1940 U.S. Federal Census of Merritt Township, Scott, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Scott County > 1940 Census of Merritt Township

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBetty Jborn about 1925
AdamsLaura Cborn about 1929
AdamsMargaret Cborn about 1902
AdamsRichard Fborn about 1922
AdamsRoy born about 1892
AdkisonNord Gborn about 1913
AllanRobert Hborn about 1895
AndersonDella Mborn about 1885
AndersonJames Lborn about 1931
AndersonJohn Aborn about 1884
AndersonJohn Bborn about 1908
AndersonJohn B Jrborn about 1929
AndersonMary Aborn about 1940
AndersonRussell Wborn about 1918
AndersonTheresa Kborn about 1907

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B Surnames

BaileyLaura Eborn about 1862
BakerAddie Bborn about 1894
BarryJohn Wborn about 1871
BarryKatie born about 1877
BarryVerrena Mborn about 1906
BentlerArthur Aborn about 1882
BentlerPauline Tborn about 1876
BerglandOscar Mborn about 1904
BerglandRuth born about 1904
BiehlMary Helenborn about 1919
BiehlWayne Tborn about 1919
BocksAmelia Mborn about 1904
BocksLouis Hborn about 1905
BoeksPaul Lborn about 1934
BoeksWilbur Hborn about 1931
BondsInez Rborn about 1891
BondsJames Iborn about 1887
BondsJohn Wborn about 1895
BondsLuciel born about 1897
BotterbuschKathrine born about 1858
BriggsArchie Lborn about 1936
BriggsArchie Wborn about 1914
BriggsKelley born about 1887
BriggsLena Bborn about 1915
BriggsShelby Jborn about 1939
BriggsThomas Jborn about 1885
BuchananFannie Pborn about 1869
BuchananLucien Eborn about 1863

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C Surnames

CannonBetty Aborn about 1933
CannonBonnie Gborn about 1934
CannonDavid Lborn about 1937
CannonHudde Lborn about 1905
CannonJesse Lborn about 1898
CannonWilliam Eborn about 1925
ChrismanAlma Lborn about 1887
ChrismanEdgar Bborn about 1884
ChrismanLewis Eborn about 1897
ChrismanRobert Dborn about 1922
CoatsDorothy Pborn about 1916
CoatsEarl born about 1913
CoatsLula Bellborn about 1939
CoultasAlma Mborn about 1921
CoxLouise born about 1929

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D Surnames

DavisAlvin Rborn about 1930
DavisAnna Aborn about 1869
DavisCarl Wborn about 1922
DavisCharles Rborn about 1882
DavisLula Eborn about 1892
DavisMargorie Bborn about 1929
DavisOrval born about 1904
DavisOrval Dborn about 1931
DavisStephen Oborn about 1872
DavisViola Mborn about 1905
DavisVirginia Leeborn about 1932
DavisWanda Cborn about 1933

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E Surnames

ElliottBenjamin born about 1905
ElliottLonnie Leeborn about 1939
ElliottMabel Aborn about 1931
ElliottNormajean born about 1936
ElliottVermita Uborn about 1908

F Surnames

FargoHelen Lborn about 1916
FargoRussell Gborn about 1912
FargoYvonne Eborn about 1938
FernandesLonnie Sborn about 1901
FernandesNorah Lborn about 1875
FunkLola Mborn about 1880
FunkNimrod Kborn about 1905

G Surnames

GordonGladys Jborn about 1894
GordonLloyd Rborn about 1916
GordonScott born about 1889
GradyAlfred Eborn about 1927
GradyArmenta born about 1907
GradyArmeta born about 1871
GradyDarlene Bborn about 1932
GradyDonald Hborn about 1927
GradyHomer Dborn about 1898
GradyJoseph Hborn about 1901
GradyMelvin Wborn about 1928

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H Surnames

HainesAlbert Aborn about 1908
HainesClaude Fborn about 1912
HainesEmma Eborn about 1875
HainesHelen Bborn about 1912
HainesIrene Lborn about 1912
HainesLauren Aborn about 1929
HallDennis Lborn about 1931
HallEldon Rborn about 1911
HallMargaret Uborn about 1913
HamptonEli Gborn about 1864
HardwickBetty Louborn about 1919
HardwickGeorge Wborn about 1873
HardwickMary E Wborn about 1882
HardwickMary Ellenborn about 1920
HardwickThomas Mborn about 1918
HasenkampWilliam born about 1866
HawkAlbert Sborn about 1878
HawkElla born about 1880
HawkGeorgie Fborn about 1876
HeinigeFred born about 1916
HesterLaura Fborn about 1871
HillsAdam Lborn about 1894
HillsEunice Cborn about 1895
HittAnna Mborn about 1882
HittHenry Pborn about 1882
HittMinnie Gborn about 1889
HittWilliam Dborn about 1882
HoganKatherine born about 1885
HoganWilliam Hborn about 1852
HootsClaude Eborn about 1910
HootsMildred born about 1908
HootsRona Annborn about 1935
HopeAnna born about 1868
HopeWilliam Aborn about 1871
HubbertDale Hborn about 1928
HubbertElla Fborn about 1900
HubbertFrank Hborn about 1896
HubbertMary Iborn about 1908
HubbertMaxine Iborn about 1927
HubbertNorman Wborn about 1902
HubbertWayne Lborn about 1932
HuddlestonArthur born about 1883
HuddlestonArthur Eborn about 1939
HuddlestonDorothy born about 1908
HuddlestonElisha Bborn about 1859
HuddlestonNorma born about 1933
HuddlestonViola born about 1935
HurrelbrinkGail Rborn about 1939
HurrelbrinkGary Eborn about 1938
HurrelbrinkHarold Lborn about 1912
HurrelbrinkHoward born about 1909
HurrelbrinkJohn Hborn about 1876
HurrelbrinkMary Aborn about 1884
HurrelbrinkMary Eborn about 1914
HurrelbrinkOpal Iborn about 1912

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J Surnames

JonesMargorie Aborn about 1923

K Surnames

KortyAda Aborn about 1881
KortyClarence Oborn about 1905
KortyLewis Wborn about 1879
KortyPearl Eborn about 1902

L Surnames

LakampCarol Jborn about 1934
LakampEdwin J Fborn about 1906
LakampElmer born about 1900
LakampEmilie Aborn about 1931
LakampFredrick Wborn about 1936
LakampFrieda born about 1902
LakampRebecca Rborn about 1905
LakampShirley Aborn about 1933
LakampWilliam born about 1906
LambJoy born about 1931
LambKatherine Vborn about 1907
LambKenneth Oborn about 1905
LambRobert Dborn about 1929
LankfordJesse Mborn about 1926
LankfordRalph Dborn about 1916
LankfordVera born about 1890
LankfordVerna born about 1925
LawberCarl Lborn about 1919
LawberVelma Lborn about 1922
LawberWalter Lborn about 1916
LeibJanice born about 1926
LeibJean born about 1926
LeibVerla born about 1928
LeibViola born about 1895
LeibWilliam Rborn about 1929
LisenbeeGeorgie Mborn about 1925
LisenbeeJeanie Eborn about 1935
LisenbeeNancy Bborn about 1934
LisenbeeNellie Mborn about 1918
LisenbeeReed Wborn about 1902
LisenbeeShrilda Rborn about 1939
LisenbeeThomas Rborn about 1937
LizenbyAlbert Cborn about 1922
LizenbyAlice born about 1889
LizenbyBetty Janeborn about 1930
LizenbyEdward Rborn about 1918
LizenbyMargaret Mborn about 1926
LizenbyRaymond born about 1921
LizenbyThodric born about 1878
LizenbyThomas born about 1933
LovekampArthur born about 1888

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M Surnames

MarkillieEliza Janeborn about 1920
MarkillieFloyd born about 1885
MarkillieJeannett born about 1887
MarkillieLillie Jborn about 1930
MarkillieLloyd Jborn about 1923
MarkillieLouise born about 1926
MarkillieRichard Gborn about 1939
MarkillieWilliam Howardborn about 1921
MartinPaul Cborn about 1928
McNearMarie Bborn about 1916
McNearMelvin Cborn about 1914
MiddendorfMay Rborn about 1873
MiddendorfWilliam Hborn about 1873
MoodyAustin Cborn about 1901
MoodyDorese Eborn about 1937
MoodyJacqueline Jborn about 1933
MoodyJeanette Lborn about 1901
MoodyMargaret Mborn about 1860
MoodyWendell Aborn about 1933
MorrisAlbert Fborn about 1872
MorrisEdward Lborn about 1866
MorrisEdward Jr born about 1904
MorrisHarlod Sborn about 1915
MorrisLois Cborn about 1877
MorrisMay Lborn about 1899
MorrisWilliam Fborn about 1854

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N Surnames

NeeceAlbert Eborn about 1910
NeeceEugene Bborn about 1882
NeeceJames Tborn about 1919
NeeceLeonard Fborn about 1908
NeeceLula Maeborn about 1887
NeeceWilliam born about 1870
NortrupEarl born about 1918
NortrupVelma born about 1918

O Surnames

OrmistonJames Wborn about 1880
OrrisDorothy Maeborn about 1928
OrrisElizabeth born about 1903
OrrisHarry Lborn about 1907
OrrisHelen Iborn about 1924
OrrisRichard Wborn about 1930
OsborneBenjamin Tborn about 1892
OsborneFrances Mborn about 1922
OsborneGrace Oborn about 1900
OsborneJohn Eborn about 1925

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P Surnames

ParkerBeatrice born about 1899
ParkerJames Fborn about 1899
ParkerShirley Aborn about 1934
PerrySarah Eborn about 1862

R Surnames

RedshawAlfred Jborn about 1862
RedshawJulia Fborn about 1866
RiderGeorge born about 1919
RobinsonAlbert Sborn about 1906
RobinsonAlbert Wborn about 1927
RobinsonIna Maeborn about 1906
RobinsonLula Aborn about 1937
RobinsonMerle Dborn about 1930
RobinsonWanda Iborn about 1932
RobinsonWilliam Eborn about 1934
RockwoodFrank born about 1875
RockwoodLora Mborn about 1876
RolfFloyd Hborn about 1906
RolfFredrick Hborn about 1880
RolfMinnie Eborn about 1886
RoweCarlyle born about 1928
RoweEdna Mborn about 1931
RoweEvelyn born about 1905
RoweGarnet Eborn about 1926
RoweGenevieve Aborn about 1929
RoweIda Fborn about 1879
RoweJackie Rborn about 1935
RoweJerry Aborn about 1939
RoweKatherine Hborn about 1915
RoweMohley Cborn about 1905
RoweRussel Oborn about 1924
RoweTaylor Gborn about 1902
RoweViolet Mborn about 1937
RoweVirgil Tborn about 1933
RoweVivian La Vedaborn about 1935
RubbelErleen born about 1918

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S Surnames

SilbertBelle born about 1882
SilbertEdward Wborn about 1858
SlagleClarence Wborn about 1936
SlagleFred Cborn about 1896
SlagleMildred Cborn about 1901
SmithHenry Oborn about 1870
SmithMargaret Sborn about 1902
SmithRobert Sborn about 1936
SmithVerne Hborn about 1901
SnowAllie Mborn about 1881
SnowRachel Vborn about 1914
SnowRoy Lborn about 1908
SnowSamuel Wborn about 1877
SnowShelia Annborn about 1939
StiltzForeman Cborn about 1916
StiltzMary Aborn about 1920
StrubbeGladys Mborn about 1921
StrubbeHarlan born about 1939
StrubbeHarold Hborn about 1916
StrubbeHenry Jborn about 1879
StrubbeHerbert Wborn about 1913
StrubbeLena Mborn about 1881
StrubbeRachel born about 1911
StrubbeWayne born about 1937

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T Surnames

TaylorArchie Rborn about 1879
TaylorClaude Bborn about 1894
TaylorJeane Jborn about 1893
TaylorRobert Wborn about 1922
TaylorRosa born about 1884
TaylorSusan Lborn about 1868
TaylorVelma Jborn about 1920

U Surnames

UpchurchClarence Dborn about 1924
UpchurchIrl born about 1901
UpchurchRuby born about 1904

V Surnames

VannierAlbert born about 1885
VannierDaisy Cborn about 1887

W Surnames

WalchFern Lborn about 1917
WalchLloyd born about 1917
WelchDavid Dborn about 1895
WelchEdna Iborn about 1926
WelchEdrie Ettnaborn about 1903
WerriesBeulah Mborn about 1922
WerriesChristina Mborn about 1881
WerriesJohn Mborn about 1882
WerriesLouis Hborn about 1915
WestDavella born about 1890
WestEthel Fborn about 1926
WheelerGeorgia Bborn about 1914
WheelerHoward Eborn about 1913
WheelerLois Wborn about 1936
WilkersonMartha Aborn about 1865
WilloughbyDavid born about 1874
WinsorCornela Lborn about 1875
WinterbothamFrances Wborn about 1889
WinterbothamJoseph Aborn about 1922
WinterbothamJoseph Eborn about 1881
WoodCelia Fborn about 1925
WoodMary Louborn about 1928
WoodRay Hborn about 1897
WoodRobert Rborn about 1923
WoodallPearl Sborn about 1894

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