborn about 1928
PerryDale Dborn about 1935
PerryDoris Lborn about 1939
PerryEvalena born about 1916
PerryHarold Dborn about 1913
PerryJames Lborn about 1939
PerryLawrence born about 1911
PerryLouise Lborn about 1920
PerryMary Mborn about 1887
PerryMorine Vborn about 1931
PerryNina Mborn about 1917
PerryPaul Oborn about 1918
PerryRalph Eborn about 1938
PerselsCharles Eborn about 1871
PerselsLura Rborn about 1869
PhillipsEverett Rborn about 1918
PhillipsM Hughborn about 1888
PhillipsMaggie born about 1879
PhillipsNellie born about 1903
PhillipsW Jackborn about 1869
PilmanCharles Wborn about 1932
PilmanEvelyn Lborn about 1912
PilmanHarvey Lborn about 1911
PilmanWanda Mborn about 1937
PittsBryan born about 1898
PittsHerma born about 1900
PlueCecil born about 1895
PlueStella born about 1907

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R Surnames

ReeseDoris born about 1935
ReeseFrank born about 1884
ReeseLowell born about 1910
ReeseMartha born about 1885
ReeseVera born about 1902
RiechertLaura born about 1880
RiechertSam Jborn about 1880
RinkelBetty Jborn about 1925
RinkelEugene Kborn about 1929
RinkelEva Jeanetteborn about 1936
RinkelFenton Dborn about 1931
RinkelJane Eborn about 1895
RinkelMarjorie Iborn about 1927
RinkelTed Mahborn about 1933
RinkelVirginia born about 1923
RinkelWalter Mborn about 1893

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S Surnames

SchmidtAnn L Abborn about 1920
SchmidtCarolyn born about 1884
SchmidtVera Bethborn about 1915
SeagerBianca born about 1864
SeeBertha born about 1913
SeeVirgil Dborn about 1911
ShanafeltJake born about 1891
ShortGladys born about 1921
ShortHarry born about 1896
ShortJohn born about 1885
SingerDwight born about 1926
SingerRichard born about 1892
SlaneArlie born about 1907
SlaneCarrol Lborn about 1932
SlaneDema Fborn about 1909
SlaneElizabeth Iborn about 1903
SlaneHarold Rborn about 1920
SlaneIda Mborn about 1882
SlaneMarilyn Lborn about 1935
SlaneRobert Kagyborn about 1936
SlaneRudolph Duwaynborn about 1938
SlaneTom Nborn about 1873
SlaneWillie Fborn about 1902
SlaneZala Pborn about 1919
SmithJohn born about 1924
SoldnerBilly Wborn about 1928
SoldnerErvin Wborn about 1908
SoldnerEva Mborn about 1899
SoldnerGeorgia born about 1911
SoldnerHerman Vborn about 1899
SoldnerIris Fborn about 1904
SoldnerRaymond Aborn about 1895
SpadeLillie Mborn about 1888
SpadeWilliam born about 1878
StclairClyde born about 1896
StclairHelen born about 1927
StclairImogene born about 1921
StclairJanelle born about 1935
StclairJoanne born about 1933
StclairMary born about 1897
StclairRobert born about 1930
StclairStella Mborn about 1925
StorrsFlorence born about 1870

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T Surnames

TateEverett Cborn about 1930
TateHerbert Rborn about 1903
TateLillian Rborn about 1937
TateM Agnesborn about 1905
TateM Maxineborn about 1926
TateMary Aliceborn about 1932
TateOtis Eborn about 1912
TateVera Lborn about 1918
ThompsonDonald Hborn about 1939
ThompsonElla born about 1900
ThompsonHarry born about 1880
TipswordIda born about 1884
TipswordJessie born about 1908
TipswordJohn born about 1875
TipswordKenneth Tborn about 1929
TipswordLonnie born about 1915
TipswordMarvin born about 1938
TipswordNorma Sborn about 1938
TipswordPauline born about 1934
TipswordPearl Oborn about 1919
TipswordRaymond born about 1904
TipswordReda born about 1917
TipswordRosaline born about 1935
TipswordVilena born about 1911
TipswordVirgil born about 1933

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V Surnames

VansautAlonge Wborn about 1903
VansautEdward Fborn about 1928
VansautFern Eborn about 1903
VansautFrances Eborn about 1926
VansautMary Ellenborn about 1923
VarnerEdwin Mborn about 1856
VarnerEula Sborn about 1866
VarnerFaye born about 1897
VarnerJennie born about 1897
VarnerVera born about 1917

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W Surnames

WackerEverett born about 1907
WackerMarguerite born about 1914
WarrenArtdean born about 1936
WarrenEllen born about 1928
WarrenEsther born about 1933
WarrenGeneva born about 1935
WarrenLance born about 1900
WarrenLance Jr born about 1930
WarrenOra Mborn about 1907
WarrenRosebud born about 1932
WarrenViola born about 1926
WeissArthur born about 1904
WeissDallie born about 1915
WeissLaura born about 1923
WeissOlga born about 1878
WeissVirginia born about 1935
WellsCharles born about 1925
WellsCline born about 1935
WellsDonna Maeborn about 1939
WellsEsther born about 1900
WellsGlenn born about 1893
WellsLeland born about 1937
WellsRuth born about 1931
WellsWilliam born about 1924
WhiteBeatrice born about 1926
WhiteCarrie born about 1901
WhiteDewain born about 1922
WhiteGrover born about 1892
WhiteIva born about 1903
WhiteJames born about 1900
WhiteLarry born about 1936
WhiteLowell born about 1938
WhiteLyle born about 1938
WhiteNorma born about 1927
WhiteNorman born about 1928
WhiteP Elizabethborn about 1930
WhitePearl born about 1924
WhiteRoy born about 1925
WhiteVerle born about 1929
WilkJesse born about 1867
WilkKatie born about 1869
WilkensonDenver born about 1870
WilkensonEllis Aborn about 1886
WilkensonHelen Marieborn about 1921
WilkensonKenneth Mborn about 1914
WilkensonL Harrietborn about 1892
WilkensonLeslie born about 1901
WilkensonMary Eborn about 1875
WilkensonOlive born about 1913
WilkensonPaul born about 1905
WilkensonPearl Eborn about 1903
WilkensonWoodrow born about 1913
WilkensonXon Hborn about 1921
WillimsNellie Bborn about 1873
WillimsSylvester Sborn about 1874

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Y Surnames

YatesCharles Eborn about 1884
YatesDonald Eborn about 1937
YatesEdwin Jborn about 1915
YatesIcy born about 1887
YatesIrene born about 1916
YatesLaurel Cborn about 1925
YatesVictor Eborn about 1923

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