1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mendon Township in Morgan County, Morgan, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Mendon Township in Morgan County

F Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames T Surnames

F Surnames

FloydAlberta born about 1919
FloydWanda Aborn about 1938
FloydYoomee Aborn about 1936

K Surnames

KunzemanDallas Hborn about 1925
KunzemanJ Mauriceborn about 1929
KunzemanM Ettaborn about 1896
KunzemanRussel Mborn about 1900

L Surnames

LeonhardDella born about 1891
LeonhardEloise born about 1921
LeonhardHang born about 1888
LeonhardMildred born about 1925
LoanEdgar born about 1874

M Surnames

MuellerDelbert Eborn about 1938
MuellerDonald Lborn about 1936
MuellerHarvey Sborn about 1915
MuellerIna Marieborn about 1918

N Surnames

NorthupAnna born about 1870
NorthupCarl Hborn about 1888
NorthupClora born about 1892
NorthupFarrell Dborn about 1921
NorthupGarland Eborn about 1926
NorthupGerald Wborn about 1923
NorthupJohn Hborn about 1895
NorthupMary Kborn about 1924
NorthupVirgina Eborn about 1931

R Surnames

RusswinkelArthur born about 1891
RusswinkelDoris born about 1923
RusswinkelEtta born about 1890

T Surnames

TrimmerEarl born about 1906

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