1940 U.S. Federal Census of Missouri Township, Brown, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Brown County > 1940 Census of Missouri Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AgensAlbert Mborn about 1878
AgensClifford Dborn about 1916
AgensLoretta born about 1922
AgensRichard born about 1936
AlcornDolores born about 1931
AlcornGlenn Wborn about 1899
AlcornIda Mborn about 1920
AlcornIva Mborn about 1895
AlcornLacy born about 1899
AlcornLarry Dborn about 1940
AlcornLloyd Eborn about 1915
AlcornLoren born about 1896
AlcornMaxine Mborn about 1924
AlcornNina born about 1917
AndersonEdith born about 1906
AndersonGerald born about 1936
AndersonHerschel born about 1898
AndersonImogene born about 1926
AndersonMary born about 1934
AndersonPauline born about 1932
ArmstrongLozelle born about 1924
ArmstrongWm born about 1926
AshbakerAndrew Aborn about 1883
AshbakerCharles Eborn about 1897
AshbakerClara Tborn about 1886
AshbakerGloria born about 1910
AshbakerH Edwardborn about 1870
AshbakerHelen born about 1925
AshbakerLouise Jborn about 1873
AshbakerMarie Hborn about 1911
AshbakerMay Kborn about 1899
AshbakerTheresa Lborn about 1933
AshbakerWendel born about 1869

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B Surnames

BardendurchHenry born about 1890
BardendurchMary born about 1894
BardendurchRalph Aborn about 1918
BardendurchRobert born about 1923
BardendurchRosina born about 1927
BaumannClarence born about 1901
BaumannMary born about 1907
BaumannWilliam Rborn about 1934
BebeeGardy born about 1899
BebeeJake born about 1862
BordenkircherBetty born about 1928
BordenkircherCharles Aborn about 1932
BordenkircherChas born about 1902
BordenkircherEmmett born about 1908
BordenkircherFranklin Eborn about 1932
BordenkircherJohn Rborn about 1930
BordenkircherMinnie born about 1901
BordenkircherRichard Eborn about 1934
BordenkircherWilma born about 1909
BoumanDavid born about 1913
BoumanGordon Mborn about 1937
BoumanLois born about 1907
BrickerDnna Lborn about 1929
BrickerHerraitt born about 1934
BrickerJesse born about 1906
BrickerRonald born about 1931
BrickerVelma born about 1906
BrowenBernice born about 1914
BrowenKenith Bryceborn about 1935
BrowenLarrey Edwardborn about 1937
BrowenOrvill born about 1909
BrownThos Vborn about 1905
BuxtonChas Eborn about 1926
BuxtonEdith born about 1896
BuxtonWm Cborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CalvoHorac Lborn about 1927
CampbellAlexandria Jborn about 1850
CampbellCarlis Eborn about 1881
CampbellCarolyn born about 1929
CampbellJames Lborn about 1901
CampbellLucille Aborn about 1902
CampbellLydia Aborn about 1887
CampbellRichard Aborn about 1927
CampbellSterling Aborn about 1924
CampbellWallace Mborn about 1878
CarnideMary born about 1899
ChamberlinMarion Eborn about 1894
ChamberlinWalter Nborn about 1893
ChristnerFlorence born about 1915
ClarkArtie Aborn about 1875
ClarkDaisy born about 1872
ClarkEdith Eborn about 1889
ClarkFlora Eborn about 1876
ClarkGeorge Tborn about 1920
ClarkJohn Raymondborn about 1906
ClarkMary born about 1915
ClarkOllie Bborn about 1883
ClarkWillie born about 1875
ClostermeryGeo Francisborn about 1922
ClostermeryGeo Vborn about 1900
ClostermeryMaggie born about 1902
ClostermeryMary Lborn about 1935
ClostermeryRobert Sborn about 1924
ColeHattie Lborn about 1885
ColeHoward Nborn about 1916
ColeJoan born about 1939
ColeJohn Newton 8born about 1881
ColeKenithow born about 1929
ColeLawrence born about 1924
ColeMargarite born about 1921
ColePauline Ldborn about 1922
CurtisLoren Sborn about 1917
CurtisMary born about 1916
CurtisRodney born about 1939

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D Surnames

DaabBessie born about 1887
DaabCarl Eborn about 1886
DaileyPat born about 1865
DavisCarolyn born about 1933
DavisDonald born about 1936
DavisDorothy born about 1912
DavisElmer Lborn about 1908
DavisIva Maeborn about 1923
DavisMary Francisborn about 1926
DavisOrphia born about 1881
DavisRay born about 1896
DavisWm born about 1878
DewittArlie Lborn about 1911
DewittCelia Mborn about 1865
DewittGeorge Eborn about 1934
DewittJean Mborn about 1937
DixonElbert Cborn about 1893
DixonJames born about 1922
DixonLloyd born about 1930
DixonNellie born about 1894
DrewAlbie born about 1875
DrewAnna born about 1887
DrewDan Dborn about 1886
DrewJ Edborn about 1892
DrewJohn Allenborn about 1926
DrewJohn Kborn about 1888
DrewMargaret Annborn about 1934
DrewNina born about 1886
DrewSarah Eborn about 1871
DunnAlbert born about 1931
DunnAnna Mborn about 1932
DunnClarence Lborn about 1899
DunnDannie born about 1939
DunnEdna born about 1909
DunnHarold born about 1927
DunnHerbert born about 1923
DunnJohn born about 1929
DunnLawrence Cborn about 1897
DunnLyle born about 1935
DunnMona Lborn about 1934
DunnRobert born about 1928
DunnRuby Eborn about 1916
DurbinBetty born about 1930
DurbinDonald born about 1936
DurbinMargaret born about 1915
DurbinMarjorie born about 1908
DurbinMary Eborn about 1935
DurbinMxine born about 1938
DurbinOliver Vborn about 1913
DurbinVern born about 1884

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E Surnames

ElliotDavis Aborn about 1928

F Surnames

FisherDona Jeanborn about 1935
FisherGerald Deanborn about 1938
FisherVirgil Dborn about 1914
FisherVisla Maeborn about 1920
FitzsimonsHarold born about 1903
FitzsimonsLoretta born about 1905
FitzsimonsMargaret born about 1872
FitzsimonsZita born about 1905
ForsythIra Lborn about 1900
ForsythJames Lborn about 1905
ForsythLaura born about 1862
ForsytheBetty Annborn about 1927
ForsytheLettie Gborn about 1886
ForsytheMary Lauraborn about 1922
ForsytheThomas Hborn about 1890

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G Surnames

GeislerEdward Jborn about 1896
GeislerEthel Eborn about 1896
GeislerJohn born about 1932
GeislerMary Aborn about 1920
GeislerRose Tborn about 1929
GlasgowHelen born about 1887
GlasgowJames Dborn about 1874
GlasgowLois born about 1915
GlasgowRandal born about 1912
GuiberCletus born about 1918
GuiberCornelius Vborn about 1883
GuiberLeon born about 1913
GuiberMarie born about 1921
GuiberSophia born about 1890

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H Surnames

HallCallie born about 1873
HallEarl born about 1904
HallElva born about 1878
HallVida born about 1914
HarbourJuanita born about 1922
HarbourWayne born about 1919
HenrickClara born about 1888
HenrickErnest born about 1890
HenrickMyron born about 1913
HertzHarlon Lborn about 1905
HertzMildred Aborn about 1911
HertzRichard Hborn about 1933
HickmanAnnabell born about 1939
HickmanEva born about 1901
HickmanLyle born about 1937
HickmanRaymond Cborn about 1900
HickmanRobert born about 1930
HodgesJoseph Wmborn about 1876
HodgesLona Eselynborn about 1906
HodgesManda Mborn about 1885
HodgesS Eliasborn about 1876
HoltcampGanet Fborn about 1873
HoltcampRosie born about 1894
HowkCho born about 1933
HowkEarl born about 1921
HowkEmery born about 1923
HowkGilbert born about 1893
HowkIrene born about 1930
HowkRose born about 1895
HowkWm born about 1927

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I Surnames

IngramDelloa Wborn about 1923
IngramEva Bborn about 1895
IngramForest Lborn about 1920
IngramJames born about 1896
IngramJesse Eborn about 1929
IngramL Deanborn about 1925
IngramL Harrisonborn about 1931
IngramLozelle Dborn about 1918

J Surnames

JoeckelJohn born about 1899
JonesLois Vborn about 1903
JonesNewton Cborn about 1902

K Surnames

KassingGeorge born about 1905
KassingMargaret born about 1910
KeiserMarie born about 1926
KeithFrancis Marionborn about 1866
KeithGertie born about 1890
KeithOllie born about 1872
KeithRayton Rborn about 1857
KeithRert born about 1881
KeithWm Aborn about 1889
KerrAllie born about 1880
KerrEdsel Fborn about 1913
KerrFred Aborn about 1880
KerrGrace born about 1910
KerrJean born about 1932
KerrLouise born about 1918
KerrPerly born about 1887
KersBessie born about 1911
KersJohn Tborn about 1893
KersMary Belleborn about 1933
KersShirley Annborn about 1939
KerthE Louiseborn about 1925
KerthHarold Eborn about 1924
KerthIra born about 1892
KerthLeland Pborn about 1935
KerthMary Mborn about 1929
KerthRuth Lborn about 1931
KichGeneth born about 1915
KichRoscoe Mborn about 1912
KochAlbert Aborn about 1875
KochAnna born about 1873
KochCatherine born about 1876
KochCletus born about 1913
KochCyril born about 1899
KochEdward born about 1931
KochFred born about 1873
KochGerald born about 1925
KochLaura Kborn about 1928
KochLena born about 1911
KochLula born about 1904
KochLula Maeborn about 1940
KochMargie born about 1937
KochNorm Mborn about 1936
KochRichard born about 1938
KochRita born about 1913
KochRussel born about 1917
KunkelFrank born about 1881
KunkelLavern born about 1914
KunkelMaggie born about 1880
KunklClemons born about 1922
KunklG Cletusborn about 1917
KunklGeorge Hborn about 1886
KunklHarold Aborn about 1927
KunklLeon born about 1932
KunklMinnie born about 1876
KunklNayone Jborn about 1920
KunklPaul born about 1929
KunklRaymond born about 1905
KunklRebecka born about 1890
KunkleAndy born about 1870

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L Surnames

LanganJustin born about 1913
LanganLawrence born about 1904
LanganMi Eborn about 1871
LanganRachael Eborn about 1881
LanganRobert born about 1924
LascellasLloyd born about 1912
LascellasMary born about 1921
LashbrookSherman born about 1883
LeezerDaw born about 1877
LeezerLulu Mborn about 1883
LehneDonald born about 1937
LehneDorothy born about 1909
LehneEmmette born about 1904
LehneReita Mborn about 1935
LehneRobert born about 1932
LogsdonBarbara Jborn about 1930
LogsdonBernard Rborn about 1923
LogsdonBessie born about 1899
LogsdonIra Eborn about 1889
LogsdonJohn Jborn about 1859

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M Surnames

McClellandArthur born about 1884
McClellandCharles born about 1923
McClellandDoris born about 1925
McClellandEd born about 1898
McClellandEdward Eborn about 1933
McClellandEmma born about 1887
McClellandGeorge Bborn about 1902
McClellandGerald born about 1935
McClellandMary born about 1860
McClellandMary Eborn about
McClellandMelvin born about 1919
McClellandMildred born about 1930
McClellandOscar born about 1890
McClellandRebecka born about 1906
McClellandWilma born about 1921
McConahayFred born about 1878
McConahayJessie born about 1884
McKeownFrances born about 1919
McKeownMinnie born about 1881
McKeownTom born about 1884
McKimChester born about 1933
McKimChester Lborn about 1893
McKimFlorence Eborn about 1903
McKimHelen born about 1926
McKimMarjorie born about 1930
McKimTunice Leeborn about 1937
McNeffJohn Gborn about 1863
MeltyMamie born about 1922
MeltyOrville born about 1912
MeyersAnna Eborn about 1873
MeyersDouglas born about 1933
MeyersEugene Aborn about 1912
MeyersEugene Jr born about 1939
MeyersHelen born about 1917
MeyersJoanne born about 1940
MeyersMarie born about 1937
MillerEdith born about 1880
MillerRichard born about 1918
MillerRobert Aborn about 1870

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N Surnames

NabzigerLeslie Hborn about 1894
NabzigerRay born about 1902
NabzigerVirginia Jborn about 1925
NabzigerWayne born about 1924
NicholsDorothy Eborn about 1923
NicholsFlorence Iborn about 1930
NicholsGaldie born about 1912
NicholsLucille Hborn about 1923
NicholsMildred Cborn about 1926
NicholsOrville Eborn about 1899
NicholsonAlva Rborn about 1922
NicholsonDonald Eborn about 1920
NicholsonEldon Hborn about 1913
NicholsonLevina Jborn about 1884
NicholsonRussel Cborn about 1880
NorvellClara Bborn about 1936
NorvellClara Lborn about 1911
NorvellD Dwightborn about 1904
NorvellDaniel Jborn about 1939
NorvellH Marieborn about 1931
NorvellJames Aborn about 1937
NorvellMarjorie Aborn about 1933

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P Surnames

ParkerAlta born about 1888
ParkerEarl born about 1887
ParkerGeorgia born about 1886
ParkerHarry born about 1851
ParkerJohn Fredborn about 1884
ParkerRobert born about 1918
PeckCecil Jborn about 1886
PeckEdwin Melvinborn about 1920
PeckLelah Carinneborn about 1892
PhilipsNira Gborn about 1912
PhilipsNorma Jborn about 1935
PhilipsTaby Aborn about 1914
PorterJessie Bborn about 1873

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R Surnames

RadingerDora Cborn about 1885
RadingerFlorence born about 1888
RangSusie born about 1861
RangWm born about 1873
RankinD Eldonborn about 1921
RankinD Wayneborn about 1923
RankinDelmar Bborn about 1904
RankinDorothy Eborn about 1902
RankinFrench Bernard Leoborn about 1931
ReedAlice born about 1913
ReedCecil Eborn about 1936
RobertsAlberta born about 1930
RobertsB Ellaborn about 1872
RobertsEugene born about 1935
RobertsFlorence born about 1924
RobertsGeo Gborn about 1887
RobertsJoseph Wborn about 1874
RobertsJosephine born about 1928
RobertsLeon born about 1864
RobertsLeonard born about 1899
RobertsMary born about 1906
RobertsMelvin born about 1916
RobertsMinnie Aborn about 1883
RobertsNorma Joanborn about 1928
RobertsWayne born about 1937
RobinsAcil born about 1920
RobinsJesse born about 1876
RobinsLura born about 1886
RobinsVermon born about 1911
RyanBarbra Kayborn about 1939
RyanEva born about 1913
RyanJanet Eborn about
RyanJohn Lborn about 1936
RyanLeo Eborn about 1908
RyanMaurice Eborn about 1938
RyanOrville Sborn about 1911
RyanRose born about 1913

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S Surnames

SalrinAnna Eborn about 1877
SalrinAnthony Bborn about 1915
SalrinEmmogene born about 1917
SalrinFrank Jborn about 1909
SalrinJames Aborn about 1911
SalrinJesse Eborn about 1920
SalrinJesse Mborn about 1878
SalrinJoseph Aborn about 1868
SalrinLouise born about 1936
SalrinMarjorie Rborn about 1917
SalrinRaymond Aborn about 1913
SalrinRichard Jborn about 1925
SalrinRussel born about 1915
SalrinRuth Gborn about 1923
SalrinWilliam Jborn about 1912
SiltmanAugust Mborn about 1919
SiltmanEmma Janeborn about 1892
SiltmanFloyd Aborn about 1913
SiltmanGeorge Hborn about 1891
SiltmanGeorge H Jrborn about 1917
SiltmanHelen born about 1915
SiltmanPaul born about 1926
SiltmanRose Maryborn about 1923
SiltmanViolet born about 1921
SlaghBasil Jborn about 1899
SlaghCora Eborn about 1876
SlaghWm Jborn about 1873
SmithClaudia born about 1884
SyrcleDonald born about 1937
SyrcleMarian born about 1913
SyrcleWilma born about 1939
SyrcleZelma born about 1911

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T Surnames

TaylorEleanor Marjorieborn about 1907
TaylorHomer born about 1905
TaylorMargaret Annborn about 1935
TaylorMary Lauraborn about 1928

V Surnames

VerthE Lenoreborn about 1910
VerthEster born about 1873
VerthThos Fborn about 1875

W Surnames

WartFrederick Nborn about 1901
WartMary Mborn about 1897
WeigardCornelius born about 1871
WogonerClara Jborn about 1887
WogonerEdward Lborn about 1921
WogonerHarold Jborn about 1914
WogonerLouis Sborn about 1884
WogonerMary Mborn about 1918

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